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with this scenario, Danian mollusk-dominated<br />

benthic shelf ecosystems of southern middle<br />

paleolatitudes (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) are<br />

characterized by (1) a stratigraphically limited<br />

low in macrofossil abundances; (2) an increase<br />

in starvation-resistant, nonplanktotrophic deposit<br />

feeders and chemosymbionts; (3) a reduction<br />

in the average body size of individuals;<br />

and (4) individuals with inactive lifestyles being<br />

more common than in the late Maastrichtian.<br />

Return to pre-extinction conditions<br />

of the various synecological attributes occurred<br />

over unequal time spans, indicating that<br />

recovery was uncoordinated with respect to<br />

ecological traits. Global comparison of ecological<br />

patterns suggests that reduced food<br />

supply (1) was a controlling factor in both<br />

hemispheres; (2) affected macrobenthic marine<br />

faunas at various distances from the<br />

Chicxulub impact site; and (3) was more effective<br />

in siliciclastic environments as compared<br />

to oligotrophic carbonate settings.<br />

2008010027<br />

澳 大 利 亚 东 部 下 泥 盆 统 礁 灰 岩 形 成 中 的 微<br />

生 物 影 响 = Microbial impacts on the genesis<br />

of Lower Devonian reefal limestones, eastern<br />

Australia. ( 英 文 ). Adachi N; Ezaki Y. palaeoworld,<br />

2007, 16(4): 301-310<br />

Microbial contributions to reefal limestones<br />

are evident in eastern Australian Lower Devonian<br />

microbial frame/bindstones, red algalmicrobial-stromatoporoid<br />

bindstones, and microbial-stromatoporoid<br />

bindstones. Varied<br />

microbialite textures, such as stromatolites,<br />

thrombolites, and leiolites, originated as accumulations<br />

and partial aggregations of calcimicrobes,<br />

peloids, and micrites, which also<br />

derived from microbial activities. In microbial<br />

frame/bindstones, calcimicrobes (e.g., Rothpletzella<br />

and Wetheredella) and dense micrite<br />

layers covered and bound underlying substrates.<br />

Stabilized substrates promoted the<br />

subsequent construction of layered, domal,<br />

and columnar frameworks, which were produced<br />

by combined accumulations and intermixed<br />

associations of calcimicrobes and micritic<br />

microbialites. Microbes flourished in the<br />

microbial-stromatoporoid bindstones and red<br />

algal-microbial-stromatoporoid bindstones<br />

during repeated growth interruptions of the<br />

framework-building skeletal organisms. Microbes<br />

bored into and eroded the skeletal<br />

frameworks to subsequently leave micritic<br />

envelopes, on which microbial and skeletal<br />

encrustations took place in turn. The importance<br />

of microbial colonization on the skeletal<br />

frameworks was first as subsidiary encrusters<br />

that helped to preserve them from erosion, and<br />

second as modifiers of the spaces suitable for<br />

succeeding encrusters. Partial aggregations of<br />

Renalcis filled in the interstices of the skeletal<br />

and microbial frameworks, thereby enhancing<br />

their rigidity.<br />

The microbial impacts on the genesis of<br />

reefal limestones are: (1) origination of components<br />

(calcimicrobes, peloids, and micrites);<br />

(2) formation of characteristic microbial textures;<br />

(3) main and subsidiary reef construction<br />

and encrustation; and (4) destruction of<br />

these components, textures, and structures, but<br />

also the protection of resultant constructions<br />

in turn. The Lower Devonian reefal limestones<br />

treated herein, surprisingly, preserve excellent<br />

records of a variety of microbial impacts.<br />

Similar effects may also have been common,<br />

although variable in preservation, in other ancient<br />

reefal deposits.<br />

2008010028<br />

显 生 宇 海 洋 生 物 多 样 性 具 双 曲 线 趋 势 =<br />

Phanerozoic marine biodiversity follows a<br />

hyperbolic trend. ( 英 文 ). Markov A V; Korotayev<br />

A V. palaeoworld, 2007, 16(4): 311-318<br />

Changes in marine biodiversity through the<br />

Phanerozoic correlate much better with hyperbolic<br />

model (widely used in demography and<br />

macrosociology) than with exponential and<br />

logistic models (traditionally used in population<br />

biology and extensively applied to fossil<br />

biodiversity as well). The latter models imply<br />

that changes in diversity are guided by a firstorder<br />

positive feedback (more ancestors, more<br />

descendants) and/or a negative feedback arising<br />

from resource limitation. Hyperbolic<br />

model implies a second-order positive feedback.<br />

The hyperbolic pattern of the world<br />

population growth arises from a second-order<br />

positive feedback between the population size<br />

and the rate of technological growth. The hyperbolic<br />

character of biodiversity growth can<br />

be similarly accounted for by a feedback between<br />

the diversity and community structure<br />

complexity. The similarity between the curves<br />

of biodiversity and human population probably<br />

comes from the fact that both are derived<br />

from the interference of the hyperbolic trend<br />

with cyclical and stochastic dynamics.<br />

2008010029<br />

今 日 古 生 物 学 之 我 见 ( 英 文 ) = My opinion<br />

for today’s paleontology. ( 英 文 ). 杨 敬 之 . 微<br />

体 古 生 物 学 报 , 2001, 18(2): 217-218<br />


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