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Introduction to extraction, refining and processing<br />

Introduction to extraction, refining and processing<br />

Introduction<br />

to extraction,<br />

refining and<br />

processing<br />

By William Srite<br />

Oil, gas or coal can all be refined for the<br />

creation of petrochemical products.<br />

The importance of carbon chemistry<br />

Around the 1950s, carbon chemistry was dev eloped<br />

and we started using hydrocarbons in oil in new<br />

ways. While advances in new uses for hydro carbons<br />

occurred before the 1950s, such as the invention of<br />

Bakelite, the 1950s heralded a new and powerful era for<br />

the petrochemical ind us try. This continues to this day.<br />

Oil and gas were broken down into constituent<br />

parts and reassembled to make what we need. It<br />

was discovered that oil has every element needed<br />

to make any other organic compound. To do this,<br />

heat is used, certain catalysts and certain properties<br />

of physics will separate the elements and<br />

recombine them in more useful ways. It is similar<br />

to oil floating on water – that is a physical separation<br />

technique that can be applied to any two<br />

compounds that don’t mix.<br />

Mixing is related to the stability of atoms, electrons<br />

and valence shells and is outside the scope<br />

of this. But when two compounds are stabile (have<br />

the right number of electrons in their outer shell,<br />

usually eight, but it can vary and can be as many<br />

as 32) they don’t mix, then you can use physical<br />

sep aration techniques, like the one des cribed above.<br />

This allows us to make products as diverse as<br />

Kevlar, nylon, plastic, artificial sweeten ers, rubber<br />

tyres, and carbon fibre.<br />

The Sauber Mercedes C 291: The use of carbon-fibre reinforced plastic allowed the driver’s cell, safety bar and roof to be made in one<br />

piece for the first time.<br />

Substances such as ethylene, propylene, butadiene,<br />

benzene, toluene and xylenes are processed<br />

in petrochemical plants into more specialised<br />

products – and it can take more than one<br />

step for these products to become fit for use by<br />

downstream industries and then to be made into<br />

familiar products. For example, it takes one operation,<br />

albeit a complex one, to turn ethylene into<br />

plastic polyethylene but t<strong>here</strong> are more than seven<br />

steps involved in turning benzene into Nylon, one<br />

of the most commonly used materials in clothing<br />

and sporting equipment manufacturing.<br />

The science behind carbon chemistry<br />

Let’s step back for a moment and talk about<br />

physics and chemistry and how it works together.<br />

“Organic” chemistry can be explained as an “artificial”<br />

branch of chemistry that harkens back to a<br />

time when chemists were still trying to find the<br />

“essence of life” in elements – those that were<br />

thought to have this “essence” were organic<br />

elements and everything else was inorganic.<br />

Today, we know t<strong>here</strong> is no such thing as an<br />

“essence of life”, at least not in chemical elements.<br />

But, we still use the term and today it simply<br />

means chemistry or chemicals that use carbon as<br />

a building block. We’ve all heard that carbon is the<br />

building block of life and we’ll talk about why that<br />

is in a moment, but it is good to start with some<br />

basic science.<br />

First, we need to explain what an element is. An<br />

element is a substance made from just one kind of<br />

atom. Which is to say: you cannot reduce an<br />

element beyond the atomic level – you can, but<br />

particle physics is outside the scope of this. So, the<br />

element hydrogen is an atom made from one proton<br />

and one electron. It can also have a varying<br />

number of neutrons, as can all atoms. In an atom,<br />

a proton has a positive electric charge, a neutron<br />

has no charge at all and an electron is negatively<br />

charged. When t<strong>here</strong> is an imbalance in the charge,<br />

elements seek other elements to balance out.<br />

The 12 Pipestill Unit at BP’s Whiting oil refinery in Indiana.<br />

Currently undergoing modernisation, the refinery first started<br />

operation in 1889, predating the advent of the motor car.<br />

Carbon is such a useful element and is the basis<br />

of all life. This is because in its natural state it lacks<br />

four electrons in its outer shell, which makes it<br />

very, very promiscuous and willing to bond with<br />

almost any other element to try to fill that outer<br />

shell with four more electrons. That’s why we can<br />

string together long chains of hydrocarbons. Carbon<br />

has four different places w<strong>here</strong> we might attach<br />

another element, unlike, say helium, which has a<br />

full shell. Carbon is one of the most imbalanced<br />

elements in organic chemistry but, thanks to<br />

carbon chemistry, it continues to be one of the<br />

most useful, particularly in the field of petrochemical<br />

production.<br />

Refineries come in many different sizes and<br />

configurations, depending on the local market,<br />

the types of products required and the types of<br />

feedstocks available for processing. But all refiner-<br />

20 WPC Guide<br />

Petrochemicals and Refining 21

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