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NOTES<br />

to revolutionary agitation, even in the face of harsh imprisonment, had made MacLean a working-class hero in Glasgow<br />

and earned him the deepest respect of Lenin. Due to his positions on Scottish nationalism and his unyielding commitment<br />

to a socialist form of Scottish Republicanism, MacLean quickly lost favor with the Comintern and became a virtual political<br />

outcast in British communism. Unlike the Bolsheviks who put great faith in the nationalism of the anti-colonial<br />

movements to destroy imperialism, MacLean asserted that the best revolutionary advances could be made by striking at<br />

the heart of the British Empire. In divergence from English traditions, MacLean argued that Scottish society had traditionally<br />

been based in a form of Celtic Clan Communism. From this basis MacLean hoped to mobilize Scottish nationalist<br />

sentiment towards socialist revolution, arguing that "Bolshevism, to put it roughly, is but the modern expression of the<br />

communism of the mir." (John MacLean, "All Hail, the Scottish Workers Republic!," in the John MacLean Internet Archive<br />

.) MacLean was a convinced convert of Lenin's<br />

theory of imperialism and that an impending imperialist war would soon again break out, this time between the United<br />

States and Britain. By first striking a blow at the heart of the British Empire in Glasgow, MacLean argued that a revolutionary<br />

mobilization of Scottish nationalism by socialists could avert this impending war and lead to the destruction of the<br />

Empire. (John MacLean, "Election Manifesto 1923," in the John MacLean Internet Archive .) Although shunned and outcast from the ranks of the Comintern, MacLean spent the last<br />

years of his life advocating the importance of nationalism as a strategic method for revolutionary socialists. With the advent<br />

of the Popular Front, the concepts, legacies and symbolic martyrdom of both Connolly and MacLean became important<br />

rallying points for British communists.<br />

8. VI Lenin, "The Right of Nations to Self-Determination" in VI Lenin Internet Archive .<br />

9. "An Appeal to the Young," The Red Flag: Organ of the Young Socialist League 1, no. 1 (1920): 4.<br />

10. James Stewart, "Patriotism," The Red Flag: Organ of the Young Socialist League 1, no. 1 (1920): 10.<br />

11. ECYCI, Remove the Frontiers!,7.<br />

12. Ibid., 8.<br />

13. Ibid., 4.<br />

14. Ibid., 9.<br />

15. Georgi Dimitrov, "The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist International," in The United Front: The Struggle<br />

<strong>Against</strong> <strong>Fascism</strong> And War (San Francisco: Proletarian Publishers, 1975), 79-80.<br />

16. See Ibid., 79.<br />

17. VI Lenin, "On the National Pride of the Great Russians," in VI Lenin Internet Archive .<br />

18. Trotsky was by far the most outspoken critic of this new line on nationalism because he saw it as completely incompatible<br />

with Lenin's teachings. Trotsky had previously written, "Lenin’s internationalism is by no means a form of reconciliation<br />

of Nationalism and Internationalism in words but a form of international revolutionary action." Leon Trotsky, "Nationalism<br />

In Lenin," in Leon Trotsky Internet Archive < http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/works/1925/lenin/10.htm>.<br />

Many of the disillusioned communists of the twenties who had already been purged from the "official parties" saw in this<br />

speech by Dimitrov the signal to declare the Third International dead and to form the Fourth International.<br />

19. James Klugmann joined the CPGB in 1933 as a member of the infamous communist student groups at Cambridge University.<br />

Later in the thirties Klugmann became the Secretary of the Paris based World Student Association and was an active<br />

member of the European youth anti-fascist movements. See Graham Stevenson, "James Klugmann Biography," in Compendium<br />

of Communist Biography Online Archive .<br />

20. James Klugmann, "The Crisis of the Thirties: A View From the Left," in Culture and Crisis in Britain in the Thirties, ed.<br />

Jon Clark, Margot Heinemann, David Margolies and Carole Snee (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1979), 25.<br />

21. Gil Green, "20 Years of the Communist Party," Young Communist Review 4, no.7 (September, 1939): 25.<br />

22. John Schwarzmantel has reflected on the lack of academic studies of communist nationalism in the West being due primarily<br />

between the negative linguistic associations of the words nationalism and socialism and their co-opting by the Nazi<br />

movement. Schwarzmantel states, "We may also note that much research on nationalism has focused on ‘radical Right’ or<br />

fascist and Nazi nationalism. Movements of this kind achieved an extremely virulent combination of nationalism with<br />

what was claimed to be socialism… In fascist and Nazi movements, a racialist and antidemocratic nationalism was exploited<br />

and manipulated to gain mass support, and was turned against the institutions of working-class politics. One result<br />

of this was that the connection between nationalism and socialism seemed to be the preserve of fascist-type movements,<br />

and to have no wider significance for the study of either nationalism or socialism." John Schwarzmantel, "Nation Versus<br />

Class: Nationalism and Socialism in Theory and Practice," in The Social Origins of Nationalist Movements: The Contemporary<br />

West European Experience, ed. John Coakley (London: Sage Publications, 1992), 47-48.<br />

23. Dimitrov, "The Fascist Offensive," 81.<br />

24. Georgi Dimitrov, "Unity of the Working Class <strong>Against</strong> <strong>Fascism</strong>," in The United Front: The Struggle <strong>Against</strong> <strong>Fascism</strong> And<br />

War (San Francisco: Proletarian Publishers, 1975), 97.<br />

25. Dimitrov, "The Fascist Offensive," 77-78.<br />

26. One of the first publications of the YCLGB stated the youth position on war and nationalism in the following terms, "Declare<br />

war against capitalist war, and fight side by side with the other members of your class for the freedom of the class<br />

you belong to." Within this framework, the call to reach across national borders to other working-class youth was propagated<br />

specifically in terms of fighting against war. Though internationalism was still important for communist youth as<br />

they began nationalist agitation, the traditional motivation to be an internationalist was to prevent imperialist war. James<br />

Stewart, The Hope of the Future: An Appeal to Young Workers (London: YCLGB, 192), 12.<br />

27. Michal, 38.<br />

28. Kuusinen, <strong>Youth</strong> and <strong>Fascism</strong>, 7.<br />

29. Wolf Michal was the communist pseudonym used by the Hungarian Mihály Farkas. Farkas was a leading member of the<br />

Hungarian revolutionary youth movement after WWI and joined the Czechoslovakian Communist Party in 1921 after the<br />

downfall of Bela Kunn's Hungarian Soviet Republic. Farkas was imprisoned for a short period during the twenties, but<br />

continued playing a leading role in international communist youth politics after his release. During the Popular Front era,<br />

Farkas adopted the Wolf Michal pseudonym and served as Second Secretary of the YCI under the leadership of the French<br />

YCLer Raymond Guyot who served as General Secretary of the YCI. See "Mihály Farkas," in The Institute for the History<br />

of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution Archives .<br />

30. Michal, 42.<br />

31. Ibid., 54.<br />


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