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Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012

Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012


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1.2 Existence of the following elements, especially in relation to the financial information generation process:<br />

1.2.1 Departments and/or mechanisms responsible for: (i) the design and supervision of the organisational structure; (ii) clearly defining the chain<br />

of responsibility and authority with an adequate distribution of tasks and functions; and (iii) ensuring that there are adequate procedures for<br />

disseminating it within the company.<br />

Defining and reviewing the organisational structure of the Group is the responsibility of the Management Committee. Significant changes<br />

to the organisation chart, when they occur, are approved by the Board of Directors on presentation by the Appointments and Remuneration<br />

Committee. The organisation chart is available to all employees on the Group intranet.<br />

All group employees are duly informed both of the chain of hierarchical responsibility and functions. To that end, internal channels of<br />

communication are used, most notably the intranet, managerial meetings and notice boards in each hotel.<br />

In order to fulfil the objectives and responsibilities relating to maintenance and supervision of the Financial Information Control process,<br />

specific functions have been defined within the organisational structure, and these apply to those responsible for each process involved with<br />

Financial Information. The objectives of these functions are to ensure compliance with the implemented controls, analyse how they function,<br />

and provide information about any changes or incidents that may occur.<br />

On an ascending scale of responsibility, this structure includes the supervisors of each process in the area of control, the directors of each<br />

business unit and the directors of each corporate area directly concerned with the processes related to the internal financial information<br />

control system. The Finance Department is entrusted with receiving information form the different individuals responsible for the process<br />

and is also responsible for ensuring correct operation of the internal control system.<br />

1.2.2 Code of Conduct, approval body, level of dissemination and instruction, body responsible for analysing non-compliance and for proposing<br />

corrective actions and penalties.<br />

Responsibility for approving the Code of Conduct rests with the Board of Directors of NH Hoteles, S.A. The document affects all NH group<br />

employees, being applicable not only to employees and members of the Board of Directors, but also, in certain cases, to customers and<br />

suppliers.<br />

On 24 May 2011, the Board of Directors approved a new Code of Conduct, which has replaced the previous document that was approved<br />

in 2003.<br />

All Group employees have been informed of the Code of Conduct, along with additional training material (“Practical Guide for Employees”,<br />

“Frequently Asked Question”), by various online and offline means which are permanently available to employees on the company intranet.<br />

When the Code of Conduct was approved in 2011, a procedure was established under which each employee with a personal email address<br />

was sent the new Code of Conduct, asking them to abide by it; their email address was stored in a database kept by the Human Resources<br />

Department. With respect to those joining the company since its approval, the Code of Conduct forms part of the employment contract<br />

signed by new employees, who are therefore obliged to adhere to it.<br />

In addition, employees receive online courses designed to ensure they have sufficient knowledge of the Code of Conduct.<br />

Any modification of the Code of Conduct must be previously approved by the Board of Directors, and employees and any other people<br />

affected must be notified.<br />

The Code of Conduct contains the following points specifically relating to financial information and the recording of transactions:<br />

- Section 3.2.4 c) states that “NH Hoteles shall ensure that all records of financial and accounting activity are prepared in an accurate and<br />

reliable manner, cooperating with and facilitating the work of the internal audit, inspection and intervention units and other internal<br />

control units, as well as that of external auditors and competent authorities, in all cases collaborating with the Justice department”.<br />

- Section 3.2.7 a) expressly states that “transparency of information is a fundamental principle of the conduct of the Group, being a<br />

commitment to giving reliable information to markets, whether financial or of any other kind. The company’s financial information, both<br />

internal and external, will thereby offer a true reflection of its financial situation and its assets, in accordance with general accepted<br />

accounting principles’.<br />

The aforesaid section stresses that “the individuals responsible must transmit truthful, complete and comprehensible financial information.<br />

Under no circumstances shall they knowingly provide incorrect, inaccurate or imprecise information, with the following forms of conduct<br />

being clearly and specifically prohibited:<br />

- to keep records of transactions recorded on media other than normal accounting records that are not entered into official books;<br />

- to record non-existent expenditure, income, assets or liabilities;<br />

- to make entries in accounting books, incorrectly indicating their object;<br />

- to use false documents;<br />

- to deliberately destroy documents before the end of the legally-required time limit for retaining them”.<br />

1.2.3 Defined complaints channel<br />

A procedure has been established for lodging complaints about breaches of the principles enshrined in the Code of Conduct, and this<br />

enables employees to provide confidential information about any non-compliance with the principles set out in the Code of Conduct.<br />

The procedure for reporting and dealing with possible non-compliance and reports relating to the Code of Conduct is administered by<br />

the manager of the Group Internal Audit Department, who acts independently, giving an account of the most significant incidents over the<br />

course the year to the Company’s Audit and Control Committee.<br />

Complaints should preferably by lodged electronically using a channel expressly set up for the purpose on the NH Hoteles intranet<br />

(codeofconduct@nh-hotels.com), through which they are forwarded to the director of the Internal Audit Department, thereby ensuring<br />

that they remain confidential. In addition, they may be sent by ordinary mail to Santa Engracia 120, 28003 Madrid, Spain, addressed to the<br />

Director of Internal Audit of NH Hoteles, S.A.<br />

The director of the Internal Audit Department is responsible for examining the information submitted, requesting the relevant evidence and<br />

reports and, where appropriate, presenting the files containing all the information in his possession to the chairman of the Board of Directors<br />

of NH Hoteles, S.A. All relevant complaints are presented to the chairman of the Audit and Control Committee.<br />

Since the new Code of Conduct came into force, no relevant complaint of any kind that could lead to any measures being taken has been<br />

received.<br />


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