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能 不 会 超 过 1 000 m, 其 幅 度 小 于 喜 马 拉 雅<br />

山 中 部 地 区 。<br />

2008010084<br />

阿 根 廷 门 多 萨 前 科 第 勒 拉 泥 盆 纪<br />

Villavicencio 组 孢 粉 新 瓷 料 = New palynological<br />

data from the Devonian Villavicencio<br />

Formation, Precordillera of Mendoza, Argentina.<br />

( 英 文 ). Rubinstein C V; Steemans P.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(1): 3-9<br />

New terrestrial and marine palynomorphs of<br />

the lower part of the Villavicencio Formation,<br />

San Isidro Creek, Precordillera of Mendoza,<br />

Argentina, are evaluated. The palynomorph<br />

assemblage is dominated by miospores, and<br />

also contains acritarchs and scarce chitinozoans.<br />

Different processing methods have been<br />

tested due to the poor preservation state of the<br />

palynomorphs. The new slides provided abundant<br />

and diverse palynomorphs and allowed<br />

the recognition of 13 miospore species and<br />

two acritarch species. This review suggests a<br />

late Pragian to early Emsian age, thus confirming<br />

and refining previous palynological<br />

dating. The miospore assemblage may be correlated<br />

with the upper part of the Ems Biozone<br />

in terms of the Devonian miospore zonation of<br />

the Brazilian Amazon Basin. Palaeogeographically;<br />

acritarchs show perigondwanan<br />

affinities. In the light of this refined<br />

age determination, the stratigraphic and phytogeographic<br />

inferences for the Precordillera<br />

land plants should be reconsidered.<br />

2008010085<br />

根 据 阿 根 廷 火 地 岛 南 部 Beagle 海 峡 孢 粉 资<br />

料 推 断 全 新 世 海 平 面 变 化 = Holocene sealevel<br />

change inferred from palynological data<br />

in the Beagle Channel, southern Tierra del<br />

Fuego, Argentina. ( 其 他 ). Borromei A M;<br />

Quattrocchio M. Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(1):<br />

161-171<br />

An early-middle Holocene section in Bahia<br />

Lapataia (54 degrees 50'S, 68 degrees 34' W),<br />

Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina<br />

has been examined taking into account its<br />

sporomorphs and organic-walled microplankton.<br />

The palynological assemblage suggests<br />

nearshore environments. Two relatively higher<br />

sea levels were identified by the increased<br />

abundance of organic-walled dinoflagellate<br />

cysts (Brigantedinium spp., Selenopemphix<br />

sp., Operculodinium centrocarpum sensu Wall<br />

and Dale, Spiniferites spp.), the acritarch<br />

Halodinium sp. and zoomorph remains (test<br />

linings of foraminifera and copepod eggenvelopes).<br />

The littoral vegetation at the time<br />

of the marine incursion was mainly arboreal,<br />

as can be seen in the pollen records by significant<br />

increase in Nothofagus dombeyi type frequencies,<br />

while a forest-steppe vegetational<br />

pattern developed regionally. After comparison<br />

with another nearby fossil marine terrace,<br />

the palynological analysis has demonstrated<br />

that these terraces represent the same transgressive-regressive<br />

event. The relative altitudinal<br />

differences between these terraces in the<br />

area may be the result of seismotectonic activity<br />

during the Holocene.<br />

2008010086<br />

山 东 济 宁 煤 田 ( 东 区 ) 晚 古 生 代 孢 粉 组 合<br />

= Study on Late Paleozoic sporopollen assemblages<br />

in east part of Jining Coalfifld, Shandong<br />

Province. ( 中 文 ). 蒋 汉 朝 ; 王 明 镇 ; 张 锡<br />

麒 ; 李 增 学 . 地 质 科 学 , 2002, 37(1): 47-61<br />

鉴 定 了 山 东 济 宁 煤 田 ( 东 区 ) 晚 古 生 代<br />

孢 粉 组 合 中 的 孢 粉 化 石 70 属 189 种 。 据 孢<br />

粉 化 石 在 地 层 中 的 分 布 和 垂 向 的 变 化 规 律<br />

自 上 而 下 建 立 了 5 个 孢 粉 组 合 :V. Cyclogranisporties<br />

pressus-Lycospora pellucida 组<br />

合 ,IV. Granulatiporites piroformis 组 合 ,III.<br />

Sinulatisporites sinensis 组 合 ,II. Thymospora<br />

pseudothiessenii-T. thiessenii 组 合 ,<br />

I. Densosporites annulatus 组 合 。 通 过 与 邻 区<br />

及 华 北 部 分 地 区 对 比 , 确 定 本 区 孢 粉 组 合<br />

的 地 质 时 代 应 为 : 晚 石 炭 世 晚 期 ( 组 合<br />

I), 早 二 叠 世 早 期 ( 组 合 II), 早 二 叠 世<br />

中 期 ( 组 合 III), 早 二 叠 世 晚 期 ( 组 合<br />

IV) 和 晚 二 叠 世 早 期 ( 组 合 V), 本 区 石<br />

炭 系 - 二 叠 系 界 线 应 置 于 太 原 组 第 11 层 灰<br />

岩 之 底 。<br />

2008010087<br />

家 燕 (Hirundo rustica) 粪 便 的 孢 粉 分 析 =<br />

Pollen analysis of barn swallow faeces (Hirundo<br />

rustica). ( 英 文 ). Bińka K. Acta Palaeobotanica,<br />

2005, 45(2): 187–194<br />

Pollen analysis of barn swallow faeces collected<br />

at ca. 12-day intervals since their arrival<br />

from Africa for late summer flights has been<br />

made. This study showed that through the<br />

alimentary canals of insect-consuming barn<br />

swallows, a high proportion of pollen of entomophilous<br />

plants from the close vicinity of<br />

the study area can be transmitted again into<br />

environment. Pollen of anemophilous plants,<br />

attached to the bodies of insects have also<br />

been passed to these areas. Also, grains of<br />

plants growing not only in the close vicinity<br />

but also occurring in more distant areas – sev-<br />


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