Gender Mainstreaming In Peacekeeping Operations ... - Resdal

Gender Mainstreaming In Peacekeeping Operations ... - Resdal Gender Mainstreaming In Peacekeeping Operations ... - Resdal


KEY SUCCESS FACTORS The key to success for gender mainstreaming in policy and advocacy has been the comprehensive ability to address a multistakeholder process, which has balanced relationships with the Government (MoGD), women’s NGOs and CBOs. This has connected the actors under the common goal of promoting the rights of women and girls through policy making. Building key entry points within the GoL, UN System and Civil Society has been successful at advancing these strategies. The Government hosts two coordination mechanisms, which act as entry points for work at various levels - the lateral system of Gender Desk Officers across the ministries and a vertical system of County Gender Coordinators. Through building capacity for these entry points, there has been an improved sustainability for the continuance of a significant impact in the overall policy environment, namely, introducing gender as a cross-cutting issue and as a strategic development objective. Entry points are also visible within the UN System. Mechanisms such as the UN Gender Theme Group (UNGTG), the Joint Task Force on SGBV, and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) provide strategic coordination for partners within the UN Country Team. As co-chair of the UNGTG, the OGA works alongside UNIFEM to support the Government and the UN gender mainstreaming initiatives. The second key to success has been harnessing the existing political will for gender issues in the country. That increase in political is the greatest promoter of continued attention to issues of women’s empowerment and equality. This strategic approach has been highly effective and efficient in advancing the agenda for women’s rights. Recognizing the political will, 30

the OGA and UN system has been able to choose its priorities and act where a comparative advantage is present. The third key factor for success has been the emergence of key leadership in support for gender both within the mission and its partners. The presence of key women leaders (including Government representatives, civil society, and within the UN itself) in Liberia has increased attention to gender advocacy and policy. Results have been achieved by working to advance the will of the leadership on gender to move forward a strategic agenda. Within UNMIL, strong leadership provided by the SRSG and the mission leadership team has encouraged all offices and the military component to take the issue of gender seriously and to advance it as both a strategic and cross-cutting element in peacekeeping operations. 31

the OGA and UN system has been able to choose its priorities<br />

and act where a comparative advantage is present.<br />

The third key factor for success has been the emergence of key<br />

leadership in support for gender both within the mission and<br />

its partners. The presence of key women leaders (including<br />

Government representatives, civil society, and within the UN<br />

itself) in Liberia has increased attention to gender advocacy and<br />

policy. Results have been achieved by working to advance the<br />

will of the leadership on gender to move forward a strategic<br />

agenda. Within UNMIL, strong leadership provided by the SRSG<br />

and the mission leadership team has encouraged all offices and<br />

the military component to take the issue of gender seriously and<br />

to advance it as both a strategic and cross-cutting element in<br />

peacekeeping operations.<br />


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