Gospels of Thomas and Philip and Truth - Syriac Christian Church

Gospels of Thomas and Philip and Truth - Syriac Christian Church Gospels of Thomas and Philip and Truth - Syriac Christian Church


structure of [Mahayana] Buddhist philosophy is based on an idealistic monism’; compare also the polymorphic incarnationism of the Bhagavad Gita 11:5: ‘Behold my forms in hundreds and thousands— diverse, divine, of many colors and shapes’. XII. Iconology: a person is the consciousness of one’s particular set of sensory images, some or all of which are symbolic; God is the universal consciousness of all imagery and symbolism. 1. Ego is consciousness (subjectivity, passivity, substance, noumenon) 1.1 of images: things 1.2 of meaning: concepts 1.3 of oneself and other persons: incarnations 2. Imagery is sensory (objectivity, activity, attributes, phenomena) 2.1 consciousness and imagery are interdefined 2.2 the five senses 2.21 NB emotions are symbolic feelings 2.3 perception 2.31 we perceive our incarnations and their environment 2.311 two persons can and do perceive the selfsame image 2.32 we communicate via perceived symbols 2.33 coexistence = space 2.4 memory 2.41 memories are images from past perceptions 2.42 change = time 2.5 imagination/fantasy 2.51 hyperdimensionality 2.52 volition is choice among imagined actions (deliberation) 2.521 legality, ethics 2.522 Mosaic/Christlike as legal/moral norms 2.523 pardon/forgiveness transcends individual value-systems 2.53 karma is analog, not binary 2.531 thus e.g. Mt 25 as a binary parable of an analog event 2.6 dreams, visions, hallucinations 3. Meaning is symbolism (rationality, logos) 3.1 a symbol is an image which represents something(s) 3.11 e.g. utterances, gestures, pictures, alphabets, musical scores 124

3.12 a symbol can be perceived, remembered, fantasized, dreamt, etc. 3.2 all thought, language and communication are in symbolic imagery 3.3 a symbol can be either simpler, or more complex, than its referent 3.31 metaphors are overlapping symbols 3.32 parables are metaphorical stories 3.4 images can symbolize: 3.41 other imagery 3.42 other symbols 3.421 by definition: lexica, axioms, criteria 3.422 empirically: encyclopedias, information symbols 3.423 by stipulation of criteria 3.4231 ethics 3.4232 art 3.4232 music 3.43 comparisons and modifications among images 3.431 qualitative: humanities, the arts 3.432 quantitative: mathematics, the sciences 3.44 propositional operations on symbols 3.441 predication (assertion) 3.442 conjunction, negation (truth-tables) 3.443 relations 3.45 programmatic operations on symbols 3.451 analog (practicality) 3.452 digital (computation) 3.46 persons 3.461 life is analog 3.5 ‘the logos of x’ = ‘the arrangement/design of x’ 3.6 ‘the logos of «x»’ = ‘the symbolism of «x»’ 3.7 logos = arrangement + symbolism 4. People are incarnate egos/angels/spirits 4.1 a person is a conscious/reflective complex of imagery 4.11 NB mirrors are themselves images which reflect other imagery 4.12 thus we perceive ourselves as reflecting complexes of imagery 4.2 its imagery is within the ego (as its content) 125

structure <strong>of</strong> [Mahayana] Buddhist philosophy is based on an idealistic monism’;<br />

compare also the polymorphic incarnationism <strong>of</strong> the Bhagavad Gita 11:5: ‘Behold my<br />

forms in hundreds <strong>and</strong> thous<strong>and</strong>s— diverse, divine, <strong>of</strong> many colors <strong>and</strong> shapes’.<br />

XII. Iconology: a person is the consciousness <strong>of</strong> one’s particular set <strong>of</strong> sensory<br />

images, some or all <strong>of</strong> which are symbolic; God is the universal consciousness <strong>of</strong> all<br />

imagery <strong>and</strong> symbolism.<br />

1. Ego is consciousness (subjectivity, passivity, substance, noumenon)<br />

1.1 <strong>of</strong> images: things<br />

1.2 <strong>of</strong> meaning: concepts<br />

1.3 <strong>of</strong> oneself <strong>and</strong> other persons: incarnations<br />

2. Imagery is sensory (objectivity, activity, attributes, phenomena)<br />

2.1 consciousness <strong>and</strong> imagery are interdefined<br />

2.2 the five senses<br />

2.21 NB emotions are symbolic feelings<br />

2.3 perception<br />

2.31 we perceive our incarnations <strong>and</strong> their environment<br />

2.311 two persons can <strong>and</strong> do perceive the selfsame image<br />

2.32 we communicate via perceived symbols<br />

2.33 coexistence = space<br />

2.4 memory<br />

2.41 memories are images from past perceptions<br />

2.42 change = time<br />

2.5 imagination/fantasy<br />

2.51 hyperdimensionality<br />

2.52 volition is choice among imagined actions (deliberation)<br />

2.521 legality, ethics<br />

2.522 Mosaic/Christlike as legal/moral norms<br />

2.523 pardon/forgiveness transcends individual value-systems<br />

2.53 karma is analog, not binary<br />

2.531 thus e.g. Mt 25 as a binary parable <strong>of</strong> an analog event<br />

2.6 dreams, visions, hallucinations<br />

3. Meaning is symbolism (rationality, logos)<br />

3.1 a symbol is an image which represents something(s)<br />

3.11 e.g. utterances, gestures, pictures, alphabets, musical scores<br />


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