Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf


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the globe by unleashing world war. As far as fascism is concerned, peace is certain<br />

ruin.... Now both the friends and foes of peace are openly speaking of the menace of a<br />

new world war which has come upon us. And it would also be difficult to find seriousminded<br />

people who at all doubt that it is precisely the fascist governments that are foremost<br />

in the desire for war.... The international proletariat and all progressive and civilized<br />

mankind will not tolerate their military aggression and acts of robbery, and are<br />

ready to do everything to prevent them from fulfilling their plans of igniting the flames<br />

of a new world war.... The relation between the forces of war and the forces of peace is<br />

not what it was in 1914. Tremendous world historical changes have taken place since<br />

that time.... This, however, requires that the tremendous forces and means at the disposal<br />

of the international labor movement be united and directed toward an effective and unyielding<br />

struggle against fascism and war. 9<br />

Dimitrov's analysis reiterated the theme of clashing civilizations. "Serious-minded"<br />

people could see that fascism desired war. Fascist world war could be prevented by the<br />

united action of "all progressive and civilized mankind" who represented the "forces of<br />

peace." War was personified in fascism as a rejection of progress and civilization. The<br />

Popular Front was propagated as the only strategy that could effectively unite the forces<br />

of peace to resist "the menace of a new world war."<br />

The Popular Front Generation did not place its hopes for peace in a distant socialist<br />

future, but rather reflected on the past to assist them in their present struggles to preserve<br />

peace. Young communists rejected notions of passivity and historical inevitability.<br />

Peace was not an abstract notion for a millenarian future. Peace was the pressing issue of<br />

the day dominating all elements of youth politics. <strong>Fascism</strong> used small-scale military<br />

campaigns to test the will of the international community and to prepare their forces for a<br />

larger world war. Popular Front rhetoric insisted coordinated youth anti-fascist activities<br />

could defend peace now. <strong>Youth</strong> could influence state policy and inspire the "forces of<br />

peace" to unite in struggle against fascism and war.<br />

The British and American YCLs adapted Popular Front rhetoric to reflect their unique<br />

role in the international struggle for peace. Their propaganda interpreted the unfolding of<br />

world events and sought to empower youth with the ability to impact world politics.<br />

Both YCLs rejected the notion that war was necessary to counter fascist provocations.<br />

The YCLGB directed their peace rhetoric against Chamberlain, violations of international<br />

law and youth apathy:<br />

Let us look the facts in the face. Yes, the working class, its youth, and the overwhelming<br />

majority of the people, want peace and a struggle against war. They are the most<br />

powerful force for world peace. Outside of these forces of peace are however forces of<br />

war – fascism.... This pro-fascist policy of Chamberlain and the capitulation of Daladier<br />

has brought nothing to the cause of peace, but resulted only in the increased danger of<br />

war. Can the working class and its youth, can the socialist youth movement, conduct itself<br />

passively towards the provocative drive of fascism and reaction towards war Under<br />

no circumstances.... War is not inevitable if international law is observed and<br />

complete justice for the peoples established in accordance with the peaceful and democratic<br />

will of the peoples in each nation....The working youth of the whole world should<br />

be made clear, that the sun of peace will rise over Europe only when the working class<br />


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