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NOTES<br />

scribe themselves and the persons and the things they like and all the concepts of the unfavourable connotations to describe<br />

the persons and things they dislike… Each side contends that the other does not sincerely believe what it says." See<br />

William Glaser, "The Semantics of the Cold War," The Public Opinion Quarterly 20, no.4 (Winter, 1956-57): 691-716.<br />

For another insightful commentary on Cold War language, symbols and propaganda see Ole R. Holsti, "The Study of International<br />

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows: Theories of the Radical Right and the Radical Left," The American Political<br />

Science Review 68, no.1 (March, 1974): 217-242.<br />

66. See V.I. Lenin, "Opportunism and the Collapse of the Second International," in The V.I. Lenin Internet Archive<br />

.<br />

67. By its very nature, periodization is an artificial historical tool that can obscure trends of continuity by focusing on dramatic<br />

divergence and change. The decision to reperiodize the inter-war era by generations was not an artificial choice, but<br />

flowed directly from the language utilized in Popular Front propaganda. Communists contended that the Great Depression<br />

and the Nazi Reich redefined world politics, necessitating a new approach to communist theory and practice. Popular<br />

Front propaganda contended that the youth of the thirties had a distinctly different world outlook and that this "new generation"<br />

was far more receptive to Popular Front theory and tactics. The Comintern and YCI therefore put great emphasis<br />

upon themes of "youth" and an "anti-fascist generation" in their Popular Front program. For a communist comparison of<br />

the distinctions between generations see Earl Browder, "Your Generation and Mine," Young Communist Review 4, no.3<br />

(May, 1939): 4-6.<br />

68. To "deny" that the communist movement was directed by the Comintern distorts the realities of this period and democratic<br />

centralism. The problem with studies like Thorpe's is that it focuses on individual cases of dissent that dismiss the<br />

Comintern's ability to coerce conformity. Numerous examples from the inter-war period show that continued dissent typically<br />

resulted in expulsion and demonization. The problem with the Haynes-Klehr approach is that it focuses upon the<br />

treasonous and slavish mindset that facilitated consent to the Comintern, not addressing the historical context or propaganda<br />

that bred active consent in "Stalinist" culture. The Comintern was consciously formed as a highly centralized institution<br />

for strategic reasons and continued to exert its leadership until it was dissolved in 1943. Individuals followed<br />

Comintern directives because they were interpreted to them through effective propaganda that bred consent and active<br />

agreement; communists were also well aware that active dissent could be met with coercion. High membership fluctuation<br />

in this period reflects the tensions involved in this process and relationship.<br />


1. Quoted in Victor Privalov, The Young Communist International and its Origins (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1971), 7-8.<br />

2. ECYCI, Remove the Frontiers! An Appeal for the International Organization of all Young Workers (Berlin: ECYCI,<br />

1920), 4.<br />

3. The Communist International, also known as the Third International or the Comintern, was founded in March, 1919 under<br />

the leadership of V.I. Lenin to create a new, highly centralized organization of international revolutionaries. The goal of<br />

the Comintern was to replace the "discredited" & reformist leadership of the Second International with a "World Communist<br />

Party" to lead the working class in an international socialist revolution.<br />

4. The Bolshevik Party was established in 1903 during a split within the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party between<br />

Menshevik reformists and Bolshevik revolutionaries. In 1918 the Bolsheviks changed their name to the "All-Russian<br />

Communist Party (Bolsheviks)," often known simply as the "Communist Party."<br />

5. The Second International, later known as the Labour and Socialist International, was founded in 1889 as a federalist body<br />

of political parties and labor unions to continue the movement for international socialism under the Marxist traditions of<br />

the First International. After the death of Engels in 1895, the Second International increasingly came under the "reformist"<br />

influences of the German evolutionary socialist Eduard Bernstein. With the outbreak of WWI, the Second International<br />

fell into disarray, helping to facilitate the establishment of the Comintern.<br />

6. Rejecting the Wilsonian vision of post-war reconstruction, the SYI came to accepting the basis of Lenin's April Thesis that<br />

capitulation to capitalist traditions and institutions under the post-war era of "Imperialism" would serve to strengthen capitalism,<br />

betray the revolution and in turn enable the perpetuation of future imperialist wars. See Arno Mayer, Wilson vs.<br />

Lenin: Political Origins of the New Diplomacy 1917-1918, (Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1964).<br />

7. See R. Craig Nation, War on War: Lenin, the Zimmerwald Left, and the Origins of Communist Internationalism (London:<br />

Duke University Press, 1989), ix.<br />

8. Karl Liebknecht, "Anti-Militarism of the Old and the New International" in Karl Liebknecht Internet Archive<br />

.<br />

9. Quoted in Nation, 10.<br />

10. Albert S. Lindemann, A History of European Socialism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983), 188.<br />

11. V.I. Lenin, "Socialism and War," in The Lenin Anthology, ed. Robert C. Tucker (New York: W.W. Norton, 1975), 183.<br />

Historical discourse has rarely addressed the continuities concerning peace that existed between the Second and Third Internationals.<br />

See Martin Ceadal, "The First Communist Peace Society: The British Anti-War Movement 1932-1935,"<br />

Twentieth Century British History 1, no.1 (1990): 58-86.<br />

12. See V.I. Lenin, "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism," in The Lenin Anthology, ed. Robert C. Tucker (New York:<br />

W.W. Norton, 1975), 204-274.<br />

13. Karl Liebknecht was a member of the left wing of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) and is considered the main<br />

founder of the Socialist <strong>Youth</strong> International. Despite several terms in prison, Liebknecht consistently fought for a revolutionary<br />

anti-militarist policy, being the only member of the German Reichstag to vote against war in December, 1914.<br />

14. Victor Privalov, The Young Communist International and its Origins (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1971), 29.<br />

15. Cornell, Revolutionary Vanguard, 11.<br />

16. Privalov, 28-29.<br />

17. Karl Liebknecht, "Anti-militarism in Germany and German Social-Democracy " in Karl Liebknecht Internet Archive<br />

; Karl Liebknecht,<br />

"The Anti-militarist Tasks of German Social-Democracy " in Karl Liebknecht Internet Archive<br />

.<br />

18. Karl Liebknecht, " The Future Belongs to the People: Education in Germany in War Time" in Karl Liebknecht Internet<br />

Archive .<br />


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