Spring 2012 - Clarion University

Spring 2012 - Clarion University

Spring 2012 - Clarion University


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41<br />

Deborah Burghardt, Ph.D.<br />

Director, women and gender studies<br />

C B<br />

ounting out<br />

ouR Ras<br />

In Chinese culture, drawing attention to oneself is discouraged. Thus, my traveling companions,<br />

Sue, Cheryl, Cass (my BFF) and I constantly stood out against the backdrop of a reserved<br />

people. We were unable or unwilling to give up our group identity — four loud, laughing women, touring<br />

Chinese cities more than 6,000 miles from our western Pennsylvania homes.<br />

While touring Tiananmen Square, we told those who requested a picture with us, “They based<br />

Sex and the City on our stories, you know.” It was an exaggeration of course, and most everyone did<br />

not fall for it. Once we appeased our audience by admitting we were the foursome’s mothers. In<br />

reality, we were four women with distinct personalities and an accumulation of six decades under our<br />

bras. We had ventured to China, inspired by Sue and Cheryl’s niece, Madison, who had committed<br />

to teaching English for a year there.<br />

Cass procrastinates when it comes to packing for a trip. Finally, after hours had passed with no<br />

sign of her readiness for the road, I phoned. “I’m trying to hurry,” Cass answered, “but I can’t figure out<br />

what to take.”<br />

“Don’t worry about it,” I replied, trying hard not to sound impatient. “Throw a little of everything<br />

in your bag. We’ll sort it out when we get to Sue’s house. Cass,” I reminded, “you’re traveling with<br />

three women – someone is bound to have whatever you need.”<br />

I can still see Cass, sitting cross-legged on Sue’s shiny hardwood floor, suitcase open, all<br />

manner of clothes spilling out like the endless streamer of scarves the magician pulls from a sleeve. A<br />

tangle of blond and auburn hair strands frame a face with delicate features. She prefers the I-justgot-out-of-bed-after-great-sex<br />

look.<br />

“How many bras do you think I’ll need” she asked.<br />

“I’m taking three and wearing one, four for 10 days, that should be enough,” I said confidently.<br />

“What You don’t want a clean bra for every day” The sound of Sue’s shock reverberated<br />

throughout the room.<br />

“You’re taking 10 bras” Cass and I spoke in unison.<br />

Then Cass, quick wit that she is, challenged Sue’s reasoning: “Lots of panties, I can understand,”<br />

she said. “But what fluids are involved with your breasts sitting in a bra”<br />

“I’ve always changed my bra every day, even if I don’t shower,” Sue said with authority. “How<br />

can you two stand not to” I recognized her disdain, which I took in stride. From the time we met in<br />

college, I have admired this woman’s self-assuredness, her drive for control, her ability to travel the<br />

world. (Hence, why I have the pleasure of writing this tale.)<br />

“Well,” I chimed in to defend my upbringing, “My mother taught me there’s no problem in wearing<br />

the same clothes another day or two unless they’re filthy dirty, ripped, stained or they stink!”<br />

Silence. While Cass and I pondered how she was going to fit all those bras into a carry-on, the only

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