The architectural antiquities of Rome - University of Notre Dame ...

The architectural antiquities of Rome - University of Notre Dame ... The architectural antiquities of Rome - University of Notre Dame ...
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OF TI-lE ANTONINE COLUMN. AT ROME. PLATE CVI. Tms Column wu eTeCted by the Emperor M;arcus Aurelius, in commemor.uion of victories obained over the German.,Armcni:ans.;u~d l'arthians. and dedic:atcd wAntoninllll Piu.. lt w:as placed in :a forum, the buildin!,'110fwhichdonotrtnWn. ltisnowsurroundedbymodemalilices,andcallcdthc I'~ Colon~ whieh is situated on the 'II"C:SI side of the princi~l s~ of modern Rome, c:allcd the "C...-~ Thcl,.'f'Ollndt..accumul:uedoonsid

OF THE. ANTO!\INI-: COLUMN AT ROME. dWncters; thedlminution;tttheupperdiametai'acarttlyperoeptible,beingonlyonefoot,oratwelfth ofthc]o,.·erdi:uncter. TheTr:~janColumnisonlytenfect nine inchesdiameteratthecop,whilethis istweh·efeetoneioch;antltheab;~.cuso:xcccdstheformerinextentaboveth~fectc:aehway;the ruult is greatly in favour of the Tr:~jan Column; while the want of diminution gi\'C:. to the Antonlnc: the appear.tnreof;~. huge stic:k r:lther th~n an elegant pilbr mode~~~~ :'e ~:tu';ot~~hl~a~lumn is in part antique, but truncaled; ;~.nd on it is pia~ a ll The plan of the pedestal. The situation of the original door is at 13.,toward the east; Lhe modemtlooriseutatthep~ntlevelofthegroundoonsio.ler:~blyabovc,asisseeninthescction,and onthcsouthside,at H.,onthepl:1n C. T heplan,takenatthe lowerdiameter. D. Thcplan,t:lkcnattheuppcrdbmeter. E.. Theplanof lhepedestal,plaeulonthctopof theColumn,withthedoorthercin F . The sectionoftheColumn,looking north. In this Lhe half of the modem pedestal and door arerepresented,andthenumberofacpsrcqui.sitetoarriveatthelevdoftheoriginaldoor; the top of which was found at the lCliel G. There appear to have been six courses of marble to the original pcdestai,Cll:clu.sivcofthestepsroundit,••hich,with the lower COUI$C,aresupplied from Pirancsi; the othcrlivcoourseswefounduligu~. TheshaltoftheColumn,includingbaseandeapital,iseomposed ofnineteenbloc:ksofwhite m.arble.simibrtotheTrajanColwnn,eachhavingcight$tepsO:Uioutofthe :oolid;theeapitalbeingasingleblockofmarblc,tev(;nteenfcetfourinchessquare.andlivefectdecp The st:Urcase is lighted by loop-holes, as reprecntcd, none of the ancient mouldings of the pedestal mnain,andtheomamcnu~al l cutaway.


PLATE CVI.<br />

Tms Column wu eTeCted by the Emperor M;arcus Aurelius, in commemor.uion <strong>of</strong> victories obained<br />

over the German.,Armcni:ans.;u~d l'arthians. and dedic:atcd wAntoninllll Piu.. lt w:as placed in :a<br />

forum, the buildin!,'110fwhichdonotrtnWn. ltisnowsurroundedbymodemalilices,andcallcdthc<br />

I'~ Colon~ whieh is situated on the 'II"C:SI side <strong>of</strong> the princi~l s~ <strong>of</strong> modern <strong>Rome</strong>, c:allcd the<br />

"C...-~ Thcl,.'f'Ollndt..accumul:uedoonsid

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