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dk nkf - Nordisk Konservatorforbund Danmark

dk nkf - Nordisk Konservatorforbund Danmark


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The Royal Library has already begun on improving<br />

the climate in repositories, to extend the lifetime of<br />

our collections. In 2007 we started using our new<br />

repositories in Njalsgade 112 with an average of<br />

12º C and 45% RH where we expect the remaining<br />

lifetime to be quadrupled. And we are now engaged<br />

on plans to get a very cold repository when we again<br />

will have to expand the number of lm around year<br />

2018.<br />

Author<br />

Birgit Vinther Hansen<br />

The Royal Library, Preservation Department<br />

Lergravsvej 59<br />

2300 Copenhagen S<br />

Denmark<br />

e-mail: bvh@kb.<strong>dk</strong><br />

References<br />

[1] ”Bevaring af surt papir i de statslige<br />

samlinger”: Netpublikation udgivet af<br />

Styrelsen for Bibliotek og Medier, 29.<br />

december 2008 på www.bibliotekogmedier.<br />

<strong>dk</strong>/publikationer/<br />

[2] Pedersen, H.P.: ”Kilder til nogle Jydsk-Fynske<br />

Papirfabrikkers historie ca. 1795 – ca. 1850”.<br />

Konservatorskolen 1996, s. 50<br />

[3] Dąbrowski, J., “Aspects of Technology and<br />

Market Forces in the Story of Permanent and<br />

Durable Papers.” In IPH Congress –book<br />

15/2004, p. 117-134.<br />

[4] Drott, M.C., „Random Sampling: a Tool<br />

for library Research”. College & Research<br />

Libraries 30, 1969, s. 119-125.<br />

[5] ”Resultater af masseafsyringsudvalgets<br />

stikprøveundersøgelser i Det Kongelige<br />

Biblioteks, Statens Arkivers og<br />

Statsbibliotekets Samlinger”. Report<br />

written by The Royal Library’s Preservation<br />

Department, June 2007.<br />

[6] Kolar, J (oral presentation), “Predicting the<br />

Future: Estimating Future Conditions from<br />

Past Trends” on the conference Advances in<br />

paper Conservation Reserach, 23.-24. March<br />

2009 in London.<br />

88<br />

[7] Kolar, J (oral presentation), “Immediate<br />

and Long-term Effect of Deacidification<br />

Treatments (thermal ageing)” on the<br />

conference PaperDurability II, 7.-9. July 2008<br />

in Slovenia.<br />

[8] Balažic, A.; Habicht, S.; Smodiš, M.; Kolar,<br />

J. and Strlič, M, “Extending the Useful<br />

Life of Paper – Evaluation of the Effect of<br />

Various Preservation Actions” in Museum<br />

Microclimatees – Contributions to the<br />

conference in Copenhagen 19-23 November<br />

2007, p 39-41.<br />

[9] ASHRAE Handbook - Heating, Ventilating,<br />

and Air-Conditioning - Systems and<br />

Equipment, Chapter 21, 2007.<br />

[10] BS5454:2000. “Recommendations for the<br />

storage and exhibition of archival documents”<br />

[11] ”Udredning om bevaring af kulturarven”,2003.<br />

Kulturministeriet, p. 33<br />

[12] ”Papierentsaüerung im Schweizerischen<br />

Bundesarchiv” from the conference ”<br />

Mass Deacidification. Today’s Experience<br />

– Tomorrow’s Perspectives”, 15.-17. February,<br />

2006.<br />

[13] The calculations can be found in appendix to<br />


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