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Greve, H. (1933). Die Behandlung der immateriellen Werte in der steuerlichen Erfolgsbilanz. Inauguraldissertation. Würzburg, Germany. Gundry, W. H. (1902). Goodwill. The Accountant, June, 28, 662-663. Guthrie, E. (1898). Goodwill. The Accountant, April 23, 425-431. Gynther, R. S. (1969). Some "conceptualizing" on goodwill. The Accounting Review, 44(2), 247-255. Hackethal, A., Schmidt, R. H. & Tyrell, M. (2003). Corporate governance in Germany:Transition to a modern capital market-based system Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, April. Haller, A. & Eierle, B. (2004). The adaptation of German rules to IFRS: A legislative balancing act. Accounting in Europe, 1, 27-50. Hamilton, W. R. (1914). Goodwill. The Accountant, February 14, 216-218. Hannah, L. (1983). The rise of the corporate economy. London and New York: Methuen. Harris, W. (1884). Goodwill. The Accountant, April 5, 9-14. Harrison, G. L. & McKinnon, J. L. (1986). Culture and accounting change: A new perspective on corporate reporting regulation and accounting policy formulation. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 11(3), 233- 252. Hatfield, H. R. (1913). Modern accounting: Its principles and some of its problems. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Higson, C. (1998). Goodwill. British Accounting Review, 30, 141-158. Hirschfeld, D. (1959). Unternehmungsbewertung und Ertragsbesteuerung. Wien: Manzsche Verlag und Universitätsbuchhandlung. Holgate, P. & Gaul, M. (2002). IAS is coming-ready or not! Accountancy, 130(1308), 89. Holgate, P. A. (1990). The history and regulation of goodwill accounting. In Brand and goodwill accounting strategies (Ed, Power, M.),Woodhead-Faulkner, London, 9-19. Holthausen, R. W. & Leftwich, R. (1983). The economic consequences of accounting choice - implications of costly contracting and monitoring. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 5, 77-117. Hommel, M. (1997). Internationale Bilanzrechtskonzeptionen und immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände. Zeitschrift fûr Betriebswirtschaft, (4), 345-369. Hommel, M. (2001). Bilanzierung von Goodwill und Badwill im internationalen Vergleich. Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, (11), 801-809. Hommelhoff, P., Krumnov, J., Lenz, H., Mattheus, D. & Schruff, W. (1999). In Kontrag mehr Kontrolle und Transparenz Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP), (4), 437-453. Hope, T. & Gray, R. (1982). Power and policy-making: The development of an R&D standard. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 9(4), 531-558. Hoppit, J. (1987). Risk and failure in English business 1700-1800. Cambridge University Press. Hopwood, A. G. (1976). Editorial. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 1(1), 1-4. Houpin, G. & Bosvieux, H. (1927). Traité théorique et pratique des sociétés civiles et commerciales et des associations. Paris: Sirey. Hughes, H. P. (1982). Goodwill in accounting: A history of the issues and problems. Research monograph No. 80. Atlanta: Business Publishing Division, College of Business Administration, Georgia State University. Hylton, D. P. (1964). The treatment of goodwill (letters to the editor). Journal of Accountancy, April, 30. Hylton, D. P. (1966). Implications of the direct write off of goodwill. The New York CPA, December, 118. IASB (2004a). International accounting standard (IAS) No. 38: Intangible assets (revised). London: International Accounting Standards Board. IASB (2004b). International financial reporting standard (IFRS) No. 3: Business combinations. London: International Accounting Standards Board. IASC (1993). International accounting standard (IAS) No. 22: Business combinations (revised). London: International Accounting Standards Committee. Jennings, R. & Thompson, R. B. (1996). Accounting for intangibles in the United States. Issues in Accounting Education, 11(2), 491-495. Jensen, M. C. & Meckling, W. H. (1978). Can the corporation survive Financial Analysts Journal, February, 31-37. Johnson, L. T. & Petrone, K. R. (1998). Is goodwill an asset Accounting Horizons, 12(3), 293-303. Johnson, L. T. & Petrone, K. R. (2001). Tale of two standards. Accountancy, 128(1299), 100-101. Johnson, L. T. & Yokley, B. D. (1997). Issues associated with the FASB project on business combinations. Norwalk,CT. Johnson, T. (1999). No more pooling. Accountancy: International Edition, 123(1270), 80-82. Jürgens, U., Naumann, K. & Rupp, J. (2000). Shareholder value in an adverse environment: The German case. Economy and Society, 29(1), 54-79. Kelly, L. (1983). The development of a positive theory of corporate management's role in external financial reporting. Journal of Accounting Literature, 111-150. Kester, R. B. (1922). Accounting theory and finance. New York: Ronald Press. 71

Greve, H. (1933). Die Beh<strong>and</strong>lung der immateriellen Werte in der steuerlichen Erfolgsbilanz. Inauguraldissertation.<br />

Würzburg, Germany.<br />

Gundry, W. H. (1902). Goodwill. The Accountant, June, 28, 662-663.<br />

Guthrie, E. (1898). Goodwill. The Accountant, April 23, 425-431.<br />

Gynther, R. S. (1969). Some "conceptualizing" on goodwill. The Accounting Review, 44(2), 247-255.<br />

Hackethal, A., Schmidt, R. H. & Tyrell, M. (2003). <strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>governance</strong> in Germany:Transition to a modern<br />

capital market-based system Journal of Institutional <strong>and</strong> Theoretical Economics, April.<br />

Haller, A. & Eierle, B. (2004). The adaptation of German rules to IFRS: A legislative balancing act. Accounting<br />

in Europe, 1, 27-50.<br />

Hamilton, W. R. (1914). Goodwill. The Accountant, February 14, 216-218.<br />

Hannah, L. (1983). The rise of the corporate economy. London <strong>and</strong> New York: Methuen.<br />

Harris, W. (1884). Goodwill. The Accountant, April 5, 9-14.<br />

Harrison, G. L. & McKinnon, J. L. (1986). Culture <strong>and</strong> accounting change: A new perspective on corporate<br />

reporting regulation <strong>and</strong> accounting policy formulation. Accounting, Organizations <strong>and</strong> Society, 11(3), 233-<br />

252.<br />

Hatfield, H. R. (1913). Modern accounting: Its principles <strong>and</strong> some of its problems. New York: D. Appleton <strong>and</strong><br />

Company.<br />

Higson, C. (1998). Goodwill. British Accounting Review, 30, 141-158.<br />

Hirschfeld, D. (1959). Unternehmungsbewertung und Ertragsbesteuerung. Wien: Manzsche Verlag und<br />

Universitätsbuchh<strong>and</strong>lung.<br />

Holgate, P. & Gaul, M. (2002). IAS is coming-ready or not! Accountancy, 130(1308), 89.<br />

Holgate, P. A. (1990). The history <strong>and</strong> regulation of goodwill accounting. In Br<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> goodwill accounting<br />

strategies (Ed, Power, M.),Woodhead-Faulkner, London, 9-19.<br />

Holthausen, R. W. & Leftwich, R. (1983). The economic consequences of accounting choice - implications of<br />

costly contracting <strong>and</strong> monitoring. Journal of Accounting <strong>and</strong> Economics, 5, 77-117.<br />

Hommel, M. (1997). Internationale Bilanzrechtskonzeptionen und immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände.<br />

Zeitschrift fûr Betriebswirtschaft, (4), 345-369.<br />

Hommel, M. (2001). Bilanzierung von Goodwill und Badwill im internationalen Vergleich. Recht der<br />

Internationalen Wirtschaft, (11), 801-809.<br />

Hommelhoff, P., Krumnov, J., Lenz, H., Mattheus, D. & Schruff, W. (1999). In Kontrag mehr Kontrolle und<br />

Transparenz Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP), (4), 437-453.<br />

Hope, T. & Gray, R. (1982). Power <strong>and</strong> policy-making: The development of an R&D st<strong>and</strong>ard. Journal of<br />

Business Finance <strong>and</strong> Accounting, 9(4), 531-558.<br />

Hoppit, J. (1987). Risk <strong>and</strong> failure in English business 1700-1800. Cambridge University Press.<br />

Hopwood, A. G. (1976). Editorial. Accounting, Organizations <strong>and</strong> Society, 1(1), 1-4.<br />

Houpin, G. & Bosvieux, H. (1927). Traité théorique et pratique des sociétés civiles et commerciales et des<br />

associations. Paris: Sirey.<br />

Hughes, H. P. (1982). Goodwill in accounting: A history of the issues <strong>and</strong> problems. Research monograph No.<br />

80. Atlanta: Business Publishing Division, College of Business Administration, Georgia State University.<br />

Hylton, D. P. (1964). The treatment of goodwill (letters to the editor). Journal of Accountancy, April, 30.<br />

Hylton, D. P. (1966). Implications of the direct write off of goodwill. The New York CPA, December, 118.<br />

IASB (2004a). International accounting st<strong>and</strong>ard (IAS) No. 38: Intangible assets (revised). London:<br />

International Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards Board.<br />

IASB (2004b). International financial reporting st<strong>and</strong>ard (IFRS) No. 3: Business combinations. London:<br />

International Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards Board.<br />

IASC (1993). International accounting st<strong>and</strong>ard (IAS) No. 22: Business combinations (revised). London:<br />

International Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards Committee.<br />

Jennings, R. & Thompson, R. B. (1996). Accounting for intangibles in the United States. Issues in Accounting<br />

Education, 11(2), 491-495.<br />

Jensen, M. C. & Meckling, W. H. (1978). Can the corporation survive Financial Analysts Journal, February,<br />

31-37.<br />

Johnson, L. T. & Petrone, K. R. (1998). Is goodwill an asset Accounting Horizons, 12(3), 293-303.<br />

Johnson, L. T. & Petrone, K. R. (2001). Tale of two st<strong>and</strong>ards. Accountancy, 128(1299), 100-101.<br />

Johnson, L. T. & Yokley, B. D. (1997). Issues associated with the FASB project on business combinations.<br />

Norwalk,CT.<br />

Johnson, T. (1999). No more pooling. Accountancy: International Edition, 123(1270), 80-82.<br />

Jürgens, U., Naumann, K. & Rupp, J. (2000). Shareholder value in an adverse environment: The German case.<br />

Economy <strong>and</strong> Society, 29(1), 54-79.<br />

Kelly, L. (1983). The development of a positive theory of corporate <strong>management</strong>'s role in external financial<br />

reporting. Journal of Accounting Literature, 111-150.<br />

Kester, R. B. (1922). Accounting theory <strong>and</strong> finance. New York: Ronald Press.<br />


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