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李 继 亮 ; 俞 良 军 ; 李 红 生 ; 王 义 天 . 地 质 科<br />

学 , 2002, 37(1): 104-106 2 图 版 .<br />

在 新 疆 木 孜 塔 格 蛇 绿 混 杂 岩 的 燧 石 中 发<br />

现 了 早 石 炭 世 杜 内 期 的 放 射 虫 化 石 , 首 次<br />

为 这 套 蛇 绿 混 杂 岩 提 供 了 时 代 依 据 。 结 合<br />

在 邻 区 的 祁 漫 塔 格 和 可 可 西 里 发 现 的 放 射<br />

虫 , 认 为 青 藏 高 原 北 缘 在 早 石 炭 世 期 间 曾<br />

沿 多 处 裂 解 。 它 们 之 间 可 能 有 狭 窄 的 通 道<br />

相 连 , 是 否 构 成 统 一 的 大 洋 尚 待 进 一 步 研<br />

究 。<br />

2008010157<br />

意 大 利 东 北 部 威 尼 斯 地 区 上 渐 新 统 大 有 孔<br />

虫 = Larger Foraminifera from the Upper Oligocene<br />

of the Venetian Area, North-East Italy.<br />

( 英 文 ). Bassi D; Hottinger L; Nebelsick J H.<br />

Palaeontology, 2007, 50(4): 845-868<br />

A moderately diverse larger foraminiferal<br />

fauna from the north-east Italian ‘Arenarie e<br />

calcari di S. Urbano’ formation with important<br />

stratigraphic, palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical<br />

implications is described with<br />

respect to its position in the Western Tethys<br />

area. The fauna is dominated by hyaline perforated<br />

and porcellaneous forms including Amphistegina,<br />

Archaias, Austrotrillina,<br />

Miogypsinoides, Neoplanorbulinella, Neorotalia,<br />

Nummulites, Operculina and Spiroclypeus.<br />

The presence of Miogypsinoides<br />

complanatus allows the age of the formation<br />

to be determined as late Chattian (Shallow<br />

Benthic Zone SBZ 23). The palaeoenvironmental<br />

setting is interpreted as a shallow ramp<br />

environment ranging from (1) well lit, highly<br />

translucent, shallowest part of the photic zone<br />

characterized by Archaias and Austrotrillina,<br />

the deeper part of the inner ramp with Nummulites,<br />

to (2) the shallow part of the middle<br />

ramp with Spiroclypeus and miogypsinids and<br />

Operculina, to (3) a deeper middle-ramp setting<br />

dominated by coralline rhodoliths along<br />

with lepidocylinids. The presence of Archaias<br />

hensoni Smout and Eames shows that members<br />

of much more diverse Middle Eastern<br />

associations of shallow-water larger porcellaneous<br />

foraminifera are also present in the<br />

north-western parts of the Western Tethys,<br />

and reveals a corresponding diversity gradient<br />

among larger foraminiferal faunas in the<br />

Western Tethys, which is related to a decrease<br />

in temperature.<br />

2008010158<br />

更 新 世 深 海 底 栖 有 孔 虫 绝 灭 的 南 大 西 洋 记<br />

录 = Pleistocene Extinctions Of Deep-Sea<br />

Benthic Foraminifera: The South Atlantic Record.<br />

( 英 文 ). Óneill T A; Hayward B W; Kawagata<br />

S; Sabaa A T; Grenfell H R. Palaeontology,<br />

2007, 50(5): 1073-1102<br />

Sixty-two species and 19 genera of elongate,<br />

cylindrical benthic foraminifera disappeared<br />

from the deep-sea in the south-east Atlantic<br />

(ODP Sites 1082 and 1083) and the Atlantic<br />

sector of the Southern Ocean (ODP Site 1088)<br />

during the Early and Middle Pleistocene as<br />

part of the global extinction of the families<br />

Pleurostomellidae, Stilostomellidae and portions<br />

of the Nodosariidae. During the mid-<br />

Pleistocene Climate Transition (1·2–0·6 Ma)<br />

in the Southern Ocean, these extinct taxa exhibited<br />

three pulses of glacial decline in abundance<br />

and diversity separated by partial interglacial<br />

recoveries. Beneath the highproductivity<br />

Benguela Current upwelling region<br />

(Sites 1082, 1083), glacial declines in the<br />

extinct taxa were suppressed by favourable<br />

high organic-carbon flux and consequent lowoxygen<br />

bottom conditions. Here two major<br />

pulses of diversity loss occurred at c. 1·3–<br />

1·2 Ma and 1·0–0·7 Ma. At all three locations,<br />

the most dramatic decline in abundance and<br />

diversity occurred c. 0·85–0·80 Ma (marine<br />

isotope stage 20), and the final disappearance<br />

of Extinction Group taxa was completed by<br />

0·67 Ma beneath the Benguela Current and<br />

0·60 Ma in the Southern Ocean. We speculate<br />

that this period of enhanced global extinctions<br />

was linked to a pulsed decline in glacial temperatures<br />

and/or increase in ventilation of<br />

deep and intermediate water masses, associated<br />

with polar ice cap growth since the late<br />

Pliocene.<br />

2008010159<br />

华 南 梅 山 剖 面 二 叠 纪 - 三 叠 纪 集 群 绝 灭 中<br />

的 有 孔 虫 幸 存 分 子 = Foraminiferal survivors<br />

from the Permian-Triassic mass extinction in<br />

the Meishan section, South China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Song Hai-Jun; Tong Jin-Nan; Zhang Ke-Xin;<br />

Wang Qin-Xian; Z.Q. Chen. palaeoworld,<br />

2007, 16(1-3): 105-119<br />

This paper documents abundant and diverse<br />

foraminifers from Permian-Triassic (P-Tr)<br />

boundary strata and reports for the first time<br />

foraminifers from the Lower Triassic Yinkeng<br />

and Helongshan formations in the Meishan<br />

section, the global stratotype for the P-Tr<br />

boundary. The important foraminifer elements<br />

are illustrated and described. Most of these<br />

foraminifers were the Permian holdovers, occurring<br />

above the main extinction event horizon<br />

(base of Bed 25) at Meishan, and thus<br />


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