Gospels of Thomas and Philip and Truth - Syriac Christian Church

Gospels of Thomas and Philip and Truth - Syriac Christian Church Gospels of Thomas and Philip and Truth - Syriac Christian Church


(www.metalog.org/files/hadith.html). Totality/Everything/the All (2 6 67 77): Copt thr.3 (all of-him/it, C424a). Transgression (14 104): Copt nobe (C222a) = Gk ΑΜΑΡΤΙΑ = Heb t)+x (khatat); a violation of the Torah, a sin; see Perfect, Torah and Defilement in Ph Notes. Notes. Transient (42): Gk ΠΑΡΑΓΕΙΝ (by-led); passer-by, itinerant— see Hebrew in Ph Trees (19): the ‘five trees’ may well refer to the five senses (NB that all emotions are presumably symbolic feelings); see Tr 28 and ‘Angel, Image and Symbol’; it is noteworthy that the olive tree in particular does not shed its leaves annually. Vintage/Kind/Natural (47b 65 90): Gk ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ (used), Ph 126; thus Mt 11:30, ‘my yoga is natural’; the ancients often confused this common term with the rare ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, with reference to the Hebrew Messiah. War (16): Gk ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ; perhaps it is logical nowadays to interpret ‘the stars falling from the sky’ (Mk 13:25, Rev/Ap 6:13 8:6 ff.) as a nuclear war, since hydrogen bombs are literally small man-made stars; ‘this generation’ in Mk 13:30 is presumably counted from either May 1948 (the refounding of Israel) or June 1967 (the reconquest of Jerusalem, Lk 21:24), and could range from forty years (Num 14:33, Dt 2:14) to one hundred years (Gen 15:13-16). Wickedness (45): Gk ΠΟΝΕΡΟΣ; this term has a root meaning of hard work or laborious drudgery, thus oppressive or exploitative; Christ's specific listing of 12 evils, at Mk 7:22-23: (1) ΠΟΡΝΕΙΑ: prostitution (see Ph Notes); (2) ΚΛΟΠΗ: theft; (3) ΦΟΝΟΣ: homicide; (4) ΜΟΙΧΕΙΑ: adultery; (5) ΠΛΕΟΝΕΞΙΑ: selfishness; (6) ΠΟΝΗΡΙΑ: malice; (7) ΔΟΛΟΣ: deceit; (8) ΑΣΕΛΓΕΙΑ: lechery [literally: un-moon- leading!]; (9) ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΣ ΠΟΝΗΡΟΣ: envious/jealous/selfish eye [Dt 15:9, Mt 20:15]; (10) ΒΛΑΣΦΗΜΙΑ: derision; (11) ΥΠΕΡΗΦΑΝΙΑ: pride; (12) ΑΦΡΟΣΥΝΗ: foolishness [literally: divided mind, ambivalence; thus Rev/Ap 3:15-16!]. World/System (10 16 21 24 27 28 51 56 80 110 111): Gk ΚΟΣΜΟΣ (arrangement, order); originally the pre-Socratic philosopher Pythagoras had used this term to designate the entire natural universe, as in ‘cosmos’; but in the Gospel koinê (later common Gk) it had also come to signify the conventionality or artificiality of the human social system, as in ‘cosmetic’; see Lk 2:1 4:5-6 12:30-31. 50

Yeshua (Prologue et passim): Aram (w#y (Yeshúa) = Heb (w#why (Yehóshua); from (#y-hwhy (YHWH ysha: He-Is Savior); Josh 1:1, Ezra 5:2 (Aram form), Mt 1:21, Ph 20a; this name could not be accurately transcribed in Gk, which lacks the SH sound; in the Gk and Copt uncial manuscripts it was generally abbreviated i\s\ - or i\h\s\ -; see also the second commandment as written exclusively on synagogue tablets of the Decalogue: hyhy (the grammatically correct form of ‘He Is’): www.metalog.org/ files/decalogue.jpg. Yoga (90): Copt na6b (yoke, C726); here, as in the canonical Gospels, meaning one’s spiritual discipline (the cognate Sanskrit term ‘yoga’ conveys this sense quite well); see Ph 79. 1. A Hebrew° person makes a (convert) Hebrew, and they call him thus: a novice° (proselyte). Yet a novice does not make (another) novice. [...] In truth, (the fully instructed¹) are as they are,² [...] and they make others [... to receive like themselves.] It suffices to (those others) that they shall be. (¹Lk 6:40, ²Ex 3:14!, Mt 23:15, Ac 2:10 6:5; hypertext interlinear of all Philip logia: www.metalog.org/files/ph_interlin.html) 2. The slave seeks only to be set free, yet he does not seek after the estate of his master. Yet the son not only acts as a son, but also the father ascribes the inheritance to him. (Gen 15:2-3, Pro 17:2, Jn 8:35, Th 72) 3. Those who inherit the dead are themselves dead, and they inherit the dead. Those who inherit the Living-One are alive, and they inherit both the living and the dead. The dead do not inherit anything. For how will the dead inherit? When the dead inherits the Living-One, he shall not die; but rather the dead shall instead live. (Th 111) 51

Yeshua (Prologue et passim): Aram (w#y (Yeshúa) = Heb (w#why (Yehóshua);<br />

from (#y-hwhy (YHWH ysha: He-Is Savior); Josh 1:1, Ezra 5:2 (Aram form), Mt 1:21,<br />

Ph 20a; this name could not be accurately transcribed in Gk, which lacks the SH<br />

sound; in the Gk <strong>and</strong> Copt uncial manuscripts it was generally abbreviated i\s\ - or i\h\s\ -;<br />

see also the second comm<strong>and</strong>ment as written exclusively on synagogue tablets <strong>of</strong><br />

the Decalogue: hyhy (the grammatically correct form <strong>of</strong> ‘He Is’): www.metalog.org/<br />

files/decalogue.jpg.<br />

Yoga (90): Copt na6b (yoke, C726); here, as in the canonical <strong>Gospels</strong>, meaning<br />

one’s spiritual discipline (the cognate Sanskrit term ‘yoga’ conveys this sense quite<br />

well); see Ph 79.<br />

1. A Hebrew° person makes a (convert) Hebrew, <strong>and</strong> they call him<br />

thus: a novice° (proselyte). Yet a novice does not make (another)<br />

novice. [...] In truth, (the fully instructed¹) are as they are,² [...] <strong>and</strong><br />

they make others [... to receive like themselves.] It suffices to<br />

(those others) that they shall be. (¹Lk 6:40, ²Ex 3:14!, Mt 23:15, Ac 2:10 6:5;<br />

hypertext interlinear <strong>of</strong> all <strong>Philip</strong> logia: www.metalog.org/files/ph_interlin.html)<br />

2. The slave seeks only to be set free, yet he does not seek after<br />

the estate <strong>of</strong> his master. Yet the son not only acts as a son, but<br />

also the father ascribes the inheritance to him. (Gen 15:2-3, Pro 17:2,<br />

Jn 8:35, Th 72)<br />

3. Those who inherit the dead are themselves dead, <strong>and</strong> they<br />

inherit the dead. Those who inherit the Living-One are alive, <strong>and</strong><br />

they inherit both the living <strong>and</strong> the dead. The dead do not inherit<br />

anything. For how will the dead inherit? When the dead inherits<br />

the Living-One, he shall not die; but rather the dead shall instead<br />

live. (Th 111)<br />


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