July - Senior Connector

July - Senior Connector

July - Senior Connector


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PAGE 2<br />

Oasis Cafe<br />

540 SEYMOUR ST. 372-5110<br />

You don’t have to be a member to<br />

enjoy a nutritious meal with us!<br />

Hot Lunches<br />

Monday through Friday 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.<br />

Select from 2 entrees including dessert<br />

$5.50 Including Taxes<br />

Soup $1.50 Soup and a Bun $2.00<br />

Sandwiches $2.50<br />

Fresh Fruit Cup (In season) $2.00<br />

Salads (Garden, Pasta, or Cole Slaw) $2.00<br />

Coffee or Tea .75 Refills .25<br />

Pop $1.00 Juices $1.00 Milk $1.00<br />

Tues & Thurs Night Buffet Dinners<br />

5:30pm-6:30 pm $7.50 per person<br />

Look for our Sunday Buffet Dinners<br />

twice monthly<br />

Oasis Cafe is open 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.<br />

Monday through Friday.<br />

Breakfast is served each day.<br />

Drop in any time for a<br />

coffee and goodies.<br />

Publisher<br />



KAMLOOPS, B.C. V2C 2G9<br />

TELEPHONE: (250) 374-8883<br />

FAX: (250) 374-8802<br />

Please address all correspondence to:<br />


P.O. BOX 729<br />

KAMLOOPS, B.C. V2C 5M4<br />

www.seniorconnector.com<br />

E-mail: seniorconnector@hotmail.com<br />

Managing Editor<br />


<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a monthly newspaper dedicated to<br />

inform, serve and entertain seniors 50 and over. Deadline for<br />

advertising and editorial copy is the 20th of the month for publication<br />

on or about the 1st of the month<br />

It is published by locally owned PrintMark Publishing Inc.<br />

Letters to the Editor must be signed and have a phone number<br />

(your phone number will not be printed unless so requested).<br />

Other submissions are gratefully received but <strong>Senior</strong><br />

<strong>Connector</strong> reserves the right to edit all material and to refuse<br />

any material deemed unsuitable for this publication. Articles<br />

will run in the newspaper as time and space permit.<br />

No portion of this publication may be reproduced without<br />

written permission from the publisher.<br />

The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily<br />

those of the publisher, <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong>, PrintMark<br />

Publishing Inc., or the staff thereof.<br />

Subscriptions are $24 per year in Canada.<br />

Any error which appears in an advertisement will be adjusted<br />

as to only the amount of space in which the error occurred.<br />

The content of each advertisement is the responsibility of the<br />

advertiser. <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> recommends prudent consumer<br />

discretion.<br />

<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> is a member of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce<br />


PLUS<br />


West of the Mall • 374-3115<br />

Mon-Sat 7:30am-5:30pm<br />

Sun 9am-5pm<br />

www.seniorconnector.com<br />

Desert Garden and<br />

Auxiliary News<br />


Welcome to Summer, a<br />

beautiful season of the year.<br />

Let’s hope for several weeks<br />

of nice weather.<br />

I’m told that Linedance,<br />

Fitness Fun, all Card Games<br />

and Bingo will continue<br />

throughout the summer. I<br />

don’t know about Carpet<br />

Bowling So you will have<br />

to look at the calendar.<br />

The Auxiliary will continue<br />

to have “coffee meetings”<br />

for the summer and<br />

will get back to business in<br />

September.In the fall we will<br />

plan a Bazaar and Fashion<br />

Show.<br />

There are three or four<br />

Wedding Receptions being<br />

held at the Centre in the<br />

month of <strong>July</strong>. Congratulations<br />

to the Happy<br />

Couples.<br />

June 21st saw us hold our<br />

last Saturday morning breakfast<br />

until September. Since<br />

we haven’t been able to find<br />

a volunteer cook for<br />

Saturday mornings. It made<br />

a long day for Kelly, when<br />

she had another function on<br />

Saturday evening. We hope<br />

you will all understand and<br />

join us again in the fall.<br />

Thank you to the folks at<br />

Schoenings. I was so happy<br />

to see your time and temperature<br />

sign fixed. Really<br />

missed it! ( I’m one of<br />

those people who still like to<br />

see the temperature in<br />

Farenheit.)<br />

A Giant Crib Tournament<br />

will be held Sunday <strong>July</strong><br />

20th.<br />

I hope that you all had a<br />

Happy Canada Day.<br />

Hello to all shut ins and<br />

Happy Birthday to all thoses<br />

who have birthdays in <strong>July</strong>.<br />

See you all next month.<br />

<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> encourages<br />

Letters to the Editor<br />

Please forward them to us via mail at<br />

Box 729, Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5M4<br />

E-mail:<br />

seniorconnector@hotmail.com<br />

Or drop them off at our office<br />

#107, 540 Seymour St.<br />

Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2G9<br />


Auto Service<br />

29 95<br />


Up to 5 litres of Formula 1 oil, new<br />

Motomaster oil filter and chassis lubrication.<br />

• Rotate all 4 tires • Top up all fluid levels<br />

• Perform a visual maintenance, exhaust, cooling, brake<br />

and electrical system inspection and report<br />


8th St. at Richmond• 376-3755<br />

Mon-Sat 8am-5pm<br />

Sun Closed<br />


10th Ave. S.W. • 832-5030<br />

Mon-Sat 8am-5pm<br />

Sun 10am-5pm<br />

JULY, 2003<br />

Letter to the Editor:<br />

The <strong>Senior</strong>s’ Carnival<br />

held on Wednesday, June 11<br />

at McArthur Island was a<br />

huge success with close to<br />

500 people in attendance.<br />

Thanks to the continued<br />

sponsorship from Thompson<br />

Valley Savings Credit Union,<br />

this community event has<br />

grown immensely over the<br />

last 10 years.<br />

In the past, staff at Parks<br />

& Recreation used Riverside<br />

Park Bandshell, Heritage<br />

House and Parkside Lounge<br />

as site locations. This year<br />

we decided to do something<br />

different. We actually asked<br />

people who worked with<br />

seniors, and even seniors<br />

themselves for ideas on what<br />

they would like to happen on<br />

their day. Hence the change<br />

in venue and program format.<br />

An event like this<br />

requires assistance from<br />

many people. Pastor Neil<br />

Mansell and his volunteers<br />

from the Feast helped with<br />

the games, the Old Time<br />

Fiddlers along with Roxanne<br />

Hall and Bonnie McLean<br />

provided entertainment, the<br />

Brocklehurst Lions served<br />

baked beans and barbequed<br />

burgers (complete with<br />

hand-chopped onions), Neil<br />

McDonald from Interior<br />

Display made sure his tents<br />

gave us extra protection, the<br />

organizing committee of<br />

Melody Formanski, Muriel<br />

Dupuis, Dana Levere, Mike<br />

Bittante, Lynn Murphy and<br />

Danielle Duperreault who<br />

turned great ideas into fun<br />

things to do, and last but not<br />

least, the grunt workers, Lisa<br />

Geary, Alexei Gavriel and<br />

Ben Foulger who set up<br />

tables and chairs, made popcorn,<br />

served ice cream cones<br />

(that was graciously donated<br />

from Blackwell Dairy), carried<br />

food and drink for the<br />

seniors and stayed right to<br />

the end cleaning up under the<br />

watchful eyes of all the<br />

crows.<br />

What would an event be<br />

if no one showed up The<br />

coverage of articles and pictures<br />

published in the<br />

Kamloops Daily News, the<br />

<strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Connector</strong> and<br />

Kamloops This Week made<br />

sure the word was out. It was<br />

most rewarding to see the<br />

happy smiles on so many<br />

faces. To all who make this<br />

community a great place to<br />

live, work and play thank<br />

you a million times!<br />

K-J Klontz<br />

Recreation Program<br />

Coordinator<br />

City of Kamloops<br />

Parks & Recreation Services<br />

For the Record<br />

Last month’s feature on<br />

Al Trotter contained two factual<br />

errors. Al and Val<br />

Trotter were married in<br />

1950, not in 1948, as stated<br />

in the article. The “Horror<br />

March,” ending Trotter’s<br />

time in the prisoner-of- war<br />

camp, was not a Russian<br />

undertaking. The thousandmile<br />

march to a North Sea<br />

port was led by German soldiers.<br />

—Lisa Henderson.<br />

Are you looking<br />

for fun<br />

Join us for<br />

Fun Bridge!<br />

Each<br />

Tuesday<br />

at 1pm<br />

Desert Gardens<br />

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<strong>Senior</strong>s Community Centre<br />

Yvonne 374-7696<br />



Temporary and Permanent<br />

are available at:<br />

6E - 750 Cottonwood Ave.<br />

Kamloops, BC V2B 3X2<br />

376-7878 or 1-800-414-4241<br />

Monday - Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm<br />

SPARC<br />

applications<br />

and renewals<br />

also welcome

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