Spring 2012 - Clarion University

Spring 2012 - Clarion University

Spring 2012 - Clarion University


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Dear Dr. Phillips:<br />

Ask DR. phiLLips!<br />

A couple days ago, my girl caught me doing the pink flamingo (you know, sexy stuff) with another woman. I admit that it was<br />

the third time—and the third woman—I got caught with this month. And I even admit that I feel kinda bad about that (you<br />

know, getting caught and all). But then my woman goes and screams at me something that I just didn’t get. She called<br />

me a !@&% male-slut!! I was like what the !@&% is a male-slut, but she just set my couch on fire and ran off and I never got a<br />

good response. So, I thought I would ask you since you are so smart and stuff. What the !@&% is a male-slut!!<br />

— Buck from Bucks County, PA.<br />

Dear Buck:<br />

First off—great name! Secondly, you wrote to the right person: If there is anything we philosophers<br />

understand, it is the meaning of words. And, let me tell you, your girlfriend’s attempt to verbally disparage you is<br />

completely non-sensical. The use of the word ‘male-slut’ makes no more sense than other synonymous hyphenated<br />

words like ‘whore-dog’ and ‘whore-hound.’ To show you why, let’s philosophically analyze the meaning of ‘male-slut.’<br />

Obviously, the word ‘male’ just modifies the word ‘slut.’ So, your girlfriend is suggesting that you are a slut<br />

that also happens to be male (genus and differentia). But given that we know what a man is, what is a slut Now<br />

some academics would flip to the OED [Oxford English Dictionary] for an initial definition, but I prefer to use the ORL<br />

[Ole Rush Limbaugh] whenever I can: it is larger, louder, and less work. According to Rush, a ‘slut’ is a woman that<br />

likes to have sex a lot. Sad, but pretty straightforward, right As a side note, Rush suggests that sluts are similar to<br />

prostitutes, as prostitutes are women who want to be paid for the enormous amount of sex they have. Therefore,<br />

it is quite clear from the ORL that a slut absolutely has to be a woman. I mean, can you even imagine a slut that<br />

is not a woman I didn’t think so! Therefore, by labeling you a ‘male-slut’ your girlfriend is accusing you of being<br />

a man who is also a woman, and that just doesn’t make sense does it She might as well have just called you a<br />

square-circle or a female U.S. Senator. These things just don’t exist!<br />

Clearly your girlfriend just didn’t like you having your fun, so she wanted to use a made-up word to make<br />

you feel like less of a person. What she didn’t realize was that words are the mechanisms by which we describe,<br />

understand and value our mutual reality. By creating a word like ‘male-slut’ she was implying something not just<br />

about you, but about all men—namely, that any of us might act like an over-sexed women. Is it fair to smear<br />

an entire gender Of course, not. What you need to do is to take back reality. You could either try to rid<br />

the world of the word ‘slut,’ that has some admittedly negative connotations for women, but that would be so<br />

hard. Alternatively, you could just replace your girlfriend’s negative word for you with something more positive. I<br />

asked around and was told that the word ‘player’ might be appropriate, or ‘playa’ as it is sometimes spelled. So<br />

remember, Buck! You are not a male-slut! You are a playa. And everyone loves a ‘player!’ Except your girlfriend,<br />

of course: she’s a real playa-hata.<br />

Jamie Phillips, Ph.D.<br />

Philosophy and WGS Advisory Council<br />


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