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Academy of Sciences, 2007, 104(36): 14260-<br />

14265 5 图 版 .<br />

Highly cracked and isomerized archaeal<br />

lipids and bacterial lipids, structurally changed<br />

by thermal stress, are present in solvent extracts<br />

of 2,707- to 2,685-million-year-old (Ma)<br />

metasedimentary rocks from Timmins, ON,<br />

Canada. These lipids appear in conventional<br />

gas chromatograms as unresolved complex<br />

mixtures and include cyclic and acyclic biphytanes,<br />

C 36 –C 39 derivatives of the biphytanes,<br />

and C 31 –C 35 extended hopanes. Biphytane and<br />

extended hopanes are also found in highpressure<br />

catalytic hydrogenation products released<br />

from solvent-extracted sediments, indicating<br />

that archaea and bacteria were present<br />

in Late Archean sedimentary environments.<br />

Postdepositional, hydrothermal gold mineralization<br />

and graphite precipitation occurred before<br />

metamorphism (2,665 Ma). Late Archean<br />

metamorphism significantly reduced the kerogen's<br />

adsorptive capacity and severely restricted<br />

sediment porosity, limiting the potential<br />

for post-Archean additions of organic matter<br />

to the samples. Argillites exposed to hydrothermal<br />

gold mineralization have disproportionately<br />

high concentrations of extractable<br />

archaeal and bacterial lipids relative to what is<br />

releasable from their respective high-pressure<br />

catalytic hydrogenation product and what is<br />

observed for argillites deposited away from<br />

these hydrothermal settings. The addition of<br />

these lipids to the sediments likely results<br />

from a Late Archean subsurface hydrothermal<br />

biosphere of archaea and bacteria.<br />

2008010046<br />

浙 江 长 兴 更 新 世 红 土 中 的 分 子 化 石 及 其 古<br />

环 境 意 义 = Molecular fossils as indicators for<br />

paleoenvironment from quaternary red earth in<br />

Changxing, Zhejiang. ( 中 文 ). 王 志 远 ; 喻 建 华 ;<br />

顾 延 生 ; 吕 春 英 ; 易 轶 ; 谢 树 成 . 海 洋 地 质 与 第<br />

四 纪 地 质 , 2002, 22(1): 97-102<br />

利 用 GC/MS 从 浙 江 长 兴 更 新 世 红 土 中 检<br />

测 出 种 类 繁 多 但 含 量 甚 微 的 分 子 化 石 , 主<br />

要 包 括 正 构 烷 烃 、 长 链 三 环 萜 、 五 环 三<br />

萜 、 一 元 正 脂 肪 酸 、 正 脂 肪 醇 、 正 烷 基 -2-<br />

酮 等 系 列 。 红 土 中 的 这 些 分 子 化 石 , 特 别<br />

是 正 构 烷 烃 的 特 征 表 明 本 区 的 红 土 是 在 多<br />

水 的 环 境 下 形 成 的 , 并 且 其 上 发 育 了 以 草<br />

本 植 物 为 主 的 高 等 植 被 。 三 环 萜 烷 与 三 萜<br />

烷 比 值 (C 23 /C 30 ) 随 地 层 的 变 化 与 红 土 网<br />

纹 化 程 度 密 切 相 关 , 可 能 具 有 潜 在 的 古 气<br />

候 指 示 意 义 。<br />

2008010047<br />

从 叶 绿 素 trnL-F 和 rps4-trnS 序 列 推 断 中<br />

国 和 大 洋 洲 Polystichum 羊 齿 属 的 系 统 发<br />

育 及 生 物 地 理 意 义 = Phylogeny and biogeography<br />

of Chinese and Australasian Polystichum<br />

ferns as inferred from chloroplast trnL-<br />

F and rps4-trnS sequence data. ( 英 文 ). Li<br />

Chun-Xiang ; Lu Shu-Gang ; Yang Qun. palaeoworld,<br />

2007, 16(4): 294-300<br />

Polystichum, one of the largest genera of<br />

ferns, occurs worldwide with the greatest diversity<br />

in southwest China and adjacent regions.<br />

Although there have been studies of<br />

Chinese Polystichum on its traditional classification,<br />

geographic distributions, and even a<br />

few on its molecular systematics, its relationships<br />

to other species outside China remain<br />

little known. Here, we investigated the phylogeny<br />

and biogeography of the Polystichum<br />

species from China and Australasia. The evolutionary<br />

relationships among 42 Polystichum<br />

species found in China (29 taxa) and Australasia<br />

(13 taxa) were inferred from phylogenetic<br />

analyses of two chloroplast DNA sequence<br />

data sets: rps4-trnS and trnL-F intergenic<br />

spacers. The divergence time between Chinese<br />

and Australasian Polystichum was estimated.<br />

The results indicated that the Australasian<br />

species comprise a monophyletic group that is<br />

nested within the Chinese diversity, and that<br />

the New Zealand species are likewise a monophyletic<br />

group nested within the Australasian<br />

species. The divergence time estimates suggested<br />

that Chinese Polystichum migrated into<br />

Australasia from around 40 Ma ago, and from<br />

there to New Zealand from about 14 Ma. The<br />

diversification of the New Zealand Polystichum<br />

species began about 10 Ma. These results<br />

indicated that Polystichum probably<br />

originated in eastern Asia and migrated into<br />

Australasia: first into Australia and then into<br />

New Zealand.<br />

2008010048<br />

早 期 后 生 动 物 的 种 系 年 代 学 : 分 子 与 化 石<br />

资 料 的 联 合 证 据 = Phylochronology of early<br />

metazoans: combined evidence from molecular<br />

and fossil data. ( 英 文 ). Yang Qun;Ma<br />

Junye; Sun Xiaoyan; Cong Peiyun. Geological<br />

Journal, 2007, 42(3-4): 281 - 295<br />

Timing the evolutionary appearances of<br />

early Metazoa on Earth may rely on the combined<br />

information of fossil occurrences, molecular<br />

divergences and the geological background.<br />

Recent advances in the studies of<br />

Neoproterozoic and earliest Cambrian strata in<br />


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