vous que la lecture? - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

vous que la lecture? - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas

vous que la lecture? - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas


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Excursión Sevil<strong>la</strong> 2009<br />

Primero: solicita p<strong>la</strong>za <strong>de</strong>l 19 <strong>de</strong> abril al 7 <strong>de</strong> mayo. Si se te ha pasado el p<strong>la</strong>zo no te preocupes pue<strong>de</strong>s<br />

entregarnos tu solicitud <strong>de</strong> todas formas, no tendrás puntos, pero pue<strong>de</strong> <strong>que</strong> también obtengas p<strong>la</strong>za.<br />

Segundo: lee atentamente <strong>la</strong> información <strong>que</strong> te proporcionamos en nuestra secretaría<br />

Tercero: Haz <strong>la</strong> matrícu<strong>la</strong> en septiembre en <strong>la</strong>s fechas indicadas.<br />


pue<strong>de</strong>s estudiar alemán y francés<br />


a<strong>de</strong>más pue<strong>de</strong>s estudiar inglés<br />

Autor portada: Francisco Javier Igual Alonso



Ausflug nach Madrid ....................................................................................................2<br />

Doing Yoga at EOI!? ........................................................................................................4<br />

Fête <strong>de</strong> Carnaval................................................................................................................5<br />

English Book Club ............................................................................................................6<br />

Jennifer Ramsay ................................................................................................................7<br />

Les exposés… ....................................................................................................................8<br />

Sueño con esa escue<strong>la</strong>..................................................................................................9<br />

Die Reise nach München ..........................................................................................10<br />

Reise nach Süd<strong>de</strong>utsch<strong>la</strong>nd....................................................................................11<br />

Christmas Crackers ......................................................................................................12<br />

Weihnachtsfeier ..............................................................................................................12<br />

Bonne Année 2010 et bon Apprentissage ....................................................13<br />

La France.Tradition et mo<strong>de</strong>rnité ........................................................................12<br />

Berlin ist toll ......................................................................................................................15<br />

“A very famous dog”......................................................................................................................................16<br />

Strasbourg un coup <strong>de</strong> foudre ..............................................................................................................17<br />

Strategiespiele ..................................................................................................................................................18<br />

Burj Khalifa ..........................................................................................................................................................19<br />

I’ve had it up to here! ..................................................................................................................................20<br />

Fallingwater ........................................................................................................................................................22<br />

Have you ever seen a Great White Shark? ......................................................................................23<br />

Ice sports ..............................................................................................................................................................24<br />

Haben Sie Probleme? ..................................................................................................................................25<br />

La Bauhaus ........................................................................................................................................................26<br />

Itinéraire au pic <strong>de</strong> La Maliciosa par le col du piornal..............................................................28<br />

Notre quotidien en français; ....................................................................................................................30<br />

Lernen macht glücklich ..............................................................................................................................32<br />

Has Obama learnt his first lesson ..........................................................................................................33<br />

How do you re<strong>la</strong>x?..........................................................................................................................................34<br />

Why I dont believe in Ghosts ..................................................................................................................36<br />

SGAE........................................................................................................................................................................37<br />

Yann Tiersen........................................................................................................................................................38<br />

Entre les murs....................................................................................................................................................39<br />

Das weiße Band................................................................................................................................................40<br />

Die Welle ..............................................................................................................................................................41<br />

Im Juli......................................................................................................................................................................42<br />

Das letzte Konzert ..........................................................................................................................................43<br />

I Can Fly ................................................................................................................................................................44<br />

Les échelles du levant: ................................................................................................................................46<br />

A tribute to One Thousand and One Nights..................................................................................48<br />

“Qu’est-ce pour <strong>vous</strong> <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>lecture</strong>? ..................................................................................................50<br />

Un tunnel obscur et sale.............................................................................................................................51<br />

The olive tree ....................................................................................................................................................52<br />

Si j’étais... ..............................................................................................................................................................55<br />

Un, <strong>de</strong>ux, trois, ..................................................................................................................................................55<br />

Dans <strong>la</strong> rivière ....................................................................................................................................................55<br />

Zitronenplätzchen..........................................................................................................................................56<br />

Poivrons farcis <strong>de</strong> morue et végétaux................................................................................................57<br />

Kreuzworträtsel; Crossword; Mots croisés... ....................................................................................59<br />

Cod with potatos and mushrooms ....................................................................................................60<br />



DIRECTORA: Encarnación Sánchez Martín � REDACCIÓN: María Luisa Fontecha<br />

Mínguez, Marie Hélène Lyx, Pauline F. O’Connell, Katharina Strobel,<br />

Xosé Luís Váz<strong>que</strong>z Ledo, María José Vélez Álvarez<br />

EOI <strong>de</strong> COLLADO VILLALBA<br />

Telf.: 91 851 37 44/Fax: 91 850 68 19<br />

Web: www.eoivil<strong>la</strong>lba.com<br />

Correo electrónico: secretaria@eoivil<strong>la</strong>lba.com<br />

Depósito Legal: M-14281-2010<br />

I.S.S.N.: 1889-4046<br />

®<br />


AFP Gestión <strong>de</strong>l Color<br />

Telf.: 91 552 45 00 / Fax: 91 552 80 00<br />

www.afpcolor.com<br />


En estos tiempos estamos ro<strong>de</strong>ados <strong>de</strong> malos<br />

augurios, <strong>de</strong> pesimismo económico y <strong>de</strong><br />

inmovilismo, no vaya a ser <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> “crisis” no nos<br />

permita concluir este o a<strong>que</strong>l proyecto.<br />

En nuestra escue<strong>la</strong> también sufrimos <strong>la</strong>s<br />

consecuencias <strong>de</strong> este clima, p<strong>la</strong>zas <strong>que</strong> no se<br />

cubren, presupuestos rebajados, oferta educativa<br />

<strong>que</strong> no se amplía, niveles superiores <strong>que</strong> no se<br />

imp<strong>la</strong>ntan, proyectos <strong>de</strong> construcción <strong>que</strong> no se<br />

<strong>de</strong>sarrol<strong>la</strong>n; sin embargo y a pesar <strong>de</strong> los malos<br />

vientos, nos hemos empeñado en mantener<br />

nuestro entusiasmo y el <strong>de</strong> nuestros alumnos.<br />

Estamos convencidos <strong>de</strong> <strong>que</strong> hay <strong>que</strong> aprovechar<br />

este momento para formarse mejor y dar un nuevo<br />

impulso o incluso un giro a nuestra vida <strong>la</strong>boral.<br />

La enseñanza pública <strong>de</strong>be estar ahí para facilitar<br />

ese cambio, y no sólo en <strong>la</strong>s etapas obligatorias; el<br />

aprendizaje a lo <strong>la</strong>rgo <strong>de</strong> toda <strong>la</strong> vida, y aún más,<br />

el <strong>de</strong> idiomas, nos mantiene optimistas, empren<strong>de</strong>dores,<br />

activos.<br />

Prueba <strong>de</strong> ello es este nuevo número <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> revista<br />

<strong>que</strong> hemos podido realizar con <strong>la</strong> co<strong>la</strong>boración<br />

<strong>de</strong> profesores y alumnos <strong>de</strong> nuestro centro, <strong>de</strong><br />

el<strong>la</strong> se <strong>de</strong>spren<strong>de</strong>n energía y ganas <strong>de</strong> hacer;<br />

encontraréis una pe<strong>que</strong>ña muestra <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>s<br />

activida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>que</strong> hemos realizado <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> el<br />

anterior número e i<strong>de</strong>as, opiniones y conocimientos<br />

<strong>que</strong> compartir.<br />

Gracias a todos los <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> habéis hecho posible y<br />

también a a<strong>que</strong>llos cuyas co<strong>la</strong>boraciones no han<br />

sido seleccionadas por falta <strong>de</strong> espacio, os<br />

esperamos en el próximo número.<br />

Un saludo a todos y buena lectura<br />

Encarnación Sánchez Martín<br />

Directora <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> EOI <strong>de</strong> Col<strong>la</strong>do-Vil<strong>la</strong>lba

2<br />

LA ESCUELA �<br />

� LA ESCUELA<br />

Ausflug nach Madrid<br />

Zwei Ausstellungen im<br />

Goethe-Institut<br />

Am 23.10.2009 organisierte die Deutsch-<br />

Abteilung einen Ausflug nach Madrid.<br />

Zuerst haben wir im Goethe-Institut zwei<br />

Ausstellungen angeschaut: Eine über das<br />

„Bauhaus“ und die an<strong>de</strong>re über die Mauer<br />

von Berlin zum 20. Jahrestag ihres Falls.<br />

Danach gab es einen gastronomischen und<br />

sozialen Teil.<br />

Wir haben uns mit <strong>de</strong>n drei Lehrerinnen,<br />

<strong>de</strong>n bei<strong>de</strong>n Katjas und Eva, in Madrid im<br />

Goethe-Institut getroffen und sind gleich<br />

die Treppe in <strong>de</strong>n obersten Stock<br />

raufgestiegen. Die Bauhaus- Ausstellung<br />

war im Treppenhaus, von oben nach unten.<br />

Dort gab es Fotografien – lei<strong>de</strong>r nicht sehr<br />

viele – von Werken <strong>de</strong>r verschie<strong>de</strong>nen<br />

Bauhaus-Architekten.<br />

Das„Bauhaus“ war eine künstlerische und<br />

architektonische Bewegung, die 1919 nach<br />

<strong>de</strong>m 1. Weltkrieg in <strong>de</strong>r Weimarer Republik<br />

geboren wur<strong>de</strong> und bis zum Beginn <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Nazi-Zeit 1933 dauerte. Ich wusste vorher<br />

schon etwas über das Bauhaus und über<br />

seine Vertreter: Walter Gropius, Mies van <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Rohe usw., aber wir hatten Glück, weil wir<br />

eine außergewöhnliche Kollegin hatten:<br />

Ana Rico (Avanzado 1), die sehr viel über<br />

das Bauhaus weiß und uns alles über <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Beginn <strong>de</strong>r Bauhaus- Bewegung und über<br />

<strong>de</strong>n Gebrauch neuer Materialien wie Stahl<br />

und G<strong>la</strong>s erzählt hat. Die Bauhaus-<br />

Architektur ist die erste mo<strong>de</strong>rne<br />

Architektur, zusammen mit <strong>de</strong>m russischen<br />

Konstruktivismus: Sie ist ästhetisch,<br />

funktionell und sozial. Im armen<br />

Nachkriegs<strong>de</strong>utsch<strong>la</strong>nd wollten diese<br />

Architekten soli<strong>de</strong>, schöne und praktische<br />

Wohnungen für die Arbeiter bauen. Deshalb<br />

arbeiteten sie auch am Design von Möbeln<br />

und an<strong>de</strong>ren Objekten <strong>de</strong>s Alltags. Vielen<br />

Dank, Ana, <strong>de</strong>ine Erklärungen haben uns<br />

allen sehr gefallen!<br />

Die an<strong>de</strong>re Ausstellung über die Mauer<br />

hatte viele Fotografien verschie<strong>de</strong>ner Orte<br />

in Berlin, zuerst mit <strong>de</strong>r Mauer und dann,<br />

nach <strong>de</strong>m November 1989, ohne die Mauer,<br />

aber mit <strong>de</strong>r Markierung auf <strong>de</strong>m Bo<strong>de</strong>n. Es<br />

war sehr interessant.<br />

Und danach: los, wir gehen essen!<br />

Coloma Chamorro Mielke<br />

Alemán Nivel Básico 2 A<br />

Ein Abend im Restaurant Krüger<br />

Nach <strong>de</strong>n Ausstellungen beim Goethe<br />

Institut, gesun<strong>de</strong> Nahrung für <strong>de</strong>n Geist,<br />

sind wir zum Aben<strong>de</strong>ssen gefahren,<br />

gesun<strong>de</strong> Nahrung für <strong>de</strong>n Bauch. Wir sind<br />

ins Restaurant Krüger gegangen.<br />

Das war ein Stück von Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd im<br />

Herz von Madrid. Das Restaurant ist sehr<br />

groß und wir hatten kein Problem, einen<br />

Tisch zu fin<strong>de</strong>n. Anfangs war <strong>de</strong>r Kellner<br />

ein bisschen unhöflich, aber später<br />

wur<strong>de</strong> er netter. Vielleicht hat er an die<br />

gute Rechnung gedacht. Es gab viele<br />

verschie<strong>de</strong>ne Sorten Bier und die<br />

Speisekarte war wirklich <strong>de</strong>utsch, weil<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Koch ein Deutscher ist. Unsere<br />

Lehrerinnen waren begeistert davon,<br />

weil es sie an ihr Land erinnert hat. Das<br />

Essen hat sehr lecker ausgesehen und<br />

auch sehr gut geschmeckt.<br />

Wir haben über unsere Probleme mit <strong>de</strong>r<br />

<strong>de</strong>utschen Sprache gere<strong>de</strong>t. Wir Anfänger<br />

träumen von <strong>de</strong>m Tag, an <strong>de</strong>m wir wie die<br />

Fortgeschrittenen sprechen können, aber<br />

wir g<strong>la</strong>uben, dass dieser Tag noch sehr weit<br />

ist. Wir haben viel Spaß gehabt und wir<br />

haben uns wie in Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd gefühlt,<br />

wenn wir die Augen geschlossen haben,<br />

aber niemand hat “Zusammen o<strong>de</strong>r<br />

getrennt?” gefragt, als wir bezahlen wollten<br />

– die Kellnerinnen hatten typische<br />

<strong>de</strong>utsche Klei<strong>de</strong>r an, aber sie waren aus<br />

Südamerika! Trotz<strong>de</strong>m war <strong>de</strong>r Abend<br />

phantastisch, und ich freue mich auf <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Abend, an <strong>de</strong>m wir das in Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd<br />

noch einmal machen können ....... vielleicht<br />

bald, o<strong>de</strong>r?<br />

Félix Corral Martín<br />

Alemán Nivel Básico 2 A<br />


4<br />

LA ESCUELA �<br />

Doing Yoga at EOI!?<br />

As any other normal Wednesday, I came to<br />

my English c<strong>la</strong>ss at 6 p.m. But this would not<br />

be a usual c<strong>la</strong>ss, as I could realise when I got<br />

into my c<strong>la</strong>ssroom. Our teacher Marisa told<br />

us that we were going to have a yoga c<strong>la</strong>ss<br />

in the auditorium. What!? How!? We looked<br />

at each other astonished. How could we<br />

have a yoga c<strong>la</strong>ss at Escue<strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Idiomas</strong>?<br />

But there were all of us, crowding the<br />

auditorium, in front of a thin and shylooking<br />

boy, waiting expectantly.<br />

I must say I was attracted before<br />

by zen and yoga stuff, but only<br />

as a mere couriosity, and only<br />

practiced yoga once, but I<br />

suppose the seed was sowed<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> of me. Probably this<br />

was the reason why I<br />

enjoyed this c<strong>la</strong>ss like a<br />

little child. Guy, this was<br />

the name of our<br />

speaker, was aware<br />

that most of his<br />

audience was not<br />

used to the principles of yoga, so he began<br />

in a very p<strong>la</strong>in and accesible way, which we<br />

appreciated, given the complexity of terms<br />

and varieties inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the huge world<br />

called yoga. He exp<strong>la</strong>ined the meaning of<br />

some words like mantra, dharma or<br />

pranayama, differences between types of<br />

yoga and examples of positions and their<br />

meanings.<br />

As he showed us, yoga is not only a physical<br />

practise, with its variants <strong>de</strong>pending on the<br />

intensity and objectives you look for, but it´s<br />

also re<strong>la</strong>xation, breathing, meditation ... a<br />

lifestyle, in a word. These aspects will<br />

conse<strong>que</strong>ntly have the same importance as<br />

the physical ones.<br />

Body and mind are a whole, one can<br />

influence the other, so we may pay the<br />

same attention to both. As a way of life, it<br />

can also affect your way of wearing clothes,<br />

eating, your house <strong>de</strong>coration, the music<br />

you listen to ... it can influence you in many<br />

different aspects of your life.<br />

But as I said before, yoga is also practical,<br />

and the best way to be introduced to a new<br />

practice is ... practicing it. So we even had a<br />

practical c<strong>la</strong>ss! Guy taught us the<br />

breathing, the lotus position (one of<br />

the most used for meditation) and<br />

some other easy exercises. I may say<br />

I got so charmed by the experience<br />

that I tried to repeat them at<br />

home, and I would say they<br />

worked!<br />

I would like to thank Escue<strong>la</strong><br />

<strong>Oficial</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Idiomas</strong> for<br />

doing something<br />

new and I encourage<br />

them to repeat it from time to<br />

time. Of course I want to thank Guy<br />

Millington for being so kind and friendly<br />

and for bringing yoga closer to our western<br />

minds.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong>s, I believe this was an opportunity to<br />

become a bit more open-min<strong>de</strong>d than<br />

before, at least it was so for me, and I hope<br />

so for many of my c<strong>la</strong>ssmates. I think it is<br />

necessary to find the moment and take a<br />

break in our stressful days. Yoga is one of<br />

the best ways to do it, while you keep fit<br />

and healthy and, what´s more important,<br />

you learn to know yourself better.<br />

Isabel <strong>de</strong> Pablos Torró.<br />

Inglés Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />

� LA ESCUELA<br />

Fête <strong>de</strong> Carnaval<br />

Le jeudi 25 février nous avons fêté le Carnaval. Oui je sais, nous avions un peu <strong>de</strong><br />

retard, mais comme le dit le proverbe : « Mieux vaut tard <strong>que</strong> jamais ».<br />

Richelieu, <strong>de</strong>s mous<strong>que</strong>taires, Marcel Marceau , Louis XIV, Marianne, Coco Chanel, un<br />

peintre <strong>de</strong> Montmartre, un cuisinier, une danseuse du Moulin Rouge, Dupont et<br />

Dupont, Quasimodo, le chat du cabaret « le chat noir »et bien évi<strong>de</strong>mment le drapeau<br />

français. Tout ceci n’est qu’un maigre échantillon <strong>de</strong> tous les personnages ou<br />

symboles français présents à cette fête.<br />

Après avoir bril<strong>la</strong>mment participé à <strong>de</strong>s jeux divers et variés nous avons<br />

« dégusté », je dirais même plus exactement « savouré » les succulentes crêpes<br />

préparées par les élèves.<br />

Bref, un bon moment passé ensemble grâce à <strong>la</strong> col<strong>la</strong>boration et à l’ai<strong>de</strong><br />

inestimables <strong>de</strong> nombreux élèves. Un grand merci à tous.<br />


6<br />

LA ESCUELA �<br />

� LA ESCUELA<br />

English Book Club Jennifer Ramsay<br />

Last year two teachers of the English <strong>de</strong>partment,<br />

Ana Franco and myself, embarked on the or<strong>de</strong>al of<br />

engaging English stu<strong>de</strong>nts in reading unabridged<br />

books in English and sharing their impressions with<br />

us, a mission which proved to be hard, but worth it.<br />

So much so, that I have taken up the challenge and<br />

have continued these meetings with the invaluable<br />

help of Maria Luisa Fontecha, who teaches<br />

Advanced 2.<br />

The year started off with the light-hearted<br />

comedy The Hitchhiker’s Gui<strong>de</strong> to the Ga<strong>la</strong>xy by<br />

Doug<strong>la</strong>s Adams, which enjoyed a resounding<br />

success back in the 70s and which remains a<br />

c<strong>la</strong>ssic among most British children and<br />

teenagers, even nowadays. To that first novel,<br />

more novels followed to constitute what the<br />

author called “a trilogy in five parts”. Apart from<br />

the literary version, you will find radio and TV<br />

series, computer games, and two films, the most<br />

recent dating from 2005 starring Sam Rockwell<br />

(Iron Man 2) , Mos Def (The Italian Job), Martin<br />

Freeman (Love Actually) and Bill Nighy (Love<br />

Actually, Pirates of the Caribbean), among others.<br />

Our second meeting tried to shed some light to the<br />

thought-provoking 1984 by George Orwell. As one<br />

of the participants said, this book is a MUST if you<br />

are interested in mo<strong>de</strong>rn British literature. A c<strong>la</strong>ssic<br />

among the c<strong>la</strong>ssics, this disturbing portrayal of a<br />

future society which lives un<strong>de</strong>r the imposing<br />

constraints of a dictatorship was ahead of its time,<br />

and ma<strong>de</strong> some accurate predictions about our<br />

society that we should be wary of. A masterpiece<br />

that will keep rea<strong>de</strong>rs on the edge of their seats –or<br />

better said, sofas- until they witness the results of<br />

Winston Smith’s act of rebellion against the Big<br />

Brother.<br />

Not being a conventional book club, the plot of<br />

the books is but a mere excuse to discuss the<br />

most interesting <strong>que</strong>stions raised by both<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts and teachers. Is religion an answer to<br />

the human obsession with finding the meaning<br />

of life? Are experiments with embryos and<br />

clonation an actual fact? Are we controlled by<br />

the media? Does our society differ much from<br />

that of the Middle Ages? Is TV a tool<br />

governments use to keep us entertained and<br />

take our little minds off what they are doing?<br />

There are more books to come and more <strong>que</strong>stions<br />

to be asked. And right before p<strong>la</strong>nning what will be<br />

our <strong>la</strong>st meeting this year, I will allow myself to<br />

become sentimental and say that it is not teachers<br />

that make up a book club. It is thanks to the interest<br />

and strong will of all those stu<strong>de</strong>nts and former<br />

stu<strong>de</strong>nts who join us, that our tertulia takes p<strong>la</strong>ce.<br />

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for<br />

making this possible. And to those of you who are<br />

dubious about coming along I only have to say:<br />

“stop looking before you leap and take the chance<br />

to enjoy some good company and practise your<br />

English in a more re<strong>la</strong>xed and natural way. You<br />

won’t regret it!”<br />

Lorena Alonso Rodríguez<br />

Profesora <strong>de</strong> inglés<br />

On Tuesday 9th a new English c<strong>la</strong>ss was coming,<br />

but we didn’t really know how different it was<br />

going to be. Our teacher invited us to attend a<br />

storytelling session in the assembly hall. We<br />

came into the room and sat down.<br />

A young Scottish woman started showing us her<br />

performance using typical Scottish music and<br />

items, and in very un<strong>de</strong>rstandable English for us.<br />

She began telling several ancient Scottish tales of<br />

thriller, mystery, fear and even a little bit of comedy.<br />

We were completely hypnotized. During the act<br />

she ma<strong>de</strong> us part of her performance with some<br />

riddles and a famous song,“Auld Lang Syne“ by<br />

Robert Burns. The session was over and everybody<br />

was c<strong>la</strong>pping. A marvelous show where everybody<br />

was pleased. What a pity it didn’t <strong>la</strong>st more!. Things<br />

like that are really worth it.<br />

Rafael Gálvez Peña.<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1 D<br />


8<br />

LA ESCUELA �<br />

Les exposés…<br />

Prendre <strong>la</strong> parole en public , c’est une source<br />

d´angoisse pour <strong>que</strong>l<strong>que</strong>s- uns d´entre nous! On<br />

a toujours le trac avant <strong>de</strong> commencer, mais une<br />

fois qu´on est parti ça roule ! Cette semaine une<br />

camara<strong>de</strong> a fait un exposé vraiment intéressant<br />

sur <strong>la</strong> restauration d´œuvres d´art.<br />

Incroyable <strong>la</strong> patience, et les manipu<strong>la</strong>tions<br />

nécessaires pour sauver un tableau, pour lui<br />

rendre son aspect, sans <strong>la</strong>isser aucune trace…<br />

vraiment admirable. Cette restauratrice <strong>que</strong><br />

nous avons dans notre c<strong>la</strong>sse, nous a vraiment<br />

<strong>la</strong>issé <strong>la</strong> bouche ouverte. Avec son exposé nous<br />

avons tous appris un petit peu sur ce métier,<br />

grâce au<strong>que</strong>l nous avons aujourd´hui <strong>la</strong><br />

possibilité <strong>de</strong> contempler ce <strong>que</strong> les peintres<br />

nous <strong>la</strong>issent pour mieux comprendre l´histoire<br />

et l’évolution <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> vie avec leur art. Quel<strong>que</strong>fois,<br />

<strong>la</strong> peinture se trouve même cachée sous un<br />

autre tableau, mais ces génies <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> restauration<br />

sont capables <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> faire apparaître à nouveau .<br />

Quel<strong>que</strong>s jours après, cette même magie <strong>de</strong>s<br />

exposés nous transporte dans un merveilleux<br />

voyage au pays <strong>de</strong>s Boudas, l´In<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Un joli parcours à travers ces marchés, qui<br />

présentent un éventail <strong>de</strong> couleurs , les fruits<br />

parfaitement alignés et les teintures pour les<br />

tissus. Tout est un hommage à <strong>la</strong> couleur, <strong>la</strong> soie<br />

avec les<strong>que</strong>lles on fabri<strong>que</strong> les saris est<br />

magnifi<strong>que</strong>! Les monuments, et surtout <strong>la</strong><br />

verdure <strong>de</strong> ses paysages nous on beaucoup plu.<br />

D’ici <strong>la</strong> fin <strong>de</strong> l’année d´autres histoires nous<br />

atten<strong>de</strong>nt, et je suis sûre <strong>que</strong> nous n´allons pas<br />

nous ennuyer !<br />

Bonne Chance à tous ceux qui ne nous ont pas<br />

encore présenté leur exposé !<br />

Antonia Garcia Álvarez<br />

Francés Nivel Avanzado 2<br />

� LA ESCUELA<br />

Sueño con esa escue<strong>la</strong><br />

Sí, sueño con esa escue<strong>la</strong> prometida. Imagino<br />

au<strong>la</strong>s acogedoras don<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong>r disponer <strong>de</strong> un<br />

material <strong>que</strong>, sabemos, será respetado. Una<br />

biblioteca don<strong>de</strong> recogerse en <strong>la</strong>s tar<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong><br />

invierno y concentrarse en <strong>la</strong>s <strong>de</strong> primavera<br />

preparando los exámenes, haciendo una pausa en<br />

<strong>la</strong> cafetería para char<strong>la</strong>r con un compañero <strong>de</strong><br />

básico <strong>de</strong> alemán mientras esa chica <strong>de</strong> secretaría<br />

tan amable se toma un té en su merecido<br />

<strong>de</strong>scanso. Veo un sitio don<strong>de</strong> po<strong>de</strong>r hab<strong>la</strong>r con mi<br />

profesor, o con quien sea sin <strong>que</strong> <strong>de</strong> 3 a 5 personas<br />

interrumpan el hilo <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> conversación pidiendo<br />

tizas o preguntando si es ahí <strong>la</strong> reunión <strong>de</strong> padres<br />

<strong>de</strong> bachillerato. Veo una sa<strong>la</strong> multimedia don<strong>de</strong>,<br />

hoy a <strong>la</strong>s 5 se proyecta un documental <strong>de</strong>l<br />

Discovery Channel y mañana a <strong>la</strong>s 7 no po<strong>de</strong>mos<br />

per<strong>de</strong>rnos <strong>la</strong> pelícu<strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong>l “Petit Nico<strong>la</strong>s”. La sa<strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

or<strong>de</strong>nadores me encanta ¡Todo funciona! Y por fín<br />

po<strong>de</strong>mos acudir a trabajar en <strong>la</strong>s au<strong>la</strong>s virtuales,<br />

aun<strong>que</strong> en casa no funcione el ADSL.<br />

Pero …. sólo es eso: un sueño imposible. Sí, ya lo<br />

veo imposible por<strong>que</strong> si bien hasta ahora <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> el<br />

Ayuntamiento echaban balones fuera culpando a<br />

<strong>la</strong> Comunidad <strong>de</strong> Madrid ahora, testigos los<br />

asistentes al reciente Consejo Esco<strong>la</strong>r Municipal, <strong>la</strong><br />

construcción <strong>de</strong> un merecido edificio para <strong>la</strong> EOI<br />

no se contemp<strong>la</strong>: hay otras priorida<strong>de</strong>s, dijeron.<br />

Sí pero también dijeron:“En el 2010 estaréis en <strong>la</strong><br />

nueva escue<strong>la</strong>”y a mí se me hacía <strong>la</strong>rgo. ¿Tanto falta?<br />

Y ahora, en el 2010 tenemos <strong>que</strong> escuchar <strong>que</strong> ya<br />

tenemos una escue<strong>la</strong> y <strong>que</strong> funciona. ¡C<strong>la</strong>ro <strong>que</strong><br />

funciona, pero ¿gracias a quién?<br />

La comunidad <strong>de</strong> Madrid está cumpliendo su<br />

parte <strong>de</strong>l pacto: han publicado <strong>la</strong> convocatoria<br />

para <strong>la</strong> construcción <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> escue<strong>la</strong> infantil,<br />

entonces, ¿Qué argumentos le <strong>que</strong>dan por<br />

esgrimir al Ayuntamiento <strong>de</strong> C. Vil<strong>la</strong>lba?<br />

¿A dón<strong>de</strong> han ido a parar los presupuestos ya<br />

aprobados don<strong>de</strong> se contemp<strong>la</strong>ba nuestro nuevo<br />

edificio? ¿Era sólo una promesa electoral <strong>la</strong> <strong>que</strong><br />

llevó a un <strong>de</strong>fecto <strong>de</strong> forma en <strong>la</strong> convocatoria <strong>de</strong><br />

concurso público para <strong>la</strong> construcción <strong>de</strong> este<br />

edificio? Si es así, ¿Volveremos a tener <strong>la</strong>s mismas<br />

promesas en <strong>la</strong> ya próxima campaña electoral? Y<br />

en ese caso ¿Podremos creer<strong>la</strong>s?<br />

Llevo toda <strong>la</strong> vida en <strong>la</strong>s EE.OO.II. Primero como<br />

alumna y ahora como profesora y, a pesar <strong>de</strong> los<br />

años sigo creyendo en una escue<strong>la</strong> viva, don<strong>de</strong> el<br />

aprendizaje <strong>de</strong> lenguas no termine en el au<strong>la</strong>.<br />

Señor Alcal<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Col<strong>la</strong>do-Vil<strong>la</strong>lba, atrévase a<br />

matricu<strong>la</strong>rse en nuestra Escue<strong>la</strong> y <strong>de</strong>scubrirá<br />

nuestro entusiasmo, eso sí <strong>de</strong>berá ir a <strong>la</strong>s tertulias<br />

a una cafetería <strong>de</strong>l pueblo y cuando<br />

representemos obras <strong>de</strong> teatro quizás no pueda<br />

ser cuando <strong>de</strong>seemos pues <strong>la</strong> sa<strong>la</strong> l<strong>la</strong>mada <strong>de</strong><br />

“usos múltiples”, y digo “l<strong>la</strong>mada” por<strong>que</strong> en<br />

nuestro centro todas <strong>la</strong>s sa<strong>la</strong>s son utilizadas con<br />

múltiples funciones, pue<strong>de</strong> estar ocupada con los<br />

chicos <strong>de</strong> compensatoria. Pero aún así MERECE LA<br />

PENA. Se lo garantizo.<br />

Isabel Escartín.<br />

Primero alumna, luego profesora<br />

y siempre <strong>de</strong>fensora <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> EOI<br />


10<br />

LA ESCUELA �<br />

Die Reise nach München<br />

Weil im Jahr 2008 die Reise nach Basel und<br />

Freiburg einen so großen Erfolg hatte, hatten<br />

wir 2009 Lust, noch eine Reise zusammen zu<br />

machen. Wir flogen zuerst nach München.<br />

Danach hing es vom Wetter ab, welche Ausflüge<br />

wir machen wür<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

Es war Donnerstag Mittag, und wir waren schon in<br />

München! Wir mussten zu Mittag essen, und es war<br />

k<strong>la</strong>r, dass wir Wurst essen und Bier trinken wollten.<br />

Am Nachmittag bummelten wir durch die Stadt.<br />

Dann, als wir zu Fuß ins Hotel zurück gingen und<br />

die Straße bei roter Ampel über<strong>que</strong>rten, sah uns<br />

die Polizei und hat <strong>la</strong>ut ACHTUNG!!! geschrien ...<br />

Danach machten wir das nie mehr!<br />

Am Freitag hatten wir eine Reiseleiterin engagiert,<br />

um die Stadt besser kennen zu lernen. Bei<br />

schlechtem Wetter, mit Regenschirm, aber mit sehr<br />

guter Laune sind wir zu Fuß durch München<br />

spaziert. Nach einem wun<strong>de</strong>rbaren Mittagessen,<br />

in einem Biergarten unter Kastanien, haben wir<br />

unseren Spaziergang ohne Reiseleiterin<br />

fortgesetzt, zum Schloss Nymphenburg mit seinem<br />

wun<strong>de</strong>rschönen Garten und zum Olympia-<br />

Stadium. Vom Olympia-Turm konnten wir die<br />

ganze Stadt von oben sehen!<br />

Am Samstag Morgen besuchten wir Salzburg,<br />

und am Sonntag beschlossen wir, in die Alpen<br />

zu fahren. Wir nahmen <strong>de</strong>n Zug nach Garmisch-<br />

Partenkirchen und dort die Zahnradbahn bis auf<br />

die Zugspitze. Auf <strong>de</strong>m Gipfel gab es ein<br />

Restaurant mit Biergarten, das uns zu einem<br />

kulinarischen Stopp einlud. Das Panorama war<br />

großartig, mit einem Blick konnte man über 400<br />

Gipfel in Österreich, Italien, <strong>de</strong>r Schweiz und<br />

Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd genießen.Mit <strong>de</strong>r Eibsee-Seilbahn<br />

ging es wie<strong>de</strong>r hinunter. Immer im Blick: <strong>de</strong>r<br />

wild-romantische Eibsee direkt zu Füßen <strong>de</strong>r<br />

gewaltigen Zugspitze. Am Eibsee machten wir<br />

einen Spaziergang und tauchten die Füße ins<br />

Wasser. Niemand wollte weg von dort ... aber<br />

<strong>la</strong>ngsam machten wir uns auf <strong>de</strong>n Rückweg.<br />

Als wir am Bahnhof ankamen, stellten wir fest, dass<br />

<strong>de</strong>r letzte Zug schon weg war! Was sollten wir tun?<br />

Ganz weit weg konnten wir einen Bus sehen, es<br />

war <strong>de</strong>r letzte! Wir liefen, rannten, flogen, schrien<br />

und machten alles, was wir konnten, um <strong>de</strong>n Bus<br />

anzuhalten! Wir hatten Erfolg, <strong>de</strong>r Bus wartete auf<br />

uns. Diese Strecke zurück nach München war<br />

wun<strong>de</strong>rbar, es ging ganz gemütlich über die<br />

Dörfer, an <strong>de</strong>n bunten Gärten vorbei, <strong>de</strong>n schönen<br />

Häuschen, <strong>de</strong>n Bergen ...<br />

Lei<strong>de</strong>r mussten wir am nächsten Morgen nach<br />

Hause und zu unserer täglichen Routine<br />

zurückkehren.<br />

Susana Fioretti und Juan José Labrador. Alemán Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />

� LA ESCUELA<br />

Reise nach Süd<strong>de</strong>utsch<strong>la</strong>nd<br />

Letzten Mai fuhr eine Gruppe von<br />

Deutschschülern gemeinsam mit Bernd Plikat<br />

nach München, Salzburg und in die Alpen.<br />

In München besuchten wir die berühmten<br />

Sehenswürdigkeiten im Zentrum, wie das neue<br />

Rathaus am Marienp<strong>la</strong>tz o<strong>de</strong>r die Frauenkirche. Wir<br />

konnten auch einige mo<strong>de</strong>rne Gebäu<strong>de</strong> wie die<br />

Olympia-Stadt bewun<strong>de</strong>rn. Derzeit bietet die<br />

Olympiastadt spezielle Musik- und<br />

Sportveranstaltungen. Die BMW Welt beeindruckte<br />

uns mit seiner avantgardistischen Architektur. Wir<br />

lernten etwas über <strong>de</strong>utsche Geschichte, als wir zum<br />

Schloss Nymphenburg gingen, und wir hatten viel<br />

Spaβ in einer <strong>de</strong>r größten Brauereien in Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd,<br />

<strong>de</strong>m Hofbräuhaus.<br />

Während <strong>de</strong>r Fahrt aßen wir sehr gut und<br />

genossen die <strong>de</strong>utsche Küche. Die Würste und<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Schweinebraten waren wirklich exquisit.<br />

Wenn wir konnten, setzten wir uns eine Weile in<br />

einen Biergarten. Das <strong>de</strong>utsche Bier war köstlich.<br />

An einem Tag besuchten wir Salzburg, in<br />

Österreich. Es ist <strong>de</strong>r Geburtsort von Mozart.<br />

Es gab Musikkultur an je<strong>de</strong>r Ecke <strong>de</strong>r Stadt.<br />

In Salzburg gingen wir auf die Festung<br />

Hohensalzburg, das Wahrzeichen <strong>de</strong>r Stadt.<br />

Es ist die größte und am besten erhaltene<br />

Festung in Europa und wur<strong>de</strong> im Mitte<strong>la</strong>lter<br />

gebaut. In Salzburg haben wir die Sachertorte<br />

getestet. Es war köstlich!<br />

Schließlich fuhren wir mit <strong>de</strong>m Zug bis zu <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Alpen nach Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Dort<br />

fuhren wir auf die Zugspitze, <strong>de</strong>m höchsten<br />

Berg in Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd. Von seinem Gipfel hatten<br />

wir einen schönen Blick auf die Alpen und <strong>de</strong>n<br />

Eibsee. Später an diesem Tag gingen wir zu<br />

Fuß <strong>de</strong>n Eibsee ent<strong>la</strong>ng. Das war Natur pur!<br />

Maribel Rodriguez, Jordi Verge<br />

Alemán Intermedio 1 A<br />


12<br />

LA ESCUELA �<br />

Christmas Crackers<br />

They are put on the Christmas ban<strong>que</strong>t tables,<br />

one per person. At the beginning of the meal<br />

guests cross their arms and everybody holds<br />

their cracker with the right hand and pulls<br />

their neighbour’s cracker with the left hand.<br />

The crackers break with a bang that is caused<br />

by chemicals and their content falls down on<br />

the table.<br />

You can buy the crackers but you can also<br />

make them yourself. You’ll just need:<br />

A cardboard tube centre (from toilet paper<br />

for example)<br />

� wrapping paper � glue<br />

� small gifts � paper crowns<br />

� scissors � jokes<br />

� ribbons<br />

Christmas Crackers are one of the most typical<br />

British Christmas traditions. They are coloured<br />

cardboard cylin<strong>de</strong>rs twisted at both ends. They<br />

normally contain paper crowns, p<strong>la</strong>stic<br />

figurines, a small gift and a joke.<br />

Home-ma<strong>de</strong> crackers don’t make the “pop”<br />

sound, but they are great fun anyway.<br />

Juan Carlos Baile<br />

Ingles Nivel Básico 2 B<br />

Weihnachtsfeier<br />

Am 22. 12. fand die<br />

Weihnachtsfeier <strong>de</strong>r Deutsch-<br />

Abteilung statt, mit Spielen,<br />

Lie<strong>de</strong>rn und vielen typischen<br />

Weihnachtsspezialitäten. Noch<br />

leckerer als diese gekauften<br />

Süßigkeiten waren allerdings die<br />

selbstgebackenen Plätzchen, die<br />

die Schüler mitgebracht haben.<br />

Dafür gab es natürlich Preise, in<br />

Form von Wörterbüchern. Das<br />

Rezept für die besten Plätzchen<br />

fin<strong>de</strong>t ihr auch in dieser Zeitschrift!<br />

� LA ESCUELA<br />

Nous animons tous les élèves pour continuer à étudier le français.<br />

Bonne Année 2010<br />

et bon Apprentissage<br />

Les débutants <strong>de</strong>s lundis et mercredis<br />


14<br />

LA ESCUELA �<br />

Conférence-collo<strong>que</strong>:<br />

La France.Tradition et<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rnité Par<br />

Tout d’abord <strong>la</strong> première <strong>que</strong>stion qu’il nous<br />

a posée a été: “qu’est-ce <strong>que</strong> c’est <strong>la</strong> tradition?<br />

À quoi <strong>vous</strong> font penser ces <strong>de</strong>ux mots?”<br />

D’un côté on pourrait dire <strong>que</strong> tradition est<br />

égal à: histoire, culture, cuisine, nation,<br />

héritages, coutumes, mo<strong>de</strong>, littérature,<br />

musi<strong>que</strong>, etc., ou plus brièvement le savoir<br />

hérité du passé et tout <strong>de</strong> même transmis<br />

<strong>de</strong> génération en génération. Et <strong>de</strong> l’autre<br />

côté, <strong>la</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>rnité fait allusion à:<br />

technologie, globalisation, actualité,<br />

politi<strong>que</strong> multiculturelle, immigration et<br />

aussi mo<strong>de</strong>, cinéma…… c’est-à-dire un seul<br />

mot peut résumer tout ça: nouveauté.<br />

Dans un pays aussi vaste <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> France,<br />

l’influence et l’invasion <strong>de</strong> tous les pays qui<br />

l’entourent et <strong>de</strong>s anciens peuples qui l’ont<br />

envahie, ont marqué son <strong>de</strong>venir tout au long<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’histoire.<br />

M.Wattrenez nous a parlé aussi <strong>de</strong>s peuples<br />

<strong>de</strong>s premiers temps <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> France à nos jours,<br />

par exemple: les Celtes, les Gaulois, les<br />

Romains, dont on a reçu le vocabu<strong>la</strong>ire, issu<br />

du <strong>la</strong>tin, les fêtes comme Noël ou le<br />

carnaval. Et aussi <strong>de</strong> l’immigration issue <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong> décolonisation <strong>de</strong> l’Afri<strong>que</strong> du Nord et <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Indochine.<br />

Quant au mot Mo<strong>de</strong>rnité on peut dire qu’il<br />

nous fait penser à nouveauté, surtout par<br />

rapport aux nouvelles tendances qui ont eu<br />

lieu tout au long du XIXème et XXème siècles,<br />

comme le surréalisme, l’impressionnisme,<br />

l’expressionnisme ou l’existentialisme.<br />

M.Michel Wattremez, attaché<br />

culturel <strong>de</strong> l’Ambassa<strong>de</strong> France à Madrid<br />

De plus, ces mouvements littéraires ou<br />

artisti<strong>que</strong>s ont cassé ou bouleversé les règles<br />

qui, jadis, étaient bien vues. Autant dire <strong>que</strong>,<br />

après tout <strong>la</strong> mo<strong>de</strong>rnité c´est un réseau où il y a<br />

un mé<strong>la</strong>nge pour améliorer <strong>la</strong> convivialité et<br />

surtout <strong>la</strong> tolérance.<br />

En conclusion: <strong>de</strong>ux mots bien différents mais<br />

en même temps bien liés, parce qu´ on ne<br />

comprend pas l´un sans l´ autre, il faut avancer<br />

en s´appuyant sur les connaissances qu´on a.<br />

Qu´est-ce <strong>que</strong> <strong>vous</strong> en pensez?<br />

Pi<strong>la</strong>r Franco Izquierdo<br />

Francés Nivel Avanzado 2A<br />

� VIAJES<br />

Berlin ist toll<br />

Berlin ist toll! Ich habe einen Monat in Berlin<br />

gelebt und ich möchte euch ein bisschen<br />

über Berlin erzählen, weil ich da viel Spaβ<br />

hatte! Erstens möchte ich über die Plätze und<br />

die Denkmäler sprechen. Dann wer<strong>de</strong> ich<br />

euch ein bisschen über das Essen und die<br />

Getränke erzählen.<br />

• Potsdamer P<strong>la</strong>tz: Nach <strong>de</strong>r Öffnung <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Mauer hat die Regierung viele Gebäu<strong>de</strong><br />

gebaut. Jetzt ist <strong>de</strong>r P<strong>la</strong>tz sehr schön, mit<br />

vielen Hochhäusern von Sony und Daimler.<br />

Das Filmmuseum von Berlin ist auch da.<br />

Vom Potsdamer P<strong>la</strong>tz kann man zu Fuβ zum<br />

Kulturforum gehen (da sind die Neue<br />

Nationalgalerie, die Gemäl<strong>de</strong>galerie und die<br />

Berliner Philharmonie).<br />

• Alexan<strong>de</strong>rp<strong>la</strong>tz: Dieser P<strong>la</strong>tz und <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Potsdamer P<strong>la</strong>tz sind meine Lieblingsplätze.<br />

Sie sind toll! Am Alexan<strong>de</strong>rp<strong>la</strong>tz sind <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Fernsehturm, die Marienkirche und das Rote<br />

Rathaus. Am Alexan<strong>de</strong>rp<strong>la</strong>tz gibt es auch viele<br />

Kneipen... und da habe ich viel Bier getrunken!!<br />

Die Museumsinsel: Ich liebe die Museumsinsel,<br />

weil man das Alte Museum, das Neue Museum,<br />

die Alte Nationalgalerie, das Bo<strong>de</strong>-Museum<br />

und das Pergamonmuseum besichtigen kann.<br />

Das Neue Museum ist sehr schön. Ich habe das<br />

Pergamonmuseum sehr beeindruckend<br />

gefun<strong>de</strong>n!<br />

• Der Checkpoint Charlie: Checkpoint Charlie war<br />

die Grenze zwischen <strong>de</strong>m sowjetischen und<br />

<strong>de</strong>m US-amerikanischen Sektor. Von 1961 bis<br />

1989 war da die Berliner Mauer. In <strong>de</strong>r East Si<strong>de</strong><br />

Gallery kann man die Graffiti <strong>de</strong>r Mauer sehen.<br />

• Jüdisches Museum: Das Jüdische Museum ist<br />

erstaunlich. Ich meine, seine Architektur ist<br />

hervorragend!! Dazu ist es sehr ergreifend, weil<br />

es um die Jüdische Geschichte geht.<br />

• Bran<strong>de</strong>nburger Tor: Das Bran<strong>de</strong>nburger Tor ist<br />

schön und durchaus sehenswert! Nach <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Zweiten Weltkrieg hat das Bran<strong>de</strong>nburger Tor<br />

die Grenze zwischen Ost- und West-Berlin<br />

markiert. In <strong>de</strong>r Nähe sind <strong>de</strong>r Tiergarten und<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Reichstag. Das Reichstagsgebäu<strong>de</strong> hat eine<br />

neue Kuppel, sie ist von Norman Foster<br />

entworfen.<br />

• An<strong>de</strong>re wichtige Orte: Der Gendarmenmarkt,<br />

mit <strong>de</strong>m Konzerthaus, <strong>de</strong>m Französischen<br />

Dom und <strong>de</strong>m Deutschen Dom; <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Olympiapark (Ich habe die 12. IAAF<br />

Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften im<br />

Olympiastadion gesehen, es war super!); <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Zoologischen Garten Berlin; das Schloss<br />

Charlottenburg ...<br />

Die Getränke von Berlin gehören zu <strong>de</strong>n besten<br />

Getränken <strong>de</strong>r Welt. Das Essen ist auch<br />

hervorragend! Es gibt viel billiges Essen wie<br />

Currywurst, Bretzel, Pommes Frites, Döner... und<br />

man kann immer sehr billig im Lidl einkaufen!<br />

Über die Hotels und ihre Preise weiß ich lei<strong>de</strong>r<br />

nicht viel, weil ich in einem Stu<strong>de</strong>ntenwohnheim<br />

gewohnt habe.<br />

Berlin ist die beste Stadt Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nds!!!<br />

Alma Obregón Fernán<strong>de</strong>z<br />

Nivel Básico 2 B<br />


My name is Lidia. The <strong>la</strong>st long<br />

weekend in December I travelled to<br />

Newcastle with my best friend<br />

Pi<strong>la</strong>r. We were going to meet her<br />

sister who was studying there with<br />

a grant. She had arranged a trip to<br />

Edinburgh for us. I really liked the<br />

city, especially its stories.<br />

Edinburgh is divi<strong>de</strong>d in two parts: the old<br />

town and the new town. We discovered the<br />

old town thanks to a free tour. If you go to<br />

European towns (or countries) I recommend<br />

you ask in the tourist office about such<br />

tours; they are incredible. It’s the best way<br />

to know any town. Each spot in the old part<br />

of Edinburgh has its story.<br />

Now I’m going to tell you something I was<br />

told about: “The Greyfriars Bobby”.<br />

The little terrier Bobby was the faithful pet of a<br />

policeman named John Gray who lived around<br />

1856. John and his dog became very good<br />

friends until John died of tuberculosis in 1858<br />

and he was buried in Greyfriars’cemetery.<br />

His dog “Bobby” is famous because for<br />

fourteen years he stayed by his master’s<br />

grave, no matter if it was cold, rainy or<br />

snowy, until his own <strong>de</strong>ath in 1872. The<br />

neighbours were touched by the loyalty of<br />

Bobby. They fed him and built a shelter for<br />

him near Greyfriars’ church. Dogs hadn’t<br />

been allowed to go in the p<strong>la</strong>ce of the<br />

graves up until then. In fact, this was the<br />

first dog that was buried in a human<br />

cemetery.<br />

16<br />

VIAJES �<br />

“Avery famous dog”<br />

Like the majority of big towns, Edinburgh<br />

has statues of its most important figures.<br />

However, it is curious that the most famous<br />

statue of Edinburgh is of a dog.<br />

You can find this statue outsi<strong>de</strong> Bobby’s bar,<br />

a famous pub in the old part of Edinburgh.<br />

Lidia Sánchez Ga<strong>de</strong>a<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio I H<br />

� VIAJES<br />


un coup <strong>de</strong> foudre<br />

Une gran<strong>de</strong> ville qui t’attrape dès le premier moment :<br />

les promena<strong>de</strong>s par ses tortueuses ruelles médiévales<br />

ornées <strong>de</strong> mignonnettes enseignes en fer forgé nous<br />

montrent ses maisons à colombages toutes colorées,<br />

avec ses faça<strong>de</strong>s ornées <strong>de</strong> galeries superposées et<br />

peintes en couleurs vives, <strong>de</strong>s toits strabourgeois<br />

percés <strong>de</strong> petites fenêtres qui faisaient sécher les<br />

grains, les peaux d’animaux, les feuilles <strong>de</strong> tabac et le<br />

linge aussi. La cité ancienne s’étend autour <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

cathédrale sur l’île formée par les <strong>de</strong>ux bras <strong>de</strong> L’Ill. Il<br />

serait dommage <strong>de</strong> ne pas s’arrêter pour contempler<br />

<strong>la</strong> cathédrale Notre Dame, d’art gothi<strong>que</strong>, qui doit une<br />

gran<strong>de</strong> partie <strong>de</strong> son charme à ce grès rose <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Vosgues dont elle est faite.<br />

L’une <strong>de</strong>s façons <strong>la</strong> plus agréable <strong>de</strong> découvrir La<br />

Petite France (<strong>la</strong> zone <strong>la</strong> plus ancienne <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> ville) est<br />

<strong>de</strong> faire une croisière sur l’Ill et d’admirer les jeux <strong>de</strong><br />

lumière sur les belles maisons qui bor<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>la</strong> rivière.<br />

Une ville débordante <strong>de</strong> richesses culturelles à ne<br />

pas man<strong>que</strong>r.<br />

Ánge<strong>la</strong> Esteban<br />

Francés Avanzado 1<br />

Almu<strong>de</strong>na Dorda<br />

Francés Intermedio 2<br />



Die heutigen Napoleons müssen keine<br />

ehrgeizigen furchtlosen Strategen sein, die<br />

Franzözisch mit starkem korsischem Akzent<br />

sprechen. Sie brauchen kein Schwert zu führen<br />

und fürchten keine royalistische Verschwörung.<br />

Während <strong>de</strong>r historische, selbstgekrönte Kaiser<br />

ein guter Reiter und ein hervorragen<strong>de</strong>r Taktiker<br />

war, wissen mo<strong>de</strong>rne Kriegspieler nicht einmal,<br />

wie man auf ein Pferd aufsteigt and hatten nie<br />

Umgang mit Waffen. Trotz<strong>de</strong>m träumen sie<br />

davon, gefährliche Fein<strong>de</strong> zu besiegen und<br />

ruhmreiche Feldzüge zu führen.<br />

Aber was für Armeen befehligen diese molligen<br />

Stammtischstrategen, die keiner Fliege ein Bein<br />

ausreißen wür<strong>de</strong>n? Ihre Kavallerie ist aus Karton und<br />

statt Kanonen abzuschießen, würfeln sie o<strong>de</strong>r<br />

spielen sie clever Karten, damit ihr Gegenüber<br />

untergeht, wenigstens bis zum nächsten Samstag!<br />

Im Gegensatz zu manchen Vi<strong>de</strong>o- und Onlinespielen<br />

sind bei Brettspielen die Psychologie und die<br />

Diplomatie sehr wichtig. Allein kann man nicht leicht<br />

gewinnen. Die Siegeschancen steigen, wenn man<br />

18<br />


Verbün<strong>de</strong>te hat, die man selbstverständlich später<br />

verraten sollte. Der Spieler, <strong>de</strong>r am klügsten verhan<strong>de</strong>lt<br />

und vorausp<strong>la</strong>nt, gewinnt. Darin liegt <strong>de</strong>r Reiz <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Spiels.<br />

Die meisten Spieler sind in Geschichte ziemlich gut<br />

bewan<strong>de</strong>rt. Deshalb han<strong>de</strong>lt auch die Hälfte <strong>de</strong>r<br />

neuen Spiele von Aspekten <strong>de</strong>s immer noch<br />

faszinieren<strong>de</strong>n Zweiten Weltkriegs, obwohl es auch<br />

zahlreiche an<strong>de</strong>re Themen gibt. Außer<strong>de</strong>m hat sich in<br />

<strong>de</strong>n letzten Jahren die Brett- und Kriegsspielindustrie<br />

stark entwickelt. Je mehr Enthusiasten es gibt, <strong>de</strong>sto<br />

mehr Spiele wer<strong>de</strong>n veröffentlicht. Man fin<strong>de</strong>t<br />

erstaunlich unterschiedliche Arten von Spielen. Die<br />

einfachsten lernt man im Nu, die kompliziertsten sind<br />

echte Geschicklichkeitsspiele, die sogar hun<strong>de</strong>rte<br />

Stun<strong>de</strong>n dauern können, und bei <strong>de</strong>nen nur die Profis<br />

zeigen, wo <strong>de</strong>r Hammer hängt.<br />

Egal ob du nur ein paar Minuten hast, um ein<br />

bisschen Spaß zu haben, o<strong>de</strong>r ob du etwas<br />

Anspruchvolleres suchst, spielen wir?<br />

Guy Atkinson. Alemán Avanzado 1 A<br />


Burj Khalifa<br />

The biggest skyscraper in the world is<br />

called Burj Khalifa; this building, which<br />

was formerly known as Burj Dubai, is a<br />

skyscraper in Dubai, the United Arab<br />

Emirates, and the tallest man-ma<strong>de</strong><br />

structure ever built, at 828 m. and 160<br />

floors. The construction began on 21<br />

September 2004 and it was officially<br />

opened on 4 January 2010.<br />

The exterior c<strong>la</strong>dding of Burj Khalifa<br />

consists of 142,000 m 2 of reflective g<strong>la</strong>ze<br />

and aluminium. The c<strong>la</strong>dding system is<br />

<strong>de</strong>signed to withstand Dubai’s extreme<br />

summer temperatures.<br />

Pinnacle: At the top, the central core<br />

emerges and is sculpted to form a<br />

finishing spire. The tower sways a total<br />

of 1.5 m. The security light which crowns<br />

the top of the tower becomes visible<br />

from 95 km away, and the whole tower<br />

from 135 km.<br />

Design: The building was inspired by<br />

the white flower Hymenocallis, with its<br />

triple-lobe footprint. The tower is<br />

composed of three elements arranged<br />

around a central core. As the tower<br />

rises from a f<strong>la</strong>t <strong>de</strong>sert base, setbacks<br />

occur at each element in an upward<br />

spiralling pattern, <strong>de</strong>creasing the<br />

cross section of the tower as it<br />

reaches toward the sky.<br />

Observatory: On the 124 th floor<br />

there is a sophisticated<br />

observatory from which you can<br />

enjoy spectacu<strong>la</strong>r views.<br />

Basic structure: To support the<br />

unprece<strong>de</strong>nted height of the building, the<br />

engineers <strong>de</strong>veloped a new structural<br />

system called the buttressed core, which<br />

consists of a hexagonal core reinforced by<br />

three buttresses that form a ‘Y’ shape.<br />

The primary structural system of Burj<br />

Khalifa is reinforced with concrete. Over<br />

45,000 m 3 of concrete, weighing more<br />

than 110,000 tonnes were used to<br />

construct the concrete and steel<br />

foundation, which features 192 piles,<br />

each pile being 1.5 meters diameter x<br />

43 meter long buried more than 50 m<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep.<br />

Security: There are several equipped<br />

spaces on different floors to take<br />

refuge in case of fire, and a special lift<br />

for the emergency teams.<br />

Curiosities: A total of 57 elevators<br />

and 8 esca<strong>la</strong>tors are installed, with a<br />

capacity of 12 to 14 people per<br />

cabin, the fastest one rising and<br />

<strong>de</strong>scending at up to 18 m/s.<br />

The Burj Khalifa’s water system will<br />

supply an average of about<br />

946,000 litres of water per day.<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>r normal conditions, when<br />

all building-maintenance units<br />

are operational, it will take 36<br />

workers three to four months to<br />

clean the entire exterior faça<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Olga Curul<strong>la</strong> Pascual<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio 2 A<br />


20<br />


I’ve had it up to here with mo<strong>de</strong>rn TV! Despite the fact<br />

that public TV has stopped showing<br />

advertisements, I still hate broadcast<br />

programmes. Believe me, something that<br />

gets up my nose is <strong>la</strong>ck of originality. All the<br />

time showing the same movies, or even<br />

showing the same old Spanish series. What<br />

are they doing with our money? Is it all<br />

they know how to do: airing canned<br />

series and useless news<br />

broadcasts? It completely freaks<br />

me out. Let’s use our power as<br />

users and go and kick up a fuss<br />

on their website. Maybe we’ll<br />

get something less mediocre<br />

to watch on TV.<br />

Javier Herreros,<br />

Miguel Moreno,<br />

José María Garzón<br />

The SGAE<br />

It has been recently<br />

published that the new<br />

Minister of Culture has the<br />

intention to close down all<br />

the web pages that don’t have a<br />

legal license to download contents from<br />

the net.<br />

What I object to is paying a fee for <strong>de</strong>ciding to<br />

share films with other people. I know that<br />

there are some internet forums kicking up a<br />

fuss against the SGAE. It would be a great<br />

i<strong>de</strong>a if all of us joined them.<br />



Who hasn’t ever wanted to comp<strong>la</strong>in about something that gets on<br />

their nerves? Advanced stu<strong>de</strong>nts are no exception, so they <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

speak out in the hope of finding comfort in other stu<strong>de</strong>nts.<br />


Every week I receive lots of calls from people who<br />

know my name and the things I’m supposed to<br />

need. They promise the best offer in <strong>la</strong>ndlines,<br />

even better than the one I have.<br />

But what drives me absolutely mad is when they call<br />

me during my“siesta”time. I’m fed up because they<br />

make me feel stupid and I get cross. It gets on my<br />

nerves because I consi<strong>de</strong>r these offers a waste of time<br />

since, in the end, what you already have is much<br />

better.<br />

I’m probably moaning about nothing again, but<br />

I’m <strong>de</strong>sperate and I need this therapy. Am I alone<br />

in this?<br />

Carlos Martínez, Emilio Polvorinos,<br />

Marcial Torres<br />


I am fed up with this mo<strong>de</strong>rn TV we have to watch<br />

every night. There are no options, I’m sick to <strong>de</strong>ath<br />

of these gutter press programmes in which people<br />

without anything to say are interviewed. They<br />

really get up my nose because they don’t even<br />

know how to talk properly. Pathetic!<br />

Another thing that gets on my nerves is<br />

advertising… it makes films <strong>la</strong>st longer! But reality<br />

shows are even worse. They are full of strange and<br />

crazy people who go there to become famous. It’s<br />

so infuriating!<br />

Eva Arribas, Carmen Millán,<br />

B<strong>la</strong>nca Téllez<br />

What gets on my nerves is that the Minister is<br />

directly involved in this fee because she is a film<br />

director and she has personal interests.<br />

I’m so sick and tired of this unfair situation. In<br />

or<strong>de</strong>r to have a good old moan it would be a<br />

great i<strong>de</strong>a to send many letters to the Ministry<br />

of Culture comp<strong>la</strong>ining about this.<br />

Begoña Sanz, Rubén García-<br />

Navas, Sandra Sánchez<br />

NOISE<br />

I’m fed up with noisy<br />

neighbours… I could kill them!<br />

When you see them on the<br />

stairs and you say “hello!” they<br />

usually mutter something<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r their breath that you<br />

can’t un<strong>de</strong>rstand.<br />

I’m not moaning about nothing<br />

again because having a bad<br />

neighbour is like suffering a<br />

pestilence. If you are trying to fall<br />

asleep and you hear this bloody<br />

fellow shouting to his horrible<br />

wife or those damned freaky<br />

kids screaming their lungs off,<br />

you are tempted to set your<br />

whole building on fire –except<br />

your house, of course.<br />

When you have paid a lot of money for your<br />

house you expect a well-mannered<br />

neighbourhood, so having this kind of<br />

people surrounding me drives me to<br />

distraction.<br />

Ignacio <strong>de</strong> Miguel,<br />

Pedro <strong>de</strong>l Arco<br />

OTHERS<br />

I’m moaning about the way public<br />

administration works. I’ve been trying to solve a<br />

problem with my <strong>la</strong>test tax return and I have<br />

wasted my time trying to fix the mistakes ma<strong>de</strong><br />

by other people.<br />

I had to go three times taking different documents<br />

because the civil servants were different each time<br />

and each of them asked me to take more papers.<br />

This completely freaks me out!<br />

If you are as fed up as I am, you can comp<strong>la</strong>in<br />

here. If all of us kick up a fuss, they will improve<br />

the service.<br />

Miguel Angel García, Carlos García<br />

I’ve had it up to here with ru<strong>de</strong>ness! Try to<br />

spend a whole day in a big city without<br />

getting angry. How difficult! It’s almost<br />

impossible! What gets on my nerves is to<br />

see a tired pregnant woman standing on<br />

the bus while a man is sitting comfortably<br />

p<strong>la</strong>ying with his Nintendo. It freaks me out!<br />

It’s even worse in the shopping centres,<br />

when you are waiting to be served in front<br />

of the counter and sud<strong>de</strong>nly someone<br />

jumps the <strong>que</strong>ue. I’ve lost count of how<br />

many times this has happened to me.<br />

I know I’m always having a good old<br />

moan without success, so I’ve <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

create this blog to vent all my anger!<br />

Consuelo Briceño, C<strong>la</strong>udia<br />

Alonso, Carolina Salgado<br />


22<br />


Fallingwater<br />

Born in 1867 in Wisconsin, he broke the rules of his<br />

conservative society: he married and divorced in<br />

the early 1900s, leaving his wife and children, and<br />

lived with a client, a married woman. He worked as<br />

a draughtsman in Louis Sullivan’s office, in Chicago<br />

and he also broke the rules there. He invented the<br />

name skyscraper, although he never built a high<br />

building, in spite of the fact that Sullivan had<br />

exerted an enormous influence on him.<br />

Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the greatest mo<strong>de</strong>m<br />

architects. He rejected current building i<strong>de</strong>as,<br />

struggling for his own. He worked in an office where<br />

the most fascinating skyscrapers in the world were<br />

being <strong>de</strong>signed. But he <strong>de</strong>nied them, although he<br />

always consi<strong>de</strong>red Sullivan as his real master. He<br />

rejected the Victorian and Neoc<strong>la</strong>ssic styles of the <strong>la</strong>te<br />

19th century and any other style, consi<strong>de</strong>ring that<br />

each work should <strong>de</strong>pend on its function, its<br />

environment and the materials used.<br />

He rejected skyscrapers, because they are closed<br />

boxes and you can do whatever you want on the<br />

insi<strong>de</strong>. Consi<strong>de</strong>ring skyscrapers empty boxes without<br />

a soul, Wright believed that the soul is the essential<br />

key of architecture. The insi<strong>de</strong> soul has to <strong>de</strong>velop the<br />

different outsi<strong>de</strong> shapes of the building.<br />

These i<strong>de</strong>as set up the so called organic architecture:<br />

the building is the answer to the environmental<br />

conditions; insi<strong>de</strong> spaces are more important than<br />

faça<strong>de</strong>s without an insi<strong>de</strong>; insi<strong>de</strong> living rooms must<br />

<strong>de</strong>velop and establish a coherent faça<strong>de</strong>. In or<strong>de</strong>r to<br />

show these i<strong>de</strong>as, we suggest a visit to this little<br />

masterpiece: Fallingwater.<br />

Edgar Kauffmann was a successful chain-store<br />

businessman in Pittsburgh. He owned a rocky,<br />

woo<strong>de</strong>d plot with some huts and a casca<strong>de</strong> in<br />

Bear Run, Pennsylvania. The Kauffmanns <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d<br />

to have a new house built, and entrusted it to<br />

Wright. They <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d that the most fascinating<br />

i<strong>de</strong>a was to build the house in a p<strong>la</strong>ce from where<br />

the casca<strong>de</strong> could be seen. Wright or<strong>de</strong>red a<br />

topographical map, with all the rocks and trees,<br />

with their diameters and the species they<br />

belonged to.<br />

After some visits, Wright persua<strong>de</strong>d them that the<br />

house shouldn’t stand in front of the waterfall; it<br />

should stand on the waterfall itself. It’s said that<br />

Wright thought about the house for more than<br />

nine months, without drawing a single line. But he<br />

finally <strong>de</strong>veloped the drawings in a few hours:<br />

given that the house was a waterfall, every room<br />

had to boast of being a waterfall. Wright achieves<br />

the highest freedom in this building, where space<br />

is born insi<strong>de</strong> and flows out in all directions, in<br />

accordance with the environment.<br />

The house, built between 1935 and 1939, is much<br />

more than a nice house overlooking a waterfall.<br />

Here, the architecture isn’t a mere spectator, but<br />

the main character: man is closely in touch with<br />

nature; every room in the house glorifies the<br />

re<strong>la</strong>tionship between man and the trees. You hear<br />

the water as you hear the <strong>la</strong>ndscape hush.<br />

Frank Lloyd Wright wrote about this house:<br />

“Fallingwater is a great blessing - one of the great<br />

blessings to be experienced here on earth. I think<br />

nothing has yet ever equalled the coordination,<br />

sympathetic expression of the great principle of<br />

repose, where forest and stream and rock and all the<br />

elements of structure are combined so quietly that<br />

really you listen not to any noise whatsoever<br />

although the music of the stream is there. But you<br />

listen to Fallingwater the way you listen to the quiet<br />

of the country. “<br />

Eugenio Mañas <strong>de</strong> Mora<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio 2A<br />


Have you ever seen a<br />

Great White Shark?<br />

The great white shark (Carcharodon<br />

carcharias) was the main objective of<br />

our trip to South Africa. It’s a big fish,<br />

(more than 6 meters, more than 2,200<br />

kg) which was present in our seas at<br />

least 5 million years ago.<br />

We ma<strong>de</strong> a fantastic trip along the country seeing<br />

amazing <strong>la</strong>ndscapes and incredible animals<br />

(elephants, giraffes, rhinoceros –even the b<strong>la</strong>ck<br />

rhino–, hippopotamuses, impa<strong>la</strong>s, lions ... ). But we<br />

wanted impatiently to go to the sea, with its<br />

whales and its great white sharks...<br />

The day arrived, and the bad weather too .... so the<br />

gui<strong>de</strong> told us that we had to wake up very early to<br />

go cage diving before the sea“got angry”or we<br />

couldn’t do it. At 6,30 a.m. we were on the boat, in<br />

Gaansbai. We saw the sunrise, surroun<strong>de</strong>d by<br />

seagulls, sailing away from the coast.<br />

As it was so early, the captain <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to show us<br />

how white sharks can jump. In this p<strong>la</strong>ce of the<br />

world, white sharks attack seals from below at high<br />

speed; they go so fast that they can completely<br />

leave the water. They do that in the morning, within<br />

2 hours after sunrise, when visibility is poor. So the<br />

crew put a woo<strong>de</strong>n seal and some pieces of fish in<br />

the water to attract sharks and moved the boat, so<br />

the false seal began to swim on the surface of the<br />

sea...We could see it twice, two great white sharks<br />

sud<strong>de</strong>nly coming out of the water, their whole bodies, 6<br />

meters long, jumping and hitting the false seal . .! I have<br />

no words to <strong>de</strong>scribe it... but it was one of the most<br />

incredible moments of my life.<br />

Then they threw the anchor and the cage, and in that<br />

moment you see the holes in the cage bigger than<br />

before. The sea was slowly getting angry and the<br />

swinging of the boat was increasing, but there were<br />

some white sharks and I wanted to take many more<br />

pictures and see them face to face! So I did it as best as I<br />

could ..... when the sea began to become dangerous, the<br />

captain <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to return. It’s an amazing spectacle that I<br />

just can recommend to everyone.<br />

C.I.T.E.S. has listed the great white shark as an<br />

endangered species. They are slow-growing, have <strong>la</strong>te<br />

maturation and low fecundity, and the popu<strong>la</strong>tions of<br />

the world are fast diminishing. More than a hundred<br />

million sharks are muti<strong>la</strong>ted every year for their tails and<br />

fins and sent back to the sea, now a useless carcass that<br />

cannot swim anymore, waiting to die into the <strong>de</strong>pths<br />

that formed its world before. If we are not very careful,<br />

we will lose these fantastic animals and entire ecological<br />

systems.<br />

CITES: Convention on International Tra<strong>de</strong> of Wild Fauna<br />

and Flora<br />

Laura Muñiz Flores<br />

Inglés Nivel Básico 2 D<br />



ICEsports<br />

Figure Skating and Ice Hockey<br />

are very unusual Sports on Ice<br />

in Spain. They are more<br />

popu<strong>la</strong>r in areas where it is<br />

very cold and there are<br />

natural ice rinks.<br />

In Spain there are 5 teams,<br />

located in Barcelona, Piugcerdá,<br />

San Sebastián, Majadahonda<br />

and Jaca.<br />

Hockey is a<br />

team sport p<strong>la</strong>yed on<br />

an ice rink; it’s the fastest<br />

game team in the world.<br />

Each team is formed by 22<br />

p<strong>la</strong>yers: 12 forward p<strong>la</strong>yers, 8<br />

<strong>de</strong>fence men and 2<br />

goalkeepers.<br />

The p<strong>la</strong>yers have to use a stick to<br />

direct a puck into the opposing<br />

team’s goal. Since Ice Hockey is a full<br />

contact sport, the use of a<strong>de</strong>quate gear<br />

is recommen<strong>de</strong>d. This usually inclu<strong>de</strong>s<br />

a helmet, shoul<strong>de</strong>r pads, elbow pads,<br />

mouth guard, protective gloves and heavily<br />

pad<strong>de</strong>d shorts.<br />

Hockey is consi<strong>de</strong>red a violent sport, but if you<br />

go to see a match you will realise that is a sport<br />

full of beautiful and interesting tactics.<br />

24<br />

Figure skating can be performed<br />

by a man or a woman, a couple or a team,<br />

because there are different disciplines:<br />

1. Single skating<br />

2. Ice dancing<br />

3. Synchronized skating<br />

4. Pair skating<br />

They all have to prepare different<br />

competition programmes, which<br />

can inclu<strong>de</strong> the following<br />

elements:<br />

Jumps: Salchow, Flip,<br />

Axel, Lutz<br />

Spins: Biellman spin, Sit Spin<br />

Step Se<strong>que</strong>nce<br />

Interpretation and choreography<br />

are also important. It’s a very<br />

<strong>de</strong>manding sport because you<br />

need many hours of training.<br />

The Winter Olympic Games were<br />

celebrated this year in Vancouver.<br />

Sonia Lafuente and Javier Fenán<strong>de</strong>z<br />

represented Spain.<br />

Ange<strong>la</strong> Gómez Leonor<br />

Inglés Nivel Básico 2 D<br />


Haben Sie Probleme?<br />

Die Experten-Teams von Nivel Básico 2 helfen!<br />


Liebe Petra,<br />

du schreibst, du bist immer mü<strong>de</strong> und nervös.<br />

Wir fin<strong>de</strong>n, du solltest früher ins Bett gehen,<br />

dann schläfst du bestimmt besser. Iss mehr<br />

Obst und Gemüse, das hat viel Vitamine. Geh<br />

ein bisschen spazieren und mach je<strong>de</strong>n Tag<br />

Sport, dann bist du am Abend mü<strong>de</strong> und<br />

schläfst besser. Sehr wichtig ist auch: keine<br />

Hamburger und kein Fett. Du solltest auch<br />

nicht rauchen und keinen Kaffee trinken.<br />

Wir hoffen, es geht dir bald besser!<br />

Viele Grüße, <strong>de</strong>in Experten-Team<br />

Lieber Martin,<br />

du schreibst, du hast kein Geld. Das ist ganz<br />

normal. Wir haben ein paar Ratschläge für<br />

dich. Du solltest eine Arbeit fin<strong>de</strong>n und das<br />

Geld sparen. Du solltest nicht so viel Geld<br />

ausgeben für <strong>de</strong>ine Hobbys. Du solltest <strong>de</strong>in<br />

Motorrad verkaufen, und du solltest auch<br />

nicht rauchen.<br />

Das alles funktioniert nicht? Dann spiel Lotto!<br />

Viel Glück! Dein Experten-Team<br />

Lieber Franz,<br />

du schreibst, du bist <strong>de</strong>primiert. Dann<br />

mach Sport und geh mit Freun<strong>de</strong>n aus.<br />

Vielleicht solltest du ins Kino o<strong>de</strong>r in die<br />

Disko gehen. Triff Leute und trink doch<br />

mal ein Bier o<strong>de</strong>r zwei. Kauf in großen<br />

Kaufhäusern ein und gib viel Geld aus.<br />

Das ist teuer, aber phantastisch für die<br />

Gesundheit! O<strong>de</strong>r mach eine schöne<br />

Reise. Du solltest alle Probleme vergessen<br />

und die Liebe suchen unter <strong>de</strong>r Sonne in<br />

Ibiza.<br />

Nach diesen Ratschlägen bist du immer<br />

noch <strong>de</strong>primiert? Dann solltest du am<br />

besten einen Psychologen besuchen o<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Deutsch lernen.<br />

Hoffentlich geht es dir bald besser.<br />

Dein Experten-Team<br />


26<br />


La Bauhaus<br />

Qué es <strong>la</strong> Bauhaus, cuándo surgió,<br />

dón<strong>de</strong> y por qué:<br />

Antes <strong>de</strong> convertirse en <strong>la</strong> extraordinaria<br />

corriente <strong>de</strong> diseño arquitectónico y <strong>de</strong><br />

mobiliario <strong>que</strong> todos conocemos, <strong>la</strong> Bauhaus<br />

empieza siendo una escue<strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong> arte y<br />

arquitectura en Weimar, Alemania. Su<br />

fundador Walter Gropius establece <strong>la</strong><br />

primera se<strong>de</strong> en 1919, recién terminada <strong>la</strong><br />

1ª Guerra Mundial. Posteriormente, en<br />

1926, construirían en Dessau <strong>la</strong> escue<strong>la</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>finitiva, <strong>que</strong> hoy se mantiene como museo.<br />

A lo <strong>la</strong>rgo <strong>de</strong>l siglo anterior y hasta el comienzo <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong> guerra, <strong>la</strong> creación artística ha estado arrebatada<br />

por el lirismo y <strong>la</strong> emotividad <strong>de</strong>l Romanticismo y el<br />

Expresionismo. Simultáneamente <strong>la</strong> vida cotidiana<br />

se ha ido impregnando <strong>de</strong> los avances <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

industrialización, <strong>de</strong>l pragmatismo <strong>de</strong> esa otra línea<br />

creativa mediante <strong>la</strong> cual ingenieros e industriales<br />

ponen al alcance <strong>de</strong> los ciudadanos instrumentos<br />

<strong>de</strong> trabajo y útiles domésticos prácticos, idénticos<br />

entre sí y a precios asequibles.<br />

En 1918 Alemania ha perdido <strong>la</strong> guerra. Está<br />

arruinada y <strong>de</strong>be a<strong>de</strong>más pagar unas elevadas<br />

compensaciones a los países vencedores. En el<br />

frente el número <strong>de</strong> bajas ha sido enorme y el<br />

país ha <strong>que</strong>dado casi sin mano <strong>de</strong> obra.<br />

Sin embargo, el pueblo alemán intenta salir<br />

animosamente <strong>de</strong>l <strong>de</strong>sastre. Se rebe<strong>la</strong> contra el<br />

absolutismo anterior y ha adoptado el i<strong>de</strong>ario<br />

socialista, en plena expansión: se instaura <strong>la</strong><br />

República <strong>de</strong> Weimar.<br />

Y aquí nos encontramos, con una escue<strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

arte <strong>que</strong> arranca en un escenario <strong>de</strong>sastroso,<br />

pero sin embargo dinámico y abierto a<br />

soluciones nuevas.<br />

La nueva escue<strong>la</strong> está también imbuida <strong>de</strong><br />

espíritu renovador. Hay quien opina <strong>que</strong> Walter<br />

Gropius se inspira en los procedimientos<br />

artísticos medievales, igual <strong>que</strong> el movimiento<br />

“Arts and Crafts” iniciado por John Ruskin unas<br />

décadas antes en Ing<strong>la</strong>terra. Uno <strong>de</strong> sus<br />

principios fundamentales, <strong>que</strong> <strong>que</strong>dan<br />

expresados en su Manifiesto fundacional, es <strong>que</strong><br />

el artista <strong>de</strong>be ser antes <strong>que</strong> nada un buen<br />

artesano. La inspiración artística, dice, es un don<br />

<strong>que</strong> baja <strong>de</strong>l Cielo, y <strong>de</strong>be ser recogido por<br />

manos hábiles y expertas. (“Der Künstler ist eine<br />

Steigerung <strong>de</strong>s Handwerkers. Gna<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Himmels läßt in seltenen Lichtmomenten...“).<br />

Así, Gropius y los <strong>de</strong>más profesores, casi todos<br />

arquitectos, junto a <strong>la</strong>s enseñanzas teóricas<br />

hacen experimentar a sus alumnos con todo<br />

tipo <strong>de</strong> materiales, entre ellos los nuevos<br />

<strong>de</strong>sarrollos aparecidos durante <strong>la</strong> guerra sobre<br />

el hormigón, el acero <strong>la</strong>minado, el aluminio y el<br />

vidrio p<strong>la</strong>no en gran<strong>de</strong>s dimensiones.<br />

Y surge <strong>la</strong> ocasión, el punto <strong>de</strong> arran<strong>que</strong>. Se<br />

trata <strong>de</strong> construir viviendas para obreros en<br />

Berlín y en Frankfurt y <strong>la</strong>s exigencias <strong>de</strong>l Estado<br />

son muy altas. El gobierno <strong>de</strong> Weimar consi<strong>de</strong>ra<br />

<strong>que</strong> <strong>de</strong>be haber un mínimo <strong>de</strong> dignidad en <strong>la</strong><br />

vivienda <strong>de</strong> todo ciudadano, y <strong>que</strong> los<br />

conocimientos técnicos <strong>de</strong>ben aplicarse para<br />

mejorar <strong>la</strong>s condiciones <strong>de</strong>l conjunto <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

sociedad (“Existenzminimum”). A<strong>de</strong>más están<br />

<strong>la</strong>s propias exigencias <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Escue<strong>la</strong>: tiene <strong>que</strong><br />

haber creatividad, inventiva, racionalismo en <strong>la</strong><br />

construcción, pero también arte. Las<br />

circunstancias no pue<strong>de</strong>n ser más difíciles: no<br />

hay dinero y apenas hay mano <strong>de</strong> obra.<br />

La solución pasa por <strong>la</strong> emancipación <strong>de</strong> los<br />

cánones clásicos <strong>de</strong> construcción sólida y<br />

pesada sobre muros <strong>de</strong> carga.<br />


Existen prece<strong>de</strong>ntes <strong>de</strong> construcciones muy<br />

ligeras <strong>de</strong> hierro <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Exposición Mundial <strong>de</strong><br />

Londres en 1851: pa<strong>la</strong>cios <strong>de</strong> hierro y cristal en<br />

varias ciuda<strong>de</strong>s (el <strong>de</strong>l Retiro <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Exposición <strong>de</strong><br />

Madrid), y torres como <strong>la</strong> Torre Eiffel, con sus<br />

324 mts. Y en cuanto a rapi<strong>de</strong>z, se sabe <strong>que</strong> el<br />

“Cristal Pa<strong>la</strong>ce” <strong>de</strong> Londres se pudo levantar en<br />

sólo 17 semanas.<br />

Los arquitectos <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Bauhaus se <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>n por<br />

estructuras ligeras <strong>de</strong> hormigón armado, por <strong>la</strong><br />

línea recta, por gran<strong>de</strong>s espacios abiertos y<br />

abiertos también a <strong>la</strong> luz, con gran<strong>de</strong>s ventanales<br />

acrista<strong>la</strong>dos. Desaparecen el adorno, el friso, <strong>la</strong><br />

columnata, <strong>la</strong> bóveda. Se busca <strong>la</strong> belleza en <strong>la</strong><br />

c<strong>la</strong>ridad estructural y en el uso coherente <strong>de</strong> los<br />

nuevos materiales, poniendo en relieve su nobleza.<br />

Y también se busca una distribución interior en <strong>la</strong>s<br />

viviendas <strong>que</strong> facilite <strong>la</strong> vida, previendo un espacio<br />

a<strong>de</strong>cuado para cada uso. Por primera vez <strong>la</strong>s c<strong>la</strong>ses<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>stas van a tener insta<strong>la</strong>ciones sanitarias, <strong>de</strong><br />

electricidad, <strong>de</strong> gas.<br />

El nuevo diseño tardó un poco en ser plenamente<br />

aceptado por <strong>la</strong> sociedad <strong>que</strong> estaba aún vincu<strong>la</strong>da<br />

estéticamente al mo<strong>de</strong>rnismo. Pero <strong>la</strong> realidad se<br />

impuso: rapi<strong>de</strong>z y economía en <strong>la</strong> construcción,<br />

incorporación <strong>de</strong> los a<strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>ntos y <strong>la</strong>s comodida<strong>de</strong>s<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rnas hicieron pronto <strong>de</strong>l nuevo estilo<br />

arquitectónico una opción <strong>de</strong> preferencia en toda<br />

Europa.<br />

Hasta <strong>la</strong> llegada al po<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>l Nazismo <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

c<strong>la</strong>usuró en 1933, <strong>la</strong> Escue<strong>la</strong> tuvo una<br />

vitalidad extraordinaria. Entonces, y<br />

posteriormente, sus discípulos y<br />

seguidores, arquitectos,<br />

diseñadores, pintores y<br />

escultores, difundieron<br />

por todo el mundo<br />

ese nuevo estilo,<br />

a veces bajo<br />

nombres<br />

diferentes<br />

como<br />

Funcionalismo, Nuevo Racionalismo, Estilo<br />

Internacional… Creadores como Le Corbusier,<br />

Mondrian, Paul Klee, son retoños <strong>de</strong> La Bauhaus.<br />

Incluso hoy todavía tenemos un here<strong>de</strong>ro<br />

espiritual directo <strong>de</strong> La Bauhaus en Ikea <strong>que</strong><br />

proporciona mobiliario y pe<strong>que</strong>ños enseres<br />

domésticos a bajo precio poniendo su acento<br />

en el diseño y los materiales.<br />

¿Qué ha sido <strong>la</strong> Bauhaus, cuáles han sido sus<br />

circunstancias? En su conjunto una impresionante<br />

lección <strong>que</strong> cualquiera <strong>de</strong> nosotros podría tener en<br />

cuenta para su propia vida: un grupo <strong>de</strong> personas<br />

sencil<strong>la</strong>mente animadas por un i<strong>de</strong>al <strong>de</strong> belleza, <strong>de</strong><br />

trabajo bien hecho, y sin amedrentarse por lo<br />

adverso <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> situación, <strong>que</strong> sacan a<strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>nte un<br />

proyecto.<br />

Y <strong>la</strong> realización <strong>de</strong> ese proyecto, sobreviviendo a<br />

todos ellos, termina por difundir en todo el mundo<br />

civilizado una nueva forma <strong>de</strong> estética y <strong>de</strong> estilo<br />

<strong>de</strong> vida <strong>que</strong> va a caracterizar nada menos <strong>que</strong> a<br />

todo el siglo XX.<br />

Ana Rico Linaae<br />

Aleman Nivel Avanzado 1 A

28<br />



Itinéraire au pic <strong>de</strong> LA MALICIOSA<br />

par le col du piornal<br />

Point <strong>de</strong> départ : <strong>la</strong> Barranca<br />

(parking)<br />

Point d’arrivée: <strong>la</strong> Barranca<br />

(parking)<br />

Durée: 4 h. à peu près.<br />

Difficulté Physi<strong>que</strong>: Moyenne. À<br />

mon avis il est très important <strong>de</strong><br />

marcher tranquillement ( on n´est<br />

pas pressé) et s’arrêter pour jouir <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong> panorami<strong>que</strong> et <strong>la</strong> nature.<br />

Difficulté Techni<strong>que</strong>: Aucune, sauf<br />

s`il y a <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> neige dans le secteur le<br />

plus en pente. Pour les débutants à<br />

<strong>la</strong> montagne je conseille d’attendre<br />

le moment où il n’y aura pas <strong>de</strong><br />

neige dans notre itinéraire.<br />

Matériel et vêtement conseillés:<br />

Ra<strong>que</strong>ttes et crampons (s´il y a <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

neige). Vêtements chauds (même en<br />

été nous <strong>de</strong>vrions les prendre pour le<br />

sommet ou pour le cas où le temps<br />

changerait), eau ( il y a seulement une<br />

source dans tout l´itinéraire), <strong>de</strong>s<br />

chaussures appropiées (les bottes ne<br />

sont pas indispensables mais je les<br />

conseille surtout pour <strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong>scente car<br />

elles nous protégeront les chevilles.<br />

Cote maximale/minimale:<br />

1380m/2227m.<br />

Description: Le point <strong>de</strong> sortie <strong>de</strong> ce<br />

joli itinéraire est le parking <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Barranca en<br />

face <strong>de</strong> l’hôtel qui a le même nom. Nous<br />

sortirons à <strong>la</strong> piste <strong>de</strong> terre qui continue àpres<br />

<strong>la</strong> route <strong>que</strong> nous avons prise pour arriver ici<br />

avec notre voiture et nous trouverons <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

petits barrages à droite. Ensuite à 500 m. nous<br />

passerons le secteur récréatif“ <strong>de</strong> Pino a Pino”<br />

et puis nous arriverons à un virage où il y a un<br />

sentier indiqué comme“PR”(c,est le PR-28 avec<br />

<strong>de</strong>s mar<strong>que</strong>s b<strong>la</strong>nches et jaunes) jusqu’au<br />

ruisseau, mais attention parce <strong>que</strong> nous<br />

<strong>de</strong>vons passer un premier sentier, aussi à droite<br />

qui traverse le ruisseau mais qui n´a pas <strong>de</strong><br />

mar<strong>que</strong>s. Continuer par ce sentier qui est<br />

parallèle au ruisseau à gauche et nous serons<br />

dans une jolie fôret <strong>de</strong> pins. Nous monterons<br />

peu à peu jusquà <strong>la</strong> piste <strong>la</strong> plus gran<strong>de</strong> par<br />

<strong>la</strong><strong>que</strong>lle nous continuerons. Peu <strong>de</strong> temps<br />

après nous arriverons à une affiche qui nous<br />

indi<strong>que</strong>“Fuente <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>s Campanil<strong>la</strong>s”et il faut<br />

prendre cette direction. Nous avons ici <strong>la</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong>rnière occasion <strong>de</strong> remplir nos gour<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

Nous monterons par un chemin <strong>de</strong> plus en plus<br />

étroit et incliné, toujours dans <strong>la</strong> forêt. Pas <strong>de</strong><br />

problèmes car il n’y a pas <strong>de</strong> déviation. Nous<br />

sortirons <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> forêt pour entamer le chemin<br />

vers le col du Piornal. C´est <strong>la</strong> partie <strong>la</strong> plus forte<br />

<strong>de</strong> l´itinéraire. Il y aura beaucoup <strong>de</strong> bornes (<strong>de</strong>s<br />

pierres qui forment une pyrami<strong>de</strong>) pour nous<br />

indi<strong>que</strong>r le chemin correct. Il est important <strong>de</strong><br />

s’arrêter ou <strong>de</strong> marcherr plus lentement pour ne<br />

pas perdre haleine et pour admirer <strong>la</strong><br />

panorami<strong>que</strong>. Quand nous arriverons au col du<br />

Piornal nous verrons l´antenne <strong>de</strong> TV appelée“<strong>la</strong><br />

Bo<strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong>l Mundoӈ notre gauche et notre objetif<br />

sera à droite mais nous ne verrons pas le<br />

sommet jusqu´à ce <strong>que</strong> nous soyons à côté. D’ici<br />

nous trouverons un sentier moins marqué mais<br />

il y aura <strong>de</strong>s bornes. Nous serons dans le<br />

sommet quand nous aurons atteint le centre<br />

géodési<strong>que</strong> (une petite construction en béton<br />

avec une p<strong>la</strong><strong>que</strong> en fer). Voilà nous sommes au<br />

Pic <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Maliciosa. D’ici nous pouvons voir le Pic<br />

du Peña<strong>la</strong>ra et penser à y monter <strong>la</strong> prochaine<br />

fois. S`il y a du brouil<strong>la</strong>rd je <strong>vous</strong> conseille <strong>de</strong> ne<br />

pas continuer après le col du Piornal car il peut<br />

être difficile <strong>de</strong> trouver le sentier et très facile <strong>de</strong><br />

s’égarer. Si <strong>vous</strong> <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>z l´itinéraire á <strong>que</strong>lq’un<br />

n’oubliez pas qu’il s’agit <strong>de</strong> monter le Pic<br />

Maliciosa vers le col du Piornal, je dis ça parce<br />

qu´ il y a plus d`options pour y arriver.<br />

Si <strong>vous</strong> avez <strong>de</strong>s <strong>que</strong>stions <strong>vous</strong> pouvez<br />

m´écrire un mail à ermitanos@hotmail.com, je<br />

m´appelle Felipe.<br />

Je <strong>vous</strong> souhaite une très bonne ascension.<br />

Felipe Ledo Carmona<br />

Francés Intermedio 1 A<br />


30<br />





Pablo Martín NB2-C<br />

Quand je pense <strong>que</strong> j’ai pu faire <strong>que</strong>l<strong>que</strong> chose<br />

et <strong>que</strong> je ne l’ai pas fait, je me sens gêné. Mais<br />

ma plus gran<strong>de</strong> joie est <strong>de</strong> savoir <strong>que</strong> je<br />

pourrai encore le faire. Il n’est jamais tard. Faisle<br />

! Je me dis.<br />

Vanesa Gata NB2-A<br />

À Noël toute <strong>la</strong> famille est venue passer<br />

<strong>que</strong>l<strong>que</strong>s jours chez moi. Ils ont apporté<br />

beaucoup <strong>de</strong> ca<strong>de</strong>aux et nous avons chanté et<br />

avons mangé beaucoup <strong>de</strong> nougat. Les Rois<br />

Mages ont été très bons mais je pense <strong>que</strong> le<br />

meilleur ca<strong>de</strong>au a été <strong>de</strong> pouvoir être<br />

ensemble. Je pense <strong>que</strong> Noël est <strong>la</strong> meilleure<br />

pério<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> l’année.<br />

Carmen González. NB2-A<br />

Le mardi 12 janvier 2010 les professeurs et les<br />

élèves <strong>de</strong> mon école nous avons visité le<br />

musée Sorol<strong>la</strong> à Madrid.<br />

Les élèves al<strong>la</strong>ient très contents. Nous avions<br />

étudié pendant les cours les œuvres du<br />

peintre : <strong>la</strong> couleur, <strong>la</strong> lumière, le paysage, les<br />

personnages….<br />

Dans le musée nous avons passé 2 heures<br />

distrayantes et passionnantes. Ensuite nous<br />

sommes revenus à l’école. Ça a été une<br />

expérience très positive et merveilleuse<br />

pour tous.<br />

Marta Teresa Hermida NB2-C<br />

Pendant les vacances <strong>de</strong> Noël j’ai étudié un<br />

peu <strong>de</strong> français mais il faut <strong>que</strong> je travaille<br />

beaucoup si je veux passer mon examen.<br />

Ana Antón NB2-B<br />

Le onze janvier <strong>de</strong>rnier, quand je me suis levée,<br />

il avait beaucoup neigé. J’ai eu une idée : nous<br />

pourrions aller à <strong>la</strong> montagne pour faire du ski.<br />

Mais on a trouvé <strong>que</strong> le sol était gelé et on ne<br />

pouvait pas sortir <strong>la</strong> voiture du garage. J’ai<br />

promis à mes fils <strong>que</strong> nous irions samedi<br />

prochain.<br />

Mª José Abad NB2-C<br />

Aujourd’hui je suis venue à pied à mon cours<br />

<strong>de</strong> français parce <strong>que</strong> je suis en vacances. Mais,<br />

quand elles finiront, je viendrai en voiture.<br />

Laura Escudier NB2-A<br />

Ce matin je me suis rendue compte <strong>que</strong> quand<br />

je fais les choses d’une certaine manière et<br />

<strong>que</strong> le résultat n’est pas positif, je dois changer<br />

ma manière <strong>de</strong> les faire.<br />

David Lainati NB2-A<br />

J’al<strong>la</strong>is à l’école <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>ngues quand je me suis<br />

rendu compte <strong>que</strong> j’avais oublié ma trousse. Je<br />

suis retourné chez moi et je l’ai prise.<br />

Carmen Arribas. NB2-A<br />

Je crois <strong>que</strong> l’année qui vient <strong>de</strong> commencer<br />

sera meilleure <strong>que</strong> l’année <strong>de</strong>rnière et <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong>ngue française sera plus facile pour nous<br />

tous. Nous serons ensemble <strong>la</strong> 3 année <strong>de</strong><br />

français et nous ferons cet exercice avec un<br />

meilleur vocabu<strong>la</strong>ire.<br />

Javier Uceda NB2-B<br />

Avant, je fêtais rarement mon anniversaire. Un<br />

jour, au parc, j’ai vu <strong>de</strong>s enfants qui jouaient sur<br />

l’herbe et pi<strong>que</strong>-niquaient parmi <strong>de</strong>s ballons <strong>de</strong><br />

couleurs. Cette idée m’a beaucoup plu et <strong>de</strong>puis<br />

trois ans j’invite tous mes amis au même endroit<br />

<strong>de</strong> El Retiro, à côté du Pa<strong>la</strong>cio <strong>de</strong> Cristal.<br />

Ánge<strong>la</strong> Reyes NB2-B<br />

C’était un jour tranquille et chaleureux, <strong>la</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ge<br />

était très belle ; quand je sortais pour marcher,<br />

j’ai rencontré mon amie Julia et elle m’a dit<br />

qu’elle vou<strong>la</strong>it aller prendre le soleil au bord <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong> mer, j’ai heureusement accepté son invitation.<br />

Luis Barriga NB2-C<br />

Cette année il faut <strong>que</strong> je fasse plus <strong>de</strong> sport, il<br />

faut <strong>que</strong> j’aille à <strong>la</strong> piscine trois fois par<br />

semaine.<br />

Carmen Dominguez. NB2-A<br />

Que ces fêtes, <strong>la</strong> magie soit ta meilleure robe,<br />

ton sourire le meilleur ca<strong>de</strong>au, tes yeux <strong>la</strong><br />

meilleure <strong>de</strong>stination et ta félicité mon<br />

meilleur désir. Heureux Noël.<br />

Fátima Belén Marín NB2 A<br />

Demain, je vais aller à l’Université d’Agronomes<br />

avec mon lycée. Ils nous donneront le petit<br />

déjeuner et nous, nous ferons beaucoup<br />

d’expériences. Je pense <strong>que</strong> ça va être très<br />

intéressant et amusant pour nous tous.<br />

Guiomar <strong>de</strong> Gusmao NB2 B<br />

La bêtise humaine est très dangereuse. Elle a<br />

emmené le mon<strong>de</strong> à <strong>la</strong> ruine à cause <strong>de</strong>s<br />

mauvaises habitu<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>s gens : elles ont<br />

provoqué <strong>la</strong> pollution, le changement<br />

climati<strong>que</strong> et le désastre en général.<br />

Maintenant il est tard……<br />

Lidia Muñoz NB2 B<br />

Si <strong>la</strong> paix pouvait embrasser ce mon<strong>de</strong> juste<br />

un jour, <strong>la</strong> violence diminuerait et beaucoup<br />

<strong>de</strong> gens n’en souffriraient pas.<br />

Marina Monares NB2 C<br />

Quand j’aurai fini mes examens j’irai à Boston<br />

où je vais beaucoup m’amuser. Je vais y être 17<br />

jours chez une fille qui est très sympa. Un mois<br />

plus tard elle viendra chez moi.<br />

Ascensión García NB2 C<br />

J’adore les huîtres mais, <strong>vous</strong> savez, elles sont<br />

chères et je n’en mange pas. Mon mari les<br />

aime aussi et je viens <strong>de</strong> lui en offrir pour fêter<br />

mon anniversaire.<br />

Yo<strong>la</strong>nda Gutierrez NB2-A<br />

J’ai <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> chance parce <strong>que</strong> ma famille est<br />

venue dîner avec moi le 24 décembre. Ma<br />

sœur habite au Mexi<strong>que</strong> <strong>de</strong>puis longtemps et<br />

elle m’a dit d’y aller bientôt bien qu’elle pense<br />

<strong>que</strong> l’Espagne est meilleure.<br />


32<br />


Lernen macht<br />

glücklich<br />

Alles, was ich vom Leben weiß, lernte ich in<br />

meiner Kindheit. Die Weisheit war nicht auf<br />

<strong>de</strong>m Gipfel <strong>de</strong>s Berges <strong>de</strong>r Universität, son<strong>de</strong>rn<br />

dort, auf <strong>de</strong>m Kin<strong>de</strong>rspielp<strong>la</strong>tz. Dies sind die<br />

Sachen, die ich gelernt habe:<br />

� Was wir haben, müssen wir teilen, vor allem das<br />

Wissen.<br />

� Die wichtigsten Aufgaben an je<strong>de</strong>n Tag sind: zu<br />

zeichnen, zu malen, zu singen, zu tanzen, zu spielen<br />

und zu arbeiten.<br />

� Nach solchen Anstrengungen ist ein gutes Schläfchen<br />

das Beste.<br />

� Fairp<strong>la</strong>y ist notwendig. Es gibt keinen Grund zu<br />

kämpfen. Man muss sprechen, nicht sch<strong>la</strong>gen.<br />

� Je<strong>de</strong> Sache an ihrer Stelle und ein P<strong>la</strong>tz für je<strong>de</strong> Sache.<br />

� Wir müssen reinigen, was wir beschmutzt haben.<br />

� Wenn ich jeman<strong>de</strong>m scha<strong>de</strong>, ist es Balsam für meine Seele, ihn um Verzeihung zu bitten.<br />

� Es ist schön zu erröten, wenn ich mich schäme.<br />

� Wenn ich mich nicht verlieren will, gebe ich jeman<strong>de</strong>m die Hand.<br />

� Bevor man über die Straße geht, ist es notwendig, nach bei<strong>de</strong>n Seiten zu schauen.<br />

� Ich bleibe bei wun<strong>de</strong>rbaren Sachen aufmerksam.<br />

Ich erinnere mich an das kleine Samenkorn im G<strong>la</strong>s, die Wurzeln, die sich nach unten strecken<br />

und die Pf<strong>la</strong>nzen, die sich aufrichten. Niemand weiß, wie o<strong>de</strong>r warum, aber wir alle sind so. Die<br />

Goldfische, die weißen Mäuse und auch die kleine Saat im G<strong>la</strong>s, alle sterben, und wir auch.<br />

Man kann diese Ratschläge annehmen und im Erwachsenenalter benutzen. Sie wer<strong>de</strong>n in <strong>de</strong>r Arbeit,<br />

im Familienleben, in <strong>de</strong>r Regierung <strong>de</strong>r Welt nützlich sein, und alles wird wahr, k<strong>la</strong>r und fest bleiben.<br />

Antonio Martín Arranz, das Kind ohne Eigenschaften<br />

Alemán Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />


Has OBAMA<br />

learnt his first lesson<br />

Everybody knew that Barack Obama’s first year in<br />

the White House would be extremely difficult. If I<br />

had been John McCain on the night of the election,<br />

I would have been drinking champagne because of<br />

such a timely <strong>de</strong>feat. The country was a volcano in<br />

eruption. However, after a brutal first year in the<br />

White House, it is time to evaluate. Does Obama<br />

have the same passion that he had during the<br />

euphoric 2008 campaign?<br />

One year ago, Obama inherited the worst<br />

economic crisis that The United States have faced<br />

over the <strong>la</strong>st seven <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s. Also, the American<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r inherited two long wars: Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan. Nowadays more than 15 million<br />

Americans are unemployed and more than 12<br />

million have received the <strong>de</strong>signation of<br />

un<strong>de</strong>remployed. In addition, instead of<br />

withdrawing troops, as he promised during his<br />

campaign, Obama has arranged to send 30.000<br />

additional soldiers to Afghanistan. Inci<strong>de</strong>ntally, only<br />

a few days after committing them, the presi<strong>de</strong>nt of<br />

the United States of America went to Oslo to<br />

receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Another blow to<br />

Obama’s jaw took p<strong>la</strong>ce on the night of January<br />

19th in Massachusetts. The republican candidate,<br />

Scott Brown, <strong>de</strong>feated the <strong>de</strong>mocrat Martha<br />

Coakley to occupy the seat that remained vacant in<br />

the Senate because of the <strong>de</strong>ath of the veteran<br />

senator Edward Kennedy. How surprising! Brown<br />

might represent the end of the health-care reform.<br />

The <strong>de</strong>mocratic majority is broken in the Senate.<br />

The health-care reform legis<strong>la</strong>tion that Obama’s<br />

administration and Congress have worked so hard<br />

to achieve is ending up being perceived as“the<br />

best Americans could hope for”.<br />

Also, there is disappointment in the Hispanic<br />

activism area. Obama promised to stimu<strong>la</strong>te a<br />

immigration reform during his first 12 months of<br />

government that somehow would solve the<br />

situation of 12 million undocumented<br />

immigrants who live in The United States. This<br />

has not happened either.<br />

Caricature Laura <strong>de</strong> Dios Vicente<br />

There are important lessons from the past year<br />

that Obama and his team should learn if he is to<br />

achieve his goal of becoming a<br />

‘transformational’ presi<strong>de</strong>nt like Reagan.<br />

On the economic field, there is probably not<br />

much more that the administration could have<br />

done to reduce the pain so many Americans are<br />

feeling. The presi<strong>de</strong>nt will have to work very<br />

hard if he wants to prevent the electoral<br />

republican arguments returning, which c<strong>la</strong>imed<br />

that Obama’s skills are limited to giving good<br />

speeches and that he <strong>la</strong>cks political experience.<br />

The bottom line, I would suggest, is that Obama<br />

has to be seen as fighting for more than “the<br />

best we could hope for”.<br />

Laura <strong>de</strong> Dios Vicente<br />

Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 B<br />


34<br />



How do you re<strong>la</strong>x?<br />

This world is stressful. The stu<strong>de</strong>nts of Inglés<br />

Básico 2 C share with us the way they re<strong>la</strong>x.<br />

There are a lot of ways to <strong>de</strong>-stress, like taking off<br />

your watch, switching off your mobile phone…But<br />

when I’m stressed, I usually go to my bedroom. I turn<br />

off the lights, put on my tracksuit and finally I p<strong>la</strong>y<br />

my favourite film Grease on my DVD p<strong>la</strong>yer, and<br />

watch it while I eat popcorn with a coke. Other days,<br />

I also love putting on my favourite music and<br />

turning up the volume. It’s so re<strong>la</strong>xing!<br />

In the summer, since the weather is good, I go to<br />

the swimming pool.<br />

In my opinion, there is one thing that you must<br />

never do if you are stressed and that is ironing.<br />

And the things that you must do are giving up<br />

coffee, smoking and drinking alcohol.<br />

Pi<strong>la</strong>r Rodríguez and Pau<strong>la</strong> López<br />

The best thing you can do after a hard day is going<br />

to a boxing c<strong>la</strong>ss. So I get away from my work and I<br />

go to the gym. I take out all my problems.<br />

I also make a recipe up. I mix a lot of ingredients<br />

and it’s always <strong>de</strong>licious. Then, I give it to my<br />

friends. They say that I cook like a chef. It makes<br />

me feel so happy… and my stress goes away.<br />

If I’m very stressed, I go home and I take my<br />

clothes off. Then I run around, and I shout out<br />

loud. When I’m tired, I lie down and turn off the<br />

lights and I sleep till the next day.<br />

Ana Laura Díaz and Ana Isabel Pariente<br />

When I’m stressed I usually switch off my mobile<br />

phone. I put on my most comfortable clothes and<br />

I sit down on the sofa. Then I switch on the CD<br />

p<strong>la</strong>yer and put on re<strong>la</strong>xing music and close my<br />

eyes. I don’t think about anything and I keep my<br />

mind away from problems.<br />

When I get up, the first thing I do is to have hot<br />

coffee with some biscuits and I smoke a cigarette.<br />

Then I take my dog for a walk. Then I come back<br />

home very re<strong>la</strong>xed.<br />

Maria José <strong>de</strong> Águeda<br />

and Francisca Zaragoza<br />

When I’m stressed I like to lie down on my sofa,<br />

turn off the lights, put on some c<strong>la</strong>ssical music and<br />

spend time doing nothing.<br />

I like to sit down in my kitchen and eat my<br />

favourite dish and a lot of choco<strong>la</strong>te.<br />

I like to go shopping too, and give presents to my<br />

partner.<br />

Sometimes I put on comfortable clothes and take my<br />

dog for a walk. In winter I sit down in my armchair<br />

and my dog warms my feet up. It’s fantastic.<br />

A piece of advice: Don’t get up early in the<br />

morning, it’s more dangerous.<br />

María Jimena Moya<br />

and Juan Sebastián Martínez<br />

Normally I re<strong>la</strong>x when I get home, at about eight<br />

o’clock. First I hang up my coat. In my bedroom I<br />

take my clothes off and I put on my tracksuit. I<br />

switch off the lights in the living-room and I light<br />

some candles. After that, I sit down on my<br />

comfortable sofa and I turn on the radio and listen<br />

to my favourite music.<br />

At the weekend I normally re<strong>la</strong>x doing some sport.<br />

Last month I joined a gym!<br />

Pedro <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>s Heras and Pedro Morgado<br />

When we’re stressed we usually lie down in our<br />

armchairs and close our eyes. Then we feel very<br />

re<strong>la</strong>xed. The first thing we do is to take a hot<br />

foamy bath. The best thing we can do is giving a<br />

massage, or reading a good book and p<strong>la</strong>ying<br />

good music in our CD p<strong>la</strong>yer.<br />

Antonia Herranz and Fernando Senent.<br />

When we are very stressed, we have to try to<br />

re<strong>la</strong>x. How? We are going to tell you how.<br />

We have two ways to re<strong>la</strong>x, for women and for men.<br />

For women, taking boxing c<strong>la</strong>sses for one hour. After<br />

that, when you get home, fill up the bath with hot<br />

water, switch off your mobile phone, turn the lights<br />

off, light some candles, put on some c<strong>la</strong>ssic music on<br />

the CD p<strong>la</strong>yer and get in the bath.<br />

For men, clear up the garage and wash the car. After<br />

that, in the afternoon, watch a football match on TV<br />

and drink five cans of beer. When the match finishes,<br />

you will be either sleeping or drunk.<br />

Carlos Moreno<br />

and Danie<strong>la</strong> Tsenos<strong>la</strong>vova<br />

When we are stressed we usually go to the country<br />

with our dog, run after him and take photos of him.<br />

Then we come back home to see the photos. We often<br />

<strong>la</strong>ugh because it is very funny.<br />

We re<strong>la</strong>x cooking too. We normally look up a recipe in<br />

our grandmother’s old recipe book. After that we clear<br />

up, we sit down and enjoy our creation.<br />

Maria José Hervás and Jazmín Hera<br />


36<br />


Why I don´t believe<br />


in Ghosts SGAE<br />

I don’t believe in supernatural phenomena. I think<br />

there are two kinds of people that believe in these<br />

stories. One of them is sad people who need to<br />

believe in something because if they didn’t they<br />

would suffer without finding meaning in life. Other<br />

people simply earn money and gain power talking<br />

about ghosts and horoscopes. These people<br />

believe or not, but that isn’t important. They abuse<br />

real believers; they are good storytellers and they<br />

summon many personal fears and manipu<strong>la</strong>te<br />

their victims’ minds using easy psychological<br />

tricks. These dangerous people are very interested<br />

in witches and warlocks because if many people<br />

pay attention to these things it is as if they were<br />

real. They repeat and repeat the same things<br />

about fortune telling, palm reading and talking to<br />

spirits so many times that it’s easy for somebody to<br />

think that something is true.<br />

Why do I say that liars are dangerous? Firstly,<br />

because when somebody believes in supernatural<br />

things they are less free because they can’t think<br />

logically and correctly. Fear doesn’t let them think<br />

freely. Secondly, people who don’t think logically<br />

have en<strong>de</strong>d up in cults, lending money to their<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs, or losing their lives in ritual suici<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

There are too many cases in recent history.<br />

Sometimes, money from mediums and simi<strong>la</strong>r<br />

people has en<strong>de</strong>d up in far-right groups or<br />

associations against Darwin’s theory of evolution. I<br />

insist: these people are dangerous.<br />

On the other hand, do you know who James<br />

Randy is? He was a show magician. He was like<br />

Houdini (today Randy is an old man and he can’t<br />

do many tricks). He can’t stand magicians who lie<br />

and say they have got supernatural powers. Randy<br />

has spent his life showing liars up. He created a<br />

skeptics association and offered ten thousand<br />

dol<strong>la</strong>rs to anybody who discovered a<br />

phenomenon that he and his scientific team<br />

couldn’t copy exactly. This was about thirty years<br />

ago. The reward is today more than ten thousand<br />

dol<strong>la</strong>rs, but nobody has been able to win it. When<br />

somebody says there is a real supernatural case,<br />

Randy’s association sends a team. They are<br />

physicists, psychologists, chemists, doctors,<br />

photographers and show magicians. They can find<br />

out the truth about ghosts in a photo or false<br />

spells on people. Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan<br />

were members of this skeptics association.<br />

Marcos Nocete<br />

Inglés Nivel Intermedio 1C<br />

Société générale auteurs et éditeurs<br />

Nous sommes, <strong>de</strong>rnièrement, traqués par <strong>la</strong><br />

SGAE, nous payons une re<strong>de</strong>vance par tout<br />

type d’appareils électroni<strong>que</strong>s et <strong>de</strong>s<br />

supports pour enregistrer et stocker,<br />

comme cartes <strong>de</strong> mémoire ou CD. Quand<br />

nous achetons un livre nous payons déjà<br />

cette re<strong>de</strong>vance, mais <strong>de</strong> là, à vouloir<br />

percevoir par cha<strong>que</strong> livre qui soit prêté<br />

dans une bibliothè<strong>que</strong> publi<strong>que</strong>. Est-ce <strong>que</strong><br />

celle-ci ne paye-t-elle pas les droits d’auteur<br />

en achetant le livre ?<br />

Il a été, <strong>de</strong>rnièrement, annoncé <strong>que</strong> les<br />

espaces publi<strong>que</strong>s comme les salons <strong>de</strong><br />

coiffure, bistrots… doivent signer un contrat<br />

avec <strong>la</strong> SGAE et payer une re<strong>de</strong>vance, et<br />

selon <strong>la</strong> surface du local ils payeraient entre<br />

6€ ou 12€ pour allumer <strong>la</strong> radio ou <strong>la</strong><br />

télévision dans leurs locaux. C’est pourquoi<br />

nous pouvons nous <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>r, est-ce <strong>que</strong><br />

les stations radio ou les chaînes TV ne<br />

payent pas déjà pour émettre <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

musi<strong>que</strong>?, et comment <strong>la</strong> SGAE sait-elle<br />

<strong>que</strong>l type <strong>de</strong> musi<strong>que</strong> ils émettent et s’il y a <strong>de</strong>s<br />

droits d’auteur? Et si on écoute une station<br />

d’infos qui passe parfois <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> musi<strong>que</strong>, payerat-on<br />

en fonction du % <strong>de</strong> musi<strong>que</strong> ?. Il convient<br />

<strong>de</strong> rappeler ici <strong>que</strong> dans pas mal <strong>de</strong> cas, ce sont<br />

les compagnies musicales qui payent pour<br />

<strong>la</strong>ncer tel ou tel dis<strong>que</strong> ou auteur.<br />

Les hôpitaux el les centres <strong>de</strong> retraite n’ont pas<br />

été épargnés, non plus. Ils contribuent déjà au<br />

jeu <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> SGAE avec cette re<strong>de</strong>vance.<br />

Tristement, tous ne pouvons pas dépenser une<br />

partie du sa<strong>la</strong>ire à acheter <strong>de</strong>s CD, <strong>de</strong>s DVD et<br />

<strong>de</strong>s livres. Avec ceci, je ne veux pas dire <strong>que</strong> nous<br />

<strong>de</strong>vrions nous consacrer au piratage, mais pour<br />

ce<strong>la</strong> il y a <strong>la</strong> bibliothè<strong>que</strong> publi<strong>que</strong>, <strong>la</strong> radio et <strong>la</strong><br />

location <strong>de</strong> vidéos.<br />

À ton avis, <strong>que</strong> notre bibliothè<strong>que</strong> paye cette<br />

re<strong>de</strong>vance serait-ce juste ?<br />

Olga Curul<strong>la</strong> Pascual<br />

Francés Intermedio 1 A<br />


Yann Tiersen<br />

C’est grâce au B.S.O. du film “Le<br />

fabuleux <strong>de</strong>stin d’ Amélie Pou<strong>la</strong>nd,<br />

dont Yann Tiersen a fait <strong>la</strong> musi<strong>que</strong>,<br />

<strong>que</strong> j’ai découvert ce fabuleux musicien.<br />

Il est né à Brest, dans <strong>la</strong> Bretagne française,<br />

ça fait déjà 40 ans . Il n’ était pas un bon<br />

élève à l’école contrairement au<br />

conservatoire où il excelle. C’est un virtuose<br />

<strong>de</strong> plusieurs instruments, il a étudié du<br />

violon, du piano et il a aussi une gran<strong>de</strong><br />

techni<strong>que</strong> sur l’accordéon et sur un<br />

instrument très curieux, il s’agit du ”piano<br />

en jouet”(toy piano).<br />

Sa jeunesse a été influencée par <strong>la</strong> musi<strong>que</strong><br />

c<strong>la</strong>ssi<strong>que</strong> mais il évolue vers le rock à l’âge<br />

adulte. À partir <strong>de</strong>s années 80 il commence<br />

à écrire <strong>de</strong>s pièces musicales pour <strong>de</strong>s<br />

court-métrages ou du théâtre, pourtant il<br />

ne veut pas être catalogué dans ce genre<br />

musical. Son éducation c<strong>la</strong>ssi<strong>que</strong> est toute<br />

entière dans ses morceaux mais il y insouffle<br />

une dimensión personelle. Ses<br />

compositions sont obsédantes et intimistes.<br />

38<br />

Yann Tiersen n’a cessé <strong>de</strong> créer son propre<br />

univers artisti<strong>que</strong>. Multi-instrumentiste, il<br />

compose une musi<strong>que</strong> intemporelle qui, au<br />

fil du temps, rassemble <strong>de</strong> plus en plus<br />

d’amateurs.<br />

Voici <strong>que</strong>l<strong>que</strong>s morceaux <strong>que</strong> je <strong>vous</strong> conseille<br />

d’écouter et qui, je l’espère, vont <strong>vous</strong> p<strong>la</strong>ire.<br />

(<strong>vous</strong> pouvez les trouver sur internet).<br />

� Summer 78<br />

� Le moulin<br />

� La Valse d’Amélie (version piano et version<br />

originale)<br />

� Comptine d’un autre été l’après midi<br />

� La valse <strong>de</strong>s monstres (versión toy piano)<br />

� Comptine d’été N2<br />

Almu<strong>de</strong>na Dorda Morán<br />

Francés Intermedio 2 B<br />



entre les murs<br />

Un film français <strong>de</strong> Laurent Cantet qui a<br />

remporté <strong>la</strong> Palme d´or 2008 à l¨unanimité et<br />

contre toute attente, car il a été sélectionné à<br />

<strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong>rnière minute.<br />

Le film est une adaptation du roman, avec le<br />

même nom, <strong>de</strong> François Bégau<strong>de</strong>au qui est<br />

aussi le protagoniste, inexpérimenté dans ce<br />

domaine, et qui a choisi Laurent Cantet pour<br />

l’adaptation au cinéma. L’auteur-acteur a<br />

ensuite obtenu «le César » 2009 <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

meilleure adaptation cinématographi<strong>que</strong>.Les<br />

jeunes acteurs n´ont pas plus d´expérience, ce<br />

qui donne au film une certaine improvisation<br />

qui le rend très croyable.<br />

« Entre les murs » nous montre <strong>la</strong> vie réelle<br />

d´une c<strong>la</strong>sse dans un lycée difficile <strong>de</strong> Paris où<br />

un jeune professeur, François, se force à<br />

enseigner à <strong>de</strong>s élèves <strong>de</strong> différentes origines<br />

et capacités d’apprentissage en utilisant <strong>de</strong>s<br />

jeux <strong>de</strong> mots stimu<strong>la</strong>nts et en cherchant les<br />

adolescents là où ça fait mal en vue <strong>de</strong> les<br />

motiver.<br />

Grâce à l´école <strong>de</strong>s <strong>la</strong>ngues nous avons pu<br />

profiter <strong>de</strong> cet excellent et indispensable film<br />

qui explore les problèmes et les difficultés<br />

d’enseignement <strong>de</strong> nos jours, avec <strong>de</strong>s<br />

adolescents qui vivent dans un microcosme<br />

social plein <strong>de</strong> contradictions, dans le<strong>que</strong>l les<br />

professeurs doivent en même temps<br />

s´imposer et attirer leurs élèves.<br />

Comment concilier diversité culturelle et<br />

culture uni<strong>que</strong>?. Comment mener un conseil<br />

<strong>de</strong> discipline avec une mère qui ne parle pas<br />

le français?. Entre les murs nous présente ce<br />

qui peut se faire dans l’enseignement et ce<br />

<strong>que</strong> beaucoup <strong>de</strong> profs. font déjà.<br />

Jana Herrero Hernán<strong>de</strong>z<br />

Francés Nivel Intermedio 2 B<br />


40<br />




MICHAEL HANEKE (München, 1942)<br />

MIT Susanne Lothar, Ulrich Tukur, Burgart K<strong>la</strong>ußner, Josef<br />

Bierbichler.<br />

2009 Österreich-Deutschand.<br />

Schwarz-Weiß<br />

Gol<strong>de</strong>n Globe als bester fremdsprachiger Film 2009.<br />

Gol<strong>de</strong>ne Palme Cannes 2009.<br />

Europäischer Filmpreis 2009.<br />

Wo?: Madrid, cines Golem (c/Martín <strong>de</strong> los Heros).<br />

Der Film han<strong>de</strong>lt vom Leben in einem Dorf in<br />

Nord<strong>de</strong>utsch<strong>la</strong>nd am Anfang <strong>de</strong>s 20.<br />

Jahrhun<strong>de</strong>rts, gera<strong>de</strong> bevor <strong>de</strong>r Erste Weltkrieg<br />

beginnt. Der Baron, <strong>de</strong>r Arzt und <strong>de</strong>r Pastor<br />

bestimmen das Zusammenleben <strong>de</strong>r Leute.<br />

Einige beunruhigen<strong>de</strong> Ereignisse geschehen: <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Arzt hat einen Unfall mit <strong>de</strong>m Pferd, eine Frau<br />

stirbt, zwei Kin<strong>de</strong>r wer<strong>de</strong>n entführt und gefoltert.<br />

Es sieht so aus, als ob jemand sich selbst Recht<br />

verschaffen möchte, und jeman<strong>de</strong>n für ein<br />

bestimmtes Tun bestrafen will.<br />

Der Lehrer erzählt die Geschichte und ent<strong>de</strong>ckt<br />

zuletzt die Wahrheit: Im Dorf gibt es<br />

entmenschlichte und gefühllose Leute. Im Film<br />

kann man <strong>de</strong>n Ursprung <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Nazionalsozialismus erahnen, es wird versucht,<br />

seinen Anfang zu erklären.<br />

Der Film ist auch in schwarz-weiß gedreht<br />

wor<strong>de</strong>n, damit die Atmosphäre, die erst ruhig<br />

und nett aussieht und zum Schluss wirklich<br />

erstickend wird, stark betont wer<strong>de</strong>n kann.<br />

Mir hat <strong>de</strong>r Film sehr gefallen, und ich wür<strong>de</strong><br />

ihn gerne noch einmal sehen. Die Aussprache<br />

ist gut, es wird <strong>la</strong>ngsam und <strong>de</strong>utlich<br />

gesprochen, und <strong>de</strong>r Wortschatz ist auch<br />

verständlich.<br />

Noch ein Tipp: Am besten lest ihr die Untertitel<br />

überhaupt nicht.<br />

Elena Iznao<strong>la</strong> Visser<br />

Alemán Avanzado 1 A<br />


Filmrezension<br />

“Die Welle”<br />

Ich möchte eine Kritik über <strong>de</strong>n Film„Die<br />

Welle“ (Dennis Gansel, 2008) schreiben, weil<br />

ich ihn sehr interessant gefun<strong>de</strong>n habe.<br />

Es geht um einen praktischen Unterricht zum<br />

Thema Diktatur. Ein Lehrer an einem Gymnasium<br />

irgendwo in Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd möchte, dass seine<br />

Schüler die folgen<strong>de</strong> Frage beantworten:„Wäre es<br />

möglich, dass hier eine neue Diktatur entsteht?“<br />

Damit seine Schüler das Thema besser verstehen,<br />

sollen sie verschie<strong>de</strong>ne Verhaltensregeln lernen.<br />

Die erste ist: Immer wenn sie sich an <strong>de</strong>n Lehrer<br />

wen<strong>de</strong>n, sollen sie ihn mit„Sie“ ansprechen. Sie<br />

müssen auch aufstehen, wenn sie etwas sagen<br />

möchten. Sie suchen ein Motto und ein Symbol,<br />

„die Welle“, und auch noch eine Uniform, Jeans<br />

und ein weißes Hemd. Diese Ausbildung soll nur<br />

eine Woche <strong>la</strong>ng dauern, doch was wie ein Spiel<br />

beginnt, en<strong>de</strong>t in <strong>de</strong>r Katastrophe mit<br />

dramatischen Folgen.<br />

Die Jugendlichen lernen die Be<strong>de</strong>utung von<br />

Macht durch Disziplin und durch die<br />

Gemeinschaft. Sie lernen, dass die sozialen<br />

Unterschie<strong>de</strong> beseitigt wer<strong>de</strong>n, aber auch, wie die<br />

Persönlichkeit <strong>de</strong>s Einzelnen annulliert wird. Sie<br />

wer<strong>de</strong>n eine geschlossene Gruppe, ein geheimer<br />

Kreis, <strong>de</strong>n zu ver<strong>la</strong>ssen fast unmöglich ist.<br />

Diese jungen Leute fühlen sich sicher<br />

zusammen in <strong>de</strong>r Gruppe, aber sie sind<br />

absolut abhängig. Sie fühlen sich auch<br />

bedroht, und so beginnt die Gewalt ...<br />

Wir alle sollten über diese Geschichte<br />

nach<strong>de</strong>nken. Es ist ganz einfach, in ein<br />

totalitäres System zu fallen. Die Demokratie<br />

kostet viel Anstrengung und auch Übung und<br />

Mut. Wir Demokraten sollten diese Lektion<br />

nicht vergessen: Irgendwann und irgendwo<br />

kann sich <strong>de</strong>r Faschismus wie<strong>de</strong>rholen.<br />

Ana Fernán<strong>de</strong>z Ruiz<br />

Alemán Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />


Filmrezension<br />

42<br />


“im juli”<br />

Letztes Jahr habe ich <strong>de</strong>n Regisseur Fatin Akin<br />

ent<strong>de</strong>ckt und ein paar Filme von ihm gesehen.<br />

Mein Lieblingsfilm von Akin ist„Im Juli“ ,<br />

genauer gesagt„Im Herz – Im Bauch – Im Juli“.<br />

Er ist einer seiner ersten Filme, er wur<strong>de</strong> im<br />

Jahr 1999 gedreht.<br />

„Im Juli“ ist eine Liebeskomödie, in <strong>de</strong>r man<br />

Romantik, Abenteuer und Komik fin<strong>de</strong>t. Der Film<br />

beginnt in Hamburg und nimmt uns auf eine<br />

Reise durch Osteuropa bis Istanbul mit. Die<br />

Hauptdarsteller sind Moritz Bleibtreu als Daniel<br />

und Christiane Paul als Juli. Juli und Daniel<br />

wohnen in Hamburg. Er ist Lehrer und sie ist<br />

Schmuckverkäuferin auf einem Flohmarkt. An<br />

einem heißen Nachmittag geht Daniel nach <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Arbeit auf <strong>de</strong>n Hamburger Straßen spazieren und<br />

kommt auf <strong>de</strong>m Flohmarkt an. Dort steht Juli mit<br />

einer Freundin und verkauft Schmuck. Als sie<br />

Daniel sieht, weiß sie plötzlich, dass er ihr Mann<br />

fürs Leben ist. Sie beginnt mit ihm zu sprechen<br />

und schafft es, ihm einen Ring mit einer Sonne zu<br />

verkaufen. Juli erfin<strong>de</strong>t eine Gedichte und einen<br />

P<strong>la</strong>n, damit sich die bei<strong>de</strong>n wie<strong>de</strong>rsehen können.<br />

Lei<strong>de</strong>r geschehen die Sachen nicht, wie Juli<br />

möchte, und es beginnt ein Abenteuer, in <strong>de</strong>m<br />

Daniel sich auf die Reise nach <strong>de</strong>r Frau fürs<br />

Leben macht.<br />

Auf <strong>de</strong>r Suche nach seiner Traumfrau begegnet<br />

er immer wie<strong>de</strong>r Juli. Sie reisen durch<br />

Deutsch<strong>la</strong>nd, Österreich und Bulgarien bis in die<br />

Türkei. Während dieser Reise genießen die<br />

Zuschauer die wun<strong>de</strong>rbaren Landschaften und<br />

können sich bei <strong>de</strong>n Abenteuern amüsieren. Ich<br />

fin<strong>de</strong> diesen Film spannend, unterhaltsam und<br />

sehr empfehlenswert.<br />

Susana Fioretti<br />

Alemán Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />


Das letzte Konzert<br />

Eine Erzählung<br />

Der Sänger blickte auf sein Publikum und er<br />

war sehr stolz. Was könnte man mehr wollen?<br />

In seinem Lieblingsberuf arbeiten und<br />

bewun<strong>de</strong>rt sein, das ist das Glück - g<strong>la</strong>ubte<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Sänger.<br />

Dann suchte er seinen Fan im Publikum. Seit<br />

zwei Monaten war sie in je<strong>de</strong>m Konzert von<br />

ihm; je<strong>de</strong>n Abend wollte sie ihn hören.<br />

Der Sänger lächelte das Mädchen an und wie<br />

je<strong>de</strong>n Abend versuchte er mit ihr zu flirten,<br />

aber wie immer reagierte sie nicht und<br />

app<strong>la</strong>udierte einfach weiter.<br />

Als er sie das erste Mal von <strong>de</strong>r Bühne<br />

gesehen hatte, bemerkte er die Harmonie in<br />

ihrem Gesicht und dann in ihrem Blick.<br />

Ihr Blick wur<strong>de</strong> die Inspiration für seine Lie<strong>de</strong>r<br />

und er fand, dass er seit ihrem ersten<br />

Erscheinen besser sang.<br />

Während <strong>de</strong>r letzten Vorstellung fühlte er,<br />

dass er sie kennen lernen musste.<br />

Er suchte sie im Publikum, und als er bei ihr<br />

war, berührte er ihre Schulter. Er sah ihr in die<br />

Augen und fand <strong>de</strong>n Grund für <strong>de</strong>n Zauber<br />

ihres Blicks.<br />

Die Frau war blind, und ihr Blick war <strong>de</strong>r<br />

Abg<strong>la</strong>nz von <strong>de</strong>m, was sie hörte.<br />

Merche Crespo Jiménez<br />

Alemán Nivel Básico 2 A<br />

¡Para <strong>que</strong> nunca te falten <strong>la</strong>s pa<strong>la</strong>bras...<br />

... ni ganas <strong>de</strong> leer!<br />


44<br />



Primer premio. Cristina Peña Mengual, Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1A<br />

I Can Fly OK,<br />

I was <strong>de</strong>ad, but not completely. I<br />

was in that state in which you<br />

have no pain at all, although you<br />

are conscious of yourself. You<br />

could say that I only felt curiosity<br />

about what was happening to<br />

me. I wasn’t scared or uneasy.<br />

My only concern was about how I<br />

would take advantage of my<br />

current situation. I was aware of<br />

my possibilities. I had always<br />

wanted to fly like an eagle, travel<br />

everywhere, be invisible and<br />

now, I had everything I had<br />

always wished for.<br />

My first thought was to pay a visit to the people<br />

who loved me and tell them that I was at their si<strong>de</strong><br />

to help them, to take care of them. So, I<br />

concentrated very hard and I appeared at home.<br />

My family was watching TV together. It was such a<br />

ten<strong>de</strong>r picture that I wanted to cry, but then, I<br />

looked at the clock, and I realized that it was the<br />

hour of my favourite sitcom so, forgetting my<br />

intention of helping, I took the remote control and<br />

changed the channel. Immediately, my children<br />

started fighting to get the <strong>de</strong>vice, the dogs started<br />

barking... I tried to settle things down; however it<br />

was my <strong>de</strong>ar husband who had to put or<strong>de</strong>r and<br />

punished everybody. I thought that it would be a<br />

clever i<strong>de</strong>a to run off the sooner the better<br />

because otherwise, I was to be punished too. I had<br />

forgotten that nobody could see me.<br />

My first attempt to help and comfort my <strong>de</strong>ar<br />

people had not been successful at all, but I firmly<br />

believed that I’d do better next time.<br />

As I didn’t know what to do after that, I <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

go to the theatre because I love drama. The p<strong>la</strong>y<br />

was about a family who lived a long time ago in a<br />

dark world. The sun shone all day long, but there<br />

was only a <strong>de</strong>ep darkness at night. It was<br />

Christmas time, and the family was getting ready<br />

to celebrate Christmas Eve. The children were very<br />

excited, p<strong>la</strong>ying noisily because their father had<br />

cut a beautiful tree and was about to <strong>de</strong>corate it.<br />

They had many red balls, but only one was white.<br />

This ball was sad because it was alone and it<br />

thought it wasn’t important. It was so<br />

insignificant…<br />

The children began to trim the tree with the red<br />

balls and, finally, they put the white ball on top of<br />

the tree. The tree looked gorgeous, but the white<br />

ball was even sad<strong>de</strong>r than before because it<br />

wished everybody could see.<br />


The youngest child, for whom the white ball was his<br />

favourite, noticed what was happening and <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d<br />

to help it. He took the white ball in his hands and,<br />

seeing that it was snowing, he thought the ball would<br />

be happier with the little f<strong>la</strong>kes of snow, because they<br />

were as white as his white ball was. Then, he threw the<br />

ball through the window but, surprisingly, the ball<br />

went higher and higher until it remained in the sky,<br />

peacefully still. The world was so beautiful from<br />

there…, and the ball was enjoying itself so much…,<br />

that it began to shine with happiness. Since then,<br />

everybody knows the ball as the Moon.<br />

It was such a beautiful story and I was so stirred<br />

that I jumped on the stage and started to recite.<br />

“Once upon a time<br />

telling you I don’t mind<br />

there was an Illusion<br />

which lived in constant confusion<br />

I guess the audience was not prepared to hear<br />

such super<strong>la</strong>tive poetry, because they began to<br />

scream so high that I had to speak lou<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

“It thought that everything was possible<br />

And it tried to do its best<br />

Without taking any rest<br />

But the result was horrible”<br />

The more I recited, the more the people yelled,<br />

hence my <strong>de</strong>cision to stop talking. At that<br />

moment, the silence was so noisy and appalling<br />

that I was afraid, and I started to shriek, too.<br />

Everything became chaos and the show was<br />

cancelled irrevocably.<br />

I know what you are thinking but it wasn’t my<br />

fault. I only wanted to enrich the performance.<br />

My experience in the theatre was so disastrous<br />

that I didn’t feel like going on with my adventure.<br />

But I hoped I could be useful to someone,<br />

somewhere…<br />

All of a sud<strong>de</strong>n I heard an unexpected sound, like<br />

a giggle.<br />

I asked, “Who is there? Who thinks it‘s funny to<br />

feel miserable?”<br />

A weird voice answered, “Me”<br />

“And who are you? Come on, tell me why you can<br />

see me and what you want” I re<strong>que</strong>sted. “Don’t<br />

you know me? I’m your imagination. And I have to<br />

say that I’m very surprised right now because I<br />

should be sleeping for six months, at least”.<br />

“Why?” I asked.<br />

“Because you’re not a person yet, you know?”<br />

What an absurd i<strong>de</strong>a! I thought and answered very<br />

angrily, “That is not true! I have a family. It’s me<br />

who takes care of them. What’s more, I’ve just<br />

seen them at home. I’ve been to the theatre<br />

enjoying a p<strong>la</strong>y and I’ve created a poem and I’ve<br />

recited it on the stage. How could I have done that<br />

if I weren’t a person? Tell me, please”.<br />

“That’s the mystery. You’re still in your mother’s<br />

womb, so you’re not a person yet; but I’m sure that<br />

you’re a human being right now. I’m sorry to say<br />

that you have had a dream using me.”<br />

Cristina Peña Mengual<br />

Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1A<br />


Amin Maalouf LES ÉCHELLES DU LEVANT:<br />

«Dans cette histoire le narrateur recueille en<br />

quatre jours <strong>la</strong> vie d’un homme, Ossyane qu’il<br />

a suivi dans les rues <strong>de</strong> Paris en 1976 après<br />

l’avoir reconnu d’après une photo <strong>de</strong> son<br />

manuel d’histoire.<br />

Ossyane, fils d’une Arménienne et d’un Turc<br />

installés au Liban, est un homme marqué dès<br />

son enfance par les coups du <strong>de</strong>stin. Il<br />

cherchera à échapper à l’influence <strong>de</strong><br />

son père, notamment en faisant <strong>de</strong> bril<strong>la</strong>ntes<br />

étu<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> mé<strong>de</strong>cine à Montpellier.<br />

Mais <strong>la</strong> secon<strong>de</strong> guerre mondiale fait son<br />

apparition et détruit ses projets d’avenir. Il va<br />

<strong>de</strong>venir un “ révolutionnaire “ comme son<br />

père vou<strong>la</strong>it. Il s’engage dans <strong>la</strong> résistance, à<br />

Lyon où il va affirmer son courage, risquant sa<br />

vie, et rêvant <strong>de</strong> liberté De retour au pays à <strong>la</strong><br />

fin <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> guerre, il est accueilli comme un héros<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> résistance. Follement épris <strong>de</strong> C<strong>la</strong>ra, une<br />

juive autrichienne et une résistante qu’il a<br />

rencontrée en France, il se marie et <strong>de</strong>vient père.<br />

Installé à Beyrouth le conflit israélo-palestinien<br />

bouleverse sa vie, le sépare <strong>de</strong> sa femme et le<br />

conduit à l’asile : c’est <strong>la</strong> <strong>de</strong>scente aux enfers.<br />

46<br />


Dépossédé <strong>de</strong> son avenir, <strong>de</strong> sa dignité, privé<br />

<strong>de</strong>s joies les plus simples et élémentaires, il<br />

lui reste seulement un amour en attente,<br />

tranquille. Mais <strong>la</strong> volonté <strong>de</strong> revoir sa fille va<br />

lui permettre <strong>de</strong> sortir <strong>de</strong> sa folie après plus<br />

<strong>de</strong> vingt ans d’internement. Il retournera<br />

ensuite en France dans l’espoir d’y retrouver<br />

sa femme comme autrefois. Malgré les<br />

problèmes du protagoniste, ce roman nous<br />

donne un message d’espoir. »<br />

Maria Isabel Cordoba Montaña<br />

Francés Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />


Une <strong>lecture</strong> très recommandée. C’ est un livre qui p<strong>la</strong>ît dès le début jusqu’ à <strong>la</strong> fin<br />

Ce roman très émouvant raconte <strong>la</strong> vie d’un<br />

homme arabe pendant les années 30-50, c’est-àdire,<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’occupation alleman<strong>de</strong> à <strong>la</strong> première<br />

guerre israélo-arabe. À partir d’une histoire<br />

personnelle, pleine d’amour et <strong>de</strong> drames, se<br />

révèlent les tragédies qui ont secoué le Moyen-<br />

Orient, et qui malheureusement le secouent<br />

encore aujourd’hui. Je trouve <strong>que</strong> le mariage du<br />

personnage principal, Ossyane ,d’origine arabe,<br />

avec C<strong>la</strong>ra, juive, symbolise le souhait <strong>de</strong><br />

réconciliation entre <strong>la</strong> culture orientale et<br />

l’occi<strong>de</strong>ntale, ainsi qu’entre les différentes<br />

religions. Personnellement l’histoire m’a émue<br />

tant qu’elle m’a arraché <strong>de</strong>s <strong>la</strong>rmes dans les<br />

moments où <strong>la</strong> misère <strong>de</strong> l’intolérance et <strong>la</strong><br />

haine ne permettent pas <strong>que</strong> l’amour survive;<br />

Néanmoins, l’esprit <strong>de</strong> lutte est si fort qu’on<br />

peut récupérer le bonheur perdu.<br />

Je recomman<strong>de</strong> vraiment ce livre.<br />

Margarita González Martín<br />

Francés Nivel Avanzado 2 A<br />

Amin Maalouf<br />


48<br />



A tribute to One Thousand and One Nights<br />

Last night,I had that dream again.An<br />

unknown town,a gar<strong>de</strong>n with beautiful pink<br />

trees around a well.Every night I approach the<br />

edge and I peer at its dark mouth.It is raining.<br />

Everything becomes bright dark red; every<br />

leaf,every branch.The light is purple.The rain<br />

is purple.Sud<strong>de</strong>nly,the bottom of the well<br />

comes up to me and I hear a noise.Thousands<br />

of coins are tinkling.Then I realize I am<br />

immensely rich<br />

‘Can you give me some water, please?’ A faint<br />

voice distracted me from my thoughts.<br />

‘Enough!’ I said. ‘You are a boring old man. I<br />

have just given you a g<strong>la</strong>ss of water.‘<br />

‘Don’t go! I need to talk to someone. I have not<br />

spoken to anyone for three days!‘<br />

‘What can I say to a gypsy?’<br />

‘I am not a gypsy!’ the poor man groaned.<br />

I looked at him for a moment. He was dirty and<br />

he looked fierce, because of his three-week<br />

beard. But the old prisoner didn’t have the<br />

look of an alcoholic or an outcast in his eyes.<br />

They shone with the intense light of a fanatic.<br />

‘So, guy! Take a g<strong>la</strong>ss of water and go to sleep! I<br />

don’t want to hear you any more.‘<br />

‘No! No! Don’t go please!‘ the man plea<strong>de</strong>d,<br />

‘Listen to me. I am not a criminal!‘<br />

‘Well, I have nothing to do. Besi<strong>de</strong>s, maybe<br />

you’ll amuse me. So, you have an hour to tell<br />

me your story. By the way, you aren’t English,<br />

are you?‘<br />

‘I am Spanish.’<br />

‘Spanish! How has an old Spaniard en<strong>de</strong>d up<br />

wan<strong>de</strong>ring the streets of London?‘<br />

‘I’ll tell you my story then. I had a great family, a<br />

good wife, obedient children, loving brothers<br />

and sisters... I used to be happy. Also, I was rich.<br />

But I was bored, too. I had never been a<br />

womanizer, my children grew up and I never<br />

liked alcohol. However, I visited a casino one<br />

night. I bet a few coins on a French roulette. I do<br />

not remember what number, not even what<br />

colour, but I won. I won and I curse the day I did.‘<br />

It was like a dike breaking its gates, flooding<br />

everything with passion. It was the first time that I<br />

felt excited in my life. The first casino was followed<br />

by another. I travelled through the country looking<br />

for p<strong>la</strong>ces where I could p<strong>la</strong>y, and then I went to<br />

France, and after that to Italy. My fortune melted. It<br />

was diluted through the game tables across<br />

Europe, and with it, my wife, my children, my<br />

brothers and sisters, my friends...<br />

When I woke up from that<br />

nightmare, I was alone.<br />

I stopped p<strong>la</strong>ying but it was too<br />

<strong>la</strong>te. Then the dreams started. I<br />

heard a voice that urged me night<br />

after night. Every dawn someone<br />

whispered in my ear ‘you will recover your<br />

money. Your fortune is in London. Go and find it.’<br />

After a few days I travelled to this city, looking<br />

for my lost fortune.<br />

‘I can’t believe it!’ I said, <strong>la</strong>ughing, ‘Have you<br />

come here to find a treasure?‘<br />

‘Let me continue! You have to help me get out of<br />

here!’ he shouted, excited.<br />

‘Quiet, man!’ I said, ‘You can continue.’<br />

When I went back to my <strong>de</strong>n I saw a dark object<br />

fallen in a puddle. I picked it up. It was a wallet.<br />

Insi<strong>de</strong> it there were credit cards and a few pounds. I<br />

doubted a minute but I nee<strong>de</strong>d money to<br />

come back home and I was not thinking of<br />

treasures then. Sud<strong>de</strong>nly sounds of sirens and<br />

bright lights stunned me! So, until the next day,<br />

I didn’t know what happened! I only know that<br />

I am here as a prisoner and my only crime was<br />

to find a wallet and not return it!<br />

I looked at the poor man. I could not believe<br />

what I was hearing.<br />

‘But bloke, how can you be so stupid! All this are<br />

just dreams. I myself have the same one almost<br />

every night. I dream about a strange city, a<br />

gar<strong>de</strong>n with beautiful pink trees around a well.<br />

It is raining and everything is coloured purple. I<br />

do not recognize the city but I can see a coat of<br />

arms impressed on one of si<strong>de</strong> of the well. A<br />

plum tree is in a circu<strong>la</strong>r shield with the<br />

inscription Montes <strong>de</strong> Oca. Then I can see<br />

millions of coins shining in the darkness and I<br />

can hear a soft and seductive voice whispering<br />

to me‘go to look for it and take it. It is yours!’<br />

Sud<strong>de</strong>nly I thought that the old man was<br />

dying, because of the pallor of his face and<br />

the expression of his eyes.<br />

‘I’ll call the doctor!’<br />

‘No. I am fine. I am going to sleep now!’ the<br />

man said, and he fell asleep instantly!<br />

I had not thought about him again until this<br />

morning when the letter arrived. It was a short<br />

note thanking me and saying:‘Thank you guard.<br />

Your dream proved the truth of my dream.<br />

Digging in my well I recovered my fortune. Now,<br />

I am waiting for my <strong>de</strong>ath peacefully,<br />

surroun<strong>de</strong>d by pink cherry blossoms.’<br />

Victoria Montero Vicenti<br />

Inglés Nivel Básico 2 A<br />


50<br />


“Qu’est-ce pour<br />

<strong>vous</strong> <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>lecture</strong>?<br />

De très belles phrases créées<br />

par les élèves d’intermédiaire<br />

2B pour répondre à <strong>la</strong><br />

<strong>que</strong>stion: “Qu’est-ce pour<br />

<strong>vous</strong> <strong>que</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>lecture</strong> ?”. Il ne<br />

s’agit pas <strong>de</strong> phrases méditées<br />

mais plutôt d’un remueméninges.<br />

Vu les résultats j’ai<br />

décidé <strong>de</strong> les copier pour<br />

<strong>vous</strong>. Isabel Escartín.<br />

� Les livres sont l’espoir <strong>de</strong> l’humanité<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est un chemin vers les rêves<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est <strong>la</strong> lutte d’un <strong>de</strong>dans contre un<br />

<strong>de</strong>hors<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est un dépaysement gratuit sans<br />

problèmes avec les bagages.<br />

� Un livre est une bouche qui nous mord le nez<br />

et ne nous <strong>la</strong>isse pas jusqu’à ce qu’on l’ait fini.<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est une façon <strong>de</strong> partir et <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>la</strong>isser ce mon<strong>de</strong> quotidien et ennuyeux.<br />

� Le livre et <strong>la</strong> <strong>lecture</strong> m’accompagnent<br />

toujours comme <strong>de</strong> bons amis.<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est l’écho intérieur <strong>de</strong>s mots<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> m’emmène à un autre mon<strong>de</strong><br />

magi<strong>que</strong>.<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est une bonne manière <strong>de</strong><br />

s’amuser avec notre imagination<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est une façon <strong>de</strong> vivre<br />

� La <strong>lecture</strong> est le développement <strong>de</strong><br />

l’imagination et <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> connaissance.<br />


radiographie<br />

Un tunnel obscur<br />

et sale.<br />

Faubourg, station dépuratrice, usine,<br />

faubourg.<br />

La métri<strong>que</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> banlieue inclut aussi le<br />

parc <strong>de</strong>s bonnes intentions électorales.<br />

L’environnement hostile <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> subville fait<br />

peur. Bruit <strong>de</strong> tube d’échappement qui<br />

précè<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> moto avec trois passagers. Les<br />

campagnes <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Direction <strong>de</strong> Circu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />

n’y arrivent pas.<br />

Si arrive, par contre, <strong>la</strong> lumière. Vers <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

heures environ. En été. D’abord elle<br />

manifeste comme une ligne fine. Fragile.<br />

Minime.<br />

C’est un instant magi<strong>que</strong> et émouvant. La<br />

portion quotidienne <strong>de</strong> beauté qui<br />

produit ici <strong>de</strong>s phénomènes opti<strong>que</strong>s<br />

bizarres.<br />

Photo: Oscar Mulet<br />

En <strong>que</strong>l<strong>que</strong>s instants, <strong>la</strong> ligne abandonne son<br />

statut <strong>de</strong> faiblesse et s’agrandit inexorable<br />

pour <strong>de</strong>venir un espace illuminé vulgaire, qui<br />

aveugle, en plus, les visiteurs du tunnel.<br />

L’appareil photo me dit <strong>que</strong> le moment<br />

magi<strong>que</strong> est très court à son avis.<br />

Au mien aussi. Mais bien sûr, sa durée dépend<br />

<strong>de</strong>s rotations, <strong>de</strong>s astres, <strong>de</strong>s univers et même<br />

<strong>de</strong>s dieux.<br />

Pour congéler l’instant et prolonger <strong>la</strong> vie <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

mince ligne <strong>de</strong> lumière, il faudrait faire un écrit<br />

céleste et suivre toutes les démarches <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong><br />

bureaucratie divine.<br />

Des mots majuscules pour un tunnel obscur et<br />

sale. Il faudra se conformer à être témoins <strong>de</strong><br />

cet instant et faire un constat <strong>de</strong> ce qui est<br />

arrivé ici.<br />

Oscar Mulet. Francés<br />

Nivel Intermedio 1A Intermédiaire 1<br />




THE<br />


OLIVE<br />

Primer<br />

TREE<br />

premio: Eugenio Mañas <strong>de</strong> Mora Nivel Intermedio 2A<br />

After licking the <strong>la</strong>st sugar specks on its hairy legs,<br />

noticed her good mood by her wi<strong>de</strong> red smiling<br />

the fly jumped up quickly. It was hovering happily<br />

lips and her s<strong>que</strong>ezed huge eyes. The school was<br />

over the room, stirred by the feeble breeze, with its<br />

not in fact such a building, but a mere forgotten<br />

soft wings fluttering easily, until it was caught in<br />

barn. Despite that, it was the pri<strong>de</strong> of the quarter,<br />

the web. It fidgeted unsuccessfully to get free, but<br />

for it had been fit out and painted by the<br />

after ten seconds f<strong>la</strong>t, the yellow and b<strong>la</strong>ck,<br />

neighbours. At the school gate, the teacher kissed<br />

merciless spi<strong>de</strong>r was munching it anxiously with its<br />

every pupil on their cheeks everyday, and caressed<br />

powerful jaws. The spi<strong>de</strong>r slithered down the silky<br />

their heads ten<strong>de</strong>rly while getting in.<br />

web, and hid in a dark nook, waiting for the next<br />

prey to fall. Its multicoloured eyes had no time to<br />

distinguish an enormous, <strong>la</strong>rge, sticky tongue, spat<br />

by a huge, brown <strong>de</strong>sert lizard. Dizzy, the stuck<br />

spi<strong>de</strong>r was taken back into the lizard’s mouth.<br />

C<strong>la</strong>mbering up the wall, the lizard gobbled up the<br />

spi<strong>de</strong>r slowly. Afterwards, it disappeared into a<br />

mucky, spi<strong>de</strong>ry cranny.<br />

That day he was kissed and caressed, but he was in<br />

a hurry sud<strong>de</strong>nly. He nee<strong>de</strong>d to go to the toilette.<br />

Smiling, she nod<strong>de</strong>d, and turning back, she came<br />

into the school. The toilette wasn’t even a room,<br />

but a neighbouring yard, attached to the school.<br />

The boy darted back and slid the grating bolt,<br />

coming in the yard. A starving donkey was grazing<br />

pieces of dry wood whereas a dozen hens scuttled<br />

There were cracks on those humble room walls in<br />

behind the boy. He hid in a corner, took his<br />

plenty. Several feeble light beams came into the<br />

trousers down, and crouched, when a sud<strong>de</strong>n<br />

room through small holes on the roof. Foreign<br />

explosion broke his ears. He fell over and was<br />

words were written on the broken bricks walls. In a<br />

wrapped by a rain of stones and dust. Another<br />

shady corner stood an old, empty, filthy cupboard<br />

faraway explosions boomed. Scared, he broke into<br />

with some pressed clothes on a tin tray. A fallen<br />

tears. He crawled, trying to get out. Rubbing his<br />

woo<strong>de</strong>n stool <strong>la</strong>y before it, on a small, grubby<br />

eyes, he realized he had blood on his hands,<br />

carpet.<br />

coming from his forehead. He was very dazed and<br />

didn’t know what to do. He tripped on the hens’<br />

In silence, a thin, b<strong>la</strong>ck-haired man stood looking at<br />

corpses. Luckily, it turned out that he managed to<br />

the corner nearby, his hands together on his chest.<br />

find the yard gate by chance. He had no need to<br />

The fresh gash scar on his right forearm still stung<br />

use the bolt. Looking out, the dust cloud didn’t<br />

him. Groomed, he was only dressed with white<br />

allow him to see. He could only hear moans and<br />

trousers. White loose un<strong>la</strong>ced shoes showed his<br />

cries, coming from all directions. The merciless<br />

shaved ankles. Well-built, with a tan, thin skin, he<br />

wind blew strong, raising that dust sheet and<br />

had a thick, tidy b<strong>la</strong>ck beard. He opened his<br />

In front of the window, a dusty street ran along.<br />

was waving at him, raising her hand. Barefoot, he letting him see that awful sight. The school had<br />

sparkling b<strong>la</strong>ck eyes and looked up at the rickety Humble, grey houses rose at both si<strong>de</strong>s on such a<br />

was running along the street, with his siblings and disappeared. Despaired men and women put their<br />

ceiling. He twirled around the room. Then he<br />

stopped and reached out to make the shabby<br />

window open. The majestic, yellow ball of the sun<br />

was rising. The bright sunshine hurt his eyes. After<br />

some seconds, he gazed at the gol<strong>de</strong>n mos<strong>que</strong><br />

domes and the high, slen<strong>de</strong>r minarets, which<br />

poor, bloody soil. Most of the windows were<br />

broken. Their sad, grey faca<strong>de</strong>s were also painted<br />

in that appalling, foreign, threatening <strong>la</strong>nguage. A<br />

green, one-hundred-year-old olive tree <strong>la</strong>y at the<br />

end of the street. The man stuck his sight on it.<br />

other friends. The school was by the end of the<br />

street, turning left, near the olive tree. They p<strong>la</strong>yed<br />

and ran. They jumped and capered, always eager<br />

to p<strong>la</strong>y, <strong>la</strong>ughing all the time. The teacher was a<br />

smiling, fat woman, with huge round spectacles,<br />

always waiting for them at the corner, near the<br />

hands on their faces, crying to the sky. The p<strong>la</strong>ce<br />

where the school was supposed to have been was<br />

empty. There was nothing. The sunshine lit that<br />

dreadful sight. An enormous rubble heap rose<br />

there. Terrified, mad, <strong>de</strong>spaired men and women<br />

passed him by. He watched a small, <strong>de</strong>ad arm,<br />

sp<strong>la</strong>shed colour onto the p<strong>la</strong>in, grey town roofs of He remembered the same tree, the same street,<br />

school. A colourful scarf covered her head, in appearing un<strong>de</strong>r the rubble. It was his school<br />

that enormous, crow<strong>de</strong>d, dusty <strong>de</strong>sert town.<br />

fifteen years ago. His mother, at the same window,<br />

contrast to her b<strong>la</strong>ck tunic, so that children always tablemate’s.<br />

52<br />



He ceased weeping and stepped forward some<br />

meters further. He recognized his teacher’s<br />

spectacles, next to her clothes, buried un<strong>de</strong>r an<br />

enormous woo<strong>de</strong>n beam, dotted with blood.<br />

A wailing man ran down the street, clenching a<br />

child in his arms. Other men were dragging<br />

children’s corpses. Despaired women in b<strong>la</strong>ck<br />

scratched their own faces, making them bleed.<br />

Old men pulled up stones from that hi<strong>de</strong>ous<br />

grave. He was lifted by some sud<strong>de</strong>n strong arms<br />

and feeling the rattle of the run, he fainted.<br />

That day the <strong>de</strong>adly dust covered all those townspeople.<br />

The boy was the only school survivor.<br />

Seventeen of the pupils and seven grown-ups<br />

died; among them, two siblings, three cousins and<br />

many re<strong>la</strong>tives and friends.<br />

The man g<strong>la</strong>red at the olive tree at the end of the<br />

street for a <strong>la</strong>st time and mumbled. Then, he<br />

s<strong>la</strong>mmed the window closed and gasped out:<br />

-‘The olive tree will prey on my mind never more.’<br />

He opened a drawer and han<strong>de</strong>d a small g<strong>la</strong>ss vessel.<br />

He bowed before an impenetrable fa<strong>de</strong>d picture on<br />

the wall. Drawing the fragrant ointment from the<br />

vessel he dabbed it on his body: first his forehead,<br />

then his temples, his cheeks, his neck, his arms, his<br />

54<br />


forearms, his hands… his chest eventually.<br />

He took a snowy shirt from the tray and put it on,<br />

doing up its buttons carefully. The coarse fabric<br />

belt was the next garment: the special belt with<br />

hollow gadgets. He put it on around his breast. He<br />

knelt and took a tin chest un<strong>de</strong>r the cupboard<br />

afterwards, throwing away the lid and looking<br />

insi<strong>de</strong> curiously. Taking one of the sticks insi<strong>de</strong>, he<br />

stared at it whilst his mouth grimaced awkwardly.<br />

One after the other, he handled, checked and<br />

stuck the waxen bars into the belt. He put on a<br />

used jumper and looked at himself on the broken,<br />

rusty mirror on the wall. Then, he spat and sighed.<br />

He had ma<strong>de</strong> the gra<strong>de</strong>. For the <strong>la</strong>st three weeks<br />

he had been rehearsing daily: he had gone to the<br />

market, where the occupiers tra<strong>de</strong>, stopping at<br />

the check point and buying at his enemy’s stalls.<br />

Today it wouldn’t be a rehearsal, but the final<br />

performance. A cat dashed insi<strong>de</strong> the room from a<br />

hole on the roof, carrying a <strong>de</strong>ad lizard hanging<br />

from its mouth. The cat <strong>la</strong>id the lizard in front of<br />

the man’s feet and ma<strong>de</strong> a pampering <strong>que</strong>stion<br />

mark with its tail, grazing against his leg. It was<br />

caressed by the man’s hand ten<strong>de</strong>rly. With that<br />

same hand he checked the sticks of dynamite in<br />

the belt for the <strong>la</strong>st time and left.<br />


Si j’étais...<br />

Si j’étais comme elle,<br />

j’aurais un sentiment: l’amour,<br />

mon esprit serait généreux.<br />

Si j’étais comme elle,<br />

je regar<strong>de</strong>rais passer un train<br />

je partirais loin dans <strong>la</strong> vie.<br />

Si j’étais comme elle,<br />

je penserais à ma famille,<br />

je chuchoterais “je t’aime” à ma mère.<br />

Si j’étais comme elle,<br />

je redécouvrirais le mon<strong>de</strong>,<br />

je le peindrais à ma façon.<br />

Si j’étais comme elle,<br />

je ne rêverais pas du futur,<br />

je jouirais <strong>de</strong> l’aujourd’hui.<br />

Si j’étais comme elle,<br />

je pleurerais sur les photos,<br />

j’arroserais mes racines.<br />

Mais, si je n’étais pas comme elle...<br />

je chercherais dans mon enfance.<br />

Angel Martínez Peña<br />

Francés Nivel Intermedio 2 B<br />

Un, <strong>de</strong>ux,<br />

trois,<br />

La vie est un Carnaval !<br />

Au printemps <strong>la</strong> jaune abeille,<br />

Les arbres voit briller d’azahar,<br />

Et elle, très contente, danse un vals.<br />

En eté <strong>la</strong> vie bâille,<br />

Dans le jardin, dans <strong>la</strong> mer,<br />

Le rythme va trop lent,<br />

Mais, c’est bon. Il y a <strong>de</strong>s vacances !<br />

Quand <strong>la</strong> campagne est dorée,<br />

Et les oiseaux disent au revoir,<br />

Ma chienne j’écoute aboyer,<br />

Parce qu’elle ne sait pas voler.<br />

Et quatre,<br />

C’est <strong>la</strong> neige qui déjà vient,<br />

Avec son b<strong>la</strong>nc déguisement,<br />

Et Noël, et une autre fois, les vacances !<br />

Carnaval !, c’est Carnaval !<br />

Toute l’année c’est Carnaval !<br />

Un, <strong>de</strong>ux, trois... et quatre.<br />

Emilia Mén<strong>de</strong>z Santamaría<br />

Francés Nivel Básico 1 A<br />

Dans <strong>la</strong> riviere<br />

Dans <strong>la</strong> rivière, ton rire<br />

et dans ton rire?, le vent<br />

et dans le vent ?, tes mains<br />

et dans tes mains ?, mon haleine<br />

et dans mon haleine ?, ton prénom<br />

et dans ton prénom ?, <strong>la</strong> fuite<br />

et dans ta fuite ?, <strong>la</strong> rivière<br />

et dans <strong>la</strong> rivière ?...<br />

Sonia Luchena Gigante. Francés Nivel Básico 1A<br />


56<br />

COCINA �<br />

Zitronenplätzchen<br />

Zubereitung<br />

Eigelb und Zucker sch<strong>la</strong>gen. Flüssige <strong>la</strong>uwarme<br />

Butter dazugeben. Mehl gesiebt dazugeben.<br />

Verrühren. Zitronensaft, Salz und abgeriebene<br />

Zitronenschale dazugeben. Mit einem Mixer<br />

kneten. Dann drei Stun<strong>de</strong>n im Kühlschrank<br />

ruhen <strong>la</strong>ssen. Auswallen (4 mm dick) und mit<br />

Ausstechfomen Plätzchen ausstechen.<br />

Plätzchen auf ein bebuttertes Blech legen.<br />

Backzeit: Etwa 12 – 15 Min bei 150º C.<br />

G<strong>la</strong>sur: Schoko<strong>la</strong><strong>de</strong>npulver und Milch verrühren.<br />

Die Plätzchen mit Buchstaben o<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Zeichnungen <strong>de</strong>korieren. Mit Pu<strong>de</strong>rzucker<br />

bestreuen. Guten Appetit!.<br />

Ánge<strong>la</strong> Esteban Hoya<br />

Alemán NB 1<br />

Zutaten:<br />

2 Eigelb<br />

100 g Zucker<br />

125 g Butter<br />

250 g Biskuitmehl<br />

Saft von 1 Zitrone<br />

abgeriebene Schale von 1 Zitrone<br />

eine Prise Salz<br />

G<strong>la</strong>sur<br />

Pu<strong>de</strong>rzucker (nach Belieben)<br />

Schoko<strong>la</strong><strong>de</strong>npulver (nach Belieben)<br />

Ein bisschen Milch<br />

� COCINA<br />

Poivrons farcis <strong>de</strong><br />

morue et végétaux<br />

Ingrediénts:<br />

57<br />

18-20 Poivrons <strong>de</strong> “Piquillo”, déjà rôtis<br />

1Ail<br />

1 Oignon<br />

1 Poivron vert<br />

1 Courgette<br />

300gr. Morue <strong>de</strong>ssalée (pendant 48h)<br />

Pour <strong>la</strong> sauce béchamel:<br />

50gr Beurre<br />

4 cuillérées à soupe Huile d’olive<br />

3-4 cuillérées à soupe Farine<br />

500cc (aprox.) Lait<br />

Couper en petits morceaux tous les<br />

végétaux et les faire frire dans l’huile,<br />

quand tout sera bien “poché” ajouter <strong>la</strong><br />

morue bien coupée. Goûter et ajouter<br />

du sel s’il le faut<br />

Faites <strong>la</strong> sauce béchamel et gar<strong>de</strong>r au<br />

chaud.<br />

Mé<strong>la</strong>nger 3-4 cuillérées <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> sauce<br />

béchamel avec les végétaux et <strong>la</strong> morue<br />

et farcir les poivrons, (réserver 3<br />

poivrons sans farcir) et les poser dans un<br />

p<strong>la</strong>teau à four.<br />

Triturer les poivrons réservés avec <strong>la</strong><br />

sauce béchamel, verser sur les poivrons<br />

farcis et introduire le p<strong>la</strong>teau au four à<br />

180ºC. Pendant 15’.<br />

Servir, goûter et Bon Appétit!<br />

Amparo Martínez Pérez<br />

Francés Intermedio 2 B<br />


58<br />


Dreisprachiges Kreuzworträtsel;<br />

Trilingual Crossword; Mots<br />

Croisés pour Polyglottes<br />

À=Ä=A<br />


Waagerecht, Across, Horizontal<br />

3 männlicher Artikel im Nominativ; surement pas le<br />

premier pot; the sound of stupidity<br />

6 Beinkleid; tube for watering the gar<strong>de</strong>n<br />

7 what you feel when it hurts; aliment fabriqué à<br />

partir <strong>de</strong> farine, <strong>de</strong> sel et d’eau<br />

8 <strong>de</strong>r längste rechte Nebenfluss <strong>de</strong>s Rheins; principal; un<br />

pouce, quatre doigts et une paume<br />

9 ein vertikales Bauteil; Harry Potter’s magic stick<br />

10 weiblicher Artikel im Nominativ; the end of the life<br />

of a cube numbered one to six<br />

11 nicht weich; male <strong>de</strong>er<br />

13 Verdammter Scheiβ; light fog<br />

15 Haare am Kinn; Homer’s son<br />

16 blind needle; arbre conifère nécessaire pour<br />

s’i<strong>de</strong>ntifier<br />

17 a roll of film or fishing line; re<strong>la</strong>tif à <strong>la</strong> réalité<br />

18 estimate the value of speed; loupe / l’organe<br />

thoraco-abdominal<br />

19 ein Mann, <strong>de</strong>r seinen Lebensunterhalt durch das<br />

Backen von Brot, Brötchen, Kleingebäck und feinen<br />

Backwaren verdient; sponsor<br />

21 swindle, trick; idiot<br />

22 opposite of borrowed; pas vite<br />

23 eine (meist männliche) Person mit beson<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

herausragen<strong>de</strong>n Fähigkeiten o<strong>de</strong>r Eigenschaften;<br />

past of hold<br />

24 burn rather badly; blindé chenillé<br />

25 honiglieben<strong>de</strong>s Plüschtier; ban an ingot;<br />

établissement où l’on sert <strong>de</strong>s boissons alcoolisées<br />

26 Sturz; col<strong>la</strong>pse this autumn<br />

27 violent sexual assault; un utensile <strong>de</strong> cuisine pour<br />

rendre le fromage, les carottes en menus morceaux<br />

28 fight for dominance; <strong>la</strong> pério<strong>de</strong> entre <strong>la</strong> naissance et<br />

<strong>la</strong> mort<br />

30 lightly burn; primate simien<br />

32 Präposition = gegen, im Gegensatz zu; less narrow<br />

33 grab hold of; treize et trois<br />

Senkrecht, Down, Vertical<br />

1 buried or floating bomb that isn’t yours; l’aspect <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>que</strong>lqu’un / <strong>la</strong> partie centrale d’un crayon<br />

2 where you can be tried for p<strong>la</strong>ying tennis?; va vite /<br />

pas long<br />

3 männlicher Artikel im Akkusativ; a lion’s hi<strong>de</strong>out<br />

4 sicken; petit oignon qui se présente en gousses<br />

5 door in a fence; choyé, abîmé, gâché<br />

7 heavily criticize a cooking implement; le bruit <strong>que</strong><br />

fait le pistolet <strong>de</strong> Tintin<br />

9 Sonnenschein, Regen, Wind, Nebel usw.; less dry<br />

10 un<strong>de</strong>rwater swimmers; plusieurs et variés<br />

11 eine Kopfbe<strong>de</strong>ckung mit einem Kopfteil und einer<br />

Krempe; small primitive house<br />

12 a fishy wing; un but très mince<br />

13 grind up meat; zut!/ c’est pas épais<br />

14 ro<strong>de</strong>nt living in a bank; s’approprie <strong>de</strong>s comman<strong>de</strong>s<br />

d’un avion?<br />

15 was ein Bittsteller macht; injured by a mosquito, a<br />

snake or a dog, but not a duck or a bee<br />

17 vor allem sauber; strap to steer a horse with; petit<br />

organe qui filtre l’urine<br />

19 in kurzer Zeit; as hairless as a coot<br />

20 a horse’s house; constant, invariable<br />

21 child’s brm brrm, man’s obsession; à cause du bus<br />

23 ein Gerät zum Kochen; a group of cattle, elephants etc.<br />

26 beinahe; don’t eat very quickly<br />

27 travel on horseback; un pli dans <strong>la</strong> surface <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> peau<br />

28 unclear, uncertain; oscil<strong>la</strong>tion imprécise<br />

29 b<strong>la</strong>ck and white tart; oiseau noir et b<strong>la</strong>nc à longue<br />

<strong>que</strong>ue<br />

30 Possessivartikel 3. Person Singu<strong>la</strong>r maskulin;<br />

poitrine sacrée?<br />

31 ein gesungenes musikalisches Werk; didn’t tell the<br />

truth<br />


60<br />


Cod with potatos<br />

and mushrooms<br />

Lösungen, solutions, solutions<br />

Ingredients:<br />

�Potatoes<br />

�Mushrooms<br />

�Oil<br />

�Salt<br />

Instructions:<br />

Put all the ingredients (cod, potatoes,<br />

mushrooms, oil and salt) and your wife in<br />

the kitchen. Close the door for two hours.<br />

After that, open the door and you have a<br />

<strong>de</strong>licious cod with potatoes and<br />

mushrooms<br />

It’s very easy. Let’s cook, my friends.<br />

Note: All my love, respect and admiration<br />

for every wife in the world. It’s only a joke.<br />

Mario Ortega<br />

Ingles Nive1 Básico 2 D<br />

1. Mine, 2. Court, 3. Den, 4. Ail, 5. Gate, 7. Pain, 9. Wetter, 10. Divers, 11. Hut, 12. Fin, 13. Mince, 14. Vole, 15.<br />

Bitten, 17. Rein, 19. Bald, 20. Stable, 21. Car, 23. Herd, 26. Fast, 27. Ri<strong>de</strong>, 28. Vague, 29. Pie, 30. Sein, 31. Lied<br />

Senkrecht, Down, Vertical<br />

3. Der, 6. Hose, 7. Pain, 8. Main, 9. Wand, 10. Die, 11. Hart, 13. Mist, 15. Bart, 16. Pin, 17. Reel, 18. Rate, 19. Backer,<br />

21. Con, 22. Lent, 23. Held, 24. Char, 25. Bar, 26. Fall, 27. Rape, 28. Vie, 30. Singe, 32. Wi<strong>de</strong>r, 33. Seize<br />

Waagerecht, Across, Horizontal

Fiesta <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> escue<strong>la</strong><br />

Abril 2009

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