Master Thesis - OUFTI-1

Master Thesis - OUFTI-1 Master Thesis - OUFTI-1
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5.6 Summary Through this chapter, a complete FE analysis of OUFTI-1 was performed. First, the modeling strategy used to represent each component of the satellite in the FE model, was described accurately. Then, a static analysis was performed. This analysis allows to conclude that OUFTI-1 withstands the quasi-static loads imposed by Vega in the worst case conguration. So, the structural integrity of the satellite in static state is ensured. The modal analysis led to results which satisfy ESA requirements on the dynamic behavior of the Vega payloads, and showed that the most critical parts of the satellite are its electronic cards, which are strongly excited in the rst modes. Next year, several tests will have to be performed to validate this model. Finally, the procedure to realize a random vibration analysis was drawn. Each step of this analysis was presented and resolved. However, due to an unsolved problem encountered with the Samcef software, this analysis could not be realize for this thesis. Once this analysis will be performed and when a complete engineering model of the satellite will be availble, qualication tests will have to be performed (strictly following the ESA procedure [61]) to denitely validate the satellite and to send them to Kourou for its launch. 119

Chapter 6 Conclusions This master thesis developed the structural design and dynamic analysis of OUFTI-1. The main objectives were to design a new reliable support for the batteries, which fullls all the requirements imposed by several subsystems, and to create an accurate FE dynamic modeling procedure for the electronic cards. Through this chapter, the results obtained during all the year, will be summarized. Then, perspectives for future works will be highlighted. Finally, the parallel activities linked to the project, will be briey exposed. 6.1 Summary of the accomplished work The rst chapter of this thesis consisted in a general presentation of the project. The CubeSat concept was introduced to allow to the profane to understand what is a CubeSat and what are the principal requirements and restrictions which are imposed to this particular type of satellite. Then, the genesis of the OUFTI-1 project was presented to expose the guideline of the project from its starting point to the level at which this thesis started. The launch opportunity oered by the ESA, was also discussed. Finally, the mission payloads and the OUFTI team were described to nalize this overall view of the OUFTI-1 project. Chapter 2 presented the general ight system conguration. The reference frame used to locate precisely each component of the CubeSat, was dened. Then, each part of OUFTI-1 was presented in a global understanding approach. The technical constraints which led to this particular organization, were highlighted, and the methods which will be used to x the dierent components together, were exposed. Finally, general physical and mechanical properties, including: the CoG location, the inertia properties and the mass budget, were 120

5.6 Summary<br />

Through this chapter, a complete FE analysis of <strong>OUFTI</strong>-1 was performed.<br />

First, the modeling strategy used to represent each component of the satellite in the<br />

FE model, was described accurately.<br />

Then, a static analysis was performed. This analysis allows to conclude that <strong>OUFTI</strong>-1<br />

withstands the quasi-static loads imposed by Vega in the worst case conguration. So, the<br />

structural integrity of the satellite in static state is ensured.<br />

The modal analysis led to results which satisfy ESA requirements on the dynamic behavior<br />

of the Vega payloads, and showed that the most critical parts of the satellite are<br />

its electronic cards, which are strongly excited in the rst modes. Next year, several tests<br />

will have to be performed to validate this model.<br />

Finally, the procedure to realize a random vibration analysis was drawn. Each step of<br />

this analysis was presented and resolved. However, due to an unsolved problem encountered<br />

with the Samcef software, this analysis could not be realize for this thesis. Once this<br />

analysis will be performed and when a complete engineering model of the satellite will be<br />

availble, qualication tests will have to be performed (strictly following the ESA procedure<br />

[61]) to denitely validate the satellite and to send them to Kourou for its launch.<br />


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