Dr. Hans Slabbekoorn Full Publication List - January 2013

Dr. Hans Slabbekoorn Full Publication List - January 2013

Dr. Hans Slabbekoorn Full Publication List - January 2013


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<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Hans</strong> <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong><br />

Institute of Biology, Leiden University<br />

<strong>Full</strong> <strong>Publication</strong> <strong>List</strong> - <strong>January</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

In press:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. in press. Songs of the city: noise-dependent spectral plasticity in the acoustic<br />

phenotype of urban birds. Animal Behaviour<br />

Pohl, N.U., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Neubauer, H., Heil, P., Klump G.M. & Langemann, U. In<br />

press. Why longer song elements are easier to detect: Threshold level-duration functions<br />

in the great tit and comparison with human data. Journal of Comparative Psychology<br />

Caro, L.M., Caycedo, P.C., Bowie, R.C.K., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Cadena, C.D. in press.<br />

Ecological speciation along an elevational gradient in Colombian woodwrens:<br />

morphology, genetics, and behavior. Journal of Evolutionary Biology<br />

Planqué, R. Britton, N.F. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. in press. On the maintenance of birdsong<br />

dialects. Journal of Theoretical Biology<br />

2012:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2012. Measuring behavioural changes to assess anthropogenic noise impact in<br />

adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2012, Utrecht, The<br />

Netherlands, pp. 244-248. Eds. A.J. Spink, F. Grieco, O.E. Krips, L.W.S. Loijens, L.P.J.J.<br />

Noldus, and P.H. Zimmerman.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2012. Measuring behavioural changes to assess anthropogenic noise impact on<br />

singing birds. Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2012, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp.<br />

158-162. Eds. A.J. Spink, F. Grieco, O.E. Krips, L.W.S. Loijens, L.P.J.J. Noldus, and<br />

P.H. Zimmerman.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H, Yang, X.-J. & Halfwerk, W. 2012. Birds and anthropogenic noise: Singing<br />

higher may matter (A comment on Nemeth and Brumm, "Birds and anthropogenic noise:<br />

Are urban songs adaptive"). American Naturalist 180: 142-145.<br />


Halfwerk, W., Bot, S. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2012. Male great tit song perch selection in response<br />

to noise-dependent female feedback. Functional Ecology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-<br />

2435.2012.02018.x<br />

Halfwerk, W., Bot, S., Buikx, J., van der Velde, M., Komdeur, J., ten Cate, C. &<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2012. Reply to Eens et al.: Urban noise can alter sexual selection on<br />

bird song. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of<br />

America, 109, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1120485109<br />

Pohl, N.U., Leadbeater, E., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. Klump G.M. & Langemann, U. 2012. Great tits<br />

in urban noise benefit from high frequencies in song detection and discrimination. Animal<br />

Behaviour 83: 711-721.<br />

Linhart, P. <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Fuchs, R. 2012. The communicative significance of song<br />

frequency and song length in territorial chiffchaffs. Behavioral Ecology, doi:<br />

10.1093/beheco/ars127<br />

Linhart, P., Fuchs, R., Polakova, S. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2012. Once bitten twice shy: longterm<br />

behavioural changes caused by trapping experience in willow warblers Phylloscopus<br />

trochilus. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 186-192.<br />

Ruegg, K., Anderson, E. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2012. Differences in timing of migration and<br />

response to sexual signalling drive asymmetric hybridization across a migratory divide.<br />

Journal of Evolutionary Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02554.x<br />

2011:<br />

Halfwerk, W., Bot, S., Buikx, J., van der Velde, M., Komdeur, J., ten Cate, C. &<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2011. Low songs lose potency in urban noise conditions. Proceedings<br />

of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, 14549-14554.<br />

Halfwerk, W., Holleman, L. J. M., Lessells, C. M. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2011. Negative impact<br />

of traffic noise on avian reproductive success. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 210-219.<br />

Kirschel, A. N. G., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Blumstein, D. T. Cohen, R. E., de Kort, S.R.,<br />

Buermann, W. & Smith, T. B. 2011. Testing alternative hypotheses for evolutionary<br />

diversification in an African songbird: rainforest refugia versus ecological gradients.<br />

Evolution 65: 3162-3174.<br />

2010:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2010. The impact of anthropogenic noise on animals. Elsevier Encyclopedia<br />

online.<br />


Verzijden, M.N., van Heusden, J., Bouton, N., Witte, F., ten Cate, C. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H.<br />

2010. Sounds of male Lake Victoria cichlids vary within and between species and affect<br />

female mate preferences. Behavioral Ecology 21: 548-555.<br />

Verzijden, M.N., Ripmeester, E.A.P., Ohms, V.R., Snelderwaard, P. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong> H.<br />

2010. Immediate spectral flexibility in singing chiffchaffs during experimental exposure<br />

to highway noise. Journal of Experimental Biology 15: 2575-2581.<br />

Ripmeester, E.A.P., Kok, J.S., van Rijssel, J.C. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2010. Habitat-related<br />

birdsong divergence: a multi-level study on the influence of territory density and ambient<br />

noise in European blackbirds. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 64: 409-418.<br />

Ripmeester, E.A.P., Mulder, M. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2010. Habitat-dependent acoustic<br />

divergence affects playback response in urban and forest populations of the European<br />

blackbird. Behavioural Ecology 21: 876-883.<br />

Rivera-Gutierrez, H.F., Matthysen E, Adriaensen, F. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2010. Repertoire<br />

sharing and song similarity between great tit males decline with distance between forest<br />

fragments. Ethology 116: 951-960.<br />

Dingle, C., Poelstra, J., Halfwerk, W., Brinkhuizen, D. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2010.<br />

Asymmetric response patterns to subspecies-specific song differences in allopatry and<br />

parapatry in the gray-breasted wood-wren. Evolution 64: 3537-3548.<br />

Tobias, J.A., Aben, J., Brumfield, R.T., Derryberry, E.P., Halfwerk, W., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. &<br />

Seddon, N. 2010. Song divergence by sensory drive in Amazonian birds. Evolution 64:<br />

2820-2839.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2010. Geschiedenis van de bioakoestiek in technologisch perspectief.<br />

Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis pp. 205-231.<br />

2009:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Halfwerk, W. 2009. Behavioural Ecology: Noise annoys at community<br />

level. Current Biology, 19: R693-695.<br />

Halfwerk, W. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2009. A behavioural mechanism explaining noise-dependent<br />

pitch shift in urban birdsong. Animal behaviour 78: 1301-1307.<br />

Pohl, N.U., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Klump, G. & Langemann, U. 2009. Acoustic design and<br />

environmental noise affect song element detection in captive great tits. Animal<br />

Behaviour, 78 1293-1300.<br />

Franco, P. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2009. Repertoire size and composition in great tits: a flexibility<br />

test using playbacks. Animal Behaviour 77: 261-269.<br />


Kirchel, A.N.G., Blumstein, D.T., Cohen, R.E., Buermann, W., Smith, T.B. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>,<br />

H. 2009. Birdsong tuned to the environment: green hylia song varies with elevation, tree<br />

cover, and noise. Behavioral Ecology 20: 1089-1095.<br />

2008:<br />

Coers, A., Bouton, N., Vincourt, D. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2008. Fluctuating noise conditions<br />

may limit acoustic communication distance in the rock-pool blenny. Bioacoustics 17: 63-<br />

65.<br />

Den Hartog, P.M., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & ten Cate, C. 2008. Male territorial vocalizations and<br />

responses are decoupled in an avian hybrid zone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal<br />

Society London 362: 2879-2889<br />

Dingle, C., Halfwerk, W. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2008. Habitat-dependent song divergence at<br />

subspecies level in the grey-breasted wood-wren. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:<br />

1079-1089.<br />

Planqué, R. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2008. Spectral overlap in songs and temporal avoidance in a<br />

Peruvian bird assemblage. Ethology 114: 262-271.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Bouton, N. 2008. Soundscape orientation: a new field in need of sound<br />

investigation. Animal Behaviour 76: e5-e8.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Ripmeester, E.A.P. 2008. Birdsong and anthropogenic noise: implications<br />

and applications for conservation. Molecular Ecology 17: 72-83.<br />

Smith, T.B., Milá, B. Grether, G.F., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Sepil, I, Nuermann, W. Saatchi, S. &<br />

Pollinger, J. 2008. Evolutionary Consequences of Human Disturbance in a Rainforest<br />

Bird Species from Central Africa. Molecular Ecology 17: 58-71.<br />

2007:<br />

De jong, K., Bouton, N. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2007. Azorean rock-pool blennies produce sizedependent<br />

calls in a courtship context. Animal Behaviour 74: 1285-1292.<br />

Ripmeester, E.A.P & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2007. Do blackbirds signal motivation to fight with<br />

their song Ethology 113: 1021-1028.<br />

Van Opzeeland, I., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Andringa, T. & ten Cate, C. 2007. Vissen en<br />

geluidsoverlast: Effecten van geluidsbelasting onder water op zoetwatervissen. Rapport<br />

Universiteit Leiden/Universiteit Groningen, pp 1-20.<br />

Van Opzeeland, I., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Andringa, T. & ten Cate, C. 2007. Herrie onder water:<br />

Vissen en geluidsoverlast. De Levende Natuur 108: 39-43.<br />


Van Opzeeland, I., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Andringa, T. & ten Cate, C. 2007. Lawaai onder water:<br />

De invloed vanm geluid op vissen. Visionair, het Vakblad van Sportvisserij Nederland 4:<br />

11-13.<br />

2006:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & den Boer-Visser, A. 2006. Cities change the songs of birds. Current<br />

Biology 16: 2326-2331.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Yeh, P., & Hunt, K. 2006. Sound transmission and birdsong divergence: a<br />

comparison of urban and forest acoustics. Condor 109: 67-78.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2006. Animal communication: Long-distance signalling. In: K. Brown (Ed.),<br />

Encyclopedia for language and linguistics - 2nd edition, Elsevier, Vol. 1, 272-276.<br />

Ruegg, K., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. Clegg, S. & Smith, T.B. 2006. Divergence in mating signals<br />

correlates with ecological variation in the migratory songbird, Swainson’s thrush<br />

(Catharus ustulatus). Molecular Ecology 15: 3147-3156.<br />

Schrama, T., Poot, M., Robb, M. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2006. Automated recording, detection<br />

and identification of nocturnal flight calls: Results of a pilot study during autumn<br />

migration in the Netherlands. Journal of Ornithology 147: 248.<br />

2005:<br />

Brumm, H. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2005. Acoustic communication in noise. Advances in the Study<br />

of Behavior 35: 151-209.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2005. Heeft de koekoek overlevingskansen (by A.W. Hellebrekers). Book<br />

review, Holland’s Duinen in press.<br />

Smith, T. B., Saatchi, S., Graham, C., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Spicer, G. 2005. Putting process on<br />

the map: Why ecotones are important for preserving biodiversity. In: A. Purvis, J.<br />

Gittleman, and T. Brooks (Eds.). Phylogeny and Conservation, pp. 166-197. Cambridge<br />

University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom..<br />

2004:<br />

Marler, P. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. Nature’s Music. The Science of Birdsong. Hardcover,<br />

504 pages, including 2 CD’s. Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. Habitat-dependent ambient noise: consistent spectral profiles in two<br />

African forest types. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116: 3727-3733.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. Singing birds: from communication to speciation. In Bekoff, M. ed.<br />

Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Volume 1, pp. 399-411. Greenwood Press, Westport,<br />

Connecticut, USA.<br />


<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. Singing in the wild: the ecology of birdsong. In: Marler, P. &<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. eds. Nature’s Music: The Science of Birdsong, pp. 178-205. Academic<br />

Press/Elsevier, San Diego.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. A rough guide to reading sonograms. In: Marler, P. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H.<br />

eds. Nature’s Music. The Science of Birdsong, pp. 5-6. Academic Press/Elsevier, San<br />

Diego.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. The functions of perched song and flight song. In: Marler, P. &<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. eds. Nature’s Music. The Science of Birdsong, p. 189. Academic<br />

Press/Elsevier, San Diego.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. The art of selection: evolution in the aviary. In: Marler, P. &<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. eds. Nature’s Music. The Science of Birdsong. p. 298. Academic<br />

Press/Elsevier, San Diego.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2004. Birdsong as inspiration to musicians. In: Marler, P. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H.<br />

eds. Nature’s Music. The Science of Birdsong, p. 386. Academic Press/Elsevier, San<br />

Diego.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Collins, S.A. 2004. How do hybrid birds sound like In: Marler, P. &<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. eds. Nature’s Music. The Science of Birdsong, p. 307. Academic<br />

Press/Elsevier, San Diego.<br />

2003:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Peet, M. 2003. Birds sing at a higher pitch in urban noise. Nature 424: 267-<br />

267.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Jesse, A. & Bell, D.A. 2003. Microgeographic song variation in island<br />

populations of the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys nutalli): innovation<br />

through recombination. Behaviour 140: 947-963.<br />

Ellers, J. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2003. Song divergence and male dispersal among bird populations:<br />

A spatially explicit model testing the role of vocal learning. Animal Behaviour 65: 671-<br />

681.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2003. Vocal production and perception in Streptopelia doves (PhD-thesis<br />

Gabriël Beckers). Book review, Ardea 91: 291-293.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2003. Pigeon pidgin. Evolution of vocal signals through interspecific<br />

interactions in Streptopelia doves (PhD-thesis Selvino de Kort). Book review, Ardea 91:<br />

133-135.<br />


<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 2003. Songbirds adjust to noisy environments. Interpretive Birding Bulletin. A<br />

science magazine for birders.<br />

2002:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., Ellers, J. & Smith, T.B. 2002. Bird song and sound transmission: the benefits<br />

of reverberations. Condor 104: 564-573.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Smith, T.B. 2002. Habitat-dependent song divergence in the little greenbul:<br />

an analysis of environmental selection pressures on acoustic signals. Evolution 56: 1849-<br />

1858.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Smith, T.B. 2002. Bird song, ecology, and speciation. Philosophical<br />

Transactions of the Royal Society, London, B. 357: 493-503.<br />

Ten Cate, C., <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Ballintijn, M.R. 2002. Bird song and male-male<br />

competition: causes and consequences of vocal variability in the collared dove<br />

(Streptopelia decaocto). Advances in the Study of Behavior 31: 31-75.<br />

2000:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & Smith, T.B. 2000. Does bill size polymorphism affect courtship song<br />

characteristics of the African finch Pyrenestes ostrinus Biological Journal of the<br />

Linnean Society 71: 737-753.<br />

1999:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H., de Kort, S. & ten Cate, C. 1999. Comparative analysis of perch coo<br />

vocalizations of the Streptopelia doves. Auk 116: 737-748.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & ten Cate, C. 1999. Collared dove responses to playback: slaves to the<br />

rhythm. Ethology 105: 377-391.<br />

Ten Cate, C., Ballintijn, M. & <strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 1999. Vogelzang: een oorstrelende strijd. In:<br />

Evolutie betrapt. Onderzoekers in het voetspoor van Darwin. (W. van Strien, ed), pp. 58-<br />

67. KNNV Uitgeverij, Utrecht.<br />

1998:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 1998. Perception of coo variation by the collared dove. A parameter analysis<br />

using playbacks in the field. PhD-thesis.<br />


<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & ten Cate, C. 1998. Multiple parameters in the territorial coo of the collared<br />

dove: interactions and meaning. Behaviour 135: 879-895.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & ten Cate, C. 1998. Perceptual tuning to frequency characteristics of<br />

territorial signals in collared doves. Animal Behaviour 56: 847-857.<br />

1997:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. 1997. Boodschap en betekenis van vogelvocalisaties: onderzoek naar gedrag<br />

en geluid van de Turkse tortel. Limosa 70: 80.<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & ten Cate, C. 1997. Stronger territorial responses to frequency modulated<br />

coos in collared doves. Animal Behaviour 54: 955-965.<br />

1996:<br />

<strong>Slabbekoorn</strong>, H. & ten Cate, C. 1996. Responses of collared doves to playback of coos.<br />

Behavioural Processes 38: 169-174.<br />


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