Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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II. Progress of the Sāsana - 105<br />

“Taṁ kiṁ maññatha vo kumārā katamaṁ nu kho tumhākaṁ varaṁ:<br />

“What do you think of this, young men, what is better for you:<br />

yaṁ vā tumhe itthiṁ gaveseyyātha, yaṁ vā attānaṁ gaveseyyāthā” ti<br />

that you should search for a woman, or that you should search for yourselves” 162<br />

“Etad-eva Bhante amhākaṁ varaṁ yaṁ mayaṁ attānaṁ gaveseyyāmā.” ti<br />

“This is better for us, venerable Sir, that we should search for ourselves.”<br />

“Tena hi vo kumārā nisīdatha Dhammaṁ vo desessāmī.” ti<br />

“<strong>The</strong>n, young men, be seated, I will teach the Dhamma to you.”<br />

“Evaṁ Bhante” ti kho te bhaddavaggiyā sahāyakā,<br />

“Certainly, venerable Sir,” said that group of good friends,<br />

Bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekam-antaṁ nisīdiṁsu.<br />

and after worshipping the Gracious One, they sat down on one side.<br />

Tesaṁ Bhagavā anupubbikathaṁ kathesi,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gracious One spoke about the gradual teaching to them,<br />

seyyathīdaṁ: dānakathaṁ sīlakathaṁ saggakathaṁ,<br />

that is to say: talk about giving, talk about virtue, talk about heaven,<br />

kāmānaṁ ādīnavaṁ okāraṁ saṅkilesaṁ,<br />

the danger, degradation, and defilement of sensual desires,<br />

nekkhamme ānisaṁsaṁ pakāsesi.<br />

and the advantages of renunciation, (these) he explained.<br />

Yadā te Bhagavā aññāsi kallacitte muducitte,<br />

When the Gracious One knew that they had ready minds, pliable minds,<br />

vinīvaraṇacitte udaggacitte pasannacitte,<br />

open minds, uplifted minds, confident minds,<br />

atha yā Buddhānaṁ sāmukkaṁsikā Dhammadesanā taṁ pakāsesi:<br />

he explained to them the Dhamma teaching the Awakened Ones have discovered<br />

themselves:<br />

Dukkhaṁ Samudayaṁ Nirodhaṁ Maggaṁ.<br />

Suffering, Origination, Cessation, Path.<br />

162 Horner: seek for the self; which gives the wrong impression, as though they were to seek<br />

for their Higher Self. <strong>The</strong> word attānaṁ however is plural and no indication of the Self is<br />

given in the text.

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