Spring 2012 - Clarion University

Spring 2012 - Clarion University

Spring 2012 - Clarion University


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“What a pleasure it has been to attend WGS’s timely and provocative events, teach your students, and have your voice on our campus. The Program has<br />

made us intellectually richer, broadened our horizons, and its academic and artistic pursuits have been noble and necessary.”<br />

Kevan Yenerall, Ph.D.<br />

Political Science<br />

TabLe of Contents<br />

Congratulations<br />

President Karen M. Whitney 1<br />

Dean Rachelle Prioleau 2<br />

F ounding V oices<br />

running the ViCtorY laP<br />

Deborah Burghardt 4<br />

the glitCh<br />

Kathryn Graham 5<br />

a new horizon<br />

Kathryn Graham 7<br />

that Final MoMentuM<br />

Anne L. Day 9<br />

nuCleus oF eMPowerMent<br />

Kathryn Graham 11<br />

a raDiCal new FielD<br />

Karen Smith 13<br />

worKing hanD in hanD<br />

Jeanne Slattery 14<br />

F aculty V oices<br />

“relYing on the right anD true”<br />

Kathryn Graham 17<br />

eVerYthing olD is new again<br />

Donna Ashcraft 19<br />

asK Dr. PhilliPs<br />

Jamie Phillips 21<br />

the JoY oF MY aCaDeMiC Career<br />

Janet Knepper 22<br />

realizing DreaMs online<br />

Andy Lingwall 23<br />

FaCultY aCKnowleDgeMents 24<br />

S tudent V oices<br />

JourneY to FeMinist lanD<br />

Carly Masiroff 32<br />

DYing to surViVe<br />

Bridgette Shaw 34<br />

FinDing the Vagina in Me<br />

Brittany Concilus 35<br />

sisterhooD oF the Vag Mon DireCtors<br />

Tina Horner 37<br />

traVeling through the PrisM<br />

Mariah Yancey 39<br />

Counting out our Bras<br />

Deborah Burghardt 41<br />

C ommunity V oices<br />

at the taBle<br />

Jamie Shropshire 44<br />

a true warrior<br />

Marlene Austin 45<br />

who Do You thinK i aM<br />

i Bet You’re wrong<br />

Tina Horner 46<br />

the JoY oF MY aCaDeMiC Career<br />

Janet Knepper 47<br />

DarK waters<br />

Leeza 47<br />

PhotoVoiCe PoeM<br />

Shannon 47<br />

oVer 90 Years oF Voter eDuCation<br />

Donna Poljanec 48

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