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Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012

Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012


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Act 2/2011, on a Sustainable Economy, has amended Act 24/1988, of 28 July, on the Securities Market (hereinafter, LMV), introducing a new chapter VI entitled<br />

“On the annual corporate governance report”. Chapter VI contains, among others, a new article 61a on the distribution and content of the Annual Corporate<br />

Governance Report. The aforesaid article 61a repeals and revises the content of articles 116, on the Annual Corporate Governance Report, and 116a, which<br />

established the obligation of including additional information in the Management Report. It also requires the Annual Corporate Governance Report to include<br />

a description of the principal characteristics of the internal risk control and management systems in relation to the process of issuing financial information.<br />

The <strong>2012</strong> Annual Corporate Governance Report has been based on the format provided on the CNMV website. The provisions of this Annexe have been<br />

added this Report wherever they are lacking in the CNMV template, including detailed information on the text of new Article 61b of the LMV, which is broken<br />

down under the following subheadings:<br />

1. Securities that are not traded in a regulated European Union market, indicating, where relevant, the various types of shares, and the rights and<br />

obligations relating to each type of share.<br />

NH Hoteles, S.A. is listed on the Spanish and New York stock markets at Level 1 ADR.<br />

2. Any restriction on the transmissibility of securities and any restriction on voting rights<br />

There are no restrictions in the company bylaws on the transmissibility of the shares from share capital.<br />

The restrictions on voting rights are the same as those for any other public limited company, with no specific restrictions on this right in the company<br />

bylaws other than those stipulated by law.<br />

3. Regulations applicable to modification of the company bylaws.<br />

The regulations applicable to modification of the company bylaws are those established in Articles 285 and subsequent of Royal Legislative Decree<br />

1/2010, of 2 July, approving the revised text of the Capital Companies Act (henceforward Capital Companies Act), which require the approval of the<br />

General Shareholders’ Meeting by the majorities stipulated in Articles 194 and 201 of this Act. The Bylaws, which where adapted to the most recent<br />

legislative developments in accordance with the resolutions passed by the General Meetings of 29 June 2011 and 29 June <strong>2012</strong>, are in keeping with the<br />

law in that regard.<br />

4. Significant agreements signed by the company and that come into force, are modified or are terminated in the case of a change in control of the<br />

company resulting from a public acquisition offer and the effects thereof.<br />

The NH Hoteles group has agreements signed with the partners of Residencial Marlín S.L. and Los Alcornoques de Sotogrande, S.L. that, given that the<br />

personal characteristics of the partners are essential for smooth running of projects involving these companies, establish that any change in effective<br />

control, either in the partners or in their respective parent companies, will result in a procedure enabling the other partner to leave the company with the<br />

right to have his or her shareholdings refunded and be compensated for any damages caused.<br />

The €715,855,325 syndicated loan signed by group company NH Finance, S.A., as borrower, and a syndicate of banks on 29 March <strong>2012</strong> contains a clause<br />

establishing early maturity in any circumstances giving rise to a change in control of the company NH Hoteles, S.A.<br />

In addition, the NH Hoteles Group has been granted loans and credits with a joint limit of €35 million containing a clause establishing their early maturity<br />

in the event of circumstances that give rise to a change in control of the company NH Hoteles, S.A.<br />

There are hotel management contracts signed by subsidiaries of the Group under which the company that owns (or leases) the hotels can exercise the<br />

right to terminate the contracts in the event of a change of control at NH Hoteles, S.A., such a change being deemed to be that by which one or more<br />

persons acting together can exercise at least 50.01% of the voting rights. Should that right be exercised, the company owning the hotels must pay the<br />

managing company an amount that varies according to when the right is exercised, by way of compensation for the effects arising from the termination<br />

of the contract. Accordingly, the management contracts signed between Hoteles Hesperia, S.A. (which is 99% owned by NH Hoteles España, S.L.) and<br />

the respective owners of the hotels in question establishes, for example that, in the event of a change of control at NH Hoteles, S.A., the owner may opt<br />

to terminate the management contract, but would have to pay Hoteles Hesperia, S.A., an amount related to the Average Annual Earnings, as defined<br />

in the contracts.<br />

Lastly, article 9 of the Bylaws of Coperama Servicios a la Hostelería, S.L., states that its shareholders will have the right of first refusal over its shares in the<br />

event that control of the company through which the shares are held changes and the new shareholder is a competitor of the other shareholders. To that<br />

effect, control shall be deemed to have changed when a different third party directly or indirectly owns more than 50% of the share capital and voting<br />

rights in the company. The shareholder assuming control must notify the other shareholders of the fact and offer to acquire their shares at fair value.<br />

5. The agreements between the company and its directors and managers or employees relating to compensation if they resign or are unfairly dismissed,<br />

or if the employment relationship between them comes to an end as the result of a public acquisition offer.<br />

The Company has agreed to set compensation for five beneficiaries at an amount that could be greater than would correspond to them under the terms<br />

of the Workers’ Statute or Royal Decree 1382/1985, of 1 August, which governs the special employment relationship for senior executives in cases of<br />

unfair dismissal and changes of control.<br />

6. Description of the main features of the internal risk control and management systems relating to the financial reporting process.<br />

1. The company’s control environment<br />

1.1 Bodies and/or functions responsible for: (i) the existence and maintenance of an adequate and effective internal financial information control system<br />

(SCIIF); (ii) its implementation; (iii) its supervision<br />

The Finance Department is the department responsible for establishing the design, implementation and comprehensive monitoring of the Group<br />

internal financial information control system. That involves taking responsibility for the maintenance of the necessary control structure and ensuring<br />

that it functions effectively and continuously over time. The purpose of the internal control system is to provide the company with reasonable<br />

guarantees that the financial information generated is reliable.<br />

The entity’s Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing this control structure, in line with the provisions of Article 5 of the Regulation of the<br />

Board of Directors.<br />

In order to carry out this previously-described oversight function, the Board of Directors turns to the Audit and Control Committee, which is<br />

obliged, through its internal auditing function, to implement measures and action plans to ensure that this oversight function is properly fulfilled,<br />

as described in Article 25 of the Regulation of the Board of Directors.<br />


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