Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

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The Popular Front program called for a complete revision in the relationship between<br />

the YCI and its affiliated leagues. The Comintern "liberalized" its relations with Communist<br />

Parties in 1935 to allow greater national flexibility, but did not revise the initial<br />

"Twenty-One Points of Admission" it established in 1920. In a divergent trend, the YCI<br />

insisted that it needed to completely transform its relationship with its national sections.<br />

In his speech at the 1935 YCI Sixth World Congress, Wolf Michal described this transformation:<br />

The reconstruction of the <strong>Youth</strong> Leagues therefore means the reconstruction of the<br />

Young Communist International as a whole and its system of leadership. It seems to me<br />

that we must thus widen the conditions of acceptance into the Young Communist International<br />

so that not only Communist youth organizations can join it, but Socialist, national<br />

emancipatory, national revolutionary and anti-fascist youth organizations which<br />

base themselves on international cooperation. The widest democracy must prevail in all<br />

the work and in the character of the Young Communist International and the <strong>Youth</strong><br />

Leagues affiliated to it. Thus, we must reorganize the internal life of the Young Communist<br />

International so that the youth organizations affiliated to it will have the greatest<br />

independence. 50<br />

An article by the YCLGB reiterated the profound impact the YCI Congress had:<br />

The Sixth World Congress of the YCI have had profound and far-reaching effects on the<br />

whole course of development of the world youth movement… the YCI placed as a key<br />

question in achieving these objectives the "necessity for a change in the character of the<br />

youth leagues." We must find such ways, such forms, and methods of work as will assure<br />

the formation in the capitalist countries of a new type of mass youth organisation, to<br />

which no vital interest of the toiling youth will be alien, organisation which, without<br />

copying the party, will fight for all the interests of the youth, will bring up the youth in<br />

the spirit of the class struggle, of proletarian internationalism, in the spirit of Marxism-<br />

Leninism… our League must be a non-party educational organisation of the democratic,<br />

anti-fascist youth, open to all democratic youth. 51<br />

The YCI was no longer to act as an "international general staff" of revolutionary youth<br />

assisting the work of the Comintern. The Popular Front League embraced the "spirit,"<br />

not the "science" of Marxism-Leninism. The new propagated role of the YCI was to act<br />

as an international coordination centre for all "democratic youth" while "leaving national<br />

sections a free hand" in developing their own anti-fascist programs. 52<br />

The YCI urged youth to break with internalized practices of the past and to shift their<br />

attention externally to assisting other youth movements. The Leninist Generation of the<br />

YCL acted primarily as auxiliary and supportive organizations for the Communist<br />

Parties, focussing on internal party disputes and "ideological correctness." In turn, the<br />

Parties often fuelled this internalizing trend by essentially "raiding YCL ranks to seize its<br />

most effective organizers" who were supportive of present Comintern lines. 53 Otto<br />

Kuusinen rebuked this traditional trend in relations between the YCL and the Party:<br />

All Communist Parties, all leaders of the Communist Parties must understand once for<br />

all that the youth movement is the heart of the movement for social emancipation… it<br />

will not do for every functionary of a Young Communist League who had proved himself<br />

to be a capable worker in the youth movement to be immediately taken away from<br />


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