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Opener<br />

EXAM!<br />

1 Why is the woman in the photo wearing a costume<br />

Presentation<br />

2 Read and listen to Carnivals.<br />

1.17<br />

Comprehension<br />

F E S T I V A L S<br />

1 Europe’s best street party<br />

Comparative and superlative adjectives<br />

Making comparisons<br />

EXAM!<br />

3 True or false Correct the false sentences.<br />

1 In Rio each carnival parade lasts 24 hours.<br />

2 At carnival time hotels in Rio are much more<br />

expensive than usual.<br />

3 Carnival in Rio is longer than Notting Hill carnival.<br />

4 Notting Hill carnival is in February or March.<br />

5 The carnival in Notting Hill is <strong>le</strong>ss famous<br />

than the one in Rio.<br />

6 Notting Hill carnival is the biggest in the world.<br />

C a r n i v a l i n R i o<br />

In Brazil, peop<strong>le</strong> ce<strong>le</strong>brate carnival in February or March. Every region<br />

has its own festival, but carnival in Rio is the most famous. It lasts four<br />

days and millions of peop<strong>le</strong> go to it, including 300,000 foreign visitors.<br />

It’s bigger than any other Brazilian carnival – and better, say the cariocas<br />

(the peop<strong>le</strong> of Rio).<br />

There are two nights of parades in the streets and in the giant samba<br />

stadium, which holds 90,000 peop<strong>le</strong>. Some parades have thousands of<br />

dancers, all in the most amazing costumes, and 600 to 800 drummers.<br />

Each parade lasts ten to twelve hours and the judges choose the best<br />

dancers. There are also all-night carnival balls with non-stop loud music.<br />

At carnival, Rio is the most exciting city in the world, but it is also<br />

one of the most expensive – hotels and taxis cost four times as much as<br />

usual. But that’s because Rio has the biggest and most spectacular<br />

carnival in the world!<br />

N o t t i n g H i l l c a r n i v a l<br />

For most of the year, Notting Hill is a smart quiet part of London. But at<br />

carnival time you can see the real cosmopolitan Notting Hill, which is<br />

much more exciting – and noisier!<br />

The Notting Hill carnival is smal<strong>le</strong>r than Rio and <strong>le</strong>ss well-known,<br />

but it’s the largest carnival in Europe. It started in 1964 and now over<br />

a million peop<strong>le</strong> come to the carnival for two days at the end of August<br />

each year. More than fifty bands parade through the streets in colourful<br />

costumes. There are lots of sound systems playing reggae and other kinds<br />

of music, and three stages where bands play. The streets are full of peop<strong>le</strong><br />

dancing and following the bands. And when you get hungry, there are<br />

stalls selling exotic food <strong>fr</strong>om all over the world.<br />

They call Notting Hill carnival ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. It’s<br />

Europe’s best street party! And it’s <strong>le</strong>ss expensive than Rio!<br />

20<br />


Grammar<br />

4 Comp<strong>le</strong>te.<br />

Adjective Comparative Superlative<br />

small small the smal<strong>le</strong>st<br />

large larger the<br />

big<br />

big<br />

noisy<br />

the noisiest<br />

famous more famous the famous<br />

exciting exciting the exciting<br />

Irregular<br />

good<br />

the best<br />

bad worse the worst<br />

The opposite of more is .<br />

The opposite of most is <strong>le</strong>ast.<br />

Grammar Practice<br />

Check the answers: Grammar Summary page 110<br />

EXAM!<br />

5 Comp<strong>le</strong>te with comparative or superlative adjectives.<br />

1 The carnival in Rio is than Notting Hill<br />

carnival. (large)<br />

2 The Notting Hill carnival is the carnival in<br />

Europe. (big)<br />

3 Cariocas think that Rio has the carnival in<br />

the world. (good)<br />

4 Rio is the carnival in the world. (exciting)<br />

5 It’s for Europeans to go to the Notting Hill<br />

Carnival. (expensive)<br />

6 Pedro is a dancer than Jack. (good)<br />

7 Jack isn’t the dancer in the world! (bad)<br />

8 The carnival parades in Rio last than in<br />

Notting Hill. (long)<br />

9 The place in Rio at carnival time is the giant<br />

samba stadium. (noisy)<br />

10 Peop<strong>le</strong> who don’t have a lot of money look for the<br />

hotel. (expensive)<br />

Game<br />

6 Say the comparative and superlative adjectives.<br />

Writing<br />

7 Read CARNIVALS again and comp<strong>le</strong>te the chart for Rio<br />

and Notting Hill.<br />

When<br />

How long<br />

How many<br />

peop<strong>le</strong><br />

What kind<br />

of music<br />

What’s special<br />

about it<br />

Rio Notting Hill Your festival<br />

Now comp<strong>le</strong>te the chart for a festival you know about<br />

(in your country or another one).<br />

Speaking<br />

8 Look at the chart in exercise 7, and compare the two<br />

carnivals and your festival.<br />

Pronunciation<br />

9 Listen and repeat. Then circ<strong>le</strong> the /´/ sound.<br />

1.18<br />

Speaking<br />

/´/ better<br />

carnival colourful dancer famous longer<br />

parade region samba special thousand<br />

10 Compare three cities in your country. Think about:<br />

Writing<br />

Good.<br />

Better, best.<br />

EXAM!<br />

EXAM!<br />

The carnival in Rio lasts longer<br />

than the Notting Hill carnival.<br />

EXAM!<br />

age (old) size (big) peop<strong>le</strong> (nice)<br />

festivals weather (warm/cold, dry/wet)<br />

shopping sport (football teams) food<br />

EXAM!<br />

Two points!<br />

The carnival in my country is smal<strong>le</strong>r<br />

than Rio, but it is one of the most …<br />

I think Barcelona is older than Madrid.<br />

I think Granada is the oldest city in Spain.<br />

11 Write sentences about cities in your country.<br />

Barcelona is bigger than Granada, but Madrid is the<br />

biggest city.<br />


U N I T<br />


Opener<br />

EXAM!<br />

1 Which of these can you see in the photo<br />

a band a cap a bag jewel<strong>le</strong>ry signs<br />

a stage stalls trainers umbrellas<br />

Presentation<br />

2 Read and listen.<br />

1.19<br />

GREG It’s really easy to get lost here. We should stay<br />

together. Where are Carol, Pedro and Jack<br />

SALLY They’re dancing next to the band – in <strong>fr</strong>ont of<br />

the Mexican food stall.<br />

GREG Hey, you three – come here! You shouldn’t go<br />

away like that.<br />

CAROL Why not It’s a carnival. We’re on holiday.<br />

GREG You should tell me where you’re going. I’m<br />

looking after you.<br />

CAROL I can look after myself. Bye!<br />

BEN Carol, you shouldn’t go off on your own – it<br />

isn’t safe. I’m coming with you!<br />

GREG Now listen, the rest of you. Stay together and<br />

meet me in half an hour at the YTV stage. It’s<br />

opposite the cinema. OK Carol, Ben, come back!<br />

Comprehension<br />

F E S T I V A L S<br />

2 We should stay together<br />

3 Answer the questions.<br />

should and shouldn’t<br />

Prepositions of place<br />

Giving advice<br />

Talking about town facilities<br />

EXAM!<br />

1 Who is dancing next to the band<br />

2 Why should they tell Greg where they are going<br />

3 Does Carol agree with Greg<br />

4 Why does Ben go with Carol<br />

5 When does Greg ask the others to meet him<br />

6 What is opposite the cinema<br />

22<br />

Grammar<br />

4 Comp<strong>le</strong>te.<br />

should and shouldn’t<br />

We should stay together.<br />

You tell me where you’re going.<br />

You go off on your own.<br />

Why they tell Greg<br />

Grammar Practice<br />

Check the answers: Grammar Summary page 110<br />

EXAM!<br />

5 Read Carnival Dos and Don’ts. Then comp<strong>le</strong>te the<br />

sentences with should or shouldn’t.<br />

C A R N I V A L<br />

Dos and Dont’s<br />

✗ Don’t carry lots of money.<br />

✓ Walk in the same direction as the crowd.<br />

✗ Don’t jump in <strong>fr</strong>ont of a band – follow it.<br />

✓ Look after children.<br />

✗ Don’t wear expensive jewel<strong>le</strong>ry.<br />

1 You carry lots of money.<br />

2 You look after children.<br />

3 You jump in <strong>fr</strong>ont of a band.<br />

4 You wear expensive jewel<strong>le</strong>ry.<br />

5 You walk in the same direction as the crowd.<br />


Speaking<br />

6 Read the YTV questionnaire. What<br />

should/shouldn’t you do in your<br />

country<br />

Writing<br />

EXAM!<br />

EXAM!<br />

7 Write a paragraph giving advice<br />

to a visitor to your country. Use<br />

the topics in the questionnaire<br />

and add others.<br />

When you visit someone’s home for<br />

the first time, you should take<br />

flowers.<br />

Pronunciation<br />

8 Listen and repeat.<br />

1.20<br />

/s/<br />

/S/<br />

She’s got sixty shirts and sixty-six<br />

skirts – she should stop shopping!<br />

Grammar Practice<br />

9 Look at the photo on page 22 and<br />

comp<strong>le</strong>te with prepositions <strong>fr</strong>om<br />

the box.<br />

1 Tomek is standing Gabi.<br />

2 Greg is standing the<br />

group.<br />

3 Gabi is Tomek and Laura.<br />

4 Ben is Greg.<br />

5 Sally is Ben.<br />

6 The woman in red is dancing<br />

Greg.<br />

Vocabulary<br />

EXAM!<br />

EXAM!<br />

10 Ask and answer questions about<br />

the High Street.<br />

Where’s the post office<br />

Q U E S T I O N N A I R E<br />

What should/shouldn’t you do when …<br />

U N I T<br />

1 … you visit someone’s home for the first time<br />

A Take flowers.<br />

B Arrive half an hour early.<br />

4 … you answer the te<strong>le</strong>phone<br />

C Arrive a litt<strong>le</strong> late.<br />

A Say hello.<br />

D Take your own food with you.<br />

B Say your name.<br />

2 … you meet someone’s parents C Say your number.<br />

A Kiss them once on the cheek. D Say your address.<br />

B Kiss them twice on the cheek.<br />

5 … you are a guest at a meal<br />

C Shake hands.<br />

A Start eating first.<br />

3 … someone gives you a present B Wait until others are eating.<br />

A Say thank you and open it immediately.<br />

B Say thank you and open it later.<br />

C Eat everything on your plate.<br />

D Leave some food on your plate.<br />

It’s opposite the bank.<br />


CAFÉ<br />

You should take flowers.<br />


Prepositions of place<br />


over<br />

in <strong>fr</strong>ont of<br />

inside<br />

next to<br />

under<br />

behind<br />

outside<br />

near<br />

between<br />

opposite<br />

Grammar Summary page 111<br />

Ro<strong>le</strong> Play<br />

11 Act out a conversation between<br />

a visitor and a local (someone who<br />

knows the street). You can use the<br />

phrases in the boxes.<br />

Visitor<br />

Writing<br />

EXAM!<br />

Say Excuse me.<br />

Local<br />

Ask Where can I …<br />

Say Thank you.<br />

Ask Can I help<br />

Answer.<br />

Visitor<br />

Where can I …<br />

buy some medicine<br />

buy some stamps<br />

find the police<br />

book a flight<br />

buy some flowers<br />

get some bread<br />

get a haircut<br />

change some money<br />

get a cup of coffee<br />

buy some magazines<br />

Local<br />

The … is<br />

near … next to …<br />

opposite … between …<br />

over … under …<br />

EXAM!<br />

12 Write conversations between<br />

a local and two visitors. Use the<br />

phrases in the boxes in exercise 11.<br />



Opener<br />

1 Where are Ben and Carol dancing Which kinds<br />

of music do you like dancing to<br />

Music<br />

heavy metal house jazz pop punk rap<br />

reggae rock soul techno world<br />

Presentation<br />

2 Read and listen.<br />

1.21<br />

Ben and Carol are at Notting Hill carnival.<br />

BEN You’re really good at dancing! What else do you<br />

enjoy doing<br />

CAROL Oh, I don’t know. Lots of things.<br />

BEN What kind of things Being rude to peop<strong>le</strong><br />

CAROL I don’t enjoy being rude!<br />

BEN Yes, you do! You were rude to Greg just now.<br />

CAROL Well, he’s bossy. I’m not interested in listening<br />

to bossy peop<strong>le</strong>.<br />

BEN What do you like doing<br />

CAROL I love going to festivals – this carnival is<br />

fantastic.<br />

BEN I quite like festivals too, but there are too many<br />

peop<strong>le</strong> here. I don’t like being in large crowds.<br />

CAROL But peop<strong>le</strong> don’t notice you in a crowd. I don’t<br />

like looking stupid, so I enjoy being in a crowd.<br />

What other things don’t you like<br />

BEN Oh, I can’t stand waiting for peop<strong>le</strong>. And I like<br />

knowing where I am.<br />

CAROL What do you mean<br />

BEN I hate being lost. And I think we’re lost now!<br />

Comprehension<br />

3 Comp<strong>le</strong>te.<br />

1 Carol is at dancing.<br />

2 She doesn’t being rude.<br />

3 She isn’t in listening to bossy peop<strong>le</strong>.<br />

4 Both Carol and Ben like going to .<br />

5 hates being in large crowds.<br />

6 doesn’t like looking stupid.<br />

7 Ben can’t waiting for peop<strong>le</strong>.<br />

8 Ben being lost.<br />

Listening<br />

3 I love going to festivals<br />

EXAM!<br />

F E S T I V A L S<br />

Verb/Preposition + gerund<br />

Talking about likes and dislikes<br />

Talking about ability<br />

EXAM!<br />

4 Are Carol and Ben lost Listen and find out.<br />

1.22<br />

24<br />

Grammar<br />

5 Comp<strong>le</strong>te.<br />

Verb + gerund<br />

I love going to festivals.<br />

I hate be lost.<br />

I don’t enjoy rude.<br />

I can’t stand for peop<strong>le</strong>.<br />

What do you like <br />

Preposition + gerund<br />

You’re good at dancing.<br />

I’m not interested listening to bossy peop<strong>le</strong>.<br />

Check the answers: Grammar Summary page 111<br />


Grammar Practice<br />

EXAM!<br />

6 Comp<strong>le</strong>te with the correct form of the verb.<br />

1 He likes where he is. (know)<br />

2 She’s good at . (dance)<br />

3 What do you hate (do)<br />

4 Who can’t stand for peop<strong>le</strong> (wait)<br />

5 Does she enjoy rude to peop<strong>le</strong> (be)<br />

6 They love to reggae. (listen)<br />

7 Paula is interested in to the competition<br />

winners. (talk)<br />

8 We aren’t bad at English! (speak)<br />

U N I T<br />

7 Look back at exercises 2 and 6, and add the correct<br />

preposition.<br />

1 interested sightseeing<br />

2 rude peop<strong>le</strong><br />

3 bad singing<br />

4 listen music<br />

5 wait someone<br />

6 talk someone<br />

7 good playing the guitar<br />

Pronunciation<br />

8 Listen and repeat. Mark the stress.<br />

1.23<br />

cinema competition enjoy fantastic festival<br />

hairdresser interested interview notice<br />

cinema<br />

Listening<br />

9 Listen to Paula’s interviews and comp<strong>le</strong>te the chart for<br />

Carol and Jack. Use these phrases.<br />

1.24<br />

dancing going to the cinema losing things<br />

going to the hairdresser shopping swimming<br />

talking to girls using computers<br />

Loves<br />

Hates<br />

Good at<br />

Bad at<br />

Speaking<br />

Carol Jack Another student<br />

shopping<br />

10 Interview another student and comp<strong>le</strong>te the chart.<br />

Writing<br />

EXAM!<br />

EXAM!<br />

What do you love/hate doing<br />

EXAM!<br />

What are you good/bad at<br />

11 Write sentences about Carol and Jack using the<br />

information in the chart. Then write about the student<br />

you interviewed.<br />

Carol loves shopping, but she hates …<br />

She’s good at …<br />

She’s bad at …<br />

Now write about things you love and hate, and what<br />

you are good and bad at.<br />



B<br />

D<br />

26<br />

C<br />

F<br />

F E S T I V A L S<br />

4 Integrated Skills<br />

Ce<strong>le</strong>brations<br />

E<br />

A<br />

New Year Around the World<br />


The Chinese ce<strong>le</strong>brate the start of the Chinese New<br />

Year in January or February and it is the longest, the<br />

noisiest and the most exciting holiday of the year. On<br />

New Year’s Eve all the children wear new clothes and<br />

everyone eats special food. New Year ce<strong>le</strong>brations last<br />

15 days, and there are dragon parades and lion<br />

dances in the streets.<br />

In Brazil, peop<strong>le</strong> wear white clothes on New Year’s<br />

Eve (31 December) because it brings good luck. At<br />

midnight peop<strong>le</strong> go to the beach and jump over the<br />

waves seven times. Then they throw flowers into the<br />

sea and make wishes for the new year. Some peop<strong>le</strong><br />

light cand<strong>le</strong>s and there are lots of parties.<br />

One of the most unusual festivals is in Thailand.<br />

Peop<strong>le</strong> ce<strong>le</strong>brate the Thai New Year on 13 April with<br />

‘Song Klarn Day’. On this day peop<strong>le</strong> play games with<br />

water and throw it over each other! They also visit<br />

their grandparents and ask them for good luck.<br />

In Japan most peop<strong>le</strong> ce<strong>le</strong>brate New Year with their<br />

family. They eat special nood<strong>le</strong>s on 31 December, and<br />

at midnight they listen to the bells, which ring 108<br />

times. On New Year’s Day everyone drinks sake,<br />

traditional Japanese rice wine, and eats a special kind<br />

of soup. The children get red envelopes with money<br />

inside, and everyone sends New Year greetings cards.<br />

On 31 December in Venezuela, peop<strong>le</strong> wear yellow<br />

underwear to bring good luck! At midnight they<br />

listen to the church bells and drink champagne. Each<br />

time they hear the bell they eat a grape and make a<br />

wish. Peop<strong>le</strong> who want to travel in the new year carry<br />

a suitcase around the house. Other peop<strong>le</strong> write their<br />

wishes in a <strong>le</strong>tter, and then burn it.<br />

Like many other European countries, Italy ce<strong>le</strong>brates<br />

the arrival of the new year with fireworks. On New<br />

Year’s Eve everyone eats <strong>le</strong>ntils at a large meal that<br />

starts late in the evening and goes on even later.<br />

Some peop<strong>le</strong> also put <strong>le</strong>ntils in their purse or wear<br />

red clothes for good luck. Another tradition is to put<br />

a cand<strong>le</strong> in the window for every member of the<br />

family.<br />


Opener<br />

1 Guess: Where are the festivals in the photos on<br />

page 26<br />

Reading<br />

2 Read the descriptions of New Year and match the<br />

paragraphs with the photos.<br />

1.25<br />

Now answer these questions.<br />

1 Where do peop<strong>le</strong> eat special nood<strong>le</strong>s at New Year<br />

2 Where do peop<strong>le</strong> drink champagne<br />

3 What do peop<strong>le</strong> in Brazil wear at New Year<br />

4 What else do peop<strong>le</strong> in Brazil do at New Year<br />

5 Where do peop<strong>le</strong> eat <strong>le</strong>ntils at New Year<br />

6 When do they ce<strong>le</strong>brate New Year in Thailand<br />

7 How long do New Year ce<strong>le</strong>brations last in China<br />

8 Where are fireworks important at New Year<br />

Where do peop<strong>le</strong> eat grapes at New Year<br />

What do peop<strong>le</strong> in Venezuela wear at New Year<br />

Then ask and answer similar questions.<br />

Listening<br />

EXAM!<br />

3 Paula talks about New Year in England. Listen and<br />

choose the correct answer.<br />

1.26<br />

1 What do peop<strong>le</strong> often do on New Year’s Eve<br />

A have parties B go on holiday<br />

2 What do they do at midnight<br />

A go to London B listen to Big Ben<br />

3 What do they do after midnight<br />

A shake hands B sing a song<br />

4 What do peop<strong>le</strong> drink<br />

A champagne B tea<br />

5 What do they say to each other<br />

A Good luck! B Happy New Year!<br />

Speaking<br />

EXAM!<br />

EXAM!<br />

EXAM!<br />

4 Look at the questions in exercise 3. Ask another<br />

student about New Year’s Eve in their country.<br />

Writing<br />

U N I T<br />

5 Write a paragraph about New Year’s Eve in your<br />

country. Use the texts in this <strong>le</strong>sson to help you.<br />

Notice that the texts usually:<br />

● begin by giving the name of the country and festival<br />

and the date<br />

● continue by describing food and drink, and what<br />

peop<strong>le</strong> do<br />

● sometimes talk about children and presents<br />

● use prepositions of time:<br />

on (date) in (month) at (time)<br />

Real English<br />

6 The <strong>le</strong>tters of the highligted word in each phrase are<br />

mixed up. Write the correct version. How fast can you<br />

correct the mistakes<br />

1.27<br />

1 Emco here!<br />

2 Hyw not<br />

3 Dogo luck.<br />

4 What do you name<br />

5 I’m mocing with you.<br />

6 Now tensil!<br />

7 Oh, I don’t wonk.<br />

8 What kind of singth<br />

9 Sey, you do!<br />

10 It isn’t efas.<br />

Listen and repeat.<br />

EXAM!<br />

7 Put the jumb<strong>le</strong>d sentences of the dialogue in order.<br />

The first sentence has been done for you.<br />

■ Wait, I’m not scared. I’m coming with you.<br />

■ What do you mean What kind of things<br />

■ Let’s go then!<br />

■ I don’t believe in ghosts. But if you're scared, I’m<br />

going on my own.<br />

■ But I’m telling you it’s dangerous. Strange things<br />

happen inside.<br />

■1<br />

Hey, Steve, come here at once! You shouldn’t go<br />

inside that building.<br />

■ Oh, I don’t know. You can hear strange voices and<br />

sometimes even see a ghost.<br />

■ Why not There’s no sign here saying that it isn’t<br />

safe.<br />

Unit 2 Communication Activity<br />

Student A page 106<br />

Student B page 116<br />

EXAM!<br />



Słuchanie<br />

1.28<br />

1.28<br />

28<br />

F E S T I V A L S<br />

1 Dopasuj czynności do miejsc podanych w ramce.<br />

bank bookshop chemist’s flower shop<br />

hairdresser’s newsagent’s police station<br />

post office supermarket travel agency<br />

a get some aspirin and vitamins<br />

b buy a dictionary<br />

c buy a stamp and an envelope<br />

d buy some roses<br />

e change some money<br />

f get a haircut<br />

g report a crime<br />

h get a newspaper<br />

i buy food and clothes<br />

j book a trip<br />

2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć dialogów.<br />

Przyporządkuj każdej rozmowie (1–5) miejsce,<br />

w którym się ona odbywa.<br />

B<br />

D<br />

1 ■<br />

2 ■<br />

3 ■<br />

4 ■<br />

5 ■<br />

3 Posłuchaj dialogów jeszcze raz. Zanotuj<br />

słowa klucze, dzięki którym wybrałeś/wybrałaś<br />

poszczególne miejsca w ćwiczeniu 2.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

A<br />

C<br />

E<br />

EXAM!<br />

R E V I S I O N<br />

4 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich wypowiedzi (1–5).<br />

Do każdej z nich dobierz właściwą reakcję (a–f). Jedna reakcja<br />

została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.<br />

1.29<br />

1 ■ a Do you I think it’s <strong>le</strong>ss exciting than the one in Rio.<br />

2 ■ b Go straight ahead and turn <strong>le</strong>ft. It’s next to the<br />

3 ■ flower shop.<br />

4 ■ c Yes, you do! You danced all night with Tom yesterday!<br />

5 ■ d Why not There’s a present for me in it.<br />

e I think this agency isn’t too good.<br />

f Oh, I don’t know. Lots of things.<br />

Reagowanie j´zykowe<br />

5 Odpowiedz na pytania, używając wyrażeń z ramek.<br />

cake cand<strong>le</strong>s dance excited great<br />

happy make a wish play games presents<br />

1 What things do you need for a birthday party<br />

2 What do you do at a birthday party<br />

3 How do you feel at a birthday party<br />

6 Przyjrzyj się ilustracji.<br />

Odpowiedz po angielsku<br />

na pytania 1–3. Udziel<br />

odpowiedzi pełnymi zdaniami.<br />

1 What are the peop<strong>le</strong> in<br />

the picture doing<br />

2 What are they wearing<br />

3 How do you usually<br />

ce<strong>le</strong>brate your birthday<br />

7 Przeprowadź wywiad z ko<strong>le</strong>gą/ko<strong>le</strong>żanką na temat sposobu,<br />

w jaki obchodzi on/ona swoje urodziny. Ułóż pytania zaczynające<br />

się od: How/How many/What time/What kind/What/Why.<br />

Czytanie<br />

8 Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz właściwe tłumaczenie wyróżnionych<br />

słów.<br />

1 My brother enjoyed his stay in London very much because<br />

his English hosts were very <strong>fr</strong>iendly and he had a very nice<br />

room in their house.<br />

właÊcicie<strong>le</strong>/mieszkaƒcy/gospodarze<br />

2 There’s a custom in Poland that Santa Claus brings presents<br />

on 6th December and on the night before Christmas.<br />

przesàd/zwyczaj/wyjàtek<br />

3 Don’t wipe your dirty hands on your trousers – go and<br />

wash them!<br />

wycieraç/praç/myç<br />

4 He always greets his <strong>fr</strong>iends with a loud ‘Hello!’.<br />

wita/˝egna/zaczepia<br />

5 Turn on the cold tap and give me a glass of water, p<strong>le</strong>ase.<br />

butelka/kran/prysznic<br />


9 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Podkreśl w nim słowa<br />

wyróżnione w ćwiczeniu 8. Następnie z podanych<br />

odpowiedzi (A, B, C) wybierz jedną, zgodną z treścią<br />

tekstu.<br />

When you come to Britain you should know that<br />

British customs are different <strong>fr</strong>om Polish ones.<br />

It’s better to arrive a few minutes late when the<br />

British invite you to their home for a meal. And<br />

when you get inside, you shouldn’t take off your<br />

shoes. It’s enough to wipe them well on the doormat.<br />

If you are a good <strong>fr</strong>iend of your hosts, they may<br />

greet you with a kiss or two, but you shouldn’t<br />

expect three kisses, like in Poland.<br />

The British drink a lot of tea and they usually<br />

have it with milk. Even if you drink yours black<br />

with sugar and <strong>le</strong>mon, you should try English-sty<strong>le</strong><br />

tea. You won’t regret it. And if you don’t know what<br />

to say, remember that the weather is the safest topic<br />

for conversation in Britain.<br />

You may find a strange thing in a British home –<br />

two separate taps for cold and hot water. So before<br />

you wash your hands, mix hot and cold water in the<br />

washbasin. The good news is that it’s safe to drink<br />

tap water almost everywhere.<br />

The most important thing is to keep your eyes<br />

open. Watch what the British do, and do the same.<br />

Then you won’t do anything wrong.<br />

1 The author of the text wants Polish visitors in<br />

Britain to ...<br />

A have a good meal.<br />

B remember some British customs.<br />

C forget some Polish customs.<br />

2 When you visit a British home, you should be ...<br />

A very punctual.<br />

B a litt<strong>le</strong> early.<br />

C a litt<strong>le</strong> late.<br />

3 When the British greet their <strong>fr</strong>iends they ...<br />

A never kiss them.<br />

B kiss them once or twice.<br />

C kiss them three times.<br />

4 In Britain you should try ...<br />

A black tea.<br />

B tea with milk.<br />

C <strong>le</strong>mon with sugar.<br />

5 In many British homes ...<br />

A you wash your hands in cold water.<br />

B you can’t drink tap water.<br />

C there are hot and cold water taps.<br />

Czytanie<br />

10 Podkreśl w tekście te <strong>fr</strong>agmenty, które pomogły<br />

ci wybrać właściwą odpowiedź na pytania (1–5)<br />

w ćwiczeniu 9.<br />

E X T E N S I O N<br />

A<br />

L E S S O N 1<br />

U N I T<br />

Compare the three cities/towns in the pictures. Write<br />

about the size of each place, its age, peop<strong>le</strong> and<br />

buildings. Which picture do you like the best and why<br />

The city in picture A is larger than the city in picture C,<br />

but the one in picture B is the largest. I like picture …<br />

best because …<br />

L E S S O N 2<br />

An American tourist has a list of things he should do<br />

to be polite in Poland. Unfortunately not everything<br />

is correct. Put (✓✓) next to the things most Po<strong>le</strong>s do,<br />

(✓) next to the things some Po<strong>le</strong>s do and (✗) next to<br />

the things that are not polite in Poland. Add some<br />

more points to the list.<br />

1 A man should kiss a woman on the hand when he<br />

greets her.<br />

2 A man should enter a room before a woman.<br />

3 You should say ‘thank you’ when you finish the<br />

meal.<br />

4 You should take off your shoes when you enter<br />

somebody’s home.<br />

5 …<br />

L E S S O N 3<br />

You are looking for the ideal member for your new<br />

band. Write what this person likes, enjoys, dislikes<br />

and hates doing, and what he/she should be good<br />

at or interested in.<br />

L E S S O N 4<br />

Write a list of questions to find out about your partner’s<br />

favourite festival or ce<strong>le</strong>bration. Interview your partner.<br />


C<br />

B<br />


Grammar<br />

EXAM!<br />

1 Read and comp<strong>le</strong>te. For each number 1–12, choose<br />

word A, B, or C.<br />


Some of London’s many ce<strong>le</strong>brations are very British,<br />

but others, like the Notting Hill carnival, 1 that<br />

London 2 very cosmopolitan.<br />

Up to 100,000 peop<strong>le</strong> ce<strong>le</strong>brate the Chinese New<br />

Year in London’s West End in January or February.<br />

There are lion dances, fireworks and stages with<br />

traditional Chinese music and dance. It is the 3<br />

important festival of the Chinese year.<br />

A popular parade with lots of stalls and stages<br />

4 at Easter in Battersea Park in south-west<br />

London.<br />

Tourists 5 try to see ‘The Trooping of the<br />

Colour’ in June. The Queen 6 in an open carriage,<br />

and watches a 7 of soldiers 8 Buckingham<br />

Palace in central London.<br />

There are fireworks in Southall in west London in<br />

October when Hindus ce<strong>le</strong>brate Diwali, the Hindu<br />

festival of lights. This festival is also the start of the<br />

Hindu New Year and lots of families enjoy 9 the<br />

ce<strong>le</strong>brations.<br />

Guy Fawkes’ Night with bonfires and fireworks is<br />

on 5 November. Peop<strong>le</strong> ce<strong>le</strong>brate Guy Fawkes’ failure<br />

to kill the King in 1605. Many children think this is the<br />

10 night of the year!<br />

Finally, 11 Christmas there is a huge Christmas<br />

tree in Trafalgar Square. It is a present <strong>fr</strong>om Norway<br />

and it is the 12 famous Christmas tree in Britain.<br />

1 A show B shows C are showing<br />

2 A are B have C is<br />

3 A more B most C much<br />

4 A ce<strong>le</strong>brates B goes C happens<br />

5 A should B shouldn’t C don’t<br />

6 A ride B rides C is riding<br />

7 A dance B parade C walk<br />

8 A on B off C near<br />

9 A watch B to watch C watching<br />

10 A most B best C better<br />

11 A at B in C on<br />

12 A much B more C most<br />

30<br />

2 Comp<strong>le</strong>te with the correct form of the present simp<strong>le</strong><br />

of these verbs.<br />

be chat do drink eat get go<br />

like phone play speak watch<br />

1 In the evening Gabi online to her <strong>fr</strong>iends.<br />

2 I (not) interested in going to the cinema.<br />

3 Laura TV every evening.<br />

4 Pedro four languages<br />

5 Sally her parents every day.<br />

6 Carol (not) pigeons.<br />

7 I swimming on Mondays.<br />

8 Tomek coffee at breakfast<br />

9 Jack (not) aerobics.<br />

10 Carol never chips.<br />

11 Ben (not) vol<strong>le</strong>yball.<br />

12 The children envelopes with money inside.<br />

3 Comp<strong>le</strong>te with the correct form of the present<br />

continuous of these verbs.<br />

drink hold listen look make tell<br />

1 Kate the group about the YTV film.<br />

2 Greg Kate’s coffee<br />

3 Tomek at his map.<br />

4 Pedro and Gabi hands<br />

5 The actors a film about pickpockets.<br />

6 you to me<br />

4 Write questions and answers.<br />

camera/Pedro<br />

Whose camera is this It’s Pedro’s. It’s his.<br />

1 watch/Tomek<br />

2 map/Carol<br />

3 book/Gabi<br />

4 YTV badge/Greg<br />

5 videos/my parents<br />

6 sandwiches/the dancers<br />

5 Comp<strong>le</strong>te with comparative or superlative adjectives.<br />

1 The Rio carnival is carnival in the world.<br />

(large)<br />

2 Notting Hill carnival is street party in<br />

Europe. (exciting)<br />

3 Carol is a dancer than Ben. (good)<br />

4 Jack is than Ben at talking to girls. (bad)<br />

5 Who is singer in the world (popular)<br />

6 London is city in Britain. (big)<br />

7 Hotels in Rio are at carnival time. (expensive)<br />

8 The Notting Hill carnival is than the Rio<br />

carnival. (well-known)<br />


6 Rewrite this safety advice using should and shouldn’t.<br />

When you go out in the evening …<br />

● Never take lifts <strong>fr</strong>om strangers, or get into a<br />

stranger’s car.<br />

● Don’t stay out very late and don’t walk home<br />

on your own.<br />

● Remember to carry a mobi<strong>le</strong> or a phone card<br />

for a public phone.<br />

● Make sure you’ve got enough money for a taxi<br />

home if necessary.<br />

● Don’t forget to check the times of the last<br />

trains and buses.<br />

You shouldn’t take lifts <strong>fr</strong>om strangers …<br />

7 Look at the photo on page 11 and comp<strong>le</strong>te with these<br />

words.<br />

behind between in <strong>fr</strong>ont of<br />

next to outside over<br />

1 Greg is standing Laura and Tomek.<br />

2 Gabi is standing Pedro.<br />

3 The group are a shop in Covent Garden.<br />

4 There are some flowers Tomek’s head.<br />

5 The tall man is the girl in the red hat.<br />

6 Jack is standing the tall man.<br />

8 Comp<strong>le</strong>te with the gerund of these verbs.<br />

be (x3) buy dance go look talk wait<br />

1 Ben doesn’t like in large crowds.<br />

2 Carol is good at to all kinds of music.<br />

3 Ben can’t stand for peop<strong>le</strong>.<br />

4 Carol doesn’t like stupid.<br />

5 Jack thinks he’s bad at to girls.<br />

6 Carol doesn’t enjoy rude to peop<strong>le</strong>.<br />

7 Jack likes to the cinema.<br />

8 Carol loves presents.<br />

9 Ben hates lost.<br />

Vocabulary<br />

9 Comp<strong>le</strong>te with these nouns.<br />

actor busker <strong>fr</strong>iend guide<br />

pickpocket scriptwriter<br />

1 A sings in the street.<br />

2 An plays peop<strong>le</strong> in films.<br />

3 A shows tourists around.<br />

4 A steals things <strong>fr</strong>om peop<strong>le</strong>’s pockets.<br />

5 A is someone you know and like.<br />

6 A writes films.<br />

10 Match these words with their definitions.<br />

briefcase cand<strong>le</strong> chemist’s costume joke<br />

newsagent’s outside parade remember scarf<br />

1 something you burn to give light<br />

2 something you wear round your neck<br />

3 when peop<strong>le</strong> walk or dance in the street at a carnival<br />

4 short funny story<br />

5 shop where you can buy medicine<br />

6 shop where you can buy newspapers<br />

7 opposite of inside<br />

8 clothes you wear in a play or at a carnival<br />

9 peop<strong>le</strong> carry this bag to work<br />

10 opposite of forget<br />

11 Match the verbs in list A with the words and phrases in<br />

list B.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

1 change ■ a hands<br />

2 chat ■ b a language<br />

3 do ■ c online<br />

4 hold ■ d aerobics<br />

5 make ■ e games<br />

6 play ■ f glasses<br />

7 speak ■ g some money<br />

8 stay at ■ h a joke<br />

9 tell ■ i a hotel<br />

10 wear ■ j a wish<br />

12 Find the odd word.<br />

1 cost band parade stage<br />

2 expensive famous exciting costume<br />

3 under street behind opposite<br />

4 carnival hotel festival party<br />

5 newsagent’s supermarket chemist’s bank<br />

6 rude bossy angry happy<br />

P R O G R E S S C H E C K<br />

Now you can …<br />

1 Talk about states and routines<br />

2 Describe what’s happening now<br />

3 Express possession<br />

4 Make comparisons<br />

5 Give advice<br />

6 Talk about town facilities<br />

7 Talk about likes and dislikes<br />

8 Talk about ability<br />

Look back at Units 1 and 2 and write an examp<strong>le</strong><br />

for 1–8.<br />

1 I go to the cinema on Saturdays.<br />

How good are you Tick a box.<br />

★★★ Fine ■ ★★ OK ■ ★ Not sure ■<br />

Not sure about something Have a look at the<br />

Grammar Summary.<br />



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