Classification of Anemias.pdf

Classification of Anemias.pdf Classification of Anemias.pdf
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l-' TABLE I.-CASES OF PERNICIOUS ANEMIA -:J C'l ~ . ~ o ... c Q .c .. '" ~ o :0.." . '., ~ 'tl -e .~ ~ ~~ 0" SE = 5" "c ".- Cause Variety .. ~ Erytbro- .9 - .. Days alter ",E .. illg 2~ cytes !; ~~~ . ~ t ~"'::' gp.. '0 ~aa alp.. o '" ~ ...: ",,- ::l '" '' D:l 0 -< ;::; "' .. IIver estrsct § - --- --- Q Ind igestion 12 years. Severe sprue one and a hair yevs. Eltremely III Bnd o I. . 64 20 .... Sprue Dyspl... 37 1,560,000 1.2 8.72 0 .1 .............. 4.1 7 despondent. ColToo plnnter ruined by tbo cyclone. Now appu8Dtly well to, 8 ................ 33 701,000 2.3 and energetic. AU symptolIl.9 have disappeared. g 15 ................ 55 2,3 20,000 1.2 :ll 2.. Sll months severe sprue . Now no symptoms. 56 45 .... Sprue Hypo.. . ss 2,9~, 000 I. 8 .75 O. ..·.. ..·····7· Z o.i ll­ t' 7 ................ os 3,376,000 1.01 21 ................ 67 3.664 ,000 0.92 o I>j S.. 67 .... .... Sprue . . . .. . . . . 38 2, 472, 000 0 .77 10.17 0.5 Normoblasts 'r ypical severe sprue. All th e symptoms 01sp rue ssve sore tongue. 00 4.. « l\

11..1 g i g I ' Spru o DYS PI " 1 4 ~ 1 1' 620' 000 1 1.4 1 0.6 , .. 7 10.3 7 21 77 3.200, 000 1.2 8.8 30 80 3. 248, 000 I.2 51 80 7,072,000 0.56 1 12..1 75 I 37 D .1. Dys pl. . . 35 1,690, 000 I 1. 03 2.7 .... ...... ... . 7 . 5 .2 7 12 40 . " ii:il8' 13.. 1 &3 31 I... . Spru e Hypo. 57 2,5 00, 000 1.14 0 .6 .............. 7 alt er Dy sp l., . 4.1 7 8 43 3, 120, 000 0 .70 22 43 1, 814, 000 I. 2 39 .. .. 65 2, OSO, 000 1. 6 45 50 1.872,000 1.3 5 54 50 ............ ...... 9.77 fl.I 50 I, 584, 000 I.6 85 40 2,084 , 000 0.97 92 70 2. 2M, 000 99 •.. • .• ..... .• .• • 71 3, soo, 000 1.01 100 47 lIO 67 3. 240. 000 I. 03 \4..1 &0 I 42 1 . ~ ~r.l ~ ~ .~ .~~~ ~ ' : : 1 21 60 r.ose.eoo 0 .74 " 7 '1 ~ 1. 302, 000 1.6clnlly an lmprovement In her menta l cond iti on 8S she ls today enthu..iastlc and hope lui and ~ willing to accep t evecy suggest ion mode lor her betterment. i~ ~ o ! Two Yt"ars 1lI with severe sprue, HI'S n marked pelll\4OrolU ras b On lorearms an~ neck. LIV~~~t1~~~ toL~~~~ '[~B~t':ntrr~:8t~~rn~to~e:~(~ :~~I~ ~~'fn'f:r ~~ t~~nna~ re pu tation !IS all educat or. In 1snu l\ry 01 1928 developed t ypical Z sprue. Went Irom had to worse until he had lost seventy-five pounds In weight (Irom ISOto 105 pou nds). Developed a pernlclo us type 01anemia an d was placed on a fru it diet . On th is regime he becam e almost well ~ of his diarrhea but was so much worsc rrom tbo pern icious an emia an d cachell.. which de veloped tI",t ho embar ked lor Porto Ri co. On the wsy down he 610 Ireely 01 evcr y t h l n~ and contlnued to eat lor tw o weeks alter a rea ching this island . He thus gained welght, reaching 147 poun ds. One day , att er a hcavy cereal In take be ha ll an acute relapse 11 11 ,1 lost twonty pounds In three da ys. I th on placed him on IDs y die t for spru e lind In sIlty-t wo days he had gained filt}··lour pounds. He now weighs, at ti me j 01 dl.chllrge 191 pounds. bu t up t o ooly a mon th ago steadily relused to gain IIIblood val ues, remain ing around 50 per eenj hemoglobin In spite of a rise In erythrocytes. For the first three weeks I used liver extrn ct hut resolved to stop It In absence 01bene fit un tllI shou ld nourish him sut llclent ­ Iy to bring about a replacement 01megaloblaats nnd a heel thy reaction to the horm one. 'Phls o~ hl en tl y is what occurred lor on bo~inlllni again tba !lver ertrac t a polyoythemla ensued and a slow rise III bem oglobtn . The 9 patient Is at pr68ent 10apparent robust heal th . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

11..1 g i g I ' Spru o DYS PI<br />

" 1 4 ~ 1 1' 620' 000 1 1.4 1<br />

0.6 , ..<br />

7 10.3 7<br />

21 77 3.200, 000 1.2 8.8<br />

30 80 3. 248, 000 I.2<br />

51 80 7,072,000 0.56<br />

1<br />

12..1 75 I 37 D .1. Dys pl. . . 35 1,690, 000 I 1. 03 2.7 .... ...... ... .<br />

7 . 5 .2 7<br />

12 40 . " ii:il8'<br />

13.. 1 &3 31 I... . Spru e Hypo. 57 2,5 00, 000 1.14 0 .6 ..............<br />

7 alt er Dy sp l., . 4.1 7<br />

8 43 3, 120, 000 0 .70<br />

22 43 1, 814, 000 I. 2<br />

39 .. .. 65 2, OSO, 000 1. 6<br />

45 50 1.872,000 1.3 5<br />

54 50 ............ ...... 9.77<br />

fl.I 50 I, 584, 000 I.6<br />

85 40 2,084 , 000 0.97<br />

92 70 2. 2M, 000<br />

99 •.. • .• ..... .• .• • 71 3, soo, 000 1.01<br />

100 47<br />

lIO 67 3. 240. 000 I. 03<br />

\4..1 &0 I 42 1 . ~ ~r.l ~ ~ .~ .~~~ ~ ' : : 1 21 60 r.ose.eoo 0 .74<br />

" 7 '1 ~ 1. 302, 000 1.6clnlly an lmprovement<br />

In her menta l cond iti on 8S she ls today enthu..iastlc and hope lui and ~<br />

willing to accep t evecy suggest ion mode lor her betterment.<br />

i~<br />

~ o<br />

!<br />

Two Yt"ars 1lI with severe sprue, HI'S n marked pelll\4OrolU ras b On lorearms<br />

an~ neck.<br />

LIV~~~t1~~~ toL~~~~ '[~B~t':ntrr~:8t~~rn~to~e:~(~ :~~I~ ~~'fn'f:r ~~ t~~nna~<br />

re pu tation !IS all educat or. In 1snu l\ry 01 1928 developed t ypical Z<br />

sprue. Went Irom had to worse until he had lost seventy-five pounds<br />

In weight (Irom ISOto 105 pou nds). Developed a pernlclo us type 01anemia<br />

an d was placed on a fru it diet . On th is regime he becam e almost well ~<br />

<strong>of</strong> his diarrhea but was so much worsc rrom tbo pern icious an emia an d<br />

cachell.. which de veloped tI",t ho embar ked lor Porto Ri co. On the wsy<br />

down he 610 Ireely 01 evcr y t h<br />

l n~ and contlnued to eat lor tw o weeks alter a<br />

rea ching this island . He thus gained welght, reaching 147 poun ds. One<br />

day , att er a hcavy cereal In take be ha ll an acute relapse 11 11 ,1 lost twonty<br />

pounds In three da ys. I th on placed him on IDs y die t for spru e lind In<br />

sIlty-t wo days he had gained filt}··lour pounds. He now weighs, at ti me<br />

j<br />

01 dl.chllrge 191 pounds. bu t up t o ooly a mon th ago steadily relused<br />

to gain IIIblood val ues, remain ing around 50 per eenj hemoglobin In spite <strong>of</strong><br />

a rise In erythrocytes. For the first three weeks I used liver extrn ct hut<br />

resolved to stop It In absence 01bene fit un tllI shou ld nourish him sut llclent ­<br />

Iy to bring about a replacement 01megaloblaats nnd a heel thy reaction to<br />

the horm one. 'Phls o~ hl en tl y is what occurred lor on bo~inlllni again tba<br />

!lver ertrac t a polyoythemla ensued and a slow rise III bem oglobtn . The<br />

9<br />

patient Is at pr68ent 10apparent robust heal th .<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />


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