Gender Mainstreaming In Peacekeeping Operations ... - Resdal

Gender Mainstreaming In Peacekeeping Operations ... - Resdal Gender Mainstreaming In Peacekeeping Operations ... - Resdal


Active and integrative partnerships with other UN agencies established a coordinated response. A weekly meeting of all stakeholders (UN, NGOs) served as the forum for addressing ongoing issues for women. Without constant coordination, these programmes would have been less successful and key needs within the community would have gone unmet. 18

4. Security Sector Reform: Recruitment of Women in the Liberia National Police Security Council Resolution 1325 calls on all actors involved, when negotiating and implementing peace agreements, to adopt a gender perspective, including measures that ensure the protection of and respect for human rights of women and girls, particularly as they relate to the constitution, the electoral system, the police, and the judiciary. One of the first tasks of the peacekeeping mission in Liberia was to rebuild the security sector by strengthening the Liberia National Police (LNP). To facilitate integration of gender within the LNP, a Gender Policy was developed with support from UNMIL OGA and UNPOL. The 2005 LNP Gender Policy served as the policy framework for securing more gender balance within the LNP workforce via active recruitment and participation of women. The document set a 15% quota for women’s participation and describes measures to facilitate improved recruitment and retention of women 11 . 11 In 2008, the LNP presented its first Gender Advisory Work Plan, focused on the central goal of integrating gender perspectives into work areas and increased the quota of 15% women (which had not yet been met) to 20%. 19

Active and integrative partnerships with other UN agencies<br />

established a coordinated response. A weekly meeting of all<br />

stakeholders (UN, NGOs) served as the forum for addressing<br />

ongoing issues for women. Without constant coordination, these<br />

programmes would have been less successful and key needs within<br />

the community would have gone unmet.<br />


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