Types of Rapture (~9.1 MB) - Moriel Ministries

Types of Rapture (~9.1 MB) - Moriel Ministries Types of Rapture (~9.1 MB) - Moriel Ministries


Thank You from the Administrator From the Office of the Administrator T his month we introduce to you, Danny Isom, and Walk With the Word Bible Studies and Web site. Danny is a good brother and is working to redo the Moriel Web site. He is a self-confessed geek and has in the past worked with Mission Aviation Project of Jim Elliot fame. His Web site is www.walkwiththeword.org. On the Web site you will find many Bible studies along with help in learning how to study the Bible. The goal of his Web site is to help people apply God’s Word to their lives so that the changes in their lives will become apparent, not only in the believers’ hearts, but in the eyes of those around them. Welcome, Danny, and thanks for all your help. A couple of articles are included on Todd Bentley, one of the newest false prophets to pop up and be pushed to the forefront. His teachings include trips to Heaven, angels and more angels, fire falling, “soaking,” and every other experience that has happened since the “Toronto Blessing.” Only what is worse than before under the previous outbreaks, he is going after the youth and is advocating violence against people to impart this spiritual experience, including kicking people in the face, body slamming people, leg dropping a pastor, and every other wicked thing. Please get informed and warn others. Jacob is coming in August. Please check our Web site for where he will be speaking. At the time we went to print, we did not have all the dates set. We hope to see you all at the various churches. Please pray for Jacob as he goes around the world. It is getting harder for him to take these long periods of separation from his wife, Pavia. But both Pavia and Jacob know the Lord has asked him to do this traveling and teaching, and to sacrifice time together for the sake of the Gospel. May the Lord bless them both. "MORIEL" GOD IS MY TEACHER In Peace, David June 2008 • Moriel Quarterly

Jacob Prasch Feature Article TO F YPES T H E R A P T U R E By Jacob Prasch There are people today denying there will be a rapture, or catching up, to be with the Lord Jesus. We will look at some of the reasons why they are saying this. But more important, we must understand the things in the Word of God that teach us about it and what it will be like. In order to do this we have to employ certain hermeneutical devices – ways of looking at Scripture. We begin with the basic things the Bible says, but then we look at the things which typify or illustrate them: the other raptures in the Bible that have already taken place, the things that teach about our resurrection. In Scripture we use the term “rapture,” which is simply a Latinized form of the Greek term “caught up.” The Greek term episynagògò, “gathering,” with Him, is where we get the word “synagogue.” We don’t make a distinction between the resurrection and the rapture. They are the same event. Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He {began} asking His disciples, saying, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is” And they said, “Some {say} John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am” And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal {this} to you, but My Father who is in heaven. “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. (Matthew 16:13-18NAS) This occurs at a place called Caesarea Philippi. Most people will tell you the transfiguration of Jesus took place on Mount Tabor because that is basically what the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church decided, but it didn’t. We have to understand the transfiguration and how it teaches about the rapture in light of Caesarea Philippi. Caesarea Philippi is important for two reasons: First, it was a center of idolatry. Today, you can still see the carvings of the Greek god Pan on the face of a cliff where there are still the remains of his temple. Pan was said to appear in human form – a “god” pretending to be a man. Second, it was also a place where there stood a statue of Caesar Augustus, the first of the Roman emperors to be worshipped as a god in his lifetime. Emperor worship is one of the main things in the Bible that teach about the anti-Christ. He will reign over the known world. When Jesus came the first time, the emperors numbered people’s heads. Why They numbered the people’s heads to gain financial control of the world, and to maintain control. When Jesus was born, the census that took place at the behest of an emperor was, in a sense, a form of worship; it was a type or a shadow of what the anti-Christ will do just before Jesus comes the second time. His first coming teaches us many things about His return. There were many false prophets and false messiahs before He came the first time, and there will be false prophets and false messiahs before He comes again. But this element of emperor worship will be replayed before Jesus comes back. The prophet Daniel tells us that the fourth beast in his vision comes into play again. We will see some kind of a reconsideration of the countries that were in the Roman Empire and ultimately, through this system, the anti-Christ will appear. But here in Caesarea Philippi, we see the center of Greco/Roman false religion – a “god” who pretends to be a man, and the worship of a man who pretends to be a god. The latter is the emperor – a political figure. Jesus challenged the gods of this world on their own turf. He came to Caesarea Philippi, a place in Israel today that we call “Banias.” He, not Caesar, is the King who will be worshipped. As for Pan, he was no god at all. Jesus, of course, is God, and He is truly man. He is both fully human and fully divine. So this contrast was taking place. With that background in view, understand this: Banias is an area in Israel-occupied Golan Heights where there is a waterfall. This waterfall comes out of the slope of Mount Hermon. We call it in Hebrew, Har Hermon. It’s the tallest mountain in Israel today, and towers above the Golan Heights in the area where Israel, Lebanon and Syria all converge. Its cap is snow-covered about eight months of the year. Let us look now at Matthew 17:1-9: And six days later Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and brought them up to a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. And Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, I will make three tabernacles here, one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold, a voice out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!” And when the disciples heard {this,} they fell on their faces and were much afraid. And Jesus came to {them} and touched them and said, “Arise, and do not be afraid.” And lifting up their eyes, they saw no one, except Jesus Himself alone. And as they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, “Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.” Then Jesus begins talking about June 2008 • Moriel Quarterly

Thank You from the Administrator<br />

From the Office <strong>of</strong> the Administrator<br />

T<br />

his month we introduce to you, Danny Isom, and<br />

Walk With the Word Bible Studies and Web site. Danny<br />

is a good brother and is working to redo the <strong>Moriel</strong> Web<br />

site. He is a self-confessed geek and has in the past worked<br />

with Mission Aviation Project <strong>of</strong> Jim Elliot fame. His Web site<br />

is www.walkwiththeword.org. On the Web site you will find<br />

many Bible studies along with help in learning how to study the<br />

Bible. The goal <strong>of</strong> his Web site is to help people apply God’s<br />

Word to their lives so that the changes in their lives will become<br />

apparent, not only in the believers’ hearts, but in the eyes <strong>of</strong> those<br />

around them. Welcome, Danny, and thanks for all your help.<br />

A couple <strong>of</strong> articles are included on Todd Bentley, one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

newest false prophets to pop up and be pushed to the forefront.<br />

His teachings include trips to Heaven, angels and more angels,<br />

fire falling, “soaking,” and every other experience that has<br />

happened since the “Toronto Blessing.” Only what is worse<br />

than before under the previous outbreaks, he is going after<br />

the youth and is advocating violence against people to impart<br />

this spiritual experience, including kicking people in the<br />

face, body slamming people, leg dropping a pastor, and every<br />

other wicked thing. Please get informed and warn others.<br />

Jacob is coming in August. Please check our Web site for where<br />

he will be speaking. At the time we went to print, we did not have<br />

all the dates set. We hope to see you all at the various churches.<br />

Please pray for Jacob as he goes around the world. It is getting<br />

harder for him to take these long periods <strong>of</strong> separation from<br />

his wife, Pavia. But both Pavia and Jacob know the Lord has<br />

asked him to do this traveling and teaching, and to sacrifice time<br />

together for the sake <strong>of</strong> the Gospel. May the Lord bless them both.<br />

"MORIEL"<br />


In Peace,<br />

David<br />

June 2008 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

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