Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012

Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012

Download Complete PDF - Informe Anual 2012


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The proposals to appoint directors that the Board of Directors puts to the General Shareholders’ Meeting for its consideration, and the appointments<br />

decided by said Board by virtue of its legal empowerment to co-opt members, must follow the provisions of the Regulations of the Board of Directors and<br />

be proposed by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee in the case of independent directors, and based on a prior report from said Committee<br />

in the case of all other types of directors.<br />

1. Appointment of external directors<br />

The Regulations of the Board of Directors make special mention of the selection and appointment of external directors, due to their unique<br />

characteristics compared to executive directors.<br />

El Consejo de Administración y la Comisión de Nombramientos y Retribuciones tienen el deber de procurar, dentro del ámbito de sus respectivas<br />

competencias, que la elección de candidatos recaiga sobre personas de reconocida solvencia, competencia y experiencia, que se encuentren<br />

dispuestas a dedicar una parte suficiente de su tiempo a la Compañía, debiendo extremar el rigor en relación con la elección de aquellas personas<br />

llamadas a cubrir puestos de consejeros independientes. A continuación, se procede a exponer brevemente las características básicas de la<br />

designación de los citados Consejeros Externos:<br />

The basic characteristics of the appointment of the aforementioned external directors are briefly explained below:<br />

1.1 Proprietary Directors<br />

Proprietary Directors are directors that represent or that have a shareholding in the Company that is greater than or equal to what is legally considered<br />

significant, or that may have been appointed due to their status as shareholders even though their shareholding does not reach the legally established<br />

amount.<br />

For the purposes of this definition, it shall be assumed that a director represents a shareholder when:<br />

a) The director has been appointed by means of the shareholder’s right to representation.<br />

b) The person is a director, senior manager, employee or regular service provider of this shareholder, or to companies belonging to the same<br />

group.<br />

c) The company documentation states that the shareholder accepts that the director has been appointed by it or represents it.<br />

d) The director is a spouse, a person connected to the shareholder by a similar level of affinity, or a relative of up to the second degree of kinship<br />

of a significant shareholder.<br />

1.2 Independent Directors<br />

Independent directors are considered to be those directors appointed because of their personal and professional attributes, who can perform their<br />

duties without being influenced by relations with the company, its significant shareholders or its managers.<br />

The following people may not qualify as independent directors under any circumstances:<br />

a) Those that have been employees or executive directors of companies in the group, unless 3 or 5 years have passed, respectively, since the<br />

relationship was terminated.<br />

b) Those that receive any amount or benefit for a concept other than the remuneration for being a director, from the company or its group,<br />

unless the amount or benefit is insignificant.<br />

For the purposes of this section, neither the dividends nor supplementary pension that the director receives in relation to his/her former<br />

professional or employment relationship shall be taken into account, provided that such additional payments are not contingent and as a<br />

result, the Company that pays them cannot suspend, modify or revoke their payment without being in breach of its obligations.<br />

c) Those that are, or have been, during the last three years, a partner in the external auditor’s firm or responsible for the audit report, whether<br />

in relation to the audit of the listed company during this period, or of any other company in its group.<br />

d) Those that are executive directors or senior managers of another company in which an executive director or senior manager of the Company<br />

is an external director.<br />

e) Those that maintain, or have maintained during the last year, a significant business relationship with the Company or with any Company in its<br />

group, whether on their own behalf or as a significant shareholder, director or senior manager of a company that has or has had this relationship.<br />

Business relations are defined as the supply of goods or services, including financial or advisory services, or consultancy.<br />

f) Those that are significant shareholders, executive directors or senior managers of a company that receives, or has received during the last three<br />

years, significant donations from the Company or its group.<br />

People or entities that have solely been patrons of a foundation that receives donations shall not be included in this section.<br />

g) Those that are spouses, persons connected by a similar type of affinity, or relative of up to of the second degree of kinship of an executive<br />

director or senior manager of the Company.<br />

h) Those that have not been proposed, whether for appointment or renewal, by the Appointments Committee.<br />

i) Those that are in any of the situations indicated in points a), e), f) or g) of this article in relation to another significant shareholder or<br />

representative on the Board. In the case of being a relation as indicated in letter g), the limitation shall not only apply in connection with the<br />

shareholder, but also with its proprietary directors in the investee company.<br />

Proprietary directors that cease to be entitled to their position as a result of the sale of the shareholder’s stake they represent may only be<br />

re-elected as independent directors when the shareholder they represented until this time has sold all of its shares in the Company.<br />

In order to establish a reasonable balance between both types of external directors, the Board shall use the ownership structure of the<br />

Company as a basis to ensure that the relation between each type of director reflects the relationship between stable and floating capital.<br />


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