The architectural antiquities of Rome - University of Notre Dame ...

The architectural antiquities of Rome - University of Notre Dame ... The architectural antiquities of Rome - University of Notre Dame ...
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TR I U MPHA L ARC H OF SEPTI M I US SEVE RUS. PLAT E X I. VI EW OF THE EAST SIDE OF THE ARCH, TOWARD THE ROMAN FORUM. PIWCRDI~\0 from the An;h of Titus, which was described in the first Number of this Work, and pursuingthecourxofthcSou:redWay,wefindoothewestsideofthcForum,andatthe lOot of the Capitoline Hill,theAn:hoiSEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. It is c:onstructcd of whire matbll:,and has lhro;:aperttii"CIIOI'opcnings.communiealingwithcacbothcrbylater.:U;arches. Bythcintaiptionontheatticwcan::inf~lha t theSenate:andRoma n l'eopledcdicatedthis Triumplul An;h in honour of lhe Emperor Septimius Sevcrus. fOI' the scvc:r::al victorie~ obtained b}' him intheEast,inc:onjunctioowithhi•lW'o$0R$,CaracalbandGeta. Spanianusn::l:neslkltCarnca.lla'shatn:d tow;trds hisbrother(li;Q.Sjoncd himlOer.ueGeta'sname from all public monumeni.B; and this is confirmed by Fontanini, who discovered lhat the fourth line, Hoptimi., fortissimisque prindpibus,~ was sunk below theonlim~.rysurf:u:c of the m.arble; and by mon: c,~.rdulobservatiOtl.,hefoundtheholesofthecramP"that!ieeuredtheoriginalinscription,and trae:ed it to have been MEt l'ublio Septimio Ge~ Czs. J>ontif. " 1\ similar erasure of the, and also of a basreliefof thefigureofGeta,isobservabk intheGold.smithiArcb T hisArchisdcroratedwith four fluted oolumns on each from of thcCompositeOrdcr,dcUched from the building and placed on pedesWs having pilasters behind them, and iUJiprting a. rich cnublatu~.ovcrwhichisanatticextendingunintcrru ptedlyinonepanclto theoute r col u mns. lktweo:n th..c:piloutersarebasreliefs,which,thoughof b;uldesign,nothnvingtheadvant.o.geof pc:rspectiv.:in thdrdi~tribution, and executed in an inferior manner, yet an: vcryinten:sting,as they represent the luiXCSiiful expeditions of Severus against the l'arthians, Arabians, &c.; :.nd the .,v.,ntsreo:ordedonthemrnaybo:de>.tlytrae«!byrefaencctotbeaccountsofancientauthors.• Onbotbfa.eesoftheArch,aboV

OF THE TRIUMl'HJ\ L ARCH OF SEI'TI MIUS SEVI~II.U!) the commcnoement of the Ca11itoline HilL It was conducted by T. Z3ppati, a skilful architect, who found it necessary to incline the ~urTQUnding wall a little inwards Qll the oorW side, in COMequcntt ~ne~~~em conduit which conducted the Aqua felice to the Capitol, coming in the w;~.y of hi~ 0\":1.1 The mortice holes. hdow the impost, probably were cut for the purpose of inSlult, in order that the sculptun::s might be examined minutely; the rubbish was also removed from about the Arch at c.ltat time, but shortly after filled Behind the Arch arc the prc.ent steps, or inclined planC!I. which IC.'.ld tO the Capitol. At the commencement of these, to the right. you "'ntcr the Mammcrtinc Prison. where St. Peter was confined At their summit is seen a pan of on"' of th"' buildings by Miehat:l An;;cl11. which ad001 the three sides ofth..,squarcoftlu:modemCapitol; it is the Museum of Scul]>turc; oppo!litc it is that of Painting; and,ont.heea.stside,the:r.partmentsoftheSen..1te,the00ckofwhichcxtend :ICI'O$Sthepictu~.behind the Arch, an int:gularpilc. The square is approached from the west by a hand!ioOtne broad flight of fi!CJ"'.deeontedonthe topbrlhetrophicsof Marius,andintheccntrcofit isafineequcstrianstatuc of Martus Aurdius. The Tower of the Sc~~atc is here cut off by tlte pic:wrc; it is seen en~ in the view of the Arch of Titus. To the left of the Arch are the ren1


the commcnoement <strong>of</strong> the Ca11itoline HilL It was conducted by T. Z3ppati, a skilful architect,<br />

who found it necessary to incline the ~urTQUnding wall a little inwards Qll the oorW side, in COMequcntt<br />

~ne~~~em conduit which conducted the Aqua felice to the Capitol, coming in the w;~.y <strong>of</strong> hi~ 0\":1.1<br />

<strong>The</strong> mortice holes. hdow the impost, probably were cut for the purpose <strong>of</strong> inSlult, in order that the sculptun::s might be examined<br />

minutely; the rubbish was also removed from about the Arch at c.ltat time, but shortly after filled<br /><br />

Behind the Arch arc the prc.ent steps, or inclined planC!I. which IC.'.ld tO the Capitol. At the<br />

commencement <strong>of</strong> these, to the right. you "'ntcr the Mammcrtinc Prison. where St. Peter was confined<br />

At their summit is seen a pan <strong>of</strong> on"' <strong>of</strong> th"' buildings by Miehat:l An;;cl11. which ad001 the three sides<br />

<strong>of</strong>th..,squarc<strong>of</strong>tlu:modemCapitol; it is the Museum <strong>of</strong> Scul]>turc; oppo!litc it is that <strong>of</strong> Painting;<br />

and,ont.heea.stside,the:r.partments<strong>of</strong>theSen..1te,the00ck<strong>of</strong>whichcxtend :ICI'O$Sthepictu~.behind<br />

the Arch, an int:gularpilc. <strong>The</strong> square is approached from the west by a hand!ioOtne broad flight <strong>of</strong><br />

fi!CJ"'.deeontedonthe topbrlhetrophics<strong>of</strong> Marius,andintheccntrc<strong>of</strong>it isafineequcstrianstatuc<br />

<strong>of</strong> Martus Aurdius. <strong>The</strong> Tower <strong>of</strong> the Sc~~atc is here cut <strong>of</strong>f by tlte pic:wrc; it is seen en~ in the<br />

view <strong>of</strong> the Arch <strong>of</strong> Titus. To the left <strong>of</strong> the Arch are the ren1

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