Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf

Joel A Lewis Youth Against Fascism.pdf


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ated the themes of youth and unity with Spain. YCI articles stated, "The cause of Spain<br />

is the cause of youth!" 171 <strong>Youth</strong> were unified internationally "by a great spirit of construction,"<br />

while the fascist forces in Spain represented "the enemy’s work of destruction"<br />

against the aspirations of youth. 172 The JSU showed anti-fascist youth worldwide<br />

how "a deep love for unity" was in reality "the only sure and effective weapon with<br />

which to resist and conquer the aggressions of Hitler and Mussolini." 173 Raymond Guyot,<br />

General Secretary of the YCI exclaimed that "unity and once more unity will permit the<br />

young Communists all over the world to render more efficient aid to Republican<br />

Spain." 174 Spain was used a "rallying call" for all anti-fascist youth:<br />

Under fire and beneath the banner of struggle for effective help for the Spanish people,<br />

unity was forged between the advanced youth of all countries. Long live the United Socialist<br />

<strong>Youth</strong> of Spain! An example of unity and heroism for the youth of the whole<br />

world! That is the cry of young anti-fascists all over the world in solidarity with the<br />

United Socialist <strong>Youth</strong>.... Your motto, "United as in Spain," at the side of your Spanish<br />

brothers, must triumph. Long live the anti-fascist unity of struggle of the youth of the<br />

world! 175<br />

The example of the JSU showed how unity, both domestically and internationally,<br />

empowered youth to effectively combat fascism.<br />

The British and American YCL held very similar interpretations of Spain in their<br />

rhetoric. The British YCL challenged fatalistic attitudes towards the inevitability of a<br />

new world war. Such propaganda invoked the example of Spain stating, "The unity of<br />

the Spanish has been the bulwark of democratic Europe against fascist aggression and<br />

war… that is the spirit of Spain." 176 The YCLUSA similarly stressed how the "whole<br />

Spanish people was united in a struggle to the end against the fascists" and that this<br />

showed American youth "what a powerful weapon unity was." 177 Challenge proclaimed<br />

that the "heroic struggle of the Spanish people has… awakened millions in Britain and<br />

America… it showed them the way to defeat fascism, by uniting their forces to oppose<br />

it." 178 Spanish youth unity "almost single-handedly… brought the peoples of all democratic<br />

countries closer together than they have ever been in history." 179 Both YCLs denounced<br />

the influence of Trotskyism on the Spanish POUM. In the context of the Civil<br />

War, the revolutionary "slogans of the Trotzkyites means alienating these large sections<br />

of the Spanish people, thus weakening the government, thus making possible a fascist<br />

victory." 180 Spain imbued communists with the notion that anti-fascist unity for defense<br />

required difficult choices for revolutionaries. At times, such as the case of the POUM,<br />

communists came to justify outright brutal suppression of other revolutionary movements<br />

in order to preserve and strengthen anti-fascist coalitions.<br />

The International Brigades were extolled for facilitating anti-fascist unity. The Brigades<br />

symbolized international youth solidarity to rouse British and American youth into<br />

support of the Popular Front. The Spanish Popular Front government used images of the<br />

International Brigades to propagate themes of anti-fascist unity. One propaganda poster<br />

showed an International Brigader supporting a smiling Spanish soldier who confidently<br />


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