Types of Rapture (~9.1 MB) - Moriel Ministries

Types of Rapture (~9.1 MB) - Moriel Ministries Types of Rapture (~9.1 MB) - Moriel Ministries


Rambling Rose – Continued other happening. Well would you believe our gracious hosts – ever happy to oblige -- gave them one at about 4am at 4.5 on the Richter Scale. Guess who didn’t feel a thing Yes, I slept through the whole thing! Although I have reliably been told that they are a common event and I am sure to get to experience one, oh joy, oh bliss! I am sure I could live without the said “experience.” While I am over here I have Trish and Les Martin residing at “Shangri-la Godwin” minding my two babies Noah and Esther. Trish and Les, who are actually “Kiwis” and lived for a number of years in Tasmania, now live in their mobile home travelling all around as the Lord leads them. They delight in sharing Him with the non-saved. So along with Delsa they are holding down the fort at home. Well, dear family, I now have my collar off, the breaks in my neck have all mended (praise the Lord), and I am now back driving again (after four and a half months). Not only did I experience the incredible miracle of being saved in the accident, but after a great deal of prayer the Lord produced a really great replacement vehicle. And would you believe, it’s the same model and color as my last Margret Godwin one. On top of that, my dear brother Adrian Trudiou and his wife Violet gave me a gift of personalized number plates. Thank you my dears; it is amazing how many people ask me what the name is about. We had dreadful storms in Victoria last month. The wind was so fierce that it ripped the skylights off my veranda. But praise the Lord no one was hurt. Other people experienced some dreadful damage, some losing their homes when huge trees fell on them and absolutely demolished them. Being so far away from home I am trying to think about what else has been happening. Oh yes, our knitting program for the children in the squatter camp (across the road from Ebyown in South Africa) is going well and we have been able to send two boxes full in the past month along with little hats, booties, and little dollies. It is so very cold over there at present (much the same as our weather here), but of course they live in sheets of tin and very little to keep them warm – no heaters or proper fireplaces; just a hole in the ground. Apart from the ladies at our Pilgrim Fellowship we received some for a dear sister in South Australia recently. I was asked to speak to several groups when I returned from the last trip, and we now have ladies in our town joining in. I am including some photos for you. Doesn’t it almost blow you away when you see the Lord’s hand in all of this and the opportunities it affords to speak of Him He is just so delicious! Well, dear family, it is time for me to draw this to a close as I need to get the bags packed and cook dinner for some 14 of the clan tonight – the very best New Zealand lamb, which they tell me is the best lamb in the world. Of course, I don’t believe the Aussie lamb can be beaten, but I will give you my totally unbiased opinion in the next issue. God Bless and keep you my dears, In Christ, Marg P.S. Pam & Vic also send their love to you all. P.P.S. Guess what We are home again. I had intended to have the newsletter printed while I was away, but my computer network crashed so I had to postpone the mail out. Thank you to all those who so patiently waited for their resource orders: we have managed to get 90% of them out this week. SPECIAL PRIZE One of our readers (Trish Martin) spent almost an entire day recently checking for typos and spelling errors in our Mini Catalogue. I was amazed at just how many there were and as such have decided to hold a competition. The person who finds the most errors will receive a very special prize. BUT to enter you must list legibly the error and the page it is on. PLEASE DO NOT cut up your mini catalogue; they are too expensive and important resource. So I expect to be absolutely deluged with entries — OK. I especially look forward to a list from Owen, Lorraine & Celia – you know who you are!!!!!!! New Zealand Lamb V Australian Lamb I know you will be anxious to know the outcome of just who has the better lamb. Sorry folks; it was a “dead heat” Truly! I think as I am getting older I am recalling some of my mothers lessons on diplomacy! Bye again! In Christ, Marg Our knitting program for the children in the Squatter Camp (across the road from Ebyown in South Africa) Midlands Bible C O L L E G E Accredited Theological studies by Open & Distance Learning As a lecturer at MBC, Jacob Pasch recommends the College as a place of study for those wishing a more in-depth understanding of God’s Word. Distancelearning Bible courses ranging from beginner through to fully accredited degree-level are available in either electronic study pack or traditional cassette and printed notes format. The Midlands Bible College St. John’s Square Wolverhampton WV2 4AT (United Kingdom) www.midbible.ac.uk admin@midbible.ac.uk 34 June 2008 • Moriel Quarterly

Margret Godwin Australian Report A ustralian Hello Dear Family Greetings in the Name of Jesus As I mentioned in “The Rambling Rose,” I am currently in New Zealand as I write this. When we were at the Melbourne International Airport enroute to Wellington I noticed a great number of Orthodox Jews & Muslims. I remarked to Vic that we were the only Aussies around (and he and Pam are only by adoption as they are both Poms). Anyway, Vic tried to talk to the Jews who were right beside us about Jacob, Moriel, etc., but they laughingly gave us a wide berth. And, of course, the Muslims kept very much to themselves. After a little while the Jewish people left to catch their flight. Then, all of a sudden, a group of about thirty people gathered in a circle and began to pray quite audibly. They were of Eastern European descent (Ukraine or Romanian) and they prayed for about twenty minutes. My spirit soared as I recognized so many of the words. As I looked at them I noted their faces were aglow. Finally, their prayers drew to a close and they moved off to catch their flight. It came to my mind that, so many times when we are together publicly, we almost whisper a prayer, especially when we say grace in a café or restaurant. I do not want to sound judgmental, but I do want to encourage each of us to be bolder as we never know who may be around and just who could be encouraged or uplifted by hearing the name of Jesus lovingly spoken. Conferences and Meetings for 2008 We are very excited about the forthcoming conference with Jacob in Melbourne in July. Although other ministries have held them in the past, this is a first for Moriel. We ask you to pray that it goes well and will be the first of many to come. What is even more exciting is the fellowship that we will share; so many people nowadays have very few others with whom they can come together. The complete program is on the colored flyer in the center of this issue. For Jacob’s conference we have people coming from New Zealand, Qld, WA, and a bus load from Adelaide, which just adds to the excitement. The meetings for Dave Royle in August & Dr. Calvin Smith in September will be in a separate mailout so do watch your church mail board and, of course, your mailbox. Mini Catalogue (Australia & Asia Pacific Only) Judging from the response from the previous issue, you liked the mini catalogue stapled in the center of the magazine. I suggest that you remove it now as it will be awhile before we issue a larger edition. Of course we will highlight new teachings in current issues. Prayer for Dave Royle and the children at Ebyown Dave has been in dreadful pain for quite some time but now the specialists have found quite a deal of arthritis in his back. So they are going to inject directly into his spine to hopefully relieve the pain for twelve months. Please keep him in your prayers. A couple of weeks ago I received an e-mail from Dave in which he was so distressed it would seem that he and Lyn had to take one of our new little girls, S’Phewi (who suffers with CP), into the hospital. She was vomiting blood, and they thought she may have had a gastric ulcer. This little lamb is fed through a stomach tube and requires quite a deal of nursing. Hygiene is most critical. When Dave & Lyn went to visit her she was still in the same nappy as the day before, and was lying in blood-soaked sheets. There were live and dead cockroaches on the floor and walls, along with dirty swabs and syringes all around. Dave was so rightfully angry, and this is a little of his message. When he demanded that the floor be cleaned he noted that the bucket and mops were dirtier than what was on the floor. He was speaking to lady who had given birth to a son there in 1994. At that time the hospital was a shining beacon of health care for all the community. What she found now, due to severe cutbacks, is overworked and demoralized staff. On this particular public holiday there was one doctor covering pediatrics and ICU. “I am not blaming the hospital, nor am I blaming the staff. Most we met really cared and were dealing with a bad situation. I blame the ANC. The ANC promised the people of South Africa so much 14 years ago: better housing, jobs, healthcare, policy making. Instead, what do we have but millions in squatter camps, mass unemployment, a crime wave that makes Sodom & Gomorra look like tinsel town, and a health system that hands over dead babies in plastic carrier bags to grieving mothers, and is barely able to keep a sick child by providing basic needs. Mind you, the ANC can spend BIL- LIONS ON THE 2010 WORLD CUP. It can provide Mbeki with a 90 million rand security wall around his palace. It can provide jets for taking him all over the world in luxury, and billions for a parliament riddled with rapists, abusers and fraudsters. Lord knows what will happen when the polygamist Jacob Zuma comes into power, a man charged with rape & fraud. In the last ten years there have been 120,000 unsolved murders. untold rapes and hijackings, and now a crime infrastructure that has had little investment during the last 14 years. Thank God that here at Ebyown we have been provided by our supporters with a generator that can kick in when needed. Yet for the last 8 years we have been touched by every aspect of the decline of a once godly nation taken prisoner by every political leader and his nsongoma (witchdoctor). The government and the world have made promise after promise. But June 2008 • Moriel Quarterly 35

Rambling Rose – Continued<br />

other happening. Well would you believe<br />

our gracious hosts – ever happy to oblige<br />

-- gave them one at about 4am at 4.5 on<br />

the Richter Scale. Guess who didn’t feel a<br />

thing Yes, I slept through the whole thing!<br />

Although I have reliably been told that they<br />

are a common event and I am sure to get to<br />

experience one, oh joy, oh bliss! I am sure<br />

I could live without the said “experience.”<br />

While I am over here I have Trish<br />

and Les Martin residing at “Shangri-la<br />

Godwin” minding my two babies Noah<br />

and Esther. Trish and Les, who are actually<br />

“Kiwis” and lived for a number <strong>of</strong><br />

years in Tasmania, now live in their mobile<br />

home travelling all around as the Lord<br />

leads them. They delight in sharing Him<br />

with the non-saved. So along with Delsa<br />

they are holding down the fort at home.<br />

Well, dear family, I now have my collar<br />

<strong>of</strong>f, the breaks in my neck have all<br />

mended (praise the Lord), and I am now<br />

back driving again (after four and a half<br />

months). Not only did I experience the<br />

incredible miracle <strong>of</strong> being saved in the<br />

accident, but after a great deal <strong>of</strong> prayer<br />

the Lord produced a really great replacement<br />

vehicle. And would you believe,<br />

it’s the same model and color as my last<br />

Margret Godwin<br />

one. On top <strong>of</strong> that, my dear brother<br />

Adrian Trudiou and his wife Violet gave<br />

me a gift <strong>of</strong> personalized number plates.<br />

Thank you my dears; it is amazing how<br />

many people ask me what the name is about.<br />

We had dreadful storms in Victoria last<br />

month. The wind was so fierce that it ripped<br />

the skylights <strong>of</strong>f my veranda. But praise<br />

the Lord no one was hurt. Other people<br />

experienced some dreadful damage, some<br />

losing their homes when huge trees fell<br />

on them and absolutely demolished them.<br />

Being so far away from home I am trying<br />

to think about what else has been happening.<br />

Oh yes, our knitting program for<br />

the children in the squatter camp (across<br />

the road from Ebyown in South Africa) is<br />

going well and we have been able to send<br />

two boxes full in the past month along<br />

with little hats, booties, and little dollies.<br />

It is so very cold over there at present<br />

(much the same as our weather here), but<br />

<strong>of</strong> course they live in sheets <strong>of</strong> tin and very<br />

little to keep them warm – no heaters or<br />

proper fireplaces; just a hole in the ground.<br />

Apart from the ladies at our Pilgrim<br />

Fellowship we received some for<br />

a dear sister in South Australia recently.<br />

I was asked to speak to several groups<br />

when I returned from the last trip, and<br />

we now have ladies in our town joining<br />

in. I am including some photos for you.<br />

Doesn’t it almost blow you away<br />

when you see the Lord’s hand in all <strong>of</strong><br />

this and the opportunities it affords to<br />

speak <strong>of</strong> Him He is just so delicious!<br />

Well, dear family, it is time for me<br />

to draw this to a close as I need to get<br />

the bags packed and cook dinner for<br />

some 14 <strong>of</strong> the clan tonight – the very<br />

best New Zealand lamb, which they<br />

tell me is the best lamb in the world. Of<br />

course, I don’t believe the Aussie lamb<br />

can be beaten, but I will give you my totally<br />

unbiased opinion in the next issue.<br />

God Bless and keep you my dears,<br />

In Christ, Marg<br />

P.S. Pam & Vic also send their love to<br />

you all.<br />

P.P.S. Guess what We are home<br />

again. I had intended to have the newsletter<br />

printed while I was away, but my computer<br />

network crashed so I had to postpone the<br />

mail out.<br />

Thank you to all those who so patiently<br />

waited for their resource orders: we<br />

have managed to get 90% <strong>of</strong> them out this<br />

week.<br />


One <strong>of</strong> our readers (Trish Martin) spent<br />

almost an entire day recently checking<br />

for typos and spelling errors in our Mini<br />

Catalogue. I was amazed at just how many<br />

there were and as such have decided to<br />

hold a competition. The person who finds<br />

the most errors will receive a very special<br />

prize. BUT to enter you must list legibly<br />

the error and the page it is on. PLEASE<br />

DO NOT cut up your mini catalogue; they<br />

are too expensive and important resource.<br />

So I expect to be absolutely deluged<br />

with entries — OK.<br />

I especially look forward to a list from<br />

Owen, Lorraine & Celia – you know who<br />

you are!!!!!!!<br />

New Zealand Lamb V<br />

Australian Lamb<br />

I know you will be anxious to know the<br />

outcome <strong>of</strong> just who has the better lamb.<br />

Sorry folks; it was a “dead heat” Truly!<br />

I think as I am getting older I am recalling<br />

some <strong>of</strong> my mothers lessons on diplomacy!<br />

Bye again! In Christ, Marg<br />

Our knitting program for the children in<br />

the Squatter Camp (across the road from<br />

Ebyown in South Africa)<br />

Midlands Bible<br />

C O L L E G E<br />

Accredited Theological studies by<br />

Open & Distance Learning<br />

As a lecturer at <strong>MB</strong>C, Jacob Pasch<br />

recommends the College as a place <strong>of</strong><br />

study for those wishing a more in-depth<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> God’s Word. Distancelearning<br />

Bible courses ranging from<br />

beginner through to fully accredited<br />

degree-level are available in either<br />

electronic study pack or traditional<br />

cassette and printed notes format.<br />

The Midlands Bible<br />

College<br />

St. John’s Square<br />

Wolverhampton<br />

WV2 4AT<br />

(United Kingdom)<br />

www.midbible.ac.uk<br />

admin@midbible.ac.uk<br />

34 June 2008 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

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