Sessions Summary - Australian Publishers Association

Sessions Summary - Australian Publishers Association

Sessions Summary - Australian Publishers Association


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REPORT<br />

REPORT<br />


THE CLASS OF 2012 …<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 0

REPORT<br />


REPORT<br />


1. PROGRAM OVERVIEW ....................................................................... 2<br />

2. VALUE AND BENEFITS ...................................................................... 6<br />

3. SUCCESSES/SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT ...................... 9<br />

4. COURSE OUTCOMES (1999-2012) ................................................... 25<br />

5. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY & RECOMMENDATIONS........................... 26<br />

6. FINANCIAL REPORT ........................................................................... 27<br />


A. PROGRAM PLANNING TIMELINE ..................................................... 28<br />

B. MENTORS’ ROLES .............................................................................. 30<br />

C. PROGRAM MANAGER’S ROLE ......................................................... 30<br />

D. LIST OF REP ALUMNI ......................................................................... 31<br />

E. PHOTOS ............................................................................................... 34<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 1

REPORT<br />


‘I have had the good fortune to work with several wonderful <strong>Australian</strong> editors and look forward to<br />

paying back in a very small way the great debt I owe them by speaking with Australia’s next<br />

generation of editors. As ever though, I fully expect I will learn far more from them than they will from<br />

me.’ Richard Flanagan, Keynote Speaker, REP 2012<br />

The seventh biennial Residential Editorial Program (REP) took place from 7–12 May 2012, and<br />

was funded by the Literature Board of the Australia Council, and again administered by the<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Publishers</strong> <strong>Association</strong>.<br />

It was also supported by the publishing houses (whose employees were accepted into the program<br />

by application), in offering financial support towards the costs of the program, and in offering them<br />

leave to attend – Allen & Unwin, Black Inc Books, Text Publishing, HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong><br />

Australia, Pan Macmillan Australia, Penguin Group Australia and Affirm Press. Support from our<br />

funding bodies also enables the program to support two freelancers to attend, which is an essential<br />

aspect of the program. The REP was held at Varuna, the Writers’ House in Katoomba, NSW, where<br />

six of the seven programs have taken place.<br />

The REP has traditionally been opened by a keynote speaker who confirms the importance of<br />

editing. Acclaimed writer, Richard Flanagan, as this report confirms, delivered an inspiring address<br />

which more than validated the importance of the program.<br />

Since 1999, participants have passed on their knowledge and praised the REP to their colleagues so<br />

that later participants come with high expectations, which have not to date been disappointed. The<br />

REP 2012 was judged a success by participants and mentors, and refinements made to the program<br />

in response to past reports had obviously enhanced it even further, judging from the reportage this<br />

year. This universally positive evaluation continues to highlight the need for editors to receive<br />

further in-service professional development.<br />

1.1 Program Purpose<br />

During the program, mid-career level editors are offered intensive workshop experiences with highly<br />

skilled and respected industry practitioners. The intensive workshops which form the core part of the<br />

program aim to develop their literary editing skills. Guest speakers supplement these sessions with<br />

specific topics of relevance to those working in the industry and hoping to advance their skills in a<br />

range of related areas. The course aimed to:<br />

identify and develop the professional skills and knowledge required by good literary<br />

editors and thereby enhance the standard of writing published in Australia<br />

encourage editors to develop good working relationships with authors and foster the<br />

author’s writing talents<br />

enable interaction between editors of a similar level and thereby encourage them to raise<br />

the awareness and profile of editors in the literary and publishing community<br />

teach editors to recognise and then how to balance the commitment to their authors with<br />

their publisher’s business expectations<br />

The REP is designed to complement the Beatrice Davis Editorial Fellowship in recognising literary<br />

editors’ further need not only for overseas experiences but also for mentorships in providing an<br />

advanced training opportunity. The fact that the REP has since 2002 included an address by the<br />

current Beatrice Davis Fellowship recipient cements that close relationship between the two APA<br />

programs – both generously funded by the Literature Board.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 2

REPORT<br />

1.2 Program Planning<br />

Planning for the REP 2012 began with the agreement in December 2010 by the Literature Board of<br />

the Australia Council for the Arts to fund the program again, and with the agreement by the APA to<br />

administer it; then by the appointment of Robyn Sheahan-Bright as Program Manager; followed by<br />

the establishment of an Organising Committee. As usual, it was important that the event was<br />

organised by a group representing a cross-section of the industry. Members of the 2012<br />

Organising Committee were: Meredith Rose, Penguin Group Australia (Chair); Meredith<br />

Curnow, Random House Australia, Madonna Duffy, University of Queensland Press, Nicola<br />

O’Shea, Freelance, Tegan Morrison, HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong> Australia, Robyn Sheahan-Bright,<br />

freelance REP 2012 Program Manager, Dee Read, <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Publishers</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Nicola<br />

Evans, Literature Board of the Australia Council. [See Attachment A. Planning Timeline.]<br />

The Committee convened two meetings, the first of which was held on Monday 1 August October<br />

2011. In consultation with Varuna, the scheduling of the event was confirmed for the 7–12 May<br />

2012. It was decided that three mentors would conduct the core sessions of the program, as they<br />

had done in the past, and that they would be invited to participate in planning in order to ensure that<br />

they would share ownership of the program. [See Planning Timeline below.] The mentors selected<br />

were three of Australia's most distinguished editors, each of whom had been involved with the<br />

program before: Jo Jarrah (Mentor REP 2010, 2008, 2006, Guest Editor REP 2004, Committee<br />

Member REP 1999) Jacqueline Kent (Mentor REP 1999, Keynote Speaker REP 2002, Mentor REP<br />

2004, 2006 and 2012 mentor) and Roberta Ivers (Participant, REP 1999). The REP has traditionally<br />

engaged former participants as speakers, and in 2012 welcomed a former participant as a mentor<br />

for the first time.<br />

Guidelines were developed and advertised by 26 September 2011, with the deadline for applications<br />

on Monday 9 January 2012. Publicity for applicants to attend the program was, as usual, greatly<br />

enhanced by the advocacy of previous participants who have been very efficient in ‘spreading the<br />

word’ about the program. It was also publicised by dissemination of information to publishing<br />

houses, via print and electronic media, and via industry journals such as Thorpe’s WBN, the ASA<br />

Newsletter and the newsletters of the state-based Societies of Editors and Writers’ Centres.<br />

The mentors first met by teleconference on 26 October 2011 to discuss the program with Meredith<br />

Rose (Chair) and Robyn Sheahan-Bright (Program Manager). They met again in a second<br />

teleconference on 7 December 2011, and a third teleconference on 18 January 2012. to consider<br />

the manuscript to be workshopped. It was decided that The Meaning of Grace by Deborah Forster,<br />

offered to the program by Random House Australia, should be workshopped. Foster’s editor<br />

Brandon VanOver agreed to attend the program on its last day, to speak about the editing process<br />

he undertook with the author. For the second time in the program’s history, the identity of author,<br />

publisher and editor remained secret until the program’s completion.<br />

The Committee met on Tuesday 31 January 2012, to select the twelve successful applicants<br />

whose publishing houses had agreed to contribute towards the costs of the program, or if freelance,<br />

could access a limited number of scholarships. They were: Rebecca Starford (Affirm Press),<br />

Chren Byng (HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong> Australia), Susannah Chambers (Allen & Unwin),<br />

Sarah Hazelton (Freelance), Emma Rafferty (Pan Macmillan Australia), Caro Cooper (Text<br />

Publishing), Vanessa Pellatt (Allen & Unwin), Arwen Summers (Penguin Group Australia),<br />

Nikola Lusk (Black Inc), Kylie Mason (Freelance), Catherine Milne (Allen & Unwin), and<br />

Bridget Maidment (Penguin Group Australia). The Committee was pleased to find included<br />

amongst these editors those who worked for smaller independent presses as well as those<br />

employed by multinational companies; two freelance editors were also successful in their<br />

applications. They regretted the lack of applications received from the states of Queensland and<br />

Tasmania, and from the ACT and NT, in this year’s applications, and that no Indigenous<br />

scholarships were offered this year. [See 5. Executive <strong>Summary</strong> & Recommendations 3] The<br />

Committee, at this second and final meeting, also decided on the final program details, and the<br />

successful applicants were notified that week.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 3

REPORT<br />

1.2 Program Planning (Cont.)<br />

Thirteen guest speakers were invited to address diverse topics ranging from the author’s experience of<br />

being edited, to the future of editing, in addresses and workshops, supplementing the mentoring<br />

sessions. Keynote Speaker: Richard Flanagan. Speakers: Louise Thurtell, Laura Harris, Melina<br />

Marchetta, Ali Lavau, Sue Abbey, Linda McBride-Yuke, Ellen van Neerven-Currie, Steven Carroll, Jo<br />

Butler, Jane Morrow, Joel Naoum and Brandon VanOver [See Program]. On Monday evening 7 May<br />

2012, Meredith Rose, Lis Bastian and Robyn Sheahan-Bright welcomed the participants and opened<br />

the program.<br />

The Literature Board and the <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Publishers</strong> <strong>Association</strong> supported the venture:<br />

The Literature Board of the Australia Council is firmly committed to supporting the Residential<br />

Editorial Program as it delivers extraordinary benefits to <strong>Australian</strong> editors on their career path.<br />

These editors are our emerging cultural leaders and the knowledge they gain while at REP stands<br />

them in good stead to manage a dynamic author-editor relationship which will ultimately result in the<br />

publication of excellent writing.<br />

Susan Hayes, Director, Literature Board Australia Council for the Arts<br />

Since 1999 the Residential Editorial Program (REP) has operated through a joint initiative of the<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Publishers</strong> <strong>Association</strong> (APA) and the Australia Council and we are again offering this<br />

exciting experience in 2012. Through the APA’s professional development program, the REP<br />

provides talented editors with a unique opportunity to enhance their skills through an innovative and<br />

rigorous residential program. With the assistance of key publishing sponsors, we continue to<br />

emphasize the importance of editing as a key factor in the success of a book and the publishing<br />

industry. Welcome to the REP and we trust that you will find it both inspirational and challenging.<br />

Maree McCaskill Chief Executive, <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Publishers</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />

In 2012, participants, mentors and speakers praised the program:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“I think the REP gets better every time, and the quality of the participants gives one hope for the<br />

future of <strong>Australian</strong> publishing.” Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

“Excellent. A truly one-of-a-kind experience.” Sarah Hazelton, participant<br />

“I didn’t really know what to expect of it, but it was brilliant and truly inspirational. I feel very lucky<br />

to have participated, and will take with me for the rest of my career the lessons learnt from both<br />

the mentors and the very talented editors who made up the REP.” Rebecca Starford,<br />

participant<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 4

Monday<br />

7/5/12<br />

Tuesday<br />

8/5/12<br />


Wednesday<br />

9/5/12<br />

Thursday<br />

10/5/12<br />

Friday<br />

11/5/12<br />

Saturday<br />

12/5/12<br />

Before 9.00 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast<br />

9.00–11.00am<br />

SESSION 1<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

Mentors: Roberta Ivers, Jo<br />

Jarrah and Jacqueline Kent<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

(Cont.)<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

(Cont.)<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

(Cont.)<br />

10.00am Write of<br />

Response<br />

Speaker: Guest Editor<br />

11.00–11.30 am Morning Tea Morning Tea Morning Tea Morning Tea Morning Tea<br />

11.30–1.00pm<br />

SESSION 2<br />

Structural Editing Workshop<br />

Speaker: Louise Thurtell<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

(Cont.)<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

(Cont.)<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

(Cont.)<br />

1.00–2.00pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch<br />

2.00–2.30 pm Free Time or one-on-one<br />

sessions with Mentors<br />

2.30–4.00pm<br />

SESSION 3<br />

Arrival at Palais Royale<br />

Mentoring Workshop<br />

(Cont.)<br />

Free Time or one-on- one<br />

sessions with Mentors<br />

How Does it Feel<br />

Speaker: Ali Lavau<br />

Free Time or one-on-one<br />

sessions with Mentors<br />

Double Act: Editor and Writer<br />

Speakers: Jo Butler and<br />

Steven Carroll<br />

4.00–4.30pm Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea<br />

4.30–5.30pm<br />

SESSION 4<br />

Welcome at Varuna<br />

Problem Solving Session:<br />

Group Discussions<br />

Problem Solving Session:<br />

Group 1 Presentation<br />

Problem Solving Session:<br />

Group 2 Presentation<br />

Free Time or one-on-one<br />

sessions with Mentors<br />

The Big Picture: Summing Up:<br />

Presentation by Three<br />

Mentoring Groups<br />

Problem Solving Session<br />

Group 3 Presentation<br />

11.30am–12.00pm<br />

Further Questions for<br />

the Editor<br />

12.00-12.30pm<br />

Individual Groups<br />

Debrief<br />

12.30–1.00pm<br />

The Last Word<br />

Departure<br />

5.30–7.00pm<br />

SESSION 5<br />

Pre-Dinner Drinks at<br />

Varuna<br />

Double Act: Editor and Writer<br />

for Young People<br />

Speakers: Laura Harris and<br />

Melina Marchetta<br />

Black & Write! Indigenous<br />

Writing and Editing Project<br />

Speakers: Sue Abbey,<br />

Ellen van Neerven-Currie<br />

and Linda McBride-Yuke<br />

What Would Beatrice Do An<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> View of<br />

Developments in Publishing in<br />

the US<br />

Speaker: Jane Morrow<br />

The Future of Editing and Editors<br />

Speaker: Joel Naoum<br />

7.00–8.00pm Dinner (Varuna) Dinner (Varuna) Dinner (Varuna) Dinner (Varuna)<br />

8.00–8.45pm<br />

Walking the Thin Red Line<br />

Keynote Speaker: Richard<br />

Flanagan<br />

Literary Quiz Night Free Time Free Time for informal<br />

discussion between<br />

participant editors<br />

Dinner (Canton Palace<br />

Restaurant)<br />


This project is administered by the <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Publishers</strong> <strong>Association</strong> and supported by the Literature Board of the Australia Council for the Arts and the <strong>Australian</strong> publishing industry


REPORT<br />

“Editing – to a massive extent – is an invisible gloss on a book. I’m frequently enraged when book critics<br />

claim that a given book wasn’t very well edited. The kinds of things that can be changed (but are left as<br />

is) and the kinds of mistakes that creep in (and are not fixed) are often not the fault of editors, but of the<br />

author, the typesetter, the printer, the conversion house and so on and so on and so on. The editor might<br />

take ultimate responsibility, but it is almost impossible to determine how ‘well’ a book was edited by<br />

looking at the final product.” Joel Naoum, Speaker, REP 2012<br />

The evaluations and comments made by participants and mentors confirmed that the Residential<br />

Editorial Program had been of real value and benefit to them. Evaluation was done via three<br />

mechanisms:<br />

a) Evaluation Forms were completed by the three mentors, reflecting on the outcomes they’d hoped<br />

to achieve.<br />

b) Evaluation Forms were completed by the twelve participants.<br />

c) The Program Manager also compiled the evaluations in this report and further assessed the course.<br />

[See 5. Executive <strong>Summary</strong> & Recommendations]<br />

Three specific areas of ‘value and benefits’ to the editing community were addressed by the project:<br />

skills or expertise; employment opportunities; professional networks. These were all encompassed<br />

by the four Aims of the course, and the participants clearly considered that they had benefitted in all<br />

these areas as follows:<br />

Aim:<br />

• identify and develop the professional skills and knowledge required by good literary editors<br />

and thereby enhance the standard of writing published in Australia<br />

Outcome: The selection process identified twelve articulate, committed and talented editors. Mentors<br />

commented on both their skills and their passion for the craft of editing and that they have the potential<br />

to contribute greatly to the industry in future.<br />

When asked to comment on what aspects of the course had most benefited them, participants<br />

responded with a range of comments indicating that they had gained enormous benefits:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“The ability to develop skills in working on a highly literary manuscript, the likes of which I hadn’t truly<br />

engaged with so far in my career. I now feel far more confident in my ability to work with authors in a<br />

broader range of genres and with different approaches.” Sarah Hazelton<br />

“The intensive editing workshops were probably most beneficial, because it was so interesting to<br />

discuss every aspect of the manuscript in such detail with four other editors. And the incidental<br />

conversations with my fellow editors and the mentors during the week were extremely beneficial for<br />

me to learn more about the publishing industry in general and what it’s like to work for larger houses.”<br />

Nikola Lusk<br />

“Meeting other editors and finding out how similar/different our approaches are, our workflows are,<br />

our companies are – and talking more broadly about the industry.” Arwen Summers<br />

“I found the Intensive Editing Workshops most useful in discovering blindspots in my editing habits<br />

and developing ways to overcome them.” Kylie Mason<br />

“The REP has given me confidence in my instincts as an editor. And it’s great to feel connected to<br />

such a wonderful group of editors. In my application I said that I’d love to learn more about how other<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 6

REPORT<br />

companies work and how editors and editing are valued at other houses, and I certainly felt that I<br />

came away from the REP with a better understanding of this.” Chren Byng<br />

“The time spent in our groups, working through the manuscript with our mentors. The presentations<br />

on digital changes. And the opportunity to meet editors from other publishing houses and<br />

freelancers.” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“Talking to other editors about how they work in-house – as I come from a small press, and only have<br />

three years working experience within this organisation, it was all very instructive and useful to me.”<br />

Rebecca Starford<br />

“Ack, there’s so much. On top of the excellent sessions, the mentoring experience was very special –<br />

it was a pleasure to have had the opportunity to soak up some of Bert’s wisdom. I have no doubt my<br />

craft is better for those experiences. Most of all, it was such a tremendous privilege to have shared<br />

the week with such cleverpants, talented, amusing, inspiring women – mentors and fellow attendees<br />

alike (special ‘shout-out’ to Robyn SB). It was unspeakably valuable to get to compare experiences,<br />

and just to get to know these wonderful people. It made me proud to call myself an editor. Thanks so<br />

much.” Bridget Maidment<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“The time and space to reflect on the art and craft of editing… The opportunity to meet and make<br />

friends with other editors from all over Australia. It was a week full of very interesting – and<br />

cathartic! – discussions... Listening to the mentors – who each brought different perspectives and a<br />

wealth of experience… The sense I now have of the wider industry; the importance of editing within<br />

the industry, and the sense of belonging to an important tradition of <strong>Australian</strong> editors, writers and<br />

publishers.” Susannah Chambers<br />

“I have been doing more writing than editing recently, so welcomed the opportunity to talk to<br />

participants and the other mentors and to brush up my knowledge of the current book publishing<br />

industry and how the new technology is likely to affect it. One of the great things about being a<br />

mentor at the REP is how much you end up learning yourself. ” Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

“The intensive editing sessions, the chance to take time out and reflect on my editorial practice,<br />

hearing about the way other editors do things and how they solve problems.” Emma Rafferty<br />

“Working on the manuscript in such an intensive way and also getting to meet fellow editors and<br />

discussing our careers.” Caro Cooper<br />

“The structural editing sessions were incredibly important – not only did they give me a real<br />

understanding of the complexity and detail of a good structural edit, but the sessions we had inspired<br />

me.” Catherine Milne<br />

When asked if the program met their expectations, each participant agreed that it had:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“It exceeded them. And I had high expectations going in.” Sarah Hazelton<br />

“The REP more than met my expectations. I absolutely loved everything about it. Robyn Sheahan-<br />

Bright created a brilliant program and I’m so, so grateful to have been a part of it.” Chren Byng<br />

“It exceeded them.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“The program exceeded my expectations.” Kylie Mason<br />

“Yes – and far exceeded them.” Rebecca Starford.<br />

“It definitely exceeded my expectations. I was very happy with what I learnt and the experiences I had<br />

at Varuna. It was all so well organized and I have taken a lot of new knowledge back to my job.” Caro<br />

Cooper<br />

“It was just brilliant; inspiring and fun. It was an all round great week.” Roberta Ivers<br />

Their knowledge was also developed in a number of specific areas: Substantive Editing and<br />

Restructuring a Manuscript; Indigenous Editing Issues; The US Publishing Scene; Writer/Author<br />

relationships; Editorial Problem-Solving; The Future of Editing.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 7

REPORT<br />

Aim:<br />

• encourage editors to develop good working relationships with authors and foster the<br />

author’s writing talents<br />

Outcome: The editors learned in the intensive workshops that the author’s work is her or his own. Whilst<br />

they discussed strategies for improving a work, the mentors were at pains to impress on them the need<br />

to ascertain what the author was aiming to achieve and to assist them in following that inspiration. This<br />

complex literary novel was a perfect vehicle for understanding the difference between enhancing or<br />

altering the text; between what Richard Flanagan described as gardening to maintain a wilderness<br />

aspect, whilst not reducing the work to topiary.<br />

Aim:<br />

• enable interaction between editors of a similar level and thereby encourage them to raise the<br />

awareness and profile of editors in the literary and publishing community<br />

Outcome: Nearly every participant editor commented on how valuable it was to spend time with others<br />

to learn from their experiences and approaches, and also to realise how many issues they had in<br />

common. The intensive sessions facilitated this, as did the problem solving sessions. Informal<br />

discussions over meals were also essential to the learning, which is why the program is a retreat held in<br />

a relatively isolated location. Freelancers always value interaction with in-house editors as do the latter<br />

value engaging with freelance concerns. The Alumni network then enables further communication to<br />

develop. [See 4. Course Outcomes.]<br />

Aim:<br />

teach editors to recognise and then how to balance the commitment to their authors with<br />

their publisher’s business expectations.<br />

Outcome: Whilst the issue of business management in publishing is not addressed specifically in the<br />

REP, it comes up in all the discussions held during the intensives and in the problem solving sessions.<br />

Participants are very aware of the fact that ‘the edit’ is always subject to and must work in conjunction<br />

with publishing deadlines and marketing realities and that the editor’s role is to champion the book in that<br />

context.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 8

REPORT<br />


“In the same way that you’d never walk into a stranger’s house and start rearranging their furniture,<br />

rummage through their medicine cabinet or point out dust behind the sofa, the editor enters a manuscript<br />

with a high degree of humility and objectivity. You study the author’s style and voice. You learn the<br />

story’s ultimate aim. Every comment is reasoned and, while the author might disagree, sometimes<br />

vehemently, you’ve put the long hours into weighing up the work to justify your opinions. Nothing is done<br />

flippantly. The author has lived in their creation for so long that they might not see some of its<br />

weaknesses, and the editor is in the best place to view the work with new eyes. This exchange of ideas,<br />

this mutual search for clarity between the author and editor forges a unique relationship, partly because<br />

the stakes are so high. Once the press begins to churn, the book is in the world.” Brandon VanOver,<br />

Guest Editor, REP 2012<br />

The Successes and Suggestions for Improvement of the Residential Editorial Program are<br />

measured here [as in 2. Values and Benefits above] on the projected Aims of the course. Responses to<br />

Course Content and Presentation were positive and very enthusiastic. Some suggestions were made<br />

concerning Course Scheduling, and some excellent refinements and possible topics for additional<br />

or alternative sessions were suggested as well. The major success of the course lay in its satisfying<br />

the expectations and needs of the participants. [See 5. Executive <strong>Summary</strong> & Recommendations]<br />

3.1. Successes<br />

Evaluations again cemented the uniqueness of this program, and the need for this and further such<br />

training:<br />

3.1.1. Success in Aims<br />

Aim:<br />

<br />

identify and develop the professional skills and knowledge required by good literary editors<br />

and thereby enhance the standard of writing published in Australia<br />

The course application process identified some very dedicated and talented young editors working in<br />

literary publishing, and the REP clearly was successful in answering their needs for further training and in<br />

invigorating their passion for editing. Each of them commented on how the course encouraged them to<br />

value their craft more, and gave them greater confidence.<br />

Aim:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

encourage editors to develop good working relationships with authors and foster the<br />

author’s writing talents<br />

Richard Flanagan’s Keynote Address inspired the group by his respect for the craft of editing, as is<br />

evinced in their comments in this report.<br />

Ali Lavau encouraged participants to recognise how an author feels to be edited. Her background as<br />

both editor and writer enhanced this discussion and practical demonstration of such sensitivities.<br />

Both Double Act sessions (with Laura Harris and Melina Marchetta; and Steven Carroll and Jo<br />

Butler) cemented the notion that an editor builds a relationship with an author in many different (and<br />

mysterious!) ways.<br />

Indigenous issues were addressed in the Black & Write! Project session with mentor Sue Abbey and<br />

trainee editors Linda McBride and Ellen van Neerven-Currie. [See 5.2. Executive <strong>Summary</strong> &<br />

Recommendations 3]<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 9

REPORT<br />

Aim:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

enable interaction between editors of a similar level and thereby encourage them to raise the<br />

awareness and profile of editors in the literary and publishing community<br />

Participants and mentors relished the opportunity to spend time with each other and to engage with<br />

new concepts and ideas as well as sharing common concerns.<br />

It’s clear that the REP has been widely spoken about within the industry, and is regarded as a<br />

prestigious and elite program. This has raised the profile of editing, in cementing the value which<br />

practitioners and their employers place in their craft.<br />

Aim:<br />

<br />

<br />

teach editors to recognise and then how to balance the commitment to their authors with<br />

their publisher’s business expectations.<br />

Participants were able to discuss this issue in a safe and confidential environment and to develop<br />

strategies for balancing the creative and business aspects of their work.<br />

3.1.2. Success in Course Content<br />

Course content and the skills of the mentors and speakers were universally well-received.<br />

Intensive Editing <strong>Sessions</strong>: Mentors – Jo Jarrah, Jacqueline Kent and Roberta Ivers – had specific<br />

comments on these sessions in which they worked in three groups:<br />

Jo Jarrah worked with: Sarah Hazelton (Freelance), Rebecca Starford (Affirm Press), Vanessa<br />

Pellatt (Allen & Unwin), Nikola Lusk (Black Inc). She concluded:<br />

<br />

“I have relatively few comments to make for once, largely because although we always seem to say<br />

it, it really was ‘the best yet’, at least of the four at which I’ve been a mentor. After a wobbly start<br />

finding the right manuscript (and all credit to Jacquie for pushing the issue, and Bert for valiantly<br />

joining the hunt), we ended up with a ms that worked brilliantly for us on a number of levels, and<br />

personally I’m deeply grateful to the publisher and author for allowing the ms to be workshopped,<br />

and to Brandon VanOver, the book’s real editor, for so generously sharing his work with us in the<br />

final session.<br />

Not revealing the identity of the author until midway through the week was significantly affecting for<br />

three of the four editors in my group (one already knew), which is not surprising given this author’s<br />

pedigree. While I understand that the author’s identity had little or no effect on participants in other<br />

groups, I would still recommend we retain it as, at least for some, it provides a rare and powerful<br />

opportunity for individuals to learn something invaluable about themselves and their preconceptions<br />

as editors, and about the publishing process. The intensive editing workshop is at the heart of the<br />

REP and we were extraordinarily fortunate to have such a ms to work with. It highlights the crucial<br />

role publishers (and authors) play in the success of the REP by allowing us to work on a ms of this<br />

nature.<br />

I was also grateful for the extra half-hour we had each day this year. It didn’t seem to cost<br />

participants too much to rise half an hour earlier, and the time was certainly put to good use – in<br />

fact yet another half-hour, making the daily intensive editing workshop four hours each day – would<br />

be wonderful, but I don’t know where the extra time would come from.<br />

As for my group, what a delight they were. Vocal (gosh yeah!), opinionated (in the best possible<br />

way) and prepared to travel down what must have seemed some strange paths at times, they were<br />

committed, passionate, sensitive, highly talented editors eager to deepen their editorial skills on<br />

every level. The <strong>Australian</strong> industry is in very good hands if we can continue to train – and then<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 10

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retain – editors of this calibre, and I want to thank them for, amongst many other things, their<br />

willingness, generosity, trust and frankness.<br />

Finally, as always, the whole shebang was brilliantly organised, stage managed and hosted by<br />

Robyn Sheahan-Bright, whose extraordinary talents, skills, commitment and expertise make all the<br />

difference between an adequate REP and an outstanding one.” Jo Jarrah, Mentor<br />

Jacqueline Kent worked with: Emma Rafferty (Pan Macmillan Australia), Caro Cooper (Text<br />

Publishing), Susannah Chambers (Allen & Unwin), Arwen Summers (Penguin Group Australia).<br />

She concluded:<br />

<br />

“Conducting these with the group I had was very satisfying. As it happened I was the mentor for four<br />

of the most experienced REP participants this year. They were focused, perceptive and very bright,<br />

with a good practical grasp of the manuscript’s problems, enough experience to know how to<br />

present these to the author, and sufficient editorial expertise to know how to solve the problems.<br />

They were a joy to work with, and their collaborative spirit was terrific.” Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

Roberta Ivers worked with: Chren Byng (HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong> Australia), Kylie Mason<br />

(Freelance), Catherine Milne (Allen & Unwin), Bridget Maidment (Penguin Group Australia). She<br />

concluded:<br />

<br />

I think the manuscript we chose was a really wonderful one, so it was really worth pushing that<br />

search, even though it took us some time. The issues covered theme, character and plot, which in<br />

my experience are pretty representative problems of manuscripts in general. I think all the workshop<br />

sessions were really valuable and provided extensive exposure to the wide-ranging issues facing<br />

editors working in the industry today, but the intensive editing sessions -- in particular the generous<br />

amount of time allocated to chew over the issues – were especially helpful I think. We all needed<br />

that time to get to know each other, to feel comfortable in talking about our individual interpretations<br />

of the manuscript and what we understood of the author’s intentions and to take on board the<br />

expectations of the week’s work – not to mention tackling the big issues from a group perspective! I<br />

was so impressed with the editors in my group; they were so considered and thoughtful – and<br />

passionate about what they are doing – and I was bursting with pride for them in their final<br />

presentation. Talk about rising to the challenge. And of course I gained so much as well, as you do<br />

when you’re talking intensively about the process.’ Roberta Ivers, Mentor<br />

Participants also commented on these intensive sessions:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“I really liked the flexibility that the mentors had in tailoring the presentation to their own styles and<br />

to the needs and interests of their groups. It was also good to cover different aspects on different<br />

days, e.g. detailed copyedit of chapters, followed by writing a sample edit letter. This gave us some<br />

milestones to track our progress without being too prescriptive.” Sarah Hazelton<br />

“The chosen manuscript was a useful resource, because it enabled us to discuss all aspects of<br />

structural and copy-editing. Our workshops also enabled us to discuss a number of related editorial<br />

issues, such as workflow processes and author management.”… “Jo Jarrah was a brilliant mentor:<br />

she’s thoughtful and patient, and she was very good at drawing each of our group members out to<br />

discuss various points. She was extremely supportive of each of us while being open and honest<br />

about weaknesses in our editorial skills. I also learned a lot from my other group members about<br />

editorial skills and processes.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“Intense! Maybe one session too long but the workshops overall didn’t feel overly long. Fascinating<br />

to hear the editor of the book finally come and talk. Felt like the quality of the group discussion was<br />

high, and the presentations on Friday really showed how carefully and intelligently people had<br />

approached the ms”…–“Well lead by Jacqui Kent; each day had a clear structure and the discussion<br />

didn’t feel like it meandered or like we got stuck on one particular area too long.” Arwen Summers<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 11

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“The intensive editing workshops were incredible: inspiring, reassuring and so helpful. Working with<br />

the other three editors was invaluable in terms of learning new ways to look at editing, manuscripts<br />

and the author/editor relationship ... I thought the length of each workshop was well judged – long<br />

enough to get some good work done but not so long that we exhausted ourselves.” Kylie Mason<br />

“Roberta Ivers was an amazing mentor. She seemed to know what we each needed from her, and<br />

she made us all feel safe – and empowered. Bert gave me so much confidence in myself.” Chren<br />

Byng<br />

“These were excellent. It was fantastic to have the opportunity to work so closely with other editors<br />

and to gain the insights and wisdom of our experienced and fantastic mentor.” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“Excellent. Very instructive, invaluable insights into the way not only the mentor works, but how<br />

editors in other houses work. It was particularly great to pick the brains of Jo Jarrah, who was an<br />

inspirational and generous mentor, I felt very privileged to be in her group!” Rebecca Starford<br />

“At first, I wondered how we would talk about the manuscript for 5 days. Then I realised we could<br />

talk about it for weeks. That time taken to rake over the text, and all its components, was so<br />

important and instructive – and it has had a profound impact on my own approach to editing.<br />

Couldn’t fault it.” Rebecca Starford<br />

It’s difficult to separate the content of these sessions from our mentor’s approach to the task, so I<br />

won’t try to. Bert took an extremely considered and systematic tack – methodically going through<br />

big-picture concerns, the process mirroring her own (very able) process of structural editing. Bert<br />

was generous with her expertise, as well as being open and encouraging of our views. In the end, it<br />

felt like a true group effort, which I’d mark as a success. I really appreciated that Bert came to the<br />

project looking to find the best in the MS; it would have made for hard graft otherwise. I think she<br />

brought out the best in all of us … In summation, these sessions were valuable because of the<br />

thoughtful and talented editors in my group, all of whom brought to life a manuscript that I’d initially<br />

struggled to see much merit in. I got a great deal out of these sessions. “ Bridget Maidment<br />

“I found the intensive editing workshops to be incredibly beneficial, especially hearing how other<br />

experienced editor would approach the MS…Very well organised and handled.” Emma Rafferty<br />

“I really valued the opportunity to engage so deeply with the manuscript, to discuss it in-depth with<br />

my group, and to soak up our mentor Jacquie’s wisdom. When you are working in-house, you often<br />

don’t get the time to really dwell with a manuscript, so the intensive editing workshops were both<br />

challenging and refreshing … The multitude of issues raised, the different approaches suggested by<br />

members of my group – and the other groups during the final presentation – were very thought<br />

provoking, and a fabulous reminder of the subjectivity of editing and the need to both trust your own<br />

instincts and at the same time temper your zeal.” Susannah Chambers<br />

“These workshops were presented really well. Jackie was a great facilitator and mentor.” Caro<br />

Cooper<br />

“These were the highlight of the week for me. Our group approached the manuscript in such a<br />

respectful but incredibly detailed and objective way. I learned so much and was completely inspired<br />

by our close, considered and thoughtful reading of the manuscript – it was like a masterclass in<br />

structural editing. Roberta taught us how to read, analyse and respond to the manuscript – but more<br />

than that, she taught us how to have the courage of our conviction and take leaps of intuitive<br />

understanding – to trust our instincts when it came to the text. It was really rigorous, yet<br />

inspirational.” Catherine Milne<br />

One-on-One <strong>Sessions</strong> with mentors were optionally scheduled each day as well:<br />

<br />

“Participants have always seemed very keen to have these but I found myself running into time<br />

problems this year, sometimes cutting things off too abruptly and even then running late for the<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 12

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2.30pm session, and I wondered whether the timing of them on the schedule might be given as 1.50<br />

– 2.20pm, which would allow time to wind down properly (sometimes a bit of emotion is involved)<br />

and do a loo visit without being late or rushed for the first afternoon session. ‘Free time or’ could be<br />

cut from the session title on the timetable so there’s no confusion – plus in any case participants<br />

know their time is free until 2.30 unless they have their one-on-one. Then again, perhaps this is a<br />

simple case of me needing to sort out my personal time management difficulties!” Jo Jarrah,<br />

Mentor<br />

Problem Solving <strong>Sessions</strong>:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“The problem-solving sessions worked well. Though by nature they are probably always going to be<br />

bitsy and require juggling upfront to establish some semblance of cohesion, it was certainly liberating<br />

not to have to come up with twelve discrete issues, which was the premise we were labouring under<br />

at their inaugural appearance in 2010. Because they are so focused, these sessions remain a huge<br />

improvement on the old ‘General issues’ session, and they should definitely stay as an hour-long<br />

daily session (instead of being cut to half an hour, as is occasionally mooted) because of the intense<br />

discussion they generate. The only change I might be inclined to suggest is that mentorees be asked<br />

to nominate two or three issues of most concern to them rather than just ‘an issue’ so that there is a<br />

bit more variety and room to move.” Jo Jarrah, Mentor<br />

“The problem-solving sessions were useful in terms of delivering some practical strategies and also<br />

very cathartic!” Nikola Lusk<br />

“I really enjoyed the problem solving sessions’ presentation. Group discussion of issues editors face<br />

daily helped me feel that I’m not alone – particularly working as a freelancer – and showed me<br />

everyone comes across the same problems.” Kylie Mason<br />

“Absolutely loved these group therapy sessions! It was great to hear practical advice from the other<br />

participants and the mentors.” Chren Byng<br />

“I particularly enjoyed the problem-solving sessions. It is always interesting to hear other people’s<br />

solutions to dealing with very common problems.” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“I very much enjoyed all the workshops and sessions. The problem solving was great, especially<br />

discussing amongst the individual groups.” Rebecca Starford<br />

“The problem solving sessions were fabulous. It was a great opportunity to share horror stories and<br />

solidarity, as well as providing genuinely useful strategies.” Susannah Chambers<br />

“The group problem solving sessions were great too.” Emma Rafferty<br />

Other sessions were all very well-received and their presentation was praised as well [See 3.1.3.<br />

below]:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Guest speakers: Overall I found the afternoon/evening program to be excellent: rich, full, tight, well<br />

balanced and ‘just right’ in terms of both content and the demands made on participants in a very<br />

demanding week.” Jo Jarrah, Mentor<br />

“I thought all the sessions were terrific. The problem-solving sessions in the afternoons were<br />

terrific… Guest presenters were uniformly very good.’ Sarah Hazelton<br />

“All of the presenters were fantastic and so generous with their time and the amount that they were<br />

willing to share with us. It encouraged a very open and honest discussion of a number of issues.”<br />

Nikola Lusk<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 13

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Every guest speaker/s showed us a new perspective and broadened my own personal<br />

understanding of the industry. How it works, where it’s headed, how we can approach things in new<br />

and innovative ways.” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“I really enjoyed the workshops and sessions that offered us the chance to work as one large group<br />

and enabled all the smaller groups to mix together…All very well presented by confident, capable<br />

and reputable speakers who imparted invaluable wisdom to us all.” Caro Cooper<br />

“I thought the content of all the sessions and workshops was well-pitched, interesting, and relevant<br />

… I thought the presentation … was terrific – the speakers were engaging and knowledgeable.”<br />

Susannah Chambers<br />

“All presentations were presented really well.” Emma Rafferty<br />

“All other sessions were great. It was fantastic learning from other publishers/editors how they<br />

approached a structural edit, and the questions they asked themselves. Even the copyediting<br />

session, which I was dreading, was really quite useful.” Catherine Milne<br />

“I really loved these sessions and knew the editors got a lot out of them, too. Each one brought a<br />

different and fascinating insight into the editorial and publishing process.” Roberta Ivers, Mentor<br />

Comments re specific sessions were as follows:<br />

Walking the Thin Red Line: Keynote Address/Richard Flanagan:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Richard Flanagan’s opening session was simpIy the best beginning to the week we could have had,<br />

so much so that I would like to suggest that the keynote address always be given by an author, not<br />

just to make up for a dropped author session (if that should eventuate – see elsewhere), but<br />

because it places the most important part of the equation – the writer – and their relationship with<br />

editing, right upfront in the week.” Jo Jarrah, Mentor<br />

“Richard Flanagan had clearly devoted a great deal of thought to his talk, which was stimulating and<br />

engaging.” Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

“Just fantastic. We couldn’t have had a better speaker than Richard. He’s an authentic writers’ writer<br />

– and an authentic editor’s writer, too! He gets editors, which was just so inspiring. And he brought<br />

the Gunter Grass gem with him, which was an unexpected and brilliant bonus.” Roberta Ivers<br />

“Richard’s talk did a great job of setting the tone for the week, both thematically and in terms of the<br />

collegiate spirit that became apparent over the course of the REP.” Sarah Hazelton<br />

“Richard Flanagan’s keynote address hit the right balance of inspiring us about the value of editors<br />

and reminding us of the sorts of things that a good editor should strive for… Richard Flanagan is an<br />

extremely charismatic speaker, and this was no exception.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“A great start to the program! ... Made us all feel rather important.” Arwen Summers<br />

“…was a great start to the week. It was lovely to hear how much he appreciated editors he certainly<br />

knew his audience!” Kylie Mason<br />

“Richard Flanagan’s keynote address was the perfect way to start the week. His brilliant line about<br />

removing branches without turning the wilderness into topiary will stay with me…. [he] was a<br />

powerful and passionate speaker. Many of the things he said kept coming back to me as the week<br />

progressed.” Chren Byng<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 14

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“What a relief to have an author come in and say nice things about their working relationship with<br />

their editor. And even though Richard has had a few different editors, he seems to retain a<br />

willingness to be edited and can see the value in it. Good news for our futures and the quality of our<br />

books!” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“This was outstanding: Richard, being the total rock star that he is, completely nailed it. His erudite,<br />

thoughtful address made us all feel valued and valuable from the very start of proceedings – it made<br />

me feel proud to do what I do. The fact Richard had us all utterly transfixed despite the soporific<br />

effects of the wine and the roaring fire was testament to how great that talk was. I’ll remember it for<br />

a good long while, I should think.” Bridget Maidment<br />

“Richard Flanagan’s address was a great beginning to the week. His experiences of the<br />

author/editor relationship, and his thought provoking comments about editors not being afraid to<br />

speak out and take credit for themselves – especially in this new world where the traditional role of<br />

publishers is changing – were great ideas to carry through the week.” Susannah Chambers<br />

“This bolstered my esteem as an editor. it was very interesting to hear the other side of the story. A<br />

wonderful speaker.” Caro Cooper<br />

“I thought Richard Flanagan was absolutely fantastic: inspirational and informative. A great opening<br />

address.” Emma Rafferty<br />

“Richard Flanagan was a wonderful, warm and inspiring speaker – his talk to us was a real<br />

standout.” Catherine Milne<br />

Structural Editing Workshop/Louise Thurtell:<br />

<br />

“I particularly enjoyed the sessions run by Louise Thurtell and Ali Lavau, which reinforced the<br />

subjects we considered in the Intensive Editing Workshops.” Kylie Mason<br />

<br />

<br />

“Louise Thurtell’s editing session was interesting.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“Louise Thurtell’s session was great, consolidating as she did the core issues facing editors when<br />

they work with fiction in particular.” Roberta Ivers, Mentor<br />

Double Act / Laura Harris and Melina Marchetta:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“The two sessions between authors and their editors were extremely valuable, because it’s so rare<br />

to get such an insight into other editor–author relationships.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“And while it was interesting hearing the very particular relationships that develop between one<br />

editor and one author, beyond a certain point some became so specific and subjective that I<br />

wondered how much I would take away from their relationship that could be relevant to my own<br />

working relationships.” Arwen Summers<br />

“Melina Marchetta was interesting, but I thought it was a little too similar to Steven Carroll/Jo Butler<br />

(which was fascinating in the sense that you got to see the way they worked/communicated<br />

together, and the way an author might not understand the pressures of time – ie. 5 days on the<br />

phone). But these are minor quibbles, of course – as it was all so interesting and insightful!”<br />

Rebecca Starford<br />

How Does it Feel/ Ali Lavau:<br />

<br />

“The ‘How It Feels’ session with Ali Lavau was surprisingly difficult, which is exactly the point.”<br />

Nikola Lusk<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 15

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“This session was confronting for me, but it really did give me a sense of the vulnerability that comes<br />

from putting yourself out there, on paper… Ali Lavau was the perfect person for this session. Her<br />

perspective as both author and editor was invaluable.” Chren Byng<br />

“All fantastic. Ali’s session on the dual role of editor/author particularly interesting.” Rebecca<br />

Starford<br />

“Ali’s session was another highlight – it was tremendously powerful, and Ali is an out-and-out gem.”<br />

Bridget Maidment<br />

“Ali Lavau’s session was brutal – in a good way! – and a very pertinent reminder of what it feels like<br />

to be on the receiving end of an edit.” Susannah Chambers<br />

Black & Write: Indigenous Editing and Writing Project/Sue Abbey, Linda McBride-Yuke and Ellen<br />

van Neerven-Currie:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“The Indigenous editing session was inspiring.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“Good, especially the Indigenous publishing session, which is always a highlight at REP.”<br />

Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

“I would really like to see the Indigenous publishing session given more publicity, if that’s possible.<br />

What is happening in that area is so interesting and invigorating that it deserves to be more widely<br />

known. Surely Geordie Williamson, Susan Wyndham, Stephen Romei, Romona Koval’s successor<br />

and even Jennifer Byrne (!) should be told about this – not necessarily invited to attend the session,<br />

of course, but encouraged to interview the Indigenous editors and publishers and to write about the<br />

program.” Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

“And the Black and Write! Session was interesting and inspiring.” Susannah Chambers<br />

Double Act/ Jo Butler and Steven Carroll:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“I found the author/editor sessions to be the most valuable out of the other sessions.” Emma<br />

Rafferty<br />

“… it’s interesting to get a window into how other editors work …” Bridget Maidment<br />

“All of the speakers were excellent. Listening to writers and editors discuss their working<br />

relationships together in the Double Act sessions was eye-opening!” Susannah Chambers<br />

The Beatrice Davis Editorial Fellowship/Jane Morrow:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Jane Morrow and Joel Naoum provided some interesting insights into what lies ahead for editors in<br />

terms of ebooks and digital publishing.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“Great. I took the most out of Jane Morrow’s, as it was the most engaging and practical – and also<br />

gave an insightful perspective into the publishing industry outside of Australia.” Rebecca Starford<br />

“I loved the sessions that looked at industry-wide issues – in particular those that looked at digital<br />

advances, the where-are-we-headed ones with Joel and Jane.” Bridget Maidment<br />

“I also enjoyed the sessions by Jane Morrow and Joel Naoum that touched on the future of books<br />

and gave much food for thought.” Kylie Mason<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 16

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Participants’ Session (Optional):<br />

This session was a ‘closed’ session for participants only, and seemed to have gone very well.<br />

The Big Picture: Participants and Mentors<br />

<br />

“In 2010 we moved the presentation session from Saturday to Friday which continues to prove a<br />

successful change to the program. Participants value having that session completed prior to the<br />

evening dinner and prior to the guest editor’s session the following morning: they come to the latter<br />

unstressed and ready to learn from the editor’s insights. (The guest editor is also given now more<br />

time on the Saturday to address the editorial issues and this year that ninety minutes was wellspent.)”<br />

Robyn Sheahan-Bright<br />

The Future of Editors and Editing/Joel Naoum:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Joel’s presentation on Momentum, among other things, was fascinating, as was Jane Morrow’s on<br />

the state of play in the US.” Arwen Summers<br />

“Please, please, keep all the digital/emerging technologies sessions – these were just terrific.”<br />

Bridget Maidment<br />

“Joel Naoum’s and Jane Morrow’s talks were very complementary – giving us a glimpse into the<br />

future of editing, and places, like Momentum and various US publishers, where the future is now!”<br />

Susannah Chambers<br />

“I found Joel’s talk excellent.” Emma Rafferty<br />

“I appreciate the necessity of starting to train up editors in this sort of stuff, and that my own level of<br />

understanding of coding/HTML is very limited.” Rebecca Starford<br />

Write of Response/ Brandon VanOver:<br />

<br />

<br />

“The group presentations and final session with Brandon VanOver was extremely useful to help us<br />

wrap up our work for the week and zoom out to the overall picture after so much detailed work.”<br />

Nikola Lusk<br />

“It was fantastic to hear about the actual editorial process, after spending so long discussing the<br />

manuscript in a hypothetical way.” Chren Byng<br />

Individual Group De-Brief:<br />

<br />

“The move of presentations to Friday, in 2010, has also allowed time for each group to have a ‘debriefing’<br />

before the final session.” Robyn Sheahan-Bright<br />

Summing Up/Participants and Mentors<br />

<br />

“This session was a happy conclusion to the week during which presentations were made,<br />

comments shared, and vows for the future made as well!” Robyn Sheahan-Bright<br />

3.1.3. Success in Course Presentation<br />

Intensives:<br />

<br />

“It was fantastic to have access to this manuscript, and great to have so much time to really go deep<br />

and have long conversations about so many aspects of the work. I absolutely loved these sessions:<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 17

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sitting in the sunny lounge room at Varuna, with such lovely, talented people, talking about editing!”<br />

Chren Byng<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“The amount of time allocated for these workshops and the way they were structured created a safe<br />

working environment and gave us the time we needed to focus so intently on the manuscript and<br />

improving our skills.” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“Great. I liked the informality of it – and the openness of the environment. That was one of the best<br />

things about the REP – an open, nurturing environment where questions could be asked without fear<br />

of feeling ignorant or ill-informed.” Rebecca Starford<br />

“The format of the discussion and mentoring sessions worked very well.” Susannah Chambers<br />

“It was fascinating to see the slightly different ways in which the mentors and their groups<br />

approached the structural editing process – and their conclusions at the end of the process, during<br />

the presentation – so interesting.” Catherine Milne<br />

Keynote Address:<br />

<br />

“The atmosphere of the Keynote Address felt very relaxed and companionable and was the ideal<br />

way to be introduced to a week of hard, rewarding work.” Kylie Mason<br />

Other Speakers’ <strong>Sessions</strong>:<br />

<br />

“Obviously this is dependent on the presenter but the standard was high.” Arwen Summers<br />

3.1.4. Success in Course Scheduling<br />

The REP is an extremely full program, and yet its planning was universally commended, although some<br />

fatigue set in toward the end of the week:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“There’s no doubt the program is very intense, but that’s all part of its success – the editors are there<br />

to absorb as much as possible, and they do, demonstrably. I know there is a pretty high degree of<br />

fatigue at the end of the day, when the second workshop or session is held, usually by a guest<br />

editor/publisher/author etc, but again I can’t see how we can avoid that, bar intravenous caffeine!”<br />

Roberta Ivers<br />

“It was great to talk out our findings with the manuscript too, but I found by the final day that we all<br />

seemed a bit sick of the ms. Perhaps have this a day earlier” Rebecca Starford<br />

“I have only slight and gentle criticisms: by the last session we were really just trawling back over the<br />

same territory, and the copyediting session wasn’t overly enlightening, but it was a comfort to know<br />

we were all on the same page, as it were.” Bridget Maidment<br />

[See 3.2.2. below]<br />

3.1.5. Success in Course Organisation<br />

Participants and mentors were very positive about the management of the course.<br />

3.1.6. Success in Course Venue and Facilities<br />

Both the accommodation at the Palais Royale and the use of Varuna as the program venue, were judged<br />

to be excellent:<br />

<br />

“Catering was excellent. It’s great to have the program in the mountains because the physical<br />

distance from work/home is conducive to concentration. Accommodation was good. Varuna itself is<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 18

REPORT<br />

a great place for the REP because of the atmosphere, and also because groups can comfortably<br />

split and re-form.” Sarah Hazelton<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Varuna is the perfect location for the REP: everyone has to travel to get there, so it has this sense<br />

that we’ve all properly escaped our lives for the week to focus on editing. Being able to walk down<br />

the road and see the Three Sisters was very special. Sheila’s catering was delightful and varied, and<br />

the accommodation was certainly adequate (though I’m jealous of the writers who get to stay at<br />

Varuna).” Nikola Lusk<br />

“It was lovely to be able to walk from the hotel to Varuna each morning. And Varuna itself felt like<br />

such a safe, creative and supportive environment. I’m still missing Sheila’s cakes!” Chren Byng<br />

“Varuna was lovely. The hotel was fine – the rooms were a bit noisy but not disastrously so. The<br />

catering at Varuna was fabulous and being able to enjoy a nice glass of red wine with dinner and<br />

then not having to wash up was such a nice change. Having regular meals was a nice change!”<br />

Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“I can’t fault the location, venue, catering or accommodation. Varuna is a lovely place to spend a<br />

week, it has the wonderful atmosphere, just right for the program.’ Kylie Mason<br />

“Couldn’t fault any of it – superb. Thanks.” Bridget Maidment<br />

“Obviously, based in Melbourne, the location isn’t ideal – but it did make it feel all the more retreatlike,<br />

which I certainly benefitted from (I felt much more relaxed than I normally do in a working<br />

environment, a feeling I think shared by many). Food was wonderful, hotel great. It was really nice to<br />

have morning tea and lunch together, as well as a glass of wine in the evening, a great way to<br />

debrief.” Rebecca Starford<br />

“Varuna! So lovely. And the food was fabulous. Although I should not, perhaps, have eaten so much<br />

cake. The hotel was absolutely fine – and the walk to Varuna in the mornings was just the right<br />

length!” Susannah Chambers<br />

“Catering was amazing, as was the location. The accommodation was completely fine.” Caro<br />

Cooper<br />

“We were so well fed! We all felt so nurtured – the food was hot, plentiful and appeared seemingly<br />

as if by magic, just at the right time. Absolutely delicious.” Catherine Milne<br />

“All absolutely excellent.” Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

“Varuna – couldn’t be better than working in the Dark house! Catering – all so good; too good, even.<br />

Still working off the extra kilos! Accommodation – great hotel, definitely can’t complain there!”<br />

Roberta Ivers, Mentor<br />

3.1.7. Success in Course Access and Participation<br />

The program manager is employed by the APA and access to their networks and publicity is invaluable<br />

to the program. [See 5.2. Executive <strong>Summary</strong> & Recommendations 6.]<br />

Participants from both smaller and larger houses attended, but it was disappointing not to have greater<br />

geographical representation, amongst successful applicants. The availability of scholarships enabled two<br />

freelancers access to the program. However, since 2006 there have been no successful Indigenous<br />

applicants, due to the lack of training to prepare Indigenous editors for this mid-career program. However<br />

the Black & Write program is developing these opportunities, and the APA is also working on developing<br />

editing skills with regards to working on Indigenous manuscripts, further. [See 5.2. Executive <strong>Summary</strong><br />

& Recommendations 3]<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 19

REPORT<br />

When asked how they found out about the course, participants responded variously, but clearly the<br />

feedback from REP alumni has been a significant factor in encouraging applications; past participants<br />

are doing a fabulous job in recommending the program to their peers:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Originally (six years ago), by speaking to alumni. Later, I saw the call for applications via Twitter.”<br />

Sarah Hazelton<br />

“My former colleagues at UQP, Rebecca Roberts and Christina Pagliaro, are REP alumni, and my<br />

former publisher, Madonna Duffy, is on the REP board. All three of them told me much about the<br />

program and encouraged me to apply.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“Other editors at Penguin had done it 5-6 years ago, and had talked about it positively.” Arwen<br />

Summers<br />

“I’d heard past participants talk about REP throughout my career and noticed the call for applicants<br />

in the Weekly Book Newsletter.” Kylie Mason<br />

“I heard about the REP from past participants, all of whom said it was the best thing they had done<br />

in their professional lives.” Chren Byng<br />

“Through REP graduate Elizabeth Cowell.” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“I had already heard of it through industry website (APA, Bookseller & Publisher), but it was Robyn<br />

who recommended I apply directly. I probably wouldn’t have done so if I hadn’t been in touch with<br />

her – as I thought I probably didn’t have enough experience under my belt at that point of my<br />

career.” Rebecca Starford<br />

“I’d heard about Varuna through REP alumni and the Blue News.” Bridget Maidment<br />

“Several of my colleagues have completed the REP and all speak very highly of it. The REP is wellknown<br />

in the industry as an important and prestigious opportunity.” Susannah Chambers<br />

“I found out about the program through the Managing Editor at my work who completed REP in<br />

2010. Plus through the WBN.” Emma Rafferty<br />

“Being the one of the first editors through the REP in 1999 I’ve always been interested in the<br />

program.” Roberta Ivers, Mentor<br />

“Have been associated with it on and off since its inception.” Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

3. 2. Suggestions for Improvement<br />

Once again there were few complaints about the program:<br />

<br />

<br />

“I don’t have any. (I don’t think anything could have been done better.” Sarah Hazelton<br />

“None. No, really. Everything ran so smoothly and it was so well balanced between the group work<br />

and the professional presentations from people like Jane Morrow, Jo Butler and Melina Marchetta.”<br />

Vanessa Pellatt<br />

However, there were some very useful suggestions made regarding alternative or additional topics, and<br />

with regards to improvements in scheduling. Each time the REP has been planned, these suggestions<br />

have been taken into account, and the result is an evolving course which is tailored to the needs of<br />

participants, and to changing conditions in the industry. It’s important to continue to respond to these<br />

suggestions so that the program remains dynamic, and feedback has certainly indicated that it continues<br />

to offer relevant training:<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 20

REPORT<br />

<br />

<br />

“Perhaps for the first of the problem solving sessions, the groups could be mixed up I loved my<br />

small group, and I loved the amount of time we got to spend together, but I wondered whether it<br />

would be nice to spend an hour in a different group, with a different mentor Just to build other<br />

connections and hear some new perspectives.” Chren Byng<br />

“Ali’s session was terrific, entertaining and insightful, but I think it might have been even more useful<br />

to have an author of fiction there as well (without their editor perhaps), to talk about the pros and<br />

cons of being structurally edited. What works, what doesn’t, etc.” Catherine Milne<br />

3.2.1. Suggestions for Future Content<br /> Intensive <strong>Sessions</strong><br />

The choice of manuscript is crucial to the success of the program, and a number of comments reflected<br />

how well selected this was, and how grateful we were to the publisher and author for this manuscript. As<br />

in 2010, we kept the identity of the author and the title of the manuscript secret, and Jo Jarrah has<br />

commented on this in her comments above. No comments were made about the instructions which<br />

accompanied the manuscript, which appears to indicate that participants found them quite clear.<br /> Suggestions for Future Course <strong>Sessions</strong> and Workshops<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“POSSIBLE NEW SESSION: ‘Intervention/Sticky Issues’ to replace either one author/editor session<br />

or the structural editing session. I’d like to propose the committee consider replacing one of the<br />

existing sessions with one called something like ‘Intervention: what, why and how’ (role of the editor,<br />

knowing where you and the author are coming from, battles of expertise, taste, purpose and style,<br />

pursuing confidence with humility, convincing/negotiating with an author, drawing lines in the sand,<br />

whose book is it anyway etc). Hopefully it might also encompass some ‘Sticky Issues’ (which in fact<br />

could well be a session on its own), meaning all those elephants in the room that are so important<br />

but we are usually too nervous to talk about: racism, sexism, bigotry, Indigenous issues and so on,<br />

possibly including some legal considerations such as plagiarism. Why ‘Intervention’ As a number of<br />

us discussed during the week, this group was overall significantly less experienced than previous<br />

groups, and this is likely to be the case for at least the next REP. For fairly new editors especially,<br />

the most critical, ‘real’ issue seems to me to be related to handling the boundaries between author<br />

and editor, aka intervention – when do you step in and when do you step back, how and why<br />

Fitting in a new session would be very difficult, of course, given that it would mean dropping one<br />

of the existing sessions, which are all excellent. Forced to choose, I guess the most logical might be<br />

the structural session, because mentors could be asked to cover this formally in the workshop<br />

sessions, much as we now do with copy-editing, which used to have a separate joint session.<br />

Another option might be to drop one of the double-act sessions; while they can be wonderfully<br />

inspiring, we do have two of them, and some of the comparatively inexperienced editors may find<br />

these less useful than the sharing enabled by other sessions.” Jo Jarrah, Mentor<br />

“The double acts: I think it would be great if it was always an author/editor rather than<br />

author/publisher. I also think it would be invaluable to have a publisher/editor or even structural<br />

editor/copy editor duo, but I suspect this might be too hard to arrange.” Jo Jarrah, Mentor<br />

“I think compiling a collection of writings by well known and brilliant literary editors about the craft<br />

would be a really wonderful thing to give editors when they leave, for future reference and<br />

inspiration. Two of my editors asked me if I had some recommendations I could offer them – and I<br />

did – but I think most of the editors would really appreciate a collection of some really great bits of<br />

writing about editing and ways of thinking about it (even creative writing strategies are really helpful<br />

for editors), as well as a nice long recommended reading list. I’d be very happy to help compile a list<br />

of readings on that front (I know Nicola O’Shea would have some excellent recommendations, too).<br />

It could also be an interesting idea to set up a website for the program (via the APA maybe) that<br />

graduands of the program could access and add any readings or thoughts on the process that would<br />

be helpful for others This all costs money though and it may well be that any resourcing is needed<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 21

REPORT<br />

just for the REP itself.” Roberta Ivers, Mentor [See 5. Executive <strong>Summary</strong> & Recommendations<br />

9.]<br />

When asked what topics future REP sessions might cover, suggestions made included:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“A discussion between a fiction and a non-fiction editor, or perhaps one between a writer of fiction<br />

and one of literary non-fiction, possibly chaired by an editor. Also a session with a literary critic (who<br />

could perhaps explain what these people mean when they say a manuscript is ‘badly edited’ …!)”<br />

Jacqueline Kent, Mentor<br />

“I think the digital stuff is going to need ongoing representation on the course –hearing Joel talk<br />

about it all was great (and a bit confronting, but in a good way) and I think there will be ongoing<br />

changes and improvements on that front so it may well be that digital work practices become a part<br />

of the program indefinitely until it’s hit saturation point.” Roberta Ivers, Mentor<br />

“It was great to have some ‘future of the book’ sessions to complement the other parts of the<br />

program; it would be great to take that further and perhaps discuss how ebooks and different ways<br />

of reading are affecting/will affect highly literary works; there’s hardly any data on this in Australia so<br />

far but I think more will be known about it by the next REP.” Sarah Hazelton<br />

“Obviously digital workflow skills will become more important in the next few years (and may be so<br />

by the next REP), and these would be useful to cover in a more detailed way. Otherwise, I think<br />

everything else was well covered.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“Would love to see a session with a commercial fiction editor and a literary fiction editor, talking<br />

about the differences between acquiring and working on these categories. Maybe Beverley Cousins<br />

and Nikki Christer from RH Or Belinda Byrne and Meredith Rose from Penguin (Although MR<br />

doesn’t acquire)” Arwen Summers<br />

“It could be interesting to hear an editor compare two or three different authorial relationships – to<br />

contrast the different styles one has to adopt depending on the author.” Arwen Summers<br />

“Could also be interesting to have a session with a very digital/web-savvy author and/or editor,<br />

where both are proactive online and with social media, possibly even doing digital short stories to<br />

promote their print books, to talk about how that may/may not affect the writing and editing, and<br />

whether or not this sort of self-promotion is important/relevant/detrimental to both an author’s career,<br />

as well as how it fits into the author/editor relationship. And of course the more the merrier when it<br />

comes to digital stuff…” Arwen Summers<br />

“It would be great if future REPs had a session on editing Indigenous writing and shorter form<br />

writing, given the move towards publishing shorter works as ebooks.” Kylie Mason .<br />

“Perhaps a session on children’s books I would have loved a session with an experienced picture<br />

book editor.” Chren Byng<br />

“Maybe with the growing (and disturbing) trend towards publishing houses outsourcing so much of<br />

their editing work, the REP could look at ways to keep both in-house and out-of-house editors up-todate<br />

with industry news, training and developments. And how to maintain the flow of communication<br />

between people so freelancers don’t feel isolated.” Vanessa Pellatt<br />

“More practical seminars on digital editing – onscreen, especially, as well.” Rebecca Starford<br />

“Professional development – in terms of negotiating promotions, strategies for rising within the<br />

organisation, transitions to management positions (if that is of interest to the individual). I also think it<br />

would be good to get a publisher (who doesn’t have an editorial background) in there to give a<br />

seminar on the business runnings of the company, so we can all get a better sense of what’s going<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 22

REPORT<br />

on in other depart ments, so it doesn’t feel like editorial is always done on the thrift (which was the<br />

general attitude).” Rebecca Starford<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“A personal bias, of course, but I felt as though the program was heavily weighted towards fiction<br />

editing. The inclusion of session specifically looking at nonfiction issues could be a worthwhile<br />

edition” Bridget Maidment<br />

“I think future REPS must continue to discuss the changing role of the editor. As publishing houses<br />

lay-off staff, change their publishing and distribution models, and reorganise their business, what<br />

role will the editor have How do we make our value known both in-house and outside the industry<br />

Are our skills relevant outside the traditional publishing model How do we make sure they are”<br />

Susannah Chambers<br />

“I would retain the current format, and probably also include a session on moving into<br />

commissioning, as that’s where many/some senior editors want to head, and some tips on that<br />

transition would probably be helpful.” Emma Rafferty<br />

“I would like to see more on the future of editing in the changing environment. I also think that a<br />

refresher grammar session would be useful.” Caro Cooper<br />

Note: Several of these suggestions have already been implemented in the APA’s other professional<br />

training programs, and others may also be developed as stand-alone courses in future, since the REP<br />

can encompass only a finite number of topics within the parameters of the program. [See 4. Course<br />

Outcomes and 5. Executive <strong>Summary</strong> & Recommendations]<br />

3.2.2. Suggestions for Improvement of Course Scheduling<br />

Some suggested that a future program should adjust the length of some workshop sessions:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“Structural workshop (or its replacement, if any) on Tuesday should ideally move to the afternoon, as<br />

it used to be, so that we have a full morning’s mentoring workshop. If I remember, this session was<br />

only moved to the morning in 2008 because Michael Heyward, who gave the session that year (as<br />

well as the keynote) could not do the afternoon, and we’ve never changed it back.” Jo Jarrah,<br />

Mentor<br />

“My only suggestion would be to possibly shorten the length of the days slightly, because I found<br />

that my eyes were occasionally glazing over during the 5.30–7pm sessions. I would have been<br />

happy to take a slightly shorter lunchbreak (or perhaps to shave some time off some of the 90-<br />

minute sessions) and either start slightly later or finish a little earlier.” Nikola Lusk<br />

“While I appreciate the need to cram everything into the schedule, I think the final session (ie before<br />

dinner) was often really tough going – ie. we were all really tired! I reckon you could trim lunch down<br />

to 45 mins or so, to save on time – have morning tea/afternoon tea at 20mins, and you’d save some<br />

time there, and the evening would finish earlier.” Rebecca Starford<br />

“Perhaps the length of the sessions could be brought back to an hour (or an hour and a quarter).<br />

Regardless of how interesting the speaker, the room seemed to get fidgety right on the hour mark.<br />

The seats … or just our dreadful tiny modern attention spans – who knows I’d also suggest that<br />

maybe one author–editor session is enough to cover it.” Bridget Maidment<br />

“Sometimes I felt that an hour and a half was half an hour too long for some of the presentations,<br />

especially if the speakers were staying for afternoon tea or dinner, which was a great opportunity for<br />

us to accost them for more information.” Arwen Summers<br />

“Some of the sessions were very long after a full day of editing. It would be a shame to shorten them<br />

but it may be necessary.” Caro Cooper<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 23

REPORT<br />

3.2.3. Suggestion for Improvement in Venue and Facilities<br />

No real faults were recorded as all relished the environment, Varuna hospitality, and the catering.<br />

<br />

<br />

“Varuna is a great place to hold the REP, the hotel we stayed in was pleasant and well situated and<br />

the food at Varuna – well, don’t get me wrong, it was tasty, but I would’ve liked at least morning tea<br />

or afternoon tea to be comprised of fruit instead of cakes, bickies, more cakes, more bickies… Fresh<br />

is nice. But as you can see these are pretty small criticisms of the catering.” Arwen Summers<br />

“I think there was one meal where there wasn’t a vegetarian choice, so maybe this is something to<br />

be improved on next time.” Roberta Ivers, Mentor<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 24

REPORT<br />

4. COURSE OUTCOMES (1999-2012)<br />

“I was initially a bit nervous myself coming back as a mentor, but that all faded very quickly when I<br />

realised just how much I had learnt and how many formative experiences I’ve had since my own REP. I<br />

love helping other less experienced editors learn to trust what their own instincts are.” Roberta Ivers,<br />

Mentor, REP 2012; participant, REP 1999<br />

This report provides substantial proof that the course has had widespread outcomes.<br />

4.1. Course Follow-up<br />

Apart from the outcomes detailed in each report, organisers and participants in the REP have continued<br />

to build on the findings of the REP and to develop programs which meet identified needs or gaps in<br />

professional training and networking opportunities. These further programs and events have included:<br />

<br />

<br />

Indigenous Editing Training Seminars organised by Dee Read for the APA with Janet Hutchinson<br />

(REP 2004 Alumni member and former REP speaker) and with writers such as Larissa Behrendt,<br />

also a former REP speaker).<br />

a series of Digital Editing Training Seminars organised by Dee Read for the APA and employing<br />

REP 2010 Alumni member Kevin O’Brien.<br />

Structural Editing Training Seminars organised by Dee Read for the APA and employing REP 2002<br />

Alumni member Nicola ‘O Shea and publisher Louise Thurtell.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

the first REP Alumni Reunion Newtown, 8 May 2010 which was organised by Nicola O’ Shea and<br />

Robyn Sheahan-Bright and attended by over thirty former participants as well as mentors and<br />

committee members.<br />

panels at writers festivals eg an APA panel at the 2008 Sydney Writers Festival covered both the<br />

REP and the Beatrice Davis Fellowship and was attended by a large and enthusiastic crowd.<br />

the REP also provided inspiration for the organisation of the Cultural Awareness Training for Editors<br />

(CATE) by Aboriginal Studies Press (AIATSIS) in August 2009, which also employed Robyn<br />

Sheahan-Bright as Program Manager.<br />

sessions at the Institute of Professional Editors’ National Conferences eg Robyn Sheahan-Bright<br />

conducted a session at the National Editors Conference in Brisbane in 2004.<br />

addresses at state Society of Editors meetings by participants, mentors and organisers.<br />

participants conducting sessions in-house to pass on the key outcomes of their participation in the<br />

REP, and discussions in-house of the REP amongst their peers.<br />

on-going communication with their group members and mentors. One of the great benefits of the<br />

REP is the wider networks it makes possible eg Amanda Curtin (REP Alumni 2006) delivered a<br />

paper on fiction editing ‘But It’s Fiction!’ at the Institute of Professional Editors’ National Conference,<br />

From Inspiration to Publication, Hobart, May 2007 in which she quotes several of her fellow REP<br />

Alumni of 2006, as evidence of ongoing communication between the members of that group.<br />

several publishers are now conducting their own editorial ‘retreats’, presumably influenced by the<br />

success of the REP.<br />

articles in leading journals such as the <strong>Australian</strong> Book Review and the Bookseller & Publisher have<br />

further cemented the REP’s reputation. In 2008, Magpies, an influential children’s literature<br />

magazine, also featured an article on the program.<br />

4.2. List of REP Alumni<br />

Since 1999, eighty-four <strong>Australian</strong> editors have participated in the REP, most of whom continue to<br />

work in and contribute to the publishing industry. A list of REP Alumni (1999-2012) has been compiled<br />

and a survey of their current occupations has also been completed. [See Attachment D.]<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 25

REPORT<br />


5.1. Executive <strong>Summary</strong>:<br />

The success of the seventh Residential Editorial Program (REP) in 2012 has again highlighted the<br />

need for such intensive editorial training.<br />

5.2. Course Recommendations re Aims:<br />

This list draws on points made earlier in this report:<br />

Aim 1<br />

<br />

identify and develop the professional skills and knowledge required by good literary editors<br />

and thereby enhance the standard of writing published in Australia<br />

Recommendation 1: That the Residential Editorial Program (REP) continue to be supported financially<br />

as a biennial event, since it has consistently demonstrated its enormous benefit to participants, mentors,<br />

editors, speakers, and industry professionals and is obviously growing in reputation.<br />

Recommendation 2: That programming for future REPs take into account the suggestions made in this<br />

report for new/alternative sessions and that digital developments continue to be included in future<br />

programs.<br />

Aim 2<br />

<br />

encourage editors to develop good working relationships with authors and foster the<br />

author’s writing talents<br />

Recommendation 3. That the absence of Indigenous participants in the REP 2012 continues to highlight<br />

a need for the Indigenous editorial training which was addressed by speakers in the Black & Write<br />

session. Whilst the APA is piloting some further training in this area, it is also recommended that the<br />

Australia Council, the APA and the publishing industry develop further program (s) to encourage<br />

Indigenous editors to enter the editorial profession.<br />

Aim 3<br />

<br />

enable interaction between editors of a similar level and thereby encourage them to raise the<br />

awareness and profile of editors in the literary and publishing community.<br />

Recommendation 4: That the REP is followed up by future interactions between members of the<br />

Alumni, such as reunions, and that the creation of an online website enabling communications and<br />

sharing of information between members of the Alumni be investigated.<br />

Recommendation 5: That members of the REP Alumni share their findings and train others both inhouse<br />

and in wider industry settings.<br />

Recommendation 6: That the REP and its findings be publicised amongst the wider publishing<br />

community with the assistance of the APA and other networks. eg that the APA posts a brief report on its<br />

website, that a session on editing be sponsored at the next IPED national conference, or at state Society<br />

of Editors’ meetings.<br />

Recommendation 7: That the funding of further mentoring schemes to assist editors working in-house<br />

be investigated.<br />

Recommendation 8: That the APA Professional Training and Development programs include courses<br />

recommended in the REP Reports.<br />

Recommendation 9: That the cost of producing a publication/compilation of editors’ views on their<br />

practice be investigated for presentation at the REP 2014.<br />

Aim 4<br />

<br />

teach editors to recognise and then how to balance the commitment to their authors with<br />

their publisher’s business expectations.<br />

Recommendation 10: That the APA conduct courses for editors on the business aspects of their work.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 26

REPORT<br />


INCOME<br />


Literature Board 60 000.00<br />

Publisher Support 18 000.00<br />

TOTAL INCOME 78 000.00<br />


<br />

Wages/Salaries/Fees/Allowances<br />

Mentors Fees @ $4675 x 3 14 025.00<br />

Speakers Fees @ 670 x 11 + 1x $550 7 920.00 21 945.00<br />

Allowances – Refer Travel / Accommodation<br />

Program Manager (Fees & Administration Costs incl home office,<br />

17 000.00<br />

teleconferences, printing programs, reports etc)<br />

Airfare to attend REP 638.10 17 638.10<br />

Promotion – Costs shared by PM and APA [See below]<br />

APA Administration Costs<br />

Administration Fee 7 000.00<br />

P MS Copying (reimbursed to PM) 264.95<br />

Postage (reimbursed to PM) 299.82<br />

S Stationery (reimbursed to PM) 109.35<br />

Certificate Design Nil 0.00<br />

Books 100.00<br />

Postage (Books) 254.62<br />

D Staff Travel - Mileage (DR) 235.98 8 264.72<br />

Committee Meeting Costs<br />

Airfares<br />

Catering 1 974.22<br />

Travel Costs(Speakers and Mentors)<br />

Air Travel 1 576.00<br />

Cabcharge / Road and Rail Travel 493.73 2 069.73<br />

Accommodation<br />

Accommodation (Palais Royale) [ie 18 people x 5 nights allowing for 2 guests<br />

per night @ $150 per head] Plus provision made for 9 extra nights but used<br />

11 @ $150 incl GST 14 700.00<br />

less GST -1 336.36 13 363.64<br />

Venue & Catering<br />

Venue Hire, Staffing & Housekeeping (Varuna) 5 000.00<br />

Catering 5 720.00<br />

Catering (Morning and Afternoon Tea) 325.60<br />

Catering (Extras) 260.00<br />

Program Dinner(Canton Palace) 790.00 12 095.60<br />

less GST -1 099.60 10 996.00<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 76 251.41<br />

Surplus: 1 748.59<br />

Note 1: Budget is exclusive of GST Note 2: Surplus will be used to implement strategy in 5. Recommendation 3.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 27

REPORT<br />


Dates Actions By:<br />

December 2010<br />

Dee Read (APA) contacted by AustCo to<br />

Nicola Evans (AustCo)<br />

administer REP for 2012.<br />

December 2010<br />

Robyn Sheahan-Bright appointed as Program Dee Read<br />

Manager<br />

March 2011 Meredith Rose contacted to chair REP 2011. Dee Read(APA)<br />

1 April 2011 Venue (Varuna) Booked Monday 7- Saturday 12 DR/RSB / Varuna<br />

May 2012.<br />

June/July 2011<br />

Publishing industry members contacted to join DR, MR & RSB<br />

Committee. Meredith Curnow, Madonna Duffy,<br />

Nicola O’ Shea and Tegan Morrison.<br />

July 2011<br />

Quotes from key people to be sourced for Media RSB<br />

Release.<br />

June/July 2011<br />

Committee Agenda documents and Timeline RSB<br />

drafted and emailed to Committee.<br />

Monday 1 August 2011 1 st Committee Meeting held. Chair: MR Agenda : RSB<br />

Venue: DR<br />

Tuesday 2 August 2011 Palais Royale contacted for confirmation of RSB<br />

booking and costs.<br />

August 2011<br />

Richard Flanagan approached re being Keynote MR<br />

Speaker.<br />

August–September 2011 Palais Royale Invoice for deposit received and RSB, DR<br />

processed.<br />

August–September 2011 A Certificate of Attendance revised. DR<br />

August–September 2011 Budget developed. RSB and DR<br />

August–September 2011<br />

By Mid-September<br />

Before 26 September<br />

By Monday 12 September<br />

August 2011 – January<br />

2012<br />

Monday 26 September<br />

2011<br />

Application Form, Guidelines, Letter to <strong>Publishers</strong><br />

and media release revised and finalised.<br />

Media List and Key Stakeholder addresses for<br />

mail-out on 26 September assembled.<br />

<strong>Publishers</strong> Letters merge- filed with addresses<br />

ready for posting.<br />

Contract Letter for Mentors and Speakers drafted<br />

by RSB and okayed by APA.<br />

Possible manuscripts investigated.<br />

Guidelines and application forms. sent with letters<br />

to publishers seeking financial support; also<br />

made available on APA website. Notice sent to<br />

key stakeholders: DW Thorpe WBN and B&P;<br />

Societies of Editors; Writers Centres; ABR, APA,<br />

ASA etc and to the media.<br />

Mentors contacted and confirmed.<br />

Keynote Speaker confirmed.<br />

All speakers confirmed and contracts sent.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 28<br />

RSB<br />

DR with assistance from RSB<br />

DR with assistance from RSB<br />

RSB and DR<br />

Committee members<br />

RSB & DR<br />

By September 2011<br />

RSB<br />

MR and RSB<br />

September–November<br />

Ctte and RSB<br />

2011<br />

Friday 7 October 2011 Article in B & P on Training for Mid-career editors RSB and DR<br />

developed.<br />

September–October 2011 Varuna to finalise invoice to APA. RSB, DR and Varuna<br />

October 2011 Mentors to present first invoice. DR, RSB<br />

25 October 2011 Second WBN notice focussing on Richard DR, RSB<br />

Flanagan as Keynote Speaker.<br />

Wed 26 October 2011 1 st teleconference with mentors to discuss MR, RSB<br />

program.<br />

Thursday 27 October 2011 MS sent to mentors and chair for consideration. RSB

14 November 2011 Reminder in WBN and other media release re DR & RSB<br />

alumni and deadline issued.<br />

Mid-December<br />

2011/January 2012<br />

Recess Break. NB Manuscript (s) suggested by<br />

committee sent to Mentors, Chair and Program<br />

Mgr for consideration.<br />

MR, DR, RSB<br />

7 December 2011 Second teleconference to discuss manuscript. RSB, MR and mentors<br />

December 2011 Second manuscript sourced. RSB, MR and mentors<br />

13 December 2011 4 th focussed WBN Notice posted. RSB & DR<br />

3 January 2012 Second manuscript sent to mentors. RSB<br />

Monday 9 January 2012 Deadline for participants’ applications [sent to RSB & DR<br />

RSB c/- APA].<br />

10–13 January 2012 Applications sent to committee members. DR<br />

January 2012 Reminder to speakers re travel plans. RSB<br />

January–February 2012 Copy for program to be worked on. RSB<br />

17 January 2012 Agenda of 3rd Teleconference with mentors and RSB<br />

chair to be distributed.<br />

18 January 2012 3rd Teleconference and ms confirmed by<br />

Mentors, MR, RSB<br />

mentors. Letter to be sent with ms to participants<br />

to be discussed and confirmed.<br />

January 2012<br />

Email of thanks to publisher and writer of<br />

RSB<br />

manuscript.<br />

Email and following letter of invitation to guest<br />

editor.<br />

January 2012<br />

Email to all speakers reminding them of travel RSB<br />

plans and providing bios etc.<br />

Tuesday 31 January 2012 2 nd Committee meeting to select participants and<br />

to discuss other matters such as program.<br />

All Program speakers decided and contracted by<br />

this date.<br />

Ctte & RSB<br />

Ctte & RSB<br />

Wednesday 1 February Participants notified of success; lack of success RSB, DR & MR<br />

2012<br />

via letter.<br />

Monday 6 February 2012 List of successful applicants and copies of their RSB<br />

applications sent to the three mentors.<br />

Monday 6 February 2012 Media Release for WBN to be prepared re DR and RSB<br />

successful applicants.<br />

Monday 6 February 2012 Email to participants re travel etc. RSB<br />

Wednesday 8 February Manuscript sent to participants with instructions. RSB<br />

2012<br />

February–March 2012 Emails to mentors, and speakers re map etc. RSB<br />

March 2012<br />

Email to Palais Royale (and Varuna) with details RSB<br />

of bookings calculated.<br />

March 2012 Program Copy finalised. RSB<br />

April/May 2012 Final PR before event. RSB & DR<br />

REPORT<br />

April/May 2012<br />

Monday 7–Saturday 12<br />

May 2012<br />

Final email to participants, mentors and speakers<br />

with details.<br />

REP 2012<br />

RSB & DR<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 29

REPORT<br />


Mentor Role:<br />

To act as mentor editor to 3–4 editors attending the Residential Editorial Program from 7–12<br />

May 2012.<br />

<br />

<br />

To advise, instruct and guide participants in the advancement of their skills as editors of<br />

literary materials (fiction and non-fiction).<br />

To liaise with two fellow mentors, with the Program Manager and the organizing Committee<br />

in planning and conducting the Program.<br />

Mentor Responsibilities:<br />

In consultation with Program Manager:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

To select manuscript to be workshopped during Residential Editorial Program<br />

To prepare editorial notes on selected manuscript(s) prior to Program<br />

To participate with the Program Manager in at least one and no more than three<br />

teleconferences prior to the Program<br />

To provide briefing notes for participants informing them of expectations in course<br />

preparation<br />

To attend Residential Editorial Program between 7–12 May 2012<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

To conduct intensive editing workshops during the course of the Program<br />

To appraise the work of participant editors and provide relevant feedback during the<br />

conduct of the Program<br />

To liaise with other workshop leaders and guest speakers during the course of the Program<br />

To provide a brief report on outcomes, the format for which reportage will be provided by<br />

the Program Manager<br />



The Program Manager’s contract was to manage the Residential Editorial Program under the<br />

Committee’s direction, from 30 June 2011 to 30 June 2012. The REP 2012, like the previous six<br />

programs, addressed the professional training needs of senior literary editors either in-house or<br />

freelance. The brief was to:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Attend all Committee meetings<br />

Coordinate the program as directed by the Organising Committee<br />

Invite and brief speakers<br />

Coordinate appropriate promotion and publicity<br />

Draft and update project guidelines<br />

Liaise with APA and the Literature Board on venue and accommodation options<br />

Attend the course<br />

Report on final outcomes to the APA and the Literature Board<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 30

REPORT<br />


i) List of REP Alumni<br />

The following list details the employment of the alumni at the time of the program.<br />

1999 Janet Austin (Lonely Planet); Rachel Bin Salleh (Magabala Books); Josie Douglas (IAD<br />

Press); Sue Grose-Hodge (Freelance); Roberta Ivers (Random House Australia); Belinda Lee<br />

(HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong>); Rowena Lennox (Freelance); Virginia Lloyd (Pan Macmillan<br />

Australia); Amanda O’Connell (Freelance); Rachel Scully (Penguin Books Australia); Susan<br />

Shortridge (National Library of Australia); Karen Ward (Allen & Unwin); Alex Watts (Penguin<br />

Books Australia).<br />

2002 Kirsten Abbott (Penguin Books Australia); Trischa Baker (Freelance); Marg Bowman<br />

(Freelance); Heather Cam (Penguin Books Australia); Nadine Davidoff (Random House Australia);<br />

Deonie Fiford (Hodder Headline); Ruth Gilbert (Magabala Books); Gina Inverarity (Wakefield<br />

Press); Rachel Lawson (Allen & Unwin); Christa Munns (Allen & Unwin); Nicola O’Shea<br />

(HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong>); Colette Vella (Allen & Unwin).<br />

2004 Christine Alesich (Penguin Books Australia); Sarah Brenan (Allen & Unwin); Joanna Butler<br />

(Random House Australia); Siobhan Cantrill (Simon & Schuster); Siobhan Gooley (Hodder<br />

Headline); Margrete Lamond (Scholastic); Margaret McDonell (Freelance); Eva Mills (Random<br />

House Australia); Robert Nichols (<strong>Australian</strong> War Memorial); Sarina Rowell (Pan Macmillan); Zoe<br />

Walton (Random House Australia); Nicola Young (Penguin Books Australia). [Unfortunately, Sarah<br />

Brenan (Allen & Unwin) was not able to attend.]<br />

2006 Sarah Brenan (Allen & Unwin); Justine Molony (Pandanus Books); Jessica Dettmann<br />

(Random House Australia); Saskia Adams (Penguin Group Australia); Alexandra Nahlous (Allen &<br />

Unwin); Catherine McCredie (Penguin Group Australia); Nicci Dodanwela (Penguin Group<br />

Australia); Anna Crago (University of Queensland Press); Michelle Madden (Penguin Group<br />

Australia); Lydia Papandrea (HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong>); Annabel Blay (Freelance); Amanda Curtin<br />

(Freelance).<br />

2008 Anne Rogan (Penguin Group Australia); Julian Welch (Random House Australia);<br />

Rebecca Roberts (Hachette Livre Australia); Cate Sutherland (Fremantle Press); Rob<br />

Cullinan (Unwin); Nicola Redhouse (Scribe Publications); Christina Pagliaro (University of<br />

Queensland Press); Tegan Morrison (Penguin Group Australia); Anne Reilly (HarperCollins<br />

<strong>Publishers</strong>); Gina Mercer (Island Magazine – Freelance); Katrina Webb (Penguin Group<br />

Australia); Janet Hutchinson (Freelance); Elizabeth Cowell (Random House Australia);<br />

Angela Handley (Allen & Unwin).<br />

2010 Chris Kunz (Random House Australia); Suzanne O’Sullivan (Scholastic Australia); Amy<br />

Thomas (Penguin Group Australia); Emma Schwarcz (Freelance); Catherine McCullagh<br />

(Freelance); Clara Finlay (Allen & Unwin); Nicola Redhouse (Scribe Publications); Christina<br />

Pagliaro (University of Queensland Press); Kimberley Bennett (Random House Australia);<br />

Catherine Day (Pan Macmillan Australia); Kate Ballard (Hachette Australia); Kevin O’Brien<br />

(Random House Australia).<br />

2012 Chren Byng (HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong>); Susannah Chambers (Allen & Unwin); Caro Cooper<br />

(Text Publishing); Sarah Hazelton (Freelance); Nikola Lusk (Black Inc); Bridget Maidment<br />

(Penguin Group Australia); Kylie Mason (Freelance); Catherine Milne (Allen & Unwin); Vanessa<br />

Pellatt (Allen & Unwin); Emma Rafferty (Pan Macmillan Australia); Rebecca Starford (Affirm<br />

Press); and Arwen Summers (Penguin Group Australia).<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 31

REPORT<br />


ii) Achievements and Current Occupations of REP Alumni<br />

A brief survey of the further achievements and current occupations in the publishing industry of the REP<br />

Alumni has been undertaken:<br />

REP Participants (1999): Janet Austin operates Janet Austin’s Editorial Services and was formerly a<br />

writer and Commissioning Editor for Lonely Planet; Rachel Bin Salleh continues to work freelance for<br />

Magabala Books as an editor; Josie Douglas became the publisher at IAD Press, spoke at REP 2002,<br />

and 2004, and became Indigenous Research Fellow at Charles Darwin University in 2005; Sue Grose-<br />

Hodge is no longer editing; Roberta Ivers was Senior Editor at Random House Australia, now works<br />

both freelance and for Hachette Australia, and was a mentor in the REP 2012; Belinda Lee is a<br />

freelance editor; Rowena Lennox is a freelance editor and writer, and was Program Manager of the<br />

REP (2002), Beatrice Davis Fellow (2003), and speaker at REP(2004); Virginia Lloyd is a freelance<br />

editor, author and literary agent based in NY; Amanda O’Connell is an in-house editor at HarperCollins;<br />

Rachel Scully is Executive Editor at Penguin Group Australia; Susan Shortridge was at the National<br />

Library in 1999 and her current work is unknown; Karen Ward is a freelance editor in Tasmania; Alex<br />

Watts is Publisher at Penguin Group Australia.<br />

REP Participants (2002): Kirsten Abbott is Associate Publisher at Penguin Group Australia; Trischa<br />

Baker is a freelance editor and publisher at Inkshed Press, a publishing services business; Marg<br />

Bowman worked at IAD Press until 2006, was a speaker at REP 2006, managed the Papunya Tula<br />

Artists Gallery in Alice Springs, and is now Sales and Marketing at Tjanpi Desert Weavers, Alice Springs;<br />

Heather Cam is Managing Editor at UNSW Press; Nadine Davidoff is a freelance editor in Victoria;<br />

Deonie Fiford is Voyager Publisher at HarperCollins having worked freelance, and as a Senior Editor at<br />

Hachette Australia, and in 2010 acted as editor for ABC Books/ HarperCollins; she was a member of the<br />

REP organising committee in 2007-8, and is a tertiary teacher of editing; Ruth Gilbert is a freelance<br />

editor in Canberra; Gina Inverarity is a freelance editor, works for Omnibus books in Adelaide, and has<br />

taught in the editing course at Adelaide TAFE; Rachel Lawson is Programme Leader, Publishing at<br />

Whitireia New Zealand, in Wellington, and has run a fiction editing mentoring programme; Christa<br />

Munns is Senior Editor at Allen & Unwin; Nicola O’Shea is a freelance editor, established the editing<br />

course at Sydney University, was a member of the 2006 REP organising committee in 2005-6, 2008 and<br />

2010 and was a speaker at REP 2010; Colette Vella became a Beatrice Davis Fellow in 2007, spoke at<br />

REP 2008, was commissioning editor of fiction and narrative non-fiction for the Pier 9 imprint of Murdoch<br />

Books, and is now Executive Publisher at MUP.<br />

REP Participants (2004): Christine Alesich is a freelance editor in Canberra; Joanna Butler is<br />

Associate Publisher for Literary Fiction for Fourth Estate at HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong>, and was a speaker<br />

at the REP 2012; Siobhan Cantrill is Senior Editor at Allen & Unwin; Siobhan Gooley works freelance<br />

for Hodder and Stoughton (UK); Margrete Lamond is Publisher at Little Hare Books; Margaret<br />

McDonell was appointed editor at IAD Press after attending the REP as a freelance editor and now<br />

freelances from Brisbane; Eva Mills is Associate Publisher – Children’s Books at Allen & Unwin; Robert<br />

Nichols is Senior Editor at the <strong>Australian</strong> War Memorial; Sarina Rowell is a freelance writer, book editor<br />

and script editor having previously been Senior Editor at Pan Macmillan; Zoe Walton is Publisher –<br />

Children’s Books at Random House Australia; Nicola Young is Senior Editor at Penguin Group<br />

Australia, and was a member of the REP organising committee in 2007-8.<br />

REP Participants (2006): Sarah Brenan is Senior Editor at Allen & Unwin; Justine Molony is a<br />

freelance editor in Canberra, and was formerly at Pandanus Books in 2006; Jessica Dettmann is a<br />

freelance editor and writer, and was formerly Senior Editor at HarperCollins Australia; Saskia Adams<br />

spent ten years as an editor at Penguin Books and is now involved in animal rescue as co-founder of<br />

The Gift Fundraising and Community Group Solutions, and is an author; Alexandra Nahlous was<br />

Editorial Manager at Allen & Unwin and the Beatrice Davis Fellow (2008), was guest editor at REP 2010,<br />

and has since taken the position of Commissioning Editor at Pan Macmillan; Catherine McCredie is<br />

Senior Editor at Penguin Group Australia; Nicci Dodanwela is editor at Penguin Group Australia; Anna<br />

Crago is Philanthropy Manager at WaterAid in Australia, previously with Bush Heritage Australia in<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 32

REPORT<br />

Melbourne, and with UQP; Michelle Madden is Senior Editor at Penguin Group Australia; Lydia<br />

Papandrea is Senior Editor at HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong>; Annabel Blay offers freelance manuscript<br />

assessment and editorial services; Amanda Curtin is a freelance book editor and writer in WA.<br />

REP Participants (2008): Anne Rogan is Managing Editor at Penguin Group Australia; Julian Welch<br />

has left Random House Australia and is freelancing; Rebecca Roberts is Senior Editor with UQP; Cate<br />

Sutherland is Children’s Publisher at Fremantle Press; Rob Cullinan is now managing his own gourmet<br />

food business and freelancing; Tegan Morrison moved from Penguin to Hachette Australia and is now<br />

Children’s Publisher at Harper Collins Australia; Anne Reilly is Senior Editor at HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong>;<br />

Gina Mercer is a writer, editor and academic; Katrina Webb continues as editor at Penguin Group<br />

Australia; Janet Hutchinson continues to freelance, and was a speaker in REP 2010; Elizabeth Cowell<br />

is Senior Editor at Allen & Unwin; Angela Handley is Senior Editor at Allen & Unwin.<br />

REP PARTICIPANTS (2010) Chris Kunz is Associate Publisher of Children’s and YA Books at Random<br />

House Australia; Suzanne O’Sullivan has been appointed Commissioning Editor, Lothian Children’s<br />

Books list for Hachette Australia, and was formerly at Walker Books and Scholastic Press; Amy Thomas<br />

continues as Senior Editor at Penguin Group Australia; Emma Schwarcz is a freelance writer and editor<br />

and teaches at RMIT; Catherine McCullagh is a Canberra based freelance editor; Clara Finlay is Editor<br />

at Allen & Unwin; Nicola Redhouse is a freelance writer and editor having left Scribe Publications;<br />

Christina Pagliaro is Senior Editor at the Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art); Kimberley<br />

Bennett is Editor at Random House Australia; Catherine Day was Managing Editor at Pan Macmillan<br />

Australia until mid-2012 when she resigned to take up a position outside the book publishing industry;<br />

Kate Ballard is Senior Editor at Hachette Australia; and Kevin O’Brien is Senior Editor at Random<br />

House Australia and has conducted done a range of training for the APA).<br />

REP PARTICIPANTS (2012) Chren Byng is Editor at HarperCollins <strong>Publishers</strong> Australia; Susannah<br />

Chambers is Senior Editor at Allen & Unwin; Caro Cooper is Editor at Text Publishing; Sarah Hazelton<br />

is now Commissioning Editor at Koala Books; Nikola Lusk is Editor at Black Inc; Bridget Maidment is<br />

Editor at Penguin Group Australia; Kylie Mason is a freelance editor; Catherine Milne has left Allen &<br />

Unwin to become Associate Publisher Non-Fiction, HarperCollins Australia; Vanessa Pellatt is Editor at<br />

Allen & Unwin; Emma Rafferty was promoted from Senior Editor to Managing Editor at Pan Macmillan<br />

Australia in June 2012; Rebecca Starford is Associate Publisher at Affirm Press; and Arwen Summers<br />

is Editor at Penguin Group Australia.<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 33

REPORT<br />


PHOTOS<br />

Photo 1 (Cover) Back Row, left to right: Robyn Sheahan-Bright (REP Program Manager), Jacqueline<br />

Kent (Mentor), Sarah Hazelton, Bridget Maidment, Susannah Chambers, Kylie Mason, Chren Byng,<br />

Caro Cooper, Roberta Ivers (Mentor), Emma Rafferty<br />

Front Row, left to right: Nikola Lusk, Vanessa Pellatt, Rebecca Starford, Arwen Summers, Catherine<br />

Milne, Jo Jarrah (Mentor)<br />

Photo 2 Group 1: Caro Cooper, Jacqueline Kent (Mentor), Arwen Summers, Emma Rafferty and<br />

Susannah Chambers<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 34

REPORT<br />


Photo 3 Group 2: Vanessa Pellatt, Nikola Lusk, Rebecca Starford, Jo Jarrah (Mentor), and Sarah<br />

Hazelton<br />

Photo 4 Group 3: Kylie Mason, Roberta Ivers (Mentor), Bridget Maidment, Chren Byng and<br />

Catherine Milne<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 35

REPORT<br />


Photo 5: Meredith Rose (Chair, REP Organising Committee, 2012) and Robyn Sheahan-Bright<br />

Photo 6: Lis Bastian (CEO, Varuna), Nicola O’Shea (REP Committee member), Robyn Sheahan-<br />

Bright, and Richard Flanagan (Keynote Speaker)<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 36

REPORT<br />


Photo 7: Richard Flanagan and Jacqueline Kent<br />

Photo 8: Foreground: Nicola O’Shea, Arwen Summers, Robyn Sheahan-Bright and Sarah Hazelton<br />

Background: Richard Flanagan, Jacqueline Kent and Meredith Rose<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 37

REPORT<br />


Photo 9: Foreground: Robyn Sheahan-Bright, Roberta Ivers (mentor) and Sarah Hazelton Background:<br />

Nicola O’Shea, Emma Rafferty, Arwen Summers, Richard Flanagan, Jacqueline Kent and Meredith<br />

Rose<br />

Photo 10: Emma Rafferty, Jacqueline Kent and Meredith Rose<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 38

REPORT<br />


Photo 11: Foreground: Jo Jarrah, Catherine Milne, Bridget Maidment, Rebecca Starford Background:<br />

Kylie Mason, Vanessa Pellatt, Susannah Chambers, Nikola Lusk and Caro Cooper<br />

Photo 12: Louise Thurtell (Publisher Arena imprint, Allen & Unwin) who spoke on structural editing<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 39

REPORT<br />


Photo 13: Laura Harris (Publishing Director, Children’s Books, Penguin Group Australia) and Melina<br />

Marchetta (writer) with Rebecca Starford and Emma Rafferty<br />

Photo 14: Ali Lavau (editor and writer) who spoke on the feeling of being edited, with Emma Rafferty<br />

and Dee Read (Industry Professional Development Manager, APA)<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 40

REPORT<br />


Photo 15: Sue Abbey, Linda McBride-Yuke and Ellen van Neerven-Currie (Black & Write project)<br />

Photo 16: Sue Abbey and Linda McBride-Yuke<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 41

REPORT<br />


Photo 17: Jo Butler (Associate Publisher, Literary Fiction, Fourth Estate, HarperCollins) Jacqueline<br />

Kent and Steven Carroll (writer)<br />

Photo 18: Jane Morrow and Jacqueline Kent (Recipients of the Beatrice Davis Fellowship, 2011 and<br />

1994)<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 42

REPORT<br />


Photo 19: Joel Naoum (Unwin Trust Fellowship recipient, 2011, and Publisher, Momentum Books,<br />

Macmillan Australia’s digital imprint) who spoke on the future of editing<br />

Photo 20: Dee Read, Brandon VanOver (Senior Editor, Random House Australia) who was guest<br />

editor, and Roberta Ivers<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 43

REPORT<br />


Photo 21: Back Row, left to right: Jacqueline Kent (Mentor), Dee Read (APA), Sarah Hazelton, Bridget<br />

Maidment, Susannah Chambers, Kylie Mason, Chren Byng, Caro Cooper, Roberta Ivers (Mentor),<br />

Emma Rafferty Front Row, left to right: Nikola Lusk, Vanessa Pellatt, Rebecca Starford, Arwen<br />

Summers, Catherine Milne, Jo Jarrah (Mentor)<br />

Photo 22: Jo Jarrah (Mentor) leaving Eleanor Dark’s writing studio, in the grounds of Varuna, where Jo<br />

worked with her group during the REP 2012<br />

Residential Editorial Program 2012 44

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