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<strong>MORENO</strong> <strong>VALLEY</strong> <strong>UNIFIED</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong><br />


The minutes of the Special Meeting of August 1, 2006, are being submitted to the Board of Education<br />

for approval at its Regular Board Meeting of August 15, 2006. The minutes are a complete and factual<br />

record of action taken by the Board of Education at its Special Meeting of August 1, 2006.<br />



The Board of Education opened the Regular Meeting at 6 p.m.<br />

ROLL CALL: AYE - Ashe ABSENT – Coz AYE – Holguin AYE – Sayre AYE –Vackar<br />


There were no public comments.<br />

The Board of Education convened into Closed Session at 6 p.m.<br />

Administrators Present<br />

Rowena T. Lagrosa, Superintendent of Schools<br />

Pat Chandler, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services<br />

Bob Crank, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services<br />

Dave Swift, Director, Facilities/Maintenance and Operations<br />

Aaron Barnett, Director, Information Systems<br />

Estuardo Santillan, Business Manager<br />

Sharon Cirigliano, Executive Secretary, Board of Education<br />

Visitors<br />

Janet MacMillan Michael Fogerty Doug Borden<br />

Public Hearing - Business Services – Discussion/Action Item 376 – Resolution No. 2006-07-10 – To<br />

Approve the Housing Plan and Use of Pupils Grants for New Construction Funding for Various Middle<br />

School Projects.<br />

The District is applying to the State of California, State Allocation Board (SAB) via the Office of Public<br />

School Construction to request new construction funding for the addition of portable classrooms at the<br />

following schools: Badger Springs Middle School, Landmark Middle School, Mountain View Middle<br />

School, and Palm Middle School. Administration is recommending adoption of this resolution to accept<br />

the transfer of up to 255 K-6 pupil grants for new construction funding to the 7-8 th grade level for the 7-8<br />

grade classrooms in these projects.<br />

The Board President opened the Public Hearing on Discussion/Action Item 376 for public comments.<br />

It was moved by Jacqueline L. Ashe and seconded by Tracey B. Vackar that the Public Hearing<br />

regarding Discussion/Action Item 376 be closed, with action being taken under the Discussion/Action<br />

portion of the agenda.<br />

VOTE: AYE – 4 (Coz – Absent) NAY - 0 ABSTAIN - 0<br />

S-C-8<br />

CONSENT ITEM – 102<br />


AUGUST 15, 2006


It was moved by Jesus M. Holguin and seconded by Jacqueline L. Ashe to approve the Action Agenda<br />

as presented.<br />

VOTE: AYE – 4 (Coz – Absent) NAY - 0 ABSTAIN - 0<br />



375 Award of Contract for Legal Services<br />

Bob Crank, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services, indicated that requests for proposals<br />

were sent out to 40 law firms. The District received 10 responses. Mr. Crank reviewed<br />

information on the firms that responded, including location, rates, references, number of<br />

attorneys, and areas of expertise.<br />

There was clarification on questions and areas of expertise that the District may need. After<br />

Board discussion, Superintendent Lagrosa made the following recommendations based on the<br />

District’s best interest:<br />

Best Best & Kreiger – has provided good service to meet the District’s needs in the area of<br />

Special Education.<br />

Fagen Freidman & Fulfrost – This is a newly established firm with several of its attorneys<br />

leaving Lozano Smith. This firm has expertise in all areas of the District’s needs, as well as<br />

providing inservice to staff on the Brown Act and areas of Human Resources.<br />

Miller Brown Dannis – would provide expertise in the area of charter schools and litigation<br />

when the need arises.<br />

Superintendent Lagrosa stated that she conducted reference checks on these law firms. The<br />

firms she is bringing forward had extremely high recommendations. There was Board concern<br />

that the District should have a law firm that can “be tough” when necessary and that the firms<br />

are more local. It was suggested that Kinkle, Rodiger & Spriggs and Thompson & Colgate be<br />

included in the recommended firms. The District has worked with these firms in the past and<br />

have been satisfied for the most part. There was Board discussion.<br />

It was moved by Jesus M. Holguin to approve the legal firms of Best Best & Kreiger, Fagen<br />

Freidman & Fulfrost, Kinkle, Rodiger & Spriggs, and Miller Brown Dannis.<br />

There was no second on this motion. Board Member Vackar asked that the motion be<br />

amended to add the law firm of Thompson & Colgate which is located in Riverside.<br />

It was moved by Jesus M. Holguin and seconded by Tracey B. Vackar to approve the legal firms<br />

of Best Best & Kreiger, Fagen Freidman & Fulfrost, Kinkle, Rodiger & Spriggs, and Miller Brown<br />

Dannis, and Thompson & Colgate as presented.<br />

VOTE: AYE – 4 (Coz – Absent) NAY - 0 ABSTAIN - 0<br />

376 Resolution No. 2006-07-10 – To Approve the Housing Plan and Use of Pupils Grant for New<br />

Construction Funding for Various Middle School Projects<br />

It was moved by Jesus M. Holguin and seconded by Jacqueline L. Ashe to approve<br />

Discussion/Action Item 376 as presented.<br />

CONSENT ITEM – 102<br />


AUGUST 15, 2006<br />


377 State Education Budget<br />

Mr. Crank presented information on the 2006-07 State Education Budget. The COLA this year<br />

is 5.92 percent, which is the highest in 21 years. The increase in COLA will provide $308 per<br />

student for all unified school districts. The remaining revenue limit deficit was eliminated and<br />

$350 million is allocated for equalization aid.<br />

The proposed budget will provide the following:<br />

Arts, Music, and Physical Education Block Grant<br />

This block grant will provide ongoing funding of $15 per student for an amount of $555,000.<br />

Funding must supplement and not supplant existing resources. These funds are for support<br />

of standards-aligned arts programs which may be used to hire additional staff, purchase<br />

materials, books, supplies, equipment, and provide staff development. A one-time Art,<br />

Music, and PE Block Grant provides approximately $82 per ADA and may be used for<br />

purchasing art, music, and physical education equipment and supplies.<br />

School Counselors<br />

Ongoing funding to increase the number of counselors will be made available in grades 7-12<br />

(approximately $80 per ADA). There are many requirements to be met in order to receive<br />

funding – counselors must review individual student records; must meet with pupils and<br />

parents within certain time frames to review student records, education options, coursework,<br />

and progress as it relates to the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE); prepare a list<br />

of coursework required to pass all parts of the CAHSEE and review with students and<br />

parents; districts need to report data about activities supported by the counselors; and<br />

funding must be used to expand on existing counseling support.<br />

Instructional Materials<br />

Funding for instructional materials grows by COLA. The instructional materials realignment<br />

funding is $55.92 per the prior-year’s CBEDS. There is a one-time Instructional Materials,<br />

Library, and Technology Block Grant, which will provide approximately $15 per prior-year<br />

CBEDS. The English Learner Supplemental Materials funding, similar to the 2004-05<br />

program structure, will provide approximately $19 per English learner based on the<br />

Language Census. Funding can be used to purchase materials to supplement standardsaligned<br />

materials for English learners. Local educational agencies may purchase materials<br />

from the State Board approved list or submit information about the materials for review and<br />

approval by the California Department of Education.<br />

Discretionary Block Grant<br />

This grant is the single largest source of one-time money and is divided into two pieces: 1)<br />

School districts receive 25 percent (approximately $19 per 2006-07 CBEDS enrollment plus<br />

ROC/P and Adult Education ADA). Sites receive 75 percent (approximately $56 per 2006-<br />

07 CBEDS enrollment plus ROC/P and Adult Education ADA). Funding can be used by<br />

sites and school districts for instructional materials, classroom and laboratory supplies and<br />

materials, school and classroom library materials, educational technology, deferred<br />

maintenance, professional development, and one-time uses designed to close the<br />

achievement gap. In addition, school districts may also use the funds for home-to-school<br />

transportation and outstanding one-time fiscal obligations.<br />

S-C-10<br />

CONSENT ITEM – 102<br />


AUGUST 15, 2006

Each site must submit a plan developed by the site or advisory counsel for how it proposes<br />

to use the funding. A site council should be in place at any school that receives Pupil<br />

Retention Block Grant and/or School Improvement Program funds. School site councils<br />

must include the principal, teachers, school personnel, and parents (and students at<br />

secondary schools). There is no minimum number of participants but there must be parity<br />

between parents (and students) and representatives of the school administration and staff.<br />

The school district’s governing board must approve the plan before expenditures are made.<br />

If the governing board and site councils cannot reach agreement on how the funds will be<br />

used by May 1, 2007, county boards of education must resolve it.<br />

California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)<br />

The Legislature and Governor continue to focus on providing funding for the programs to<br />

help students pass the exam. Approximately $70 million will be provided for intervention<br />

support for high school seniors who have not passed the exam, including students with<br />

disabilities. This funding can be used during the regular school day, after school, or on<br />

weekends, and is provided at $500 per student with priority for 12 th graders.<br />

Support for Teachers<br />

Another year of funding for Teacher and Principal Support Grants will be provided.<br />

Approximately $50 per student will be made available for Decile 1 to 3 schools, (based on<br />

the 2005 API), to attract and retain staff. This funding may be used for improving<br />

educational culture and environment by improving safety and cleanliness of schools,<br />

providing support services for students and teachers, incentives to recruit and retain<br />

teachers for hard-to-staff schools, small group instruction, and collaboration time.<br />

Child Care<br />

The Governor’s budget includes $50 million for preschool. Specifics of how the program will<br />

operate are not yet known, but the Governor has indicted this funding will provide free<br />

preschool for all four-year olds living in low-performing school districts. It is possible that<br />

this funding will go to school districts with Decile 1 to 3 school to establish preschool<br />

programs for four-year olds in the attendance area of such schools.<br />

In conclusion, the increased funding of one-time monies and ongoing grants, in addition to<br />

an increase in the EIA funding of $1.9 million, will provide the District with a lot of funding to<br />

work with and this additional funding was not included in the proposed budget. Staff is<br />

recommending that the Board approve this additional funding. A committee of the District’s<br />

stakeholders will meet to discuss how this funding will be spent and establish a plan to be<br />

brought back to the Board for approval in the future.<br />

There was Board discussion and clarification of several questions. It is important that the<br />

District maintain strong fiscal responsibility, that a plan be established by involving the<br />

stakeholders, as well as members of the School Site Councils and Booster Clubs, at all<br />

grade levels, and that there is equitable distributions of the funds. It was also emphasized<br />

that one-time funds should not be used for ongoing expenditures.<br />

It was moved by Jacqueline L. Ashe and seconded by Tracey B. Vackar that the budget<br />

modifications be approved as presented.<br />

VOTE: AYE – 4 (Coz – Absent) NAY - 0 ABSTAIN – 0<br />

S-C-11<br />

CONSENT ITEM – 102<br />


AUGUST 15, 2006

The Board of Education reconvened into Closed Session at 6:45 p.m.<br />

The Board of Education reconvened into Regular Session at 10:10 p.m.<br />




There was no reportable action on the Closed Session agenda.<br />

There being no further items to come before the Board of Education, the<br />

meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.<br />

S-C-12<br />

CONSENT ITEM – 102<br />


AUGUST 15, 2006

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