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publisher’s page<br />

To find your inner glow,<br />

you must have an<br />

open mind.<br />

In my Jan/Feb Pub Page, I explained how happy I<br />

was to be back in the saddle. I’m a workout junkie<br />

again and thankfully, I hauled my lame ass back in<br />

the gym and got reacquainted with cardio and muscle-building<br />

equipment. Whew, that was close.<br />

Would hate to be a fraud, putting out this magazine.<br />

Not sure I’d have the same readership numbers if I<br />

called this magazine Cankles Monthly, or worse<br />

yet, PhillyFAT – your local connection to junk food.<br />

This time around though, I’ve added a few tricks. Maybe I don’t have<br />

to go at it alone, my old-school way of doing things. I have an<br />

accomplice and her name is Luisa Rasiej, an "energy healer" (Now<br />

wait, don’t judge) who is doing some work on me. Work, what the<br />

heck does that mean Well, she’s concocted a custom amalgamation<br />

of essential oils, some psychology recipes, but primarily, an ability to<br />

feel the energy within me, and help me move it around and clear out<br />

the weighty, meaningless clutter – optimizing it, or should I say, me!<br />

This has me dancin’ in the aisles, I must admit! I’m not jazzed about<br />

how strict I have to be with my scheduling, adding yet another<br />

8 I <strong>PhillyFIT</strong> March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

appointment in my daily grind, but I am super psyched about how<br />

good it makes me feel, so I do. Seriously, if I described the first<br />

experience where she literally pulled me (Well, my energy) back<br />

“into” my body - you’d all write me off as a whacko, for sure. Let<br />

me just tease you with the fact that I had no clue what she was<br />

doing. Her hands never touched me. She just used the energy<br />

within her own hands and hovered them under my feet, when all<br />

of a sudden I felt that feeling we’ve all experienced when driving<br />

your car over a high bump/hill too fast – and your stomach goes<br />

“whooooop” at the unexpected sensation of losing your lunch. Just<br />

then, I sat up and said, “Oh my Gosh, did you just pull my feet,<br />

pull something, move me” I knew she didn’t, but I was so<br />

shocked I actually felt something; I just had to ask! Her reply was<br />

a quiet smile along with, “No, Jami, I have not touched you, as<br />

you know. I had to pull your energy that was hovering above you,<br />

back ‘into’ your shell. Back into, you.”<br />

Let me explain. Luisa is the proud founder of “THE INNER<br />

CONTESSA.” She’s a certified energy worker/natural healer and<br />

she’s actually helping me move past my emotional blockages. I<br />

can’t help but wonder if I was born with these darned ‘things’, or<br />

if they are acquired through life’s ups and downs. You know, I’m<br />

in demolition mode with life’s road blocks, and I have a feeling<br />

many of you can relate. For the first time, in a long time, I’m<br />

uncovering a certain visceral clarity that lets me live life as a<br />

whole, complete being again, rather than a discombobulated<br />

creature, sort of fragmented and all over the place, just tryin’<br />

to get through Friday. Sort of explains that high-energy, balls-inthe-air<br />

way about me. Who would’a thought<br />

Luisa gingerly pointed out that because my life (during the past<br />

few years in particular) has been so, um…choppy, so erratic and<br />

all-consuming, I have, by default, elected to mentally vacate my<br />

own body. “It all starts from a root” though, Luisa reminded me,<br />

many moons ago. I can’t blame issues of recent times totally; it’s<br />

an accumulation of sorts. After spending some time with me, she<br />

discovered that it actually started when I was about five years old.<br />

She could see I had “moved around a lot as a child” (which is<br />

totally accurate, and no I did not tell her anything about me at this<br />

point.) “You didn’t, and still don’t, know where you belong!”<br />

Hmm, interesting. According to Luisa, perhaps this is the start of<br />

what has been a long, sometimes amazing and sometimes almost<br />

unbelievable, rocky road.<br />

So back to that “energy hovering around above my body” stuff for<br />

a sec. I essentially “checked out” to some degree, to enable me to<br />

deal with all the emotional garbage I had subconsciously decided I<br />

couldn’t handle anymore. I (my inner energy, my being) was living<br />

a life outside my physical structure, outside my own intuition<br />

and beliefs, outside my spirituality. Essentially, I was having an<br />

out-of-body experience because my mind, body and soul were not<br />

on the same plane. She said I was living in my “spiritual plane,<br />

which hovers above my head, because that is where I find trust<br />

and comfort. I have too much “pain” that has caused me to flee<br />

my own living physical self/shell. I found a safe haven in this<br />

place – and I don’t seem to want to come back inside of this hard<br />

earned, somewhat physically fit “shell” I have worked so hard to<br />

keep strong! Sigh. What on earth was I doing vacating the very<br />

thing that keeps me alive—my body!<br />

People look at me and probably think something like, “Boy, she’s<br />

really got this workout thing licked.” I only say this because I hear<br />

it from all kinds of folks having simple conversations with me,<br />

often asking what I do to keep fit. I have to remind myself it<br />

would be inappropriate to shout, “NO, no really, don’t give me so<br />

much credit, my parents deserve the credit for decent DNA. I am a<br />

ping pong match with fitness just like the rest of America!” But I<br />

remember to smile and instead graciously say, “Thank-you for<br />

noticing, this is what I do.” I admit to feeling embarrassed that<br />

someone is seeing something that I am not feeling about myself. I<br />

question my own genuine nature. For the most part, I am trying<br />

hard to keep up good habits and be good to my body. I plan on living<br />

in it for a long time, no matter if Luisa says I prefer to be “out<br />

hovering above it” or not. I know she is right, that I am choosing<br />

to do that, but I am trying to convince myself that I’m not. I<br />

wouldn’t. I couldn’t.<br />

It’s never been more obvious to me that I need to balance<br />

being tone, with peace of mind. I need to connect my inner<br />

bicep with my inner chi.<br />

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />

I know what you’re thinking. Jami has gone off the deep end big<br />

time. But those who know me well understand that I’ll try just<br />

about anything once, especially if it’s a stop on potential journey<br />

to my ultimate happy place. Healers get a bad rap.<br />

They’re actually not charlatans or quacks, but real people, passionate<br />

about balance and living a whole life. Basically, they just want<br />

to help others find comfort. That’s the most simplistic way to put<br />

it.<br />

When I walked into Luisa's natural healing studio, I didn’t know<br />

what to expect at all. Everything looked normal. Phew. I’ve<br />

always had a fear of the unknown (I guess we all do). But honestly,<br />

I wasn’t sure if we were going to do voo-doo or mu-shoo and I<br />

had to go poo poo. Were we going to burn incense and chant<br />

Were we going to hold down dog for forty minutes Were we<br />

going to play the flute Drink detox tea and pray What Was she<br />

going to hypnotize me Make me look at crystals Would I have<br />

to take a strange purification bath Perform rituals and customs<br />

from a strange underground third world country Would we hold<br />

hands, bang drums Would I have to eat nasty herbs or take a<br />

strong, non-FDA approved herbal tincture under my tongue<br />

Would she try to break me down Would I cry in front of a complete<br />

stranger Was all this just hocus-pocus or legit panacea<br />

To make matters worse, I had no clue what I was feeling on the<br />

inside, let alone what I was going to be feeling once our hour session<br />

headed towards its final act. I was vulnerable and miles away<br />

from my comfort zone. Was my life going to drastically change<br />

Or, what if nothing happened all Was I even capable of being<br />

March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com <strong>PhillyFIT</strong> I 9

“healed” or was I destined to remain hanging, damaged<br />

beyond repair on the clearance rack of irregular people<br />

I just wasn’t sure if my expectations were realistic and more worrisome<br />

was the idea of unveiling my tattered soul to someone I didn’t<br />

know. It’s no secret I have trust issues. I would be perfectly<br />

fine to trust no one except myself for the rest of my time on<br />

earth— but that’s a lonely existence and not really who I am at the<br />

core. And, I am exaggerating a bit too – I am one of those “too<br />

trusting people” who always gets herself in a jam. I think what I<br />

am trying to say is I admit I need to learn just when, and when<br />

not, to trust. That would be more accurate.<br />

So, there I was, sitting across from a woman known as “The<br />

Contessa" (and not from Housewives from NY). I did research her<br />

online to make sure that she wasn’t an axe murderer. Still, I had<br />

my reservations. Did I want to 'let her in' or maybe just chill for a<br />

bit, and open up next time There's always a next time I rationalized.<br />

I just wasn’t sure if my insecurities were Open For Business<br />

per se.<br />

Luisa initially asked me, "So tell me, why are you here, Jami"<br />

Man, she was so angelic looking. She had a sparkle to her eyes<br />

that sort of made her glow. Sheesh, was she some kind of seraph<br />

right in front of my very own eyes I have never seen this before –<br />

except when I look at my own children of course – the perfect<br />

cherubs they are. Her tone and cadence were comforting and her<br />

non-verbals were calming from the get-go.<br />

“Ah yes, that’s the $25,000 question Luisa," I replied.<br />

I'm cool and in control, I told myself. She didn't flinch, nor<br />

respond. She wasn't buying my stall tactics for a nanosecond. Her<br />

eyes pierced mine. She forced me to look at her and not down at<br />

my shoes, where I was happy hiding behind a door in my mind<br />

with three deadbolts.<br />

Just then, a few irreverent words leaped out of my mouth. I couldn't<br />

hold them back no matter how I tried! I felt like a can of Diet<br />

Coke that had just been shaken up. Pandora’s box was ready to<br />

explode into millions of particles. I knew that if I opened it, it<br />

would be impossible to get it back, sort of like when uncooked<br />

pasta falls out of the box onto the floor.<br />

"It's time Luisa. It's 'just time, " I choked.<br />

A small, telling tear dropped from my eye, then one from the other<br />

eye. I was silenced by my own ill attempt at keeping it together.<br />

That was all I said! She looked at me, I could almost see myself in<br />

her eyes, like a mirror - and I looked well, pathetic. I was having a<br />

crisis moment with my own identity—shattered dreams and tattered<br />

relationships. I began to unwind and not in a good way.<br />

“Time for what Jami”<br />

(Gulp.) I really didn’t know, not sure why I said that, but in my<br />

head I managed to come up with an answer that question. But<br />

nothing would come out of my lips. I wanted to say that I had<br />

never felt so alone. I wanted to say that I didn’t really know<br />

myself, and so unlike the ME I’ve always known. I wanted to tell<br />

her what and who I wanted to be when I grew up. But there I sat<br />

in complete bewilderment in the realization that I had already<br />

grown up and that time had in evaded me. I wanted to know how I<br />

got here, to her studio, and why.<br />

“I want to believe in myself and trust myself again. It’s time to get<br />

MY life back.” Geez did that sound stupid.<br />

“I am at the crossroads so to speak, Luisa. I am looking for a traffic<br />

light, but there is none. I’m looking for the dotted white line on<br />

the road, but there is none. I’m looking for windshield wipers to<br />

clear the way, but they’re not working. I fill my tank with premium<br />

gas over and over, yet it always seems to be on empty.”<br />

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />

After four weeks of intense, life-changing energy work sessions<br />

with Luisa, I realized that I needed to become whole again, trust<br />

myself and it wasn’t going to be quick, easy nor was she able to<br />

do it for me. She explained that life’s hurdles were put there to<br />

make people realize that they need to trust themselves…trust their<br />

instincts. She was there to give me someone to trust, to guide me<br />

and to move my roadblocks out of the way so I could sense within<br />

myself how my life was to be from now on. My journey of trust<br />

commenced with her. I was off to a good start.<br />

My first lesson learned about healing began with an understanding<br />

that just because I couldn’t, or chose not to trust someone, didn’t<br />

mean that I couldn’t trust others, let alone myself and my choices.<br />

Which sort of echoes a favorite quote of mine: “To the world,<br />

you’re just one person, but to one person, you may be<br />

the world.”<br />

So, I tipped my toe into the healer arena, sue me. I dared to go<br />

there. Now what I needed more. I needed a 360-degree approach<br />

to healing. Ping-pong, semi-sappy conversations about broken<br />

hearts and mending hearts wasn’t going to do the trick. I knew<br />

that. I sought out to add to my bag of tricks other people, and<br />

experiences, which could help me become whole again, head to<br />

toe, inside and out, this time ‘round. The trendy life coach thing<br />

was the perfect start for me a couple years back. It was the first<br />

time I admitted I needed someone’s help, as I didn’t believe in my<br />

own decisions anymore. But I needed a team to put humptydumpty<br />

back together again (eh, yeah, that would be me). I now<br />

needed a program that was powerful, transformative and aweinspiring.<br />

Simply put, I knew it was time to believe in ME again.<br />

Maybe I am not quite the fool I have been thinking I was. I am<br />

now one hundred percent committed to trusting myself, listening<br />

to my conscious, and paying attention to all the signs my angels<br />

leave for me daily, to help guide me through good times and bad.<br />

Take one healer, one trainer, one herbalist and mix with a damn<br />

good nutritionist I thought. Hmmmm This was going to be way<br />

harder than bench-presses. Why wasn’t I happy just reading EAT<br />

10 I <strong>PhillyFIT</strong><br />

March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com

PRAY LOVE like every other woman that I knew<br />

Thank goodness for eight years of building (<strong>PhillyFIT</strong>) connections.<br />

I whipped out my address book and bingo: Susie Beiler -<br />

she is my ongoing “oils gal” now. She’s from Spectrum Health<br />

Consulting and is a walking/talking gorgeous essential oil within<br />

herself. Then added my new herbalists helping me out from<br />

Bunn's Health Food store in Southampton, PA. Man, can someone<br />

just lock me in that store overnight, and let me play What a magical<br />

place for finding every health and healing need in the world!<br />

My new sandbox! Then my <strong>PhillyFIT</strong> Chef, John Fairchild, continues<br />

to feed me amazing recipes and nutrition tips, along with<br />

the redheaded beauty and Vegan chef/TV star Christina Pirello.<br />

She too provides me with the utmost in healthy recipes and<br />

insights that I like to think I am ready to embrace whole-heartedly.<br />

Not a shabby team to make my health and healing goals my reality!<br />

And, I can share them with my entire family; all seven of them<br />

are on board with me! I’m not nearly as alone as I had<br />

thought I was.<br />

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />

Think today’s essential oils are nothing but snake oils Think<br />

again! Today’s products are custom tailored to soothe, calm and<br />

nourish. I personally use the following popular oils, but this will<br />

change from month to month according to my needs.<br />

“Thieves” – I am using Young Living Oils: highly effective in supporting<br />

the immune system.<br />

“Valor” – great for balance and to align the body.<br />

“Harmony” – well, for what the word says a more harmonious<br />

life, physical and mental well being.<br />

“Joy” – for more happiness in my life (the dishwashing liquid didn’t<br />

cut it. Ha!) This oil creates magnetic energy and joy to the<br />

heart.<br />

“Breathe” – an amazing concoction that allowed me to ditch the<br />

rescue inhaler (totally helps my breathing as I have asthma).<br />

“Lemon/Orange Jolt” – It gives me a spirited lift and is very<br />

cleansing.<br />

I truly believe in splendid aromatics and mystical powers of<br />

pheromones. I think the power of smell goes along way – it’s<br />

almost like listening to a song – a mood changer. It’s like acupuncture<br />

for wussies. Again, it may be a placebo affect, but I really<br />

don’t care. The point is that I’m doing it for me and it’s working. I<br />

rub the oils on my feet... so nice!<br />

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />

And now onto the nutrition component.<br />

I am very happy with the veggie protein powders I’ve found at<br />

Bunns and also at Whole Foods, this one in particular has a gazillion<br />

fruits and veggies. It’s called "RAW Meal" and contains<br />

twenty-six Superfoods, RAW Organic Sprouts, Seeds and Greens,<br />

and thirty-four grams of protein. It totally helps satisfy my relentless<br />

hunger. I mostly take it as a breakfast before my workouts so<br />

I get through an active day without starving and losing concentration.<br />

And, I don’t eat much meat, so this is a great protein source<br />

for me. It’s really the gasoline that makes this car run. It gives me<br />

the zing that I need, especially when that 3:00pm hour hits and<br />

I’m jonesing for a Snicker’s Bar. It fills me up and makes me feel<br />

like Wonder Woman!<br />

Next, I swear by the "B" vitamins for energy and a women’s mega<br />

multi-vitamin. And Omega 3’s, I know there’s no such thing as a<br />

miracle pills, but when I take these nutrients I feel turbocharged.<br />

This is a good thing because I’ve been working out three times a<br />

week on average. Once I got back to regular exercise.<br />

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />

So, I’ve got the healer, the oils and some darn good nutritional<br />

habits going on but there are still some healing things I want to<br />

incorporate as the weather gets warmer and the clothes show more<br />

skin. Ugh. Here are few things on my healing bucket list:<br />

Yoga<br />

Massage<br />

Zumba<br />

Chi Gong breathing exercises<br />

Spend quality time with my children<br />

Retail Therapy (yes, I’m a sucker for a nice new sundress and<br />

strappy sandals. Whatever!)<br />

Going to church on Sunday (don’t laugh)<br />

I came across this quote recently and it really resonated with me<br />

so I thought I’d share it with my loyal <strong>PhillyFIT</strong> readers. Enjoy.<br />

I want to really, really live. I want to laugh til my stomach tightens<br />

so much that it aches and my legs hurt from my slapping them.<br />

I want to cry from my gut and let the tears wash me to where I need<br />

to go. I want to hear the singing of my heart. and let the sounds<br />

echo inside me and I want to dance to that music.<br />

I want to fill with compassion and touch someone's face so gently<br />

that they can feel the caring in my fingertips. I want to love so<br />

deeply that my cells vibrate with it and just standing near me you<br />

can feel the buzz of the vibrations.<br />

I want to know that I'm worthy and good and<br />

I want to leave self doubt on the highway.<br />

I want to touch the sky and recognize my soul in it.<br />

I want to walk in the rain and drop to my knees in gratitude for this<br />

gift of life<br />

I have been given.<br />

MayI never ever forget what a gift it truly is.<br />

— Teresa St. Cloud<br />

This spring, dance to that music and heal! Write me and tell me<br />

what you do to heal - I’d love to know!<br />

Best,<br />

March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com<br />

<strong>PhillyFIT</strong> I 11

letterstothepublisher<br />

Jami,<br />

I'm new to the area and just discovered<br />

your magazine. Wow,<br />

it's got such a friendly "voice"<br />

and high energy content.<br />

Fantastic! Thank you for your<br />

efforts, and all the best of<br />

health, wealth and love in<br />

2012!<br />

Spencer L Baker<br />

LCDR, SC, USN<br />

Crossfit L1 Trainer<br />

Hello,<br />

I stumbled across your magazine<br />

a few months ago and I was<br />

very impressed. I just wanted to<br />

say, keep up the great work.<br />

I constantly use to try to<br />

always stay focused on my<br />

exercising, it’s often hard to fit<br />

in dedication to exercising with<br />

my demanding schedule. Your<br />

magazine allows me to remember<br />

everyone goes threw the<br />

same struggles and just keep<br />

trying. I'm a choreographer and<br />

I struggle with eating the wrong<br />

things even my job demands me<br />

to stay fit. Food is tempting and<br />

I am blessed to dance as a profession,<br />

otherwise I wouldn't be<br />

fit. When I work out with my<br />

clients I let them know my<br />

struggles to let them know that<br />

it's just as hard for me as it is<br />

for them. I want them to know I<br />

know their struggles equally and<br />

we will get this done together.<br />

Please keep it coming. I love<br />

your articles, discounts and<br />

deals. And what I love best is<br />

that everyone is local. I just feel<br />

that I can relate to them more<br />

than the world fitness magazine.<br />

Thanks for keeping me Fit!<br />

Sprite' Choreographer<br />

Hi Jami,<br />

You absolutely inspire me each<br />

issue. I still remember the publisher<br />

pages you wrote not long<br />

after your daughter was born<br />

12 I <strong>PhillyFIT</strong><br />

(four and a half years ago!) I’ve<br />

been reading since then! Even<br />

then, you seemed to be in tune<br />

with something I was going<br />

through. Thank you so much for<br />

publishing your magazine! I love<br />

it. How do you do it ALL<br />

Jennifer Ritorto<br />

Membership & Marketing<br />

Director<br />

Lower Bucks Family YMCA<br />

Jami,<br />

I just read your Publisher’s Page<br />

article while sitting at CHOP<br />

waiting for my son’s appointment.<br />

GOOD JOB, again I love<br />

your “matter of fact, no bullshit”<br />

style of writing! I just sat<br />

there smiling as I was reading<br />

it, nodding my head…as if I was<br />

in a conversation with you. My<br />

son would look over at me<br />

(while he was in the middle of<br />

his physical therapy exercise)<br />

and say “Why are you smiling”<br />

I replied, “Oh, it’s just Jami….”<br />

Lisa Davis<br />

Jami,<br />

You and your team always write<br />

such interesting and inspiring<br />

articles in <strong>PhillyFIT</strong>...I always<br />

look forward to reading them. I<br />

am often inspired by the young<br />

people who get involved and are<br />

inspired by fitness!<br />

Karin Maitin<br />

Jami,<br />

I really respect you, your publishing,<br />

your drive, your personal<br />

fitness and beauty, your business<br />

sense, etc. You have a big<br />

fan here. Keep up the great<br />

work sister!<br />

George Bruno<br />

Published by:<br />

Jalynn Concepts, LLC<br />

Publisher: Jami Appenzeller<br />

Assistant to the Publisher:<br />

Melissa Granneman<br />

Art Design: Buxmont Media:<br />

Jessica Lorah<br />

Copy Editors: Heather Hoehn,<br />

Bev Appenzeller<br />

Cover Photography:<br />

Photography of couple by Sean<br />

Gomes. Stephanie Keenan<br />

photo by John Atherton.<br />

Publishers Page:<br />

Photo by Joe Chielli, Church<br />

Street Studios<br />

Calendar Of Events:<br />

John Beeler<br />

Ad Sales:<br />

Jami Appenzeller<br />

jami@phillyfitmagazine.com<br />

Rita Henry<br />

ritahenry@phillyfitmagazine.com<br />

Distribution Manager:<br />

R.I.P. Jim Appenzeller<br />

All inquires are welcome...<br />

Call us NOW! 215-396-0268<br />

Fax: 215-396-0288<br />

March/April I 215-396-0268 I www.phillyfitmagazine.com<br />

SATURDAY, MAY 20TH • 11-3PM<br />

For more details see page 4<br />

PHILLYFITfamily<br />

www.phillyfitmagazine.com<br />

Jami@phillyfitmagazine.com<br />

Advertising Deadlines:<br />

Reservations for the<br />

May/June 2012 issue:<br />

Ad Copy Due By: Apr 5, 2012<br />

Payment Due By: Apr 10, 2012<br />

<strong>PhillyFIT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is a news magazine with emphasis<br />

on health, fitness and leisure. <strong>PhillyFIT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is printed<br />

bi-monthly, distributing 50,000 magazines to more<br />

than 1,000 locations in the Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester,<br />

Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Address all submissions<br />

of advertising, calendar entries, photos,<br />

inquiries and letters to the above address. <strong>PhillyFIT</strong><br />

<strong>Magazine</strong> does not assume responsibility for unsolicited<br />

materials. <strong>PhillyFIT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> will assume that all unsolicited<br />

materials are being submitted for possible publication<br />

and should the material be published, no fee is due<br />

to the submitting party. It is our understanding that the<br />

submitting party holds models' releases on photographs<br />

submitted. Physicians' Pages are paid advertisements.<br />

<strong>PhillyFIT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> does not knowingly accept false or<br />

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to edit letters to the editor and other submissions for<br />

clarity and space availability, and to determine suitability<br />

of all materials submitted for publication. Before implementing<br />

any exercise or diet modification mentioned in<br />

<strong>PhillyFIT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, readers are advised to consult with<br />

their physicians. No reproductions of printed material are<br />

permitted without the consent of the Publisher.<br />

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