Dinner Dance June 20, 9:30 pm Marcy - Hewlett E. Rockaway ...

Dinner Dance June 20, 9:30 pm Marcy - Hewlett E. Rockaway ...

Dinner Dance June 20, 9:30 pm Marcy - Hewlett E. Rockaway ...


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The VOICE of <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> Jewish Centre /Congregation Etz Chaim<br />

kuev<br />

Vol. 59 • No. 7 May/<strong>June</strong> <strong>20</strong>09 Nisan/Iyar/Tammuz 5769<br />

Have You Made Your Reservation Yet<br />

Everybody’s coming—You won’t want to miss it!<br />

Enjoy an Effervescent Evening of Dining, Dancing and Fun<br />

and help your Shul—all at the same time!<br />

<strong>Dinner</strong> <strong>Dance</strong><br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>20</strong>, 9:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

at the Sands of Atlantic Beach<br />

Honoring<br />

<strong>Marcy</strong> and Marc Goldberg<br />

Call 599-2634 to make your reservation!<br />

Fiddler on the Roof Presented by the HERJC Players<br />

Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 4 at 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong> & Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 7 at 3 <strong>pm</strong><br />

See page 7 for complete details

HERJC 516-599-2634<br />

Rabbi<br />


Ext. 214<br />

rabbiw@herjc.org<br />

Rabbi Emeritus<br />


Cantor<br />


599-7432 or Ext. 222<br />

cantorsokol@herjc.org<br />

Executive Director<br />


Ext. 215<br />

execdirkim@herjc.org<br />

Ritual Director<br />


599-8217 or Ext. 217<br />

nachump@aol.com<br />

Religious School Director<br />


599-0424 or Ext. 219<br />

rsdir@herjc.org<br />

Nursery School Director<br />


599-1169 or Ext. 237<br />

nurserydir@herjc.org<br />

Youth Director<br />


599-1148 or Ext. 223<br />

youthdir@herjc.org<br />

New on our website<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

Starting now, you<br />

are one click<br />

away from<br />

The latest<br />

info on all<br />

HERJC activities<br />

Updates from<br />

Nursery School,<br />

Religious School<br />

and Youth Group<br />


From the President<br />

This will be my last Hakol President’s column. Mostly, what I feel is<br />

gratitude, with a little amazement mixed in. Amazement, because<br />

how could it be possible that almost three years have passed And<br />

gratitude, because thanks to so many wonderful colleagues – professionals<br />

and volunteers alike – we have accomplished a lot and survived<br />

a lot.<br />

Certainly we are more efficient in many ways; areas of excess and<br />

waste have been reduced or eliminated, new areas of growth have<br />

been targeted, and we look for (and find) more of these opportunities<br />

at every meeting. A few areas of progress:<br />

Our revised constitution, to be voted at the Congregational Meeting on May 18,<br />

brings us up to date from 1980, the last time it was revised (see p. 5 for meeting<br />

notice)<br />

Our mission statement, voted in last year, expresses how we see ourselves and our<br />

congregation in the world, and has given us a platform from which to stage other<br />

improvements in all our activities (see website)<br />

Our newly launched Membership Movement brought us the Taste of HERJC and our<br />

very successful Family Fridays, where congregants of all ages and stages come<br />

together for a lively Kabbalat Shabbat service and a casual, friendly Shabbat dinner<br />

Our Religious School programs are reinvigorated: we’ve introduced the enriched<br />

Akiva track and are working on a new teen education program<br />

We’re getting more and better coverage in local papers and listings<br />

We’ve been awarded a UJA grant for Board develo<strong>pm</strong>ent to continue improving our<br />

leadership and our work.<br />

The truth is that I did not cause any of these things to happen. They were ready to<br />

happen, just waiting for an engaged, mutable group of people to show up, brainstorm,<br />

experiment, evaluate, commit, revise, explore – as Rabbi Yishmael taught centuries ago:<br />

“Never say to your colleagues: ‘You must adopt my view’: the prerogative is theirs, not<br />

yours to coerce.”<br />

Before I took office, I wrote a personal strategy statement that I hoped would guide<br />

me through the presidency. I wanted to ensure that HERJC would provide a rewarding<br />

Conservative Egalitarian Jewish experience for its members, but recognized that I had<br />

no control over what others’ experience would be. I could try, though, to set the agenda<br />

for overall activity and to motivate others to create conditions that would be more<br />

engaging and therefore more rewarding to congregants.<br />

I wanted several outcomes, including better informed, more thoughtful, more<br />

balanced decision making; clear, consistent, and ongoing outreach to the larger<br />

Congregation, employees, and other constituents, and the ability to articulate who we<br />

President—Continued on page 4<br />

page 2 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


From the Rabbi’s Study<br />


Shavuot, the major Jewish holiday which comes at the end of May<br />

celebrates the moment when God gave us the Torah at Mt. Sinai and<br />

our people made a lasting and irrevocable covenant to accept God<br />

as our sovereign and to live our lives according to Torah. It is the<br />

perfect time to reaffirm our commitment to living joyous and vibrant<br />

Jewish lives.<br />

The rabbinic imagination offers us two conflicting explanations as<br />

to how our people came to accept the Torah. According to one<br />

midrash, we took it because we had no choice: God held Mt. Sinai<br />

over our heads and said “Take My Torah or this will be your grave.”<br />

The other midrash portrays our acceptance as a voluntary act of love for God who<br />

brought us out of Egypt. In this version of events, God went to all the other nations on<br />

earth offering the Torah to each of them in turn. Each one asked what obligations this<br />

gift would entail and each, for its own reasons, rejected it. Finally, God came to Israel<br />

who, having already experienced God’s goodness, asked no questions but eagerly<br />

embraced the Torah, saying: “Naaseh venishma – we will do whatever You ask.”<br />

These two midrashim reflect two different paths by which Jewish people have<br />

traditionally come to affirm our commitment to Judaism. The first one describes an<br />

identification which comes al korhaynu – against our will and is symbolic of times in<br />

our history when some of our people have been forced to identify with Judaism because<br />

anti-Semites gave them no choice.<br />

The second midrash indicates a different path and one that is more relevant to our<br />

lives in America today. “Naaseh venishma” implies an acceptance of Judaism which isn’t<br />

based on the terms of the contract but rather comes about as a consequence of positive<br />

past experiences.<br />

The implications of this midrash for Jewish parents and grandparents could not be<br />

more clear: If we want our children and grandchildren to identify as Jews, we cannot<br />

rely on outside forces to compel them to be Jewish. We have to provide them with the<br />

positive Jewish experiences that will help them see that being Jewish is special and<br />

wonderful, something they should embrace with gratitude and joy.<br />

The Rabbi’s Table — Shabbat Afternoons at Twilight This Month<br />

May 2 at 7:<strong>20</strong> <strong>pm</strong> — Must Israel Be a Jewish state<br />

May 9 at 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong> — Ask the Rabbi<br />

May 16 at 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong> — Mysteries of the Desert<br />

May 23 at 7:45 <strong>pm</strong> — Songs of Jerusalem<br />

May <strong>30</strong> at 7:45 <strong>pm</strong> — Shavuot<br />

Watch your weekly<br />

email for the topics<br />

for <strong>June</strong>.<br />

Join us each week for Mincha, a spirited discussion and singing over light<br />

refreshments, followed by Arvit and havdalah. What a nice way to end Shabbat together!<br />

HAKOL is published<br />

by the <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East<br />

<strong>Rockaway</strong> Jewish Centre/<br />

Congregation Etz Chaim<br />

295 Main Street,<br />

East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY 11518<br />

Telephone: 516-599-2634<br />

Fax: 516-599-2851<br />

E-mail: office@herjc.org<br />

Website: www.herjc.org<br />

President<br />


lizk@lizkislik.com<br />

Vice Presidents<br />






Treasurer<br />


Financial Secretary<br />


Recording and<br />

Corresponding Secretary<br />


Sisterhood President<br />


Men’s Club President<br />


Editor<br />


Editorial Assistant<br />


Periodical postage paid at the<br />

East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY Post Office<br />

(#2331<strong>20</strong>). Postmaster: Send<br />

address changes to <strong>Hewlett</strong>-East<br />

<strong>Rockaway</strong> Jewish Centre, 295<br />

Main St., East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY<br />

11518. Affiliated with: United<br />

Synagogue, National Federation<br />

of Jewish Men’s Clubs, National<br />

Women’s League. The views<br />

and opinions expressed herein<br />

do not necessarily reflect the<br />

policies of HERJC or the<br />

Conservative Movement.<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 3

President—Continued from page 2<br />

DAILY<br />


Mornings<br />


Monday<br />

and Thursday<br />

6:50 am<br />

Tuesday, Wednesday,<br />

and Friday<br />

7:00 am<br />

Saturday<br />

9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Sunday &<br />

Legal Holidays<br />

9:00 am<br />

Evenings<br />

Monday through<br />

Thursday, Sunday<br />

& Legal Holidays<br />

7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Fridays<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Saturday varies<br />

with sunset times<br />

Go to<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

Please check<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

or see the calendar for<br />

Saturday evening<br />

service times.<br />

are, what the institution represents, and what it means to be a HERJC member. You<br />

have to laugh a bit – I do it a lot – but I actually promised myself that I wouldn’t take<br />

on more than three discrete tasks at a time, and that I would only take on a fourth when<br />

a previous task had been completed, delegated, or otherwise removed from my list.<br />

The words of Rabbi Tarfon bring me comfort: “You are not obliged to complete the<br />

task; neither are you free to refrain from it.” OK, very little is complete. The work goes<br />

on and on. The lessons, though, have been many and valuable.<br />

I’ve learned how truly generous so many members of this congregation are – with<br />

their time, money, ideas, emotional support. More people have helped in ways large and<br />

small than you can ever know or would ever believe. Sometimes, just a kind word has<br />

been generosity enough. And on the tough days, I found that it was always better to be<br />

entertained (by human foibles, crotchets, and eccentricities) than drained (by same).<br />

A soft answer turneth away wrath 95% of the time, but for the other 5%, you just<br />

have to stand there and take it. People care about what they care about and they also<br />

expect that they will find whatever it is at the place they care about. Logic has almost<br />

no connection to people’s expectations, reactions, or feelings, so even when I couldn’t<br />

understand, couldn’t reconcile, our Sages gave me strength. Y’hoshua ben P’rahyah<br />

taught that “when you assess people, tip the balance in their favor.” And Hillel said,<br />

“Don’t judge your fellows till you stand in their situation.”<br />

So I also learned to ask myself why such a<br />

smart/nice/good/committed person would<br />

ever do such a dumb/unkind/bad/irresponsible<br />

“It happens from<br />

time to time that those<br />

who sing out with the<br />

greatest zest don’t<br />

necessarily have<br />

the greatest voices.<br />

It helps me to remember<br />

that they are not<br />

contributing tunefulness<br />

– they are<br />

contributing zest!<br />

”<br />

thing. Then it was easier to find a rationale or<br />

premise different from my own, one in which<br />

the other person, with the best of intentions,<br />

believed something I didn’t or saw something I<br />

didn’t see. It happens from time to time that<br />

those who sing out with the greatest zest don’t<br />

necessarily have the greatest voices. It helps me<br />

to remember that they are not contributing<br />

tunefulness – they are contributing zest!<br />

And now we enter the next stage. Dan<br />

Gerstman (see p. 5 for the Nominating Slate) is<br />

assembling a wonderful new team of volunteers,<br />

and our staff is stepping up more than<br />

ever. We will all have to do more with less – less funding, less time, perhaps even fewer<br />

people working. But we will also get to do more with more – more heart, more ideas,<br />

more hope for improvement. When everything is changing, there’s more and better<br />

chance for change.<br />

A few of the things you can look forward to with anticipation: new and significant<br />

fundraising to stabilize HERJC’s finances and give us a solid basis for growth and develo<strong>pm</strong>ent<br />

– even in an uncertain future; new community outreach initiatives under the<br />

banner of “HERJC Cares”; and a renewed focus on bringing old members back into the<br />

fold.<br />

Come July, I’ll return to my old seat in the back row of the sanctuary and the back<br />

table of the Board room. But my perspective will have changed significantly. My heartfelt<br />

thanks and affection to all of you for the opportunity to learn and grow as a part of<br />

the HERJC community. Shalom, Chaverim – and see you in shul!<br />

page 4 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 www.herjc.org HAKOL

please join us<br />

Congregational Meeting<br />

MONDAY, MAY 18 AT 8:00 PM<br />


AGENDA:<br />

• Election of Officers and<br />

Board of Director Members<br />

• Approval of <strong>20</strong>09–10 Budget<br />

• Discussion of 257 Willard<br />

Installation of Officers and<br />

Board Members <strong>20</strong>10–12<br />

FRIDAY, JUNE 12 AT 7:00 PM<br />

• Please join us at a Special<br />

Friday Evening Shabbat Service.<br />

• Installation of our new Officers<br />

and Board of Directors members<br />

• Open to all<br />

Nominating Committee Report<br />

On Monday, March 16, <strong>20</strong>09, the Nominating Committee, having considered respective candidates, recommended the following<br />

slate of candidates as Officers of the Congregation and for election to the Board of Directors:<br />

OFFICERS <strong>20</strong>10–<strong>20</strong>12<br />

President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Gerstman<br />

Vice-Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilyn Cohen<br />

Jeffrey Feigenblatt<br />

Dr. Martin Lesser<br />

Audrey Polinsky<br />

Roberta Sugarman<br />

Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Herbst<br />

Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larry Miller<br />

Recording & Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . Terri Gold<br />


New Appointments, Term Ending <strong>20</strong>10:<br />

Jaime Ezratty<br />

Reappointments, Term Ending <strong>20</strong>10:<br />

Charlotte Berch, George Berch<br />

Reappointments, Term Ending <strong>20</strong>11:<br />

Harriet Meixler, Brian Silver<br />

Reappointments, Term Ending <strong>20</strong>12:<br />

Laurie Brofsky, Sandy Feit, Michael Frank,<br />

Bennett Futterman, Jeffrey Thaler<br />

The following procedure for nominations for officers and members of the Board of Directors is set forth in our Temple’s<br />

Constitution, Article IX, Section 1A: “Candidates for Officership and Board membership in the Congregation may be nominated<br />

by (a) the Nominating Committee or (b) the filing with the Recording & Corresponding Secretary of the Congregation a<br />

Nominating Petition signed by at least thirty (<strong>30</strong>) regular members in good standing. Such Petition must be filed with the<br />

Recording and Corresponding Secretary within thirty (<strong>30</strong>) days following the meeting of the Nominating Committee at which<br />

nominations are made for the ensuing year and notice thereof given to the membership.”<br />

Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Monday, May 18, <strong>20</strong>09 at 8:00 PM.<br />

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Norman Doctor, Chair, Michael Geselowitz, Marc Goldberg, Keith Harrow, Maty Olin, Deborah Riegel,<br />

Andrea Mandell, Linda Pachter, Stuart Sugarman, alternate: Harold Kislik.<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 5

Family<br />

Fridays<br />

Create<br />

Wonderful<br />

Memories for<br />

You and Your<br />

Children!<br />

May 8, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Highlighting Our<br />

Nursery School<br />

<strong>June</strong> 5, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

End of the Year<br />

Barbeque<br />

A toasty and warm<br />

Todah Rabah to sponsors<br />

Lisa and Edmund Cohen<br />

Services begin<br />

at 6:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong>; casual<br />

dinner at 7:<strong>20</strong> <strong>pm</strong>.<br />

The nominal fee to<br />

help offset food<br />

expenses is $9 per<br />

adult, $5 for children<br />

12 and under and no<br />

charge for children 3<br />

and under.<br />

RSVP required.<br />

Email office@herjc.org<br />

or call 599-2634.<br />


notes from the cantor<br />


patrons society<br />

These are difficult economic times, as we all know. So I must say a<br />

heartfelt thank you to all of our Patron members who have either<br />

renewed their pledge for this year and/or paid it already. When you<br />

join the Partrons Society,<br />

you will be doing<br />

something extraordinary<br />

for our Shul,<br />

school and Congregation.<br />

If you and your family would be interested<br />

in becoming members of the Patrons<br />

Society, please feel free to leave a message<br />

for me in the Temple office at 599-2634.<br />


($1,000)<br />

Terri and Steven Gold<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller<br />

Nancy and Michael Rehns<br />

Beth Heit and Rabbi Andrew Warmflash<br />

PAID CHAI RENEWALS ($1,800)<br />

Philip Engel<br />

Many of us only know of one Megillah which is read during our joyous<br />

holiday of Purim. That Megillah, Megillat Ester is a beautiful<br />

story of how the Jewish people were redeemed by our heroin Queen<br />

Ester. However, there are four more megillot that are read every year.<br />

Megillat Ester has its own Trope System. However some of the story<br />

borrows some tunes found in Eicha, Lamentations. Eicha is recited<br />

in the summertime, it expresses itself through a mournful sounding<br />

Trope System on Tisha B'Av. Tisha B'Av commemorates the destruction<br />

of both our Temples in Jerusalem.<br />

Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs) recited on Passover, Ruth recited on Shavuot and<br />

Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) recited on Sukkot, all have the same Trope System. I invite those<br />

of you who are skilled in reading Hebrew to approach me about learning these Trope<br />

Systems and participating in our services throughout the year. I am available to meet<br />

you and teach you our beautiful heritage of chanting for the Five Books of Moses<br />

(Torah), The Prophets (Haftarah), and our Five Megillot. Please do not hesitate to call<br />

and set up an appointment 599-7432.<br />

Please join us on <strong>June</strong> 4 and 7, <strong>20</strong>09 as our synagogue will be putting on The Fiddler<br />

on The Roof. The cast is amazing and this is something not to be missed. Please support<br />

our efforts and hard work as we take you back in time to our little shtetl (town)<br />

of Anetevka and blow you away with Shalom Alecheims's tale of Tevye the poor Milk<br />

Man. This show will be phenomenal, I promise you.<br />

page 6 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


Presented by the HERJC Players<br />

Fiddler on the Roof<br />

Thursday, <strong>June</strong> 4 at 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 7 at 3:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Minimum Suggested Donation:<br />

Adults: $18<br />

Children 12 and under: $5<br />

For advance tickets,<br />

call Betsy at 599-1169<br />

ou,h ahse Kaddish Yatom<br />

Mourners Kaddish. The mourner’s Kaddish is one of best known and most<br />

profound prayers in our liturgy. It is traditionally recited daily by adult children for<br />

11 months after the death of a parent and for a month by all other members of the<br />

deceased’s immediate family. After the first year, Kaddish is said annually on the<br />

Yahrzeit, the anniversary of the death on the Hebrew calendar. It is also said as part<br />

of the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur and festivals.<br />

Kaddish binds the generations together in love. It responds to death by sanctifying God and embracing life.<br />

Because of its great sanctity, Kaddish requires that a minyan be present when it is said. This is one reason why<br />

our synagogue maintains a daily minyan, both morning and evening.<br />

According to an ancient mystical tradition, the recitation of Kaddish aids the soul of the deceased in its ascent<br />

to its final resting place in Paradise. It is also a powerful source of comfort and consolation for mourners, providing<br />

them with a daily opportunity to stand in the presence of community and pay tribute to the memory of<br />

a dear loved one.<br />

It is traditional to erect a monument on a person’s grave after they die. While this is certainly necessary and<br />

meaningful, it is important to remember that the true monument to a person’s life can be found in the lives of<br />

the people they leave behind when they die. There is no greater tribute that we can pay to someone we love who<br />

has left this world, than to stand daily as a flesh and blood monument to their memory, honoring them by<br />

reciting ancient words of holiness and sanctification.<br />

—Rabbi Andrew Warmflash<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 7

holidays<br />

LAG B’OMER<br />

Lag B’Omer is the 33rd day of the Omer (the 49 days counted between Pesach and<br />

Shavuot), which this year falls on May 12. Having no calendar, the Jews of ancient<br />

times counted the days from the second day of Pesach (the start of the cereal harvest)<br />

until Shavuot, when they would gather the harvest. Lag B’Omer is a solitary<br />

joyous day in this solemn period of the Jewish calendar, when so much Jewish persecution<br />

is remembered. On this day, we remember the miraculous cessation of a<br />

terrible plague that raged among Rabbi Akiva’s students. The yahrzeit of Simeon<br />

Bar Yohai, a great Jewish scholar who hid in a cave, living off carob and spring water<br />

when the Romans forbade the study of Torah, is also commemorated. When his<br />

students came to visit him, they disguised themselves as hunters with bows and<br />

arrows, hence the bows and arrows children play with on Lag B’Omer today. We<br />

also remember the amazing determination and bravery of Bar Kochba and his small, ill-equipped Jewish army in withstanding<br />

the mighty Roman army for three long years.<br />

In most countries, Lag B’Omer is celebrated with picnics, field days and games of skill. In Israel, many Jews visit the<br />

grave of Rabbi Simeon Bar Yohai in Meron. Bonfires are lit and there is singing and dancing throughout the night<br />

because Rabbi Bar Yohai requested that his followers celebrate, rather than mourn, his death. The bonfires also remind<br />

us that the torch of Jewish learning continues to burn, despite cruel persecutions by tyrants throughout the centuries.<br />


Shavuot means “weeks” and it falls exactly seven weeks after the second day of Pesach, on the 6th and 7th of Sivan.<br />

Shavuot is a three-fold celebration which commemorates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, the wheat harvest<br />

and the ripening of the first fruits in Israel. The Rabbis of old declared Shavuot to be the most pleasant of all Jewish<br />

holidays. In ancient times, the cereal harvest began on the second day of Passover with the<br />

ripening of barley. On this day, an omer or measure of grain was brought to the Temple as<br />

a thanksgiving to God. The 49 days were counted until Shavuot and this period is still called<br />

Sefirat HaOmer or the counting of the Omer. A special prayer was and still is said at the end<br />

of the Evening Service during this period. In a way, it fits in very well with Passover and<br />

brings that great festival to a glorious conclusion. On Passover the Jews were freed from<br />

slavery and on Shavuot the freed slaves were made into free men by the Ten Commandments.<br />

SHAVUOT CUSTOMS: In Israel, children usually march through the streets with baskets of<br />

fruit and beautifully decorated floats, in commemoration of the ancient festival processions<br />

carrying thanksgiving offerings to the Temple. Synagogues and homes in countries<br />

all over the world are decorated with plants, flowers and greenery.<br />

On the first night of Shavuot, the Evening Service is delayed until absolute nightfall to be sure the 49 days of counting<br />

are completed. Many observant Jews spend the whole first night studying Torah. During the day, the Scroll of Ruth<br />

is read at Services because this story describes harvesting in Palestine. On the second day, Yizkor is said. It is also customary<br />

to eat dairy foods, symbolizing the fact that the Torah is likened to “milk and honey.”<br />

page 8 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 www.herjc.org HAKOL

schedule of services<br />


THURSDAY, MAY 28<br />

Services & Tikkun . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />


FRIDAY, MAY 29<br />

Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Vav Class Graduation . . . . . . . . 8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Services & Candlelighting . . . . 8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />


SATURDAY, MAY <strong>30</strong><br />

Services with Yizkor . . . . . . . . . 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Shlesheit,<br />

Maariv, Havdalah . . . . . . . . . 7:45 <strong>pm</strong><br />

What Do You Do With The Leftovers<br />

Tikkun Layl Shavuot<br />

THURSDAY, MAY 28<br />


It is tradition<br />

to study Torah<br />

on the eve of<br />

Shavuot.<br />

Please join in our Temple’s annual Tikkun Layl<br />

Shavuot study and discussion session.<br />

Delicious dairy desserts will be served.<br />

On Shabbat Pesach, Rehama Deffallah, founder of the Darfur People’s Association of<br />

New York, who fled Darfur in 1997 due to the policy of silent genocide, spoke to our<br />

congregation. This past winter, he traveled to Sudan to help his 93 year old father and<br />

90 year old mother. Their village was razed to the ground by government warplanes.<br />

They and others who were too old, too sick or too young to make the 80 mile walk to<br />

the safety of the refugee camps in Chad, fled to the nearby mountains on the Sudanese<br />

side of the Sudanese-Chad border. They sleep during the day and at night forage for the<br />

scant food and water that is available. Now, Mr. Deffallah said, the government is deploying<br />

even more warplanes to kill these left over civilians who somehow have survived.<br />

Since <strong>20</strong>03, more than half a million persons have been killed, up to two and a half million<br />

internally displaced, <strong>30</strong>0,000 forced to cross the border to Chad, 7,000 villages<br />

completely destroyed and at least 8,000 women raped. Most recently Sudan expelled<br />

thirteen foreign aid groups and has done nothing to fill the gaps, leaving 4.7 million<br />

people at risk.<br />

Mazal Tov<br />

to our Vav<br />

Graduates<br />

Please<br />

join us at<br />

Graduation<br />

Friday, May 29<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

<br />

People are<br />

hungry<br />

and you<br />

can help!<br />

Sisterhood collects<br />

Kosher canned and<br />

packaged food<br />

year round.<br />

Please leave your<br />

donations in the<br />

Lucite box<br />

in the Lobby.<br />


Call and e-mail your elected officials to voice your concern about events in Darfur.<br />

US Senate Switchboard: <strong>20</strong>2 224-3121<br />

House of Representatives: <strong>20</strong>2 225-3121<br />

White House: <strong>20</strong>2 456-1414<br />

Donate to any of these organizations:<br />

Doctors Without Borders, American Jewish World Watch, UNICEF, Oxfam, or<br />

Brooklyn for Peace Inc. (DPANY, PO Box <strong>30</strong>0405, Brooklyn, N.Y. 112<strong>30</strong>)<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 9

Supermarket Sweeps Brings Sweet Success<br />

Just before Passover, 24 USY’ers and Pre-USY’ers participated in<br />

a great game at the Stop and Shop on Long Beach Road in<br />

Oceanside. Each team tried to buy the most non-perishable<br />

kosher food (including at least one Passover item) for a total of<br />

$<strong>20</strong>. A tremendous time was had by all and HERJC Youth made<br />

a huge food donation to the food pantry in Far <strong>Rockaway</strong>. The<br />

balance of the money collected was donated to a local homeless<br />

shelter. A huge thank you goes out to Oceanside’s Stop and<br />

Shop, who not only gave us total access to the store but also<br />

donated a $25 gift card which made our food collection that<br />

much bigger!<br />

mazal tov to our may, june<br />


May 9, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Mazal Tov to Mitra and Dr.<br />

Mark Kahn on the Bat Mitzvah<br />

of their daughter, Sydney Paige.<br />

Sydney is a seventh grade<br />

student at Lynbrook South<br />

Middle School. Her favorite<br />

subjects are math, science<br />

and Spanish. She enjoys dance,<br />

tennis, piano and skiing.<br />

Sydney has a sister and brother, Alexa, 18 and<br />

Jared, 15.<br />


May 16, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Mazal Tov to Anita<br />

Boomstein and Burton Laskin<br />

on the Bat Mitzvah of their<br />

daughter, Samantha Nicole.<br />

Samantha is a seventh grade<br />

student at Lynbrook South<br />

Middle School. Her favorite<br />

subjects are math, science<br />

and art. She enjoys drama, swimming and singing.<br />


May <strong>30</strong>, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Mazal Tov to Marcia and<br />

Jonathan Kurz on the Bat<br />

Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Jessie Leana.<br />

Jessie is a seventh grade<br />

student at Woodmere Middle<br />

School. Her favorite subjects<br />

are Spanish and math. She<br />

enjoys gymnastics, diving, and spending time with<br />

friends.<br />

Jessie has two sisters, Elle, 18 and Jenna, 14.<br />


<strong>June</strong> 6, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Mazal Tov to Barbara and<br />

Robert Kessler on the Bar<br />

Mitzvah of their son, Skyler<br />

Harrison.<br />

Skyler is a seventh grade<br />

student at Lynbrook South<br />

Middle School. His favorite<br />

subjects are math and science.<br />

He enjoys playing the trumpet, biking and tennis.<br />

Skyler has a sister, Micaela, 9.<br />

page 10 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


and august b’nai mitzvah<br />


<strong>June</strong> 13, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Mazal Tov to Bonnie Mann<br />

Falk and Jonathan Falk on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Mollie Elizabeth.<br />

Mollie is a seventh grade<br />

student at The Brandeis School.<br />

Her favorite subjects are math,<br />

Spanish and Jewish History.<br />

She enjoys tennis, swimming, spending time with<br />

friends, going to camp and the beach.<br />

Mollie has a brother, Perry, 9.<br />


<strong>June</strong> <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Mazal Tov to Karen and<br />

Jeffrey Scheier on the Bar<br />

Mitzvah of their son,<br />

Wesley Eric.<br />

Wesley is a seventh grade<br />

student at Lynbrook South<br />

Middle School. His favorite<br />

subjects are math and social<br />

studies. He enjoys baseball, basketball, video<br />

games and spending time with friends and family.<br />

Wesley has a sister, Danielle, 19.<br />


August 29, <strong>20</strong>09<br />

Mazal Tov to Deborah and<br />

Stuart Polokoff on the Bat<br />

Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Emily Reid.<br />

Emily is a sixth grade student<br />

at Lynbrook South Middle<br />

School. Her favorite subjects<br />

are math and social studies.<br />

She enjoys tennis, horseback riding and chorus.<br />

Emily has a sister and a brother, Hannah, 10<br />

and Adam, 6.<br />

Did you remember<br />

to buy Yarmulkes for your<br />

upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah<br />

Let us make it easy for you.<br />

Order from the Religious School Parents Association.<br />

Call Gail at 374-0468 or<br />

Liz at 593-7984.<br />

(Please call 4 weeks<br />

before your<br />

Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.)<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 11

social outreach<br />

Sisterhood News<br />


My first year as Sisterhood president is almost over and<br />

it has been a wonderful whirlwind of events and programs.<br />

We all enjoyed the best ever Sisterhood Shabbat.<br />

The wine tasting was a huge success and delicious<br />

wines graced our Passover tables thanks to Peninsula<br />

Wines and Liquor. We learned to crochet and we are<br />

very well read. We have new members at our book<br />

group and the discussion couldn’t be better so why don’t<br />

you give it a try<br />

We are still anticipating two big events:<br />

Cabaret Night – See page 13.<br />

Maggie Anton – See box below.<br />

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who<br />

helped this past year. It’s thanks to all your dedication<br />

and hard work that Sisterhood is able to do so much.<br />

Sisterhood Simcha Sponsors<br />

• Nancy and Paul Levitt in honor of their daughter,<br />

Julie, making Dean’s List and being inducted into the<br />

Honor Society at Ithaca College.<br />

• Hannah Plotkin in honor of Ariel’s 21st birthday.<br />

Men’s Club<br />


May and <strong>June</strong> are very full months<br />

for Men’s Club and the congregation.<br />

Please support our activities.<br />

Louise and I wish you all a very<br />

happy Shavuot.<br />

On Saturday night, May 16, Sisterhood<br />

and Men’s Club are joining<br />

together to celebrate Israel’s 61st<br />

birthday – See page 13.<br />

Have a wonderful Mother’s day and Father’s day.<br />

Please consider the Jewish National Fund’s playground<br />

project for gifts.<br />

I hope to see you at the Israel Day Parade, Sunday,<br />

May 31.<br />

Our Defensive Driving class will be held on two<br />

Tuesdays, <strong>June</strong> 16 and 23.<br />

We are going to a Cyclones baseball game, Tuesday<br />

night, July 7 – See page 21.<br />

Have a great summer.<br />

Book Talk and Signing<br />

Meet Maggie Anton, award winning author of “Rashi’s Daughters”<br />

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM AT HERJC, FREE, OPEN TO ALL<br />

The program will be proceeded by a Meet the Author <strong>Dinner</strong> for<br />

Sisterhood members and their guests at 5:00 <strong>pm</strong> in a member’s home.<br />

Cost: $36 Space is limited Pre-paid reservations required by May 18<br />

Call Beverly for details, 374-0901 for details and RSVP<br />

Maggie Anton<br />

page 12 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


events<br />

Join us for a fun-filled evening of dancing and music as Sisterhood<br />

and Men’s Club celebrate the 61st birthday of the State of Israel.<br />





To RSVP, send your check for $25 per person (made out to: HERJC Men’s Club<br />

or HERJC Sisterhood) to the HERJC Office. Mention “Cabaret” on memo line.<br />

Any questions, call Nancy at 516-569-2366 or Marty at 718-327-3536<br />

RSVP a must by May 6!<br />

Men’s Club Defensive Driving Course<br />

TUESDAYS, JUNE 16 & 23 FROM 7:00 – 10:00 PM <br />

Complete the Defensive Driving Course through one of our Department of Motor<br />

Vehicles approved training agencies and become eligible for the insurance discount!<br />

Even the most experienced drivers will find the course interesting and filled with valuable<br />

safe driving tips. It’s great for new drivers, too!<br />

Men’s Club Defensive Driving Course Registration<br />

NAME(S) ___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

PHONE_____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

ENCLOSED IS A CHECK FOR $________________________________________________________________<br />

South Shore<br />

Adult Jewish Institute<br />

Judaism in<br />

Today’s World<br />

May 17<br />

7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Congregation B’nai Israel<br />

91 N. Bayview Avenue,<br />

Freeport, NY 115<strong>20</strong><br />

Dr. Harriet Davis-Kram,<br />

Queens College<br />

“Jewish Radical Women in<br />

the U.S. and Europe”<br />

<br />

This Mother’s Day<br />

and Father’s Day<br />

Do a Triple Mitzvah<br />

We are pleased to<br />

announce that HERJC<br />

is joining with the Jewish<br />

National Fund to aid the<br />

children of Sderot in<br />

southern Israel whose<br />

families continue to<br />

be vulnerable to missile<br />

attacks from Gaza.<br />

Honor Your Parents<br />

Help the People<br />

of Israel<br />

Support HERJC<br />

All with one donation!<br />

Call 599-2634<br />

or email secy@herjc.org<br />

Return to: HERJC Men’s Club, 295 Main Street, East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, NY 11518<br />

Fee $50.00 per driver • Please register as soon as possible.<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 13

may calendar<br />


Don’t Miss the Fun!<br />

Salute To Israel Parade<br />

Sunday, May 31, NYC<br />

Grades 7–12<br />

Come and March!<br />

Call Todd at<br />

599-1148 for Details<br />

Light the Shabbat<br />

Candles and<br />

Recite the<br />

Following Blessing<br />

(Candlelighting times are<br />

listed on the calendar)<br />

Blessed are You,<br />

Lord our God,<br />

King of the universe,<br />

who has hallowed us<br />

through commandments,<br />

and has commanded us<br />

to kindle the Shabbat Lights.<br />

Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai<br />

E-lohei-nu Me-lech Ha-olam<br />

A-Sher Kee-di-shah-noo<br />

Bi-mitz-vo-tav<br />

Vi-tzee-va-noo Li-had-leek<br />

Ner Shel Sha-bat.<br />

Go to<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

Learn the<br />

Blessings at<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

First click on “Cantor”<br />

and then on “Blessings”<br />

3 9 iyar 4 10 iyar 5 11 iyar<br />

Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />

Rabbi’s Talmud Class – 10:00 am<br />


Rabbi’s Genesis Class – 11:00 am<br />

USY – 7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Executive Committee Meeting<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Pizza Plus – 5:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

10 16 iyar 11 17 iyar 12 18 iyar<br />



USY “Breakfast in Bed”<br />

Preparation – 9:00 am<br />

Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />


Rabbi’s Genesis Class – 11:00 am<br />

USY – 7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Board of Education Meeting<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

LAG B’OMER<br />

Pizza Plus – 5:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Ritual Committee Meeting<br />

7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

17 23 iyar 18 24 iyar 19 25 iyar<br />

Religious School Last Gan Class<br />

9:00 am<br />

Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />

Rabbi’s Last Talmud Class<br />

10:00 am<br />

Adult Ed./Away – 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Rabbi’s Last Genesis Class<br />

11:00 am<br />

USY – 7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Congregational and<br />

Open Board Meetings<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Pizza Plus – 5:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Youth Committee Meeting<br />

7:45 <strong>pm</strong><br />

24 1 sivan 25 2 sivan 26 3 sivan<br />

Rosh Chodesh Sivan<br />

Minyan & Breakfast – 9:00 am<br />


31<br />

8 sivan<br />

Israeli Day Parade<br />

Minyan & Breakfast – 9:00 am<br />

Sist. Meet the Author – 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />


Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />





Religious School Last Alef, Bet<br />

& Gimel Classes – 4:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Religious School Keshet<br />

Moving Up Ceremony – 4:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

page 14 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 www.herjc.org HAKOL

of events<br />


Looking for a fast, easy way<br />

to help support our <strong>Dinner</strong> <strong>Dance</strong><br />

List your children or grandchildren’s names in the Journal!<br />

It’s $18 per family and names can be emailed to<br />

office@herjc.org or called into the office at 599-2634.<br />

Thanks so much!<br />

1 7 iyar 2 8 iyar<br />

acharei mot/kedoshim<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 7:33 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Jr. Congregation – 11:00 am<br />

Torah Kids – 11:00 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

7:<strong>20</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

6<br />

12 iyar<br />

Kadima – 5:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Nursery Art Show – 6:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Sisterhood Board Meeting<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

7 13 iyar 8 14 iyar 9 15 iyar<br />

Family Friday Service & <strong>Dinner</strong><br />

featuring Nursery<br />

6:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 7:41 <strong>pm</strong><br />

emor<br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Bat Mitzvah: Sydney Kahn<br />

Religious School Family Services<br />

9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

13<br />

19 iyar<br />

Nursery School PA Luncheon<br />

1:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Kadima – 5:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

House Committee Meeting<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

14 <strong>20</strong> iyar 15 21 iyar 16 22 iyar<br />

Nursery Soccer – 2:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

METNY Regional Convention<br />

May 15-17/Away<br />

Nursery Soccer – 2:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 7:48 <strong>pm</strong><br />

behar/bechukotai<br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Bat Mitzvah: Samantha Laskin<br />

Jr. Congregation – 11:00 am<br />

Torah Kids – 11:00 am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Sisterhood/Men’s Club Yom<br />

Ha’atzmaut Cabaret – 9:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong><br />

26 iyar<br />

Last Kadima – 5:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

21 27 iyar 22 28 iyar 23 29 iyar<br />

Nursery Soccer – 2:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Religious School<br />

Last Vav Class – 6:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />


Early Minyan – 6:50 am<br />


Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 7:54 <strong>pm</strong><br />

bemidbar<br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

7:45 <strong>pm</strong><br />

27<br />

4 sivan<br />

Religious School<br />

Last Dalet & Hay Class<br />

4:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

28 5 sivan 29 6 sivan <strong>30</strong> 7 sivan<br />

Erev Shavuot<br />

Candlelighting – 8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Mincha & Tikkun Layl Shavuot<br />

8:00 PM<br />


Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Services, Vav Graduation &<br />

Award Ceremony – 8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />




shavuot<br />

Services with Yizkor – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Bat Mitzvah: Jessie Kurz<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

7:45 <strong>pm</strong><br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 15

june calendar<br />


1 9 sivan 2 10 sivan<br />

3<br />


11 sivan<br />

USY – 7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Executive Committee Meeting<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Board of Education Meeting<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

7 15 sivan 8 16 sivan 9 17 sivan<br />

10<br />

18 sivan<br />

Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />


3:00 PM<br />

Last USY – 7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Nursery School Moving Up Day<br />

12:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Ritual Committee Meeting<br />

7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Last Day of Nursery School<br />

House Committee Meeting<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Sisterhood End of Year<br />

Board Meeting – 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

14 22 sivan 15 23 sivan 16 24 sivan<br />

17<br />

25 sivan<br />

Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />

Board of Directors Meeting<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Men’s Club Defensive Driving<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

21 29 kislev 22 1 tammuz 23 2 tammuz<br />

24<br />

3 tammuz<br />


Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz<br />

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz<br />

Men’s Club Defensive Driving<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

28 7 tammuz 29 8 tammuz <strong>30</strong> 9 tammuz<br />

Morning Minyan & Breakfast<br />

9:00 am<br />

page 16 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 www.herjc.org HAKOL

of events<br />


4 12 sivan 5 13 sivan 6 14 sivan<br />

naso<br />

Nursery Soccer – 2:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />


7:<strong>30</strong> PM<br />

Nursery Soccer – 2:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Family Fridays BBQ<br />

Shabbat Service & <strong>Dinner</strong><br />

6:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 8:05 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Bar Mitzvah: Skyler Kessler<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

7:45 <strong>pm</strong><br />

11 19 sivan 12 <strong>20</strong> sivan 13 21 sivan<br />

Nursery Camp Orientation<br />

10:00 am<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

& Installation – 7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 8:09 <strong>pm</strong><br />

beha’alotecha<br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Bat Mitzvah: Mollie Falk<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

18 26 sivan 19 27 sivan <strong>20</strong> 28 sivan<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 8:12 <strong>pm</strong><br />

shelach<br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Bar Mitzvah: Wesley Scheier<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

<strong>Dinner</strong> <strong>Dance</strong> (Away) – 9:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

25 4 tammuz 26 5 tammuz 27 6 tammuz<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat Service<br />

7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Candlelighting – 8:13 <strong>pm</strong><br />

korach<br />

Services – 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Aufruf: Evan Gluck &<br />

Liz Eskenasi<br />

Mincha, Seuda, Maariv, Havdalah<br />

8:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

Recycling<br />

Opportunities<br />

at HERJC<br />


SCHOOL<br />


used ink cartridges, cell<br />

phones and “garbage”<br />

(which becomes Art!),<br />

such as CLEAN paper<br />

towel tubes, coffee cans,<br />

egg crates, baby food<br />

jars, plastic containers,<br />

ribbons, wrapping paper,<br />

wallpaper, buttons, trim,<br />

yarn, spools, fabric,<br />

shopping bags and<br />

anything else you<br />

can think of!<br />

HERJC<br />



Used batteries are<br />

poisoning our landfills!<br />

Help save the earth<br />

by bringing your used<br />

batteries to the<br />

synagogue for collection<br />

and proper recycling.<br />

Commemorate a Happy Event<br />

by Placing a Leaf on the<br />


in our Lobby<br />

Small acts that<br />

bring big results!<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 17

our jewish future<br />

nursery school<br />


School is almost over, and I have<br />

decided that since all of you mean so<br />

much to me, I would like to give<br />

you a gift. However, after months<br />

of searching for something special,<br />

I realized that no mere trinket or<br />

card could truly reflect the feelings<br />

of an early childhood director’s<br />

grateful heart.<br />

When school started in September, you gave me the<br />

gift of your trust, believing that I would teach your<br />

child, and you reserved respect for me as a director.<br />

I added to that my constant and fervent prayers that<br />

you would be objective and fair, and allow me the<br />

opportunity to set limitations while offering your child<br />

a chance to learn self-control and soar a bit in the<br />

process. I have tried to make our school a safe haven for<br />

your child. I pray for your health and happiness and<br />

your ability to be supplied with the tools necessary to<br />

succeed in your task as a parent, teacher and educator.<br />

You have given me your time as often as you could, and<br />

supported all my endeavors. Occasionally, I even<br />

offered you a challenge when I spoke my mind, sometimes<br />

standing firm, sometimes backing down with a<br />

renewed assurance with a “wait and see” attitude.<br />

And now as your child returns to your side for the<br />

summer, or leaves our school to go on to the next step,<br />

the gift I humbly give to you is found deep within my<br />

heart…I give to you my most profound thanks.<br />

Wishing all of my families a wonderful summer.<br />

I look forward to seeing you in September.<br />

religious school<br />


My, that went fast! It seems like only<br />

yesterday we were beginning the<br />

school year and preparing for the<br />

High Holidays; that our Alef and<br />

Bet students were celebrating their<br />

Kabbalat HaSiddur ceremony; that<br />

our Akiva students were chanting<br />

Torah on our bimah; that our Hay<br />

students and their families were<br />

making their yads with our incredible Yad Meister, Neil<br />

Meixler, and his fabulous Yad Squad. Family projects,<br />

classroom seders…it all seems to zip by so quickly.<br />

The end of the year seems to invite reflection on the<br />

passage of time. I know that, as a parent, it is inconceivable<br />

to me that my little boys are now men of 25 and 21<br />

years! Where did the years go All of their joys and<br />

challenges have just flown by.<br />

Bob Dylan sang that, “Time is a jet plane; it moves<br />

too fast.” Certainly, it often seems so. Of course, that is<br />

one of the reasons that we have ritual and ceremony –<br />

to slow down time; to make us aware of the significance<br />

of what is happening now, when it is happening.<br />

Blessings accomplish the same thing. They make us<br />

aware of the world around us. When we are aware,<br />

events seem not to fly by quite so frighteningly.<br />

As the Religious School prepares for another Vav<br />

Class Graduation ceremony, it is good to keep in mind<br />

that graduation not only gives us an opportunity to ask,<br />

“Where has the time gone” but also to stop and recognize<br />

just how remarkable these young adults have<br />

become; to mark who they are now.<br />

The Nursery School and Religious School would like to thank TERRI AND STEVEN GOLD for their generous<br />

donation of Gold’s Horseradish for all of our school seders. No one else could ever make the “bitter” so sweet!<br />

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Time has always been fundamental to who we are as Jews. After all, our God is a God<br />

of time, a God who is the same at the beginning of time as at the end of time. And, for<br />

us, the past is never simply prelude. It plays itself out over and over. The past happens<br />

in our time. We are slaves in Egypt. We are redeemed. We stand at Sinai as Moses<br />

returns with God’s commandments. We are part of the incredible flow of tradition.<br />

When we feel that way, time doesn’t pass us by so much as embrace us and lift us up.<br />

Have a happy and healthy summer. See you next year when we “start it up” again!<br />

youth programs<br />


Another great year is coming to a close with HERJC Youth Group<br />

clocking into the #1 spot on the charts! Our USY’ers had loads of fun<br />

and learned a lot at such events as Israeli Color War, Israel Spa day,<br />

and Purim Carnival. They participated in many social action programs<br />

which directly impacted the surrounding communities, such<br />

as making blankets and delivering them to Hoffman Manor, playing<br />

Super Market Sweeps at Stop and Shop and donating the food to the<br />

hungry and money to a homeless shelter. USY also experienced the<br />

joy of creating tzedakah by running a car wash and selling Tikun<br />

Olam t-shirts. Our Youth Group kids also had a super time while doing some religious<br />

education programs such as planting pots for Tu B’Shevat, helping with Yellow Candle<br />

deliveries for Yom HaShoah, sponsoring the synagogue’s Yom HaShoah program, and<br />

making Purim and the Megillah reading awesome by coming up with the theme and<br />

then writing and performing a Purim spiel. Other fabulous activities included S-Cubed<br />

(soccer, socks and sundaes), Iron Chef and Make Your Own Pizza. One of the most popular<br />

events was our all-nighters! A great time was had by all.<br />

On a divisional and regional level, the year started with in the summer with<br />

Encam<strong>pm</strong>ent, then moved onto the Kickoff <strong>Dance</strong>, Chazak Divisional Kinnus at<br />

HERJC, International Convention in Washington, DC, Mid-winter Kallah, Spring<br />

Kinnus, Regional Convention and will end on a<br />

high note at the Israel Day Parade in Manhattan!<br />

Kadima, Pizza Plus, and our seventh graders<br />

“USY also<br />

experienced the joy<br />

of creating tzedakah<br />

by running a car wash<br />

and selling Tikun<br />

”<br />

Olam t-shirts.<br />

participated in a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream sedar,<br />

lots of sports and arts and crafts events among<br />

many other great programs and trips to Owl Art<br />

Gallery, Fun Station, and will be going to Ultimate<br />

GaGa.<br />

Encam<strong>pm</strong>ent applications are in. Encam<strong>pm</strong>ent<br />

is an eight day sleep away camp held at Camp<br />

Ramah in the Berkshires. As a kid, I went to two<br />

Kadima and four USY encam<strong>pm</strong>ents and then returned to camp as staff. I was a bunk<br />

counselor, then moved to Boys Head Counselor and as of last year was named Kadima<br />

Encam<strong>pm</strong>ent Director. If you are between sixth and twelve grades and have any questions<br />

about this great program, please feel free to contact me.<br />

Mark Your<br />

Calendar and<br />

Don’t Miss<br />

These Upcoming<br />

Youth Group<br />

Events!<br />

<br />

MAY 3<br />

Ultimate GaGa<br />

<br />

MAY 10<br />

Mother’s Day<br />

Breakfast-in-Bed<br />

<br />

MAY 15–17<br />

Regional<br />

Convention<br />

(for 8–12 grades)<br />

<br />

MAY 14<br />

Special Seniors<br />

Event at Regional<br />

Convention<br />

<br />

MAY 31<br />

Israel Day Parade<br />

in New York City<br />

<br />

We are still selling<br />

Jewish baseball cards<br />

at $25 a set<br />

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MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 19

Encam<strong>pm</strong>ent ‘09<br />

August 26 –Sept. 3<br />

at Camp Ramah<br />

in the<br />

Berkshires<br />



Open to all current<br />

5th to 11th graders.<br />

Separate programs for<br />

5th–7th graders (Kadima)<br />

and 8th–11th<br />

graders (USY).<br />


Each teen gets to<br />

choose a variety of<br />

activities such as<br />

Drama, Music,<br />

Sports Clinics,<br />

Arts & Crafts,<br />

Teenage Dilemmas,<br />

and much more!<br />



Talent Show and<br />

Maccabia, Campfires<br />

and Hiking, and the<br />

Final Banquet<br />

For an application,<br />

contact the Youth Office<br />

or call 212-533-7800<br />

ext. 2155.<br />

events<br />




Mentoring Program in Religious School<br />


Join us for the Grand Opening<br />

Wednesday, May 6<br />

6:<strong>30</strong>–8:<strong>30</strong> PM in the gym<br />

Refreshments<br />

Interested in a great job AND community service opportunity (say, “yes”!)<br />

One-on-One Mentoring Program in the Religious School<br />

You commit to:<br />

1. A Religious School day (or even more than one!)<br />

2. Three prep sessions with Mr. Woolfe<br />

3. Helping younger students<br />

You can also view our<br />

Art Show<br />

following Services on<br />

Saturday, May 9<br />

We commit to:<br />

1. Providing 1 hr pay/1 hr community service each Religious School day<br />

2. Supporting you in performing a wonderful task<br />

3. Helping you help your synagogue<br />

We Can Only Bring in a Limited Number of Mentors so…if you’re interested,<br />

call the Religious School office (599-0424) and talk to Mr. Woolfe!<br />

page <strong>20</strong> MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


summertime – don’t forget us!<br />


FRIDAY EVENINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 <strong>pm</strong><br />

SATURDAY MORNINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:<strong>30</strong> am<br />


Please go to www.herjc.org<br />

for Minyan Times<br />


Go to www.herjc.org<br />

Please watch your<br />

emails & check the website<br />

for the latest news.<br />

Baseball Jewish<br />

Heritage Night<br />

Join us on<br />

July 7 at a<br />

Cyclones game.<br />


Mincha followed by Candlelit Tisha B’Av Service . . . . . . . . . . 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

THURSDAY, JULY <strong>30</strong><br />

Morning Minyan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:<strong>30</strong> am<br />

Maariv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:<strong>30</strong> <strong>pm</strong><br />

join our summer fun<br />

Once again, we are asking Congregants to help us by either<br />

chanting a Haftara or delivering a D’var Tora during the summer<br />

months. If you would like to participate in this mitzva, contact<br />

Jeffrey Thaler at 917-685-8848 or email jeffrey1<strong>20</strong>45@aol.com.<br />

Another HERJC summer tradition is asking Congregants to<br />

sponsor a Shabbat kiddush at the cost of $154. Celebrate a special<br />

occasion or commemorate a yahrzeit while helping us to<br />

maintain a nice kiddush during the quiet summer months. We<br />

hope to hear from you soon.<br />

The cost is $18 a seat<br />

and you’ll get<br />

a Cyclones hat!<br />

Call 917-797-0036<br />

and reserve your seat<br />

NOW!<br />

L’Shanah Tovah – Watch for details in the<br />

Weekly Update and in your mail.<br />



Your name can be added to our specially designed New Year’s Greeting<br />

Card sent to every member of our Congregation on Rosh Hashanah.<br />

Support your shul.<br />

We’re here for you all<br />

summer long!<br />


What better way is there to wish a sweet Rosh Hashanah to family,<br />

friends, and business associates than with a delicious gift of honey<br />

HAKOL<br />

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MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 21

personals & donations<br />

Personals<br />

Bonnie Mann Falk and Jonathan Falk<br />

on the Bat Mitzvah of their<br />

daughter, Mollie Elizabeth.<br />

Mitra and Dr. Mark Kahn on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Sydney Paige.<br />

Barbara and Bob Kessler on the<br />

Bar Mitzvah of their son,<br />

Skyler Harrison.<br />

Marcia and Jonathan Kurz on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Jessie Leana.<br />

Anita Boomstein and Burton Laskin on<br />

the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Samantha Nicole.<br />

Deborah and Stuart Polokoff on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Emily Reid.<br />

Karen and Jeff Scheier on the Bar<br />

Mitzvah of their son, Wesley Eric.<br />

Rita and Dr. Lawrence Gottlieb on the<br />

Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter<br />

Rachel.<br />

Ileane and Herbert Tischler on the<br />

Bar Mitzvah of their grandson,<br />

Jake Brandon.<br />

Sharon and Ron Nash on the<br />

engagement of their son, Philip,<br />

to Karen Olender.<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller on the<br />

marriage of their son, Mathew,<br />

to Diana Claybon.<br />

Michelle and Lawrence Kogan on the<br />

birth of twins, Abigail Jewel and<br />

Benjamin Jeffrey.<br />

Paula and George Akst on the birth<br />

of their grandson, Max Daniel.<br />

Adrienne and Harvey Cohen on the<br />

birth of their granddaughter,<br />

Isabella Fynn.<br />

Bea and Sam Miller on the birth of<br />

their great-grandchild, Lucas Miller.<br />

Al Stehr on celebrating a special<br />

birthday.<br />

Shari Zagorski on her son, Jason,<br />

placing fourth in the Long Island<br />

Spelling Bee and on her son,<br />

Zachary, winning the Long Island<br />

Spelling Bee and representing<br />

Long Island in the National<br />

Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C.<br />

Speedy Recovery<br />

Charlotte Berch<br />

Debbie Jablon<br />

Condolences to<br />

Melissa Fabel on the loss of her<br />

grandmother, Elsie Steinberg.<br />

Bill Nicholson on the loss of his<br />

mother, Beatrice.<br />

Dr. Michael Sloane on the loss of<br />

his sister, Freida.<br />

Simchah Leaves on<br />

our Tree of Life<br />

Mitra and Dr. Mark Kahn in honor of<br />

the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Sydney Paige.<br />

Marcia and Jonathan Kurz in honor of<br />

the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,<br />

Jessie Leana.<br />

Marsha and Larry Miller in honor of<br />

the marriage of their son, Mathew,<br />

to Diana Claybon.<br />

A Warm Welcome<br />

to our New Members<br />

Rachel and Andrew Cooper<br />

Adrienne and Daniel Davidson<br />

Beth and Donald Rubin<br />

Beth and Seth Shapiro<br />

FUNDS<br />

The Congregation gratefully<br />

acknowledges the following<br />

contributions:<br />

Bible Fund<br />

Kathy and Larry Feffer in honor of<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen being<br />

honored by the Jewish Theological<br />

Seminary.<br />

Leslie and Ed Goldstein in honor<br />

of the Bat Mitzvah of Rachel,<br />

daughter of Lisa and<br />

Dr. Bennett Futterman.<br />

Cantor’s Music Fund<br />

Ora and Dr. David Kirsch in appreciation<br />

of Cantor Sokol’s guidance in<br />

preparing their daughter, Elayna,<br />

for her Bat Mitzvah.<br />

With Wishes for the Complete and<br />

Speedy Recovery of Cantor Sokol<br />

Hedda and Jeffrey Feigenblatt<br />

Judy, Steven, Amanda and<br />

Jessica Herbst<br />

Judith Nysenholc and Ian Herzberg<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba<br />

Dr. Michael Frank in memory of his<br />

mother, Ray.<br />

Linda Pachter in memory of<br />

Irving Fischer.<br />

Education Fund<br />

Sarita and Ron Berkenblit in honor of<br />

their grandson, Jason Zagorski,<br />

who placed fourth in the Long<br />

Island Spelling Bee Championship<br />

(in his first year of competition).<br />

Sarita and Ron Berkenblit in honor of<br />

their grandson, Zachary Zagorski,<br />

who won the Spelling Bee for the<br />

second year in a row and will<br />

represent Long Island at the<br />

Scripps National Spelling Bee<br />

in Washington, D. C. in May.<br />

Janice and Allen Cederbaum in honor<br />

of the 40th wedding anniversary<br />

of Naomi and Norman Doctor.<br />

Janice and Allen Cederbaum in honor<br />

of the 65th wedding anniversary<br />

of Roz and Dr. Herbert Fisher.<br />

Judith Nysenholc and Ian Herzberg<br />

in appreciation of the Akiva<br />

Class reading Torah.<br />

Ora and Dr. David Kirsch in appreciation<br />

of Religious School<br />

Director David Woolfe and the<br />

Religious School teachers help<br />

in preparing their daughter,<br />

Elayna, for her Bat Mitzvah.<br />

Elaine and Sidney Scheinfeld in<br />

honor of the Bar Mitzvah of<br />

Jake Brandon, grandson of<br />

Ileane and Herb Tischler.<br />

Sheila and Marvin Shenfeld in<br />

honor of the Bar Mitzvah of<br />

Jackson, grandson of Mr. &<br />

Mrs. Sidney Fein.<br />

Paula and Bruce Trauner in honor<br />

of the 65th wedding anniversary<br />

of Roz and Dr. Herbert Fisher.<br />

Rita and Dr. Lawrence Gottlieb in<br />

memory of Barbara Gross.<br />

Cheryl and Todd Graber in memory<br />

of the grandmother of Mr. &<br />

Mrs. M. Cohn.<br />

Cheryl and Todd Graber in memory<br />

of Elsie Steinberg.<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba in memory<br />

of Beatrice Nicholson.<br />

Kiddush Fund<br />

Kathy and Larry Feffer in honor<br />

of the birth of Isabella Fynn,<br />

granddaughter of Adrienne<br />

and Harvey Cohen.<br />

Kathy and Larry Feffer in honor of the<br />

engagement of Sarah, daughter<br />

of Hon. Denise and Robert Sher,<br />

to Harris Baltch.<br />

Pam and Dan Gerstman in honor<br />

of the 40th wedding anniversary<br />

of Naomi and Norman Doctor.<br />

Judy, Steven, Amanda and Jessica<br />

Herbst in honor of the marriage<br />

of Mat, son of Marsha and Larry<br />

Miller, to Diana Claybon.<br />

Ora and Dr. David Kirsch in appreciation<br />

of Ritual Director Nachum<br />

Plotkin’s guidance in preparing<br />

their daughter, Elayna, for her<br />

Bat Mitzvah.<br />

Bea and Sam Miller in honor of the<br />

birth of their 6th great-grandchild,<br />

Lucas Miller Muhlstein.<br />

Ferne and Jack Skiba in honor of<br />

the 65th wedding anniversary<br />

of Roz and Dr. Herbert Fisher.<br />

Library Fund<br />

Frederick Rosenfeld in memory of his<br />

mother, Anna Rosenfeld Naroff.<br />

Pearl Rosenfeld in memory of her<br />

mother, Bella Stern.<br />

Nursery School Fund<br />

Judy and Martin Citron in honor of the<br />

25th wedding anniversary of Karen<br />

and Danny Ditkowich.<br />

<strong>Marcy</strong> and Marc Goldberg in honor<br />

of Marilyn and Stanley Cohen<br />

being honored by the Jewish<br />

Theological Seminary.<br />

<strong>Marcy</strong> and Marc Goldberg in honor<br />

of the birth of Isabella Fynn,<br />

granddaughter of Adrienne<br />

and Harvey Cohen.<br />

<strong>Marcy</strong> and Marc Goldberg in honor<br />

of the birth of Lucas Miller,<br />

sixth great grandchild of Bea<br />

and Sam Miller.<br />

Prayer Book Fund<br />

Laurie and Dr. Joseph Brofsky in<br />

honor of the Bat Mitzvah of<br />

Rachel, daughter of Lisa and<br />

Dr. Bennett Futterman.<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen in honor<br />

of in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of<br />

Jake Brandon, grandson of Ileane<br />

and Herb Tischler.<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen with<br />

wishes for the speedy and complete<br />

recovery of Allen Cederbaum<br />

and to say thank you for Allen’s<br />

donation to the Jewish Theological<br />

Seminary in their name.<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen in honor<br />

of the birth of Isabella Fynn,<br />

granddaughter of Adrienne<br />

and Harvey Cohen.<br />

page 22 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 www.herjc.org HAKOL

Anita and Bill Ovberg in honor of<br />

the special birthday of Al Stehr.<br />

The Schieren Family in honor of the<br />

engagement of Sarah, daughter of<br />

Hon. Denise and Robert Sher, to<br />

Harris Baltch.<br />

Rabbi’s<br />

Discretionary Fund<br />

Terri and Steven Gold in honor of<br />

the engagement of Sarah,<br />

daughter of Hon. Denise and<br />

Robert Sher, to Harris Baltch.<br />

Iris and Alan Jacobs in honor of<br />

Marilyn and Stanley Cohen<br />

being honored by the Jewish<br />

Theological Seminary.<br />

Ora and Dr. David Kirsch in appreciation<br />

of Rabbi Warmflash’s guidance<br />

in preparing their daughter,<br />

Elayna, for her Bat Mitzvah.<br />

Jane and Marty Lesser in honor of the<br />

birth of Madeline, granddaughter<br />

of Bonnie and Bill Rost.<br />

Jane and Marty Lesser in honor of<br />

the birth of Isabella Fynn, granddaughter<br />

of Adrienne and<br />

Harvey Cohen.<br />

Jane and Marty Lesser in honor of<br />

the engagement of Samantha,<br />

daughter of Naomi and Norman<br />

Doctor to Brian Levine.<br />

Jane and Harry Mison in honor<br />

of Passover.<br />

The Feffer Family in memory of<br />

Beatrice Nicholson.<br />

Youth Fund<br />

Arlene and Jeff Thaler in honor of<br />

the Bat Mitzvah of Rachel,<br />

daughter of Lisa and<br />

Dr. Bennett Futterman.<br />

General<br />

Synagogue Fund<br />

Sam Aarons in memory of his father,<br />

Charles Aronowitz.<br />

Louise and Marty Abrams in memory<br />

of their daughter, Ilene Sarah.<br />

Phylis Acker in memory of her<br />

mother, Shirley Levins.<br />

Sandy Acker in memory of his<br />

mother, Fay.<br />

Bertha Alweis in memory of her<br />

father, Jacob Green.<br />

Bertha Alweis in memory of her<br />

father-in-law, Jacob.<br />

Arnold Aronson in memory of his<br />

father, Albert.<br />

Paula Belmont in memory of her<br />

mother, Florence Baker.<br />

Paula Belmont in memory of her<br />

mother-in-law, Dena.<br />

Yona Beno in memory of his brother,<br />

Sammy.<br />

Morton Berkowitz in memory of his<br />

father, Nat.<br />

Lorraine Berman in memory of her<br />

father, Solomon Artzt.<br />

Ilene Browner in memory of her<br />

grandmother, Elizabeth.<br />

Ilene Browner in memory of her<br />

grandfather, Joseph.<br />

Carole Chasen in memory of her<br />

father, George Brodsky.<br />

Ernestine Chaut in memory of her<br />

parents, Frieda and Sol<br />

Rosenbloom.<br />

Adrienne and Harvey Cohen in<br />

memory of Harvey’s mother, Sadie.<br />

Richard Cohen in memory of his<br />

father, Lawrence.<br />

Henrietta Dobin in memory of her<br />

father, Samuel Horne.<br />

Naomi Doctor in memory of her<br />

mother, Ruth Stern.<br />

Rita Doneger in memory of her sister,<br />

Sylvia Hellenbrand.<br />

Rita Doneger in memory of her<br />

brother, Noel Roberts.<br />

Steven Engel in memory of his<br />

mother, Marjorie.<br />

Steven Estrin in memory of his<br />

grandfather, Irving Davis.<br />

Paul Feldman in memory of his<br />

mother, Carol.<br />

Rose Feldman in memory of her<br />

husband, Harold.<br />

Rose Feldman in memory of her<br />

father, Charles Gibber.<br />

Rita Fieber in memory of her<br />

father-in-law, Moses.<br />

Allen Frank in memory of his<br />

father, Leonard.<br />

Judith Frank in memory of her father,<br />

Alexander Oppenheim.<br />

Norma Gold in memory of her<br />

mother, Sally Sparer.<br />

Norma Gold in memory of her<br />

father-in-law, Hyman.<br />

Michael Goldman in memory of<br />

his father, Gad.<br />

Barry Goldstein in memory of his<br />

father, Oscar.<br />

Penny Gordon in memory of her<br />

father, William Dansker.<br />

Charney Greenberg in memory<br />

of her father, Louis<br />

Zuckerberg.<br />

Gary Grossman in memory of his<br />

father, Sidney.<br />

Sheila Harkavy in memory of her<br />

father, Martin Katz.<br />

Elaine and Jerry Judelson in memory<br />

of Jerry’s sister, Estelle Tolkin.<br />

Barbara Kaplan in memory of her<br />

father, Isaac Kirschenbaum.<br />

Jeffrey Kaplan in memory of his sister,<br />

Marilyn Cohen.<br />

Arnold Katz in memory of his father,<br />

Abraham.<br />

Lois Kemp in memory of her brother,<br />

Martin Kaufman.<br />

Rochelle Knobloch in memory of her<br />

father, Sidney Turkel.<br />

Miriam Kolnick in memory of her<br />

sister, Shirley Nizewitz.<br />

Sidney Kutler in memory of his sister,<br />

Doris Krug.<br />

Tamara Lamon in memory of her<br />

father, Arnold Garay.<br />

Burton Laskin in memory of his<br />

mother, Miriam Shapiro.<br />

Paul Levitt in memory of his<br />

mother, Tillie.<br />

Susan Julien-Levitt in memory of her<br />

mother, Phyllis E. Julien.<br />

Arthur Mintz in memory of his<br />

father, Murray.<br />

Benjamin Mintz in memory of his<br />

father, Bernard.<br />

Sy Moskowitz in memory of his<br />

mother, Ruth.<br />

Jack Nodiff in memory of his sister,<br />

Pearl Heyman.<br />

Allen Ostroff in memory of his<br />

grandmother, Fanny Cassoff.<br />

Laurie Platt in memory of her father,<br />

Sidney Kalikow.<br />

Laurie Platt in memory of her aunt,<br />

Lillian Rosenzweig.<br />

Martin Rosen in memory of his<br />

father, Irving.<br />

William Rubenstein in memory of his<br />

brother, Morris.<br />

Leonard Russin in memory of his<br />

father, Jack.<br />

Brian Sandler in memory of<br />

grandmother, Lillian.<br />

Laurie Sandler in memory of her<br />

mother, Esther Barashick.<br />

Donald Schaeffer in memory of his<br />

mother, Irene.<br />

Emanuel Schaeffer in memory of his<br />

wife, Irene.<br />

Marlene Schoen in memory of her<br />

parents, Pauline and Louis<br />

Meiselman.<br />

Michael Sedransk in memory of his<br />

father, Stanley.<br />

Ruth Sedrish in memory of her<br />

husband, Louis.<br />

Anita Segal in memory of her father,<br />

Sam Mortman.<br />

Max Sher in memory of his father,<br />

Simon.<br />

Shari Silver in memory of her father,<br />

Edward Wiederspiel.<br />

Herbert Silverman in memory of his<br />

father, Max.<br />

Bonnie Solomon in memory of her<br />

father, Al E. Metzger.<br />

Dorothy Spatt in memory of her father,<br />

Meyer Dov Warmbrand.<br />

Dr. Irving Spector in memory of his<br />

sister, Lillian Raiten.<br />

Faye Stein in memory of her father,<br />

Harry Siegelberg.<br />

Joan Stern in memory of her mother,<br />

Belle Spiro.<br />

Marvin Tolkin in memory of his<br />

wife, Estelle.<br />

Allan Trompeter in memory of his<br />

mother, Frances Helen.<br />

Marsha Wolf in memory of her father,<br />

Arthur Scheier.<br />

David Wonsever in memory of his<br />

father, Abraham.<br />

Been Meaning to Send that Card<br />

Just visit www.herjc.org and click on donations.<br />

We will gladly send the card for you and list it in Hakol.<br />

This is the easiest way to send your love to your family and<br />

friends and help your synagogue at the same time!<br />

Go to<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

Visit our<br />

website and<br />

click on “Donations”<br />

What a nice feeling!<br />

We thank you in advance for your support.<br />

HAKOL<br />

www.herjc.org<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 23


The Yahrzeit of the<br />

following beloved<br />

relatives of our members<br />

will be observed during<br />

the next few weeks. It<br />

is especially fitting and<br />

proper that the members<br />

of the family be present<br />

at the appropriate Service<br />

to observe this occasion.<br />

May 1 – Iyar 7<br />

Bernard Cramer<br />

Irving Davis<br />

Rose Keller<br />

David Kislik<br />

Celia Metzger<br />

May 2 – Iyar 8<br />

Marjorie Engel<br />

Anna Feldman<br />

Morton Irwin Julien<br />

Frances Karson<br />

Beatrice Levine<br />

Leanore Levine Pollitt<br />

May 3 – Iyar 9<br />

Sidney Kalikow<br />

Howard Kshonz<br />

Rhoda Nadrich<br />

Alys Platek<br />

Abraham Plotkin<br />

Harry Seltzer<br />

May 4 – Iyar 10<br />

Victoria Fader<br />

Stanley Kevelson<br />

Morris Scher<br />

Josef Seibald<br />

May 5 – Iyar 11<br />

Hannah Isaacson<br />

Arnold Kaplan<br />

Carl Karcinell<br />

Rose Portugal<br />

May 6 – Iyar 12<br />

Sol Aronow<br />

Goldie Barditch<br />

Max Blaustein<br />

Sheldon Caine<br />

Ruchla Chmielewski<br />

Ethel Herman<br />

Alfred Newman<br />

Shirley Nizewitz<br />

Lillian Raiten<br />

Walter Ross<br />

Orrin Skolnick<br />

Hyman Zeitlin<br />

May 7 – Iyar 13<br />

Rafael Chmielewski<br />

Ruth Kaufman<br />

May 8 – Iyar 14<br />

Florence Baker<br />

Kitty Misonznick<br />

Anna Rappaport<br />

Shirley Rosenblum<br />

May 9 – Iyar 15<br />

Phillip Metzger<br />

Sarah Nodiff<br />

Louis Shiffman<br />

May 10 – Iyar 16<br />

Harry Bondy<br />

David Sacksner<br />

Mae Willbach<br />

May 11 – Iyar 17<br />

Hy Gerstman<br />

Dora Rubenstein<br />

May 12 – Iyar 18<br />

Gustave Feldman<br />

Albert Goldman<br />

Sylvia Herbst<br />

Daniel Laufer<br />

Mack Levins<br />

Morris Lowenthal<br />

Philip Menchel<br />

Saul Rubinfeld<br />

May 13 – Iyar 19<br />

Linda Cohen<br />

Louis Keller<br />

Sally Wacher<br />

May 14 – Iyar <strong>20</strong><br />

Samuel Cassoff<br />

Lois Grinker<br />

May 15 – Iyar 21<br />

Mildred Frumkes<br />

Sarah Kaminsky<br />

May 16 – Iyar 22<br />

Ethel Buchman<br />

Charles Fine<br />

Jack Kravitz<br />

Riva Skiba<br />

Max Stehr<br />

May 17 – Iyar 23<br />

Susan Backman<br />

May 18 – Iyar 24<br />

Hannah Boslow<br />

Rose Gursky<br />

Robert Olive<br />

Harold Rosenblum<br />

Rose Schneider<br />

May 19 – Iyar 25<br />

Isaac Engel<br />

Rose Kurot<br />

Gladys Schneider<br />

Edward Skiba<br />

Estelle Steinman<br />

May <strong>20</strong> – Iyar 26<br />

Carolyn Joy Altus<br />

Lillian Altus<br />

Benjamin Crossner<br />

Isidore Feit<br />

Fredric Suser<br />

Ephraim Weiss<br />

May 21 – Iyar 27<br />

David Ben-Ami<br />

Herman Boslow<br />

Pearl Donowitz<br />

Joseph Feuerstein<br />

Mildred Kronacher<br />

Rebecca Rutskin<br />

Elias Weiner<br />

Sam Wonsever<br />

May 22 – Iyar 28<br />

Howard Cotler<br />

Ella Gross<br />

Isaac Laufer<br />

Miriam Levy<br />

Sheldon Segal<br />

May 23 – Iyar 29<br />

Abraham Reichman<br />

Samuel Seid<br />

May 24 – Sivan 1<br />

Oscar Kaufman<br />

Nathan Lebovitz<br />

Rebecca Misonznick<br />

Peter Nash<br />

Harold Scheier<br />

May 25 – Sivan 2<br />

Rita Huth<br />

Bertha Noble<br />

Harriet Rosen<br />

Benjamin Shankman<br />

Nicholas Sklar<br />

Minnie Thaler<br />

Lawrence Ungarten<br />

May 26 – Sivan 3<br />

Anna Katz<br />

Irving Krasne<br />

Irving Krasne<br />

Abraham Misonznick<br />

Eleanor Winter<br />

May 27 – Sivan 4<br />

Sophie Grossman<br />

Alfred Stier<br />

Julia Zaretsky<br />

May 28 – Sivan 5<br />

Philip Davidson<br />

Benjamin Fink<br />

Benjamin Geiver<br />

Frederick Rand<br />

Louis Siegel<br />

May 29 – Sivan 6<br />

George Arons<br />

Lenore Davidson<br />

Ruben Gross<br />

Abraham Kassel<br />

Leslie Zaransky<br />

May <strong>30</strong> – Sivan 7<br />

Alan Austen<br />

Sidney Donowitz<br />

Laura Fass<br />

Esther Halbridge<br />

Rudolph Stern<br />

Bessie Teitzman<br />

May 31 – Sivan 8<br />

Stella Fuchs<br />

Rose Jaskol<br />

Shirley Lefkowitz<br />

George Levine<br />

<strong>June</strong> 1 – Sivan 9<br />

Deanna Abrevaya<br />

Michael Cohen<br />

Markus Ehrlich<br />

Isidore Goldberg<br />

Sally Golden<br />

Shaya Jeros<br />

Harris Joffe<br />

Frances Schieren<br />

<strong>June</strong> 2 – Sivan 10<br />

Celia Dobuler<br />

Fima Rudgayzer<br />

Jennie Saks<br />

<strong>June</strong> 3 – Sivan 11<br />

Gil Meyerowitz<br />

Murray Platt<br />

<strong>June</strong> 4 – Sivan 12<br />

Allyson Rosenblatt<br />

<strong>June</strong> 6 – Sivan 14<br />

Rose Schecter<br />

<strong>June</strong> 7 – Sivan 15<br />

Tuvia Bielsky<br />

Irving Goodman<br />

Alfred Itkin<br />

Morton Lesser<br />

<strong>June</strong> 8 – Sivan 16<br />

Irving Dubrowsky<br />

Abraham Goldberg<br />

Doris Peckerman<br />

<strong>June</strong> 9 – Sivan 17<br />

Edith Katz<br />

Ruth Roye<br />

Rose Sher<br />

<strong>June</strong> 10 – Sivan 18<br />

Francine Abrevaya<br />

Samuel Fishman<br />

Mildred Katz<br />

Judy Kelmenson<br />

Mina Portnoy<br />

<strong>June</strong> 11 – Sivan 19<br />

Harold Gingold<br />

Abraham Malkin<br />

Ida Rubinstein<br />

<strong>June</strong> 12 – Sivan <strong>20</strong><br />

Jacob Dick<br />

Charles A. Feigenblatt<br />

Max Kaplan<br />

Yevsey Metelista<br />

Charles Silverstein<br />

<strong>June</strong> 13 – Sivan 21<br />

Nathan Cohen<br />

Dr. Max Deutsch<br />

<strong>June</strong> 14 – Sivan 22<br />

Anne Held<br />

William Levy<br />

Linda Schulman<br />

Charles Trauner<br />

<strong>June</strong> 15 – Sivan 23<br />

Dorothy Braverman<br />

Nathan Cassoff<br />

Mera Goorian<br />

Stanley Gus<br />

Dora Lowenthal<br />

Sol Matza<br />

Ida Shkolnik<br />

<strong>June</strong> 16 – Sivan 24<br />

Samuel Beldner<br />

Fannie Garfinkel<br />

Edith Greenstein<br />

Beatrice Gruman<br />

Julius Marashinsky<br />

Meyer Weingrad<br />

Abraham Wilk<br />

<strong>June</strong> 17 – Sivan 25<br />

Jennie Bearman<br />

Anna Green<br />

Helen Levine<br />

Alex Pinquist<br />

<strong>June</strong> 18 – Sivan 26<br />

Irwin Cohen<br />

Anna Kassel<br />

<strong>June</strong> 19 – Sivan 27<br />

Kate Abrin<br />

Solomon Finerow<br />

Martin Goldstein<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>20</strong> – Sivan 28<br />

Max Akst<br />

Ralph Carron<br />

Benjamin Gottlieb<br />

Abraham Tamaroff<br />

Rose Wallshein<br />

<strong>June</strong> 21 – Sivan 29<br />

Sophie Gordon<br />

Blanche Isaacson Pullman<br />

Sonja Kahn<br />

Gladys Yarow<br />

<strong>June</strong> 22 – Sivan <strong>30</strong><br />

Frank Falvo<br />

Claire Lurie<br />

Nechama Shankman<br />

Sadie Strassman<br />

Al Tischler<br />

Rose Zeitlin<br />

<strong>June</strong> 23 – Tammuz 1<br />

Nat Filler<br />

Rand Skolnick<br />

Irving Nathan Tolkin<br />

<strong>June</strong> 24 – Tammuz 2<br />

Miriam Baskin<br />

Sophie Mirel Bedar<br />

Sylvia Goldman<br />

Jack Horne<br />

Ida Levine<br />

Marion Levine<br />

Irving Lippert<br />

<strong>June</strong> 25 – Tammuz 3<br />

Harold Kaufman<br />

Rose Poploff<br />

Doris Robinson<br />

Ida Stakoff<br />

<strong>June</strong> 26 – Tammuz 4<br />

Shoshana Ron<br />

<strong>June</strong> 27 – Tammuz 5<br />

Lawrence Blank<br />

Mary Finkel<br />

Marion Moss<br />

page 24 MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09<br />

www.herjc.org<br />


<strong>June</strong> 28 – Tammuz 6<br />

Michael Cohen<br />

Alice Lillian Dwoskin<br />

Malwina Gaidukowski<br />

Thomas Grossman<br />

Lenore Krieger<br />

Abe Lurie<br />

Bessie Rosen<br />

Ben Rosenstein<br />

<strong>June</strong> 29 – Tammuz 7<br />

Regina Feit<br />

Herman Gordon<br />

Max Rehns<br />

Jeremy Scheinfeld<br />

Joseph Schneider<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong> – Tammuz 8<br />

Claire Goldberg<br />

Doris Horowitz<br />

Sol Kessin<br />

Edith Levenson<br />

July 1 – Tammuz 9<br />

Bertha Bieber<br />

Richard Diamond<br />

Daniel Kanfer<br />

Isidore Nodiff<br />

Jack Peerless<br />

Edith Reichman<br />

Seymour Shiffman<br />

Leona Weiner<br />

July 2 – Tammuz 10<br />

Milton Garver<br />

Frieda Janoff<br />

July 3 – Tammuz 11<br />

Lisa Beth Gerstman<br />

Sylvia Jacobson<br />

July 4 – Tammuz 12<br />

Harry Bearman<br />

Evelyn Smith Sall<br />

July 5 – Tammuz 13<br />

Irene Davis<br />

Karen Goffner Gadol<br />

Toby Salpeter<br />

July 6 – Tammuz 14<br />

Rose Brenner<br />

Felix Friedman<br />

Max Noble<br />

July 7 – Tammuz 15<br />

Dr. Charles Goldberg<br />

Joseph Keilson<br />

July 8 – Tammuz 16<br />

Ethel Feinstein<br />

Fannie Graber<br />

Harry Hollander<br />

Joseph Levine<br />

Martin Weinburg<br />

July 9 – Tammuz 17<br />

Phyllis M. Li<strong>pm</strong>an<br />

July 10 – Tammuz 18<br />

Ethel Becker<br />

Rebecca Bruh<br />

Selma Zinn<br />

July 11 – Tammuz 19<br />

Murray Hagler<br />

Bennie Morris<br />

Rubin Schieren<br />

Max Tischler<br />

Jack Trieger<br />

July 13 – Tammuz 21<br />

Dorothy Harrow<br />

Saul Isaacs<br />

Harold Kalikow<br />

Solomon Kislin<br />

Albert E. Paley<br />

Louis Rosenblum<br />

July 14 – Tammuz 22<br />

Joseph Feldman<br />

Nathan Hoffeld<br />

Herman Sckolnick<br />

Richard Stern<br />

Nathan L. Weingrad<br />

July 15 – Tammuz 23<br />

Ida Schmier<br />

Rhoda Shapiro<br />

July 16 – Tammuz 24<br />

Louis A. Case<br />

Bernard Jablon<br />

Frieda Lustig<br />

Beatrice Sterman<br />

July 17 – Tammuz 25<br />

Mira Ehrlich<br />

Daniel Epstein<br />

Annie Kalikow<br />

Clara Stehr<br />

July 18 – Tammuz 26<br />

Aaron Fisher<br />

Dorothy Moses<br />

July 19 – Tammuz 27<br />

Cole Genn<br />

Isaac Raffelson<br />

Mildred Whitman<br />

Fred Zinn<br />

July <strong>20</strong> – Tammuz 28<br />

Arthur K. Fried<br />

Benjamin Halbridge<br />

July 21 – Tammuz 29<br />

Herman Azia<br />

Anna Doneger<br />

Jack Jacobs<br />

Irving Katz<br />

Chaim Kramer<br />

Jeanette Marcus<br />

Hyman Partman<br />

July 22 – Av 1<br />

Dr. Jack H. Turetzky<br />

July 23 – Av 2<br />

Harry Neveloff<br />

Rachel Leah Seibald<br />

July 24 – Av 3<br />

Arnold Barash<br />

Jack Glickman<br />

Lila Jacobs<br />

Gerry Roberts<br />

July 25 – Av 4<br />

Lena Cohen<br />

Louis Herman<br />

AlanB. Heyer<br />

Max Ivler<br />

Joseph Nizewitz<br />

July 26 – Av 5<br />

Jean Epstein<br />

Elsie Fischer<br />

Rita Frank<br />

Samuel Garfinkel<br />

Charlotte Kristeller<br />

Susan Krull<br />

Abraham Rubinfeld<br />

July 27 – Av 6<br />

Harry Louis Birnbaum<br />

Ida Clark<br />

Blanche Lieberman<br />

Jerome Weinburg<br />

July 28 – Av 7<br />

Claire Gassel<br />

Robert Warren Gilbert<br />

Clara Gordon<br />

Hyman Lasker<br />

Rose Markowitz<br />

July 29 – Av 8<br />

Lena Aronowitz<br />

Selma Slepian<br />

July <strong>30</strong> – Av 9<br />

Blanche Ruth Birnbaum<br />

Hillel Boslow<br />

Sadie Cohen<br />

Rose Fielder Kuntz<br />

Jerome Greenvald<br />

Herbert Polansky<br />

Ida Weiss<br />

July 31 – Av 10<br />

Esther Austin<br />

Marvin Feldman<br />

Nathan Grossman<br />

August 1 – Av 11<br />

Joseph Kirschner<br />

Seymour Miller<br />

Lawrence Sanders<br />

August 2 – Av 12<br />

Elizabeth Bensusan<br />

Roslyn Grobman<br />

Barnet Grossman<br />

LillianZeitlin Slan<br />

August 3 – Av 13<br />

Rhoda Anstendig<br />

Michael Kirshner<br />

Moira Lurie<br />

Ruth Shaw<br />

Beatrice Simon<br />

August 4 – Av 14<br />

Irving Berman<br />

Morris Fielder<br />

Lenore Kotcher<br />

Stacy Schlegel<br />

August 5 – Av 15<br />

Leon Abrevaya<br />

Nathan Bearman<br />

Sadie Engel<br />

Bessie Gingold<br />

Barnett Gordon<br />

Pauline Kanfer<br />

Rachael Schwartz<br />

August 6 – Av 16<br />

Dorothy Schlesinger<br />

August 7 – Av 17<br />

Jacob Buchman<br />

Nathan Nicholson<br />

Beulah Radburd<br />

Lawrence Wonsever<br />

August 8 – Av 18<br />

Joseph Drillich<br />

Sue Gross<br />

MurrayDavid Leviton<br />

Benjamin Spector<br />

Bernard Stauber<br />

Sidney Teitzman<br />

Louis Turetzky<br />

August 9 – Av 19<br />

Frances Miles<br />

Lyon Sacksner<br />

August 10 – Av <strong>20</strong><br />

Samuel Berchofsky<br />

Millie Carron<br />

Jacob Cohen<br />

Vicki Finkelstein<br />

Jacob Gabel<br />

Louis Moskowitz<br />

Faye Weinstein<br />

August 11 – Av 21<br />

Herbert Ain<br />

David Kuncman<br />

Meyer Sugarman<br />

Pearl Weinstein<br />

August 12 – Av 22<br />

Gus Doctor<br />

Bertha Ehrlich<br />

Lillian Pincus<br />

August 13 – Av 23<br />

Eleanor Silverstein<br />

Sarah Weinberg<br />

August 14 – Av 24<br />

Isidor Fishbach<br />

Blanche Rost<br />

August 15 – Av 25<br />

Leonard Alweis<br />

Kate Dwoskin<br />

Irving Finkelstein<br />

Ryan Scott Kolnick<br />

Herman Levine<br />

Vladimir Slepak<br />

August 16 – Av 26<br />

Joseph Lieberman<br />

Pearl Mandel<br />

Blossom Spiegel<br />

August 17 – Av 27<br />

Rita Brodsky<br />

Walter Holick<br />

August 18 – Av 28<br />

Joseph Held<br />

Ruth H. Schloss<br />

Anna Zaldin<br />

August 19 – Av 29<br />

Celia Hager<br />

Stephen Moser<br />

Esther Rosenblatt<br />

Frank Theodore<br />

August <strong>20</strong> – Av <strong>30</strong><br />

Matilda Mendelson<br />

Leo Rosengart<br />

Rea Roth<br />

August 21 – Elul 1<br />

Sadie Gordon<br />

George Whitman<br />

Martha Zuckerman<br />

August 22 – Elul 2<br />

Minnie Antoville<br />

Regina Knobloch<br />

Herman N. Lipton<br />

Ann Weinstein<br />

August 23 – Elul 3<br />

Celia Benbasset<br />

Ilsa Berger<br />

Anna Spritzer<br />

Jacob Weilgus<br />

August 25 – Elul 5<br />

Doris Garroway<br />

Celia Goldberg<br />

Ruth Landesman<br />

Morris Skolnick<br />

August 26 – Elul 6<br />

Harry Bieber<br />

Sidney Doloboff<br />

Minnie Orgel<br />

George Rosenfeld<br />

Noah Sterling Sher<br />

Marvin Turkel<br />

August 27 – Elul 7<br />

Sheila Cohn Kislik<br />

Daniel Diamond<br />

Irving Rosenberg<br />

August 28 – Elul 8<br />

Ruth Boaz<br />

Norman Chait<br />

Hyman Feierstein<br />

Harry Fischer<br />

Jack D. Forem<br />

Aaron Lieberman<br />

Betty Schwartz<br />

August 29 – Elul 9<br />

Sol Gevarter<br />

Samuel Greenblatt<br />

Rose Grossman<br />

August <strong>30</strong> – Elul 10<br />

Gertie Hirschheimer<br />

Robert Judelson<br />

Fred Meisner<br />

Charles Radburd<br />

August 31 – Elul 11<br />

Archie Handler<br />

Beatrice Radomsky<br />

Louis Scheinfeld<br />

Gary David Stern<br />

Raymond Wilk<br />

HAKOL www.herjc.org MAY/JUNE <strong>20</strong>09 page 25

Nanci-Sue Rosenthal<br />

Sales Associate<br />

Prudential Douglas Elliman<br />

Office 516-623-<strong>30</strong>35<br />

Mobile 516-316-10<strong>30</strong><br />

www.nancisue.rosenthal@prudentialelliman.com<br />

http://nancisue.listingbook.com<br />



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Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine<br />

<strong>30</strong>3 East Park Avenue<br />

Long Beach, NY 11561<br />

516-897-4600<br />

Fax 516-897-0769<br />

<strong>Hewlett</strong>-East <strong>Rockaway</strong> Jewish Centre<br />

Congregation Etz Chaim<br />

295 Main Street<br />

East <strong>Rockaway</strong> NY 11518<br />

Periodical<br />

Paid at East <strong>Rockaway</strong>, New York<br />

Publication No. 2331<strong>20</strong>

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