Jun - Bharat Vikas Parishad

Jun - Bharat Vikas Parishad Jun - Bharat Vikas Parishad

46th<br />

Year in the<br />

Service of<br />

Mankind<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 No.6 Vol XXXIX<br />


Editorial<br />


Come <strong>Jun</strong>e, every member of the <strong>Parishad</strong> feels his bounden duty to<br />

fondly remember a Visionary and Chief Architect of <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Vikas</strong> <strong>Parishad</strong>,<br />

Late Dr. Suraj Prakash ji. 27th <strong>Jun</strong>e will ever remain a memorable day for the<br />

<strong>Parishad</strong> when a boy named Suraj Prakash was born 89 years ago on 27th<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e 1920 at Chhamal Distt. Gurdaspur.<br />

Inspite of being a Practicising Doctor he had two main aims of life: First<br />

to ameliorate the sufferings of down trodden and secondly to inculcate a<br />

sense of Patriotism and love for Motherland among the youth after China war.<br />

The outcome was formulation of this Non Govt. Organisation having 5<br />

leading maxims known as 5^ldkj*s. Down to earth Dr. Suraj Prakash had<br />

sown the seed way back in 1963 which has now grown to the height of a<br />

Banyan tree with the concrete and meaningful policies of office bearers<br />

occupying the hot seat of Secretary General of BVP.<br />

Whatever the aims might have been of the NGO (Registered), a rare<br />

letter (found recently) written by none other than that of the stature of Mahadevi<br />

Verma, one of the four pillars of Nk;koknh School of poetry çlkn] iUr] fujkyk ,oa<br />

egknsoh of Allahabad and a patron of BVP Prayag Branch, is being reproduced<br />

below which is well thought provoking:<br />

^^Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ dk f{kfrt bruk O;kid gS fd mlds fodkl dks ,d vk;ke esa<br />

ck¡/uk dfBu gksxkA Hkkjr ,d HkkSxksfyd bdkbZ gS] vr% mlds fgekPNkfnr f'k[kj] unh] fu>Zj]<br />

cu&lEifÙk vkfn ls lkSUn;Z dks lqjf{kr j[kuk Hkh fodkl dk dk;Z gSA<br />

mlesa clus okys ekuo lewg ds cqf¼&ân; dk ,slk ifj"dkj djuk fd og ^olq/So dqVqEcde~*<br />

dh Hkkouk dks vkRe lkr dj lds Hkh Hkkjr fodkl dk vk;ke gSA mlesa lqfo/k lEi xzke uxj vkfn<br />

dh LFkkiuk djuk] lkfgR;] dyk] f'k{kk vkfn dk fodkl djuk Hkh Hkkjr dh lsok gSA<br />

mleas fuokl djus okys ekuoksa esa jk"Vª psruk tkx`r djuk vkSj lR;] vfgalk] lerk] cU/<br />

qrk vkfn thou ewY;ksa dh vkLFkk mRi djuk Hkh Hkkjr dk fodkl gSA ij bu lcds fy, tks<br />

vfuok;Z xq.k gS] og n`


It has been decided by the Central Office of the <strong>Parishad</strong> to hold the<br />

following National Events during 2009-10 as per schedule given below:<br />

S.No. Events Dates Venue<br />

1. All India National Group 28-29 November, 2009 Vishakhapatnam<br />

Song Competition (N.G.S.C.) (A.P.North-East)<br />

2. All India National Sanskrit Will be intimated later<br />

Group Song Competition<br />

(N.S.G.S.C.)<br />

3. All India Parivar 6-7 Feb, 2010 Katra<br />

Sanskar Shivir (J&K)<br />

4. National Governing February, 2010 Gwalior<br />

Board Meeting<br />

(M.B.East)<br />

5. All India Praudh 5, 6 & 7 March, 2010 Haridwar<br />

Sanskar Shivir<br />

(Uttrakhand West)<br />

6. All India <strong>Bharat</strong> Ko Jano Will be intimated later Udaipur<br />

Competition (Raj. South)<br />

7. National Office Bearers’ Will be intimated later Jamshedpur<br />

Meeting (Jharkhand)<br />

Detailed information with regard to the above events will be sent to all<br />

concerned office bearers in due course of time. This is for favour of kind<br />

information of one and all.<br />

- Varinder Sabharwal, National Secretary General<br />



All Prantiya General Secretaries and Branch Secretaries are<br />

requested to kindly ensure that Central Share @ Rs.150/- per<br />

member is sent to the Central Office latest by 30th <strong>Jun</strong>e, 2009. The<br />

Central Share of each Branch must also be accompanied with the<br />

list of its members on whose behalf the share has been remitted.<br />

In the absence of such a list, it may not be possible for the Central<br />

Office to continue sending monthly magazine Niti to any member<br />

of that Branch.<br />

- Varinder Sabharwal, National Secretary General<br />

uez fuosnu<br />

^uhfr* ekfld if=kdk vius çkjafHkd dky esa =kSekfld :i esa çdkf'kr gksrh FkhA<br />

1969 ls 1980 ds chp ds iqjkus vad ftl cU/q ds ikl miyC/ gksa og mls lEiknd]<br />

^uhfr*] ifj"kn~ ds dsUæh; dk;kZy;] Hkkjr fodkl Hkou] ch-Mh-CykWd] ikoj gkml ds<br />

ihNs] ihreiqjk] fnYyh&110034 ij fHktokus dh Ñik djsaA &lEiknd<br />

lHkh {ks=kh; ea=kh] çkUrh; egklfpo ,oa çkUrh; la;kstd<br />

laLÑfr lIrkg<br />

Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ esa {ks=kh; ,oa çkUrh; nkf;Ro xzg.k djus ij vkidks<br />

dksfV'k% c/kbZA ifj"kn~ ds jk"Vªh; inkf/dkfj;ksa }kjk laLÑfr lIrkg ds jk"Vªh; ea=kh dk<br />

tks xq#rj nkf;Ro eq>s lkSaik x;k gS] mlds fy, eSa mudk ân; ls vkHkkj O;Dr djrs<br />

gq, vki ls vk'kk djrk gw¡ fd vki lHkh bl dk;ZØe dks ns'k ds çR;sd çkUr ,oa<br />

uxj esa vkSj vf/d liQy ,oa yksdfç; cukus esa dksbZ dlj ckdh ugha j•saxsA<br />

tSlk fd fofnr gS fd çR;sd o"kZ dh Hkk¡fr bl o"kZ Hkh bl dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu<br />

lHkh çkUrksa }kjk tqykbZ vFkok vxLr ekg esa lEiUu djkuk gSA bl gsrq fuEu lq>koksa<br />

dk fo'ks"k è;ku j•sa %&<br />

1- lHkh çkUr mijksDr nksuksa ekg esa ls fdlh ,d ekg dk p;u dj vko';d<br />

fn'kk&funsZ'k 'kk•kvksa dks çlkfjr dj dk;ZØe dks çHkkoh :i esa lEiUu djk;saA<br />

2- çkUrh; inkf/dkjh] çkUrh; dk;Zdkfj.kh dk xBu djrs le; ,d ofj"B<br />

vuqHkoh ,oa deZB efgyk dk;ZdrkZ dks çkUrh; la;kstd] laLÑfr lIrkg dk nkf;Ro<br />

nsa o muds uke] irs o i+Qksu uEcj dh tkudkjh] jk"Vªh; ea=kh] jk"Vªh; ps;jesu] dsUæh;<br />

dk;kZy; ,oa {ks=kh; ea=kh dks nsaA<br />

3- çkUrh; egklfpo] 'kk•k lfpoksa dks çR;sd 'kk•k esa efgyk lnL;ksa eas ls<br />

,d laLÑfr lIrkg la;kstd fu;qDr djus dk funsZ'k nsaA<br />

4- çkUr dh ebZ@twu dh çkUrh; dk;Zdkfj.kh@çkUrh; ifj"kn~ cSBd esa 'kk•k<br />

lfpo ,oa 'kk•k la;kstdksa dks cqykdj muls laLÑfr lIrkg ds dk;ZØeksa dh lwph<br />

vfxze çkIr djsaA<br />

5- çkUrh; egklfpo o çkUrh; la;kstd 'kk•k ds dk;ZØeksa esa mifLFkr jgus<br />

gsrq mlh uxj vFkok ikl ds uxj ls çR;sd 'kk•k gsrq ,d çkUrh; i;Zos{kd dh<br />

fu;qfDr djsa o mUgsa dk;ZØeksa ds lEcU/ esa viuh fjiksVZ çkUr dks nsus ds funsZ'k nsaA<br />

6- çkUr Lrj ij ,d lnL;h; iqjLdkj lfefr dk xBu djsa tks i;Zos{kd }kjk<br />

çsf"kr fjiksVZ ,oa 'kk•k }kjk çsf"kr foLr`r fjiksVZ ds vk/kj ij çkUr dh çFke] f}rh;<br />

,oa r`rh; 'kk•k dk p;u djsa o mUgsa çkUrh; vf/os'ku ;k vU; dk;ZØe esa iqjLÑr<br />

djsaA<br />

7- iqjLdkj lfefr }kjk p;fur çFke 'kk•k dh foLr`r fjiksVZ mudh laLrqfr<br />

vk[;k lfgr jk"Vªh; ea=kh vFkok jk"Vªh; ps;jeSu dks 15 uoEcj] 2009 rd Hkstus dh<br />

Ñik djsaA bu fjiksVksZa ds vk/kj ij dsUæ }kjk jk"Vªh; vf/os'ku esa 'kk•kvksa dks iqjLÑr<br />

fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh lokZf/d ,oa mPpLrjh; dk;ZØe djkus okys çkUrksa dks Hkh<br />

iqjLÑr fd;k tk;sxkA<br />

4 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI uhfr<br />


8- lHkh {ks=kh; ea=kh vius {ks=k esa dk;ZØe dks çHkkoh :i ls lEiUu djkus gsrq<br />

dsUæ ls çkIr funsZ'kksa ds vuqlkj vius {ks=k ds lHkh çkUrh; egklfpoksa o çkUrh;<br />

la;kstdksa ls lEidZ djsa o mfpr ekxZn'kZu nsaA<br />

9- lHkh çkUrh; egklfpo o çkUrh; la;kstd dsUæ o {ks=k ls çkIr funsZ'kksa ds<br />

vuqlkj 'kk•kvksa dks funsZf'kr djsa o çkUrh; i;Zos{kd o 'kk•kvksa ls dk;ZØe fjiksVZ<br />

15 flrEcj rd çkIr djsaA bu fjiksVksZa ds vk/kj ij iqjLdkj lfefr ds lg;ksx ls<br />

çkUr dh çFke] f}rh; o r`rh; 'kk•k dk p;u djsa o çFke LFkku ij jgh 'kk•k dh<br />

foLr`r fjiksVZ jk"Vªh; ea=kh vFkok jk"Vªh; ps;jeSu dks 15 uoEcj rd Hkstus dk d"V<br />

djsaA lkFk gh dsUæ ls çkIr çk:i ij lHkh 'kk•kvksa dh lefUor fjiksVZ Hkh jk"Vªh; ea=kh<br />

vFkok jk"Vªh; ps;jeSu dks 15 uoEcj rd Hkstus dk d"V djsaA<br />

10- lHkh {ks=kh; ea=kh ,oa çkUrh; egklfpo vius {ks=k esa ebZ@twu esa lEiUu<br />

gksus okyh {ks=kh; ,oa çkUrh; cSBdksa esa jk"Vªh; ea=kh vFkok jk"Vªh; ps;jeSu dks fo"k;<br />

dh çHkkoh ,oa foLr`r tkudkjh nsus gsrq fueaf=kr dj ldrs gSaA laLÑfr lIrkg ds vius<br />

çkUr ds Js"B dk;ZØeksa esa jk"Vªh; inkf/dfj;ksa dks fueaf=kr djsaA<br />

11- laLÑfr lIrkg ds vUrxZr çR;sd 'kk•k dks 5 ;k 5 ls vf/d dk;ZØeksa<br />

dks vk;kstu djuk gSA ,d lkaLÑfrd dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu 'kk•k ds lnL; o muds<br />

ifjokj ds lnL;ksa }kjk djuk gSA<br />

lHkh {ks=kh; ea=kh bl i=k dh çfr vius {ks=k ds lHkh çkUrh; egkflpoksa dks ,oa<br />

lHkh çkUrh; egklfpo vius çkUrh; la;kstd dks vxzlfjr djus dh Ñik djsaA<br />

vkids iw.kZ lg;ksx dh vkdka{kk esaA<br />

thou jke xqIrk] jk"Vªh; ps;jeSu c`tsUæ flag oekZ] jk"Vªh; ea=kh<br />

23] xk¡/h cktkj] 236] t;iqj gkml]<br />

mjbZ&285001 (múçú) vkxjk&282010 (múçú)<br />

eks- 94151&69881 eks- 94121&61667<br />

lw;kZ iQkm.Ms'ku }kjk vk;ksftr ;qok f'kfoj<br />

lw;kZ iQkm.Ms'ku }kjk ;qokvksa ds fy, dqN f'kfoj ekg twu] 2009 esa vk;ksftr fd;s<br />

tk jgs gSaA bu f'kfojksa esa ;qokvksa dks ;ksx] laLdkj] yhMjf'ki dh Vsduhd bR;kfn dh Vªsfuax<br />

fo'ks"kKksa }kjk nh tkrh gSA f'kfoj 7 vFkok 15 fnu dk gksrk gSA ifj"kn~ ifjokj ds tks ;qok<br />

bu f'kfojksa esa Hkkx ysuk pkgrs gSa os fuEu irk ij lEidZ djsa %&<br />

lw;kZ iQkm.Ms'ku<br />

ch&3@330] if'pe fogkj] ubZ fnYyh & 110063<br />

nwjHkk"k% 011&25262994] 25253681<br />

bZ&esy % suryafnd@gmail.com, suryapdc@gmail.com<br />

LFkkiuk fnol vkSj çfrHkk lEeku<br />

fdlh O;fDr ds fy, tUefnu vkSj laLFkk ds fy, LFkkiuk fnol vR;Ur<br />

egRoiw.kZ gksrk gSA Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ dh LFkkiuk 10 tqykbZ lu~ 1963 dks ije<br />

vknj.kh; Lo- MkW- lwjt çdk'k th ,oa muds dqN lkfFk;ksa }kjk Hkkjrh; laLÑfr ds<br />

laj{k.k] çpkj ,oa çlkj ds mís'; ls dh x;h FkhA Hkys gh ifFkd pUn Fks ijUrq mís';<br />

,oa vfHkyk"kk egku~ Fkh vkSj pyrs&pyrs dkjok¡ curk x;kA /hjs&/hjs lEidZ] lg;ksx]<br />

laLdkj] lsok vkSj leiZ.k mís'; cu x;s vkSj fnYyh ls iatkc] mÙkj çns'k gksrs gq, vkt<br />

lEiw.kZ Hkkjr esa bldk çlkj gks pqdk gSA lu~ 1963 esa fu:fir ;g ikS/k vkt oV o`{k<br />

dk :i ys pqdk gSA lsok ds {ks=k esa rks ;g fodykaxksa ,oa ouoklh {ks=kksa dh rks ;g laLFkk<br />

elhgk gh cu pqdh gS vkSj vc vUrjkZ"Vªh; laLFkk ds :i esa Hkh dne c



All office bearers at all levels must regularly visit <strong>Parishad</strong>’s website<br />

(www.bvpindia.com) which contains wealth of information on our<br />

mission, our projects / programmes and tools for conduct of our<br />

work. Some of the important tools are listed below; the list is<br />

though not an exhaustive one.<br />

1. Introduction to BVP<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s Vision, Mission and Sutras<br />

● Years of Growth and Maturity<br />

● History - A Journey through the Years – important events since<br />

1963<br />

● Highlights of Achievements – in all fields of work<br />

● Founder Members<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s relationship with other Organisations<br />

2. Basic Documents<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s Constitution<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s Bye Laws<br />

● Election Rules at various levels<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s certificate of registration with Registrar of Societies<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s certificate of registration under Foreign Exchange<br />

Regulations Act<br />

3. Aids to conduct work<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s Logo (Note: To be used only in black and white)<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s Flag<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s Slogans<br />

● Vande Mataram – with audio facility<br />

● Jana-Gana-Mana – with audio facility<br />

● Member’s Sankalp – in Hindi and English<br />

● Dayitva Grahan – in Hindi and English<br />

● Annual Action Plan<br />

● Annual Activities Calendar<br />

4. Forms<br />

● Forms for membership in India – in Hindi and English<br />

● Annual Report by Prantiya General Secretaries<br />

● Travelling Expenses Bill format<br />

5. Guidelines for conducting programmes – complete text<br />

● National Group Song Competition<br />

● <strong>Bharat</strong> Ko Jano Competition<br />

● Guru Vandan Chhatra Abhinandan<br />

● National Sanskrit Group Song Competition<br />

● One day State level Workshop on Environment<br />

6. Information on Prants<br />

● State Maps<br />

● District-wise list of branches<br />

● District Maps<br />

● Latest Prantiya Progress Reports<br />

7. Details of Forthcoming Programmes - at National and Prant<br />

levels<br />

8. Latest News from the Central Office – all communications issued<br />

from the Central Office<br />

9. Projects / Programmes (including Bilingual Prant News)<br />

I. Sanskar - All Projects with details since their inception<br />

● National Group Song Competition<br />

● <strong>Bharat</strong> Ko Jano Competition<br />

● Guru Vandan Chhatra Abhinandan<br />

● National Sanskrit Group Song Competition<br />

● Bal, Yuva, Parivar and Praudh Sanskar<br />

● Guru Deg Bahadur Balidan Diwas<br />

II. Sewa - All Projects with details since their inception<br />

● Vikalag Sahayata Yojana - including details of all the 13 Viklang<br />

Kendras<br />

● Gram / Basti <strong>Vikas</strong> Yojana ● Vanvasi Sahayata Yojana<br />

● Environment<br />

● Samuhik Saral Vivah<br />

● Health (including information on Kota Hospital, Ludhiana Hospital<br />

and Chandigarh Diagnostic Centre)<br />

III. Relief & Legal Aid<br />

● Forms for Membership Abroad – along with guidelines for<br />

membership<br />

● Membership of <strong>Vikas</strong> Ratna / Mitra<br />

● Relief Programmes - Flood Relief Fund ● Legal Aid<br />

● Subscription of Gyan Prabha<br />

IV. Public Relations<br />

● Sanskriti Saptah<br />

● Utkrishtata Samman<br />

8 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI uhfr<br />


V. Permanent Projects – Prant-wise list of all the projects<br />

10. Organisation<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s organisational growth during the years 2001-02 onwards<br />

● News on New Branches<br />

11. Leadership<br />

● <strong>Parishad</strong>’s Patrons ● Leadership - since inception of <strong>Parishad</strong><br />

● Advisers (Nominated / Special Invitee Members to NGB)<br />

● Zonal Patrons<br />

● Biography Dr. Suraj Prakash<br />

● Profile of current National Team<br />

● Duties of National Vice Presidents and National Addl. Secy. Genls.<br />

12. National, Zonal and State Office Bearers (with their contact<br />

numbers and email addresses)<br />

● National Executive Committee Members<br />

● Zonal Executive Committee Members ● State Executive<br />

13. <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Vikas</strong> Ratna & <strong>Vikas</strong> Mitra<br />

14. Complete Issues of Niti and Gyan Prabha<br />

For any thing and every thing regarding<br />

<strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Vikas</strong> <strong>Parishad</strong><br />

visit <strong>Parishad</strong>’s website: www.bvpindia.com<br />

--------------- i`"B 7 dk 'ks"k<br />

lqO;ofLFkr lekjksg }kjk vk;ksftr fd;k rks u dsoy laLFkk ds mís'; dh iw£r gksxh]<br />

cfYd vkidh 'kk•k dh çflf¼ rFkk Nfo lq/jsxh vkSj vusd u;s vPNs O;fDr vkidh<br />

vksj vkd£"kr gksaxs] ftUgsa vki viuh 'kk•k esa lnL; cuk ldrs gSa vkSj ;fn 25 ls<br />

”;knk O;fDr vkils tqM+rs gSa rks vki ubZ 'kk•k cuk ldrs gSaA orZeku esa Hkkjr fodkl<br />

ifj"kn~ dh ,oa xzke lfefr;ksa dh dqy la[;k 920 'kk•k;sa rFkk yxHkx 40]000 lnL;<br />

la[;k gSA gekjk y{; 2013 rd 1000 'kk•k;sa vkSj 1 yk• lnL; dh çkfIr dk gSA<br />

vkids dk;ksZa dh lqxU/ rFkk [;kfr gj {ks=k esa ] gj dksus esa igq¡psxh vkSj vkids ;g<br />

ç;kl y{; çkfIr esa lgk;d gksaxsA<br />

fo'ks"k %&<br />

1- ftl çkUr dh lcls vf/d 'kk•k,¡ ^^LFkkiuk fnol ,oa çfrHkk lEeku lekjksg**<br />

vk;ksftr djasxh mls jk"Vªh; Lrj ij lEekfur fd;k tk;sxkA<br />

2- Ñi;k dk;ZØe dh lwpuk] dk;ZØe dh fjiksVZ eq>s vo'; Hkstus dk d"V djsaA<br />

& lkfo=kh ok".ksZ;] jk"Vªh; ea=kh] LFkkiuk fnol ,oa çfrHkk lEeku<br />

3@145] ^^lkjdqat**] eSfjl jksM] vyhx

us ifj"kn~ ds ikap lw=kksa lEidZ lg;ksx] laLdkj] lsok vkSj leiZ.k dks viukus ij ”kksj<br />

fn;kA bl volj ij uo fuokZfpr inkf/dkfj;ksa dks 'kiFk Hkh fnykbZ xbZA<br />

lkaiyk jksgrd % 'kk[kk }kjk cSlk[kh mRlo ij ifj"kn ds lg;ksx ls czãdqekjh<br />

vkse 'kkfUr lsUVj }kjk ,d jDrnku f'kfoj 12-4-09 dks yxk;k x;kA ftlesa 61 jDrnkrkvksa<br />

}kjk LosPNk ls jDrnku fd;kA 'kqHkkjEHk vè;{kk 'kfDr cgu] fof'k"V vfrfFk lquhrk<br />

vksgY;k.k] /eZohj 'kekZ o laLFkk ds lnL;ksa us feydj fd;kA vè;{k lkfgR;dkj<br />

e/qdkUr us lHkh jDrnkrkvksa] lg;ksfx;ksa rFkk x.kekU; O;fDr;ksa dk Lokxr fd;kA<br />

nfr;k] eè; Hkkjr iwoZ % 'kk•k }kjk fo'kky fu%'kqYd vfLFkokf/d fodykax<br />

Ñf=ke vax forj.k f'kfoj yxk;k x;kA bl f'kfoj esa 14 Ñf=ke gkFk] 13 Ñf=ke iSj] 22<br />

dSyhij] 18 cSlk•h rFkk Jo.k ;a=k fn;s x;sA f'kfoj esa bUnkSj ls jk"Vªh; fodykax lgk;rk<br />

ds vè;{k Jh çFkes'k nslkbZ ,oa {ks=kh; fo/k;d ujksÙke feJ mifLFkr FksA bl f'kfoj esa<br />

Hkkjrh; jsMØkal lkslk;Vh ds vè;{k çnhi •js rFkk lfpo ,e-ds-eYgks=kk dk ljkguh;<br />

lg;ksx jgkA<br />

mTtSu eè; Hkkjr if'pe % 8-3-09 dks 'kk[kk vè;{k Mk- Jherh jRuk<br />

[kkylk ds ekxZn'kZu esa fu%'kqYd LokLF; ijh{k.k f'kfoj vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA L=kh jksx<br />

fo'ks"kK Mk- t;k feJ }kjk 121 efgykvksa dk LokLF; ijh{k.k fd;k x;kA efgykvksa ds<br />

jDr esa gheksXyksfcu ,oa 'kqxj dh tkap Mk- th-ds- ukxj }kjk dh xbZA<br />

Nrjiqj % 'kk[kk }kjk vk;ksftr rhu fnolh; fu%'kqYd us=k f'kfoj esa 20 eksfr;ka<br />

fcUn jksfx;ksa dk Mk- oh-ds- xqIrk us=k fo'ks"kK }kjk vkWijs'ku dj ysal çR;kjksi.k dj 20<br />

eksfr;kafcUn jksfx;ksa dks jks'kuh çnku dh xbZA mDr f'kfoj esa 150 us=k jksfx;ksa dk ijh{k.k<br />

fd;k x;k ftleas 20 eksfr;kafcUn jksxh vkWijs'ku ;ksX; ik;s x;sA us=k f'kfoj mn~kkVu 16<br />

ekpZ dks Jh vxzoky çkarh; dk;Zokgd vè;{k Lora=krk lsukuh }kjk fd;k x;k rFkk<br />

lekiu 19 ekpZ dks gqvkA bl volj ij eq[; vfrfFk Jherh xk;=kh nsoh us Hkkjr fodkl<br />

ds bl dk;Z dh ç'kalk dhA fof'k"V vfrfFk Mk- oh-ds- xqIrk ch-ds- JhokLro dk;Zikyu<br />

ea=kh] Nrjiqj 'kk[kk ds vè;{k dey vxzoky] ofj"B çkarh; lglfpo jktsUæ vxzoky]<br />

mikè;{k euh"k 'kekZ] us vius gkFkksa }kjk jksfx;ksa dks p'ek ,oa nok çnku fd;kA<br />

fi+Qjks”kkckn eq[;] czt çns'k % 'kk•k }kjk fu%'kqYd fpfdRlk f'kfoj 22 ekpZ]<br />

09 dks vkxjk ds lqfo[;kr fpfdRlk txr esa vxz.kh iq"ikcfy gkWLihVy ,oa fjlZp lssaVj<br />

ds Lis'kfyLV fpfdRldksa ds lg;ksx ls yxk;k x;kA f'kfoj esa fucZy o fu%lgk; oxZ ds<br />

yxHkx 1367 ejh”kksa dk fu%'kqYd pSdvi bZ-lh-th- bZdks] ,oa CyM 'kwxj dh tkap dh<br />

xbZA uxjikfydk ps;jeSu euh"k vlhtk] çkUrh; vè;{k vfer tSu ,oa ”kksuy ea=kh Jh<br />

latho tSu mifLFkr FksA 'kk•k lfpo ih- vfuy xqIrk us lapkyu fd;kA 'kk•k vè;{k<br />

lq/hj tSu us lHkh dk vkHkkj O;Dr fd;kA jktsUæ foJke x`g ij vkxjk ,l-,u- esfMdy<br />

dkWyst ds Mk- ,u-oh- flag ds lg;ksx ls fu%'kqYd us=k fpfdRlk f'kfoj dk vk;kstu gks<br />

jgk gSA vHkh rd 6 dSEi 'kk[kk }kjk yxk;s tk pqds gSA ftlesa djhc 2800 ejhtksa dh<br />

vka[kksa dh tkap ,oa p'eksa dh tkap dh xbZA bl f'kfoj esa 220 ejhtksa ds eksfr;kfcUn<br />

dk vkijs'ku ySUl Mky dj fd;s x, gSA<br />

cqyUn'kgj xkSjo] if'peh mÙkj çns'k% 'kk•k }kjk 15-03-09 dks ,d nUr<br />

ijh{k.k f'kfoj MkW- lfpu vxzoky] ch-Mh-,l-,iQ-,-th-,iQ ds lg;ksx ls bZnxkg jksM ij<br />

vk;ksftr fd;k x;kAf'kfoj esa 110 ejhtksa ds nk¡rksa dk ijh{k.k fd;k x;kA<br />

Hkk;Unj] egkjk"Vª&1 % 'kk•k us 27 ekpZ dks uo o"kZ ds miy{; esa vk;ksftr<br />

uo o"kZ Lokxr ;k=kk esa Hkkjr ekrk dh >k¡dh ds lkFk fgLlk fy;kA ;k=kk esa yksxksa dk<br />

vHkwriwoZ mRlkg feykA jkeuoeh ds ikou ioZ ij 3 vçSy dks eqÝr Fksyslsfe;k tkap ,oa<br />

jDrnku f'kfoj dk vk;kstu Hkk;anj jsyos LVs'ku ij fd;k x;kA 52 ;wfuV jDr ljyk CyM<br />

cSad ds lg;ksx ls bDV~Bk fd;k x;kA<br />

ykyMw] iatkc iwoZ % 28 iQjojh] 09 dks vk¡•ksa dk vkWijs'ku dSEi yxk;k x;kA<br />

blesa 500 ejht pSdvi fd;s x;sA 80 yksxksa dks eqÝr ,sudas nh xbZA 60 yksxksa dks eqÝr<br />

ySal yxk;s x;sA 5 vçSy] 09 dks jDrnku f'kfoj yxk;k x;k ftlesa Jh vkbZ-Mh- vks>k]<br />

o vt; nÙkk dh mifLFkfr esa 192 ;wfuV ih-th-vkbZ Vhe us bdf=kr fd;kA blesa 10<br />

efgykvksa dk Hkh lg;ksx 'kkfey FkkA<br />

^ifj"kn~ ds LFkk;h çdYi*<br />

Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ ds ^LFkk;h çdYi* iqLrd dk uohu laLdj.k&2009]<br />

lg;ksx jkf'k #i;s 12@&ewY; ij dsUæh; dk;kZy; esa miyC/ gSA vius<br />

vkMZj çsf"kr dj eaxkus dk d"V djsaA<br />

Dr. Suraj Prakash said :<br />

1. Primarily, <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Vikas</strong> <strong>Parishad</strong> is not a 'club'. It is council of the<br />

elite, intellectuals and the well-to-do who have dedicated themselves<br />

to the service of the poor, disabled, illiterate and the ignorant by<br />

gradually developing in them a sense of responsibility and self<br />

confidence, which is really the concept of our service to the needy.<br />

2- vuq'kklu çR;sd laxBu dh vk/kjf'kyk gSA ifj"kn~ dk fodkl vuq'kklu] fu%LokFkZ<br />

lsok ,oa R;kx ds fl¼kUrksa ij gh vk/kfjr gS] tks O;fDr fu%LokFkZ lsok ,oa R;kx djuk<br />

pkgrk gS mls vkRe vuq'kklu lcls igys lh•uk iM+rk gSA vius vge~ ,oa LokFkksZa<br />

dks laxBu] jk"Vª ,oa blds fuokfl;ksa ds fy, cfynku djuk iM+rk gSA ;fn dksbZ O;fDr<br />

,slk fo'okl djrk gS fd og laxBu ls cM+k gS ,oa mls fdlh nwljs ls funsZ'k ysus dh<br />

vko';drk ugha gS rks ,slk O;fDr laxBu ds fy, ik=k ugha gSA ,sls O;fDr dh laxBu<br />

esa mifLFkfr fdlh ykHk dh vis{kk gkfu gh vf/d igq¡pk,xh pkgs og O;fDr fdruk<br />

Hkh fu"Bkoku ,oa lfØ; D;ksa u gksA<br />

12 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI T;s"B&vk"kk

egkjk"Vª&1<br />

çkUr }kjk 5 vçSy] 2009 dks<br />

eqEcbZ ls yxHkx 145 fdehñ nwj lku<br />

ouoklh@vkfnoklh {ks=k fgjM+ikM+k]<br />

ftyk Bk.ks esa 128 fookg ;ksX;<br />

ouoklh tksM+ksa dk lkewfgd fookg<br />

laLdkj lEiUu djk;k x;kA lekjksg<br />

esa Hkkx ysus ds fy, lekt ds vusd<br />

x.kekU; O;fDr;ksa@lektlsfo;ksa ds<br />

lkFk Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ ds<br />

dk;ZdrkZ@inkf/dkjh Hkh mifLFkr FksA<br />

çkUrh; vè;{k ohjsUæ ;kKfu us crk;k<br />

fd ouoklh@vkfnoklh {ks=k ds yksx<br />

fu/Zurk vkSj lk/ughurk ds dkj.k<br />

vius jhfrfjoktksa vkSj ijEijk ds<br />

vuqlkj fookg ugha dj ikrs gSa] ysfdu<br />

os ifjokj clk ysrs gSa] vkSj e`R;q gksus<br />

ij ,sls O;fDr;ksa dk nkg<br />

laLdkj@Jk¼deZ Hkh ugha gksrk gSA<br />

mDr fLFkfr dks è;ku esa j•dj Hkkjr<br />

fodkl ifj"kn~ us bu ouokfl;ksa dh<br />

muds jhfrfjoktksa ds vuqlkj lkewfgd<br />

fookg dh ;kstuk cukbZA Jh ;kKfu us<br />

crk;k fd ifj"kn~ fiNys ik¡p o"kksZa esa<br />

550 ls vf/d tksM+kas dk bl çdkj<br />

dk lkewfgd fookg lEiUu djk pqdsa<br />

gSA bl vk;kstu dks liQy cukus esa<br />

lqçfl¼ lektlsohx.k loZJh<br />

MkypUn th xqIrk] Jh fo'oukFk<br />

pkS/jh] Jh bUædqekj ikVksfn;k]vkfn<br />

dk uke fo'ks"k :i ls mYys•fu; gSA<br />

lqnwj xk¡o fgjM+ikM+k esa eqEcbZ ls yxHkx<br />

150 x.kekU; yksxksa us Lo;a mifLFkr<br />

vU; xfrfof/;k¡<br />

gksdj dU;knku fd;k vkSj lkewfgd<br />

fookg laLdkj lEiUu djk;kA bl<br />

volj ij Jh ;kKfud us crk;k fd<br />

ouokfl;ksa ds fodkl ds fy, 'khkz<br />

gh ,sls vkSj vU; lkekftd dk;ZØe<br />

gkFk esa fy, tk,¡xsa vkSj vxyk<br />

lkewfgd fookg vDVwcj&uoEcj]<br />

2009 esa lEiUu gksxkA<br />

uoh eqEcbZ % 12-04-09 dks lHkh<br />

lHkklnksa dh ok£"kd lHkk dk vk;kstu<br />

vk;Zlekt gky] lsDVj&9] ok'kh esa fd;k<br />

x;kA bl lHkk esa 35 lnL; mifLFkr FksA<br />

'kk•k vè;{k Jh dkfUr yky BDdj dk<br />

vè;{kh; Hkk"k.k gqvk ftlesa mUgksaus ^L=kh<br />

'kfDr* dk mYys• djrs gq, efgyk<br />

dk;ZdrkZvksa dk ;ksxnku dkiQh gS ;g<br />

crk;kA bl o"kZ dk;Zdkfj.kh esa 40»<br />

efgyk,¡ gSaA rnqijkUr 2008&09 dh ok£"kd<br />

jiV lfpo Jherh pksiMs us çLrqr dhA<br />

lHkk us orZeku jkT; çfrfuf/ Jh<br />

HkhethHkkbZ :ik.khth dks o"kZ 2009&10<br />

ds fy, pquk rFkk orZeku vads{kd Jh<br />

th-Mh- vè;kid dks o"kZ 2009&10 ds<br />

fy, vads{kd fu;qDr fd;kA eq[; vfrfFk<br />

çkUrh; laxBu ea=kh deys'k ikjhd us<br />

dk;Zdkfj.kh ds lHkh inkf/dkfj;ksa@lnL;ksa<br />

dks 'kiFk fnykbZA Jh ikjhd th ds mifLFkfr<br />

esa Jh euksgjyky rFkk Jh :ik.khth us<br />

fodkl fe=k cuus dk bjknk kksf"kr fd;kA<br />

Jh ijhd th us nksuksa dk vfHkuUnu<br />

fd;kA 'kk•k ls mDr nksuksa çFke fodkl<br />

fe=k gksaxsA u;h vè;{kk Jherh xks•ys th<br />

us u;h Vhe dh vksj ls lHkh dk /U;okn<br />

fd;kA<br />

cksfjoyh % 'kk•k us uoo"kZ çfrink<br />

ds miy{k esa gj o"kZ dh Hkk¡fr bl o"kZ Hkh<br />

gou] ;K ,oa 'kk•k dk;Zdkfj.kh dk<br />

nkf;Ro xzg.k lekjksg 27-03-09 dks lEiUu<br />

fd;k x;kA lekjksg ds eq[; vfrfFk<br />

mejko th vksLrkoy (m|eh ,oa<br />

lektlsoh) fof'k"V vfrfFk vkj- ih-<br />

'kekZ] jk"Vªh; vè;{k] lEekuh; vfrfFk<br />

Jh lEir •qjfn;k] ({ks=kh; lfpo)]<br />

lEekuh; vfrfFk fojsUæ ;kKfud] çkUrh;<br />

vè;{k rFkk vU; dbZ çkUrh; ,oa 'kk•k<br />

inkf/dfj;ksa dh mifLFkfr esa lEiUu gqvkA<br />

fof'k"V vfrfFk vkj-ih-'kekZ us ubZ<br />

dk;Zdkfj.kh dks 'kiFk fnykbZA cksfjoyh<br />

'kk•k dh fo'ks"k miyfC/;ksa esa bl o"kZ<br />

jk"Vªh; lewgxku çfr;ksfxrk djkbZ xbZA<br />

'kk•k }kjk xq# oUnu ,oa Nk=k vfHkuUnu<br />

esa dqy 88 Ldwyksa esa ls 1200 Nk=kksa ,oa<br />

1300 f'k{kdksa dk lEekfur fd;k x;k<br />

ftlesa dqy 50]000 Nk=k@Nk=kkvksa us Hkkx<br />

fy;kA<br />

14 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI T;s"B&vk"kk

;ksxnku fn;kA Jh fot; pksiM+k] eq[;<br />

lEiknd] iatkc dsljh dh vksj ls #i;s<br />

11000@& dk pSd bl dk;Z ds fy, çkIr<br />

gqvkA<br />

iatkc iwoZ<br />

e.Mh xksfoUnx

ds- tSu] jk"Vªh; ea=kh foLrkj us vius<br />

mn~cks/u esa Hkk-fo-i- dh 'kk[kk,sa iapk;r<br />

Lrj ij [kksyus dh vko';drk ij cy<br />

fn;kA Hkk-fo-i- dh vuwBh ;kstuk ^fodkl<br />

fe=k* ds fy;s lkr lnL;ksa us viuk<br />

va'knku dsUæ esa fn;kA vuwix

vfHkuUnu fd;k x;k ,oa feBkbZ ckaVh xbZA<br />

bl volj ij 'kkfuyky lsB] ,oa ekFkqj<br />

fouksn vxzoky vkfn us o#.k iwtk dhA<br />

dk;ZØe dk lapkyu Mk- ;qf/f"Bj f=kosnh<br />

us fd;kA ifj"kn fd uo fuokZfpr<br />

dk;Zdkfj.kh dk 'kiFk lekjksg U;k;/h'k<br />

czts'k iqjksfgr ,oa jk"Vªh; mikè;{k ,lds-<br />

oekZ rFkk jk"Vªh; fodkl ea=kh ih-dstSu<br />

ds eq[; vkfrF; esa lEiUu gqvkA<br />

HkwisUæ 'kekZ us çfrosnu çLrqr fd;kA ,-<br />

ih- ekFkqj us vius çFke mn~cks/u esa dgk<br />

fd l=k 9&10 esa Hkou foLrkj rFkk fodkl<br />

fe=k cukus ds dkeksa dks çkFkfedrk nh<br />

tk;sxhA bl volj ij ,-ih- ekFkqj jktsUæ<br />

'kqDyk] 'kkfuyky lsB gjs'k yjrkuh] egs'k<br />

ekFkqj rFkk Hkaoj flag xkSM dks fodkl<br />

fe=k cuk;k x;kA<br />

çkUr dh uo fuokZfpr dk;Zdkfj.kh<br />

dk 'kiFk lekjksg ckalokM+k esa U;w yqd<br />

lsUVªy Ldqwy esa çnhi dksBjh dh estckuh<br />

rFkk U;k;/h'k c`ts'k iqjksfgr dh vè;{krk<br />

,oa jk"Vªh; mikè;{k ,l-ds-oekZ] rFkk ihds-tSu]<br />

foLrkj ea=kh ds eq[; vfrF; esa<br />

lEiUu gqvkA l=k 2009&10 ds fy,<br />

fuokZfpr çkUrh; vè;{k MkW- jfoUæ esgrk<br />

us dgk fd bl o"kZ çkUr esa 151 fodkl<br />

fe=k cukus dk y{; j•k gSA<br />

HkhywMk % 'kk•k }kjk 29 ekpZ 09<br />

dks 'kiFk xzg.k lekjksg lEiUu gqvkA<br />

ew[; vfrfFk iwoZ dkfcuk ea=kh dudey<br />

dVkjk] Hkk-fo-i- çkUrh; laj{kd egsUæ<br />

flag R;kxh dh vè;{krk] fof'k"B vfrfFk<br />

ç/kukpk;Z fuHkZ;jke HkV~V] çkUrh; foLrkj<br />

çeq[k eksguyky lq=k/kj] 'kk[kk laj{kd<br />

ujsUæ iaM`;k ds lkfuè; esa lekjksg gvqkA<br />

Mk- R;kxh us uohu lnL;ksa dks o eq[;<br />

vfrfFk us uo xfBr vè;{k rqytk'kadj<br />

HkV~V] lfpo yksds'k HkV~V] dks"kkè;{k<br />

eukst tSu dks 'kiFk fnykbZA lapkyu<br />

lquhy HkV~V us fd;kA ykds'k HkV~V lfpo<br />

o eukst tSu dks"kkè;{k in gsrq fufoZjks/<br />

lEiUu gq,sA 03 vçSy dks jke uoeh ds<br />

miy{; esa Jh jkqukFkth eafnj esys esa<br />

fu%'kqYd 'khry ty dh O;oLFkk dh<br />

xbZA<br />

jktLFkku nf{k.k iwoZ<br />

f'kokth dksVk % 'kk[kk }kjk usrkth<br />

lqHkk"k pUæ cksl ds tUe fnu ij xzkeh.k<br />

cLrh fodkl ;kstuk ds vUrxZr vEcsMdj<br />

cLrh esa vk;kstu fd;k x;kA bl volj<br />

ij oDrkvksa us lqHkk"k ds thou ls ns'k<br />

HkfDr R;kx vkSj cfynku dh f'k{kk xzg.k<br />

djus dh f'k{kk nhA vkSj Ñf"k oSKkfud<br />

Mk- rksej us dgk fd ge ,d çf'k{k.k<br />

f'kfoj pykrs gSa ftlesa efgykvksa dks<br />

fu%'kqYd fofHkUu oLrqvksa dks cukus dh<br />

Vªsfux nh tkrh gSA laLFkk dksVk ds lg;ksx<br />

ls ,d vfLFkjksx ,oa vkfLFk kuRo dk<br />

fu%'kqYd tkap ,oa ijke'kZ f'kfoj dk<br />

vk;kstu 12-2-09 dks isU'kulZ Hkou<br />

pEoyxkMuZ dksVk esa fd;k x;kA f'kfoj<br />

esa 105 jksfx;ksa us viuh tkap djokdj<br />

funku djok;kA gksyh ds miy{k esa gksyh<br />

feyu lekjksg ,oa Hktu lUè;k dk<br />

dk;ZØe 15-3-09 dks j[kk x;kA dk;ZØe<br />

ds eq[; vfrfFk Jh jkts'k fcjyk vè;{k<br />

miHkksDrk gksy lsy Hk.Mkj dksVk ds<br />

mifLFkr FksA lfpo Jhdkcjk us lHkh<br />

vfrfFk;kas o i/kjs egkuqHkkoks dk vkHkkj<br />

O;Dr fd;k x;kA dk;ZØe esa Jh ih-dstSu<br />

vè;{k ,oa Jherh jkexksiky {ks=kh;s<br />

laxBu ea=kh Hkh mifLFkr jgsA<br />

HkokuheaMh ;qok % 'kk[kk dh<br />

ekfld lk/kj.k cSBd 13-2-09 dks gqbZ<br />

ftlesa ifj"kn ds okf"kZd pquko ,oa<br />

uolEor~lj ij ppkZ gqbZA 27 ekpZ<br />

uolaorlj LFkkuh; cky fudsru Ldwy<br />

esa euk;k x;kA rFkk uohu lnL;ksa o<br />

dk;Zdkfj.kh dks 'kiFk fnykbZ xbZA blh<br />

fnu 3000 iEiysV ckaVs x;s rFkk uhe dk<br />

'kcZr fiyk;k x;kA<br />

Hkokuhe.Mh % 'kk•k }kjk xehZ esa<br />

eqlkfiQjksa dh I;kl cq>kus ds fy, çfro"kZ<br />

dh rjg bl o"kZ Hkh uxj ds 11 lkoZtfud<br />

LFkkuksa ij 'khry I;kmQ dk fof/or 2-4-<br />

09 dks 'kqHkkjEHk fd;k x;kA bl volj<br />

ij ifj"kn~ ds çkarh; vf/dkjh ekS”kwn FksA<br />

uxj esa 2 ty efUnj I;kmQ dk lqpk:<br />

:i ls lapkyu fd;k tk jgk gSA<br />

NcM+k ckjka % 'kk[kk }kjk 27-3-09<br />

dks iwoZ vè;{k çdk'k pan tSu ds vkokl<br />

ij lHkh lnL; mifLFkr gq, ,oa ;gk¡ ls<br />

cSM&cktksa ds lkFk fryd xqyky yxkrs<br />

gq, tqyql fudkyk x;k ftlesa jkLrs ij<br />

lHkh yksxksa dks fryd yxkdj uo o"kZ dh<br />

'kqHkdkeuk,a nhA ifj"kn~ ds iwoZ vè;{k<br />

cuokjh yky egs'ojh ds vkokl ij<br />

lEiUu gqvkA<br />

lhlokM+k ckjka % 'kk[kk }kjk<br />

uolaoRlj ioZ g"kksZYykl ls euk;k x;kA<br />

'kk[kk lnL;ksa us lHkh yksxksa dks fryd<br />

yxk dj vfHkoknu fd;kA cl LVasM ij<br />

vkrs tkrs yksxksa dks 'khry is; fiykdj<br />

lsok dk;Z fd;kA bl volj ij<br />

vkseçdk'k esMroky] lR;ukjk;.k xxZ]<br />

eukst lksuh] lqjs'k [kaMsyoky] #idqekj<br />

tSu] çHkqyky ukxj] vkfn lnL; o<br />

uhfr<br />

inkf/dkjh mifLFkr FksA<br />

lkcyk Mawxjiqj % 'kk[kk }kjk 27-<br />

3-09 dks mRlkg iwoZd uolaoRlj ioZ<br />

euk;k x;kA xkao ds xzkeokfl;ksa esa yxHkx<br />

300 c/kbZ lans'k çsf"kr fd, x,A uo<br />

laor~lj ij ;kf=k;ksa ds ihus gsrq clLVsaM<br />

LFky ij fu%'kqYd 'khry is;ty dh<br />

O;oLFkk dh xbZA I;kmQ ds 'kqHkkjEHk ij<br />

eq[; laLFkkid clUryky ljkiZQ 'kk[kk<br />

vè;{k fo".kq mikè;{k lfpo lqjs'k 'kekZ<br />

dks"kkè;{k yfyr lsB] vkfn lnL; mifLFkr<br />

FksA<br />

jktLFkku mÙkj&iwoZ<br />

fHkokM+h çkUr % 1-3-09 dks ân;<br />

tkap f'kfoj dk vk;kstu xksihukFk gLirky<br />

ds la;qDr rRok/ku esa vk;ksftr fd;k<br />

x;kA f'kfoj esa 510 ejhtksa dh tkap dhA<br />

bl volj ij ejhtksa dks eqÝr bokbZ;ka<br />

Hkh forfjr dh xbZA 9-3-09 dks ikfjokfjd<br />

gksyh feyu lekjksg dk vk;kstu fd;k<br />

x;kA 27-3-09 dks uo laor~lj 2066 cM+h<br />

/we&/ke ds lkFk euk;k x;kA bl fnu<br />

'kgj ds dkiQh LFkkuksa ij 'kqHkdkeuk,s<br />

cSuj yxk;sa x;sA bl lky ifj"kn~ us 7 u;s<br />

^fodkl fe=k* cuk;s ftuds uke gS jatu<br />

vxzoky czt eksgu vxzoky jkds'k<br />

ckykSfy;k vuqie 'kqDyk eksgu xqIrk<br />

nhid caly vfuy xzksoj blds vykok<br />

#i;s 5100 cuoklh dY;k.k lgk;rk ds<br />

fy, Hksts x;sA<br />

jktLFkku eè;<br />

ukxkSj % 'kk[kk }kjk bZdkbZ us<br />

uolaorlj 2066 g"kksZYykl ls euk;k<br />

lkFk gh ifj"kn us foØeh laor dks gh<br />

20 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI T;s"B&vk"kk

u;k o"kZ ekudj eukus gsrq tuekul dh<br />

i`"BHkwfe rS;kj dhA vke tu dks çsfjr<br />

dj vfHk;ku dk 'kqHkkjaHk fd;k x;kA<br />

ftlesa yxHkx 3000 O;fDr;ksa us ladYi<br />

ysdj uo laorlj dks gh uo o"kZ eukus<br />

dk ladYi fy;kA<br />


vyoj (jktLFkku<br />

mÙkj&iwoZ) 'kk•k ds<br />

nkf;Ro xzg.k volj ij<br />

lEcksf/r djrs gq, jk"Vªh;<br />

dk;Zdkjh vè;{k bZ'oj<br />

nÙk vks>kA<br />

f'kokth dksVk (jktLFkku<br />

nf{k.k&iwoZ) xzke cLrh<br />

fodkl ;kstuk dk;ZØe<br />

ds volj ij eapLFk<br />

inkf/dkjhA<br />

jk/kdqat (fnYyh iwoZ)<br />

'kk•k }kjk egkohj t;Urh<br />

ds volj ij fodykaxksa<br />

dks frifg;k lkbZfdy nha<br />

xbZA bl volj ij ,l-<br />

,l- tSu] jk"Vªh; mikè;{k<br />

vU; vf/dkfj;ksa ds lkFk<br />

ihNs •M+s gSaA<br />

fiQjks”kkckn (czt çns'k)<br />

'kk•k }kjk vk;ksftr us=k<br />

fpfdRlk f'kfoj esa<br />

fpfdRldksa }kjk vk¡•ksa<br />

dh tkap dh xbZ<br />


------------ i`"B 23 dk 'ks"k<br />


fodkl ------------ i`"B fe=k 27 cusA dk ,d 'ks"k lnL; us<br />

fuekZ.kk/hu fodykax dsUæ ds fy, 1-25<br />

yk• #i;s dh jkf'k ls dejk cukus dh<br />

is'kd'k dhA blds vfrfjDr 'kk•k us<br />

100 O;fDr;ksa dks Ñf=ke vax nsus dh<br />

is'kd'k dhA<br />

;kstuk fogkj % fnYyh çns'k iwoZ<br />

}kjk 5 vçSy] 09 dks efgyk tSu feyu<br />

(;kstuk fogkj) ds lg;ksx ls Hkxoku<br />

egkohj t;Urh ds 'kqHk volj ij ,d<br />

HkO; lekjksg dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA<br />

bldh vè;{krk Jh vkj-Mh-tSu m|ksxifr<br />

,oa lektlsoh }kjk dh xbZA Jh ,l-,ltSu]<br />

jk"Vªh; mikè;{k] MkW- vkj-ds-Bkdqj]<br />

eq[; laj{kd fn-ek-fo-iQkm.Ms'ku vfr<br />

fof'kf"V vfrfFk FksA 'kk•k }kjk ,d<br />

fodykax lgk;rk dsUæ o vLirky yxHkx<br />

,d djksM+ #i;s dh ykxr ls ;equk ikj]<br />

fnYyh esa cuok;k tk jgk gS ftlesa xjhcksa<br />

dh lsok dh tk;sxhA mUgksaus vk¡•ksa ds<br />

vkWijs'ku ds fy, 5 yk• #i;s dh jkf'k<br />

nku ds :i esa nsus dk cpu fn;kA Jherh<br />

'kkjnk tSu tks fd efgyk tSu feyu dh<br />

çeq• gS us dgk fd nqf•;ksa dh lsok<br />

djuk gh euq"; dk ije dÙkZO; gS vkSj<br />

Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ dk eq[; mís'; Hkh<br />

;gh gSA bl 'kqHkvolj ij cgqr ls lekt<br />

lsoh] egkuqHkoksa us mifLFkr gksdj lekjksg<br />

dh 'kksHkk c

caly us dh rFkk lapkyu 'kk•k lfpo<br />

fouksn /ou us fd;kA lekjksg esa E;qftdy<br />

ps;j rFkk rEcksyk •sy çfr;ksfxrk Hkh<br />

djkbZ xbZA çkUrh; egklfpo us ifj"kn~<br />

}kjk lekt lsok ds fy, fd;s x;s dk;ksZa<br />

ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls ppkZ dhA dk;ZØe<br />

ds nkSjku lnL;ksa dks ç'kfLr i=k nsdj<br />

lEekfur fd;k x;kA 'kk•k lfpo fouksn<br />

/ou dks çkUr }kjk vk;ksftr {ks=kh;<br />

lEesyu esa Js"B lfpo dk iqjLdkj fn;k<br />

x;kA le; ij gj ekg foLr`r fjiksVZ<br />

Hkstus ds fy, bUgsa iqjLdkj fn;k x;kA<br />

dk'kh çns'k<br />

jkeuxj okjk.klh % 'kk•k }kjk<br />

uo laoRlj dk dk;ZØe 27-03-09 dks<br />

MkW- fot; flag ds vkokl ij euk;k x;k<br />

,oa o"kZ 2009&10 ds inkf/dkfj;ksa dk<br />

pquko dsUæh; i;sos{kd ds :i esa mifLFkr<br />

MkW- ujsUæ xqIrk ,oa çkUrh; pquko vf/<br />

dkjh ds :i esa MkW- fot;kuUn frokjh ds<br />

ns•&js• esa lEiUu gqvkA<br />

if'peh mÙkj çns'k<br />

lkfgckckn % 11 ekpZ dks loZlk/<br />

kj.k ds fy, gksyh feyu lekjksg vk;ksftr<br />

fd;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe esa ^lwjt ,.M<br />

ikVhZ* ds mRÑ"V dykdkjksa }kjk euksjatd<br />

o eueksgd lkaLÑfrd dk;ZØe çLrqr<br />

fd;s x;sA 7 LFkkuh; laLFkkvksa us vius<br />

lnL;ksa ds lkFk lifjokj i/kj dj dk;ZØe<br />

esa lgHkkfxrk dhA 'kk•k }kjk ikjLifjd<br />

lg;ksx c

lEekfur fd;k x;kA<br />

cqyUn'kgj % 'kk•k dk LFkkiuk<br />

lekjksg pquequ gksVy esa çkUrh; vè;{k<br />

lat; laxyk dh vè;{krk esa<br />

liQyrkiwoZd lEiUu gqvkA dk;ZØe esa<br />

çkUrh; dks"kkè;{k g`n; eksgu feÙky]<br />

jk"Vªh; okblps;jeSu MkW- ,e-ih-xqIrk]<br />

jk"Vªh; la;kstd MkW- vkj-ds-feÙky]<br />

dks"kkè;{k nhik vxzoky] ftykè;{k fnus'k<br />

flagy ds vfrfjDr •qjtk] xqykoBh]<br />

cqyUn'kgj fojkB] xkSjo 'kk•k] rFkk<br />

fldUæckn ls vk;s ifj"kn~ ds inkf/<br />

dkfj;ksa o lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA<br />

ç;kx<br />

çcq¼ ,oa dkS'kkEch % 'kk•k ds<br />

la;qDr rRoko/ku esa uo lEoRlj lekjksg<br />

vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA lekjksg eas eq[;<br />

vfrfFk cM+s guqeku eafnj ds O;oLFkkid<br />

Jh vkuUn fxfj us dgk fd ekrk vkSj<br />

firk rFkk /eZ dks lgh ek;us esa Hkkjr esa<br />

gh ifjHkkf"kr fd;k x;k gSA vkxs mUgksa us<br />

dgk fd ek¡ nqxkZ dh vkjk/uk ds lkFk<br />

uo lEoRlj dk çkjEHk gksrk gSA çcq¼<br />

'kk•k ds vè;{k fnus'k •Uuk ,oa dkS'kkEch<br />

'kk•k ds vè;{k vkasdkj vxzoky us yksxksa<br />

dks uo laoRlj dh 'kqHkdkeuk;sa nhA bl<br />

ekSds ij lapkyu la;kstd vfuy V.Mu<br />

rFkk /U;okn Kkiu çcq¼ 'kk•k ds lfpo<br />

mes'k pUæ dDdM+ us fd;kA<br />

f=kos.kh bykgkckn % uo lEor~lj<br />

ds ikou ioZ ij 'kk[kk ds inkf/dkfj;ksa<br />

dks nkf;Ro xzg.k djkuk cgqr gh iquhr<br />

dk;Z gSA f=kos.kh 'kk[kk us lsok ,oa laLdkj<br />

ds vusd çdYiksa dks foxr o"kkZs esa<br />

lEiUu fd;k gSA foey çdk'k JhokLro<br />

us Mk- gsMxsokj ds thou ij c`gn~ çdk'k<br />

MkykA çkUrh; egklfpo f'ko uUnu xqIrk<br />

us u;s lnL;s Mk- jes'k pUæ vxzoky dks<br />

ladYi xzg.k djk;kA lekjksg esa fxj/kjh<br />

yky vxzoky] lq'khy dqekj jLrksxh]<br />

mÙke pUæ vxzoky] vkse çdk'k flag]<br />

Jherh Ñ".kk vkfn mifLFkr jgsA<br />

ç;kx % 'kk•k }kjk 01-03-09 dks<br />

lkekU; lHkk esa MkW- ,l-ds-'kqDyk ds<br />

vkfrF; esa Hkkjrh; laLÑfr tks ic laLÑfr<br />

ls fcxM+ jgh gS ml ij foLrkj ls ppkZ<br />

dh xbZa 11-03-09 dks gksyh feyu dk<br />

vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa eq[; vfrfFk<br />

MkW- ujsUæ flag xkSj] iwoZ lfpo múçú<br />

'kklu eq[; vkfrfFk FksA 29-03-09 dks<br />

Vscy Vsful VwukZesUV djk;k x;k ftlds<br />

la;kstd Jh vej ukFk HkkxZo FksA<br />

cqUnsy•.M<br />

ohjkaxuk] >k¡lh % ohjkaxuk (csVh<br />

cpkvksa ds rRoko/ku esa eqUuk HkSÕ;k lkgw<br />

dh vè;{krk esa cztHkwfe nkl egkjkt<br />

vè;{k bLdkWu] >k¡lh ds eq[; vkfrF; o<br />

jktw dkuksfM;k rFkk jktho uxfj;k ds<br />

la;qDr dk;ZØe la;kstu esa uo lEor~lj<br />

2066 ds 'kqHkkjEHk ij mRlo euk;k x;kA<br />

vo/ xksj{k<br />

bfUnjkuxj] y•uÅ % 'kk•k }kjk<br />

uolaor~lj ,oa jke uoeh ds volj ij<br />

'kk•k dh mikè;{k Jherh dSyk'k ;kno<br />

ds fuokl ij 3 vçSy] 09 dks Hktuksa ds<br />

dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k ftlesa<br />

'kk•k ds lnL;ksa ds vfrfjDr b"V fe=kksa<br />

us Hkh Hkkx fy;kA<br />

czt çns'k<br />


dks viukdj ifj"kn~ dh la[;k nksxquh<br />

djus dk ladYi djsA<br />

fgekpy çns'k<br />

eukyh % 'kk•k dh vksj ls uo<br />

lEor~ 2066 gk£nd 'kqHkdkeukvkas lfgr<br />

fof/or~ iwoZd g"kksZYykl ds lkFk euk;k<br />

x;k ftlesa 'kk•k ds lHkh lnL;ksa us mRlkg<br />

iwoZd Hkkx ysdj lekt ds lHkh oxksZa dks<br />

uo lEor~ ij c/kbZ nhA bl ekSds ij<br />

ifj"kn~ }kjk eukyh ds pkSgkjks ij uo laor~<br />

dh 'kqHkdkeukvksa dk cSuj yxk;s x;s o<br />

yksxksa esa çlkn ckaVk x;kA mlds mijkUr<br />

lkeqnkf;d LokLF; dsUæ eukyh esa ejhtksa<br />

dks iQy forfjr fd;s x;sA<br />

tEew&d'ehj<br />

tEew if'pe % 'kk•k dh ekfld<br />

lHkk 8 ekpZ] 2009 dks vk;Z lekt<br />

fjgkM+h dkyksuh] tEew esa çkjEHk gqbZA lHkk<br />

dh vè;{krk 'kk•k ç/ku Jh vks-ihegktu<br />

us dhA lnL;ksa ds vfrfjDr Hkkjh<br />

la[;k esa vfrfFk x.k us Hkkx fy;kA eq[;<br />

vfrfFk ,oa eq[; oDrk ia- fo|k Hkkuq th<br />

'kkL=kh us vk;Z lekt fo"k; ij vius<br />

fopkj çLrqr djrs gq, dgk fd vk;Z<br />

'kCn dk vFkZ (Js"B) gSA bldk vFkZ<br />

(bZ'oj dh larku) Hkh gSA bl n`f"V ls<br />

Hkkjr gh ugha fo'o ds lHkh tu vk;Z gSaA<br />

lHkh bZ'oj dh larku gSa] Js"B gSa] vr%<br />

lalkj dk ekuo ek=k vk;Z gSA vk;Z lekt<br />

loZ /eZ leHkko fo'o&<br />

cU/qRo] ekuorkoknh (nhukas) ds çfr<br />

lgkuqHkwfr vkSj lg;ksx dk Hkkx ysdj<br />

pyk gSA blds i'pkr~ 'kk•k }kjk mi<br />

ç/ku Jh vkbZ- Mh- lksuh us eq[; oDrk<br />

ia- fo|k Hkkuq dk /U;okn fd;kA<br />

xqtjkr<br />

HkkHkj % 'kk•k }kjk 29-03-09 dks<br />

uhe o vkWoyk ds jl ckaVus gsrq dk;ZØe<br />

fd;k x;k ftlds vUrxZr yxHkx 3000<br />

yksxksa us ve`riku dj ykHk mBk;kA<br />

dk;ZØe dks liQy cukus esa dyis'k<br />

dqekj] çHkqyky BdDj us viuk ;ksxnku<br />

fn;kA bl çdkj dk dSEi çR;sd o"kZ<br />

vk;ksftr fd;k tkrk gSA<br />

bUæiqjh cjkSnk % 'kk[kk us ty<br />

cpkvksa vfHk;ku ds vUrxZr fcuk jax]<br />

ikuh fliQZ fryd djds gksyh mRlo<br />

euk;kA gksyh mRlo esa vk;s gq, lnL;ksa<br />

dks yky dqedqe yxkdj fryd djds<br />

Lokxr fd;k x;kA bl volj ij 'kk[kk<br />

ds 43 lnL;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA<br />

if'pe caxky<br />

çkUr dh vksj ls dksydkrk ds<br />

gfj;k.kk Hkou esa 03-04-09 dks jke<br />

tUeksRlo euk;k x;kA MkW- okxs'k vkpk;Z<br />

us nhi çTtofyr fd;kA MkW- vkpk;Z us<br />

Hkxoku Jhjke ds thou ewY;kas ij çdk'k<br />

MkykA iq#"kksÙke nkl Hkwr us lkewfgd<br />

laf{kIr jkek;.k dk ikB djk;kA lekt<br />

lsoh Jh tqxy fd'kksj tSofy;k us Jhjke<br />

,oa Jh Ñ".k ds pfj=k ij viuh ckr<br />

dghA çkUr dh vksj ls dksydkrk esa 15<br />

ekpZ dks gksyh feyu dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu<br />

fd;k x;kA mDr lekjksg esa çkUr ds<br />

tud Jh iq#"kksÙke nkl Hkwr ds 80 o"kZ<br />

dh iw£r ij mudk lEeku fd;k x;kA<br />

jk"Vªh; lewgxku çfr;ksfxrk 2008 esa {ks=kh;<br />

xhr esa jk"Vª Lrj ij çFke LFkku çkIr<br />

djus okyh Vhe dks fo'ks"k iqjLdkj fn;k<br />

x;kA<br />

34 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI T;s"B&vk"kk


Avadh Goraksh : Prantiya Workshop of the Avadh Goraksh Prant<br />

for the year 2009-10 was organised on 12th April, 2009 at Rani Laxmi<br />

Bai Senior Secondary School, Sector-14, Indira Nagar, Lucknow. The<br />

Workshop was attended by 49 newly elected/nominated office bearers<br />

of the Prant and Branches. Lectures were delivered by Senior BVP<br />

officials residing in Lucknow.<br />

A new style for the lectures was adopted this year presenting them<br />

through slideshow using computer. This new method was highly<br />

appreciated by all. Another new paper was added by conducting a quiz<br />

at the end on the topics covered by the lectures. First 3 winners were<br />

also given prizes. Workshop was liked by all in its new style.<br />


Punjab East: The State Executive Body meeting of Panjab East<br />

was held on 05.04.2009 at Dera Bassi (Distt. Mohali) which was attended<br />

by Sh. I.D.Ojha, National Working President.<br />

Shri Ajay Dutta, National Secy. Vistar, Zone-1,2,3 ; Shri S.P.Tiwari,<br />

National Chairman, Seminar Committee, Shri Rakesh Sehgal, Zonal<br />

Organizing Secretary Zone-1 were also present.<br />

Along with other items it was also decided that the Punjab East<br />

Prant will host the National Workshop of North and East Zones on 6-7<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e, 2009 at Chandigarh.<br />

Shri I.D.Ojha appreciated the achievement of the State and advised<br />

them to take care of New Branches opened recently and to be opened in<br />

the near future as there is a good scope of growth in the State.<br />

Maharashtra-II : A first ever State convention of Maharashtra-<br />

II was held on 7th and 8th March, 2009. This convention was named as<br />

^^pSrU; lEesyu**. The venue was Suman Motel situated at a beautiful<br />

location on a hill top at Panchgani. National Working President Shri I.D.Ojha,<br />

and National Vice President Dr. Ashok Kukde delivered their speeches.<br />

Shri Prakash Phatak, Dr. S.N.Navalgundkar and Shri Rajeev Dixit also<br />

guided and gave impressive speeches. They stressed on the need to<br />

preserve and inculcate basic values of mankind and national charactar<br />

in youth and expressed their good wishes for speedy expansion of the<br />

mission undertaken by BVP. A total of 150 members attended the meeting<br />

from 13 branches and expressed their great satisfaction and were inspired<br />

with unprecedented enthusiasm. We hope that this will go a long way to<br />

expand the number of branches and to strengthen the present branches<br />

in Maharashtra.<br />

Odisha : The 5th annual conference of Odisha Prant was held on<br />

29th March 2009 at Hirakund for the first time outside Bhubaneswar city.<br />

The Hirakund Branch, the latest addition to the Prant is barely 1 year<br />

old. Yet it hosted the conference. Eight members from 10 branches of<br />

Orissa assembled in the Pramod Hall, located close to the famous<br />

Hirakund Dam over river Mahanandi. It was a gratifying sight to find the<br />

members of the <strong>Parishad</strong> travelling from far and near to meet each other,<br />

exhange views and renew friendship. In the morning after offering Navratri<br />

Pujan at famous Samaleswari temple, they visited the dam, the first<br />

built in Independent India. They viewed the beautiful scenes of the<br />

reservoir, spill ways and surrounding blue hills from atop the famous<br />

Gandhi Minar.<br />

The inauguration session was chaired by Prantiya President Er.<br />

Amulya Garabadu, who welcomed the guests and spoke of the<br />

background & significance of the conference. Sri G.P. Mishra, the General<br />

Secretay, outlined the activities of the Prant during 2008-09. The State<br />

Treasurer Sri CVR Subudhi presented the annual income & expenses<br />

statement.<br />

The Zonal Chairman Prof. D.D.Mishra then administred the oath of<br />

office to the new office bearers of the Prant, Hirakund and Sambalpur<br />

branches.<br />

State Patrons Prof. B.B.Mishra spoke on "Sewa & Sankar" while<br />

Prof. P.K.Sahu spoke on "Cooperatives as Potential tool of Sewa for the<br />

<strong>Parishad</strong>". The chief guest Sri P. K. Guru, the Vice President of Hindalco,<br />

a premium National Company running Aluminium smelter in Hirakund<br />

lauded to role of <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Vikas</strong> <strong>Parishad</strong> in the development of the Nation.<br />

In an ongoing programme of encouragiong expansion, the Prant<br />

felicitated the branches securing memberships exeeding 50. <strong>Vikas</strong><br />

Prasasti-Patras were presented to Chandrasekhar Pur (61), Rourkela<br />

(51) & Sambalpur (50). Prant also felicitated Brahmapur branch for hosting<br />

the Prantiya Workshop and Hirakund branch to organize Prantiya<br />

conference with "Sahayog Prasasti Patra". The Prant honoured their<br />

assistance.<br />

Sixth volume of newsletter 'Sampriti' and the annual planner was<br />

released. The second session was devoted to review of activities of the<br />

branches, which were provided by respective Office Bearers. There was<br />

group discussion and interactions as well. There were cheerful applauds<br />

when special achievments were noted. They included inauguration of<br />

own building "<strong>Vikas</strong> Bhawan" by Brahmpur, Blood donation and Blood<br />

Grouping by Bhubaneswar North, holding of All-India NGSC first time in<br />

Orissa by Bhubaneswar Main, Launching of Prison Library by Titilagarh,<br />

36 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI uhfr<br />


Senior Citizen Help Centre by Nayagarh etc. The Prantiya Council<br />

accepted the offer of Ispat Branch to hold the next Conference at<br />

Rourkela.<br />

Sri Saroj Acharya offered Dhanyabad to all participants. Family<br />

members of Hirakund Br. staged an excellent cultural show in the evening<br />

followed by dinner.<br />


Nagrota, Himachal Pradesh : BVP Viklang Punarvas<br />

Sansthan organized two Viklang Camps during the Lidber Mela. On 25th<br />

March, 09 two Viklangs were provided with artificial limbs by the SDM<br />

Kangra Shri Pradeep Thakur when he paid a visit to this Sansthan and<br />

again on 27th March, 09 Annual Camp was held in which 9 Vikalangs<br />

were provied artificial limbs and wheel chair. Dr. Prem Bhardwaj H.A.S.<br />

(Retd.) was the chief guest and Shri Ravinder Sharma, Sr. Branch<br />

Manager, State Bank of Patiala, Nagrota Bagwan was the guest of honour<br />

whose bank sponsored the camp.<br />

Mrs. Swaran Lata Pratap Kaisth, Patron, spoke about the activities<br />

of the <strong>Parishad</strong> and Shri Ramchand Mehta, Project Manager spoke about<br />

the activities of the Viklang Sansthan and Mrs. Himadri Soni presented<br />

vote of thanks with special reference to the bank for sponsoring the<br />

camp and M/s Ashok Tent House for providing his services to decorate<br />

the function venue.<br />

ubZ 'kk•k,¡<br />

'kkL=khuxj] esjB (if'peh mÙkj çns'k) % 'kk•k ds lkStU; ls rFkk jk"Vªh; ea=kh<br />

lrh'k pUn] ,M~oksdsV ds funsZ'ku esa o MkW- jktsUæ dqekj xqIrk ^fodkl jRu* ds vFkd<br />

ç;kl ls 12-04-09 dks uohu ^Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ xzke&vekuqYykiqj] esjB* çkUr dh<br />

igyh xzkeh.k 'kk•k dh LFkkiuk dh xbZA eq[; vfrfFk Jh johUæiky 'kekZ] jk"Vªh; vè;{k]<br />

fof'k"V vfrfFk Jh gjh'k ftUny] jk"Vªh; foÙk ea=kh jgsA Jherh chuk vxzoky th us<br />

çFker% 'kk•k ds lnL;ksa dks 'kiFk xzg.k djk;h vkSj ifj"kn~ esa lfEefyr fd;kA vè;{k<br />

Jh bdcky flag] lfpo rstchj flag rFkk dks"kkè;{k lat; dks 'kiFk xzg.k djk;h xbZA<br />

bl vloj ij f”kykè;{k estj lR;çdk'k xkSM+] ftyk leUo; uxj ps;jeSu Jh ih-,uikyhoky]<br />

Jherh jatuk dfj;kuk] laLÑfr lIrkg dk;ZØe la;ksftdk vkfn mifLFkr jghaA<br />

Jh jktsUæ xqIrk us 'kk•k dk ifjp; o xzke ds bfrgkl dk ifjp; djk;kA Jh vkj-ih-<br />

'kekZ us vk'kh"k opu ls mn~cks/u fd;k o ifj"kn~ ds mís';ksa dks vfHkO;Dr fd;kA Jherh<br />

lqjsUæ 'kekZ] 'kk•k lfpo us vius mn~cks/u esa xzkeh.k 'kk•k dks fo'okl fnyk;k vkSj<br />

vk'oklu fn;k fd tc Hkh vkSj tgk¡ Hkh 'kkL=khuxj 'kk•k dh lgk;rk dh vko';drk<br />

gksxh ge fu%lUnsg rRdky vkids xzke esa mifLFkr gksdj ;Fkk lEHko lg;ksx djsaxsA<br />

HEALTH<br />

Karimganj, Assam : Branch organized monthly free health checkup<br />

cum awareness and medicine distribution camp at adopted village<br />

Nathupur on 10th April, 2009. 47 patients of the said village were examined<br />

by Dr. M.S. Dasgupta. Medicines worth Rs. 6500/- only were distributed<br />

free of cost among the patients. On the same day, a deep tubewell was<br />

formally inaugurated under Amrit Dhara- a drinking water project at Nathupur.<br />

C-2, Janakpur, Delhi South : Free Eye check-up camp was<br />

organized by the branch in association with Shri Geeta Pracharini Sanatan<br />

Dharam Sabha Mandir, in coordination with "The First Sight Centre" Distt.<br />

Centre, Janakpuri. New Delhi by renowned Eye surgeon Dr. Tyag Murti<br />

Sharma with a team of specialists on 8th March, 2009. 101 patients took<br />

advantage of the camp and their eyes were tested with the latest<br />

instruments. The camp was most successful. Dr. R.K.Thakur, Chief<br />

Advisor, Sh. B.L.Parashar, Advisor, Sh. R.K. Agarwal, President, Delhi<br />

State South, Sh. R.N.Choudhary, Gen. Secretary, Delhi South State gave<br />

Ashirwad for the success of the camp.<br />

Two dental camps were organised in March, 2009. About 50 patients<br />

were treated. Rs. 1000/- were spent on the camps.<br />

Shalimar Bagh, Delhi North : Branch organized Breast Cancer<br />

detection and Digital Mammography camp in collaboration with MKC,<br />

ROKO Cancer Trust at Sri Trilok Bhawan, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi on 30th<br />

March, 2009. 45 females were examined by a team of doctors and digital<br />

mammography was done in 21 cases. Along with this all participant's<br />

bone density was also checked and they were provided medicines as<br />

per their requirement. [Bravo! keep it up - Editor]<br />

Radha Kunj, Delhi East : Branch celebrated Bhagwan Mahaveer<br />

Jayanti on 5th April, 09 at Lions Bhawan Vivek Vihar. The function was<br />

attended by more than 500 persons. The cultural function, Kavi Sammelan<br />

and distribution of appliances to handicaps was aimed to raise funds for<br />

"Viklang Sahayata Kendra" building which is under construction.<br />

Commitments worth Rs. 10 lacs for purchase of machines were received<br />

apart from Rs. 2.0 lacs collected on the spot as cash/Cheque donations.<br />

The work on building is reaching completion and hospital is expected to<br />

be operational by <strong>Jun</strong>e end.<br />

Manimajara, Punjab East : Branch in association with Sh.<br />

Paramhans Dayal Satsang Sabha Chandigarh organized a free eye<br />

checkup camp on 5.04.09 at Vishwakarma Mandir. 250 patients were<br />

.................... continued on page 46<br />

38 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI uhfr<br />


ASSAM<br />

Karimganj : Branch<br />

observed 119th birth anniversary<br />

of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar on 14th<br />

April, 2009. The branch President,<br />

Secretary and other members<br />

garlanded the statue of<br />

Ambedkarji.<br />

After that a meeting on life<br />

& activities of Dr. Ambedkar was<br />

held on branch premises. The<br />

President, Secretary & the<br />

members spoke on this ocasion.<br />


held during the AGM:<br />

The branch sponsored<br />

Vocational training of 9 persons<br />

for different courses like Beauty<br />

Parlour, Laboratory Assistance,<br />

Radio & TV Reparing, Basic<br />

computer, Embroidery, Electrical<br />

wiring, and Automobile through<br />

Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Silchar<br />

and paid an amount of Rs. 4790/<br />

- as scholarship.<br />

Assistance for Blind<br />

Child : The branch helped a deaf,<br />

dumb and blind girl with Rs. 500/<br />

- towards her maintence on<br />

31.03.09.<br />

<strong>Bharat</strong> Ko Jano : The<br />

branch gave certificates and<br />

prizes during the AGM to 3<br />

toppers of both junior and senior<br />

groups in the written test held in<br />

the month of September, 08. The<br />

branch also awarded prizes to two<br />

members of both junior and<br />

senior team, who had qualified for<br />

Prant Level competition.<br />

General Meeting of branch of<br />

Ahmedabad was held on 18.04.09<br />

at Mangalwadi Bapunagar with<br />

Shri Vijaybhai Bhakkar, Prantiya<br />

Secretary General as chief guest.<br />

For <strong>Bharat</strong> Ko Jano quiz<br />

competition and Lagan Geet<br />

programme also prizes were<br />

distributed.<br />


The Dharwad Shakha<br />

members with families visited<br />

"OLDAGE<br />

HOME"<br />

(Anandsharam) during Nav-<br />

Samvat Chaitra Shukla Partipada<br />

period, to boost the Morale of<br />

Inmates and give festive<br />

atmosphere to Inmates who are<br />

deprived of festive mood. The<br />

OLDAGE Home is situated 10 Km<br />

from Dharwad and has 32<br />

Inmates. The members had Meals<br />

with Oldage home Inmates.<br />

The members offered fruits<br />

to the inmates and exchanged<br />

pleasantries. Smt. Indira Malagi,<br />

Smt. Geeta Jadhav and others<br />

sang some devotional songs to<br />

cheerup and entertain the old<br />

inmates that made them<br />

immensely happy.<br />

views and experiences, about<br />

their life's most enjoyable and<br />

happy days of their past.<br />


The Prantiya Office<br />

Bearers of J&K Prant organized<br />

oath ceremony at Gandhi Nagar<br />

attended by 4 members. On this<br />

occasion National Chairman<br />

Praudh Sanskar Shivir, Prof.<br />

Satish Anand administered oath<br />

to Dr. Subhash Gupta, President,<br />

J&K for the year 2009-10. Dr.<br />

Santosh Gupta, Zonal Convenor,<br />

Sampark gave oath to Dr.<br />

D.R.Kotwal as Prantiya General<br />

Secretary and Prof. Suresh<br />

Gupta to Prof. K.D. Gupta as<br />

Treasurer.<br />

Prof. Suresh Gupta<br />

outgoing President presented<br />

welcome address and thanked<br />

the members for the cooperation<br />

extended to him during his tenure<br />

in execution of programmes. The<br />

annual report for the year 2008-<br />

09 was presented by Dr.<br />

D.R.Kotwal, General Secretry.<br />

Dr. Subhash Gupta<br />

Silchar : The Annual<br />

Assistance for Blind<br />

speaking on the occasion also<br />

General Meeting of the branch Academy : The branch, in<br />

thanked the members for the<br />

was held on 31.03.09. Shri Ratul admiration of the activities of<br />

Dr. P. Basarkar, Prant responsibilities bestowed on him<br />

Das, Secretary, placed his annual Sudhir Chandra Chakraborty<br />

Organising Secretary, Shri and assured fulfillment of the<br />

report for 2008-09, both for Memorial Blind Academy, working<br />

Jagadish Malagi Prant Sanskar objectives of the <strong>Parishad</strong> with<br />

Administrative and service for the visually impaired persons,<br />

Pramukha spoke about the dedication and devotion. He<br />

activities. The audit report for donated a sum of Rs. 5000/- to<br />

activities of <strong>Bharat</strong> <strong>Vikas</strong> appealed that all branches must<br />

2007-08 was also placed in the the Academy on 31.03.09 as its<br />

<strong>Parishad</strong>. Sri B.K.Kale, President have at least one permanent<br />

meeting. Shri Amar Nath humble support for their activities.<br />

spoke to inmates of the Home as project. The oath was also taken<br />

Khandelwal, President of branch<br />

to how the residents can enjoy life by elected office bearers of<br />

thanked all members for their GUJARAT CENTRAL<br />

at the Ashram by freely mixing Vivekanand, Shivalik, Ghandi<br />

support during the year. The<br />

Bapunagar : Annual<br />

with other inmates, exchange Nagar, Jammu East and Talab<br />

following service activities were<br />

Tillo branches.<br />

40 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI uhfr<br />


Prof. Satish Anand and Dr.<br />

Santosh Gupta also spoke on the<br />

occasion and assured full<br />

cooperation to the new body.<br />

The programme was<br />

compered by Dr. D.R.Kotwal,<br />

State General Secretary.<br />

Jammu East : Branch<br />

celebrated Nav-Varsh day as per<br />

(Hindu Calandar) and 1st Navratra<br />

on 27th March, 09 at<br />

Environment Educational Institute<br />

by organising Bhajan Sandhya &<br />

Jhankies depicting nine roopas of<br />

Devi Bhagwati. About 300 people<br />

were present.<br />

Prior to this, Parivar Milan<br />

of the branch was organized at<br />

hotel Shubham in which the<br />

annual elections for the coming<br />

year were also held followed by<br />

Preeti Bhoj.<br />

ORISSA<br />

The inaugural function of<br />

Sambalpur Shakha for the year<br />

2009-10 was held at Hotel Uphar<br />

Palace on 5th April, 2009 with new<br />

office bearers taking over the<br />

charge. The Chief guest of the<br />

evening was Shri Laxman Kumar<br />

Mohanti, State President and the<br />

meeting was presided over by the<br />

new President Er. Pratap Mishra.<br />

The Chief guest spoke<br />

about the <strong>Parishad</strong>, its aim and<br />

the different projects (Sewa and<br />

Sankar) and exhorted upon the<br />

members to increase<br />

membership, take up service<br />

projects in right earnest. He also<br />

mentioned about his meeting with<br />

the Collector. Sambalpur and the<br />

later's assurance for Govt.<br />

Assistance in projects for<br />

handicapped.<br />

Many members<br />

participated in the meeting and<br />

gave valuable suggestions for the<br />

better functioning of the branch.<br />

Mr. K.K.Supkar spoke on<br />

punctuality in meetings, Mrs.<br />

Arati Mishra, suggested for giving<br />

more responsibility to lady<br />

members, Prof. B.B.Mishra,<br />

Patron suggested for an increase<br />

in membership dues, Prof.<br />

N.K.Pujari advised about giving<br />

responsibilities to senior<br />

members in Sanskar projects.<br />

President Er. Mishra<br />

assured the house to make<br />

meetings interesting in future so<br />

that members attendance can be<br />

improved.<br />

Secretary Shri Bijay Kedia<br />

proposed a vote of thanks.<br />

followed by a fellowship dinner.<br />


Laxmi Bai, Patiala : On the<br />

occasion of Nav-Samvat 2066 on<br />

27.03.09 a Bhajan Sandhya was<br />

organized by all the branches at<br />

Patiala at <strong>Parishad</strong> Bhawan,<br />

Sanouri Adda, Patiala. The lamps<br />

were also lightened on the<br />

occasion.<br />


Jalandhar South : Branch<br />

celebrated Nav-Samvat on<br />

27.03.09 at Naya Shambhu<br />

Mandir, Basti Guzan, Jalandhar.<br />

A Havan Yagya was arranged<br />

followed by light refreshment.<br />

One gents suit was given<br />

to the needy person on<br />

recommendation of Sh. Tribhuvan<br />

Nath Anand, Project Director,<br />

Sanskriti Saptah. Certificats were<br />

distributed in sewing schools at<br />

Naya Shambhu Mandir and Sh.<br />

Chaman Lal Sharma Smarak<br />

Free Sewing Centre, Model<br />

House, Jalandhar to those<br />

students who completed six<br />

months and one year course, at<br />

the centres during this month.<br />

Dr. Kitchlu, Ludhiana :<br />

Branch<br />

celebrated<br />

Nav_Samvatsar 2066 (Indian New<br />

Year) 0n 29.03.09 at Viklang<br />

Sahayata Kendra. A five-kundiya<br />

Havan-Yagya was performed on<br />

community basis. The yagya was<br />

conducted by Sh. Shrawan<br />

Kumar Batra, girl student from<br />

Arya Kanya Guru-kul who recited<br />

Vedic hymns and Bhajans on this<br />

occasion.<br />

The yagya was followed by<br />

a function, presided over by Sh.<br />

Chander Mohan Sharma, National<br />

Convener, Yuva Sanskar. Prizes<br />

for Literacy Drive Project were<br />

given by the chief guest Dr. Raj<br />

Kumar Mahey, Registrar, PAU<br />

Ludhiana and Sh. Om Prakash<br />

Sharma, Chief Manager, SBI, PAU<br />

Ludhiana, who was the guest of<br />

honour. Under the Literacy Drive<br />

project, students of Shaiwal Public<br />

High School, Panjpeer Raod,<br />

Ludhiana are teaching their<br />

parents. The parents are given a<br />

specific syllabus every semester<br />

and at the end of the semester, a<br />

test is given to them. This time,<br />

30 parents took this test. Out of<br />

them, Smt. Seema Devi, Smt.<br />

Gurwinder Kaur and Smt. Suman<br />

won 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. They<br />

were taught by their children Vishal<br />

Kondal (III), Devinder (VI), and<br />

Akhil (III) respectively, who have<br />

been rewarded with books for the<br />

academic session 2009-10. Mrs.<br />

Santosh Devi (taught by Poonam<br />

VI) and Sunita Rani (taught by<br />

Aman (III) got motivation prizes.<br />

It was very heartening to note that<br />

Smt. Gurwinder Kaur has further<br />

donated the set of books given to<br />

her son Devinder, stating that she<br />

was able to afford the studies of<br />

her child. All the children, whose<br />

parents had taken the test, were<br />

provided four note_books and other<br />

stationery items. To enable girl<br />

students to continue their studies,<br />

21 girls were provided school<br />

uniforms (two sets to each).<br />

The function also included<br />

honouring the persons and<br />

branches for their good<br />

contribution during the year 2008-<br />

09, the <strong>Vikas</strong> Mitras, the<br />

Executive Members of newly<br />

opened Dr. Rajendra Parshad<br />

branch, and the Golden Members<br />

aged 75 years and above.<br />

The august presence of<br />

Param Poojya Sadhvi Mata ji of<br />

Shree Geeta Vridh-ashram and<br />

Geeta Mandir, Vill. Thrike<br />

(Ludhiana) blessed the gathering<br />

with Divine environments. Other<br />

42 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI uhfr<br />


Gajuwaka : Installation of<br />


Bokaro Thermal : Branch<br />

newly elected office bearers of the<br />

celeberated "Nav-Samvatsar-<br />

"A" Block, Janakpuri :<br />

branch took place on 12.04.2009<br />

44 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI uhfr<br />


2066" on 29.03.09 evening at<br />

local station club. The function<br />

was inagurated by the chief guest<br />

and Chief Engr. cum Project Head<br />

Sri A.N.Mishra, DVC B.T.PS. He<br />

was assisted by the special guest<br />

Sri S.K. Jagnania Chief General<br />

Manager CCL and guest of<br />

honour Dr. Manoj Kumar, Patron<br />

BVP Vivekanand Kender.<br />

The highlights of the<br />

programme was the cultural<br />

programme performed by the<br />

students of DAV Kathara. Branch<br />

honoured the chief guest Shri<br />

Mishra and special guest Shri<br />

Sagnania by presenting them<br />

shawls. On this auspicious<br />

occasion a SMARIKA was<br />

released by them.<br />

............... continued from page 39<br />

O;fDrRo fodkl f'kfoj<br />

On that very day the<br />

Sankalpa Grahan and Dayitva<br />

Garhan ceremony was also<br />

performed. Two new members and<br />

ten executive body members<br />

including the President Shri<br />

A.P.Sinha and Secretary<br />

P.K.Ambastha took the oath for<br />

second term.<br />

On the occasion about 250<br />

members and elite of the town<br />

were present and took part in the<br />

dinner. The chief guest Sri Mishra<br />

lauded the role of local branch in<br />

all the fields including health,<br />

education etc. Dr. Manoj Kumar<br />

highlighted the programme :<br />

<strong>Bharat</strong> Ko Jano" and said that<br />

everyone should keep at least one<br />

copy of BKJ.<br />

examined by a team of doctors headed by senior Eye Surgeon Dr. V.P.<br />

Kakkar and Dr. Poonam Garg. Free medicines were distributed and<br />

spectacles given to the needy & poor. The cataract operation for 25<br />

selected patients was done at General Hospital Panchkula by putting<br />

intraocular lens with latest technique on 07.04.09. All expenses were<br />

borne by the branch.<br />

Sh. Navrattan Munjal Vice-chairman IND-Swift Limited was the Chief<br />

Guest and Dr. Rajeev Mirchia a renowned eye surgeon was the guest of<br />

honor. On this occasion a satsang & Bhajan Sankirtan Samaroh was<br />

held by Swami Sar Shantanand ji from Nangli Darbar, Meerut.<br />

vle % Hkkjr fodkl ifj"kn~ }kjk çk;ksftr o dY;k.k vkJe vle }kjk 8 ls<br />

10 vçSy] 09 rd 3 fnolh; çkFkfed fo|ky; ds cPpksa dk O;fDrRp fodkl f'kfoj<br />

vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA 5 fo|ky;ksa ds 54 Nk=k o 12 vkpk;ksZa us Hkkx fy;kA f'kfoj dk<br />

lekiu lkaxusfj;k /eZ'kkyk esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA<br />

For BVP Constitution, Bye Laws & Branch/Prant<br />

election rules visit <strong>Parishad</strong> Website:<br />

www.bvpindia.com<br />

J¼katfy<br />

1- jkeuxj] okjk.klh (dk'kh çns'k) % ifj"kn~ ifjokj ds ofj"B lnL; lat; JhokLro<br />

ds NksVs HkkbZ çoh.k JhokLro dk vkdfLed fu/u 19-04-09 dks gks x;k gSA<br />

2- cYycxk¡lh (cqUnsy•.M) % 'kk•k lnL; dey vxzoky ds firk<br />

dk 28-02-09 dks fu/u gks x;kA<br />

8- eqtÝiQjuxj (if'peh mÙkj çns'k) % 'kk•k lnL; çohu dqPNy ds T;s"B Hkzkrk 60<br />

o"khZ; iou dqPNy] vè;{k (o"kZ 2008&09) ijedh£r 'kj.k vxzoky dh iwT; lkl<br />

100 o"khZ; Jherh iQqyorh nsoh dk 28-3-09 rFkk dk;Zdkfj.kh lnL; euh"k xxZ dh<br />

ekSlh 59 o"khZ; Jherh lq"kek xks;y dk fu/u gks x;kA lnL; yksds'k 'kekZ ds firk<br />

Jh egkohj çlkn 'kekZ 72 o"khZ; dk 09-03-09 dks nsgkUr gks x;kA<br />

9- Hkokuhe.Mh (jktLFkku nf{k.k iwoZ) % 'kk•k laj{kd MkW- ts-ds-vjksM+k dh /eZiRuh<br />

Jherh papy vjksM+k dk 30-03-09 dks fu/u gks x;kA<br />

10- gkjht (xqtjkr mÙkj) % Hkkjr dks tkuks dks lg la;kstd Jh ujsUæHkkbZ ckcqyky lksuh<br />

ds lqiq=k /ujkt (xks;yk) dk 28-03-09 dks fu/u gks x;kA<br />

11- cqyUn'kgj (if'peh mÙkj çns'k) % MkW- 'khy ifjgkj] çkUrh; çeq• (fodykazx<br />

lgk;rk) ds 'olqj Jh txnh'k pUæ 'kekZ dk fu/u gks x;k gSA<br />

12- fiy•qok (if'peh mÙkj çns'k)% okxh'k fnudj ] ofj"B çkUrh; mikè;{k ds iwT;<br />

46 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009 NITI T;s"B&vk"kk

firk vkpk;Z Jh jkeukFk lqeu dk fu/u gks x;kA<br />

13- eaxye~ bykgkckn (ç;kx) % 'kk•k lnL; fofiu jLrksxh ds vuqt 46 o"khZ; fot;<br />

jLrksxh dk 24-04-09 dks fu/u gks x;kA<br />

14. Karimganj (Assam) Niharika Deb left for heavenly abode on3rd April,<br />

09 at the age of 81. She was the beloved mother of our member<br />

Dhrubajyoti Deb, Treasurer of branch.<br />

15. Mumbai (Maharashtra-I) : Mrs. Vidya Mukund Chitale wife of Shri<br />

Mukund M. Chitale Past President of Mahashtra Coastal Prant left<br />

for her heavenly abode.<br />

ifj"kn~ ifjokj dh vksj ls HkkoHkhfu J¼katfyA<br />

ekU;oj!<br />

i=k txr~<br />

eSa vkidk vfr'k; /U;oknh gw¡ fd vkius esjs }kjk Hksth gqbZ gj fjiksVZ ^uhfr* esa<br />

Nkih gSA fjiksVZ Hkstus esa dbZ rjg dh dfe;ka o xyfr;ka jgh gksxha vk'kk djrk gw¡ fd<br />

vki bls eki+Q dj nsaxsA 21 iQjokjh dks prqFkZ çkUr dk;Zdkfj.kh dh cSSBd dk vk;kstu<br />

djus dk lqvolj lqtkuiqj 'kk•k }kjk fjoj dksjy fjlksVZ ek/ksiqjh dks feykA ftlesa eq[;<br />

:i ls jk"Vªh; dk;Zdkjh vè;{k Jh vkbZ- Mh- vks>k] Jherh larks"k xqIrk] ”kksuy dUohuj]<br />

Jh yfyr egktu] jk"Vªh; ps;jeSu ih-Mh-lh] çkUrh; vè;{k ;'k xqIrk lfpo lq'khy 'kekZ<br />

us Hkkx fy;kA 22 ekpZ dks ifjokj feyu dk;ZØe Hkh blh LFky ij gqvkA<br />

& jktho of'k"B<br />

vko';d lwpuk<br />

lHkh çkUrh; egklfpoksa@'kk•k lfpoksa ls fo'ks"k vuqjks/ gS fd vius<br />

lHkh lekpkj ^uhfr* esa çdk'ku gsrq fgUnh vFkok vaxzs”kh esa HkstsasA vPNk gksxk<br />

vxj lekpkjksa dks VkbZi djok fn;k tk;s] vU;Fkk vxj VkbZi dh lqfo/k ugha<br />

gS rks lekpkj lki+Q&lki+Q fy•s gksus pkfg,¡] ftlls çdk'ku ds le; v'kqf¼<br />

u jg tk;sA<br />

gekjk lnk ;g ç;kl jgrk gS fd lHkh lekpkj vki rd fcYdqy lgh<br />

igq¡psa] fiQj Hkh dksbZ =kqfV jg tkrh gS rks gesa •sn gksrk gSA &lEiknd<br />

leLr 'kk•kvksa ls lfou; vuqjks/ gS fd ^uhfr* esa iV~Vh<br />

foKkiu nsdj lg;ksx djsaA<br />

#i;s 500@& çfr vad<br />

#i;s 5000@& iwjs o"kZ<br />

&lEiknd<br />

48 <strong>Jun</strong>e 2009<br />


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