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36 LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL REVIEW IX joker, but in great and mighty earnest”. 15 The Reformer now launches into a description of the evil one’s ongoing mischief by way of bodily and spiritual possession of the children of Adam. Many are “full of greed, hatred, envy, and unchastity” and yet suppose the Devil to be more than a hundred thousand miles away from them. 16 The Devil wreaks untold damage on souls “with false doctrine, with despair, and with evil desires”, all aimed at tearing faith from the heart, producing the deadly sin of acedia (i.e., sloth), and turning Christian sanctification into a wearisome obstacle course. 17 Moreover, the evil one is responsible for specific events in the external world: When he has now thus got the soul in his grasp, he reaches for the body also, sending plague, hunger, distress, war, murder etc. The Devil serves up all this, that one now breaks a leg, the other drowns, the third commits a murder. Who stages all this None other than the Devil. 18 On reaching the tenth paragraph of his Michaelmas homily, Luther abruptly switches gear. The modernist worldview begotten by the Enlightenment has rendered theistic belief itself an unfounded conviction held privately by certain eccentrics. Twenty years ago at the height of the Myth of God Incarnate debate in England, Brian Hebblethwaite swam against the current by arguing for the Incarnation. Yet Hebblethwaite soon rescued himself from suspicion of fundamentalism by publicly flaunting his denial of the existence of the order of angelic being. The Reformer is thoroughly pre-modern in that he propounds no God of the gaps but preaches a God of the here and now immanently involved in the nuts and bolts of this world’s workings. Moreover, Luther presents God as governing in the kingdoms at His left and right hands through the holy angels against the machinations of the Devil and his hosts: 15 WA 32:113. 3-17. 16 WA 32:113.31-33: “Darnach sind etlich geistlich oder heimlich besessen, die vol geitz, hass, neid, unkeusscheit sc. sticken und gehen dennoch so sicher einher, das sie gedencken, der Teuffel sey uber hundert Tausent meil weg von yhn.” 17 WA 32:114.5-11: “… lasst uns nur vleissig lernen, was der Teufel doch fur ein Geist sey und wie viel er schadens thue an leibe und an seel, An der seele mit falscher lere, mit verzweifelung, mit bosen luesten sc. Alles darumb das er den glauben hin weg reisse und zihe einen ya ynn ein wancken oder ynn einen faulen, schwachen gedancken: Ich fuele den Teuffel seer wol, kan es aber dennoch nicht so machen, wie ich gern wolt, Ich wolt gern hefftiger, hitziger und ernster ynn meinem thun sein, Aber ich kan fur dem Teuffel nicht.” 18 WA 32:114.12-15: “Wenn er nu die seele also gefasst hat, so greifft er nach dem leib auch, da schickt er pestilentz, hunger, kummer, krieg, mord, sc. Das richtet der Teuffel alles an, das nu einer ein bein bricht, der ander ersaufft, der drit thut ein mord, wer richt solches alles an Niemand denn der Teuffel.”

STEPHENSON: LET YOUR HOLY ANGEL BE WITH ME 37 Against this we must now also know that, although there are many devils with evil intent, they are opposed by many, many good angels who defend, protect, and guard. As we have heard, the evil angels do not sleep, but conspire day and night to institute idolatry and soul murder and to harm us in body, property, and honour. If God did not have another government (Regiment) to counter this, the Devil would not allow your house, wife, and child to stand for a single hour, and everything must go to ruin. For he is so poisonous that he even begrudges you enough room to set your foot on. So he is also vexed that you have healthy eyes, arms, and legs, and if he could bring it about, he would not leave you a single cow or goose alive. In short, if he could have his way, he would leave no stick standing and allow no man to live for a moment. 19 The fact that this life proceeds as smoothly as it does prompts the remark that, “All this shows that God has set in order a power against the Devil, which constantly resists him and smashes his plans.” 20 In an article published in 1982 I pointed out that the Reformer’s socalled “two kingdoms” doctrine in fact embraces four entities. 21 Small wonder that Luther scholars get hopelessly bogged down in the minutiae of the Zwei-Reiche-Lehre, for Kenneth Hagen has recently proved that not four but six topics lurk under this well known heading! In addition to the kingdoms at God’s left and right hands we must consider the third kingdom of the Devil. And to the spiritual and secular governments we must add the government of the angels. 22 We should thus be wrong to suppose ourselves the only created agents at work in God’s repulsing the evil one on the battlefields of His left and right hand kingdoms. In the ninth paragraph of the Michaelmas sermon, Luther alludes to the Devil’s spiritual agenda at the recent Diet of Augsburg. 23 In the eleventh he recurs to I Pet. 5:8 and scares 19 WA 32:114. 33-115.9: “Da widder mussen wir nu auch wissen, obgleich viel Teuffel sind und boses ym synn haben, so seyen da gegen viel, viel guter Engel die wehren, schutzen und hueten: Die bosen Engele, wie wir gehort haben, schlaffen nicht, sondern trachten tag und nacht darnach, wie sie Abegotterey auffrichten und seelen mord stifften, darnach auch, wie sie uns schaden thuen an leib, gut, ehre sc. wenn denn Gott nicht ein ander Regiment da gegen hette, So wurde dir der Teuffel dein hause, weib und kind nicht ein stund lassen stehen, es muste alles zu trumern gehen, denn so gifftig ist er wol, das er dir nicht so viel raum vergunnet, da du einen fuss mochtest setzen, So verdreust yhn auch, das du gesund augen, armen, beyn hast, und wenn ers thun durfte, er lies dir nicht ein kue, nicht ein gans stehen, Ja keinen menschen ein augenclick leben.” 20 WA 32:115.15-17: “Das zeigt alles an, das ein gewalt sey von gott geordnet widder den Teuffel, die yhm stets wehre und abbreche.” 21 John R. Stephenson, “The Two Governments and Two Kingdoms in Luther’s Thinking”, Scottish Journal of Theology 34.4 (1981): 321-37. 22 Kenneth Hagen, “Luther’s Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms”, God and Caesar Revisited (Luther Academy Conference Papers No. 1) 26f. 23 WA 32:114.29-32.


Against this we must now also know that, although there are many devils<br />

with evil intent, they are opposed by many, many good angels who<br />

defend, protect, and guard. As we have heard, the evil angels do not<br />

sleep, but conspire day and night to institute idolatry and soul murder and<br />

to harm us in body, property, and honour. If God did not have another<br />

government (Regiment) to counter this, the Devil would not allow your<br />

house, wife, and child to stand for a single hour, and everything must go<br />

to ruin. For he is so poisonous that he even begrudges you enough room<br />

to set your foot on. So he is also vexed that you have healthy eyes, arms,<br />

and legs, and if he could bring it about, he would not leave you a single<br />

cow or goose alive. In short, if he could have his way, he would leave no<br />

stick standing and allow no man to live for a moment. 19<br />

The fact that this life proceeds as smoothly as it does prompts the remark<br />

that, “All this shows that God has set in order a power against the Devil,<br />

which constantly resists him and smashes his plans.” 20<br />

In an article published in 1982 I pointed out that the Reformer’s socalled<br />

“two kingdoms” doctrine in fact embraces four entities. 21 Small<br />

wonder that Luther scholars get hopelessly bogged down in the minutiae of<br />

the Zwei-Reiche-Lehre, for Kenneth Hagen has recently proved that not four<br />

but six topics lurk under this well known heading! In addition to the<br />

kingdoms at God’s left and right hands we must consider the third kingdom<br />

of the Devil. And to the spiritual and secular governments we must add the<br />

government of the angels. 22 We should thus be wrong to suppose ourselves<br />

the only created agents at work in God’s repulsing the evil one on the<br />

battlefields of His left and right hand kingdoms. In the ninth paragraph of<br />

the Michaelmas sermon, Luther alludes to the Devil’s spiritual agenda at the<br />

recent Diet of Augsburg. 23 In the eleventh he recurs to I Pet. 5:8 and scares<br />

19 WA 32:114. 33-115.9: “Da widder mussen wir nu auch wissen, obgleich viel Teuffel<br />

sind und boses ym synn haben, so seyen da gegen viel, viel guter Engel die wehren, schutzen<br />

und hueten: Die bosen Engele, wie wir gehort haben, schlaffen nicht, sondern trachten tag<br />

und nacht darnach, wie sie Abegotterey auffrichten und seelen mord stifften, darnach auch,<br />

wie sie uns schaden thuen an leib, gut, ehre sc. wenn denn Gott nicht ein ander Regiment da<br />

gegen hette, So wurde dir der Teuffel dein hause, weib und kind nicht ein stund lassen stehen,<br />

es muste alles zu trumern gehen, denn so gifftig ist er wol, das er dir nicht so viel raum<br />

vergunnet, da du einen fuss mochtest setzen, So verdreust yhn auch, das du gesund augen,<br />

armen, beyn hast, und wenn ers thun durfte, er lies dir nicht ein kue, nicht ein gans stehen, Ja<br />

keinen menschen ein augenclick leben.”<br />

20 WA 32:115.15-17: “Das zeigt alles an, das ein gewalt sey von gott geordnet widder<br />

den Teuffel, die yhm stets wehre und abbreche.”<br />

21 John R. Stephenson, “The Two Governments and Two Kingdoms in Luther’s<br />

Thinking”, Scottish Journal of Theology 34.4 (1981): 321-37.<br />

22 Kenneth Hagen, “Luther’s Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms”, God and Caesar<br />

Revisited (Luther Academy Conference Papers No. 1) 26f.<br />

23 WA 32:114.29-32.

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