Owner Manual - AVR 158 (English EU) - Harman Kardon

Owner Manual - AVR 158 (English EU) - Harman Kardon

Owner Manual - AVR 158 (English EU) - Harman Kardon


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<strong>AVR</strong> <strong>158</strong> Table of Contents<br />

IntroductIon 3<br />

SupplIed AcceSSorIeS 3<br />

IMportAnt SAFetY InForMAtIon 3<br />

plAce the AVr 3<br />

Front-pAnel controlS 4<br />

reAr-pAnel connectorS 6<br />

SYSteM reMote control FunctIonS 8<br />

IntroductIon to hoMe theAtre 10<br />

2<br />

tYpIcAl hoMe theAtre SYSteM 10<br />

MultIchAnnel AudIo 10<br />

Surround ModeS 10<br />

plAce Your SpeAkerS 10<br />

plAcIng the leFt, centre And rIght SpeAkerS 10<br />

plAcIng the Surround SpeAkerS 10<br />

plAcIng the SubwooFer 10<br />

tYpeS oF hoMe theAtre SYSteM connectIonS 11<br />

SpeAker connectIonS 11<br />

SubwooFer connectIonS 11<br />

Source deVIce connectIonS 11<br />

VIdeo connectIonS 12<br />

rAdIo connectIonS 12<br />

uSb port 12<br />

MAkIng connectIonS 13<br />

connect Your SpeAkerS 13<br />

connect Your SubwooFer 13<br />

connect Your tV or VIdeo dISplAY 13<br />

connect Your Source deVIceS 13<br />

connect the rAdIo AerIAlS 15<br />

connect the 12V trIgger output 15<br />

connect to Ac power 15<br />

Set up the reMote control 15<br />

InStAll the bAtterIeS In the reMote control 15<br />

progrAM the reMote to control Your Source<br />

deVIceS And tV 16<br />

Set up the AVr 16<br />

turn on the AVr 16<br />

uSIng the on-Screen Menu SYSteM 16<br />

conFIgure the AVr For Your SpeAkerS 17<br />

ASSIgn the dIgItAl AudIo connectorS 18<br />

AddItIonAl Input Setup Menu IteMS 19<br />

operAtIng Your AVr 19<br />

controllIng the VoluMe 19<br />

MutIng the Sound 19<br />

lIStenIng through heAdphoneS 19<br />

SelectIng A Source 19<br />

VIdeo troubleShootIng tIpS 19<br />

lIStenIng to FM And AM rAdIo 20<br />

SelectIng A Surround Mode 20<br />

AdVAnced FunctIonS 20<br />

AudIo proceSSIng And Surround Sound 20<br />

SYSteM Setup 22<br />

AdVAnced reMote control progrAMMIng 22<br />

recordIng 22<br />

Sleep tIMer 23<br />

reSettIng the reMote 23<br />

proceSSor reSet 23<br />

MeMorY 23<br />

troubleShootIng 24<br />

SpecIFIcAtIonS 25<br />

AppendIx 26

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