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2008010320<br />

记 贵 州 顶 效 中 三 叠 世 一 新 的 海 生 爬 行 动 物<br />

= On a new marine reptile from Middle Triassic<br />

Yangliujing Formation of Guizhou, China.<br />

( 中 文 ). 刘 冠 邦 ; 尹 恭 正 ; 王 雪 华 ; 王 尚 彦 ; 黄 理<br />

中 . 高 校 地 质 学 报 , 2002, 8(2): 220-226 1 图<br />

版 .<br />

在 贵 州 兴 义 顶 效 绿 荫 村 西 大 约 150m 绿 荫<br />

水 泥 厂 南 面 采 石 场 出 露 的 中 三 叠 统 杨 柳 井<br />

组 ( 拉 丁 阶 ) 灰 黑 色 中 薄 层 灰 岩 中 发 现 一<br />

新 的 海 生 爬 行 动 物 —— 绿 荫 顶 效 龙<br />

Dingxiaosaurus luyinensis gen. et sp. nov.。<br />

它 的 肢 骨 形 态 和 结 构 颇 为 独 特 , 股 骨 、<br />

胫 、 腓 骨 以 及 跗 骨 的 形 状 和 结 构 相 似 于 原<br />

始 的 鱼 龙 , 而 趾 骨 形 状 和 数 目 有 些 相 似 于<br />

最 早 的 蛇 颈 龙 , 但 又 与 所 有 已 知 的 鱼 龙 和<br />

蛇 颈 龙 类 的 属 种 均 明 显 不 同 , 它 是 早 期 海<br />

生 爬 行 动 物 进 化 的 一 个 比 较 原 始 而 孤 立 的<br />

新 种 类 。 它 的 发 现 对 早 期 海 生 爬 行 动 物 进<br />

化 多 样 性 的 认 识 具 有 十 分 重 要 的 科 学 意<br />

义 。<br />

2008010321<br />

辽 宁 下 白 垩 统 义 县 组 恐 龙 类 蜥 脚 亚 目 原 始<br />

巨 龙 牙 齿 = Basal titanosauriform (Dinosauria,<br />

Sauropoda) teeth from the Lower Cretaceous<br />

Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province,<br />

China. ( 英 文 ). Barrett PM;Wang Xiao-Lin.<br />

palaeoworld, 2007, 16(4): 265-271<br />

The Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province,<br />

People's Republic of China has yielded a diverse<br />

fauna of non-avian dinosaurs, but is<br />

dominated by small-bodied taxa. Here, we<br />

describe a series of isolated teeth from the<br />

Lujiatun Beds of the formation that are referable<br />

to a basal titanosauriform sauropod.<br />

Some of the teeth possess a distinctive circular<br />

boss on the lingual surface, which suggests<br />

that they are referable to cf. Euhelopus sp.<br />

This identification provides some additional<br />

support for biostratigraphical correlations between<br />

the Jehol Group and the Mengyin Formation<br />

of Shandong Province that suggest an<br />

Early Cretaceous age for the latter unit. Moreover,<br />

the titanosauriform affinities of the teeth<br />

provide further evidence for the dominance of<br />

this sauropod clade in eastern Asia during the<br />

Cretaceous.<br />

2008010322<br />

根 据 中 国 下 白 垩 统 新 化 石 的 CT 扫 描 观 察<br />

恐 龙 类 角 龙 亚 目 鹦 鹉 嘴 龙 的 内 颅 骨 的 形 态<br />

= Endocranial morphology of psittacosaurs<br />

(Dinosauria: Ceratopsia) based on CT scans of<br />

new fossils from the Lower Cretaceous, China.<br />

( 英 文 ). Zhou Chang-Fu; Gao Ke-Qin; Fox R<br />

C; Du Xiang-Ke. palaeoworld, 2007, 16(4):<br />

285-293<br />

Psittacosaurs, small basal ceratopsians with<br />

a parrot-like beak, are among the most abundant<br />

dinosaurs, but occur only in the Early<br />

Cretaceous of East Asia. Although the general<br />

morphology of psittacosaurs is fairly well understood,<br />

the endocranial anatomy of the<br />

group has never been described. New discoveries<br />

of well-preserved skulls from the celebrated<br />

Liaoning beds in northeastern China<br />

provide the material for conducting research<br />

on psittacosaur endocranial morphology. Using<br />

computed tomography scans of threedimensionally<br />

preserved skulls, this study reveals<br />

basic endocranial anatomy of psittacosaurs<br />

and provides the first palaeoneurological<br />

evidence of psittacosaurs in relation to their<br />

behaviour. Although commonly believed to<br />

have had a small brain and small eyes, psittacosaurs<br />

had relatively high brain/body size<br />

ratios that are comparable to those in the large<br />

theropod Tyrannosaurus, and probably had a<br />

keen sense of smell and acute vision, as evidenced<br />

by their enlarged olfactory lobes and<br />

bulbous optic lobes. The configuration of the<br />

semicircular canals agrees with limb proportions<br />

to suggest that psittacosaurs were agile<br />

animals, perhaps better able to escape predation<br />

by carnivorous dinosaurs on that account.<br />

The behavioural adaptations implied by this<br />

study may have been crucial for the successful<br />

radiation of psittacosaurs during the Early<br />

Cretaceous of East Asia.<br />

2008010323<br />

加 拿 大 曼 尼 托 巴 下 坎 潘 阶 Pierre 页 岩 沧 龙<br />

一 新 种 = A new species of mosasaur (Squamata:<br />

Mosasauridae) from the Pierre Shale<br />

(lower Campanian) of Manitoba. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Cuthbertson R S; Mallon J C; Campione N E;<br />

Holmes R B. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,<br />

2007, 44(5): 593-606<br />

Plioplatecarpus nichollsae, sp. nov., from<br />

the lower Campanian (Pembina Member, Pierre<br />

Shale Formation) is diagnosed by the following:<br />

a thickened ventral rim of the external<br />

naris, a short supratemporal fenestra, a frontal<br />

shield with well-developed posterolateral lappets<br />

that overlap the parietal dorsally, proximal<br />

rib shafts with an approximately circular<br />

(but not inflated) cross section, a scapula<br />

shaped as in other Plioplatecarpus species but<br />

approximately the same size (not larger) than<br />

the coracoid, and a moderately large parietal<br />


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