Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf


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Army men have a share in deciding the policy for which they serve." 81 Unlike the TA,<br />

the YCL claimed the Red Army was inspired by "service for a people's Government,<br />

service for the whole community, service for Socialism and Democracy." 82 If Chamberlain<br />

actually supported democracy, the YCL stated he would "seek friendship with other<br />

democratic peoples and their governments… pool our resources for defence with those of<br />

other democratic peace-loving countries… and refuse to give dictators what they want." 83<br />

Columns like "Make Britain Safe" helped youth to understand the YCL's analysis of<br />

Chamberlain's policies and how he obstructed the defence of democracy.<br />

The Popular Front programme led to a new YCL attitude towards the Labour Party.<br />

Specifically, the YCL supported a number of LLOY candidates in the 1935 General<br />

Election to show youth's "capacity to play a more responsible part in taking power" in a<br />

government that "stands for the defence of youth." 84 The YCL revised their traditional<br />

election strategies of running communist candidates in Labour strongholds. The YCL<br />

contended that "unless progressives go into the next General Election on a two-candidate<br />

fight… democracy in Britain will end ignominiously." 85 Other articles urged youth to<br />

"work and vote for the return of a Labour Government which will fight for <strong>Youth</strong>s<br />

Charter of Life," emphasizing that the National Government were "enemies of <strong>Youth</strong>!" 86<br />

The YCL stated that they supported Labour because "only by democracy will the workers<br />

ever have a chance to defend themselves, and eventually build a system which knows no<br />

class distinction." 87 The YCL believed that a strong Labour opposition in Parliament<br />

could "defend the liberties of our people, and it can force even the National Government<br />

to be less ruthless with the workers." 88 The YCL argued that previous Labour Governments<br />

had failed because "years of leadership by people like MacDonald had made<br />

Labour hopelessly weak and divided;" a new Labour leadership, in coordination with the<br />

YCL, could "unify youth and lead them forward." 89 Under the leadership of Major Atlee,<br />

MP the YCL believed that a new People's Government "would be a heavy blow" to the<br />

fascists. 90<br />

As future historians would later agree, the YCL began to assert in 1938 that only a<br />

Labour Government could facilitate voluntary service for the defense of democracy. 91<br />

Without a People's Government led by Labour, the YCL argued fascism would be<br />

strengthened and Britain would be ill prepared to defend itself. The YCL argued, "Every<br />

day that goes by without this unity of… democratic and progressive forces is a day lost<br />

for peace and a day won for fascist advance" and that British youth "would gladly and<br />

voluntarily support all measures of a People's Government of Peace and Democracy to<br />

check reaction at home and abroad." 92 After Chamberlain signed the infamous Munich<br />

Agreement, the YCL argued that a People's Government was "doubly imperative." Only<br />

Labour could counter "Chamberlain's policy of betrayal" by standing "four square with<br />

democracy in all parts of the world." 93 Britain's youth were eager to give "service to<br />

defend liberty" and "service to the cause of democracy," but "not service in the cause of<br />

Hitler or his friends in Britain or of Chamberlain." 94 National Government programmes<br />


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