Magdalena lordan - The Palaeozoic brachiopods of Romania CoDARCEA, A,, RATLEANU, G., NAsrAsrnruu, S., 1960, Carboniferui inferlor de pe Valea ldegului (virsta calcarelor de ldeg). St. cerc. geol., geol.-geogr., V, 3, 407-418. HAAS, W., 1968, Das Alt-Palaeozoicum von Bithynien (Nordwest- Turkei). N. Jb, Geol. Paleont. Abh., 13112, Stuttgatt. HAyDourov, 1., YANEV, S., 1997, The Protomoesian microcontinent of the Balkan Peninsula * a peri-Gondwana piece. Tectonophysics 272, 303-313. loRDAN, M., 1967, Consideratii asupra Paleozoicului inferior de la Mangalia pe baza studiului Trilobitilor gi Tentaculitilor (Platf. MoesicS). D. S. Com Geol. Lltl/1,339-385. lORDAN, M,, 1972, Graptolitii din forajul Jbndbrei (Platf. Moesicd). D. S. Inst. Geol. LVllU3, 31-47. ioRDAN, M., 1974, Studiul faunei Devonian inferioare din Dealurile Bujoare (Unitatea de Micin, Dobrogea de Nord). D. 5. Inst. Geol., LX/3, 33-78. loRDAN, M., L975, Studiul biostratigrafic al Paleozoicului din foralul Bdtdnegti (Platforma Moldoveneasca). D, S. Inst. Geoi , LXI/4, 27-50. loRDAN, M., L977, Consideratii asupra Pridolianului in Rom6nia. Comunicdri, Sect. Geologie. Univ. Buc, 135-142. loRDAN, M., 1981, Study of Silurian and Devonian faunas from the Eastern part of the Moesiarr Platform. Mem. lnst. Geol. Geofiz., 30, 115-222 (thesis presented on 16 April 1977, Iasi). loRDAN, M., 1982, Biostratigrafia Silurianului din forlandul Carpatilor Romdnegti. Lucr. Ses. St. Gr. CobElcescu, Ia5i, 1981., 191-198. loRDAN, M., 1984, Biostratigraphy of the Silurian and Devonian in the Moldavian and Moesian Platforms (RomAnia). An. lnst. Geoi. Geofiz., LXIV, 259-267. loRDAN, lvl., 1985, Brachiopode Paleozoice in RomAnia, Lucr. Ses. St. Gr. Cobdlcescu, Univ. Al. l. Cuza, Iagi, 113-125. loRDAN, M., 1988, Biostratigraphy of the Devonian in Romania. ln: Devonian of the World. Proc, 2-nd lntern. Synrp. Devon System, Calgary - 1987, Canada. Canadian Soc. of Petroleum Geologists, 14, 'l , Calgary, 5A7-512. loRDAN, M., 1990, Biostratigraphic guide marks in the Lower Paleozoic strata of the Moesian Platform, Romania. Abstracts. IGCP Programme, Projects 216 & 303 - Global Biological Events Precambrian-Cambrian Event Stratigraphy, Oxford, Sept. 1990. loRDAN, M., 1992a, Biostratigraphy of the Upper Palaeozoic successions of the Moesian Platform of Romania. Final tsio-Event Conf., Abstracts, Gottingen,1992. loRDAN, M., 1992b, Biostratigraphic age indicators in the Lower Paleozoic successions of the Moesian Platform of Romania. Geologica Carpathica, 43, 4, 231-233. loRDAN, M., 1999a, Biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic from the ioreland of the Romanian Carpathians. Abstracts volume of the Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE TESZ, PANCARDI and Georift Projects "Dobrogea- the interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-Eui'opean Suture Zone", Tulcea, 1999; Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol., 77, suppl. 1, 59-60" loRDAN, M., 199Sb, Biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic ln North Dobrogea. Excursion Guide of the Joint Meeting of Europrobe Tesz, Pancardi And Georift Projects 'Dobrogea - The lnterface Between the Carpathians and the Trans- European Suture Zone', Tulcea, 1999: Geology and structure of the precambrian and paleozoic basement of North and Central Dobrogea, Mesozoic history of north and central dobrogea. Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol., 77, suppl. 2, 23-24. loRDAN, M., 1999c, Biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic in the Moesian Platform. Excursion Guide of the Joint Meetino of EUROPROBE TESZ, PANCARDI and Georift Projects "Dobrogea- the interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-European Suture Zone", Tulcea, 1999: Geology and structure of the Precambrian and Paleozoic basemeni of North and Central Dobrogea. Mesozoic history of North and Central Dobrogea. Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol., 77, suppl. 2, 18-23. loRDAN, M, SpAsoV, H., 1989, Lower Paleozoic (Cambrian- Silurian) sediments of the Moesian Platform. XIV Congress CBGA, Sofia, 1989, Abstracts, 702-705. loRoAN, M., Sriruoru, 1., 1993, On the Lower Siturian macrofauna (Llandoverian) from the Valea lzvorului Formation (South Carpathians). Rev. Roum. Geologie, 37, 63-76. IORDAN, M., ILIESCU, V., VISARIoN, A., BALTRFS, A., SAruouIrscu, E., SETFERT, K., 1985, Litho- and biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic sequences in the Oprigor and Garla Mare boreholes (South-western pad of the Moesian Platform). D. S. Inst. Geol Geofiz., LXIX/4, 5-28. IORDAN, M., MIIR,4U]A, E,, ANToNEScU, E., IVA, M., GHEoRGHTAN, D., 1987a, The Devonian and Jurassic Forrnations in the Viroaga borehole - South Dobrogea (South-Eastern part of the Moesian Platform). D. S. Inst, Geol. Geofiz., 72-7314, 5-18. IoRDAN, M., ToMESCU, C., ANToNESoU, E,, ILIESCU, V., IVA, M., BiTorANU, C., VA|DA, M., '1987b, Formations Jurassiques et Pal6ozoiques sup6rieurs du forage Dobromiru - Dobrogea de Sud (SE de la Plateforme Moesienne). D. S. Inst. Geoi. Geofiz., 72-7314, 19-44. JAHNKE, H., 1571, Fauna und Alter der Erbslochgrauwacke. GottingerArb. Geol. Palaeont., 9, 105 p., Gottingen. JANSEN, U., 1998, Anmerkungen zur Devon-Korrelationstabelle, Brzadi9S: Strophomenida, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Senckenberglana lethaea, 78, 112, 229-233, f:rankfurt am Main. MAcARovrcr, N., 1949, Observatii asupra sondajului de la Deleni. Rev. St. V. Adamachi. 35. lasi. MAcARovrcr, N., 1956, Asupra faunei Silurianului din fundamentul Podisului Moldovenesc. An. St. Univ. lasi. sect ll, St. Nat l. 1. lasi. MAcARovrcr, N., 1971, La faune silurienne du fundament du Plateau moldave (les forages de lassy et de Todireni- Botosani). An. St. Univ. Al.l, Cuza, sect biol., geol., XVll, lasr. MACARovrct, N., BEJU, D., OLARU, L., 1965, Date noi asupra faunei Silurianului din fundamentul Podigului Moldovenesc. An. St. Univ. Al. l. Cuza, lasi, sect. ll, St. Nat., b, Geol.- Geogr., Xl. MAcARovrcr, N., PAGHTDA, N., 1962, Observatii stratigrafice asupra sondajului de la Todireni (Raionul Boto$ani). An. S1. Univ. Al. L Cuza, Iagi, sect. ll, St. Nat., b, Geol.-Geogr., vilt. MURGEANLJ, G., SpAsov, H., 1968, Les graptolites au foraj Bordei Verde (Roumanie). Bull. Geol. Inst. ser Paleont., XVll, 229-238, Sofia. MuTtu, R., 1988, Asupra prezentei Cambrianului mediu in Rom8nia. Rev. Mine, Petrol, Gaze, Bucuregti. MUTIU, R., 1991, On the presence of Cambrian in the Moesian Platform (Romania). Rev. Roum. Geol., 35, 75-85. PAECKELMANN, W., 1935, Probleme der Varistikums der Dobrudscha. Z. d. geol. Ges., 87, 1, 507-522, Berlin PATRULTUS, D., 1963, Studiul stratigrafic al depozitelor mesozoice 9i paleozoice traversate de forajul de la Cetate (partea de W a Cdmpiei Rom6ne). D. S, Com. Geol., 69, 1. 144 G EO-ECO-MARI NA, 4/1 999 National lnstitute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology of Romania Proc. lrttern. Workshop on "Modern and Ancient Sedlmentary Enviranments and Processes" Moeciu, Romania, Oct. B -15, 1998

Maqdalena lordan - The Palaeozoic brachiopoCs of Romania PATRULTUS, D., loRDAN, M., MTRAUTA, E.. 1967, Devonian of SrMroNEScu, 1., CAoenr, D., 1908, Nota preliminarb asupra Romanra, Intern. Symp. on the Devonian, Sept 1967, straturilor fosilifere devonice din Dobrogea An. Inst. Geol Calgary, Canada, 127-134. Rom., l/3. RArr-Enruu, G., lononr.r, M., Aur\,lEHivET DANET, N., BEJU, D, STMTONESCU, 1., 1924, Fauna devonici din Dobrogea. Mem. 1966, Studiul Devonianului din forajul Ce la Mangalia. D. S. Sect. St. An. Acad. Rom., lll/ll/'l . Com. Geol.. LlUl . 323-339, GEO-ECO-MAR|NA,4/1999 rus llational lnstitute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology of Romania Proc. lntern.Workshopon "ModernandAnctentSedintentaryEnvironmentsandProcesses" Moeciu,Romania,Oct.S-15, 1998

Magdalena lordan - The Palaeozoic brachiopods of Romania<br />

CoDARCEA, A,, RATLEANU, G., NAsrAsrnruu, S., 1960, Carboniferui<br />

inferlor de pe Valea ldegului (virsta calcarelor de ldeg). St.<br />

cerc. geol., geol.-geogr., V, 3, 407-418.<br />

HAAS, W., 1968, Das Alt-Palaeozoicum von Bithynien<br />

(Nordwest- Turkei). N. Jb, Geol. Paleont. Abh., 13112,<br />

Stuttgatt.<br />

HAyDourov, 1., YANEV, S., 1997, The Protomoesian<br />

microcontinent of the Balkan Peninsula * a peri-Gondwana<br />

piece. Tectonophysics 272, 303-313.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1967, Consideratii asupra Paleozoicului inferior de<br />

la Mangalia pe baza studiului Trilobitilor gi Tentaculitilor<br />

(Platf. MoesicS). D. S. Com Geol. Lltl/1,339-385.<br />

lORDAN, M,, 1972, Graptolitii din forajul Jbndbrei (Platf.<br />

Moesicd). D. S. Inst. Geol. LVllU3, 31-47.<br />

ioRDAN, M., 1974, Studiul faunei Devonian inferioare din<br />

Dealurile Bujoare (Unitatea de Micin, Dobrogea de Nord).<br />

D. 5. Inst. Geol., LX/3, 33-78.<br />

loRDAN, M., L975, Studiul biostratigrafic al Paleozoicului din<br />

foralul Bdtdnegti (Platforma Moldoveneasca). D, S. Inst.<br />

Geoi , LXI/4, 27-50.<br />

loRDAN, M., L977, Consideratii asupra Pridolianului in Rom6nia.<br />

Comunicdri, Sect. Geologie. Univ. Buc, 135-142.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1981, Study of Silurian and Devonian faunas from<br />

the Eastern part of the Moesiarr Platform. Mem. lnst. Geol.<br />

Geofiz., 30, 115-222 (thesis presented on 16 April 1977,<br />

Iasi).<br />

loRDAN, M., 1982, Biostratigrafia Silurianului din forlandul<br />

Carpatilor Romdnegti. Lucr. Ses. St. Gr. CobElcescu, Ia5i,<br />

1981., 191-198.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1984, Biostratigraphy of the Silurian and Devonian<br />

in the Moldavian and Moesian Platforms (RomAnia). An.<br />

lnst. Geoi. Geofiz., LXIV, 259-267.<br />

loRDAN, lvl., 1985, Brachiopode Paleozoice in RomAnia, Lucr.<br />

Ses. St. Gr. Cobdlcescu, Univ. Al. l. Cuza, Iagi, 113-125.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1988, Biostratigraphy of the Devonian in Romania.<br />

ln: Devonian of the World. Proc, 2-nd lntern. Synrp. Devon<br />

System, Calgary - 1987, Canada. Canadian Soc. of<br />

Petroleum Geologists, 14, 'l , Calgary, 5A7-512.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1990, Biostratigraphic guide marks in the Lower<br />

Paleozoic strata of the Moesian Platform, Romania.<br />

Abstracts. IGCP Programme, Projects 216 & 303 - Global<br />

Biological Events Precambrian-Cambrian Event<br />

Stratigraphy, Oxford, Sept. 1990.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1992a, Biostratigraphy of the Upper Palaeozoic<br />

successions of the Moesian Platform of Romania. Final<br />

tsio-Event Conf., Abstracts, Gottingen,1992.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1992b, Biostratigraphic age indicators in the Lower<br />

Paleozoic successions of the Moesian Platform of<br />

Romania. Geologica Carpathica, 43, 4, 231-233.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1999a, Biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic from the<br />

ioreland of the Romanian Carpathians. Abstracts volume<br />

of the Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE TESZ, PANCARDI<br />

and Georift Projects "Dobrogea- the interface between the<br />

Carpathians and the Trans-Eui'opean Suture Zone", Tulcea,<br />

1999; Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol., 77, suppl. 1, 59-60"<br />

loRDAN, M., 199Sb, Biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic ln North<br />

Dobrogea. Excursion Guide of the Joint Meeting of<br />

Europrobe Tesz, Pancardi And Georift Projects 'Dobrogea<br />

- The lnterface Between the Carpathians and the Trans-<br />

European Suture Zone', Tulcea, 1999: Geology and<br />

structure of the precambrian and paleozoic basement of<br />

North and Central Dobrogea, Mesozoic history of north and<br />

central dobrogea. Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol., 77, suppl. 2,<br />

23-24.<br />

loRDAN, M., 1999c, Biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic in the<br />

Moesian Platform. Excursion Guide of the Joint Meetino of<br />

EUROPROBE TESZ, PANCARDI and Georift Projects<br />

"Dobrogea- the interface between the Carpathians and the<br />

Trans-European Suture Zone", Tulcea, 1999: Geology and<br />

structure of the Precambrian and Paleozoic basemeni of<br />

North and Central Dobrogea. Mesozoic history of North and<br />

Central Dobrogea. Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol., 77, suppl. 2,<br />

18-23.<br />

loRDAN, M, SpAsoV, H., 1989, Lower Paleozoic (Cambrian-<br />

Silurian) sediments of the Moesian Platform. XIV Congress<br />

CBGA, Sofia, 1989, Abstracts, 702-705.<br />

loRoAN, M., Sriruoru, 1., 1993, On the Lower Siturian<br />

macrofauna (Llandoverian) from the Valea lzvorului<br />

Formation (South Carpathians). Rev. Roum. Geologie, 37,<br />

63-76.<br />

IORDAN, M., ILIESCU, V., VISARIoN, A., BALTRFS, A., SAruouIrscu,<br />

E., SETFERT, K., 1985, Litho- and biostratigraphy of the<br />

Paleozoic sequences in the Oprigor and Garla Mare<br />

boreholes (South-western pad of the Moesian Platform). D.<br />

S. Inst. Geol Geofiz., LXIX/4, 5-28.<br />

IORDAN, M., MIIR,4U]A, E,, ANToNEScU, E., IVA, M.,<br />

GHEoRGHTAN, D., 1987a, The Devonian and Jurassic<br />

Forrnations in the Viroaga borehole - South Dobrogea<br />

(South-Eastern part of the Moesian Platform). D. S. Inst,<br />

Geol. Geofiz., 72-7314, 5-18.<br />

IoRDAN, M., ToMESCU, C., ANToNESoU, E,, ILIESCU, V., IVA, M.,<br />

BiTorANU, C., VA|DA, M., '1987b, Formations Jurassiques et<br />

Pal6ozoiques sup6rieurs du forage Dobromiru - Dobrogea<br />

de Sud (SE de la Plateforme Moesienne). D. S. Inst. Geoi.<br />

Geofiz., 72-7314, 19-44.<br />

JAHNKE, H., 1571, Fauna und Alter der Erbslochgrauwacke.<br />

GottingerArb. Geol. Palaeont., 9, 105 p., Gottingen.<br />

JANSEN, U., 1998, Anmerkungen zur Devon-Korrelationstabelle,<br />

Brzadi9S: Strophomenida, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge,<br />

Senckenberglana lethaea, 78, 112, 229-233, f:rankfurt am<br />

Main.<br />

MAcARovrcr, N., 1949, Observatii asupra sondajului de la<br />

Deleni. Rev. St. V. Adamachi. 35. lasi.<br />

MAcARovrcr, N., 1956, Asupra faunei Silurianului din<br />

fundamentul Podisului Moldovenesc. An. St. Univ. lasi. sect<br />

ll, St. Nat l. 1. lasi.<br />

MAcARovrcr, N., 1971, La faune silurienne du fundament du<br />

Plateau moldave (les forages de lassy et de Todireni-<br />

Botosani). An. St. Univ. Al.l, Cuza, sect biol., geol., XVll,<br />

lasr.<br />

MACARovrct, N., BEJU, D., OLARU, L., 1965, Date noi asupra<br />

faunei Silurianului din fundamentul Podigului Moldovenesc.<br />

An. St. Univ. Al. l. Cuza, lasi, sect. ll, St. Nat., b, Geol.-<br />

Geogr., Xl.<br />

MAcARovrcr, N., PAGHTDA, N., 1962, Observatii stratigrafice<br />

asupra sondajului de la Todireni (Raionul Boto$ani). An. S1.<br />

Univ. Al. L Cuza, Iagi, sect. ll, St. Nat., b, Geol.-Geogr.,<br />

vilt.<br />

MURGEANLJ, G., SpAsov, H., 1968, Les graptolites au foraj<br />

Bordei Verde (Roumanie). Bull. Geol. Inst. ser Paleont.,<br />

XVll, 229-238, Sofia.<br />

MuTtu, R., 1988, Asupra prezentei Cambrianului mediu in<br />

Rom8nia. Rev. Mine, Petrol, Gaze, Bucuregti.<br />

MUTIU, R., 1991, On the presence of Cambrian in the Moesian<br />

Platform (Romania). Rev. Roum. Geol., 35, 75-85.<br />

PAECKELMANN, W., 1935, Probleme der Varistikums der<br />

Dobrudscha. Z. d. geol. Ges., 87, 1, 507-522, Berlin<br />

PATRULTUS, D., 1963, Studiul stratigrafic al depozitelor<br />

mesozoice 9i paleozoice traversate de forajul de la Cetate<br />

(partea de W a Cdmpiei Rom6ne). D. S, Com. Geol., 69, 1.<br />

144 G EO-ECO-MARI NA, 4/1 999<br />

National lnstitute of Marine Geology and Geo-ecology of Romania<br />

Proc. lrttern. Workshop on "Modern and Ancient Sedlmentary Enviranments and Processes" Moeciu, Romania, Oct. B -15, 1998

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