2009 Annual Report - RTCA

2009 Annual Report - RTCA

2009 Annual Report - RTCA


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Recognizing Excellence: <strong>RTCA</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Awards<br />

The William E. Jackson Award<br />

In addition to recognizing its outstanding volunteers, each year <strong>RTCA</strong> presents<br />

the William E. Jackson Award to an exceptional student in the field of aviation<br />

electronics and telecommunications. The award memorializes William E. Jackson, a<br />

pioneer in the development and implementation of many electronic aids to air navigation<br />

and the nation’s air traffic control system. He was instrumental in the formation<br />

of <strong>RTCA</strong> (then known as the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics) in 1935 and<br />

served as its second chairman in 1937. Mr. Jackson was particularly interested in assisting<br />

young engineers seeking a career in aviation electronics.<br />

Dr. Yan Wan<br />

Engineering students are invited to submit a paper documenting original work in the<br />

field of aviation electronics. The papers are reviewed by a selection committee representing a broad<br />

cross section of the aviation community. The author of the paper deemed best by the committee<br />

receives the William E. Jackson Award and is presented with a personalized plaque and $4,000 honorarium<br />

at the annual <strong>RTCA</strong> awards luncheon.<br />

Dr. Yan Wan was recognized as the winner of the William E. Jackson Award for 2008. Yan Wan received<br />

her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University in 2008. She<br />

served as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and joined the faculty of<br />

the University of North Texas in <strong>2009</strong>. Dr. Wan’s research interest lies in network design and control, in<br />

particular, developing tools for design and control problems in modern dynamical networks, and applying<br />

such tools to air traffic flow management among several other large-scale network applications.<br />

Her work is expected to contribute to obtaining improved practical strategies for networked flow<br />

management in the increasingly complex National Airspace System (NAS).<br />

Dr. Wan was honored for her research and outstanding contribution to aviation as reflected in her winning<br />

paper titled: A Scalable Methodology for Evaluating and Designing Coordinated Air Traffic Flow<br />

Management Strategies Under Uncertainty.<br />

<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> • <strong>RTCA</strong><br />


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