Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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II. Progress of the Sāsana - 103<br />

dukkhī dummano tatthevantaradhāyi.<br />

and pained, depressed, he vanished right there.<br />

Dutiya-Mārakathā Niṭṭhitā<br />

<strong>The</strong> Second Story about Māra is Finished<br />

Bhaddavaggiyasahāyakānaṁ Vatthu<br />

20: <strong>The</strong> Tale of the Good Group of Friends<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā Bārāṇasiyaṁ yathābhirantaṁ viharitvā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Gracious One, having dwelt in Bārāṇasī as long as he liked,<br />

yena Uruvelā tena cārikaṁ pakkāmi.<br />

left on a walking tour for Uruvelā. 156<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā maggā okkamma,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Gracious One, having gone down from the road,<br />

yena aññataro vanasaṇḍo tenupasaṅkami,<br />

approached a certain jungle thicket, 157<br />

upasaṅkamitvā taṁ vanasaṇḍaṁ ajjhogāhetvā,<br />

and after approaching and entering that jungle thicket,<br />

aññatarasmiṁ rukkhamūle nisīdi.<br />

he sat down at the root of a certain tree.<br />

Tena kho pana samayena tiṁsamattā bhaddavaggiyā sahāyakā sapajāpatikā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n at that time a group of thirty good friends, 158 together with their wives, 159<br />

tasmiṁ vanasaṇḍe paricārenti.<br />

were amusing themselves in that jungle thicket.<br />

Ekassa pajāpati nāhosi, tassa atthāya vesī ānītā ahosi.<br />

One, who was not married, 160 had for that reason brought along a harlot. 161<br />

156 This is where he had attained Awakening before coming to Bārāṇasī and Isipatana. It is<br />

strange indeed that the Buddha seems to have made this journey alone.<br />

157 Named as Kappāsiya in Jā Nid.<br />

158 At the beginning of the commentary to the Kaṭhinakkhandhaka they are said to have been<br />

30 brothers having the Kosalan king as father (kosalarañño ekapitukabhātūnaṁ).<br />

159 In Mahāvastu this group are all said to be batchelors and they only bring along one harlot,<br />

who is named as Upārdha Kasikā, which indicates that she was from a farming background.<br />

160 Lit: not a husband.<br />

161 Literally vesī means a woman belonging to the third caste, but the word had come to mean<br />

a prostitute or a harlot. If Mahāvastu is correct about the name, then she would actually<br />

belong to the sudda caste.

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