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Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012

Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012


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4.12 Official subsidies<br />

Group companies follow the criteria set out below to book official subsidies:<br />

- Non-reimbursable capital subsidies (connected with assets) are valued at the amount granted, booked as deferred income and attributed to<br />

results in proportion to the depreciation of the assets financed by such subsidies during the financial year.<br />

- Operating subsidies are booked as income at the moment of their accrual.<br />

4.13 Tax on profits<br />

The cost of the year’s income tax is calculated through the sum of the current tax resulting from applying the tax rate to the taxable income for<br />

the year and then applying the relevant tax adjustments according to the law plus any changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities.<br />

Deferred tax assets and liabilities include temporary differences, being any amounts expected to be payable or recoverable due to differences<br />

between the book values of the assets and liabilities and their tax value, as well as the tax losses carryforward and any credits resulting from<br />

unapplied tax relieves. Said amounts are booked by applying to the relevant temporary difference or credit the tax rate at which they are<br />

expected to be recovered or settled.<br />

In some countries, the tax rate varies depending on whether a transfer of assets is made. In these cases, the Group’s policy consists of applying<br />

the effective tax rate at which they are expected to be recovered or settled. In the opinion of the Directors of the Group, the deferred tax thus<br />

calculated covers the amount which may eventually be settled, if any, in the foregoing case.<br />

Deferred tax liabilities for all taxable temporary differences are recognised, except for those in which the temporary difference arises from the<br />

initial recognition of goodwill whose depreciation may not be deducted for tax purposes or the initial recognition of other operating assets<br />

and liabilities which do not affect either the tax or accounting result.<br />

Deferred tax assets identified as temporary differences, meanwhile, are only recognised if it is deemed probable that the consolidated entities<br />

will make sufficient tax profits in the future to make them effective and they do not come from the initial recognition of other assets and<br />

liabilities in a transaction which does not affect either the tax or accounting result. Other deferred tax asset (tax losses carryforward and tax<br />

credits) are only recognised if it is likely that the consolidated companies will make sufficient tax profits in the future to make them effective.<br />

At each year-end, deferred taxes (both assets and liabilities) are reviewed in order to verify that they remain in force and the relevant corrections<br />

are made in accordance with the outcome of the analyses conducted.<br />

4.14 Undertakings made to the personnel<br />

Spanish hotel companies are obliged to make a specific number of monthly salary payments to those employees who leave the company due to<br />

retirement, permanent incapacity to work or upon reaching a certain age, as well as to those who have attained a certain level of seniority and<br />

fulfilled certain pre-established requirements.<br />

The liabilities accrued for these obligations are booked under the “Provisions for liabilities and charges” item of the consolidated balance sheet<br />

attached (see Note 21).<br />

In accordance with Royal Decree Law 16/2005, the Group has outsourced the above-mentioned undertakings, financing all the services accrued<br />

in advance.<br />

In accordance with prevailing Italian legislation, the employees of the subsidiary company Donnafugata Resort S.r.l. are entitled to compensation<br />

should they voluntarily leave the company or be dismissed. The “Non-current provisions” item of the consolidated balance sheet attached hereto<br />

includes the liabilities accrued for this item, which amounted to €193,000 at 31 December <strong>2012</strong> (€200,000 in 2011).<br />

4.15 Onerous agreements<br />

The Group considers onerous agreements to be those in which the inevitable costs of fulfilling the obligations they entail exceed the economic<br />

benefits expected from them.<br />

The Group follows the principle of recording a provision at the present value of the aforementioned differences between the costs and benefits<br />

of the contract, or the compensation foreseen for abandonment of the contract, if such is decided.<br />

The pre-tax discount rates used reflect the current market value of money, as well as the specific risks associated with these agreements. More<br />

specifically, a rate of between 7.42% and 12% has been used.<br />

4.16 Share-based remuneration schemes<br />

These schemes are valued at the time of granting, using a financial method based on a binomial model which takes into consideration the strike<br />

price, volatility, the exercise period, the expected dividends, the risk-free interest rate and the hypotheses made concerning the financial year.<br />

In accordance with IFRS 2, above-mentioned valuation is attributed to profit or loss under personnel expenses during the period established<br />

for the employee to remain in the company before exercising the option. This value is imputed on a straight-line basis to the consolidated<br />

comprehensive profit and loss statement from the date the scheme was implemented to the exercise date. As set forth in the Rules of the<br />

Scheme, settlement is to be made in cash. Therefore, the valuation obtained is recognised with a counter liability in favour of employees.<br />

Furthermore, the Group re-estimates the initial valuation mentioned above every year by recognising in the year’s profit or loss both the part<br />

corresponding to the year in question and those corresponding to previous years.<br />

Subsequently, the difference between the settlement and the recognised liability, as described above, for any transactions settled is booked<br />

in the consolidated comprehensive profit and loss statement once the required permanence period has transpired. Ongoing transactions at<br />


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