Program 08. – 12. mai 2012 - Zeiss-Planetarium Jena

Program 08. – 12. mai 2012 - Zeiss-Planetarium Jena

Program 08. – 12. mai 2012 - Zeiss-Planetarium Jena


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<strong>08.</strong> – <strong>12.</strong> <strong>mai</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

www.fulldome-festival.de<br />


Editorial Inhalt / Contents<br />

“How many eyes do you need to watch a fulldome show?”<br />

“As many eyes as there are in the audience!”<br />

“Will they all look in the same direction?”<br />

“Probably not!”<br />

Oh!”<br />

Whether you are here as a producer, student, artist or a member of the audience,<br />

whether your motivation is professional, poetic or personal, whether<br />

you are a senior citizen of Domeland or an enthusiastic newcomer – we hope<br />

you will enjoy five event-packed days of immersive 360-degrees shows, workshops,<br />

discussions, performances, tech-talks, business connections, start-up<br />

schemes, entertainment, inspiration and a general mingling of friends and<br />

ideas from far and near.<br />

The ongoing evolution of digital image and sound projection in a gigantic<br />

hemispheric space opens new horizons for media, art and the planetarium.<br />

At the same time it dissolves the habits and conventions of media production<br />

and consumption. Thus the motto of this year's FullDome Festival is<br />

»Dissolving Space«.<br />

Entering the dome requires a certain pioneering spirit and a tolerance for the<br />

paradoxical. We don't expect all the mysteries and challenges of that medium<br />

to be solved by the end of this week. But we believe it's a worthwhile endeavor<br />

to come together and share, assess, applaud and promote the variety<br />

and quality the genre has to offer – from full-length feature shows to experimental<br />

clips and short films, from cosmic story telling to science visualization<br />

to indulging in visual splendor.<br />

We are honored by the support we receive from so many individuals and<br />

institutions from around the world. Thank you all for your contributions and<br />

your commitment without which this festival could not exist.<br />

We are happy to announce that the 7th FullDome Festival is scheduled for<br />

May 3rd-4th, 2013. The special theme will be »Ornamental Dances«.<br />

That's the future. Now to the present:<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 6th international FullDome Festival<br />

at the <strong>Jena</strong> <strong>Zeiss</strong>-<strong>Planetarium</strong>!<br />

2<br />

Die Jury / The Jury ..........................................................................4<br />

Prefessionelle Shows /<br />

Professional Full-length Feature Shows ..................................... 7<br />

Clips & Kurzfilme / Clips & Short Films ...................................... 19<br />

Studentische Beiträge / Students Clips .................................... 27<br />

Workshops, Vorträge und Diskussionen /<br />

Workshops, Presentations and Forums .................................... 39<br />

<strong>Program</strong>mübersicht / <strong>Program</strong> overview ................................ 45<br />


4<br />

Die Mitglieder der Jury<br />

Die siebenköpfige Jury tagte am 28.04. in <strong>Jena</strong> und entschied über die von der<br />

Carl <strong>Zeiss</strong> AG gestifteten studentischen Fulldome-Awards (Creative und Performance<br />

Award).<br />

Manfred Waffender<br />

Professor für Mediendramaturgie am Institut für Musik und Medien der Robert<br />

Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf. Nach frühen Versuchen an einer Experimentierbühne<br />

im Londoner Westend Tätigkeit als freier Journalist und Reisebuchautor<br />

(anders reisen). Lektor und Herausgeber im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag (rororo<br />

computer). Drehbuchautor und Regisseur von Industrie- und Fernsehfilmen (NDR,<br />

ZDF, Arte, 3sat). Zahlreiche Filme mit Musikern (Kronos Quartett, Steve Reich, Maria<br />

Joao). Im Jahr 2000 begleitete er im Auftrag der BBC den Dirigenten Sir John Eliot<br />

Gardiner auf einer musikalischen Pilgerfahrt („Bach Cantata Pilgrimage“). Im Auftrag<br />

des SWR entwickelte er in insgesamt 16 Folgen das Erscheinungsbild der Sendung<br />

„musikdebüt“, in der junge Musiker aus dem Bereich der E-Musik vorgestellt werden.<br />

2007 folgte er einer Einladung des Theater and Film Studies Department der<br />

University of Canterbury nach Christchurch, Neuseeland, wo er an seinem fortlaufenden<br />

Projekt PLACES_IN_TIME arbeitete.<br />

www.waffender.de<br />

Michaela Honauer<br />

Absolvierende Masterstudentin der Mediengestaltung an der Bauhaus-Universität<br />

Weimar. Michaela Honauer studierte zuvor Medienwissenschaft und Psychologie<br />

an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität <strong>Jena</strong> und bewegt sich seither im Spannungsfeld<br />

zwischen Design und Technik. Sie beschäftigt sich derzeit mit Echtzeittechnologien<br />

und ihrer gestalterischen Integration im Rahmen künstlerischer Projekte. Michaela<br />

Honauer verfügt über mehrjährige Erfahrungen im Umgang mit dem Medium Fulldome.<br />

Ihr Film „Lucca“ (eine Hommage an Wassili Kandinsky und die Tänzerin Gret<br />

Palucca, 2009) wurde mit einem Fulldome Award ausgezeichnet und schaffte es bei<br />

mehreren Fulldome Festivals ins Finale.<br />

www.mihoo.de<br />

Peter Popp<br />

Produzent/Regisseur/Autor. Managing Director Softmachine, The Fulldome Film<br />

Pproduction Compayn.<br />

Dr. Peter Popp arbeitet seit über 15 Jahren als Filmproduzent, Regisseur und Autor.<br />

Er leitet das Produktions- und Animationsunternehmen Softmachine, das seit 2004<br />

auf die Herstellung von 360°-Fulldome-Filmen spezialisiert ist. Mit „Kaluoka´hina,<br />

the Enchanted Reef“ produziert er den ersten Fulldome-Animationsfilm mit Spielhandlung<br />

und leistete damit Pionierarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Umsetzung eines<br />

Filmprojektes im Domeformat. Er führt Regie und produziert den international<br />

prämierten Fulldome-Film „Realm of Light“. Gegenwärtig ist der 360°- Film „Life<br />

of Trees“ in Produktion, mit dem Schwerpunkt Education, eingebunden in eine<br />

unterhaltsame Geschichte. Mit „Life of Trees“ entsteht der erste original produzierte,<br />

omnidirektionale Fulldome-Film in 3D (stereoskopisch). Sein Unternehmen<br />

Reef Distribution (www.reef-distribution.com) ist spezialisiert auf den weltweiten<br />

Vertrieb von Fulldome-Produktionen, TV- und DVD-Lizenzen. 2011 führte er einen<br />

Lehrauftrag der HFF Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München zum Thema<br />

„360°-Fulldome-Filmproduktion“ durch.<br />

www.softmachine.de<br />

Manuela Meyer<br />

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt „Zeit-Bild-Raum“ an der TU Berlin,<br />

Institut für Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte.<br />

Manuela Meyer ist ausgebildete Mediengestalterin und Medienwissenschaftlerin<br />

mit dem Schwerpunkt Kulturtheorien digitaler Medien.<br />

In ihrer Abschlussarbeit an der FSU <strong>Jena</strong> untersuchte sie den Zusammenhang zwischen<br />

Kinematographie und der Erfindung des ZEISS-<strong>Planetarium</strong>s. Seit Juni 2011<br />

ist sie Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt „Zeit-Bild-Raum“ an der TU<br />

Berlin. Dort untersucht sie anhand internationaler Zeitungsartikel der 1920er und<br />

1930er Jahre die Ausbreitung des <strong>Zeiss</strong>-<strong>Planetarium</strong>s in die Welt und die Berichterstattung<br />

darüber.<br />

Außerdem organisiert sie derzeit in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Partnern<br />

einen Beitrag für ein im Herbst <strong>2012</strong> an der TU Berlin stattfindendes Fest. Hierfür<br />

wird eine freischwebende Kuppel im Lichthof der TUB zum sphärischen Projektionsschirm,<br />

in dem Wissenschaftler und Künstler digitale Datenräume audiovisuell<br />

begehbar machen.<br />

www.zeitbildraum.tu-berlin.de<br />


Claudia Tronnier<br />

Leiterin der ZDF-Redaktion Das kleine Fernsehspiel.<br />

Claudia Tronnier kam 1990 nach einem Aufbaustudium der Medienwissenschaft in<br />

Marburg zum ZDF. In der renommierten Nachwuchsredaktion „Das kleine Fernsehspiel“<br />

(http://daskleinefernsehspiel.zdf.de) betreute sie von Anfang an eine große<br />

Bandbreite an Spielfilmen, Dokumentarfilmen und Mischformen und entwickelte<br />

neue Fernsehformate für das TV-Labor Quantum, darunter die Musikmagazinreihe<br />

„Lost in Music“ und die Dokusoap „Stellmichein“. Mit der Entwicklung crossmedialer<br />

Formate wie dem Internetkrimi „Wer rettet Dina Foxx“ fördert sie verstärkt Experimente<br />

an der Schnittstelle von Fernsehen und Internet. Zusammen mit der M F G<br />

Filmförderung in Baden-Württemberg initiierte sie das Förderprogramm „fifty-fifty“.<br />

Ausserdem ist sie Mitglied im Kuratorium der Filmhochschule dffb.<br />

Thomas W. Kraupe<br />

Direktor des Hamburger <strong>Planetarium</strong>s.<br />

Der Astrophysiker Thomas W. Kraupe studierte Mathematik und Physik an der<br />

Universität München und spezialisierte sich im Bereich Röntgenastronomie am<br />

Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik in Garching.<br />

Sein Bestreben, Astronomie und das neue Bild vom Kosmos populär darzustellen,<br />

brachte ihn als Stellvertretenden Direktor an das Carl-<strong>Zeiss</strong>-<strong>Planetarium</strong> Stuttgart.<br />

Von 1983 bis 1992 schuf er dort eine Vielzahl didaktischer und künstlerischer<br />

Produktionen – darunter die viel beachteten „Sphärenklänge“ als musikalischpoetische<br />

Reisen durch Raum und Zeit, unter Einbeziehung von Schauspielern und<br />

Live-Musik. Neben seiner Tätigkeit in Stuttgart führte Kraupe Regie und schrieb die<br />

Drehbücher zu den Eröffnungsshows mehrerer Planetarien.<br />

www.planetarium-hamburg.de<br />

Benedikt Otto<br />

Geboren 1952 in Dortmund, Studium der Katholischen Theologie und Germanistik<br />

in Saarbrücken. 1974-1991 beim Saarländischen Rundfunk (u.a. Reiseredaktion,<br />

Landtagskorrespondent, Redaktionsleiter Saar 3 regional, Auslandskorrespondent<br />

in Marseille). Seit 1991 beim MDR Fernsehen, zunächst Studioleiter Erfurt, dann<br />

Bereichsleiter Fernsehen/Produktmanager aktuelles Fernsehen (Thüringen Journal,<br />

Länderzeit etc.), Redaktionsleiter Studentisches Filmmagazin Unicato. Dozent<br />

an den Universitäten Erfurt, Ilmenau und Weimar. Außerordentliches Mitglied am<br />

Bauhaus Film-Institut (BFI).<br />

www.mdr.de<br />

6<br />

Professional<br />

Full-length Feature Shows<br />


8<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

“A Part of the Sky Called Orion” is perfect for 2nd grade and above. It<br />

follows curriculum guidelines as it looks at the big ideas that have guided<br />

human understanding of the cosmos and its patterns in the sky. The<br />

program looks at how three different ancient cultures looked at the same<br />

part of the sky we know as the constellation Orion. We focus on the Greek,<br />

Egyptian, and Inupiaq cultures along with their different star stories and<br />

images using the night sky. It is thoroughly enjoyed by children and<br />

adults and is a great program to explore the heavens.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

8 Scoops of Milky Way<br />

Aayushi Animation Studio<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 6.15 pm<br />

In the side arm of spiral galaxy Milky Way we share a small home<br />

with a fascinating neighborhood of 8 wondrous Planets and a powerful<br />

Sun. These Planets are so different from each other that they hardly can be<br />

called from one family yet they create a perfect harmony. We’ve used the<br />

same harmony to create the show. From the Burning Sun, Lava surface of<br />

Venus to the huge stormy belts of Jupiter or the unimaginably beautiful<br />

Saturn, this show is full of never seen footages meant for dome theaters.<br />

TIME:<br />

A Part of the Sky Called Orion<br />

Bays Mountain Productions<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 7 pm<br />

A Starry Tale<br />

KAGAYA Studios<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 7 pm<br />

“A Starry Tale” promises to be even more popular than this studio’s previous<br />

hit, “Celestial Railroad,” which has now been seen by more than one<br />

million people in domes around the world. Constellations have been handed<br />

down from generation to generation for thousands of years. What<br />

message do you receive when you see the constellations today? See the<br />

world of mythology and human thought handed down from ancient<br />

times to the future, under the starry sky.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

The exploration of Space is the greatest endeavour that humankind has<br />

ever undertaken. What does it take to be part of this incredible journey?<br />

What does it take to become an astronaut?<br />

The internationally renowned fulldome show ASTRONAUT, is now available<br />

in 360 degrees stereoscopic 3D dome format. Every scene has been<br />

re-worked and re-rendered at ultra-high-resolution to ensure the best<br />

possible fulldome experience.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Across the Universe<br />

Procyon<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 5.45 pm<br />

Let us take you to one of the most thrilling journeys mankind ever made.<br />

Be close witness to the complete mission of both of the Voyager Twins and<br />

explore regions mankind never saw before!<br />

Cape Canaveral, August 20th, 1977. The human race is starting one of<br />

the most important missions in space research. Voyager 2 is delivered to<br />

space. 16 days later NASA started the spacecraft Voyager 1 to follow her<br />

twin. Their mission: close-up studies of the four outer, so called gas giants<br />

of our solar system.<br />

TIME:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

ASTRONAUT <strong>2012</strong><br />

NSC Creative<br />

Thursday, May 10, 8 pm<br />

Awesome Light<br />

Sky-Skan<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 10.45 pm<br />

Open the doors of the world’s most famous observatories to your audiences.<br />

Produced over three years with exceptional access to the telescopes<br />

and in close cooperation with the principal investigators. Discover the latest<br />

stories from the cosmos in this unique planetarium series!<br />


10<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Dynamic Earth TiTle: HAYABUSA BACK TO EARTH<br />

Spitz Creative Media<br />

ProduCer: KAGAYA Studios<br />

Thursday, May 10, 9.15 pm<br />

TIME:<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 10.15 pm<br />

Dynamic Earth explores the inner workings of Earth’s climate engine. With<br />

visualizations based on satellite monitoring data and advanced supercomputer<br />

simulations, this production follows a trail of energy that flows from<br />

the Sun into the interlocking systems that shape our climate: the atmosphere,<br />

oceans, and the biosphere. Collaborators: Thomas Lucas Productions,<br />

Inc.; National Center for Supercomputing Applications; Spitz Creative<br />

Media; NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio; in association with Denver<br />

Museum of Nature & Science and NASA Science Mission Directorate.<br />

TIME:<br />

Experience the Aurora<br />

Evans & Sutherland<br />

Thursday, May 10, 22.15 pm<br />

Over seven months in the Arctic Circle, our crews captured timelapse images<br />

of the Aurora Borealis with high resolution digital SLR cameras outfitted<br />

with fisheye lenses. The results are spectacular. For the first time the<br />

aurora has been captured as it was meant to be experienced, as a display<br />

that covers the entire sky. This immersive show shares the science behind<br />

the aurora and tells the story of our quest to find and photograph the<br />

aurora for wraparound display in fulldome theaters.<br />

Galaxy Time<br />

Planétarium Galilée<br />

Thursday, May 10, 10.45 pm<br />

“Galaxy time” is an invitation to enter a fascinating world, the world of<br />

the galaxies. Such a journey can be made only by using scales of distances<br />

and of disproportionate time with those whom we manipulate in our<br />

everyday life. <strong>Planetarium</strong> Galilée’s production team has created this 23<br />

minute fulldome film with the idea of having the audience immersed in<br />

a musical voyage through the mysterious and beautiful world of the galaxies.<br />

On May 9, 2003, Hayabusa was launched aboard M-V Launch Vehicle to<br />

collect samples from the near-Earth asteroid, Itokawa. A sample, if Hayabusa<br />

can bring one home, could be a key to learning the secrets of our<br />

solar system’s birth. Hayabusa attempts to land on Itokawa after traveling<br />

approx. 2 billion km. However, landing is no easy task. Can Hayabusa return<br />

a piece of the past to Earth? Watch the exciting events unfold as this<br />

true-life, fulldome adventure reveals the technological triumphs that ultimately<br />

bring a sample of Itokawa back to Earth in June, 2010.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Into the Deep<br />

Ogrefish Filmproduktions GmbH<br />

Thursday, May 10, 5 pm<br />

Into the Deep takes you on a journey to the mysterious world of eternal<br />

darkness, the deep sea, a world covering more than the half of the living<br />

space on Earth. Despite all technological achievements we know more<br />

about the surface of the Moon than about this space this much closer.<br />

The show indicates the history of the deep sea research as well as presents<br />

the living creatures living of this world. It also illustrates the technique<br />

of submersibles, the underwater geology and the myths grown up<br />

around the abyss since the dawn of seafaring.<br />

Lamps of Atlantis<br />

Evans & Sutherland<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 8 pm<br />

Our search for the lost continent of Atlantis takes us on a journey through<br />

the astronomical knowledge and understanding of the ancient Greeks.<br />

How did the constellations get their names? What different patterns did<br />

ancient cultures see in the sky? Was Atlantis a real place? Did it really sink<br />

into the sea? We will uncover clues to help us solve this age-old mystery.<br />


12<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

How did life on Earth begin? This tantalizing question forms the basis of<br />

the California Academy of Science‘s Morrison <strong>Planetarium</strong> show, Life: A<br />

Cosmic Story. Narrated by Jodie Foster, Life launches the audience on a<br />

journey through time, witnessing key events since Big Bang, that set the<br />

stage for life. Life features scientific visualizations including a powers-often<br />

dive into a redwood tree to show photosynthesis and demonstrate<br />

the interconnectness of all life on the molecular level.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Lars, the Little Polar Bear<br />

Loch Ness Prod., Mediendom Kiel<br />

Thursday, May 10, 4.15 pm<br />

„Lars the Little Polar Bear“ is a charming story about the adventures of a<br />

curious little bear and his friends, and explores the habitats of their reallife<br />

counterparts in the Arctic. It combines nature and environmental education,<br />

a gentle introduction to climate change, and a touch of astronomy.<br />

Based on the children‘s book by Hans de Beer, a 45-minute version of this<br />

show was produced by Mediendom. Loch Ness Productions created this<br />

special 27-minute version, with new astronomy scenes, and an English<br />

narration. A festival premiere!<br />

TIME:<br />

TIME:<br />


California Academy of Sciences<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 8.45 pm<br />

Moles<br />

Antares FullDome Productions<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 5 pm<br />

Antares FullDome Productions and Mediúscula present the full-dome<br />

cartoon film MOLES, for digital planetariums. MOLES integrate traditional<br />

storytelling with digital media in order to entertain children, and awaken<br />

their interest for astronomy and nature. With MOLES, children will learn<br />

basic concepts about science while having a great time.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Nanocam shrinks you down to the size of an insect and flies you through<br />

the eye of a needle. A motivating, didactic and funny approach to living<br />

things that has never been seen like this before. The computer generated<br />

images of an electron microscope invite us on a truly immersive joyride<br />

into each kingdom of living things.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Nanocam<br />

El Exilio S.L.<br />

Thursday, May 10, 6.15 pm<br />

Perfect Little Planet<br />

Clark <strong>Planetarium</strong> Productions<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 5 pm<br />

Imagine the ultimate space vacation! Discover our solar system through<br />

a new set of eyes - a family from another star system seeking the perfect<br />

vacation spot. Fly over the surface of Pluto, our best known Dwarf Planet.<br />

Dive over the ice cliffs of Miranda. Sail through the rings of Saturn. Feel<br />

the lightning storms of Jupiter. And walk on the surface of Mars. Which<br />

destination would you choose? A solar system journey for space travelers<br />

of all ages. Full 4k resolution and 60 fps.<br />

TIME:<br />

Planet Erde - Leben zwischen Eiszeit und<br />

Treibhaus<br />

<strong>Planetarium</strong> Hamburg<br />

Thursday, May 10, 8 pm<br />


Bäume sind Giganten der Evolution – und von Ihnen kann man<br />

Erstaunliches über die Zyklen des Planeten Erde erfahren.<br />

Zwischen Tag und Nacht, Jahreszeiten und Eiszeiten gehen wir auf eine<br />

spektakuläre 360-Grad-Exkursion in Wälder und deren Rolle für das Erdklima.<br />

Wir erforschen dabei wie sich die Erde von Venus und Mars unterscheidet<br />

und wie sich unser irdisches Klima verändert. Diese Reise ist Teil<br />

der „PLANET ERDE 3D Trilogie“.<br />


14<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Planets is a breakthrough in large format of fascinating landscapes that<br />

make up the solar system. You fly over the reliefs of Mars or Jupiter‘s<br />

clouds, you dive inside the rings of Saturn and you will relive the tumultuous<br />

era of a planet formation. But be careful not to hit an asteroid!<br />

Through images of space probes and stunning sequences with computer<br />

graphics, come discover the portrait of our solar system today.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Not all stars are created equal. Some are massive. Others are tiny; almost<br />

insignificant. The specific characteristics of a star will determine what type<br />

of life it will lead, how long it might live and even the type of death it will<br />

die. We will witness the amazing variety of stars and peer into their secret<br />

lives.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Planetes<br />

Astronef<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 9.15 pm<br />

Secret Lives of Stars<br />

Evans & Sutherland<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 10.15 pm<br />


Morehead <strong>Planetarium</strong><br />

Thursday, May 10, 5.45 pm<br />

Solar System Odyssey takes place far in the future with the Earth on the<br />

verge of an environmental collapse. Billionaire Warren Trout thinks he can<br />

make a fortune colonizing the rest of the solar system and sends space pilot<br />

Jack Larson to find out where. But there‘s one thing he didn‘t count on<br />

– Ashley, Trout‘s 14-year- old hacker daughter, has stowed away on board<br />

the ship and has her own ideas for a journey around the Solar System.<br />

TiTle:<br />


TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Supernovas Company is a cosmic tragicomedy for children. The script is<br />

written in verse and features Kurioseo Kuirosei and his friend Flamigero Piroteus.<br />

Together they have a cosmic adventure, in a highly peculiar setting,<br />

in which they have to overcome the traps and puzzles of the diabolical Vampirina.<br />

She is the leader of an army of vampire stars that cause havoc in the<br />

supernova factory that kindly Flamigero keeps in a corner of a hidden away<br />

galaxy. An original and fun story to delight everyone.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

SpacePark 360<br />

Dome3D, Wolfsburg <strong>Planetarium</strong><br />

Thursday, May 10, 11.15 pm<br />

Dome 3D‘s show SpacePark 360, is a 38 minute, wild immersive ride through<br />

the solar system. Created as a modular show, SpacePark 360 is a set of fulldome<br />

movies designed to recreate the experience of amusement park thrill<br />

rides – roller coasters, pendulums, inverters and more.<br />

TIME:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

Supernovas Company<br />


Tuesday, May 8, 6.15 pm<br />

The Earth and Me<br />

Eugenides Found. / Animonautes<br />

Thursday, May 10, 8.45 pm<br />

The theory of chaos states that a butterfly flapping in Brazil can start a storm<br />

in Texas. What would be the effect of more than 7 billion butterflies on the<br />

Earth? Human activity have a detrimental effect on Earth‘s systems (climate,<br />

ecosystems, biodiversity). Its impact can be seen on nature itself, but also<br />

on the food we eat, the drugs we use, on our health. We act as if our planet<br />

belongs only to us, without even realizing it. Perhaps it is time to reconsider<br />

the way we live.<br />


16<br />

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TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

The Future<br />

Airbus<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 10.45 pm<br />

After celebrating its own four decades of innovation, Airbus now is looking<br />

to the next 40-plus years – actively working with other industry stakeholders<br />

and experts to anticipate the global needs of a better-connected<br />

and more sustainable world. However, it all begins with one question:<br />

“What will air transport look like in the year 2050?” In its report “The Future<br />

by Airbus,” Airbus hypothesises how the industry, aircraft and passengers<br />

might change by that time – while highlighting potential steps to meet<br />

the needs of tomorrow.<br />

TIME:<br />

The Searcher<br />

Adler <strong>Planetarium</strong>, Chicago<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 11.15 pm<br />

The story begins with the introduction an ancient intergalactic traveler.<br />

The traveler discovers upon returning to the world of it’s origin, that it<br />

is no longer inhabited by it’s ancestors, but by an exotic species of sentient<br />

plant life. The realization that the ancestors have either left the home<br />

world or perhaps vanished altogether, impels the traveler to start a search<br />

for them. So begins the journey of “The Searcher.”<br />

Tilt<br />

Melbourne <strong>Planetarium</strong><br />

Wednesday, May 9, 5.45 pm<br />

When the seasons go crazy it’s up to Annie and Max to set things right.<br />

But fixing this will take something extraordinary, and a little help. Come<br />

on a whirlwind adventure as the siblings learn just how the seasons work,<br />

and discover that sometimes, all we need is a new angle on the world.<br />

TiTle: Undiscovered Worlds:<br />

The Search Beyond Our Sun<br />

PRODUCER: Charles Hayden <strong>Planetarium</strong><br />

TIME: Wednesday, May 9, 9.15 pm<br />

Through the discovery of exoplanets – the hundreds of planets that have<br />

been found orbiting stars beyond the Sun – we have learned that our<br />

solar system is not alone in the universe, and we have had to redefine our<br />

understanding of planets …and solar systems. With new achievements<br />

like the Kepler Telescope and rapidly improving technology, the discovery<br />

of exoplanets puts us one step closer to the possibility of finding<br />

an Earth-like world. How will this change how we view our place in the<br />

universe?<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Join us on a spectacular journey to the far reaches of space to experience<br />

the most powerful and mysterious weather phenomena in the solar<br />

system. You will witness such weather extremes as storms the size of a<br />

100-megaton hydrogen bomb, a 400-year-old hurricane, dust devils that<br />

could engulf entire planets, superbolts of lightning, not to mention ice<br />

volcanoes, and winds that rage at 1,500 miles per hour! Hurricanes, earthquakes,<br />

tornadoes and other “earthly” weather extremes won‘t seem so<br />

fierce after you experience the Wildest Weather in the Solar System.<br />

TiTle:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Wildest Weather in the Solar System<br />

National Geographic<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 8.45 pm<br />

Vibrato - The Echo of the Universe<br />

ART’M Créateurs Associés<br />

Wednesday, May 9, 8 pm<br />

Share the extraordinary visions of scientists. Instead of just watching the<br />

greatest phenomenon of the Universe, expierence them from inside! A<br />

nebula, a galaxy, a Black Hole, the Big Bang! Wonderfull immersive images<br />

of scientific adventure. Emotions to re<strong>mai</strong>n in the memory, VIBRATO<br />

is a trip in time…<br />


TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Magic of the Otherworld<br />

Mediendom Kiel<br />

Tuesday, May 8, 11.15 pm<br />

Let yourself be enchanted by the celtic harp and lead to an<br />

“Otherworld”. Compositions by Christine Högl connect us in a sensual way<br />

with the deep feelings of our nature. Thus, the music creates an atmosphere<br />

of relaxation and comfort, reaches the body and the soul and calms<br />

them for a journey inward. Arranged in aesthetic imagery it allows you<br />

to take a deep breath and find peace and a treat for body, soul and spirit.<br />

Clips &<br />

Short Films<br />

18 19

20<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

0.1<br />

Diana Reichenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

0.1 is an immersive fulldome animated film exploring the evolution<br />

of human perception. As digital interactions become<br />

closely inegrated with tangible reality, a hybrid environment is<br />

formed. 8 minutes.<br />

3 Wege, den Raum aufzulösen<br />

Jürgen Rienow - FH Kiel<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Kleiner Lehrfilm über 3 Dinge, die man beim Produzieren für Fulldome<br />

beachten sollte, und was passiert, wenn man es nicht tut.<br />

5 minutes.<br />

A Clear Night<br />

C. Cumbie-Jones and L. F. Jones<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

“A Clear Night” is a music visualization of an audio<br />

composition by Lance Ford Jones. 3.5 minutes.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

A work exploring two contrasting philosophies of experience:<br />

the desire to live life without limits and take the consequences<br />

vs. the affinity for a life of contemplation and<br />

moderation. To that end, it might be good to remember that<br />

if it gets to be too much you can always close your eyes. 2.5<br />

minutes.<br />

TITEL: TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Buy the ticket…<br />

L. F. Jones and C. Cumbie-Jones<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

Carl <strong>Zeiss</strong> Visions for the World<br />

visuarte Munich und Carl <strong>Zeiss</strong><br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

“Visions for the World” is the first corporate film in fulldome<br />

format. Carl <strong>Zeiss</strong> is working in many different business<br />

fields related to optics, mechanics and electronics. Visions<br />

for the World tells us, where you can find Carl <strong>Zeiss</strong> products<br />

and what they are made for. Imagine modern telecommunications<br />

without chips, the eye sight without ophtalmological<br />

instruments and glasses, photography without perfect lenses,<br />

our understanding of the world we live in without planetariums.<br />

There are many lovely and lively moments in everybodies life<br />

thanks to Carl <strong>Zeiss</strong>. 9 minutes.<br />

Chaos & Order<br />

Rocco Helmchen<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

A fulldome journey of images and music into a fascinating<br />

world. Structured into four “movements” from geometric<br />

forms, algorithms, simulations to chaos theory this show<br />

explores breathtaking visuals of unprecendentet beauty in<br />

the realm of maths. Experience the fundemental connection<br />

between reality and mathematics as science and art are fused<br />

together in this immersive celebration of the one language of<br />

our universe.<br />


22<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Chromasatya<br />

C. Cumbie-Jones and L. F. Jones<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

“Chromasatya” is an immersive mandala that uses color and music<br />

to create a brief meditative experience. 3 minutes.<br />

Confusion<br />

United VJ‘s<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

We live in a world where information runs wild and confusion is<br />

the norm. This word we have invented for an order which is not<br />

yet understood. It creates fear, hallucinations and paranoia but<br />

it can also be the welcome math at the door of creativity. Eat<br />

your fears, get confused and dissolve in space. Don‘t let fear be a<br />

mindkiller. 5 minutes.<br />

Dinosaurs at Dusk<br />

Mirage3D<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Trailer of a show in production on dinosaurs. 2 minutes.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

The Doors of Perception<br />

Ralph Heinsohn &<br />

Taucher Sound Environments<br />

Thursday, May 10, midnight<br />

An audiovisual tribute to Aldous Huxleys 1954 novel. 4 minutes.<br />

TIME:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

Enigma<br />

Aayushi Animation Studio<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

In this show we‘ve made our Science “musical”. Fractals and<br />

kaleidoscopes are the very deep routed science, which are<br />

used to define nature in a simplest mathematical manner.<br />

Enigma is combination of these fractals and kaleidoscopic<br />

videos with a hearty touch of music. These videos are specially<br />

designed to give a sense of warmth and calmness to<br />

our puzzled minds. Without any narration, just with the help of<br />

music and beautiful colors & patterns, this show will go deep in<br />

your heart. 14 minutes.<br />

Gremlins Ate Stephans Ego<br />

Michel Gingras<br />

Friday, May 11, Clips Night<br />

Dissolving spherical hemispheres fall into an infinity of colors.<br />

7 minutes.<br />


24<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Inner Voices TiTle: Matrix Optimizer 2.0<br />

Martin Kusch<br />

ProduCer: Jan Zehn & Stefan Berke<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2<br />

TIME:<br />

Thursday, May 10, midnight<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

By Martin Kusch / kondition pluriel. Inner Voices is a captivating<br />

encounter with a woman‘s delirium through intensified<br />

sight and sound. In an attempt to explore strong sensorial<br />

empathy in a dome environment, the film plays with optical illusion<br />

and perceptiual displacement. Inspired by David Lynch<br />

and Sarah Kane‘s atmospheres, the 3D landscapes are driven in<br />

a continual mutation by woman‘s voices. The film draws on the<br />

live performance “Intérieur”, presented at the Satosphére‘s opening,<br />

in October 2011, in Montréal. 14 minutes.<br />

Life of Trees<br />

Softmachine<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

The Life of Trees is an entertaining and educational full dome<br />

experience that tells the fascinating world of trees. It shows<br />

the importance of plants for life on earth, how trees grow,<br />

how they transport water against gravity to the top of the<br />

crown, and enabled diverse life on earthby producing oxygen.<br />

The story is presented by two quirky animated characters: a ladybug<br />

called DOLORES and a firefly called MIKE. 2 minutes.<br />

lineardome<br />

Daniel Bandke, Lukas Taido Velvet<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Abhängig zu sein von der Technik und den damit verbundenen<br />

Prozessen, dass trifft inzwischen auf viele Menschen zu.<br />

„lineardome“ beschreibt den Umgang mit der Technik als<br />

Hoffnungsträger für Illusionen und Wünsche. Am Ende bleibt<br />

die Erkenntnis, dass es im Leben keinen Systemwiederherstellungspunkt<br />

gibt. Eine audiovisuelle Fulldome-Produktion in<br />

5.1 Sourround.<br />

Since the 4th Fulldome Festival, CymaSonics - Matrix Optimizer<br />

has become a known term for pioneering groundwork<br />

in the field of virtual fulldome acoustics animation art and<br />

software.<br />

Thanks to the installation of the Fraunhofer IDMT‘s new<br />

Spatial Sound Wave at <strong>Zeiss</strong> <strong>Planetarium</strong> <strong>Jena</strong>, for the first<br />

time, we are able to bring our work out to the public on a<br />

practical stage, operating on 21 hemispherical placed virtual audio<br />

channels.<br />

Experience the first audiovisual fulldome show, demonstrating the Mat-<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Migrations<br />

Audri Phillips<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night<br />

Migrations is a visual poem. Many of the visual metaphors<br />

center around the notion of floating free and liberation. All<br />

creatures on the earth have migrated, not only from place<br />

to place but also in the sense of a physical change of state.<br />

This could be thought of as dissolving space. Now with<br />

global warming there unfortunately will also be more forced<br />

migrations. 5 minutes.<br />

Pretend Redux<br />

L. F. Jones and C. Cumbie-Jones<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night<br />

“Pretend Redux” continues an exploration begun as a multimedia<br />

installation in 1999 as “Pretend Research” moving the<br />

work into the fulldome arena. “Pretend” looks at how little<br />

information we really need in an age of information overload<br />

exploring the moving border between pure form and<br />

recognizable content. 4 minutes.<br />


26<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Priene: A Greek City from the Past<br />

Foundation of the Hellenic World<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Priene in Asia Minor Ionia, the most extensivly excavated Hellenistic<br />

City in Asia Minor and an excellent example of Hellenistic<br />

architecture, comes to life in FHW‘s production. With the<br />

creation of a structured environment, clear and balanced, the<br />

city expressed the mature philosophical and political thinking<br />

of the classical period. Public Buildings, private residences and<br />

temples constitute the sights of this tour of this city of Asia Minor.<br />

5 minutes.<br />

Sonnenkrieger<br />

Hannes Wagner<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Als die Welt noch jung war, gab es noch keine Nacht. Immer<br />

schien die Sonne auf das Volk der Menschen. Nur der eitle<br />

Rabe war verärgert, da die Sonne seine weißen Federn verbrannte.<br />

Hinterlistig überredet er die Sonne zu gehen und<br />

es wird das erste Mal Nacht. Eine lange Nacht, was sollen die<br />

Menschen tun?<br />

Nach einem indianischen Märchen, mit Bildern und Figuren von<br />

Hans-Georg Wagner. 5 minutes.<br />

Der Loup Garou<br />

Ralph Heinsohn<br />

Saturday, May 12, Clips Night Part 2<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

„Frommen Kindern geschieht kein Leid, doch das Böse ‚holt die<br />

Eul‘ und der ‚Loup Garou‘. Jenes Wesen geht nachts im Dunkeln<br />

um und bestraft all jene, die nicht gottesfürchtig sind...“.<br />

Eine Fulldome-Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Gedichts der<br />

Dichterin Annette Droste-Hülshoff aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.<br />

Students Clips<br />


28<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

407<br />

Sabrina Winther - HFG Offenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Ein alter Mann nutzt das Einkaufen im Supermarkt dazu, ein<br />

bisschen mit der Kassiererin zu plaudern. Dass deshalb viele<br />

Menschen warten müssen, ist ihm grade recht, wenigstens<br />

hat ihn heute jemand gesehen.<br />

An Oxen and the Eternal Question<br />

Shane Murphy - Ringling College<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art<br />

and Design.<br />

Anthropogene Einflüsse auf das Klima<br />

Anna Krämer - FH Potsdam<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Anthropogene Einflüsse auf das Klima beschreibt, als animierte<br />

Infografik, die mannigfachen Einflüsse, die der Mensch auf<br />

das Weltklima hat. Der Inhalt basiert auf einem Schulbuch<br />

der Cornelsenreihe und ist als ergänzender Unterrichtsfilm im<br />

Fulldome gedacht.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

»Blue« is inspired by Chinese porcelain. The shape of porcelain<br />

bowl is compatible to fulldome, my interpretation of<br />

Dissolving Space. Blue in China is the symbol of Life. Blue and<br />

white show the charm of peace, simplicity but elegance, what<br />

is advocated and pursued in Chinese culture. The patterns imply<br />

the meaning of lucky, which reflects people’s yearning on the<br />

beautiful life. The blue patterns are formed after high temperature<br />

firing, and never fade, so blue and white porcelain represents permanence.<br />

TiTle: BreakFAST<br />

ProduCer: Sönke Hahn, Bauhaus University<br />

Weimar<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

»breakFAST« ist ein moderner Film noir. In einer Kombination<br />

aus realem Bildmaterial und einer aus Zeichnungen bestehenden<br />

Filmwelt wird die Geschichte einer Fahrradverfolgungsjagd<br />

erzählt. Am Anfang steht ein vermeintlich einfacher<br />

Brötchenkauf, der unserem Helden mehr abverlangt, als er sich<br />

hat träumen lassen... »breakFAST« ist ein mit Augenzwinkern versehener<br />

Actionfilm, der das Raumgefühl des Fulldomes auszunutzen<br />

versteht.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME: TIME:<br />

Blue<br />

Jiayao Chen / Jie Wang<br />

Bauhaus University Weimar<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Butterfly Lovers<br />

Yue Mao, Bauhaus-Uni Weimar<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Long ago, two young people fall in love after studying together.<br />

But due to ancient Chinese custom, they were not<br />

able to get married. Then, both of them refused to marry the<br />

ones who were arranged by their families. The two young<br />

people died of illness. After their death, many people felt<br />

pity about the real story. They created a myth, and gave the<br />

story a beautiful ending. They believe the two people turn into<br />

butterflies, and be in love forever. My movie is just expressing<br />

the butterflies‘ happy life after their suffering. This movie is in a<br />

traditional Chinese painting style.<br />


30<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Cerebris<br />

Mike Munger, Ringling College<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art<br />

and Design.<br />

Der Geist mit den zwei Gesichtern<br />

Florian Meyer, Jiang Yang<br />

Bauhaus University Weimar<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

„Buddha sagt: Du kannst deine wahre Liebe nur treffen, wenn<br />

ihr in früheren Leben fünfhundert Mal aneinander vorbei<br />

gelaufen seid, ohne zurückzublicken.“ Es geht um Sehnsucht<br />

und Geduld, Liebe und Zersplitterung sowie das Streben nach<br />

Erleuchtung am Tor zur Unterwelt. Eine gesprochene Geschichte<br />

von Jiang Yang, im Fulldome-Format visualisiert von Florian Meyer,<br />

mit einem Soundtrack von Matthias Hampel.<br />

Der Keller<br />

Julius Hass, Johannes Graf, FH<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Auf der Suche nach einer guten Flasche Wein in einem dunklen<br />

Keller.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Bei einer Rückkopplung entsteht eine visuelle oder akustische<br />

Schlei fe, die sich durch bewusstes Eingreifen bis zur immersiven<br />

Selbsterregung aufschaukeln und Raum entstehen lassen kann.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Dornröschen<br />

Zhang Xiaodong<br />

Bauhaus University Weimar<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

A fulldome interpretation of Dornröschen, the Sleeping<br />

Beauty.<br />

TIME:<br />

TIME:<br />

Feedback<br />

Nicolas Gebbe, HfG Offenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Haie und die, die sie liebt<br />

Aleksander Radan,<br />

HfG Offenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Der Film taucht ein und beobachtet eine junge Frau und ihre<br />

ängstliche Faszination, die in den Tiefen des Wassers lauert.<br />

Morgen geht sie Haie streicheln.<br />


32<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Jetzt Ein Stück<br />

Leonie Link, HfG Offenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Was passiert beim Übergang vom Wachsein zum Schlafen?<br />

Seltsame Assoziationen von Gedanken über Bilder zu Geräuschen<br />

– aber was ist real und was ist Traum?<br />

Laser Head Explosion<br />

Denis Carbone, HfG Offenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Handgemalte Licht-Bilder. Stop-Motion-Langzeit-Belichtungen<br />

mit Lasern gezeichnet geraten rasant in Bewegung und<br />

führen in eine einzigartige neue Welt, die aus sichtbaren Gedankenblitzen<br />

besteht.<br />

Listen Carefully<br />

Sebastian Hilgetag /<br />

Marie Havemann<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Ein Film, der die Hektik der heutigen Zeit portraitiert und andererseits<br />

aufzeigt, was passieren kann, wenn man sich trotz<br />

allem dazu verleiten lässt, sich auf Inspiration jeglicher Art einzulassen.<br />

TiTle: Mission Hollow<br />

ProduCer: Gentian Begolli,<br />

Bauhaus University Weimar<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

A Movie about the Hollow Earth.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Parasiten<br />

Thomas Kneffel, HfG Offenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

One Life Stand<br />

Thomas Bannier, HfG Offen-<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Nach einem Verkehrsunfall schweben zwei Lebewesen im<br />

Zwischenreich von Leben und Tod. Dieser langsame Übergang<br />

dient zur Orientierung und Gewöhnung an die neue<br />

Umgebung im Jenseits. Hier entscheidet sich das Schicksal.<br />

Wer genug Willenskraft hat, entkommt dem Tod.<br />

TIME:<br />

Parasiten stehen auf Schokolade, Agavendicksaft, Milch, Blut<br />

und Sauerstoff ebenso sehr wie Du. Was Du gerne magst,<br />

mögen sie ebenfalls. Was Du nicht magst, mögen sie auch<br />

nicht. Das ist der Überlebenstrick.<br />


34<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Pollution TiTle: Raum im Raum<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

5 pictures about ways people pollute their own world.<br />

Pressure<br />

Rose Generazio, Ringling College<br />

of Art and Design<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art<br />

and Design.<br />

Putz<br />

Marc Rühl, HfG Offenbach<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Xin Wang, Bauhaus Uni Weimar<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Hier muss alles neu verputzt werden, aber zuerst muss der alte<br />

Putz ab! Gut, das der Kollege Rauhputzlösung im Auto hat...<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

TiTle:<br />

Kiro Mohrfeldt - FH Kiel<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Eine Reise in eine Welt aus Gitterstrukturen und Raumwirbeln.<br />

Abstrakte Objekte bilden Räume im Weltenraum.<br />

TiTle: Send and Receive<br />

ProduCer: Trisha Rampersad, Ringling<br />

College of Art and Design<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art<br />

and Design.<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Striking<br />

Jenna DeLorenzo, Ringling<br />

College of Art and Design<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art<br />

and Design.<br />


36<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

TiTle:<br />

That Which Once Was<br />

P J DiSalvo, Ringling College of<br />

Art and Design<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art<br />

and Design.<br />

The Salsa Basic<br />

Vanessa Murillo, Bauhaus-Uni<br />

Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME:<br />

Salsa is a popular social dance. It typically is a couple’s dance.<br />

»The Salsa Basic« is a video animation, which works as a guide<br />

showing you how to dance, and the fundamentals of Salsa<br />

dancing in a fun, social, interactive and step-by-step way. As a<br />

result you will be absolutely amazed by how quickly you „get<br />

it“. This video also helps you understand the important basic<br />

steps that will enable you to quickly grow your ability to dance.<br />

This method is fast and easy and can be tried without fear. Believe<br />

it or not, Salsa dancing will change your life!<br />

The Shape of Rain<br />

Katja Loos / Camilla Saloto,<br />

Bauhaus University Weimar<br />

ProduCer:<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Es gleicht einer Reise zu neuen Orten. Gewohnte Räume, die aus<br />

anderen Blickwinkeln wahrgenommen werden. Organische und<br />

klare Formen lösen sich auf, um Neues zu bilden und neuen Raum<br />

zu schaffen – Herauslösung und Veränderung. Von einem Sitzplatz<br />

unter Wasser hinein in die Stadt, weiter durch die Natur und fühlen<br />

wie unter freiem Himmel. Die Reise geht durch Räume die jeder von<br />

uns kennt, aber nur die Leere im Raum lässt ihn auch erkennbar werden.<br />

TiTle: Trilha<br />

ProduCer: Ted Gola Webe<br />

College of Art and Design<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Immersive media student work from Ringling College of Art<br />

and Design.<br />

TiTle: Xaboh<br />

ProduCer: Lydia Müller,<br />

Bauhaus University Weimar<br />

TIME: Friday, May 11, Students‘ Night<br />

Trapped in a cage which offers no chance of escape the panther<br />

has become numb to the world outside. »Xaboh« is an<br />

animated visualization of the poem »The Panther« by Rainer<br />

Maria Rilke. Within three verses Rilke describes the animal‘s<br />

condition, characteristics and perception. The first two verses<br />

focus on the appearance of the panther while the third verse<br />

provides us a first insight into the animals mind.<br />

TiTle:<br />

ProduCer:<br />


38<br />

Workshops<br />

Presentations<br />

Forums<br />


Amr El-Laithy Wednesday, 2 pm<br />

Nodebase Workflow + Interactive Ideas Lecture Room<br />

Tim Florian Horn Wednesday, 3 pm<br />

Making of - Life a Cosmic Story: data-driven Lecture Room<br />

science visualization<br />

Hannes Wagner Thursday, 2 pm<br />

New Stories for a new Medium Lecture Room<br />

Jan Zehn & Stefan Berke Thursday, 3 pm<br />

CymaSonics – Matrix Optimizer 2.0 Lecture Room<br />

A short lecture on Spatial Listening, Synthetical Acoustics and the future of AudioVisual Fulldome.<br />

Jan Zehn, introducing the CyMatrix team and project, will speak about spatial listening experience and<br />

the creation of synthetical acoustics, with special focus on CymaSonics as audio-animation technique.<br />

Afterwards, Stefan Berke, virtuous artistical programmer of Matrix Optimizer 2.0, will give a short live demonstration<br />

of some of the special features of this new audiovisual fulldome animation software.<br />

Ivo Haulsen Friday, 11 am<br />

Neuigkeiten Fraunhofer FIRST Lecture Room<br />

Prof. Klaus Dufke Friday, 12 pm<br />

Some Thoughts on Vision and Attention Lecture Room<br />

University of Applied Science Potsdam<br />

The relationship between human vision and attention is a fascinating subject and the focus of research in<br />

the visual arts as well as in psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience. To respect the relevance of<br />

cognitive and visual processing provides a sensitive means of learning about content creation and design<br />

for immersive environments.<br />

40<br />

Einige Gedanken über Aufmerksamkeit und visuelle Wahrnehmung. Das Verhältnis von visueller Wahrnehmung<br />

und Aufmerksamkeit ist ein faszinierender Gegenstand der Forschung – in den bildenden Künsten<br />

ebenso wie in der Psychologie, den Kognitionswissenschaften oder den Neurowissenschaften. Welche<br />

Erkenntnisse lassen sich aus der Untersuchung kognitiver und visueller Prozesse in Hinblick auf Content-<br />

Entwicklung und Gestaltung für Kuppelprojektionen und immersive Szenarien ableiten?<br />

André Wünscher Friday, 2 pm<br />

Fulldome Interaction with Unity 3D Mobile Dome<br />

Jürgen Rienow Friday, 3 pm<br />

Aktuelle Fulldome-Forschung in Kiel Mobile Dome<br />

Im Rahmen des Fachbereichs Medien der Fachhochschule Kiel ist Forschung an immersiven Medien ein<br />

Schwerpunkt, insb. im Masterstudiengang „Multimedia Production“. Einige der Forschungsvorhaben werden<br />

vorgestellt.<br />

Pedro Zaz Friday, 5 pm<br />

VJ & Fulldome Mobile Dome<br />

2011/<strong>2012</strong> was the year of: Syphon Server , Video Mapping Software with Bézier curves and very cheap<br />

edge blend tools. The fulldome medium is finally accessible to VJs and enthusiasts. We aim for the young<br />

and inspired artists of the future and open up the medium to a wider array of ideas and interpretations.<br />

Micky Remann & Co-Initiators Saturday, 11 am<br />

Life and Future of the FullDome Festival Star Theater<br />

In it’s short but dynamic history, the <strong>Jena</strong> FullDome Festival has developed into a leading international forum<br />

and marketplace for presentations and discussions of 360 degree dome projection and immersive media.<br />

This workshop offers a comprehensive introduction and status report of the technical and artistic evolution<br />

of the fulldome medium. Witness the beauty and the challenges of 6 years of FullDome Festival as reflected<br />

in some of its program highlights. If you are new to the scene, the workshop along with the shows and<br />

explanations will give you an overview of where the medium stands now and where it may be going in the<br />

future. “Life and future of the FullDome Festival” will be co-presented by the initiators of the <strong>Jena</strong> Festival.<br />


Prof. Dr. Heidi Kjär Saturday, 11 am<br />

Koordinaten und Kistenkram auf Kiel gelegt – Lecture Room<br />

Festival und Internetplattform für immersive<br />

Medien starten jetzt<br />

Prof. Dr. Heidi Kjär und Mitglieder des Team des Instituts für Immersive Medien an der Fachhochschule<br />

Kiel<br />

Die Referenten stellen Aktivitäten des Institut für Immersive Medien an der Fachhochschule Kiel vor: ab<br />

Mai <strong>2012</strong> steht eine Webplattform zur Verfügung, die allen Interessierten an Produktion und Forschung<br />

für immersive Medien geeignete Kontakte, Informationen, aktuelle Veröffentlichungen, Literatur u.v.a.m.<br />

zur Verfügung stellt. Ziele sind die Koordination von gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten, Austausch<br />

Forschender und Produzenten und die Sammlung relevanter Hilfsmittel. Gleichzeitig startet die Ausschreibung<br />

für ein neues Festival räumlicher Medien auf dem Campus der FH Kiel: „Koordinaten“ (2.-3.<br />

November <strong>2012</strong>) ergänzt die seit 2010 bekannte „Konferenz iii“ durch attraktive Präsentationen immersiver<br />

Medien und eine Preisverleihung am Samstag, den 3.November, im Rahmen des Abendprogramms.<br />

René Rodigast Saturday, 12 am<br />

Bild und Ton gehören zusammen – Star Theater<br />

Möglichkeiten von 3D Audio in der Kuppel<br />

Im Vortrag wird eine Einführung zum Thema 3D Audio im <strong>Planetarium</strong> gegeben und das neue Soundsystem<br />

der <strong>Jena</strong>er Kuppel vorgestellt. Beispielhaft werden Arbeitsabläufe mit dem System demonstriert<br />

und die Notwendigkeit der Konvergenz von Bild und Ton erläutert. Mit eindrucksvollen Video- und<br />

Tonbeispielen wird der Zuschauer in eine immersive Klangwelt versetzt.<br />

Prof. Christian Janecke Saturday, 2 pm<br />

In the thick of it – Lecture Room<br />

Immersion from an art historian‘s view<br />

The lecture will not deal with immersion in general but instead focus on some aspects of the subject<br />

that stem from art history or art theory. Furthermore, the considerations and examples presented won‘t<br />

suppose immersion to be something that is limited to film or new media but more to certain aesthetic<br />

preliminaries. Christian Janecke has been a full-time professor for art history at the Hochschule für<br />

Gestaltung, Offenbach am Main (Germany) since 2006. Janecke‘s area of specialisation is modern and<br />

contemporary art, partly focusing on art in relation to science, theatre or performance, fashion or design.<br />

www.hfg-offenbach.de/janecke<br />

42<br />

Kohei Suzuki Saturday, 3 pm<br />

Freischwebende Sterne im Lecture Room<br />

Stereokomparator<br />

Im letzten Text der Einbahnstraße mit dem Titel „Zum <strong>Planetarium</strong>“ definiert Walter Benjamin die Technik<br />

als „Beherrschung vom Verhältnis von Natur und Menschheit“. Das heißt, wie Giorgio Agamben bemerkt,<br />

dass weder der Mensch die Natur noch die Natur den Menschen beherrschen soll. Und nicht einmal in<br />

einem dritten Begriff als dialektische Synthese aufgehoben werden soll. Nach Benjamin organisiert sich<br />

in der Technik vielmehr „eine Physis“, in welcher menschlicher Kontakt mit dem Kosmos sich neu und<br />

anderes bildet als in der Antike. Hier ist die Photographie zu nennen, zu der „eine andere Natur“ als die<br />

zum Auge sprechen soll. Nach der Einführung der Photographie in die Astronomie befassen sich die<br />

Astronomen immer mehr mit dieser anderen Natur. Dabei geht es aber - gemäß Benjamins Modell einer<br />

„Dialektik im Stillstand“ - nicht um die Entkoppelung des Beobachters von der Beobachtung, sondern<br />

um „eine Physis“, die sich in den freischwebenden Sternen im Stereokomparator andeutet.<br />

Nina Wise Saturday, 4 pm<br />

The Kepler Project – Star Theater<br />

Performance Art & Fulldome Show<br />

The Kepler Projet is the fulldome show I created in collaboration with Morrison <strong>Planetarium</strong>‘s Ryan Wyatt<br />

and Tim Horn about Johannes Kepler. The performance involves a live actor (Johannes Kepler), full dome<br />

immersive imagery (stunning), amazing music by composer Zoe Keating, and sound design by Christopher<br />

Hedge. http://www.motioninstitute.com/kepler/index.html<br />

Micky Remann & Bauhaus Students Saturday, 5 pm<br />

Janus 2.0 - God of Fulldome Star Theater<br />

Traditionally depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions, the Roman god Janus is said to be<br />

able to view front and back, past and future simultaneously. Obviously, Janus is much better equipped to<br />

enjoy fulldome shows than the ordinary human being, whose field of vision is limited to just a segment of<br />

our surrounding 360 degree reality. When we go to the movies, or work with the computer, the screens<br />

in front of us don’t usually overstretch the limits of our forward facing field of vision. But in a dome with<br />

sensory projection fully surrounding us, life appears in a different light, and we are required to rethink<br />

how we should approach and interpret such expanded perceptual experiences more fully. Can Janus help<br />

us understand the specific challenges of the fulldome medium? Students of Bauhaus-University Weimar<br />

discussed this question and found their own interpretations of „Janus 2.0 - God of Fulldome“.<br />


44<br />

<strong>Program</strong> Overview<br />

Tuesday<br />

17:00 Perfect Little Planet Clark <strong>Planetarium</strong>, USA solar system<br />

17:45 Supernovas Company Ilusa Media, E astro for kids<br />

18:15 Across the Universe Procyon Film GmbH, A space exploration<br />

19:00 A Starry Tale Kagaya Studios, J constellations<br />

19:30 Break / Pause<br />

20:00 Lamps of Atlantis Evans & Sutherland, USA history, constellations<br />

20:45 Wildest Weather in Solar System National Geographic, USA planets, weather<br />

21:15 Planets Astronef , F solar system<br />

21:45 Break / Pause<br />

22:15 Hayabusa Back to Earth Kagaya Studios, J space travel<br />

22:45 The Future Airbus, F air transportation<br />

23:15 Magic of the Otherworld FH Kiel, D music meditation<br />

Wednesday<br />

14:00 Nodebase Workflow... Amr Ellaithy, ET workshop<br />

15:00 Life - A Cosmic Story Tim Florian Horn, USA making of<br />

16:00 Break / Pause<br />

17:00 Moles Antares, E kids<br />

17:45 Tilt Melbourne <strong>Planetarium</strong>, AU astro for kids<br />

18:15 8 Scoops of Milky Way Aayushi Animation Studio, IN solar system families<br />

19:00 A Part of The Sky Called Orion Bays Mountain Plan., USA sky lore, constellations<br />

19:30 Break /Pause<br />

20:00 VIBRATO ART‘M Créateurs Associés, F astronomy<br />

20:45 Life - A Cosmic Story Cal. Acad. of Sciences, USA life sciences<br />

21:15 Undiscovered Worlds... Hayden Plan. Boston, USA astronomy<br />

21:45 Break / Pause<br />

22:15 Secret Lives of Stars Evans & Sutherland, USA astrophysics<br />

22:45 Awesome Light Sky-Skan, USA astronomical research<br />

23:15 The Searcher Adler Plan. Chicago, USA sci-fi, visz universe<br />

Thursday<br />

14:00 New Stories for a New Medium Hannes Wagner, D workshop<br />

15:00 Cyma Sonics Jan Zehn, Stefan Berke, D workshop<br />

15:45 Break / Pause<br />


16.15 Lars, the Little Polar Bear LNP / Mediendom, USA/D kids show<br />

17:00 Into The Deep Ogrefish, A deep sea<br />

17:45 Solar System Odyssee Morehead, Chapel Hill, USA solar system<br />

18:15 Nanocam Exilio, E life sciences<br />

19:00 ASTRONAUT <strong>2012</strong> NSC Creative, UK space travel<br />

19.30 Break / Pause<br />

20:00 Planet Erde <strong>Planetarium</strong> Hamburg, D earth sciences<br />

20:45 The Earth and Me Eugenides F. / Animonautes, GR humankind<br />

21:15 Dynamic Earth Spitz, USA earth sciences, clima<br />

21:45 Break / Pause<br />

22:15 Experience the Aurora Evans & Sutherland, USA time laps<br />

22:45 Galaxy Time Planet. Galilee, Montpellier, F astrotainment<br />

23:15 Space Park 360 Dome3D / Plan. WOB, USA/D music entertainment<br />

24:00 Demos J. Zehn, R. Heinsohn, u.a. spatial audio<br />

Friday<br />

11:00 Fraunhofer FIRST News Ivo Haulsen presentation<br />

12:00 Neues aus Potsdam Prof. Klaus Dufke presentation<br />

13:00 Break / Pause<br />

14:00 Fulldome Interactive André Wünscher workshop<br />

15:00 Immersionsbegriff... Jürgen Rienow workshop<br />

16:00 Break / Pause<br />

17:00 VJs & the Dome Pedro Zaz, BR workshop<br />

18:00 Break / Pause<br />

19:00 Students‘ Night Students Works, intl. clips<br />

23:00 Clip Night, Part 1 Indepentents, Profs, intl. clips & short films<br />

Saturday<br />

11:00 FullDome Festival Micky Remann et.al. forum<br />

11:00 Festival und Internet... Prof. Heidi Kjär presentation<br />

12:00 Spatial Sound Wave René Rodigast presentation<br />

13:00 Break / Pause<br />

14:00 Immersion total Prof. Christian Janecke presentation<br />

15:00 Zeit-Bild-Raum Kohei Suzuki presentation<br />

16:00 Kepler Project Nina Wise presentation<br />

17:00 Janus 2.0 Micky Remann & Students forum<br />

18:00 Break / Pause<br />

19:00 Clips Night, Part 2 indepentents, professionals clips & short films<br />

20:00 Festival Gala all best of Festival<br />

46<br />

Sincere Thanks<br />

to all our Sponsors<br />


48<br />

Veranstaltungsort / Venue:<br />

<strong>Zeiss</strong>-<strong>Planetarium</strong> <strong>Jena</strong><br />

Am <strong>Planetarium</strong> 5<br />

07743 <strong>Jena</strong><br />

Informationen:<br />

+49-3641-88 54 88<br />

www.fulldome-festival.de<br />

www.planetarium-jena.de<br />

Facebook: FullDome-Festival<br />

e-<strong>mai</strong>l: fulldomefestival@planetarium-jena.de<br />

Festival-Organisation:<br />

Jürgen Hellwig<br />

Micky Remann<br />

Volkmar Schorcht<br />

André Wünscher

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