Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012

Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012

Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012


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) Competencies<br />

The primary function of the Audit and Control Committee, notwithstanding any other task that the Board of Directors may assign it, shall<br />

be to support the Board in its supervisory duties, specifically:<br />

Its competencies shall include at least the following:<br />

1. Report to the General Meeting on any matters broached within the sphere of its competence.<br />

2. Oversee the efficacy of the company’s internal controls, its internal auditing, as appropriate, and its risk management, as well as to<br />

discuss with the auditors of accounts or auditing firms any significant weaknesses detected in the internal control system during the<br />

course of an audit.<br />

3. Oversee the process of drawing up and submitting mandatory financial reporting.<br />

4. Propose the appointment of the auditors of accounts or auditing firm, in accordance with legislation applicable to the company, to the<br />

company’s governing body so that it may be brought before the General Shareholders’ Meeting or other of the company’s equivalent<br />

bodies, depending on its legal nature.<br />

5. Establish the appropriate relations with the auditors or auditing firms for the purpose of receiving information about matters that may<br />

jeopardise the independence of the auditors and should be brought before the committee, and any other matters relating to the<br />

financial auditing process, as well as other disclosures required by financial auditing laws and audit regulations. In any event, they must<br />

receive annual written confirmation from the auditors or auditing firms of their independence with regard to the entity or entities linked<br />

to this corporation, either directly or indirectly, as well as information about additional services of any kind provided to those entities<br />

by such auditors or firms, or by persons or entities linked to them, in accordance with Act 19/1988, of 12 July, on Financial Auditing.<br />

6. Every year, prior to issuing the audit report, issue a report giving its opinion on the independence of the auditors or auditing firms. The<br />

report must always comment on the provision of additional services referred to in the preceding section.<br />

7. Ensure the independence and effectiveness of the internal audit; propose the selection, appointment, re-election and removal of the<br />

internal audit service manager; propose the budget for this service; receive periodic information about its activities; and verify that<br />

senior management takes into account the conclusions and recommendations of its reports.<br />

8. Set and oversee a mechanism that allows employees to confidentially and, if deemed appropriate, anonymously report any breaches<br />

of the Code of Conduct.<br />

9. Supervise compliance and internal codes of conduct, as well as the rules of corporate governance.<br />

10. Inform the Board about all matters connected with related-party transactions, which shall be construed as they are defined by the<br />

Revised Text of the Capital Companies Act.<br />

11. Inform the Board about the creation or acquisition of any equity investments in special purpose vehicles and companies registered in<br />

tax havens, as well as about any other transactions or operations of a similar nature which, due to their complexity, might negatively<br />

affect the group’s transparency; and<br />

12. Exercise any other competencies such Committee has been assigned by these Regulations or which may be assigned by the Board<br />

of Directors.<br />

c) Organisation<br />

The Audit and Control Committee shall meet at least once every quarter and as often as considered necessary by its Chairman, or when<br />

requested by two of its members or the Board of Directors.<br />

The Audit and Control Committee may summon any employee or manager of the Company, and also the Company’s accounts auditor,<br />

to attend its meetings.<br />

Through its chairman, the Audit and Control Committee will give the board an account of its activities and work done, either at the<br />

meetings scheduled for the purpose or at the very next meeting when the chairman of the Audit and Control Committee deems it<br />

necessary. The minutes of its meetings will be available to any member of the board that requests them.<br />

B.2.4 State the powers that each committee has to advise, consult and, as applicable, to delegate:<br />

Committee name<br />


Short description<br />

- Report on proposals to appoint and dismiss directors and senior managers of the Company and its subsidiaries. In the case of vacancies<br />

arising on the Board of Directors, the Appointments and Remuneration Committee shall ensure that the selection procedure does not<br />

suffer from any implicit bias that may hamper the selection of female directors and that women that fulfil the professional profile sought<br />

are included among the potential candidates.<br />

- Approve the standard contracts for senior managers; determine the remuneration scheme of the Chairman and, as applicable, the<br />

Chief Executive Director.<br />

- Examine or organise, as considered most appropriate, the Chairman’s and the chief executive’s succession, and if necessary bring<br />

proposals before the Board so that such successions are effected in an orderly well-planned fashion.<br />

- Propose the remuneration scheme for directors to the Board of Directors and periodically review it to ensure it is suitable for the<br />

functions performed by them, in accordance with Article 35 of these regulations. Report on incentive plans.<br />

- Carry out an annual review of the remuneration policy applied to directors and senior managers.<br />

- Report on the proposals to appoint members of the Executive Committee and the other committees attached to the Board of Directors..<br />


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