a guide to hajj, and umrahand visitingt the ... - Islamicbook.ws

a guide to hajj, and umrahand visitingt the ... - Islamicbook.ws

a guide to hajj, and umrahand visitingt the ... - Islamicbook.ws


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Preface Prelace<br />

Important lmportantAdvice<br />

Violationsof of Islam lslam<br />

7<br />

9<br />

13<br />

How <strong>to</strong> perform Hajj Haij <strong>and</strong>'Umrah <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> visit<br />

<strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque ................ 19<br />

The Performance of ol 'Umrah 'Umrah ..... 21<br />

ThePerformanceof<br />

of Hajj Haii .......... .................. 26<br />

Obligations During Ihram lhram ......... 33<br />

Visitation of <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque Mosqus ............................... 36<br />

Errors Often Committed Commined by Pilgrims ........... 41<br />

What Is ls Required of <strong>the</strong> Pilgrim .................. 53<br />

Some Supplications Which May Be Recited Becited at<br />

'Arafat.<br />

'Arafat, at <strong>the</strong> Sacred Sites<br />

<strong>and</strong> at o<strong>the</strong>r Places<br />

of Supplication ........... .............. 63

In <strong>the</strong> lhe name of Allah, <strong>the</strong><br />

Compassionate, Gompasalonale, <strong>the</strong> lhe Merciful Merclful


Dear pilgrim bro<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>and</strong> sisters, sislers,<br />

Assalamu Assa/amu alaikum<br />

wa rahmatullahi raimatullaht wa barakatuhu.<br />

Congratulations <strong>and</strong> welcome on your arrival arrlval at <strong>the</strong>se<br />

sacred precincts, preclncts, on this blessed journey Journey as guests of<br />

Allah, Aflah, <strong>the</strong> Most Merciful.<br />

This Thls brief brlel but comprehensive comprehenslve Guide Gulde Is ls presented prosented <strong>to</strong><br />

you <strong>to</strong> outline outllne <strong>the</strong> obliga<strong>to</strong>ry rites of Hajj Haii <strong>and</strong> 'umrah ,umrah<br />

with wlth which whlch you ought <strong>to</strong> be familiar. It lt begins with some<br />

Important lmportant advice. advlce. This advice is, first of all, for ourselves,<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n it is offered oflered <strong>to</strong> you in accordance with<br />

our.<br />

what Allah, <strong>the</strong> Most High, says concerning those of His<br />

servants who receive salvation <strong>and</strong> success in this world<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> th€ Hereafter: "They counsel each o<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> truth<br />

<strong>and</strong> counsel each o<strong>the</strong>r of patience. " lt It is f fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>to</strong> put<br />

In<strong>to</strong> practice Hls His saylng: saying: "Gooperate "Cooperate with each o<strong>the</strong>r in<br />

goodness <strong>and</strong> fear of Allah, <strong>and</strong> do not cooperate in sln sin<br />

<strong>and</strong> transgresslon."<br />


We ask you <strong>to</strong> read thls this booklet before you begln begin <strong>the</strong><br />

rltes rites ol of HaJJ Hall lnorder In that you mayacqualnt acquaint yourselfwlth<br />

with<br />

what lg Is <strong>to</strong> be done. You wlll will flnd find In lt It answers <strong>to</strong> manyol<br />

of<br />

your questlons. questions. Wg W$ hope that you wlll will keep thls this booklet<br />

wlth with you as a reference for thls this year, <strong>and</strong> posslbly possibly for<br />

later years as well lf If lt It ls Is Allah's wlll will that you roturn return<br />

agaln again for <strong>to</strong>r hall <strong>hajj</strong> .<br />

We ask you YOU <strong>to</strong> shere share thls this booklet wlth with o<strong>the</strong>r Musllms Muslims In<br />

order that <strong>the</strong>y may also beneflt benefit lrom from readlng reading lts Its con' contents.<br />

tents, We ask Allah <strong>to</strong> accept from all of us ug our hall, hail, our<br />

striving, strlvlng, <strong>and</strong> our good deeds. deecls.<br />

Wassalamu'alalkum<br />

wa rahmatullahl nhmatullahl wa barakatuhu.<br />

barakatuhu'<br />

'Abdul:'Azlz bin bln'Abdullah bin bln Baz<br />

President Pregldent of Islamic lslamlc Research,<br />

IFTA <strong>and</strong> Propagation<br />

ProPagatlon<br />




Dear pllgrhts, pilgrims, we pralse praise Allah for havlng having gulded <strong>guide</strong>d you<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> hall hdlof of His Hls House <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> vlslt visit of <strong>the</strong> Sacred<br />

Precincts. Preclncts. May He accept from all ol of us our good deeds<br />

<strong>and</strong> Increase lncrease His reward for us <strong>and</strong> for you.<br />

The following followlng advice advlce Is is being offered <strong>to</strong> you in <strong>the</strong><br />

hope that Allah will wlll accept from all of us our fiarl<strong>and</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> <strong>and</strong> our<br />

striving. strlvlng.<br />

1. Remember that you are on a blessed blsssed journey. This Thls<br />

journey, Journey, which whlch Is is a migration migratlon <strong>to</strong>ward Allah, is based on<br />

belief In in His Hls Unity (tawheedJ, on sincerity <strong>to</strong>ward Him,<br />

on responding respondlng <strong>to</strong> His call, <strong>and</strong> on obedience <strong>to</strong> His<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>s. There Is ls no greater reward than that of a <strong>hajj</strong> haii<br />

which whlch Is ls acceptable acceplable <strong>to</strong> Allah Nlah Ta'alah-<strong>the</strong> reward of <strong>the</strong><br />

Garden Garclen of Paradise. Paraclise.<br />

2. 8e Be on your guard against <strong>the</strong> mischief mlschief of Satan, who<br />

intends <strong>to</strong> cause dissention among you. Love each o<strong>the</strong>r

as bro<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>and</strong> avold avoid disputes <strong>and</strong> disobedience <strong>to</strong><br />

Allah. Know that tho <strong>the</strong> Messenger ol of Allah (may peace<br />

<strong>and</strong> blesslngs blessings ofAltah Allah be on him) sald, said, ".. Noneol of you has<br />

trulybelleved believed unless hellkes likes forhls his bro<strong>the</strong>r what <strong>the</strong> likes<br />

for hlmself." himself."<br />

3. Whenever you YQu have a question concerning religious<br />

matt€rs matters or concsrning concerning <strong>the</strong>nall, <strong>hajj</strong>, ask knowledgeable Mus' Mus·<br />

lims Iims until.you receive a satisfac<strong>to</strong>ry answor. answer. This is in<br />

accordance with what Allah has said: "lf "If ye realise this not,<br />

ask of those who possess The Message." it is also in<br />

accordance with what <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on him) has<br />

said: "When Allah intends good for someone, someone' He gives<br />

him underst<strong>and</strong>ing of <strong>the</strong> religion."<br />

4. Know that Allah has made certain acts fard /ard(obliga·<br />

(obliga'<br />

<strong>to</strong>ry) <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r acts sunnah sry(according<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> practice of<br />

.---<br />

<strong>the</strong> Prophet, peace be on him). Allah does do€s not accept a<br />

sunnah su!!S! which violates some lard. lard' Some pilgrims ignore lgnore<br />

this fact when <strong>the</strong>y thay harm believing men <strong>and</strong> women in<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir zeal <strong>to</strong> kiss <strong>the</strong> Black B/acft S<strong>to</strong>ne, Sfone, <strong>to</strong> hasten in <strong>the</strong>ir cir· cir'<br />

cuits around <strong>the</strong> K'abah, <strong>to</strong> make salah sa/ah behind bahind <strong>the</strong> Sta· Sta'

tion of lbraheem,<br />

Ibraheem, <strong>to</strong> drink from Zamzam,.<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> slmllar similar<br />

practices. These practices are ere g!4trt!. ~. To harm any<br />

believer in doing <strong>the</strong>m is haram (prohiblted). (prohibited). How is Is it<br />

possible <strong>to</strong> carry out a a~ srn4at observance while doing a<br />

haram deed Therefore, avoid hurting each o<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>and</strong><br />

Allah will grant you His mercy <strong>and</strong> will increase your<br />

reward.<br />

We would also like <strong>to</strong> emphasize <strong>the</strong> following:<br />

(a) It lt is not fitting that a Muslim man performs his Sa/at Satgt<br />

next <strong>to</strong>, lo, or behind a woman in <strong>the</strong> Sacred Mosque or at<br />

any o<strong>the</strong>r place if il it is at all possible <strong>to</strong> avoid doing so.<br />

Women should pray behind men.<br />

(b)The doors <strong>and</strong> entrances <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sacred Mosque are<br />

for traffic <strong>and</strong> should not be blocked by people praying<br />

<strong>the</strong>re, even though if it is <strong>to</strong> join <strong>the</strong> congregational<br />

prayer that may be in progress.<br />

(c) It lt is not permissible <strong>to</strong> block <strong>the</strong> free f flow f of people<br />

around <strong>the</strong> K'abah by sitting near <strong>the</strong> K'abah, by praying<br />

near it, or by st<strong>and</strong>ing near <strong>the</strong> @!$,, Black S<strong>to</strong>ne, or al.Hi}r al'Hijr or

at tho <strong>the</strong> Statlon Station of lbraheem,<br />

Ibraheem, especlally<br />

especially when <strong>the</strong> place la Is<br />

crowded, as thls this ls Is a source of harm <strong>to</strong> othor o<strong>the</strong>r people.<br />

(rt) (d) Whlle While safeguardlng<br />

safeguarding th6 <strong>the</strong> dlgnlty dignity ofMusllms<br />

Muslims lsa Is a tar4 '.rd,<br />

klsstng kissing ths <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne ls Is a ry!. !JBJ.!!!ll. A lard !!!S!. cannot bo be<br />

sacrlflced sacrificed for a 4!.<br />

~. When <strong>the</strong> eroa area ls Is crowded, lt It ls Is<br />

gufffclen<strong>to</strong> sufficient polnt point <strong>to</strong> tho <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne, saylng saying "M!! ..~<br />

!l!!l!!:" ahbar."<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> contlnue continue <strong>to</strong> move wlth with tho <strong>the</strong> flow of people<br />

without wlthout causing causlng a break In <strong>the</strong> llnes. lines. Indeed, keaplng keeping an<br />

easy flow during durlng cfrcults circuits Is ls <strong>the</strong> most commendable<br />

thing. thlng.<br />

(e) It lt is not a~ a gry[ <strong>to</strong> kiss <strong>the</strong> Yamani @rner, corner, but <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong>uch it with <strong>the</strong> right h<strong>and</strong>, if it is not overcrowded, <strong>and</strong><br />

say: ••Bismillahi "8ism illahi waJ./ahu wat4ahu akbar. ahbar." ,. But if it is difficul<strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>uch<br />

it, <strong>the</strong>n move on, do not. not,point<br />

<strong>to</strong> it with your h<strong>and</strong>, or say<br />

takbir. For it is not reported of <strong>the</strong> ths Prophet. Prophet' It lt is mustahabb<br />

(g~) Go{) <strong>to</strong> recite <strong>the</strong> following supplication in ln between <strong>the</strong><br />

Yamani Yamanl corner cornor <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne:<br />

Ui)'^#<br />

Jr 1# rl'<br />

i;.ii Fjlr .j6j<br />

{ ,r!!r<br />

F<br />


""Rabban~ Rabb<strong>and</strong> ~tln~ ttlnl lld'donyl fld-dony~ hasanatan hacanatan wa fII-~khlrati lll'ilkhlratl<br />

hasanatan hesenaten wa qina adhAban-ttar".<br />

adhiban'fiar",<br />

Finally, Flnally, <strong>the</strong> best advlce advice w€ we can glve give you Is 19 thst that you<br />

follow lof low <strong>the</strong> Book of ntlan Allah <strong>and</strong>- end <strong>the</strong> sunnah of His Hls Mes· Mes'<br />

senger sanger (peace be on him) in all what you do.<br />

"Obey "ObBy Allah <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Messenger In order that you may<br />

receive recelve mercy." tngrcy."<br />


Bro<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> sister slster Muslim, Musllm, you must be aware that<br />

<strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong>rg are ars matters matt€rs which whlch nullity nulllfy your Islam. lslam. We will wlll men· men.<br />

tlon here <strong>the</strong> ten most common violations. vlolatlons. Please be<br />

mindful mlndful of <strong>the</strong>m.<br />

The First Flrst<br />

Associating partners with Allah (shirk). Allah, <strong>the</strong> Most<br />

High, says, "Truly, if anyone associates partners with<br />

Allah, Allah willforbid him <strong>the</strong> Garden <strong>and</strong> his abode willbs be<br />

<strong>the</strong> Fire; <strong>the</strong> wrongdoers will have no helpers." help€rs."

Galllng Calling upon <strong>the</strong> dead, asklng asking <strong>the</strong>lr <strong>the</strong>ir help' help, or offerlng offering<br />

<strong>the</strong>m glfts gifts or sacrlflces sacrifices are all forms of sfiIrlr. !!:!.!.!1L.<br />

The Second<br />

Settlng Setting up intermediaries between oneself <strong>and</strong> Allah' Allah,<br />

maklng making suppllcatlon<br />

supplication <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, asklng asking <strong>the</strong>ir lntercesslon<br />

Intercession<br />

wlth with Allah, <strong>and</strong> placlng placing one's trust In <strong>the</strong>m ls Is unbellef unbelief<br />

~. lkulrl.<br />

The Third Thlrd<br />

Anyone who does not consider poly<strong>the</strong>ists poly<strong>the</strong>lsts (!!!!!!!!!!..­ (mS!{-<br />

keen)<br />

te_en)<br />

<strong>to</strong> be unbelievers, unbelleverg, or who has doubts concerning<br />

concernlng<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>lr unbelief, unbellef, or considers conslders <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>lr way <strong>to</strong> be correct, Is ls<br />

himself hlmself an unbeliever unbellever (kaflr). (lraflr).<br />

The Fourth<br />

Anyone who believes belleves any guidance guldance o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong><br />

Prophet's guidance guldance <strong>to</strong> be more perfect, or a decision declslon<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> Prophet's decision decislon <strong>to</strong> be better, is ls an

unbell€vor. unbeliever. Thls This applles applies <strong>to</strong> those whoprufer proler <strong>the</strong> rule of<br />

Evll Evil ((Taghout) Iagnout) <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Prophet's rule. Some examples of<br />

thls this ar6: are:<br />

(a) To belleve believe that systems <strong>and</strong> la<strong>ws</strong> made by human<br />

belngs beings are better than <strong>the</strong>~of Eharl'ah<br />

lslam; Islam; for examPle, example,<br />

that <strong>the</strong> lslamlc Islamic system ls Is not sultable suitable for <strong>the</strong> twen' twentieth<br />

century.<br />

that Islam lslam Is ls <strong>the</strong> caueo cause ol of <strong>the</strong> backwardness of Mus' Mus­<br />

tleth<br />

lims. llms.<br />

Or that Islam lslam is a relationship r€lationship between Allah <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Muslim. Musllm. It lt should not Interfere Int€rfere In o<strong>the</strong>r aspects of<br />

life. llfa.<br />

(b) To say eay that enforcing enforclng <strong>the</strong> punishments punlshments prescribed prescrlbed<br />

by Allah, such as cutting cuttlng off <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong> of a thief thlef or s<strong>to</strong>ning<br />

an adulterer, is not suitable in this day <strong>and</strong> age.<br />

(c)To believe belleve that It lt Is ls permissible permlsslble <strong>to</strong> give glve a rule from lrom<br />

s<strong>to</strong>'<br />

that <strong>the</strong>t which whlch Allah did dld not revealn In Islamic lslamlc transactions transactlons or<br />

matters of law, punishments punlshments or o<strong>the</strong>r affairs. affalrs' Although

ono one may not bellevo believe such rullngs rulings <strong>to</strong> bo be luPorlor .uperlor <strong>to</strong> ths <strong>the</strong><br />

ShIT/'sh Sharl'ah<br />

he In effect affirms lrms such a st<strong>and</strong> by declarlng declaring a<br />

thlng thing whlch which Allah hae has <strong>to</strong>tally prohlblted, prohibited, such aa a8 adul' adultery,<br />

drlnklng drinking alcohol or usuryr usury, <strong>to</strong> be permlsslble.<br />

permissible.<br />

t€ry,<br />

Accordlng According <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> congengus consensus of Musllms, Muslims, one who<br />

declares such thlngs things <strong>to</strong> be permlsslble<br />

permissible ls Is an unbellever<br />

unbeliever<br />

(kef/f). (*attL.<br />

The Tha Filth Fllth<br />

Anyone who hates any part of what <strong>the</strong> Messenger of<br />

Allah (may peace p€ace <strong>and</strong> blessings of Allah be on him) has<br />

declared <strong>to</strong> be lawful has nullified his Islam, lslam, even though<br />

he may act in accordance with it. Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High, Hi9t1<br />

says: "Because "Bscause <strong>the</strong>y disliked what Allah has revealed,<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir thsir deeds are brought <strong>to</strong> nothing."<br />

The Sixth Slxih<br />

Anyone who ridicules rldlcules any aspect espoct of <strong>the</strong> religion rellglon of <strong>the</strong><br />

Messenger Meseenger of ol Allah (peace be on him), hlm), or any of Its lts<br />

rewards rewarda or punishments, punlshments, becomes becomss an unbelleve.r. unbellever. Allah,

<strong>the</strong> Most High, says: "Say: Do you ridicule Allah' Allah, His<br />

revelalions<br />

revelations <strong>and</strong> His Messenger Make no sxcus€; excuse; yotl you<br />

have disbelieved after your·(profession of) faith"' faith."<br />

The Seventh<br />

Thepracticeofmagicinc|udedinthisiscausingarift<br />

included in this is causing a rift<br />

between a husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wife bytuming turning his love for her in<strong>to</strong><br />

hatrsd, hatred, or tempUng tempting I a p€rson person <strong>to</strong> do things he dislikes by<br />

using blad< black arts. One who engages in such a thing or is<br />

pleased with it is outside <strong>the</strong> pale pate of lslam. Islam. Allah <strong>the</strong> lviost Most<br />

High, says, seys, "The "Th€ two (angels, Harut <strong>and</strong> Marut) waming thom,<br />

'lndeed' did not<br />

teach anyone (magic) without warning <strong>the</strong>m, 'Indeed, we<br />

are a trial; <strong>the</strong>n lhen do not disbelieve...· disbolieve."'<br />

The Eighth<br />

Supporting <strong>and</strong> aiding poly<strong>the</strong>ists polyth€ists<br />

againstho <strong>the</strong> Muslims. Muslims'<br />

Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High, says: "The one from lrom among you yott who<br />

supports supporls <strong>the</strong>m belongs b€longs <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>m. Truly, Allah does not <strong>guide</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> people who do wrong." rvrong."

The Ninth<br />

Anyone who believes that some people are permitted<br />

<strong>to</strong> deviate from lrom <strong>the</strong> Shari'ah of Muhammad (peace be on<br />

him) is an unbeliever by <strong>the</strong> word of Allah, <strong>the</strong> Most High:<br />

"If "lf anyone seeks a religion o<strong>the</strong>r than al·lslam al-lslam it will not be<br />

accepted from him, <strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Hereafter he will be among<br />

<strong>the</strong> losers."<br />

Th.e Thp Tenth<br />

To tum completely away from <strong>the</strong> religion of Allah,<br />

nei<strong>the</strong>r learning its precepts nor acting upon it. Allah <strong>the</strong><br />

Most High, says: "Who does greater wrong than <strong>the</strong> one ons<br />

who is reminded of <strong>the</strong> revelations of ol his Lord <strong>and</strong> turns<br />

away from <strong>the</strong>m. Truly, We shall recompense <strong>the</strong> gUilty," guilty"'<br />

<strong>and</strong> He also says: "But those who disbelieve tum turn away<br />

from that about which <strong>the</strong>y are warned."<br />

It makes<br />

no difference whe<strong>the</strong>r such violations are<br />

committed as a joke, in seriousness or out of fear, except<br />

when <strong>the</strong>y are done under compulsion.<br />

We seek refuge in ln Allah from such deeds as entail entall His Hls<br />

wrath <strong>and</strong> severe severs punishment.<br />


How <strong>to</strong> perform Hall Hajj <strong>and</strong> 'Umrah, 'Umrah, <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong> vlslt visit <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque<br />

Bro<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> slster sister Muslims:<br />

There are thret three ways of performing tne <strong>the</strong> haii: <strong>hajj</strong>:<br />

H Hall ell al-tamatt'u ll'tafiltt'u ((Interrupted)<br />

lnterruPted )<br />

H Hall I al-glran al'ql<br />

(comblned<br />

(combined))<br />

Hall al'ltrad al·lfrad (slngle) (single)<br />

Hajj Haii al-Tamatt't)<br />

a/·Tsmatt'u<br />

Thls This means enterlng entering In<strong>to</strong> ifiram ihram for <strong>the</strong> 'umrah '~ during<br />

<strong>the</strong> tha months of ol Hajj, Hall, I.e., 1.8., <strong>the</strong> tha months of Shawwal,<br />

Dhul-Q'ldah <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> tha firstf lrst ten days of Dhul-Hljjah; Dhul'Hljjah; <strong>to</strong> take<br />

off oll Ihram thram after performing performlng <strong>the</strong> lhe 'umrah; 'umrah;<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n <strong>to</strong> take<br />

~ ihram again agaln for <strong>to</strong>r <strong>the</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> hdi from lrom Makkah on <strong>the</strong> 8th day of<br />

Dhul-Hljjah Dhul-HUjah during durlng <strong>the</strong> same year in which <strong>the</strong> lhe'umrah<br />

was performed.<br />

Hajj Haii al·Qiran aFQiran<br />

This Thls denotes entering in<strong>to</strong>~ il,ram for both <strong>the</strong> lhe'umrah<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> hail at al <strong>the</strong> same time, tlme, not taking off oft <strong>the</strong> tha Ihram lhram

until <strong>the</strong> Day of Sacrifice (<strong>the</strong> {tho 10th lOth of Dhul-Hijjah).<br />

Alternatively, Aftemalively, one may first enter snter in<strong>to</strong> inlo ihram for <strong>the</strong> 'umrah,<br />

'umrah,<br />

<strong>and</strong> before belore beginning one's tawa' tawat may mak~ makc'rlre t:,e intention<br />

of ihrem for lor <strong>the</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> hal/ as well.<br />

Hajj Hall al-/frad al-ltrad<br />

This Thfs signifies slgnlflee donning~ donnlng lhram for <strong>to</strong>r <strong>the</strong> lhe <strong>hajj</strong> hail ei<strong>the</strong>r el<strong>the</strong>r from<br />

<strong>the</strong> prescribed prescrlbed Station Statlon of ol Ihram lhram (al-m/qat), (al-mlgat), from Makkah<br />

If lf one resides resldes <strong>the</strong>re, or from a place In between al-mlqat<br />

<strong>and</strong> Makkah In <strong>the</strong> event that one has brought a sacrificiaclaf<br />

animal anlmal with wlth him, hlm, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> remain remaln In ln /hram lhram until untll <strong>the</strong><br />

sacrlfl-<br />

Day of Sacrifice. If lf one has not brought an animal for<br />

sacrifice, he is required <strong>to</strong> come out of ihram after aftar<br />

performing 'umrah; 'umrah; that is, he makes <strong>the</strong> (Sa'ye) (gqle! around<br />

<strong>the</strong> lhe K'abah (tawa!). {t"*"n,, performs <strong>the</strong> (Sa'ye) <strong>the</strong> running<br />

between Safa <strong>and</strong> Marwah, cuts some of his hair <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n<br />

comes out of ihram, resuming his usualclothing <strong>and</strong> state.<br />

This i~ is what <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on him) prescribed for<br />

those people who had entered in<strong>to</strong> rhram ihram for <strong>the</strong> 0!i1 haii<br />

without bringing a sacrificial animal; <strong>the</strong>y <strong>the</strong>n re.entered ra-entered

inlo in<strong>to</strong>ihrun ihram on <strong>the</strong> 8thol ofDhuFHiiiah.<br />

Dhul-Hijjah. The same applies <strong>to</strong> a<br />

p€rson person who is perlorming<br />

performing haii <strong>hajj</strong> al'qiran al-qiran in <strong>the</strong> event that he<br />

has not brought with him an animal <strong>to</strong> sacrifice; atter 'urnrafi, it is<br />

required that he comes out of ihram after <strong>the</strong> 'umrah, as<br />

describ€d described above.<br />


'UMRAHI<br />

1. When you reach r€ach <strong>the</strong> prescrlbed prescribed Statlon Station (al'mlqatl' (a/-m/qat),<br />

make ghus/ ghust (a shower or full washlng washing ol of <strong>the</strong> whole<br />

body), use perfume perfums If lf available, avallable, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n put on <strong>the</strong><br />

~-p~ two-pf ece garment of~ ol thram (Izar (lzar <strong>and</strong> rlda), which whlch preferably<br />

should be of ol white whlte cloth. This Thls applies applles <strong>to</strong> men only. only'<br />

prete'<br />

A woman also makes ghusl but she does not use make<br />

up, <strong>and</strong> she may wear w€ar any clo<strong>the</strong>s she has available avallable as<br />

long as <strong>the</strong>y do not display dlsplay her adornments; adornmonts; she eh€ should<br />

be completely covered except for <strong>to</strong>r her face <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s. h<strong>and</strong>s'<br />

Then make your Intention Intentlon <strong>to</strong> perform 'Umrah U.t"ft-bV by saying; saylng;<br />

Labbayka'llmrah, 'Umrah, or: Labbayk AJlahumma Nlahumma 'Umrah, 'Umrah, as<br />


.:J=J ~ gu ~ ,*; ~r )'r ,i,LJ ~ JIJ ~ p+xl ~, .:J=J ~ )<br />

(~( JJJ glr/l ~r '1 Y ;,llt, ~IJ .lU ~ i-,,JlJ 4-JI J r^ll ~l Jl ~I<br />

"Ldbbayt,<br />

#I Llfbbayk, Allahumma.<br />

AllafJumma.<br />

Lsbbayk. Labbayk.<br />

Labbayk. La s/1sreeka sliareeka laka. laha.<br />

Labbayk.<br />

Innal-hamda lnnal-hamda wan-n'/mata wan-n'l laka<br />

wal·mulk. wal-mulk.<br />

La shareeka siarealrt lak'."<br />

(Here I am at Your service. servlce.<br />

oO Lord, here Ilam.<br />

Here I am. No partner do You<br />

have. Here I am,<br />

Truly, <strong>the</strong> praise <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> favor is<br />

Yours, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> dominion. dominlon.<br />

No partner do You have. )<br />

Men should utter this thls aloud while white women should say It lt<br />

silently. sf Repeat this lhls talbiyyah frequently, <strong>and</strong> engage in In<br />

<strong>the</strong> praise pralse of 'Allah, hllah, In fn supplications suppllcatlons for forgiveness, forglveness, <strong>and</strong>

in <strong>the</strong> enjoining of what is good <strong>and</strong> forbidding of what is<br />

evil.<br />

2. When you reach Makkah, make sevsn seven clrcults circuits<br />

(Tawaflaround<br />

(Ts<strong>ws</strong>') around <strong>the</strong> K'abah, beginning at <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

wlth with takDir tskbir (utterancos (utterances ol of "All"hu "AI/shu skbar") <strong>and</strong> ending<br />

"k!"1') each at <strong>the</strong> same place' place. While making your ( Iawaf) Tawaf) you<br />

may pralse praise Atlah Allah <strong>and</strong> make supplications <strong>to</strong> Hlm Him in any<br />

words you please' please. lt It is preferable <strong>to</strong> end each with <strong>the</strong><br />

words.<br />

t . 7.a a r+{rr<br />

q) ;~, ;. ~/;'ii JJ i:..:-;. L;.1J\ J ~i t:CJ ~<br />

ui)',# 6;Yl {tJ ir-; urJr 'J<br />

Ej (j)<br />

-i<br />

t ,6' t!J\ +r.1;<br />

~1.1s.<br />

~ -1 .<br />

"Rsbbana, "Rabbdna, aUna atina fld·dunya fld'dunya hasanatan wa fiI·akhiratl<br />

lil-akhiratl<br />

hasanatan wa qina adhaban·nar. adhaban'nlt'" "<br />

(Our Lord, give us good in this world <strong>and</strong> good In <strong>the</strong><br />

Hereafter. Herea|ter'<strong>and</strong>saveusfrom<strong>the</strong>pun|shmen<strong>to</strong>f<strong>the</strong>Fire.)<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> punishment of <strong>the</strong> After completing <strong>the</strong> seventh ciruclt, pray two rak'ats<br />

behind beh|nd<strong>the</strong>stationoflbraheem(Maqamlbrahedm||flt|s<br />

Station of Ibraheem Ibraheem) If It Is<br />

possible, even though you may be a little llttle far lar from It. lt'<br />

O<strong>the</strong>rwise O<strong>the</strong>nnise at any o<strong>the</strong>r place within withln <strong>the</strong> Sacred Mosque. Mosque'

3. You <strong>the</strong>n go <strong>to</strong> as-safa <strong>and</strong> climb on it. It. Faclng Facing tha <strong>the</strong><br />

K'abah, K'8bah, praise Allah, ralslng raising your h<strong>and</strong>s, say E!!,!!,<br />

~<br />

("AI/ahu ("Allahu akbar'1 ahbar') three tlmes. times. Then malte make suppllcation supplication <strong>to</strong><br />

Allah, repeating repeatlng your suppllcatlon supplication three tlmes times as thls this ls Is<br />

<strong>the</strong> sunnah. sunaai. Then say<br />

rg; J ~\ #l .JJ r!; ~I Clllr oJ .l.J=Lf 4.! ~.r- Y ~ o-u;.11 0..1>-J ~I Yl ~1 .JI ...11 Y ~ )<br />

( t,6'..,'" Jr &<br />

(.I-"U '"~ Y ~<br />

rjIlJ o~ ~J oJs.J y,ii 0...1>-J ~I ~1 .J1 ~<br />

oJ>; o...l>-J .rt;!t ylr~l<br />

l; ) or* p) o&t i\ or*J iut Yl dl Y<br />

.. " La lIaha llaha I/Ia/-Lah, lttat-Lah, wahdahu la sharika Lah. Ldh." "<br />

Lahul-mulk Lahul-mulh wa lahul-hamd, lahul'hamd, wa huwa'ala kufli kulli shayin<br />

qadeer".<br />

IILa " I/aha llaha lIIal·/ah, lltal'lah, wahdahu, Anjaza Aniaza wadahu Wanasara<br />

abdahu we wa hazama al ahzab wahdahu." "<br />

(There Is ls no deity delty except Allah, <strong>the</strong> th€ One u/ithout without a<br />

partner. pertn€r.<br />

His Hls Is ls <strong>the</strong> dominion domlnlon <strong>and</strong> His Hls /5 ls <strong>the</strong> praise, pralse, <strong>and</strong> He Is ls<br />

powertull powerfull over ovsr everything. everylhlng.

Thsre There ls Is no clelty deity except Allah, completed Hls His pr+ promise,<br />

supported Hls His Stave Slave <strong>and</strong> defeated tho <strong>the</strong> partles parties<br />

Alone.<br />

mlse,<br />

|tispreferab|e<strong>to</strong>utterthissupplicationthreetimes.but<br />

It preferable <strong>to</strong> this supplication three times, but<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is no harm in saying it less than three times' times.<br />

You <strong>the</strong>n descend lrom from as-Safa <strong>and</strong> do <strong>the</strong> sa'ye of <strong>the</strong><br />

'ymra!. 'umrah seven times. lncrease Increase your paca pace b€t<strong>ws</strong>en between tho <strong>the</strong><br />

gre€n green posts, but walk at a normal pace before <strong>and</strong> after<br />

<strong>the</strong>m. When you climb on <strong>the</strong> Manvah, Marwah, praise Allah <strong>and</strong> do<br />

• as you did at as-Safa, as-Sa!a, repeating your supplications, it if you<br />

can conveniently do so, three times.<br />

There are no required formulas or supplications for tawat tawaf<br />

<strong>and</strong> sa'ye. It lt is up <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> worshipper <strong>to</strong> praise Allah or<br />

supplicate Him in his own words, or he may recite portions porlions<br />

of ol <strong>the</strong> Our'an, Qur'an, with due regard <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> supplications which<br />

<strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on him) recited during <strong>the</strong> performance<br />

of of <strong>the</strong>se rites.<br />

4. 4. After sa'y, end your 'umrah 'ttmrah by shaving or shortening shortenlng<br />

perform-<br />

your hair. After this, <strong>the</strong> prohibitions pertaining pertainlng <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>

state of ihram ifiram are lifted <strong>and</strong> you may now resume your<br />

norma/life.<br />

normal llfe.<br />

If lf you are doing <strong>hajj</strong> haij al-tamatt'u al\amatt'u <strong>the</strong> sacrifice sacriflce of a<br />

sheep or <strong>the</strong> seventh part of a camel cam€l or a cow becomes<br />

obliga<strong>to</strong>ry obllga<strong>to</strong>ry for you on <strong>the</strong> Day of Sacrifice (<strong>the</strong> 10th of<br />

Dhul·Hijjah). Dhul-HiJjah). If lf you cannot afford this sacrifice, it is<br />

obliga<strong>to</strong>ry for you <strong>to</strong> fast ten days, three of <strong>the</strong>m during durlng<br />

<strong>the</strong>nell <strong>hajj</strong> <strong>and</strong> seven after returning home.<br />

If f f you are performing perlorming <strong>hajj</strong> hail al·tamatt'u al-tamatt'u or <strong>hajj</strong> haii al·qiran, al-qiran,ll it<br />

is ts preferable preterable <strong>to</strong> fast <strong>the</strong>se tnuE1nffiff three days before uffio"v <strong>the</strong> Day of ot<br />

'Arafat<br />

'Arafat<br />

(<strong>the</strong> 9th of Dhul·Hijjah).<br />

Dhul-Hijjah),<br />


1. If lf you are performing <strong>hajj</strong> al-ifrad or <strong>hajj</strong> haii al-qiran (Le., (i.e.,<br />

~ .fia{ combined with 'umrah), 'umfthl, you enter in<strong>to</strong> ihram at <strong>the</strong><br />

'station of Ihram lhram (al-miqat) (al-miqatl through which you pass on<br />

your way <strong>to</strong> Makkah.<br />

If ff you do not pass through lhrough any Station of Ihram lhram on<br />

your way <strong>to</strong> Makkah, you enter in<strong>to</strong> ihram from your<br />


ff If you are performlng performing hdil <strong>hajj</strong> at-tamdtl'u.<br />

al·tamatt'u (<strong>the</strong> interrupted<br />

ham,<br />

!!!!), you sntsr enter lnlo In<strong>to</strong> ihlgm Ihram <strong>to</strong>r forW <strong>hajj</strong> from yourr€sidence residence in<br />

Makkah on <strong>the</strong> 8th of Dhul-HUJah.<br />

Dhul·Hljjah. Perlorm Perform ghusl (shower<br />

or washlng washing of <strong>the</strong> enlire entire body), perfume yourself yourselt lf If pos' possible,<br />

<strong>and</strong> put on <strong>the</strong> two garments of r'lrram. ihram. This applies<br />

<strong>to</strong> men. Women likewise perform ghusl but are not <strong>to</strong><br />

use pertume. perfume. They may wear any sultable suitable clo<strong>the</strong>s <strong>the</strong>y<br />

slble,<br />

have as long as <strong>the</strong>y do not show <strong>the</strong>ir adornments <strong>and</strong><br />

cover every part of <strong>the</strong>ar <strong>the</strong>ir bodies bodiss ercepting excepting <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong><br />

face. For woman, if she is in <strong>the</strong> presence of o<strong>the</strong>r men<br />

who are not her immediate relatives like her husb<strong>and</strong>,<br />

fa<strong>the</strong>r, la<strong>the</strong>r, bro<strong>the</strong>r or son <strong>the</strong>n she should cover her face. face' After<br />

putting on ihram make your niyyah ni)ryh (intention) by Saying:<br />

Labbayka Llbbavka Hajjan, Haiian, <strong>the</strong>n recite talbiwah:<br />

~ .tu ~ cIJ ~p &; ') Y ~ .1=J ~ -4J ~\ r+ut ~ +J )<br />

( ~ .:I .!..ltp gt .,3 ":J Y ~I) $tlt, .!..ll glJ ~\) i-,*:.JtJ ..l..:l\ J-Il .)\ .lt<br />

"Labbayk, Allahumma.<br />

Labbayk. Labbeyk.<br />

Lsbbayk. Labbayk. La shareeka sharaeka laka.<br />

Labbayk. LabbaYk.

Innal·hamda lnnal-hamda wan·n'lmata wan-n'lmata laka<br />

wa{·mulk. wal-mulk.<br />

La shareeka siareeka lak'."<br />

(Here I am at Your service, servlce, 0O lord, Lord, here 13m. I am. No<br />

partner do You have. Here I am. Truly, <strong>the</strong> praise pralse<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> favor is ls Yours, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> dominion. domlnlon. No<br />

partner do You have.)<br />

2. You <strong>the</strong>n go <strong>to</strong> Mlna, where you pray <strong>the</strong> lhe Dhuhr,'Asr,<br />

MaghrJb, Maghrlb, '/sha 'lsha <strong>and</strong> Fajr prayers at <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>lr proper propsr times,<br />

shortening prayers of four lour rak'as <strong>to</strong> two rak'as. Do not<br />

combine <strong>the</strong>se prayers.<br />

3. When <strong>the</strong> sun has risen on <strong>the</strong> 9th at of Dhul-HiJjah,<br />

Dhul-Hijjah,<br />

proceed <strong>to</strong>ward 'Arafat 'Arafat in a dignified manner <strong>and</strong><br />

without wlthout harming your fellow pilgrims. pifgrlms. At 'Aratat, 'Arafat, pray <strong>the</strong><br />

Dhuhr Dhuh, <strong>and</strong> 'Asr prayers, pray€rs, shortened <strong>and</strong> combined during<br />

<strong>the</strong> time tlme of ol Dhuhr with wlth one adhan <strong>and</strong> two iqamahs. igamahs.<br />

Make sure that you are within withln <strong>the</strong> boundaries at of 'Arafat.<br />

'Arafat.<br />

Stay within wlthin <strong>the</strong> boundaries boundarles of 'Aratat, 'Arafat, except <strong>the</strong> valley<br />

of (Oranah, reciting <strong>the</strong> praise of Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High, <strong>and</strong>

ofloring offoring supplications facing qiblah with upraised h<strong>and</strong>s,<br />

as was <strong>the</strong> practice of Prophet Muhammad (may peace<br />

<strong>and</strong> blessings of Allah be on him)' him). Remain at 'Arafat 'Aratat until<br />

aftsr after sunset.<br />

4. When lhe <strong>the</strong> sun has set, procsed proceed <strong>to</strong>ward Muzdallfah<br />

In a peaceful <strong>and</strong> dlgnifled dignified manner, recitlng reciting talblyyah. tslblyyah.<br />

Do not harm or cause any dlscomfort discomfort <strong>to</strong> your fellow<br />

Muslims. Musllms. When you arrlve arrive at Muzdallfah, pray <strong>the</strong><br />

Maghrlb <strong>and</strong> 'Ishs 'lsia prayers combined, comblned, shortenlng shortening '/s[a '/shs <strong>to</strong><br />

two rsk's's. ralr'als. Stay at Muzdallfah Muzdalifah until untll you have prayed <strong>the</strong><br />

Fslr Falr prayer. Then walt until untll <strong>the</strong> brightness brlghtnass of <strong>the</strong> mor· mor'<br />

nlng Is ls wide wlrte spread, supplicate facing faclng qlblah glbfaD wlth with<br />

upraised upralsed h<strong>and</strong>s, following <strong>to</strong>llowlng <strong>the</strong> tha practice practlce of <strong>the</strong> Prophet eroinet<br />

(peace be on him). hlm).<br />

• I For women wom6n or weak Individuals, Indlviduals, it Is ls permissible permisslble <strong>to</strong><br />

proceed <strong>to</strong> Mlna at any time tlme after aftar midnight. mldnlght'<br />

In Muzdallfah, Muzdalllah, pick plck up only seven sevsn pebbles <strong>to</strong> throw at<br />

<strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ne Pillar Plltar of 'Aqabah. 'Aqabah. O<strong>the</strong>r pebbles can be picked plclted<br />

up at Mina. There is no harm even if <strong>the</strong> seven pebbles <strong>to</strong>

e thrown at <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ne Pillar of 'Aqabah 'Aqabah are also picked up<br />

at Mina.<br />

6. When you arrive at Mina, do tho <strong>the</strong> followlng:<br />

following:<br />

(a) At <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ne Plllar Pillar of 'Aqabah 'Aqabah (thls (this is <strong>the</strong> pillar nea' nearest<br />

<strong>to</strong> Makkah) throw <strong>the</strong> seven pebbles one after <strong>the</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r, saying "Allahu .. AI/shu akbar" at each throw.<br />

(b) If lf you are required <strong>to</strong> sacritice, sacrifice, slaughter your<br />

sacrificial animal. You are <strong>to</strong> eat some ol of its meat <strong>and</strong><br />

distribute <strong>the</strong> major part of it <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> needy.<br />

(c) Shave your head or cut some hair halr from it. Shaving<br />

is preferable for men, while for women womefi <strong>the</strong> length of hair<br />

<strong>to</strong> be cut is that of a fingertip. fingertiP.<br />

• O The above-mentioned order of doing things is pre· pre'<br />

ferred, however, if lf <strong>the</strong>y are done in some o<strong>the</strong>r order,<br />

<strong>the</strong>re is no harm In It. it.<br />

• O After you have thrown <strong>the</strong> pebbles <strong>and</strong> shaved or<br />

cut some ot ol your hair, <strong>the</strong> prohibitions of ihrBm ihram are<br />

lifted, excepting <strong>the</strong> prohibition prohibltion of ol sexual intercourse<br />


with your spouse. This is <strong>the</strong> f first tahallul, i'e., Le., returning<br />

<strong>to</strong> one's normal state. You are now <strong>to</strong> wear your usual<br />

clo<strong>the</strong>s.<br />

7. Then you go <strong>to</strong> Makkah <strong>and</strong> perform <strong>the</strong> tawaf tawat<br />

al-ifalah al·itadah (lhe (<strong>the</strong> tawaf which is an essentialpart of <strong>the</strong> Hajj). If ll<br />

you are doing haij <strong>hajj</strong> al-tamatt'u, al·tamatt'u, you also pedorm perform sa'ye. If lf<br />

you are performing haii <strong>hajj</strong> al-ifrad al-itrad or haii <strong>hajj</strong> al-qiran <strong>and</strong> you did<br />

not perform sa'ye with tawaf tawat al-qudum al-gudum (<strong>the</strong> Tawat fawal of<br />

Arrival), you must do sa'ye now. After this, <strong>the</strong> prohibition prohrbition<br />

of marital relations is also lifted <strong>and</strong> you return <strong>to</strong> lo a<br />

completely normal life. lite.<br />

• I It f t is permissible <strong>to</strong> delay <strong>the</strong> tawat al-ifadah al-itadah until <strong>the</strong><br />

days spent at Mina are over, going <strong>to</strong> Makkah for lor this<br />

tawat tawa! after all thre"e three Pillars have been s<strong>to</strong>ned.<br />

8. After performing your tawat tawaf al·ifadah al-if adah on <strong>the</strong> Day of<br />

Sacrifice, return <strong>to</strong> Mina <strong>and</strong> spend<br />

<strong>the</strong>re <strong>the</strong> nights<br />

preceding <strong>the</strong> 11th, 12th 1zth <strong>and</strong> 13th days of Dhul-Hijjah Dhul'Hijjah<br />

{<strong>the</strong> (<strong>the</strong> three days following <strong>the</strong> Day of Sacrifice ice which are<br />

known as ayyamu-tashreeq.lt It is however, permissible <strong>to</strong><br />

spend only two nights in Mina instead of three. three,

9. At any time tlme In <strong>the</strong> atternoon afternoon of sach each ol of <strong>the</strong> two or<br />

three days dayg of your $tay stay In Mlna, e<strong>to</strong>no s<strong>to</strong>ne each of <strong>the</strong> three<br />

pijlars, Plllars, starting startlng wlth with <strong>the</strong> llrst first Pillar Plllar (1.e., (I.e., <strong>the</strong> one whlch which ls Is<br />

far<strong>the</strong>st from Makkah), followed by <strong>the</strong> mlddle middle Plllar<strong>and</strong> Pillar <strong>and</strong><br />

lastly <strong>the</strong> Pillar Plllar of 'Aqabah. Throw seven sev€n pebbles, one by<br />

one, at each of <strong>the</strong>se Pillars, Plllars, saying saylng "AI/shu "Allahu skbsr" ahbar" al at<br />

e~ch each Jhrow. lhrow.<br />

• O If lf you stay in Mina for only two days, you must leave<br />

Mlna before <strong>the</strong> sun sets s€ts on <strong>the</strong> second day. If lf <strong>the</strong> sun<br />

should set before you are ere able <strong>to</strong> depart, remain remaln In Mlna<br />

for <strong>the</strong> third thlrd night nlght <strong>and</strong> throw pebbles again agaln <strong>the</strong> next day.<br />

In any case, It lt Is ls preferable <strong>to</strong> remain remaln In Mlna for three<br />

nights. nlghts.<br />

• O It lt Is ls permissible permlsslble for <strong>the</strong> sick slck <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> weak <strong>to</strong><br />

appoint appolnt a proxy <strong>to</strong> throw <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>lr pebbles. The proxy llrst first<br />

thro<strong>ws</strong> throwe his hls own pebbles, followed. by <strong>the</strong> pebbles of <strong>the</strong><br />

person perllon he represents while whlle at <strong>the</strong> same eama pillar. plllar.<br />

10. If ll you decide declde <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> your country after com· com-<br />

pletlng <strong>the</strong> rites rltes of ol hall, you perform <strong>the</strong> Farewell Ta<strong>ws</strong>f Tawal

(ta<strong>ws</strong>t (lawaf ai-wide) ar-wiOal before leaving leavlng Makkah. No ono one 13 Is<br />

excused from trom this thls except womsn women who are menstruallng<br />

menstruating<br />

or In <strong>the</strong> period perlod of discharge dlscharge lollowlng following chlldblrth. childbirth.<br />


During Durf<br />

<strong>the</strong> state of Ihram lhram for <strong>to</strong>r <strong>hajj</strong> W or'Umrah, <strong>the</strong> follo. following<br />

wlng are obliga<strong>to</strong>ry; obllga<strong>to</strong>ry;<br />

1. To faithfully lalthfully observe all tt'lat that Allah has made obllga-<br />

obliga<strong>to</strong>ry,<br />

such as <strong>the</strong> ths dally prayers at <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>lr proper tlmes. times.<br />

2. To avoid what Allah has prohibited, such as wrongdoing,<br />

quarreling <strong>and</strong> committing sins.<br />

3. To guard against agelnst injuring InJurlng <strong>the</strong> Muslims Musllms by deed or by<br />

word.<br />

4. To abstain abstaln from what is ls prohibited prohlblted during durlng Ihram, lhram,<br />

wrong-<br />

namely:<br />

(a) Do not cut your nails nalls or pull out hair. There Is ls no<br />

blame on you if <strong>the</strong>se break or come off by <strong>the</strong>mselves

wlthout without your inlending intending it.<br />

(b) Do not use scent, whe<strong>the</strong>r on <strong>the</strong> clo<strong>the</strong>s or on <strong>the</strong><br />

body, or In food or drink. There is no harm if <strong>the</strong> effecl effect of<br />

scent applied before putting on ihram remains.<br />

(c) Do not kill, frighten or assist in hunting any l<strong>and</strong><br />

game as long as a$ you are in ihram.<br />

(d) Within <strong>the</strong><br />

prednts precints of al·Haram, a-!-,Ha-tam., no one, in <strong>the</strong><br />

state of ihram or not, is allowed <strong>to</strong> cut trees, pluck vegetables<br />

or collect a lost property except for <strong>the</strong> sake of<br />

identifying it for its owner. For <strong>the</strong> Messenger of ot Allah Atlah<br />

vege-<br />

(peace be upon him) said so.<br />

(e) Do not propose <strong>to</strong> a woman or contract marriage<br />

ei<strong>the</strong>r for lor yourself or on behalf of o<strong>the</strong>rs. Sexual intercourse<br />

is prohibited <strong>to</strong>o, so is <strong>to</strong>uching <strong>the</strong> apposite sex<br />

with desire. All <strong>the</strong>se actions are-prohibited during <strong>the</strong><br />

period of ot ihram. ihrar!,<br />

inter-<br />

All <strong>the</strong>se prohibitions apply equally <strong>to</strong> men <strong>and</strong><br />

women alike.<br />

In ln particular

• I A man may not put any covering coverlng on his hls head.<br />

However, <strong>the</strong> shade of an umbrella or <strong>the</strong> roof of a car Is le<br />

permissible. permlsslble. There Is ls no harm In carrying carrylng something somethlng on<br />

<strong>the</strong> head.<br />

• e A man may not wear a shirt shlrt or anything else which<br />

is sewn, gewn, such as a burnoose, turban, trousers, khuff khult<br />

(short, thin thln boot), on <strong>the</strong> whole or a part of his body.<br />

However, if lt an Izar !4g (one of <strong>the</strong> two garments of oI ihram, ihranl,<br />

worn on <strong>the</strong> lower part of <strong>the</strong> body) is not available, avallable,<br />

trousers may be worn, <strong>and</strong> if s<strong>and</strong>als are not available avallable<br />

khuff Rhult may be worn.<br />

• O It lt is forbidden for a woman <strong>to</strong> wear gloves on her<br />

h<strong>and</strong>s or <strong>to</strong> cover her face with wlth a face-veil (niqab) or<br />

burq'u (drape) during <strong>the</strong> state of oI ihram. However, HoFer,<br />

if<br />

male strangers are around her, she should conceal her<br />

face with her head-covering or something similar, similar. These<br />

rules apply until she comes out of ihram.<br />

O • lf If a person wears a sewn garment or covers his<br />

head (for men), uses perfume, pulls out some hairs, or<br />

cuts his nails through forgetfulness or due <strong>to</strong> ignoranc€,<br />


<strong>the</strong>re is no ti$Etr- fidyah (sxpiation) (expiation) for him. He should s<strong>to</strong>p<br />

dolng doing such thlngs things as soon as he remembers or ls Is<br />

reminded ol of <strong>the</strong>n.<br />

O • ft It is permissible <strong>to</strong> wear s<strong>and</strong>als, a ring, a pair of<br />

glasses, a hearing aid, a wrist watch, <strong>and</strong> a belt or a<br />

girdle which protects one's money or documents'<br />

documents.<br />

O • lt It ls Is permissible <strong>to</strong> change one's clo<strong>the</strong>s <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />

wash <strong>the</strong>m, as wellas <strong>to</strong> wash one's hair <strong>and</strong> body, <strong>and</strong><br />

it does not matter il if some hair inadvertently falls out<br />

during washing.<br />


1. Going <strong>to</strong> Madinah at any time with <strong>the</strong> intention of<br />

visiting <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque is a sunnah, as is iS perfor­<br />

or'<br />

ming salah sa/ah in ln it. According <strong>to</strong> a hadith of <strong>the</strong> Prophet (may<br />

peace <strong>and</strong> blessing of Allah be on him),~performed<br />

a-9a/ah<br />

in in <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque is better than a thous<strong>and</strong> sa/ats in<br />

any o<strong>the</strong>r place excepting <strong>the</strong> Sacred Mosque (Masjid (Masls!<br />

a/-Haram) al-Haram) in in Makkah.

2. There ls Is no Jhrdm f.!!.!!!!!!. nor not talblyah talblydh lor for <strong>the</strong> vlslt visit <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Prophet's Mosque, <strong>and</strong> lt It should be emphaslzed<br />

emphasized that<br />

<strong>the</strong>re ls Is no connectlon connection whatsoever between thls this vlslt visit<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> haii. <strong>hajj</strong>.<br />

3. When you enter <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque, enter with<br />

your right foot first, saying <strong>the</strong> name ol of Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High,<br />

<strong>and</strong> evoking blessings on His Prophet (may His peace <strong>and</strong><br />

blessings be on him), <strong>and</strong> ask Allah <strong>to</strong> open <strong>the</strong> gates of<br />

His mercy for you. The recommended words for entering<br />

any mosque, including <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque, are:<br />

U F:'ji,l dtlai-J A,fft + )) eLJl<br />

nf{ ,J"i )<br />

if (-oAAJl .4I,j\.W.....) (-.,>J\ ~ J) r.1-J1 ~~ :,yi )<br />

.. ( ~) J:^r yl.f.i vl_,,i J,J cl g.l t ~I r*[t e-)l e*Jl oU".:tr 0~\<br />

"A'(tdhLt 'udhu billahll-adheem billahll-adhesm wa wajhl walhl hll-kareem hll'kareem wa<br />

sultanlhll-qadeem sultanlhtl-qadeemlna' . shaytanl-rajeem. shaytanl'raleem. Allahhumma,<br />

Iftah lltah 1/ llaOwaba abwaba rahmsttk. rahmattk.<br />

Allah'<br />

(I (l seek refuge In tn Allah <strong>the</strong> AI-mighty, At'mlghty, <strong>and</strong> In ln His Hls<br />

noble countenance <strong>and</strong> In His Hls eternal power, from f Satan <strong>the</strong> Rejected. Relected. 0O Allah, open <strong>to</strong> me <strong>the</strong> doors<br />

of Your mercy.)

4. Perform two ra,t'als rsk'ats of tshlyyat tahlyyet al-maslld sl-masjld (<strong>the</strong> 88/at !!!!.!!<br />

of "greetlng "greeting of <strong>the</strong> mosque") after enterlng entering <strong>the</strong> Mosque,<br />

preferabty<br />

preferably ln In <strong>the</strong> Rawdah or o<strong>the</strong>rwlse o<strong>the</strong>rwise anywhere else In<br />

<strong>the</strong> Mosque.<br />

5. Then go <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> grave of <strong>the</strong> Prophet (may <strong>the</strong> pbace<br />

<strong>and</strong> blesslng blessing of Allah be on hlm), him), <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ing In in front<br />

of It lt <strong>and</strong> taclng facing lt, It, say In a respectful <strong>and</strong> hushed volca: voice:<br />

( i{ t t;$l i,*r1 d' Ui -:Jir g>t-Jt I<br />

"Assa/amu " Assalamu'alalka, 'a/alka, ayyuhan-nablyya ayyuhan'nablyya wa we rahmatu/· rahmetul'<br />

lahl wa barakatuhu." "<br />

(Peace be on you, 0O Prophet, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> mercy <strong>and</strong><br />

blessings blesslngs of Allah), <strong>and</strong> call for <strong>the</strong> blessings blesslngs of<br />

Allah on him. hlm. There is ls no harm If if you add: acld:<br />

~jJl grll .)~l r-rll ~W.\ ltitl ~IJ rlrul; ~\J ilr.a,iJtr ~}\ .lr"Jl ~I cI ~\) -pr 1<br />

•' (<br />

~.lS-J de;<br />

. ( ~\.)--I ,l+l ~i J-aii ~i oi Y' f 0r 'Fi i ~I .'aUI )<br />

"Allahumma, atlhll-waseelata wal-fadeelata<br />

wab-'athu<br />

I·maqa l-maqa ma I-mah l-mah mouda 1·lad l-lad hee

wa·adtahu. wa€dtehu. Allahumma, aJzlh 'an 'sn ummatlhl<br />

afdalal.Jaza'. afdalal-faza'." If<br />

(0 (O lord, Lord, give glve him hlm <strong>the</strong> right rlght (of Intercession) Interceeslon) <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> favor, <strong>and</strong> end raise ralee him hlm <strong>to</strong> lo <strong>the</strong> praiseworthy pralseworthy sta· ste.<br />

tlon which whlch you promised promlsed <strong>to</strong> him. hlm.<br />

oO Allah, reward him hlm on behalf behelf of his hls urnmah ummeh<br />

(people) with wlth <strong>the</strong> best of rewards.)<br />

Then move a little llttle <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> right rlght <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong> before <strong>the</strong><br />

grave of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased pleaeed with wlth him). hlm).<br />

Greet him hlm <strong>and</strong> supplicate suppllcate Allah <strong>to</strong> bes<strong>to</strong>w His Hls mercy <strong>and</strong><br />

forgiveness forglveness on him. hlm.<br />

Again Agaln move rnoye a little llttle <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> right rlght <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong> before bsfore <strong>the</strong><br />

grave gravo of 'Umar 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with wlth him), hlm), <strong>and</strong><br />

greet him hlm <strong>and</strong> make supplication suppllcatlon for him. hlm.<br />

6. It ft Is fs sunnah<strong>to</strong> have (Taharah), <strong>and</strong> visit vlelt <strong>the</strong> Mosque<br />

of Quba <strong>and</strong> offer~ sa/at In It, lt, as <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace (peacs be on<br />

him) hlm) prayed <strong>the</strong>re <strong>and</strong> encouraged o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> do <strong>the</strong><br />

same. 98m6.

7. lt It is sunnah <strong>to</strong> visit <strong>the</strong> graves of al'Baqe'e al·Baqe'e came<strong>to</strong>ry' cemetery,<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> grave of Uthman (May Allah bo be pleased with him)<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> martyrs of 'Uhud, 'Uhud. <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> grave ol 0' Hamzah (May<br />

Allah be pleased with <strong>the</strong>m.);<strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong> greet <strong>the</strong>m <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> pray for<br />

<strong>the</strong> mercy of Allah upon <strong>the</strong>m. The Prophet (peace be<br />

upon him) used <strong>to</strong> visit all <strong>the</strong>se graves <strong>and</strong> pray for <strong>the</strong><br />

souls of those who were buried <strong>the</strong>re. He taught his<br />

companions when visiting graves <strong>to</strong> say:<br />

'rl 01 Ul-r U'lJ ;*ulr, ~I) d^rril ~jll ./ ~ ;Lrtt J~..ul J^i J-i 'SJ" ~ i;;WI p)r-Jl I)<br />

. (~WI~) 1 +iUr 15j:<br />

WUJ 1»1 .iil JL J'f*, 0~'j ,iti-! ~ ,*(+ 1»\ 6t ~~ ,tl<br />

IIAssalamu " Assalsmu'alllhum, 'alalkum, ahlal-diyar ahlal'dlyar mlnal·mu'mineen<br />

mlnal'mu'mlneen<br />

wal-musllmeen, wal-muslimeen, wa inns lnna Insha-AJ/ah lnsha-Alla! blkum lah!· lahl'<br />

qoon. Nasalal-Iaha Nasata/-/ah a lana wa lakumul·'aflyah.<br />

ldkumul-'atlyah'<br />

(Reported (RePorted by bY Muslim) Musllm)<br />

(Peace be on you, 0O dwellers of this thls place from among<br />

<strong>the</strong> Believers Bef levers <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Muslims, Musllms, <strong>and</strong> we will wlll Insha·'AJ/sh<br />

lnsha''Allah<br />

join<br />

Joln<br />

you. We ask Allah for security securlty (from <strong>the</strong> Fire Flre of Hell)<br />

for ourselves <strong>and</strong> for you.) You.)<br />

According <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sharl'ah Sh.arl'ah besides besldes <strong>the</strong> mosques <strong>and</strong><br />

o<strong>the</strong>r oth€r places mentioned mentloned above, abov€, <strong>the</strong>re are ars no o<strong>the</strong>r mos- mos'

ques Ques or placas places ln In Madlnsh Madlnah whlch which are <strong>to</strong> be vlslted. visited. The. The·<br />

refore, do not burden yourself by vlsltlng visiting places for<br />

whlch which <strong>the</strong>re ls Is no reward or for whlch, which, In fact, <strong>the</strong>re<br />

mlght might be gome some blame for dolng doing so. And Allah ls Is <strong>the</strong><br />

source of guidance.<br />



First: Fkst: Errors Related Relatad <strong>to</strong> Ihram lhram<br />

Some pilgrims pllgrlms pypass <strong>the</strong> designated deslgnated Station of Ihram l.hram<br />

on <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>f r route rout€ without wlthout ei<strong>the</strong>r el<strong>the</strong>r being belng In ln Ihram lhram or entering enlerlng<br />

In<strong>to</strong>!l!!!!E lnlo lhrem <strong>the</strong>re, proceeding proceedlng until untll <strong>the</strong>y reach Jeddah Jeddeh or<br />

some o<strong>the</strong>r place within wlthln <strong>the</strong> precincts 0.1 of <strong>the</strong> Stations, Slatlons, at<br />

which whfch <strong>the</strong>y enter in<strong>to</strong> lnlo Ihrsm. lhram. This Thls Is ls against agalnst <strong>the</strong> comm<strong>and</strong><br />

of Allah's Messenger (peace (psace be on him), hlm), which whlch<br />

com-<br />

stipulates etfpufates that every pilgrim pllgrlm should enter In<strong>to</strong> Ihram lhram at al<br />

<strong>the</strong> tho Station Statlon of!l1!!!!1 oI lhram which whlch lies lles on his hls route.<br />

If lf this thls happens <strong>to</strong> someone, he h6 must ei<strong>the</strong>r- go back <strong>to</strong>

<strong>the</strong> Statfon Station of ~f !l!.!!!!!!..lylng thram,lylng on hls his route end <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>ro <strong>the</strong>re €nter enter<br />

tn<strong>to</strong> In<strong>to</strong> j!1gg, Ihram, or he must make explatlon expiation by sacrlflclng sacrificing a<br />

sheep In Makkah <strong>and</strong> feedlng feeding all lts Its meat <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> poor.<br />

This applies <strong>to</strong> all pilgrims regardless of whelher wh~<strong>the</strong>r<br />

one<br />

passes <strong>the</strong> Station of lhram Ihram by air, by soa sea or by l<strong>and</strong>.<br />

O • lf If one dld did not pass through one of <strong>the</strong> flva five desl' designated<br />

Statlons Stations of Ihrsm, lhran!, he should enter In<strong>to</strong>!!!!!!!1 ln<strong>to</strong>lDram at a<br />

polnt point whlch which Is ls nearest <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Statlon Station of Ihrsm lhram on hls his<br />

route.<br />

Second: Errors Related Reldted <strong>to</strong> Tawa! Tawaf<br />

1. Starting <strong>the</strong> tawa! tawaf at some point o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> site of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne. S<strong>to</strong>ne, while it is obliga<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> begin tawa! tawat from lrcm<br />

<strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne.<br />

2. Doing Dolng one's ~f Inside Inslde <strong>the</strong> HIJr HUr of Isma'II, lsma'll, which whlch<br />

!"ntl<br />

means moens going golng around a portion portlon of <strong>the</strong> K'abah ra<strong>the</strong>r than<br />

<strong>the</strong> whole of It lt since slnce <strong>the</strong> Hljr HUr of Isma'" lsma'll Is ls a part of <strong>the</strong><br />

K'abah which whlch would <strong>the</strong>n be left out of ol tawat. tawaf. Such a<br />

tawa! tawal is ls invalid. Invalld.

3. Dolng Doing ,g:!lt.e., ramal (I.e., taklng taking qulck quick short steps) durlng during all<br />

B€ven seven clrcults circuits whlle while !!!.!!!!lls lsmdlls <strong>to</strong> be done only durlng during <strong>the</strong><br />

flrst first three of <strong>the</strong> Tawal Tawaf ol of Arrlval Arrival (t9""! (tawaf al'qu|uml.<br />

a/-C].!!!:!!:!!!!).<br />

4. Struggling vehemently <strong>to</strong> kiss <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne in this<br />

proc€ss process <strong>and</strong> hitting or pushing people' people. Such acts' acts, which<br />

are injurious iniurious<br />

<strong>to</strong> Muslims, are not permissible'<br />

permissible.<br />

• O|tshou|dbenotedthat<strong>the</strong>tawafremainsperfectly<br />

It should that <strong>the</strong> tawat valid va|idwithout.kissing<strong>the</strong>B|ackS<strong>to</strong>ne.|fonedoesno<strong>to</strong>r<br />

<strong>the</strong> Black If one does not or<br />

cannot kiss <strong>the</strong> Black Btack S<strong>to</strong>ne, s<strong>to</strong>ne, it is sufficient sufticient simply <strong>to</strong> point<br />

<strong>to</strong> it, saying "AI/ahu "Allahu akbar" akba/'when one comes parallel <strong>to</strong> it, it'<br />

although one may be at a distance from lrom it. it'<br />

5. Wiping one's h<strong>and</strong> over <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne, seeking<br />

"blessings" "blossings"(barakah) (Dt*lrt) <strong>the</strong>reby is an innovation (bid'a) (bid-'a\<br />

with no basis in <strong>the</strong> Shari'ah of o{ Islam. lstam. The~ sunnah is <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong>uch it or kiss it only when it can be done ec:.sily. easily'

6. Touching <strong>the</strong> lour four corners ol 01 K'abah ~ or its walls, <strong>and</strong><br />

wiping ono's one's h<strong>and</strong>s agains<strong>the</strong>m. The Prophet (p€aco (peace be<br />

on him) did not <strong>to</strong>uch any part ol of~ ['abah excep<strong>the</strong> Black<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Yemeni Corner. hrner.<br />

7. Saying specific formulas of supplicalions<br />

supplications reserued reserved lor for<br />

each circuit. The Prophet (peaca (peace bs be on him) did not specify<br />

any suppfications<br />

supplications except <strong>to</strong> say "W ItAI/shu skbs," when he<br />

reached <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong>. at <strong>the</strong> end of 01 each circuit<br />

between <strong>the</strong> Yamani Corner <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Black S<strong>to</strong>ne. S<strong>to</strong>ne, he said:<br />

Llj z#<br />

,.eit Ar;*# Sj*lr +<br />

8\ 6j ~' 6j ).,<br />

, .J TF<br />

,J.<br />

{.;6'<br />

8\ ~Ili +tri-<br />

"'. -d .<br />

"Rabbana, at/na atlna fld-dunya tld-dunya hasanatan<br />

wa<br />

fII·akhlrati lll'akhlratl<br />

hasana wa qlna qina adhaban·nar."<br />

adhaban'nar."<br />

(Our Lord, give glve us good In this thls world <strong>and</strong> good in <strong>the</strong><br />

Hereafter <strong>and</strong> save us from <strong>the</strong> punishment punlshment of <strong>the</strong> Fire.: Fire.)<br />

8. Raising Ralslng one's Yolce volce above <strong>the</strong> Yolces volces of o<strong>the</strong>rs; oth€rs;<br />

whe<strong>the</strong>r in following or leading laading <strong>the</strong> tawaf lawaf as it causes<br />

confusion confu'sion among <strong>the</strong> worshippers.<br />


L 9. struggllng Struggling <strong>to</strong>Pray pray atths <strong>the</strong>Statlon Station oflbraheem' Ibraheem. Thls Thislg<br />

Is<br />

contrary<strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong>sunna,h,besldesbelnglnlurlous<strong>to</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> !E.!!.!!.!!!, besides being Injurious <strong>to</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

worshlppers. worshippers. lt It ls Is sufftclent sufficient <strong>to</strong> Pray pray <strong>the</strong> two!!!!:!!..! rM ot of<br />

t"*3 tawaf aftercomplatlng completing one's tawaf anywhere wlthln within <strong>the</strong><br />

Sacred Mosque.<br />

Third: Enors Errors Related Belated <strong>to</strong> Ss'ye Sa'Ye<br />

1. When climblng climbing upon Sata Safa <strong>and</strong> Marwah, some pll' pll.<br />

grlms face <strong>the</strong> K'abah <strong>and</strong> geetlculate<br />

gesticulate <strong>to</strong>ward lt It wlth with<br />

<strong>the</strong>lr <strong>the</strong>ir h<strong>and</strong> whlle while saylng saying "-W'as "A/lahu akbar" as lf If thoy <strong>the</strong>y wers were<br />

saying takbir lor for sa/at salat.<br />

This gesticulating is an aror error<br />

because <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on him) raised his palms<br />

only for supplication. Here you may glorify glority <strong>and</strong> magnify<br />

Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High, supplicating Him in any words you<br />

wish while facing <strong>the</strong> direction diraction of <strong>the</strong> K'abah. K'abah' It lt is<br />

preferable <strong>to</strong> recite reci<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> dhikr which <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace (peacs be<br />

on him) recited at Safa <strong>and</strong> Marwah. Manvah.<br />

2. Accelerating one's pace throughout <strong>the</strong> entire entlre dis· dls'<br />

tance between <strong>the</strong> two hills. hllls. The ~is sunna!.ls <strong>to</strong> accelerate sccelerate<br />

one's pace only between <strong>the</strong> two green posts, while whlle<br />

walking at at normal pace <strong>the</strong> remainder of <strong>the</strong> tha way. way'

Fourth: Errors Erro{s Related <strong>to</strong>'Aralat 'Aratat<br />

1. Some pilgrims camp outside <strong>the</strong> boundaries boundarles of<br />

'Aratat<br />

'Arafat<br />

<strong>and</strong> remain <strong>the</strong>re until <strong>the</strong> sun has set; <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y<br />

depart <strong>to</strong>r for Muzdalifah Muzdalilah without st<strong>and</strong>ing st<strong>and</strong>lng at 'Arafat<br />

'Arafat<br />

properly. This is a serIous serlous error which whlch invalidates lnvalldates <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>lr<br />

fial <strong>hajj</strong> since slnce st<strong>and</strong>ing st<strong>and</strong>lng in Aratat Arafat is <strong>the</strong> essence ess€nce ot ol !g!, <strong>hajj</strong>, <strong>and</strong> It lt<br />

is obliga<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> be within its boundaries boundarles <strong>and</strong> not outside outslde<br />

<strong>the</strong>m, it if it is not easy <strong>to</strong> do that, <strong>the</strong>y may enter before<br />

sunset <strong>and</strong> remain <strong>the</strong>re until sunset. It lt Is ls quite<br />

acceptable <strong>to</strong> st<strong>and</strong> in Aratat Arafat during <strong>the</strong> night nlght ot of<br />

sacrifice ice in i n particular.<br />

2. Departing Departlng trom f 'Aratat 'Arafat be<strong>to</strong>re before <strong>the</strong> sun has set is ls not<br />

permissible,because<br />

because <strong>the</strong> messenger of Allah (peace be<br />

on him) stayed at 'Aratat 'Arafat until <strong>the</strong> sun had set completely.<br />

3. Struggling through crowds In in order <strong>to</strong> climb Mount<br />

'Aratat 'Arafat is not permissible, because it causes much harm<br />

<strong>and</strong> injury <strong>to</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs. The entire Plain ot of 'Aratat 'Arafat is ls a place<br />

of st<strong>and</strong>ing, <strong>and</strong> nei<strong>the</strong>r climbing Mount 'Aratat 'Arafat nor<br />

making salah <strong>the</strong>re has been recommended.<br />


4. Makingsupplicatlons<br />

supplications facingMount'Arafat<br />

'Aratatls IsIncor'<br />

Incor·<br />

rect because <strong>the</strong> sunnah is <strong>to</strong> face qlblahwhlle while making<br />

supplication.<br />

5. Maklng Making heaps ol of earth or pebbles: during <strong>the</strong> day of<br />

'Arafat, at particular places, places. by some people' people, has no<br />

bases in <strong>the</strong> Shariah of Allah, Allah.<br />

Fifth: Fitth: Errors Related <strong>to</strong> Muzda/ifah<br />

Some pilgrims start collecting pebbles <strong>to</strong> throw at <strong>the</strong><br />

s<strong>to</strong>ne S<strong>to</strong>ne Pillars in Mina as soon as <strong>the</strong>y arrive in Muzdalifah<br />

prior <strong>to</strong> praying <strong>the</strong> Maghrib <strong>and</strong> 'Isha 'tsha prayers' prayers. This is not<br />

correct. Nor is <strong>the</strong> practice that all <strong>the</strong> pebbles must be<br />

collected at Muzdalifah.<br />

The correct position is that <strong>the</strong> pebbles can be collected<br />

anywherewithin<strong>the</strong>boundarieso|al.Haram(<strong>the</strong>terrt<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

within <strong>the</strong> of al-Haram terri<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

or precints of Makkah). It lt is known that <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace<br />

be on him) did not ask that <strong>the</strong> pebbles for Jamratul­ JaEISlg't<br />

Agabah Aqabah be picked up for him from Muzdalifa. Muzdalifa' They were<br />

pickedupforhim,in<strong>the</strong>morning,afterleavingMuzdalila<br />

in morning. Muzdalifa<br />

<strong>and</strong>onenteringMina.Theres<strong>to</strong>|lhepebbleswerepicked<br />

rest of <strong>the</strong> picked<br />

up, up, for him. him, from Mina, Too.

Some pilgrims pllgrlms wash <strong>the</strong> pebbles, but this thls Is ls not<br />

recommended.<br />

Error Related Releted <strong>to</strong> Throwing Throwlng <strong>the</strong> Pebbles.<br />

1. 1 . Some pilgrims are under <strong>the</strong> impression that when whon <strong>the</strong>y thoy<br />

are throwing throrving pebbles at <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ne Pillars, <strong>the</strong>y are actually<br />

throwing <strong>the</strong>m at shayateen (devils); hence hencs <strong>the</strong>y hurl <strong>the</strong>m<br />

with rage <strong>and</strong> force. However, <strong>the</strong> throwing of <strong>the</strong> pebbles<br />

has been merely prescribed as a means maans of remembering<br />

Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High.<br />

2. Some people throw big s<strong>to</strong>nes, shoes or pieces of<br />

wood. This Thls Is ls an excess €xcess in matters of religion rellglon which whlch <strong>the</strong><br />

Prophet (peace be upon hIm) hlm) prohibited, prohlblted, what Is ls allowed<br />

Is ls <strong>to</strong> throw pebbles <strong>the</strong> size slze of good beans.<br />

3. Crowding Growdlng <strong>and</strong> fighting flghtlng with wlth o<strong>the</strong>rs at <strong>the</strong> Pillars Plllars<br />

while whlle throwing throwlng <strong>the</strong> pebbles Is ls not permissible. permlsslble. What Is is<br />

prescribed prescrlbed Is ls <strong>to</strong> be gentle <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> throw <strong>the</strong> pebbles<br />

without wlthout hurting hurtlng anyone as much as posslble. possible.<br />

4. Throwing Throwlng all <strong>the</strong> pebbles at one time tlme Is ls an error.<br />

Scholars have said that this thls would be counted as only

on€ one throw. The~ St,q4"tt prescrlbes<br />

prescribesthrowlng throwing <strong>the</strong> pebbles<br />

one by one, seylng saying "Allahu "Allshu skbsr" akbar" et at each s€parate separate<br />

throw.<br />

5. Appolntlng<br />

Appointing a proxy <strong>to</strong> throw <strong>the</strong> pebbles, slmply simply due<br />

<strong>to</strong> fear of <strong>the</strong> crowds or of hardshlp, hardship, while one lg Is capable<br />

of dolng doing lt It himsslt. himself. Only slck sick or weak Indlvlduals Individuals are<br />

permitted permltted<br />

<strong>to</strong> havs have a proxy for thls this act.<br />

Seventh: Errors Related Rdlated <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Farewell Tawal Tawaf (Tawal (Tawa'<br />

·BI-Wlda) .al-Wlda)<br />

1. On <strong>the</strong> day of <strong>the</strong>ir departure, some pilgrims go <strong>to</strong><br />

Makkah <strong>to</strong> perform perlorm <strong>the</strong>ir FarewellTawaf before throwing <strong>the</strong><br />

pebbles at <strong>the</strong> tho Pillars.<br />

Then <strong>the</strong>y return <strong>to</strong> Mina <strong>to</strong> throw<br />

<strong>the</strong> pebbles, <strong>and</strong> depart from Mina for <strong>the</strong>ir respective<br />

countries. Thus <strong>the</strong>ir final rite becomes that of throwing <strong>the</strong><br />

pebbles at <strong>the</strong> Pillars <strong>and</strong> not of <strong>the</strong> tawaf of K'abah. @.This This is<br />

an error as <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on him) said. said' "No one<br />

should depart without his last visit being <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> House<br />

(K'abah).'· g'abal}"<br />

Accordingly, <strong>the</strong> Farewell Tawaf Tayvat must take place after afler

one has completed all <strong>the</strong> rites of <strong>hajj</strong> haij (<strong>and</strong> @nd before starting<br />

his journey for home). After this tawa<strong>to</strong>ne tawaf should not stay in<br />

Makkah except during <strong>the</strong> time it takes <strong>to</strong> prepare <strong>to</strong> depart.<br />

2. After finishing <strong>the</strong> Farewell Tawa!, Tawaf, some people<br />

walk backwards, facing <strong>the</strong> K'abah, as <strong>the</strong>y exit from lrom <strong>the</strong><br />

Sacred Mosque, under <strong>the</strong> impression that this is a<br />

veneration of <strong>the</strong> K'abah. This act is an innovation innbvation (bid'a) (bid'al<br />

in <strong>the</strong> religion <strong>and</strong> is without any basis.<br />

3. After finishing flnishing <strong>the</strong> Farewell Tawaf, some pilgrims<br />

halt at <strong>the</strong> door of <strong>the</strong> Sacred Mosque <strong>to</strong> make supplicationstlons.<br />

This is also an innovation with no basis in <strong>the</strong><br />

Shari'ah Sharl'ah of Islam.<br />

supplica-<br />

lslam.<br />

Eighth: Errors Related <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> vist of <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque<br />

1. Touching <strong>and</strong> wiping one's h<strong>and</strong>s on <strong>the</strong> walls <strong>and</strong><br />

iron grilles, tying threads <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> gratings, <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r acts<br />

of this sort while visiting <strong>the</strong> grave of <strong>the</strong> Prophet (may<br />

peace <strong>and</strong> blessings of Allah be on<br />

him) in order <strong>to</strong><br />


eceivs receive blessings (barakah) lbarakahl are an innovation !brd"l.<br />

(bid'a).<br />

Blessings come from<br />

following what Allah <strong>and</strong> His<br />

Messenger (peace be on him) have prescribed, prescribed. <strong>and</strong> not<br />

from following innovations.<br />

2. Going <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> caves of Mount Uhud or <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> caves of<br />

Hira or Thaur near Makkah <strong>and</strong> hanging pieces ol of cloth<br />

or making supplications <strong>the</strong>re have not been prescribed<br />

by Allah. All <strong>the</strong>se are unnecessary hardships, innova-<br />

innovations<br />

in <strong>the</strong> religion, <strong>and</strong> are without any basis in <strong>the</strong><br />

Shari'ah.<br />

3. Likewise, visiting certain sites under <strong>the</strong> impression<br />

that <strong>the</strong>se constitute "relics" of <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be<br />

on him), as for lor example <strong>the</strong> place where his camel sat, <strong>the</strong><br />

Well of 'Uthman 'Uthman or <strong>the</strong> Well of ot <strong>the</strong> Ring, <strong>and</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>ring soil<br />

from <strong>the</strong>se places <strong>to</strong> obtain "blessings", are all innovations.<br />

4. Calling upon <strong>the</strong> dead while visiting <strong>the</strong> graves at<br />

<strong>the</strong> Baqi'Cemetery<br />

or <strong>the</strong> graves of <strong>the</strong> martyrs of Uhud,<br />

<strong>and</strong> throwing coins in order <strong>to</strong> seek <strong>the</strong> blessings of <strong>the</strong>

place or of <strong>the</strong> people buried <strong>the</strong>re, is a grievous error.<br />

Indeed, it is shirk (ascribing partners <strong>to</strong> Allah <strong>the</strong> Most<br />

High), as has been pointed out by scholars, scholars. l! I! is ~:,<br />

clear lrom trom<br />

<strong>the</strong> Book of Allah <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> sunnah sunna!-of His Messenger (peace<br />

be on him) that allforms ol of worship are for Allah alone. lt It is<br />

not permissible <strong>to</strong> call upon, or <strong>to</strong> otfer offer sacrifice, give vow,<br />

or any o<strong>the</strong>r form of ibadah (worship) except for Allah<br />

alone. Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High, saYs: says:<br />

"<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>y wgre were comm<strong>and</strong>ed nothing except <strong>to</strong><br />

worship Allah (only), purifying <strong>the</strong> religion for Him<br />

alone,"<br />

<strong>and</strong> He also al$o says,<br />

"Verily, "Verlly, <strong>the</strong> places of ol worship are for Allah<br />

(alone), so do not calion call anyone else apart from<br />

Allah."<br />

We ask Allah, <strong>the</strong> Most High, <strong>to</strong> improve <strong>the</strong> condition of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Muslims <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> give <strong>the</strong>m underst<strong>and</strong>ing of <strong>the</strong> religion,<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> turn all of us away from lrom errors <strong>and</strong> deviations.<br />

Indeed, He is <strong>the</strong> Hearing, <strong>the</strong> Responding.



1. To repent sincerely of all sins, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> spend on <strong>the</strong><br />

~ haji or 'umrah 'umtah out of his lawful earnings.<br />

2. To guard one's <strong>to</strong>ngue from lying, backbiting <strong>and</strong><br />

sl<strong>and</strong>ering.<br />

3. To purify <strong>the</strong> intention <strong>to</strong> perform !J.Ej1 <strong>hajj</strong> or 'umrah 'umrah<br />

solely <strong>to</strong> seek <strong>the</strong> pleasure of Allah <strong>the</strong> Most High.<br />

4. To learn what actions are prescribed by Shari<br />

'al,<br />

<strong>the</strong>~<br />

or .<strong>hajj</strong> .haii <strong>and</strong> 'umrah, 'umrah, <strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> tha event of any difficulty or<br />

problem <strong>to</strong> ask those who know.<br />

5. When <strong>the</strong> pilgrim arrives at al-migat al-miqat (station of<br />

Ihram) l[g!L) he is freef <strong>to</strong> choose one of <strong>the</strong> three types of ol <strong>hajj</strong> haii<br />

(ifrad, tamatt'u or qiran). Tamatt'u Is is preferable for a<br />

person who has not brought his sacrificial animal with<br />

him, while qlran is preferable for one who has his animal anlmal<br />

with him.

,<br />

6. lf If <strong>the</strong> person entering ihram isafrald afraid he may not be<br />

able <strong>to</strong> complete all <strong>the</strong> rites because of sickness si~kness<br />

or<br />

fear, he should make <strong>the</strong> condition: "l "I wlll will return <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

normal state in case I am obliged <strong>to</strong>'" <strong>to</strong>."<br />

7. The <strong>hajj</strong> ljjj ot of children is valid' valid, but lt It does not fulfill fUlfill<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir lslamic Islamic obligation of haii. <strong>hajj</strong>.<br />

8. During <strong>the</strong> state ol of ihram, one may take bath or wash<br />

his head or scratch it it if need be' be.<br />

9. A woman may veil her lace face with her headcovering if If<br />

she fears that men are looking at her' her.<br />

10. Many women wear a headb<strong>and</strong> under <strong>the</strong> veil <strong>to</strong><br />

keep it away from.<strong>the</strong> face. This action has no basis. basis'<br />

11. It lt is permissible <strong>to</strong> wash <strong>the</strong> Ihram ihram garments <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong> wear <strong>the</strong>m again, or <strong>to</strong> change in<strong>to</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r !@ ihram gar· g^''<br />

ments.<br />

12. If, lf, during <strong>the</strong> state Of.!!!!.!!!!!.. ol ihram, one should wear a<br />

sewn garment, garmsnt, cover his head, or use scent due <strong>to</strong> for· for'<br />

getfulness or ignorance, no expiation (penalty or<br />

redemptive redemptlve offering) is ls required of him. hlm.

13. f Iff one is perlorming<br />

performing <strong>hajj</strong> haii al'tamatt'u<br />

al-tamatt'u or'umrah, he<br />

should s<strong>to</strong>p reciting talbiyyah tatbiyyah<br />

upon arriving at <strong>the</strong><br />

K'abah before beginning his tawaf.<br />

14. Walking with quick, short steps <strong>and</strong> baring <strong>the</strong><br />

right shoulder is not permissible during tawaf tawal except<br />

during <strong>the</strong> first three circuits of <strong>the</strong> lawal Tawaf of Arrival<br />

(tawaf Itawat al-qudum). al-qudumJ.<br />

This applies <strong>to</strong> men only.<br />

15. If |f <strong>the</strong> pilgrim forgets how many circuits he has<br />

performed, perlormed, Le., i.e., whe<strong>the</strong>r three or four, he should count <strong>the</strong>m<br />

as three (that is, <strong>the</strong> lesser of <strong>the</strong> two numbers). numbers)' The same<br />

procedure is <strong>to</strong> be followed <strong>to</strong>ilowed for sa'ye.<br />

16. In ln case of large crowds, <strong>the</strong>re is no harm in per· per'<br />

forming <strong>the</strong> circuits beyond <strong>the</strong> Station $tation of Ibraheem lbraheem or<br />

even fur<strong>the</strong>r f beyond, as <strong>the</strong> whole of <strong>the</strong> Sacred Mosque<br />

is a place of oI tawaf.<br />

.<br />

17. It lt is prohibited for f a woman <strong>to</strong> make tawaf tawat showing<br />

her adornments, using perfume, or not covering properly<br />

what <strong>the</strong> Shari'ah Snari'ah requires her <strong>to</strong> lo be covered.

18. lt If a woman's rnensss menses beglns begins or shg she glves gives blrth birth<br />

after enterlng entering in<strong>to</strong>Jlrram,<br />

Ihram, lt It ls is not permlssible<br />

permissible <strong>to</strong>r for her <strong>to</strong><br />

make tawa' J"*I!<br />

untll until <strong>the</strong> f flow of blood ceases <strong>and</strong> she ls is<br />

cleansed.<br />

19. A woman may wear any dress <strong>to</strong>r for lhram Ihram as long <strong>to</strong>ng as<br />

It it does not resemble men's clothlng, clothing, show her adorn' adornments,<br />

or cause temPtation<br />

temptation <strong>to</strong> men.<br />

20. To verballze verbalize <strong>the</strong> intentions Intentions for acts of worshlp worship<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> W or'umrdh or~/s ls an innovation (Did'a)' (bid's), <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>to</strong> say it lt aloud is even more incorrect.<br />

21. If lf a Muslim Musllm has <strong>the</strong> intention of making maklng <strong>hajj</strong> hail or<br />

'umrah, 'umrdh,lt It is ls forbidden forbldden for lor him <strong>to</strong> pass by <strong>the</strong> appointed appolnted<br />

Station Statlon of Ihram thram (al-mlqat) (al'mlqatl without wlthout entering enterlng In<strong>to</strong> lnlo Ihram. lhram'<br />

22. If lf <strong>the</strong> pilgrim pllgrim for lor <strong>hajj</strong> W or'umrah is ls arriving by air, he<br />

enters in<strong>to</strong> lnlo ihram on <strong>the</strong> plane when he passes parallel<br />

<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> Station Statlon of~ lhram on his route. He Is ls <strong>to</strong> prepare<br />

himself hlmself for entering enterlng in<strong>to</strong> ihram during <strong>the</strong> flight f llght before<br />

boarding boardlng <strong>the</strong> plane.<br />

23. If lf one res/des resldes in Makkah, or between bet<strong>ws</strong>en Makkah <strong>and</strong>

<strong>the</strong> Stations of lhram, he need not go anywhere <strong>to</strong> take<br />

ihram.ln In this case, Case, he h€ is <strong>to</strong> take tak€ his ihram ilrram for ei<strong>the</strong>r el<strong>the</strong>r hall fiali<br />

or 'umrah at his place of residence.<br />

24. In f n order <strong>to</strong> increase <strong>the</strong> number of <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>the</strong>lr 'umrahs, 'umrahs,<br />

some people go <strong>to</strong> al·Tan'im al-Tan'im or al·J'lranah al-J'lranah after aftar <strong>the</strong>fa/ <strong>hajj</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> subsequently return for lor 'umrah. 'umrah, No support for this thls<br />

practice practlce exists in <strong>the</strong> Shari'ah.<br />

·25. .25. The pilgrim who is performing <strong>hajj</strong> haii a/·tamatt'u al-tamatt'u<br />

re-enters te.enters ihram ihrcm on <strong>the</strong> 8th of Dhul·Hijjah Dhul-Hijjah at <strong>the</strong> place in<br />

which he is staying in Makkah. It lt is not necessary for<br />

him <strong>to</strong> take ~ ihram from any specified place irlace wlthln within<br />

Makkah (such as al-Mizab), as many people do, nor is ls<br />

<strong>the</strong>re any Farewell ~ Tary! for going out of Makkah at this<br />

time.<br />

26. It lt is preferable <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong>'Arafat from Mina on <strong>the</strong> 9th gth<br />

of Dhul-HljJah Dhul.HljJah after <strong>the</strong> sun has risen.<br />

27. It lt is not permissible permissibl€ <strong>to</strong> depart from 'Arafat 'Arafat on <strong>the</strong><br />

9th of Dhul·Hijjah Dhul-Hi,ijah before <strong>the</strong> sun has set. When <strong>the</strong> pil· pit.<br />

grim grlm departs after sunset, he should do so with ease <strong>and</strong><br />


28.Fhe The Maghrib <strong>and</strong> '/sha 'Isha prayers are <strong>to</strong> be performed<br />

after arriving at Muzdalitah, Muzdalifah, whe<strong>the</strong>r at <strong>the</strong> time of<br />

Maghrib or during <strong>the</strong> period of 'rsha' '/sha.<br />

29. lt It is permissible <strong>to</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> pebbles for s<strong>to</strong>ning<br />

<strong>the</strong> Pillars from any place within <strong>the</strong> boundaries of<br />

Makkah (a/-Haram),<br />

(al-Haram), not necessarily lrom from Muzdalifah'<br />

Muzdalifah.<br />

30. It lt is not recommended <strong>to</strong> wash <strong>the</strong> pebbles' pebbles. No<br />

report exists <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> eltect effect that <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on<br />

him) or his Companions ever did this. Nor are <strong>the</strong> used<br />

pebbles <strong>to</strong> be used again.<br />

31. It lt is permissib1e permissible for women, children <strong>and</strong> weak<br />

individuals <strong>to</strong> proceed <strong>to</strong> Mina at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> night.<br />

32. When <strong>the</strong> pilgrim arrives arrlves in Mina on <strong>the</strong> Day of 'Eid<br />

'Eid<br />

(<strong>the</strong> 10th 1Oth of Dhul·Hijjah), Dhul-Hijjah), he should s<strong>to</strong>p reciting lg' talb;yyah.<br />

biyyah. The pebbles are <strong>to</strong> be thrown successively, one<br />

by one, at <strong>the</strong> S<strong>to</strong>ne Pillar of 'Aqabah.<br />

'Aqabah.<br />

33. It lt is not required that <strong>the</strong> pebbles remain where<br />

<strong>the</strong>y are ars thrown; it is only necessary that <strong>the</strong>y be thrown<br />

at <strong>the</strong> Pillar.

34. According <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> opinion of scholars, <strong>the</strong> period of<br />

sacrifice sacrlfice extends <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> sunset of <strong>the</strong> third day.<br />

35. Ta<strong>ws</strong>' Tawal al·ifadsh al-ifadah or al·ziyarah al-ziyarah on <strong>the</strong> day of 'Eid 'Eid (<strong>the</strong><br />

10th 1Oth of Dhul·Hijjah) Dhul-Hijjah) is an essential part of <strong>the</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> hal <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>hajj</strong> haiiis is not complete without it. However, it is permissible <strong>to</strong><br />

delay it until <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> stay in Mina.<br />

36. The person making qiran between <strong>hajj</strong> haii<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> 'umrah<br />

'umrah<br />

offers one Sa'y only. The same is true in <strong>the</strong> case of ol<br />

ifrad, itra(, if it <strong>the</strong> person keeps his ihram until <strong>the</strong> day of<br />

an·Nahr. an-Nahr.<br />

37. On <strong>the</strong> Day of Sacrifice, it is preferable prelerable that <strong>the</strong> pilgrini pilgrim<br />

do things in <strong>the</strong> following order: begins by throwing pebbles<br />

at <strong>the</strong> Pillar of 'Aqabah; 'Aqabah; <strong>the</strong>n offers his sacrifice; <strong>the</strong>n<br />

shaves or clips his hair, he <strong>the</strong>n makes tawat tawaf of <strong>the</strong> K'abah<br />

followed by sa'ye . Changing this lhis order is, however,<br />

permissible.<br />

permissible,<br />

38. 38, Returning <strong>to</strong> fullf normal state is attained after one<br />

has done <strong>the</strong> following: (a) thrown <strong>the</strong> pebbles at <strong>the</strong>

Plllar Pillar of 'Aqabah; (b) shaved hls his head or clipped some of<br />

his hair; (c) done tawal tawat al'ifada aJ-ifada with sa'ye.<br />

39. lf If <strong>the</strong> pilgrim decides <strong>to</strong> shorten his stay in Mina, it is<br />

necsssary<br />

necessary that he departs from Mina before <strong>the</strong> sunset' sunset.<br />

40. For a child who cannot do <strong>the</strong> throwing thrOWing of pebbles,<br />

his guardian thro<strong>ws</strong> on his behalf alter after throwing his own<br />

pebbles.<br />

41. A person who is not capable of going <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> thro' throwing<br />

due <strong>to</strong> old age, illness or pregnancy is permitted <strong>to</strong><br />

appoint appolnt someone somsone else (his proxy) <strong>to</strong> do <strong>the</strong> throwing on<br />

his hls or her behalf.<br />

42. The proxy first f thro<strong>ws</strong> his own pebbles <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>reafter,<br />

reafler, without leaving <strong>the</strong> place, thro<strong>ws</strong> <strong>the</strong> pebbles on<br />

behalf of <strong>the</strong> person whom he represents at each of <strong>the</strong><br />

three Pillars.<br />

43. Except for <strong>the</strong> residents of <strong>the</strong> Sacred Mosque, it is<br />

obliga<strong>to</strong>ry on anyone who is doing <strong>hajj</strong> haii al-tamatt'u allamaft'u or <strong>hajj</strong> haii<br />

<strong>the</strong>'<br />

al-giran at-qiran <strong>to</strong> sacrifice a sheep or <strong>to</strong> share in <strong>the</strong> seventh part parl<br />

of a camel or a cow.

44. rt It <strong>the</strong> pilgrim is unable <strong>to</strong> make this sacrifice, he<br />

must fast three days during <strong>the</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> haii<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> seven days after<br />

returning horne. home.<br />

45. It lt is preferable that <strong>the</strong>se three days of lasting fasting be<br />

completed before <strong>the</strong> Day of 'Arafat 'Arafat so that he is not<br />

fasting on that day,or o<strong>the</strong>nrise o<strong>the</strong>rwise that he fast on <strong>the</strong> 11th,<br />

12th <strong>and</strong> 13th of Dhul·Hijjah.<br />

Dhul'Hijiah.<br />

46. It lt is permissible <strong>to</strong> fast <strong>the</strong>se three days ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />

consecutively or separately, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> same applies <strong>to</strong> th€ <strong>the</strong><br />

seven days of fasting at home.<br />

47. The Farewell lq"t!<br />

Ta<strong>ws</strong>! (ta<strong>ws</strong>! (tawal-al.wida")<br />

al·wida1 is obliga<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

for every pilgrim excepting menstruating or post·partum<br />

post-partum<br />

women. worngn.<br />

48, 48. To visit <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque in Madinah is a<br />

sunnah, whe<strong>the</strong>r it is done before <strong>the</strong> <strong>hajj</strong> haii or after it.<br />

--- ....--<br />

49. When you enter <strong>the</strong> Prophet's Mosque, it is sunnah sunnaf<br />

<strong>to</strong> pray two rak'als rak'ats of oI tahirrat t\hiryat al-masjid (<strong>the</strong> salah of<br />

greeting greetrng <strong>the</strong> mosque). Although you can perform perlorm this salah sa/aft<br />

anywhere anpnhere in <strong>the</strong> Mosque, it is preferable <strong>to</strong> perform pedorm it in <strong>the</strong><br />


50. Visiting <strong>the</strong> graves of <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on him)<br />

<strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs is allowed for Males only, <strong>and</strong> not for females, females. so<br />

that <strong>the</strong>y would not have <strong>to</strong> travel for such a visit.<br />

51. Rubbing <strong>and</strong> wiping one's one!s h<strong>and</strong>s against <strong>the</strong> walls ol of<br />

<strong>the</strong> chamher chamber containing <strong>the</strong> Prophet's <strong>to</strong>mb, <strong>to</strong>mb. kissing it, or<br />

doing circuits around<br />

it are all innovations which are<br />

prohibited. Such things were not done by our upright<br />

ances<strong>to</strong>rs: ances<strong>to</strong>rs.'In particular, making tawaf tawat around <strong>the</strong> chamber<br />

is ~ shlrk (ascribing partners <strong>to</strong> Allah).<br />

52. It lt is also~ shirk <strong>to</strong> call upon <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be<br />

upon him) for <strong>the</strong> fulfilment of a need or <strong>to</strong> remove a<br />

grief.<br />

.<br />

53. The Prophet's life in his grave is in <strong>the</strong> state of ol<br />

barzakh barza|h (<strong>the</strong> state of existence between death <strong>and</strong><br />

resurrection on <strong>the</strong> Day of Judgement)<strong>and</strong><br />

is in no way<br />

similar <strong>to</strong> his life on earth before his death. The nature<br />

<strong>and</strong> reality of <strong>the</strong> life lite of ot barzakh barcakh is known only <strong>to</strong>'Allah <strong>the</strong><br />

Most High.

,<br />

54. People who st<strong>and</strong> in front of <strong>the</strong> Prophet's grave,<br />

raising <strong>the</strong>ir h<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> making supplications, are doing<br />

something alien <strong>to</strong> lslam. Islam. This is an innovation in <strong>the</strong><br />

religion.<br />

55. Visiting <strong>the</strong> grave of <strong>the</strong> Prophet (peace be on him)<br />

is nei<strong>the</strong>r obliga<strong>to</strong>ry nor a condition for <strong>the</strong> completion<br />

of <strong>the</strong> lhe <strong>hajj</strong>. haii, as some sorne people believe.<br />

56. The hadiths cited by some people prescribing visi-<br />

visi·<br />

tation of <strong>the</strong> Prophet's grave ei<strong>the</strong>r have weak authority<br />

or ot are fabricated.<br />



AT THE<br />



oO Allah! Ilask of You integrity <strong>and</strong> soundness in In my<br />

religion, my life, my family, <strong>and</strong> my possessions.<br />

possesslons.<br />

oO Allah! Cover my shame, pacify my fears, guard me

from what is in front of me <strong>and</strong> behind me, from lrom what is<br />

on my right <strong>and</strong> on my left, over my head <strong>and</strong> under my<br />

feet.<br />

oO Allah! All€h! Grant health <strong>to</strong> my body. 0O Allah grant health<br />

<strong>to</strong> my hearing. 0O Allah! Allahl Grant health <strong>to</strong> my sight. There is<br />

no deity except You.<br />

oO Allah! I| seek refuge in You from unbelief <strong>and</strong><br />

poverty, <strong>and</strong> from <strong>the</strong> punishment of ot <strong>the</strong> grave. There is<br />

no deity except You.<br />

oO Allah! You are my Lord. There is no deity except<br />

You. You are arc my Crea<strong>to</strong>r <strong>and</strong>' I am your creature. I try <strong>to</strong><br />

keep my covenant with You <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> live in <strong>the</strong> hope of ot<br />

Your promise as well as I can. I seek refuge in You from lrom<br />

my own evil deeds. I acknowledge Your favors <strong>to</strong> me;<strong>and</strong><br />

I acknowledge my sins. Forgive me my sins, for <strong>the</strong>re is<br />

no one who can forgive lorgive sins except You.<br />

oO Allah! I| seek refuge in You from worry <strong>and</strong> sorrow. I<br />

seek refuge in You from impotence <strong>and</strong> sloth, from lrom stin· stin-<br />

giness <strong>and</strong> cowardice, <strong>and</strong> I seek refuge in You fromf <strong>the</strong><br />

burden of debt <strong>and</strong> from being humbled by men.

,<br />

O o Allah! make <strong>the</strong> beginning of this day good, <strong>the</strong><br />

middle prosperous, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> end successful. ul. I ask You <strong>to</strong><br />

grant me <strong>the</strong> good of this world <strong>and</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Hereafter, O0<br />

Most Mercilul Merciful ol of all Who show us mercy!<br />

O o Allahl Allah! I ask of You <strong>to</strong> make me pleased with what You<br />

decreed for me return <strong>to</strong> good life after death, <strong>and</strong> I<br />

earnestly seek <strong>the</strong> pteasure pleasure of looking at Your Glorious<br />

Countenance <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> craving <strong>to</strong> meet you, without distress<br />

or affiction or misguiding trial. I seek refuge in You from<br />

oppressing o<strong>the</strong>rs or being oppressed,<br />

oppressed. from doing wrong or<br />

sUffering sutlering \rtrong, wrong, <strong>and</strong> from committing an error erlor or a sin which<br />

You will not forgive.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl I seek refuge in You hom {rom <strong>the</strong> feebleness of<br />

olg age.<br />

oO Allah! Guide me <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> best of deeds <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> best of<br />

morals, as none can <strong>guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> best except You, <strong>and</strong><br />

save sv€ me ffro from bad deeds, as none can save me from f what<br />

is bad except You.<br />

oO AII~' Allahr Streng<strong>the</strong>n my faith, exp<strong>and</strong> my living space, space'<br />

<strong>and</strong> bless me in my mY livelihood.

O o Allahl Allah! I seek refuge in You from negligence'<br />

negligence, degra-<br />

degradation<br />

<strong>and</strong> destitution;'l '\ seelt seek refuge in You lrom from unbe' unbelief,<br />

wickedness, vanity <strong>and</strong> show; <strong>and</strong> I seek refuge ln In<br />

You from blindness, deafness <strong>and</strong> leprosy <strong>and</strong> bad<br />

diseases.<br />

O o Allahl Allah! Give my soul piety <strong>and</strong> my conscience purity.<br />

You are <strong>the</strong> Master of my soul <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Guardian of my<br />

conscience.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl \ l seek refuge in You f from a,knowledge a'knowledge<br />

which<br />

does not benefit, from a heart which does not tremble,<br />

from an ego which is not sated, <strong>and</strong> from a supplication<br />

which is not accepted.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl I seek refuge in You from <strong>the</strong> evil of what JI did<br />

<strong>and</strong> from <strong>the</strong> evil of what I did not do; from <strong>the</strong> evil of<br />

what I know <strong>and</strong> from <strong>the</strong> evil of what I did not know.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl I seek refuge in You from a decline in Your<br />

favor, from a change in Your protection, from Your<br />

sudden punishment <strong>and</strong> all Your displeasure.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl I seek refuge in You from ruin <strong>and</strong> falling,

from drowning drownlng <strong>and</strong> burning, burnlng, <strong>and</strong> from senility: senllity: I seek<br />

refuge In in You from Satan's beguiling beguillng me at my death;<br />

<strong>and</strong> I seek refuge in You from being belng bitten by venomous<br />

creatures. creaturss. I seek sesk refuge in You from greed, bad manners, mann€rs,<br />

bad actions, bad desires <strong>and</strong> bad diseases. I seek refuge<br />

in You from <strong>the</strong> burden of debt, from being humbled by<br />

people, <strong>and</strong> from lrom <strong>the</strong> ridicule of enemies.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl Streng<strong>the</strong>n my religion rellgion which whlch Is ls my fortress, fortregs,<br />

make this thls world a better botter place of sojourn solourn for me, <strong>and</strong><br />

grant me a good life In ln <strong>the</strong> Hereafter Hereat<strong>to</strong>r which whlch will wlll be my<br />

abode. Make my life increase in In all goodness <strong>and</strong> my<br />

death a rest from lrom all evil.<br />

oO Allahl Support $upport me mo <strong>and</strong> help me, <strong>and</strong> do not let lst<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs overpower oyerpower me; <strong>guide</strong> me <strong>and</strong> make <strong>the</strong> following<br />

of Your Comm<strong>and</strong>s easy for me.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl make me grateful <strong>to</strong> You, mindful of You, full<br />

of fear <strong>to</strong>ward You, devoted <strong>to</strong> obedience of ol You, humble<br />

before You, earnest Barnest in supplication, suppllcation, <strong>and</strong> penitent. penltent. My<br />

Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sins, answer ansfver

my suppllcation, supplication, establlsh establish my veraclty, veracity, guicle <strong>guide</strong> my heart,<br />

make my <strong>to</strong>ngue truthful, <strong>and</strong> remove all ill'leellng ill·feellng from<br />

my heart.<br />

O o Allah! | I ask You for a resolute mind <strong>and</strong> firmness in<br />

following <strong>the</strong> guidance. I ask You <strong>to</strong> make me thanklul thankful for<br />

Your favor, <strong>to</strong> be of good service <strong>to</strong> You, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> grant me<br />

a sound heart <strong>and</strong> a truthful <strong>to</strong>ngu€. <strong>to</strong>ngue. I ask You <strong>to</strong> grant<br />

me what You know <strong>to</strong> be good <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> give me refuge<br />

from lrom what is evil, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> forgive me ms -<br />

<strong>and</strong> You are <strong>the</strong><br />

Knower of <strong>the</strong> Unseen.<br />

oO Allah! Inspire me with good conduct <strong>and</strong> save me<br />

from <strong>the</strong> evil evll of my selfishness. 0O Allah! I| ask You <strong>to</strong><br />

<strong>guide</strong> gulde me <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> doing of good deeds <strong>and</strong> abstaining<br />

from bad deeds daeds <strong>and</strong> love those who are humble, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong><br />

forgive forglve me <strong>and</strong> show mercy <strong>to</strong> me. And if lf You wish wlsh a trial trlal<br />

for Your servants, s€rvants, take me <strong>to</strong> You before failing falllng in<strong>to</strong> In<strong>to</strong> It. lt.<br />

oO Allahl Allah! I| ask You for Your love <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> love of those<br />

who love fove You, <strong>and</strong> for <strong>the</strong> love of every overy action actlon which whlch will wltl<br />

bring brlng me closer clossr <strong>to</strong> Your love.

oA||ahlIaskYou<strong>the</strong>beg<strong>to</strong>|<strong>the</strong>requestfor<strong>the</strong>best|n<br />

o Allah! I ask best of best In<br />

my suppllcatlon, suppl.lcatlon, for <strong>the</strong> best success <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> best be~t<br />

reward. $treng<strong>the</strong>n Streng<strong>the</strong>n me, make hsavler heavier my balance of<br />

good, conflrm confirm my falth, faith, elevate my rank, ecc€pt accept my<br />

worshlp, worship, <strong>and</strong> forglve forgive my mistakes, end <strong>and</strong> I ask of You tha <strong>the</strong><br />

highest ranks in <strong>the</strong> Garden ol ot Paradise. I t ask You lor <strong>to</strong>r good<br />

beginnings, good endings, <strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>tality of goodness, from <strong>the</strong><br />

first <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> last, from within <strong>and</strong> frorn from without, <strong>and</strong> I ask ol of<br />

You <strong>the</strong> highest ranks in <strong>the</strong> Garden.<br />

O o Allahl Allah! I ask You <strong>to</strong> exalt my fam€, fame, llghten lighten my<br />

burden, purify purlfy my heart, keep me chaste, forglve forgive me my<br />

sins, <strong>and</strong> I ask of You a high rank in <strong>the</strong> Garden. Garden'<br />

oO Allah! Allahl Bless Eless me In my sight, slght, In my hearing, hearlng, In ln my<br />

soul, In my body, In my conduct; bless me In my life, llfe, In<br />

my family, lamlly, In ln my work;accopt accept my .good deeds, <strong>and</strong> I ask<br />

of ol You a high hlgh rank In <strong>the</strong> Garden.<br />

oO Allahl I seek refuge In You against agalnst difficulties,<br />

dlfflcultles'<br />

calamities, calamltles, troubles, oppression oppresslon <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> ridicule rldlculs of<br />

enemies. engmles.

oO Allahl Allaht 0O Controller of <strong>the</strong> tha Heartsl; Keep my heart<br />

firm In Your religion; retlglon; keep It lt contented contentad with wlth Your<br />

worship. worshlp.<br />

oO Allah! Allahl Grant us increase <strong>and</strong> not decrease,.honor<br />

<strong>and</strong> not dishonor; dlshonor; give us Your favors <strong>and</strong> do not nol deprive deprlve<br />

us; prefer preler us, let not o<strong>the</strong>rs be prefered <strong>to</strong> us.<br />

oO Allahl Allah! Grant us <strong>the</strong> best of outcomes In all our<br />

affairs, affalrs, <strong>and</strong> save us from disgrace dlsgrace In ln this thls world <strong>and</strong> from<br />

punishment In <strong>the</strong> Hereafter.<br />

oO Allah! Grant us such fear lear of Your as will wlll come betw€en<br />

us <strong>and</strong> acts acls of disobedience dlsobedlence <strong>to</strong> You; such obe­<br />

obeweedience<br />

<strong>to</strong> You as will wlll bring brlng us <strong>to</strong> Your Garden; <strong>and</strong> such<br />

certainty certalnty that <strong>the</strong> thb calamities calamltles of thls-world thls.world will wlll be made<br />

easy for us by You. Let Lat us enjoy enloy our hearing, hearlng, our sight slght<br />

<strong>and</strong> our faculties facultles as long as You grant us life, llfe, <strong>and</strong> let It lt<br />

be, <strong>the</strong> last <strong>to</strong> be taken away from us. Avenge us from<br />

those who have wronged us <strong>and</strong> help 4s u.s against agalnst our<br />

enemies. snemles. Let no calamity calamlty be bs fall our religion; rellglon; let not nol<br />

worldly affairs alfalrs be our greatest greetert care caro or all about which whlch we<br />

know; <strong>and</strong> Let not those who have no fear of You <strong>and</strong><br />

who do not show ghow mercy msrcy <strong>to</strong>ward us ug rule over ovor us.

O o Allah! | I ask You <strong>to</strong> bes<strong>to</strong>w Your mercy on me' me, <strong>to</strong><br />

forgive me, <strong>to</strong> protect me from every sin, <strong>to</strong> give me a<br />

share of every good, <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> grant me <strong>the</strong> attainment of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Garden <strong>and</strong> salvation lrom from <strong>the</strong> Fire' Fire.<br />

O o Allah! Allahl Leave not lor for us a sin which You have not<br />

forgiven, nor a shortcoming which You have not con' con·<br />

cealed, nor a wary which You have not removed, nor a<br />

debt which You have not paid, nor nOf a need from among<br />

<strong>the</strong> needs of this world or <strong>the</strong> Hereafter, <strong>the</strong> fulfillment<br />

of which is beneficial lor for us <strong>and</strong> pleasing <strong>to</strong> You, which<br />

You have not fulfilled, 0O Most Merciful Mercilulof allshow us mercy!<br />

oO Allah! Allahl I ask for a mercy from You by which You will<br />

<strong>guide</strong> my heart, settle my affairs, remove my rny worries,<br />

protect me from what is unseen <strong>to</strong> me. me, make my face<br />

radiant, purify my deeds, inspire me with wisdom, avert<br />

calamities from lrom me. me, <strong>and</strong> protect me from lrom every evil. evil'<br />

oO Allah! Allahl I ask You for lor success on <strong>the</strong> day of ol judgment, iudgment'<br />

<strong>and</strong> a life lite of happiness, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> tha rank of <strong>the</strong> martyrs, <strong>the</strong><br />

companionship of ol <strong>the</strong> prophets, <strong>and</strong> vic<strong>to</strong>ry vic<strong>to</strong>rY over <strong>the</strong>

enemies. 0O Allah! I| ask You for ~orrectness correctness of belief; for a<br />

faith which leads <strong>to</strong> good conduct; for a success suoc€ss which<br />

results in eternal felicity; fslicity; for mercy, health <strong>and</strong> forgiveness<br />

from You, <strong>and</strong> for Your pleasure.<br />

oO Allah! I ask You for health, heallh, for integrity, for lor good<br />

character, <strong>and</strong> that I may be pleased with my portion.<br />

oO Allah! Ilseek refuge in You from <strong>the</strong> lha evilof my self, <strong>and</strong><br />

from lrom <strong>the</strong> evilof every creature which You are grasping by its<br />

forelock. 0O my Lord, keep me ms on <strong>the</strong> straight path.<br />

oO Allah! You hear my words, You behold my situation,<br />

You know what is open <strong>and</strong> what is hidden within me;<br />

nothing is hidden from trom You. It lt is me alone who is in need, a<br />

humble seeker of Your forgiveness. I beseech You with<br />

humility humili$ in my heart, with trembling <strong>and</strong> fear, in prostration prostrataon<br />

<strong>and</strong> utter helplessness. 0O Allah! Grant me soundness of<br />

belief, goodness of character, forgiveness of my sins, <strong>and</strong><br />

Your eternal pleasure in <strong>the</strong> Hereafter.<br />

May Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad <strong>and</strong> his family<br />

<strong>and</strong> Companions.

-,J*rtt<br />

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ai*i e iiSi' . ;n.Ur-Ju \I;rt !t i:r;<br />

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b &, ifi ;l , iiil . r+l Jus-i Y<br />

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, Lr.i, ihi't . L$ u,lt L,it clr rii<br />

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,o4u{;;lr )r) ( rUiiir fr.d}, Ar'*i ;f<br />

,t , stq JL,t-j:Jt, , aflt #t s\ pht iit<br />

,i dri ii .1, \i\t. ii*i q.'l;, ifu),t r<br />

j "^rh; # j , Jv ,sd. ,i +'.ai ri , dui<br />

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i--erl<br />

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*iiur;;i; ,54) ,t'q-,u;Jti ,;;,tr Jti*i i, f fi5r<br />

ij.5r ,J,vii kT'r , ,i1ii .I1 iiiir . JYj<br />

fi ,fr- ,fi ,4 b,i &4 * A<br />

"El<br />

F a iu;i i,i u,IhhiiiS, Gi h.j dry<br />

ijliit , \r;'. j. dv fijir ,ifi. j.iv'#,<br />

'au.ifi<br />

;;lijliir. arid,ir t . ,t/. ,r Cv<br />

eli fijir . €.ii vtit I , ;iir yt^t i':, pV Fl<br />

!r;t * ,ii, uj3 vii , a;;v..li {t iJ1 i s.j<br />

iJ , u*v'f :r Jr.iii , i-li'iiu !+jr

arrfl; Cl.}I JJI<br />

ffi US-r;Jl .r-r*.,ro ..1.rtis<br />

( tuil+yl o.ilrh )<br />

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.A'l,r/t/", ,lttr/t/lA<br />

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iTt(tH..,.r~<br />

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.'liT<strong>to</strong>,OV.J~<br />

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t- tT-\\lY.,.sS + 111-l- tttrJ*f,/r.il6<br />



Under The Supervision of The Ministry of Islamic lslamic Affairs<br />

Endowment €ndownrent Guidance €uidance & Propagation<br />

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P.O.Box P.O.Eox 24932 4832 Riyadh 11456 11rt56<br />

Tel +966-1-4330888 +"966-1-4330888 - Fax+966-1- Fax+966-l- 4301122

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