Bradford District Residents' Perceptions Survey 2011

Bradford District Residents' Perceptions Survey 2011

Bradford District Residents' Perceptions Survey 2011


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<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Residents’<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong><br />

<strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Summary Report<br />

Research Study Conducted for<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council and the <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> Partnership<br />

Client<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />


Executive Summary 4<br />

Introduction 11<br />

Background & objectives 11<br />

Methodology 11<br />

Report layout 12<br />

Interpretation of the data 12<br />

Acknowledgements 13<br />

1. Quality of Life 14<br />

1.1 People’s attitudes to their local area 14<br />

1.2 Improving quality of life: identifying priorities 16<br />

1.3 Strength of belonging 19<br />

2. Respect & Consideration 23<br />

2.1 Respect & consideration in the local area 23<br />

2.2 Parents taking responsibility 24<br />

2.3 Community cohesion 25<br />

2.4 Respect & consideration from public service providers 27<br />

2.4 Support for older people 28<br />

3. Community Safety 30<br />

3.1 <strong>Perceptions</strong> of safety 30<br />

3.2 Prevalence of antisocial behaviour 32<br />

3.3 Antisocial behaviour score 34<br />

3.4 Dealing with antisocial behaviour 36<br />

3.5 Seeking the public’s views 39<br />

4. Transport & Travel 41<br />

4.1 Travel to work & school 41<br />

4.2 Car use 42<br />

5. Local Public Services 44<br />

5.1 Satisfaction with services – <strong>Bradford</strong> Council 44<br />

5.2 Satisfaction with services – the local NHS 45<br />

5.3 Satisfaction with services – fire & police 46<br />

5.4 Satisfaction with services – transport 47<br />

6. Information & Communications 48<br />

6.1 Level of information 48<br />

6.2 Preferred sources of information 50<br />

6.3 Internet use 52<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

7. Getting Involved 53<br />

7.1 Community influence 53<br />

7.2 Community involvement 55<br />

7.3 Volunteering 56<br />

8. Health & Well-being 57<br />

8.1 General health 57<br />

8.2 Dental health 58<br />

8.3 Support from public service providers in promoting healthy living 60<br />

8.4 Satisfaction among carers with support from public service providers 60<br />

9. Housing & the Home 62<br />

9.1 Satisfaction with overall condition of property 62<br />

9.2 Number of bedrooms in property 63<br />

10. Environment & Climate Change 64<br />

10.1 Concern about climate change 64<br />

10.2 Attitudes towards climate change 65<br />

10.3 Actions to deal with climate change 66<br />

11. Engagement in the Arts 67<br />

12. Financial Exclusion 69<br />

12.1 Awareness & use of credit unions 69<br />

12.2 Personal finance 72<br />

13. Qualifications & Skills 73<br />

Appendices 75<br />

Appendix 1: Guide to Statistical Reliability 76<br />

Appendix 2: Guide to Socio-Economic Classifications 78<br />

Appendix 3: Sample Profile 79<br />

Appendix 4: Map of <strong>Bradford</strong> 82<br />

Appendix 5: Comparisons with Place <strong>Survey</strong> 82<br />

Appendix 6: Topline Findings 83<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Executive Summary<br />

This executive summary presents the key findings from the <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong>, a representative study of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents aged 16+, conducted<br />

between February and July <strong>2011</strong>. The research was undertaken face-to-face, in-home, by ICM<br />

on behalf of the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership (BDP), and is the second of its kind following the<br />

baseline survey conducted last year.<br />

The scale of the survey and the fact that it is based on a representative, rather than a selfselecting,<br />

sample (as in the case of the postal administered Place <strong>Survey</strong>) means the findings<br />

are robust and highly accurate (at the overall level, data is correct to within plus or minus 1.2<br />

percentage points). It also permits extensive analysis at subgroup level and as such affords the<br />

BDP an in-depth analysis of its residents’ views. Above all, the current research allows<br />

comparisons with data from the 2010 survey, monitoring any change in residents’ views over the<br />

last 12 months. A finding between 2010 and <strong>2011</strong> needs to be at least plus or minus two<br />

percentage points in order to be a statistically significant difference.<br />

[Appendix Five shows results for key indicators from the 2008 Place <strong>Survey</strong> and the 2010 and<br />

<strong>2011</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> surveys. Please note that reliable comparisons between these two<br />

sets of research are not possible because of the different methodologies used (postal and inhome<br />

face-to-face respectively).]<br />

A. Overview<br />

The country’s economic prospects remain mired in uncertainty for the foreseeable future, with<br />

the coalition government’s fiscal policies only just beginning to impact public service delivery,<br />

employment prospects still unsure for many, household budgets stretched and local government<br />

revenues under pressure. Consequently, the residents’ views expressed in the latest Residents’<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> need to be placed firmly within this context. In particular, this survey affords<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partners the opportunity to take stock of residents’ current priorities and to<br />

identify particularly vulnerable groups at this time.<br />

Against such an uncertain backdrop, it is encouraging that views of the local area as a place to<br />

live are extremely positive, both in terms of overall satisfaction and sense of belonging. Indeed,<br />

the proportion very satisfied and strongly agreeing in each case has increased significantly.<br />

When compared to the rest of the country, the <strong>District</strong>’s residents have far higher levels of<br />

attachment to their immediate neighbourhood, and on the whole, there is a sense that local<br />

residents show each other respect and consideration and get on well together. It is also<br />

promising to note that many more people now say that people from different backgrounds get on<br />

well together. Although we cannot say for sure, this may be a consequence of the ‘feel good’<br />

factor surrounding the recent Royal Wedding which took place during the fieldwork period.<br />

What is particularly important, however, is that certain key groups are less likely to have this<br />

sense of belonging compared to others:<br />

Attitudes become less favourable, the younger the age group;<br />

Black and mixed race groups are least likely to say they have a strong sense of<br />

belonging compared to other ethnic groups;<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

There are no notable differences between the different religious groups, but there has<br />

been a shift of +10 percentage points among people of ‘other’ faiths, from ‘having a<br />

strong sense of belonging’ to ‘not’;<br />

Work status and home ownership both impact on residents’ sense of attachment; those<br />

not in employment (excluding retired) and in rented accommodation can feel less<br />

connected;<br />

There is a strong correlation with satisfaction with the local area: those who speak highly<br />

of their local area are more than twice as likely to feel a strong sense of belonging<br />

compared to those who are dissatisfied.<br />

Consequently, while the overall positive shift is encouraging, this will be an important indicator to<br />

continue to track.<br />

As we would expect, the extent to which people feel secure in their local area is a key measure<br />

of how satisfied they are with the area overall. On the whole, when it comes to crime and safety,<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> performs well and there have been improvements since last year – almost everyone<br />

feels safe during the day, and the majority do after dark (indeed, it is ahead of the country as a<br />

whole on this measure). However, likelihood to feel safe declines considerably among a number<br />

of groups including older people, members of socio-economic group DE and some ethnic<br />

groups. Accordingly, <strong>Bradford</strong> East and <strong>Bradford</strong> West – the former with a high concentration of<br />

DEs, and the latter with a high concentration of Asian residents – therefore have the greatest<br />

challenge here.<br />

An important finding is that the extent to which people feel empowered to influence decisions in<br />

their local area has declined recently; just over a third now believe they can do so and, although<br />

the majority do not wish to get more involved in local decision making, those who are dissatisfied<br />

with the local area or with the Council are significantly more likely to want to. This suggests that<br />

those who are disaffected have not disengaged from their local community but rather have firm<br />

views about what can be done to improve things.<br />

Reflecting this to some extent are people’s views on tackling crime and anti-social behaviour.<br />

Although on balance opinion is positive about the work of local service providers in dealing with<br />

such problems, there is a notable lack of awareness among some groups about the success of<br />

these efforts, and just two in five people feel residents are consulted by the relevant agencies.<br />

The sense of disengagement among a substantial minority is also reflected in the extent to<br />

which some groups do not feel informed about the services and benefits from local public<br />

service providers (although more people feel ‘very well’ informed than this time last year). This is<br />

especially the case among young people aged 16-24, carers, socio-economic DEs and those<br />

who rent their home. Furthermore there are other indications throughout the report that suggest<br />

there is less emphasis on encouraging people to adopt positive behaviours. For instance,<br />

residents are more likely to say they ‘don’t know’ about the support available to encourage<br />

healthier lifestyles, more likely to say they ‘don’t know’ about their role and actions available to<br />

them to affect climate change, and less likely to walk to work or school. This may of course<br />

reflect the Partnerships current spending priorities or simply reflect residents’ perceptions of<br />

‘public sector cuts’.<br />

In short, the outlook from this survey is positive. Even with the current challenges, the vast<br />

majority of residents are positive on key indicators of general satisfaction, ratings of public<br />

services and about their homes, financial situation, health and well being. Other local authorities<br />

are seeing a drop in their scores across the board. Furthermore, while there have been both<br />

positive and negative shifts in opinion since 2010, most of them have been favourable for the<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

BDP. Where declines are significant, our sense is that these could have been more dramatic.<br />

There is clearly work to do, however; particularly in continuing to invest in disengaged<br />

communities and working with disenfranchised population groups to address social inequalities,<br />

and involve them in ways that work for them (civic participation as described in the survey may<br />

not be that).<br />

B. Key findings<br />

Quality of life<br />

The vast majority (86%) of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents are satisfied with their local area as a<br />

place to live. While this score is unchanged from last year, promisingly the proportion very<br />

satisfied has increased five percentage points.<br />

Residents’ top priorities for improvement - both mentioned by a one in five of residents - are<br />

clean streets (22%), activities for teenagers (21%), road and pavement repairs (19%) and<br />

the level of crime (17%). These are similar to priorities identified in 2010, although fewer<br />

people now mention the top two (both down five percentage points) and notably more<br />

mention health services (9%, up five percentage points).<br />

People’s sense of attachment to the local area is strong. Reflecting the satisfaction indicator,<br />

the vast majority (85%) feel they belong in their immediate neighbourhood. While this is<br />

down two percentage points it is still higher than the national metric (78%). 1 In addition, the<br />

proportion identifying very strongly has increased six points (to 46%).<br />

Respect & consideration<br />

Most residents are content with the amount of respect and consideration that people show to<br />

each other in the local area; four fifths (78%) do not think there is a problem with this, though<br />

the remaining one in five people do. The proportion saying there is a problem has increased<br />

by two percentage points since 2010 (to 22%).<br />

Residents are also overwhelmingly positive about the respect and consideration shown by<br />

local public service providers: the organisations about which respondents were questioned<br />

are seen as not showing respect by a very small minority.<br />

Given the ethnic diversity of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong>, it is encouraging to note that over four fifths<br />

(83%) of the population agree that people from different backgrounds get on well together.<br />

This is particularly encouraging since the proportion of those saying they ‘definitely agree’<br />

with the statement has increased nine percentage points since 2010. This places the <strong>District</strong><br />

more in line with the average for England and Wales on this question (86%), and ahead of<br />

the average for Yorkshire and the Humber (77%). 2<br />

Community safety<br />

Almost all (95%) <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents feel safe in their local area during the day. A fifth<br />

(18%) do not feel safe outside after dark but residents are significantly more likely than<br />

people across the country as a whole to feel safe in their local area after dark, a positive<br />

finding for <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership. Most encouragingly, the percentage feeling very<br />

safe both during the day (+8) and after dark (+6) has increased statistically since the last<br />

survey.<br />

1 Source: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong> 2010/<strong>2011</strong>.<br />

2 Ibid.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Residents’ concerns about anti-social behaviour were gauged by asking how much of a<br />

problem they perceive each of seven anti-social behaviours to be. The main concerns are<br />

rubbish or litter lying around (26% describe it as a very or fairly big problem) and teenagers<br />

hanging around streets (24%; down four percentage points). It is encouraging to note that<br />

four of the seven anti-social behaviours are perceived to be less of an issue in <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> than they are nationally. 3 On the whole, findings this year mirror those from the<br />

baseline survey.<br />

<br />

<br />

Public opinion about the success of local service providers in tackling crime and anti-social<br />

behaviour is dominated by a lack of awareness of the actions taken; about one in three<br />

residents are unable to express an opinion either way. However, on balance opinion is<br />

positive with around half saying services are successful and just one in six disagreeing. This<br />

compares favourably with national statistics; half (49%) of <strong>Bradford</strong> residents agree that the<br />

police and other local public services overall are successfully dealing with anti-social<br />

behaviour and crime, in line with opinion at the national level (51%). 4<br />

When it comes to being consulted about anti-social behaviour and crime in the local area,<br />

just over two in five (43%) agree that the police and other local services seek people’s views<br />

on these issues. This represents a decline of three percentage points since 2010, placing the<br />

<strong>District</strong> slightly below the average for England and Wales (47%). 5<br />

Transport & travel<br />

Seven in ten (69%) of those who commute to work do so by car – unchanged since 2010.<br />

Slightly more people now tell us they use the bus (up two points to 12 per cent), and fewer<br />

say they walk to work (down four points to nine per cent).<br />

Walking is still the most common form of transport for school children travelling to school but<br />

this has declined significantly from 56 per cent in 2010 to 43 per cent currently.<br />

Of those who drive, two-thirds (68%) are not interested in finding ways to use their car less<br />

(down five points since 2010). Nevertheless, one in five car users say improved public<br />

transport might encourage them to cut back, so there is potential to encourage a modal shift.<br />

Local public services<br />

When asked about a range of local services, the vast majority of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents<br />

remain positive about them, and in most cases less than one tenth of the population is<br />

dissatisfied. What is notable is that for all services there has been a significant positive<br />

increase in satisfaction, typically of the order of four percentage points since 2010. Across all<br />

services it is an increase in the proportion of people saying they are ‘very’ satisfied which is<br />

driving this improvement.<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council is regarded positively by a large proportion of its local residents with three<br />

quarters (74%) now saying they are satisfied with the authority; an increase of three<br />

percentage points since 2010. The percentage ‘very’ satisfied has doubled (from 15% to<br />

29%).<br />

3 Source: British Crime <strong>Survey</strong> 2010/<strong>2011</strong>.<br />

4 Ibid. The wording in that survey is: “It is the responsibility of the police and local council working in partnership to<br />

deal with anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area. Choosing an answer from this card please say how much<br />

you agree or disagree that the police and local council are dealing with the anti-social behaviour and crime issues that<br />

matter in this area.”<br />

5 Ibid. Note slightly different wording: “It is the responsibility of the police and local council working in partnership to<br />

deal with anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area. Choosing an answer from this card please say how much<br />

you agree or disagree that the police and local council seek people's views about the anti-social behaviour and crime<br />

issues that matter in this area.”<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Impressively, nine in ten (90%) of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents are satisfied with West<br />

Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority, and over three quarters (78%) say the same about<br />

West Yorkshire Police.<br />

<br />

<br />

Attitudes towards local NHS services are also strongly positive, with satisfaction with GPs<br />

and local hospitals exceeding eighty per cent. NHS dentists are marginally less well<br />

regarded but still perform strongly (76% satisfied).<br />

More than 8 out of 10 are similarly positive about rail services (85%) and local bus services<br />

(83%).<br />

Information & communications<br />

The extent to which residents feel informed about local public services varies considerably.<br />

Voting registration is the service with the highest levels of self-reported awareness (77%<br />

informed), while two thirds (65%) feel they know about how their council tax is spent. Three<br />

fifths (59%) feel informed about local public services overall.<br />

Overall, the extent to which people feel informed is broadly consistent with findings from last<br />

year. However, in keeping with satisfaction ratings of local public services, there has been a<br />

statistically significant jump in those describing themselves as very well informed across all<br />

aspects researched.<br />

Seven in ten (70%) adults now use the internet at home; a rise of seven percentage points<br />

since 2010 and closer to the national average (80%). 6<br />

Getting involved<br />

In total, over a third (35%) <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents feel they can influence decisions<br />

affecting their local area; this has fallen by seven percentage points since 2010. When<br />

compared with the national average the <strong>District</strong> figure is marginally lower than across<br />

England and Wales (38%). 7<br />

Currently, about one in six people (17%) say they have given unpaid help to a group, club or<br />

organisation in the past 12 months, up six percentage points. Those more likely to have<br />

volunteered are carers (30%), socio-economic grades ABC1 (22%), part-time workers (19%)<br />

and those with a religious affiliation (19%).<br />

Regular participation is also low, with just eight percent of those who do anything, doing it at<br />

least once a month. While such formal participation is low, this is still an improvement of five<br />

percentage points from 2010.<br />

Health & well-being<br />

Most people in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> are still positive about their own personal health.<br />

Approximately four-fifths of residents describe their general health as very good or good,<br />

marginally higher than the average for England (78% and 76% respectively). 8 Self-reported<br />

health of teeth is slightly lower than for general health but is still high at 72 per cent - just five<br />

per cent identify their teeth as in a bad condition. These figures are largely unchanged since<br />

the previous survey.<br />

6 Source: ICM Omnibus 13-14 August <strong>2011</strong>; a nationally representative telephone survey of 1,000 adults aged 18+ in<br />

Great Britain. Question wording: “Do you have access to the internet at home, at work or somewhere else”<br />

7 DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong>, 2010/<strong>2011</strong><br />

8 Health <strong>Survey</strong> for England, 2008.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Overall, residents are positive about the extent to which they are encouraged and supported<br />

to lead a fit and healthy life; over half believe that support is available on how to eat healthily,<br />

quit smoking, drink alcohol sensibly and to be physically active, but these figures have fallen<br />

significantly since 2010, with the swing towards those saying ‘don’t know’ rather than<br />

disagreement per se.<br />

One in ten (10%) people identify themselves as a carer. Carers variously access support<br />

from the NHS (82%), <strong>Bradford</strong> Council (75%) and/or the voluntary sector (64%), and<br />

satisfaction with the service they receive is broadly positive. However, 15 per cent of all<br />

carers are dissatisfied with the support they get from the Council and ten per cent are<br />

dissatisfied with both the other providers. It is nevertheless encouraging that all providers are<br />

rated more positively in <strong>2011</strong> than in 2010.<br />

Housing & home<br />

The overwhelming majority (88%) of people living in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> describe themselves as<br />

satisfied with the overall condition of their property, including six in ten who are very satisfied<br />

(58%, a rise of 12 points). However, while just one in twenty (5%) are dissatisfied, this<br />

proportion is much higher among those who rent. There is also a clear link to location and<br />

the type of area in which people live. For instance, residents who feel unsafe outside in the<br />

area after dark are more likely than those who feel safe to speak negatively about their<br />

property, as are those who do not feel a strong attachment to their neighbourhood.<br />

Environment & climate change<br />

Half (51%) of the population in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> are concerned about the impact of climate<br />

change (including 14 per cent who are ‘very’ concerned). However, concern is considerably<br />

lower than it is across Great Britain as a whole (70%). 9<br />

On a positive note, more people agree than disagree that they know what actions they<br />

should be taking to tackle climate change (58% agree versus 14% disagree) and that they<br />

have a role as an individual in trying to tackle climate change (58% versus 16%). There is,<br />

however, an increase in those saying they ‘disagree’ with both these statements compared<br />

to 2010.<br />

Engagement in the arts<br />

As reported in 2010, just one in five (19%) residents in the <strong>District</strong> have attended creative,<br />

artistic, theatrical, musical or craft events at least three times in the last 12 months. Slightly<br />

fewer (14%) say they have spent time taking part in creative, artistic, theatrical, musical or<br />

craft activities.<br />

Financial exclusion<br />

Most people believe they are good at managing their money (72%). That said, a large<br />

proportion (29%) is worried about getting into debt, and one in seven (15%) is worried about<br />

the amount of debt they actually have; this last figure has improved by four percentage<br />

points on 19 per cent in 2010.<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents hold mixed views when it comes to perceptions about their<br />

eligibility to obtain credit. Just one third (33%) believes they could get a bank loan or<br />

overdraft if they needed one and almost as many are clear they could not (27%).<br />

9 Source: ONS ‘Public attitudes towards climate change and the impact of Transport: August 2010. In-home random<br />

probability survey of 1,000 GB adults aged 16+.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

In this context it is notable that use of credit unions is minimal - just three per cent of<br />

residents have ever used them. This is lower than nationally, where ICM has found in other<br />

research that around six per cent of the population is a member of a credit union. Moreover,<br />

predominant among the groups most likely to have heard of credit unions but not used them<br />

are those less likely to need them. Indeed, awareness of credit unions is lower than last year<br />

(38%, down eight points).<br />

Qualification & skills<br />

Over three in five (63%) residents say they are happy with the qualifications they have, and<br />

as many are confident that lack of qualifications is not holding them back. In this context<br />

there is appetite among just one in six people overall for improving their skills and indeed<br />

paying to improve their skills.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

Background & objectives<br />

This report presents the findings of a research study conducted by the ICM Government &<br />

Social Research Unit on behalf of the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership (BDP). This is the second<br />

such survey commissioned by the BDP, and follows the previous baseline survey undertaken in<br />

2010.<br />

The BDP, the local strategic partnership for <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong>, commissioned these two largescale<br />

public perception surveys of the adult population, with the aim of using the findings to track<br />

progress over time and to feed into its decision-making process. The survey data will also be<br />

used to help the Partnership to monitor and evaluate <strong>Bradford</strong>’s Big Plan, the <strong>District</strong>’s<br />

‘Sustainable Community Strategy’ which sets out how the Partnership will create a good quality<br />

of life for all residents by “maintaining and improving social, economic, environmental and<br />

cultural wellbeing”. 10 .<br />

The methodology selected – face-to-face - provides considered, high quality feedback from<br />

residents, while the scale of the survey enables robust analysis by demographics and locale,<br />

and allows us to track changes in local attitudes and behaviours over time.<br />

This research comprised interviews with 6,819 residents across the thirty wards in the <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong>. It is intended to measure public attitudes and perceptions relating to the delivery of<br />

services as well as the image of local public service providers. More specifically, the research<br />

covers the following issues:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Attitudes towards the respondent’s local area as a place to live;<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> of safety in the local area;<br />

Service provision in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong>;<br />

Image of the Council and other local public service providers;<br />

Information provision and community engagement;<br />

Health and wellbeing;<br />

Housing;<br />

Environment and climate change;<br />

Financial exclusion; and<br />

Qualifications and skills.<br />

Methodology<br />

ICM interviewed a total of 6,819 residents (aged 16+) in 570 Output Areas (OAs) across the<br />

Council area. Please see Appendix 4 for a map of the target area. Interviews were carried out<br />

face-to-face in respondents’ homes using a random location ‘quota’ method, with fieldwork<br />

conducted across two phases:<br />

Wave 1: 12 th February – 6 th March <strong>2011</strong><br />

Wave 2: 7 th May – 7 th July <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

10 The Big Plan for the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> 2008-<strong>2011</strong>: Our Sustainable Community Strategy<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

A representative sample was interviewed with quotas set by gender, age, ethnicity and tenure.<br />

The sample was also structured to ensure that a minimum of 200 interviews were conducted in<br />

each of the 30 wards. A full profile of the sample is appended.<br />

The questionnaire averaged 20 minutes in length.<br />

At the analysis stage, the data were weighted by age, gender, tenure and ethnicity in each ward<br />

to match the known population profile of each ward. In addition, the data was weighted to each<br />

wards’ population share to make it geographically representative of the <strong>District</strong> overall.<br />

Information for weighting purposes was derived from the latest ONS population estimates/<br />

projections.<br />

All responses have been analysed by a range of demographic, geographical and attitudinal<br />

variables: detailed breakdowns have been provided in a separate volume of computer tables. In<br />

addition, toplines are available for each of the five area committees showing results for each of<br />

the wards.<br />

The 2010 baseline survey used exactly the same methodology as the current study. ICM<br />

interviewed a total of 6,727 residents aged 16+ in two phases, 13 th February – 30 th March 2010<br />

and 7 th May and 22 nd June 2010.<br />

Report layout<br />

In addition to this introduction, the report contains:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

an executive summary outlining the key findings of the survey and their potential<br />

implications for the BDP;<br />

more detailed commentary on the main findings; and<br />

appendices, including guides to statistical reliability and social grade definitions, a profile<br />

of the sample and a marked-up questionnaire showing topline results (from 2010 and<br />

<strong>2011</strong>).<br />

Interpretation of the data<br />

It should be remembered that a sample, not the entire population of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong>, has been<br />

interviewed. In consequence, all results are subject to sampling tolerances, which means that<br />

not all differences are statistically significant.<br />

As a rule of thumb, to be statistically significant, differences between two Area Committees need<br />

to be between two and four percentage points 11 (whether or not a difference is significant<br />

depends not only on the size of the samples, but also the percentages being compared). Please<br />

see Appendix One for more information on statistical reliability.<br />

Where percentages do not sum to 100, this may be due to computer rounding, the exclusion of<br />

‘don’t’ know’ categories or multiple answers. Throughout the volume an asterisk (*) denotes any<br />

value of less than half a per cent but above zero.<br />

Throughout the report, national comparisons are used where available to place the <strong>District</strong>’s<br />

performance in context. Below is a list of the sources referred to in the text and some guidance<br />

on how comparisons with each should be treated.<br />

11 Assuming an average of 1,300 interviews per Area Committee.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

CLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong><br />

A biennial nationally representative face-to-face survey of adults in England and Wales with data<br />

collected over four quarters. Fieldwork for the 2010-11 survey was carried out quarterly between<br />

1 st April 2010 and 31 st March <strong>2011</strong>, and comprised a total of 10,307 core interviews. It consists<br />

of a household survey covering a representative core sample of 10,000 adults in England and<br />

Wales each year. There is also an ethnic minority boost sample of 5,000 and a Muslim boost<br />

sample of 1,200 each year, to ensure that the views of these groups are robustly represented.<br />

Comparisons with <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> are reliable because of the similarities in methodology.<br />

British Crime <strong>Survey</strong><br />

The British Crime <strong>Survey</strong> is an annual face-to-face, nationally representative survey of residents<br />

in England and Wales, aged 16 and over. In 2009/2010, a total of 44,638 interviews were<br />

conducted. Comparisons with the <strong>District</strong> are reliable because of the similarities in methodology.<br />

ICM Omnibus<br />

ICM carries out a nationally representative telephone survey of 1,000 adults aged 18+ in Great<br />

Britain every week. Despite the differences in methodology, references to findings from the<br />

omnibus are used to provide some national context to the Council’s findings.<br />

Health <strong>Survey</strong> for England<br />

An annual nationally representative face-to-face survey of adults aged 16+ in England which<br />

monitors trends in the nation’s health. In 2009, 15,000 adults were interviewed. Comparisons are<br />

reliable because of the similarities in methodology.<br />

Public Attitudes towards Climate Change and the Impact of Transport<br />

An in-home random probability survey of 1,000 adults aged 16 and over living in households in<br />

Great Britain (August 2010). Comparisons are reliable because of the similarities in<br />

methodology.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

ICM would like to thank Richard Smith, Strategic Consultation Officer, at the City of <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

Metropolitan <strong>District</strong> Council for his help and support in developing this project. Special thanks<br />

also go to the 6,819 residents who took part in this survey.<br />

©ICM Research/208587<br />

August <strong>2011</strong><br />

Report prepared by:<br />

ICM Government & Social Research,<br />

Berkshire House, 168-173 High Holborn,<br />

London W1CV 7AA.<br />

020 7845 8300<br />

www.icmresearch.com<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

1. Quality of Life<br />

1.1 People’s attitudes to their local area<br />

Satisfaction with the local area is high in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong>. Over half (52%) are very satisfied with<br />

their local area as a place to live and a further third (33%) are fairly satisfied. Only a small<br />

proportion (7%) are negative on this measure. There has been a notable increase (5 percentage<br />

points) in the proportion saying they are ‘very’ satisfied since the previous survey in 2010.<br />

Figure 1<br />

Satisfaction with local area<br />

% Very<br />

dissatisfied<br />

% Fairly<br />

dissatisfied<br />

% Neither/<br />

nor<br />

% Fairly<br />

satisfied<br />

% Very<br />

satisfied<br />

Total:<br />

Satisfaction<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

3 4<br />

7<br />

33<br />

52<br />

86<br />

2010<br />

2 4<br />

6<br />

40<br />

47<br />

87<br />

Q1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion <strong>2011</strong> (6,814); 2010 (6,698)<br />

The table overleaf shows those subgroups where statistically significant variations exist on this<br />

question. Findings are generally consistent between 2010 and <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Consistent with ICM’s findings from other local authority residents’ surveys, socio-economic<br />

grade has a bearing on how positive residents feel about their local area: satisfaction declines<br />

across the social spectrum from 92 per cent among ABs to 83 per cent among DEs. 12 In a<br />

related finding, given the relationship between housing tenure and socio-economic status, it is<br />

therefore not surprising that owner occupiers are more favourable about their local area than<br />

those who rent their home from the Council or a housing association (89% and 80%<br />

respectively).<br />

12 Please see Appendix 2 for a guide to socio-economic classifications.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Those with a long-term illness/disability are less satisfied than the rest of the population as are<br />

those who act as a carer, their more negative outlooks possibly reflecting the challenges that<br />

both groups of people face in their everyday lives.<br />

Satisfaction with <strong>Bradford</strong> Council is closely linked to attitudes towards the local area, with those<br />

who are happy with the authority much more likely than those who are not, to say they are<br />

satisfied with the local area (93% compared to 63%). At the same time, those who say they feel<br />

safe in their local area after dark are more positive about it overall than those who feel unsafe<br />

(91% versus 68%), which is typical of other local authority surveys conducted by ICM.<br />

Table 1<br />

Q1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,698) [Difference between 2010 and <strong>2011</strong> figures in brackets]<br />

Total Satisfied<br />

Total Dissatisfied<br />

% %<br />

Total 86 (-1) 7<br />

Socio-economic grade<br />

AB 93 (+1) 3<br />

C1 87 (-3) 5<br />

C2 85 (-4) 8<br />

DE 84 (+1) 9<br />

Disability<br />

Yes 81 (-1) 12<br />

No 86 (-2) 6<br />

Carer<br />

Yes 84 (+2) 8<br />

No 86 (-2) 7<br />

Work status<br />

Working 86 (-4) 6<br />

Not working (excl. retired) 84 (n/c) 9<br />

Retired 88 (+1) 7<br />

Tenure<br />

Owner occupier 87 (-2) 6<br />

Rent from Council/HA 81 (+1) 11<br />

Satisfaction with the Council<br />

Satisfied 93 (n/a) 3<br />

Dissatisfied 63 (-4) 27<br />

Feel safe at night<br />

Safe 91 (-3) 3<br />

Unsafe 68 (+1) 22<br />

Area Committee<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 81 (n/c) 12<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 82 (-5) 8<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 80 (-3) 8<br />

Keighley 92 (n/c) 5<br />

Shipley 95 (+1) 3<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Satisfaction is lowest among residents in <strong>Bradford</strong> East and <strong>Bradford</strong> West which may be linked<br />

to the greater deprivation and social problems in these two areas. Moreover, satisfaction has<br />

declined by a statistically significant margin in <strong>Bradford</strong> South and <strong>Bradford</strong> West (down 5 and 3<br />

percentage points respectively) although in absolute terms the percentage satisfied in each area<br />

committee remains high.<br />

There are also considerable variations by ward. There is almost universal satisfaction with the<br />

local area in several wards (Net satisfaction +98 in Baildon, Bingley, Worth Valley; +97 Ilkley,<br />

Wharfedale; +95 Shipley). At the other end of the scale, Net satisfaction is +46 in Eccleshill and<br />

+50 in Manningham.<br />

1.2 Improving quality of life: identifying priorities<br />

In order to determine residents’ priorities for their local area, respondents are asked to identify,<br />

from a list of options, what they consider to be most in need of improvement.<br />

As in 2010, the top two responses, mentioned by one in five residents, are clean streets (22% vs<br />

25% in 2010) and activities for teenagers (21% vs 26%). These two have swapped places at the<br />

top and both are a little less notable than previously. A fifth (20%) also cite road and pavement<br />

repairs and the level of crime (19%). Respondents are invited to suggest their own priority for<br />

improvement so that they are not confined to choosing from the list 13 but a quarter do not identify<br />

a single priority for improvement (23 per cent say ‘none of these’; 24% in 2010). Those aged 75<br />

and over are especially likely to give this response (31%), as are residents of Bingley (41%) and<br />

Craven (38%).<br />

Figure 2<br />

Top things most in need of improvement<br />

Change since 2010<br />

Clean streets<br />

Activities for teenagers<br />

Road and pavement repairs<br />

The level of crime<br />

Facilities for young children<br />

Availability of jobs<br />

The level of traffic congestion<br />

Parks and open spaces<br />

Health services<br />

Sports and leisure facilities<br />

Community activities<br />

Affordable decent housing<br />

Public transport<br />

Shopping facilities<br />

Wage levels and local cost of living<br />

Cultural facilities<br />

Parking<br />

The level of pollution<br />

None of these<br />

5<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

9<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

11<br />

13<br />

14<br />

17<br />

19<br />

22<br />

21<br />

23<br />

-3<br />

-5<br />

-1<br />

-1<br />

+1<br />

+2<br />

-1<br />

n/c<br />

+5<br />

n/c<br />

n/c<br />

n/c<br />

+3<br />

-2<br />

+1<br />

-<br />

+1<br />

+1<br />

-1<br />

Q2. And thinking about this local area, which of these things, if any, do you think most need improving<br />

All mentions above 4%. Base: All expressing an opinion (6,370)<br />

13 For response of below 3%, please see data tables<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

There are a number of distinct subgroup patterns related to this metric. Two in particular stand<br />

out:, residents’ priorities for improvement vary according to both their age and their socioeconomic<br />

status, as the tables below and overleaf illustrate.<br />

Older members of the community – especially those aged over 75 – are much less likely than<br />

anyone else to cite activities for teenagers as a priority and are similarly less concerned about<br />

facilities for young children. The availability of jobs is of particular interest to 16–24 year olds<br />

(probably trying to enter the job market or expecting to do so in the not-too-distant future). The<br />

priority attached to sports and leisure facilities declines with age; 16–24 year olds are four times<br />

as likely to mention this as those aged 65–74 (17 per cent and four per cent respectively) and<br />

this has increased significantly since 2010 when just 12 per cent of young people mentioned it.<br />

Table 2<br />

Priorities for Improvement – Age<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,370)<br />

Total 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+<br />

% % % % % % % %<br />

Clean streets 22 20 24 23 22 22 24 22<br />

Activities for teenagers 21 27 20 24 22 18 15 10<br />

Road and pavement<br />

repairs<br />

19 12 17 17 22 25 21 18<br />

The level of crime 17 17 19 18 20 15 15 9<br />

Facilities for young<br />

children<br />

14 17 20 17 13 10 8 6<br />

Availability of jobs 13 22 12 14 13 10 7 4<br />

The level of traffic<br />

congestion<br />

11 5 12 13 12 14 15 9<br />

Health services 9 10 11 7 10 9 8 4<br />

Parks and open spaces 9 11 12 11 8 7 5 3<br />

Sports and leisure<br />

facilities<br />

8 17 9 8 8 4 4 1<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

Those in socio-economic group DE are more likely than anyone else to identify the level of crime<br />

and the availability of jobs as priorities. On the other hand, they are least likely to prioritise road<br />

and pavement repairs and the level of traffic congestion. By contrast, a quarter of ABs cite road<br />

and pavement repairs and almost one in five mentions traffic congestion while just one in ten is<br />

concerned about jobs and facilities for children.<br />

As illustrated in Tables 3 and 4 below, there has been some shifting of priorities since the<br />

previous survey, and there are particularly notable differences between socio economic groups<br />

and areas of residence.<br />

Clean streets is a bigger priority for residents in the <strong>Bradford</strong> area committees in Keighley and<br />

Shipley. Similarly, Keighley and Shipley residents are much less concerned about the level of<br />

crime compared to residents of <strong>Bradford</strong> East and <strong>Bradford</strong> West. Those in <strong>Bradford</strong> West are<br />

less concerned than people elsewhere about road and pavement repairs but display a relatively<br />

high level of concern for street cleaning. Residents here are also more generally interested in<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

health services and sports and leisure facilities. Facilities for children are more of a concern in<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South than elsewhere.<br />

Table 3<br />

Priorities for Improvement – Socio Economic Status<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion <strong>2011</strong> (6,370) 2010 (6,530)<br />

Total AB C1 C2 DE<br />

% % % % %<br />

Clean streets <strong>2011</strong> 22 16 19 23 26<br />

2010 25 27 27 27 24<br />

Activities for teenagers <strong>2011</strong> 21 21 23 20 20<br />

2010 26 18 23 26 26<br />

Road and pavement repairs <strong>2011</strong> 19 25 18 19 16<br />

2010 20 29 21 21 16<br />

The level of crime <strong>2011</strong> 17 13 16 17 20<br />

2010 18 16 16 20 20<br />

Facilities for young children <strong>2011</strong> 14 10 14 15 14<br />

2010 13 8 12 13 14<br />

Availability of jobs <strong>2011</strong> 13 10 12 11 15<br />

2010 11 24 16 11 8<br />

The level of traffic congestion <strong>2011</strong> 11 18 12 12 8<br />

2010 13 10 9 10 13<br />

Health services <strong>2011</strong> 9 6 9 8 9<br />

2010 4 7 8 10 10<br />

Parks and open spaces <strong>2011</strong> 9 7 9 9 9<br />

2010 9 12 8 8 6<br />

Sports and leisure facilities <strong>2011</strong> 8 10 8 9 8<br />

2010 8 6 7 7 7<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

As we might expect views of what needs improving vary according to the area in which they live.<br />

For findings in an area committee between 2010 and <strong>2011</strong> to be statistically significant the<br />

difference needs to be four percentage points or greater. On the whole, the picture is consistent<br />

between the baseline survey and the latest research with the exception of health services which<br />

are now significantly greater priorities for those in <strong>Bradford</strong> South and <strong>Bradford</strong> West.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 4<br />

Priorities for Improvement – Area Committee<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,370) [Difference between 2010 and <strong>2011</strong> figures in brackets]<br />

Total<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

East<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

South<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

West<br />

Keighley<br />

Shipley<br />

% % % % % %<br />

Clean streets 22 (-3) 30 (n/c) 26 (+2) 26 (-9) 15 (-3) 13 (-2)<br />

Activities for teenagers 21 (-5) 21 (-4) 23 (-7) 17 (-6) 22 (-6) 22 (-1)<br />

Road and pavement repairs 19 (-1) 20 (-3) 21 (-1) 15 (+1) 17 (-7) 19 (-2)<br />

The level of crime 17 (-1) 24 (-6) 18 (n/c) 23 (+2) 9 (n/c) 9 (-2)<br />

Facilities for young children 14 (+1) 14 (-2) 20 (+2) 14 (+4) 13 (-2) 10 (+3)<br />

Availability of jobs 13 (+2) 13 (+6) 17 (-7) 15 (+4) 11 (+2) 9 (n/c)<br />

The level of traffic congestion 11 (-2) 13 (+3) 10 (+4) 7 (-7) 11 (-5) 16 (-2)<br />

Health services 9 (+5) 6 (+2) 14 (+10) 17 (+11) 5 (+1) 2 (n/c)<br />

Parks and open spaces 9 (n/c) 10 (-2) 12 (+2) 9 (-1) 7 (-3) 6 (-3)<br />

Sports and leisure facilities 8 (n/c) 7 (-3) 9 (n/c) 12 (+7) 6 (-3) 6 (n/c)<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

1.3 Strength of belonging<br />

When asked how strongly they feel they belong in their immediate neighbourhood, almost half<br />

(46%) of residents feel this very strongly while two in five (39%) feel fairly strongly. Although<br />

overall, fewer people say they ‘belong’ (85% versus 87%) compared to 2010, it is notable that<br />

more people now feel a very strong connection (+6). It is also highly encouraging that <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

still outperforms the national metric for England and Wales by some margin (85 per cent versus<br />

78 per cent). 14 About one in six (15%) people do not feel they belong to at least some degree.<br />

14 Source: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong> 2010/<strong>2011</strong>.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 3<br />

Strength of belonging in immediate neighbourhood<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

2010<br />

England<br />

& Wales*<br />

Total:<br />

Strongly<br />

%<br />

Total:<br />

Not strongly<br />

%<br />

85 15<br />

87 13<br />

78 N/A<br />

Q3. How strongly do you feel you belong in your immediate neighbourhood<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,561)<br />

*England & Wales source: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong>, 2010-<strong>2011</strong>.<br />

There are few major differences in people’s sense of belonging when considered by sociodemographic<br />

groups. In almost all groups, at least four in five people feel a sense of belonging<br />

to their neighbourhood. There are a few points worth noting, however;<br />

The trend is downwards, with slightly fewer people now saying they feel they ‘belong<br />

strongly’ compared to the 2010 survey;<br />

<br />

Attitudes become less favourable the younger the age group;<br />

Black and mixed race groups are least likely to say they have a strong sense of<br />

belonging compared to other ethnic groups;<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

There are no notable differences between the different religious groups, but there has<br />

been a shift of +10 percentage points among people of ‘other’ faiths from ‘having a strong<br />

sense of belonging’ to ‘not’;<br />

Work status and home ownership both impact on residents’ sense of attachment to their<br />

local neighbourhood; those not in employment (excluding retired) and in rented<br />

accommodation feel less connected;<br />

There is a strong correlation with satisfaction with the local area: those who speak highly<br />

of their area are more than twice as likely to feel a strong sense of belonging compared<br />

to those who are dissatisfied.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 5<br />

Q3. How strongly do you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,561)<br />

Total: Strongly<br />

Total: Not Strongly<br />

% %<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Total 87 85 13 15<br />

Age<br />

16-24 85 81 15 19<br />

25-34 83 82 17 18<br />

35-44 87 85 13 15<br />

45-54 87 84 13 16<br />

55-64 88 86 12 14<br />

65-74 90 89 10 11<br />

75+ 91 92 9 8<br />

Ethnicity<br />

White 87 84 13 16<br />

Mixed 80 75 20 25<br />

Asian 89 88 11 12<br />

Black 79 61 21 39<br />

Chinese/Other 15 68 81 32 19<br />

Religion<br />

Christian 88 84 12 16<br />

Muslim 88 89 12 11<br />

Other 92 82 8 18<br />

No religion 84 83 16 17<br />

Work status<br />

Working 88 85 12 15<br />

Not working (excl. retired) 84 80 16 20<br />

Retired 90 90 10 10<br />

Tenure<br />

Owner occupier 89 87 11 13<br />

Rent from Council/HA 81 80 19 20<br />

Satisfaction with the local area<br />

Satisfied 92 90 8 10<br />

Dissatisfied 43 68 57 32<br />

Feel safe at night<br />

Safe 92 90 8 10<br />

Unsafe 72 69 28 31<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

15 Defined as a respondent indentifying their ethnic origin as ‘Chinese’ or ‘Any other background’.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Comparing Net scores for the area committees, attachment to the neighbourhood is lowest in<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West (+59), <strong>Bradford</strong> South (+63) and <strong>Bradford</strong> East (+65) and highest in Shipley (+82)<br />

and Keighley (+78). This profile most likely reflects the greater social and economic problems in<br />

the city, and similarly the factors described above. The strength of feeling has moved by a<br />

statistically significant margin in <strong>Bradford</strong> East, <strong>Bradford</strong> South and <strong>Bradford</strong> West.<br />

Table 6<br />

Q3. How strongly do you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,561)<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> Difference (+/-)<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 79 83 +4<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 85 81 -4<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 83 79 -4<br />

Keighley 86 89 +3<br />

Shipley 89 91 +2<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

At ward level, again looking at net scores, residents in Bingley (+96), Wharfdale (+95) and<br />

Baildon (+93) predominantly feel that they belong, while those in Great Horton (+26),<br />

Manningham (+44) and City (+46) are least likely to.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

2. Respect & Consideration<br />

This section looks at how people engage with each other in their local area. In particular, it<br />

explores themes of respect and consideration both in terms of how local residents treat each<br />

other and how local public service providers treat the public.<br />

2.1 Respect and consideration in the local area<br />

It is fair to say that most residents are content with the amount of respect and consideration that<br />

people show to each other in the local area. About three in five (58%) people believe this is ‘not<br />

a problem at all’ and another one in five (20%) that it is ‘not a very big’ problem. Although the<br />

overall statistics are similar to those reported in 2010, what is very encouragingly this year is that<br />

there has been a shift of +10 percentage points from those saying ‘not a very big’ to ‘not a<br />

problem at all’.<br />

There is still however, a considerable minority that does have concerns with 14 per cent saying<br />

this is a ‘fairly’ big problem and around one in twelve (8%) stating that it is a ‘very’ big problem.<br />

Figure 4<br />

Extent to which people treat others with respect & consideration<br />

A very big problem<br />

A fairly big<br />

problem<br />

Not a very big<br />

problem<br />

TOTAL:<br />

A problem<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 22%<br />

2010 20%<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Not a problem<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 78%<br />

2010 80%<br />

Not a problem at<br />

all<br />

Q20. In your local area, how much of a problem do you think there is with people not treating each other<br />

with respect and consideration<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion <strong>2011</strong> (6,477); 2010 (6,445)<br />

The extent to which people think there is a ‘very or fairly big problem’ with people not treating<br />

each other with respect and consideration varies across the community.<br />

Both Christians and Muslims are a little more concerned than last year (up +5 and +4<br />

respectively). As seen previously, people who rent their home from the Council or a housing<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

association are more likely to believe it is a problem than those who own their home or rent<br />

privately (accordingly, we find that DEs are more likely than ABC1s to agree that there is a<br />

problem). Three in ten (29%) lesbian, gay or bisexual residents express concern about this<br />

issue, compared to a fifth (21%) of heterosexual residents, although the small base for the<br />

former means this difference is not statistically significant. And both those with a long-term<br />

illness or disability and those who act as carers exhibit higher levels of concern than the rest of<br />

the population.<br />

There is a notable gap between those who live in the city itself and those from the neighbouring<br />

towns of Keighley and Shipley, the latter being significantly less likely to feel that a lack of<br />

respect and consideration is problematic. It is notable that there has been a slight but significant<br />

shift in opinion since 2010 in <strong>Bradford</strong> East, <strong>Bradford</strong> West and Keighley (+4 say there is a<br />

problem). In Shipley there has been a decline of four percentage points.<br />

Table 7<br />

Q20. In your local area, how much of a problem do you think there is with people not treating<br />

each other with respect and consideration<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion (6,451)<br />

Total Problem<br />

Total Not a Problem<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East % 23 27 77 73<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South % 21 25 79 75<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West % 24 25 76 75<br />

Keighley % 14 18 86 82<br />

Shipley % 17 13 83 87<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

2.2 Parents taking responsibility<br />

On the question of whether parents take enough responsibility for the behaviour of their children,<br />

the majority (63%) agree that this is the case, although a quarter disagree. This represents a<br />

statistically significant improvement on last year’s finding.<br />

As might be expected, agreement is lower among non-parents compared to parents (61%<br />

versus 66%).<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 5<br />

Parents taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Agree %<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

63<br />

60<br />

61<br />

56<br />

66<br />

66<br />

Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree that in your local area, parents take enough responsibility for the behaviour of<br />

their children Base <strong>2011</strong>: All expressing an opinion (6,376); All with children aged 17 & under (2,532); All without children<br />

aged 17 & under (3,844). Base 2010: All expressing an opinion (6,376); All with children aged17 & under (2,532);<br />

All without children aged 17 & under (3,844)<br />

2.3 Community cohesion<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> has a diverse population with around a quarter of local residents coming from<br />

one of the many ethnic minority communities and the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership is committed<br />

to supporting positive relationships between people of different backgrounds 16 . It is therefore<br />

highly encouraging that a large majority (83%) of residents believe that people from different<br />

backgrounds get on well together. Three in ten (29%) definitely agree, while over half (54%) tend<br />

to agree that this is the case. This is striking since there has been a significant positive shift of<br />

+9 percentage points into the ‘definitely agree’ category since the previous survey in 2010. In<br />

trying to understand why this is the case it may be worth considering whether the Royal<br />

Wedding, which coincided with fieldwork, created a ‘feel-good’ factor in the community.<br />

With the improvement witnessed since last year <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> is now close to the Citizenship<br />

<strong>Survey</strong> agreement score for England and Wales (86%) and more positive overall than the figure<br />

for Yorkshire and the Humber (77%). 17<br />

It should not be overlooked, however, that almost a fifth (17%) of the population of the <strong>District</strong><br />

disagrees with this notion, and as such it is clearly important to look at demographic groups and<br />

communities to understand where community cohesion is less well established. Members of<br />

socio-economic group AB are significantly more likely than anyone else to feel their local area is<br />

a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together, while those aged 65 and<br />

over are more positive than 16–34 year olds. Although agreement appears to vary between<br />

16 The Big Plan for the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> 2008-<strong>2011</strong>: Our Sustainable Community Strategy.<br />

17 In order to facilitate comparisons with national data, the figures presented here are based on all who expressed an<br />

opinion. Data excludes those who responded ‘Don’t know’, ‘Too few people in local area’ or ‘All the same<br />

background’.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

some ethnic groups and according to sexual orientation, the differences between the results for<br />

these groups compared to last year are not statistically significant.<br />

Figure 6<br />

Community cohesion<br />

Total:<br />

Agree<br />

%<br />

Total:<br />

Disagree<br />

%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

2010<br />

England &<br />

Wales*<br />

Yorkshire<br />

& the<br />

Humber*<br />

83 17<br />

80 20<br />

86 n/a<br />

77 n/a<br />

Q19. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this local area is a place where people from different<br />

backgrounds get on well together Base: All expressing an opinion <strong>2011</strong> (5,722); 2010 (5,752)<br />

* England & Wales source/ Y&H: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong>, 2010-<strong>2011</strong><br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 7<br />

Community cohesion – by subgroups<br />

% Agree that this local area is a place where people from<br />

different backgrounds get on well together<br />

Q19. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this local area is a place where people from different<br />

backgrounds get on well together<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion (5,722)<br />

There have been some notable shifts in opinion since 2010, particularly in <strong>Bradford</strong> West (+11<br />

agree), Keighley (+7 agree) and <strong>Bradford</strong> East (-4 agree), all of which are statistically significant.<br />

Table 8<br />

Q19. To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local area is a place where people from<br />

different backgrounds get on well together<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion (5,758)<br />

Total: Agree<br />

Total: Disagree<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East % 84 80 16 20<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South % 84 82 16 18<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West % 69 80 31 20<br />

Keighley % 78 85 22 15<br />

Shipley % 87 90 13 10<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

2.4 Respect & consideration from public service providers<br />

Residents’ views on the extent to which they feel public service providers treat people with<br />

respect and consideration are broadly in line with the previous survey: three of the indicators are<br />

consistent with last year while two of them have declined slightly –albeit significantly – by two<br />

percentage points.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 8<br />

Respect & consideration from public service providers<br />

TOTAL:<br />

All / Most of the<br />

time %<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

70<br />

2010<br />

72<br />

66<br />

67<br />

61<br />

61<br />

58<br />

60<br />

57<br />

57<br />

Q21. In the last year would you say that you have been treated with respect and consideration by each<br />

of the following Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

Across all the services examined, hardly anyone believes local service providers fail to show<br />

respect. Only a very small minority perceive any of the bodies in question as not showing<br />

respect and consideration (a high of 4% for <strong>Bradford</strong> Council).<br />

When asked about local public services overall, only three per cent say that they have been<br />

treated with respect rarely or none of the time. Two thirds (66%) say local public services have<br />

shown respect most or all of the time and a further 10 per cent, some of the time.<br />

Most people feel able to offer an opinion on NHS <strong>Bradford</strong> and Airedale and indeed seven in<br />

ten (70%) feel that this organisation treats people with respect and consideration all or most of<br />

the time. Around three fifths say the same about each of <strong>Bradford</strong> Council, West Yorkshire<br />

Police and West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue.<br />

At the overall level, we find that the following groups are among the most likely to be positive<br />

about the respect and consideration they have received:<br />

Those aged 75+<br />

Social class ABs<br />

<br />

<br />

Those who are satisfied with the Council<br />

People living in Shipley.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

2.5 Support for older people<br />

Approaching half (47%) of residents believe older people in their local area able to get the<br />

services and support they need to continue to live at home for as long as they want to, up<br />

slightly on last year.<br />

Q. In your opinion, are older people in your local area able to get the services and support<br />

they need to continue to live at home for as long as they want to (This could include help<br />

or support from public, private or voluntary services or from family, friends and the wider<br />

community).<br />

All residents<br />

All giving an opinion<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% % % %<br />

Yes 45 47 71 73<br />

No 18 17 29 27<br />

Don’t know 37 37 - -<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

3. Community Safety<br />

3.1 <strong>Perceptions</strong> of safety<br />

As observed in section 1.1, the extent to which people feel safe in their local neighbourhood is<br />

closely associated with their overall attitude to the area. Furthermore, the level of crime features<br />

relatively highly in residents’ priorities for improvement (see section 1.2). Understanding<br />

residents’ attitudes towards crime and safety is therefore fundamental in helping the <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> Partnership improve residents’ quality of life and, consequently, their overall perceptions<br />

of the <strong>District</strong>. Indeed, the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership rates reducing crime and antisocial<br />

behaviour and increasing people’s feelings of safety and security as a key priority. 18<br />

A large majority of people feel safe in their area both during the day (95%) and at night (80%).<br />

Since the previous survey, people are more likely to say they feel very safe in their local area<br />

after dark (42% from 36% in 2010) although the overall proportions feeling either ‘safe’ or<br />

‘unsafe’ has not changed. This still means that one in five of the population feels fairly or very<br />

unsafe after dark.<br />

Figure 9<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> of safety<br />

After dark<br />

During the day<br />

Total: Safe<br />

%<br />

Total: Unsafe<br />

%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 80 20<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> 2010 80 20<br />

England & Wales* 76 21<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> data in this box has been rebased to exclude neither safe nor<br />

unsafe responses as well as don’t knows to enable comparisons with<br />

Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong> data<br />

Q5. How safe or unsafe do you feel outside in your local area after dark/during the day After dark: All<br />

expressing an opinion <strong>2011</strong> (6,642/6,049) ; 2010 (6,642/6,498). Base Day: All expressing an opinion <strong>2011</strong><br />

(6,776); 2010 (6,699) *England & Wales source: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong>, 2010-<strong>2011</strong><br />

Total: Safe<br />

%<br />

Total: Unsafe<br />

%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 95 2<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> 2010 95 2<br />

The figures in the box underneath the left-hand pie-chart show how <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> compares<br />

to England and Wales as a whole. Figures have been rebased to exclude those who said they<br />

feel ‘neither safe nor unsafe’ in order to allow comparisons with national data. In a positive<br />

finding for the Partnership it can be seen that <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents are significantly more<br />

18 The Big Plan for the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> 2008-<strong>2011</strong>: Our Sustainable Community Strategy.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

likely than people across the country as a whole to feel safe in their local area after dark (80%<br />

versus 76%). 19<br />

Feelings of safety vary according to gender, age, socioeconomic status and ethnicity. There are<br />

also clear geographical differences within the <strong>District</strong> and also correlations between feelings of<br />

safety and satisfaction with the local area and the Council.<br />

Table 9<br />

Q5. How safe or unsafe do you feel outside in your local area ...<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,642 / 6,776)<br />

Total Safe<br />

After dark<br />

During the day<br />

Change<br />

Change<br />

% <strong>2011</strong> since ’10 +/- % <strong>2011</strong> since ’10 +/-<br />

Total 73 n/c 95 n/c<br />

Sex<br />

Age<br />

Social grade<br />

Male 80 +1 96 n/c<br />

Female 66 n/c 94 +1<br />

16-24 76 -1 96 n/c<br />

25-34 74 n/c 94 n/c<br />

35-44 76 -2 95 -1<br />

45-54 77 +3 95 n/c<br />

55-64 70 n/c 94 +1<br />

65-74 67 n/c 94 -1<br />

75+ 61 +3 92 +1<br />

AB 82 +3 98 n/c<br />

C1 77 n/c 97 n/c<br />

C2 73 -1 95 -1<br />

DE 66 -2 93 +1<br />

Ethnicity<br />

White 74 n/c 95 n/c<br />

Mixed 74 +2 89 -4<br />

Asian 68 +1 94 -1<br />

Black 61 -15 94 +1<br />

Chinese/Other 72 +15 95 +6<br />

Satisfaction with the local area<br />

Satisfied 78 n/c 97 n/c<br />

Dissatisfied 35 +6 71 -3<br />

Satisfaction with the Council<br />

Satisfied 79 n/c 98 +1<br />

Dissatisfied 53 -1 81 -6<br />

Area Committee<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 63 +5 91 -1<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 67 -6 94 -2<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 68 +1 93 +1<br />

Keighley 85 +1 98 +2<br />

Shipley 82 n/c 98 +1<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

19 Source: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong> 2010/<strong>2011</strong>.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Tables 9 and 10 reveal some important differences between sub groups. Significantly more men<br />

than women feel safe both during the day and after dark and older residents in the 55+ group<br />

feel considerably less safe than younger groups. These patterns are in line with the 2010<br />

research.<br />

Feeling safe, whether during the day or at night, also increases with improved socio-economic<br />

status. An analysis of the net scores (safe minus unsafe) highlights such differences; for social<br />

grade AB ‘net safe after dark’ is +72, but just +42 for those in social grade DE. Reflecting this,<br />

those who live in <strong>Bradford</strong> East/South/West area committee boundaries feel least safe, both<br />

during the day and after dark.<br />

Net scores also reveal a real and important difference in experience by ethnicity; the ‘net safe<br />

after dark’ score for Black residents is just +36, significantly lower than among the population<br />

overall. When it comes to feeling safe during the day however, no such disparity exists.<br />

Table 10<br />

Q5. How safe or unsafe do you feel outside in your local area after dark<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (6,776)<br />

Net agree (agree minus disagree)<br />

Total +55<br />

AB +72<br />

C1 +62<br />

C2 +56<br />

C2 +42<br />

White +57<br />

Mixed +59<br />

Asian +49<br />

Black +36<br />

Chinese/Other +52<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

Very few of these indicators have changed significantly since the previous survey in 2010. Most<br />

striking is the five point jump in the proportion of people in <strong>Bradford</strong> East feeling safe in the dark<br />

and the six point fall among those in <strong>Bradford</strong> South, outlined in Table 9.<br />

3.2 Prevalence of antisocial behaviour<br />

Residents’ attitudes towards anti-social behaviour in the local area are captured in Figure 10<br />

overleaf. The issues most widely perceived to be a problem are:<br />

1. Teenagers hanging around streets (24% describe it as a very or fairly big problem);<br />

2. Rubbish or litter lying around (26%);<br />

3. People using or dealing drugs (21%); and<br />

4. Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles (17%).<br />

Just one of the seven indicators researched has changed significantly since the previous survey:<br />

teenagers hanging around streets, seen as less problematic than last year (down 4 points).<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

When considering these findings it should be noted that the fieldwork took place before the<br />

August <strong>2011</strong> riots and looting in London, the West Midlands and parts of northern England which<br />

may have influenced perceptions about antisocial behaviour.<br />

Figure 10<br />

Anti-social behaviour<br />

% Very/ fairly big<br />

problem<br />

% Not a big/ at all<br />

a problem<br />

Very/fairly big<br />

problem<br />

Change since ‘10<br />

(+/-)<br />

Rubbish or litter lying around (6,560)<br />

26<br />

74<br />

-1<br />

Te enage rs hanging around the streets (6,549)<br />

24<br />

76<br />

-4<br />

People using or dealing drugs (6,133)<br />

21<br />

79<br />

0<br />

Vandalism, graffiti / deliberate damage to<br />

property or vehicles (6,562)<br />

17<br />

83<br />

-1<br />

People being drunk or rowdy in public places<br />

(6,387)<br />

14<br />

86<br />

0<br />

Noisy neighbours or loud parties (6,566)<br />

14<br />

86<br />

+1<br />

Abandone d or burnt out cars (6,320)<br />

7<br />

93<br />

+1<br />

Q6. Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem are… Base: All respondents expressing an<br />

opinion. The base size for each issue in <strong>2011</strong> is provided in the brackets.<br />

Some clear patterns emerge when we analyse the differences in opinion between subgroups<br />

regarding types of anti-social behaviour.<br />

Broadly speaking, ASB is a particular concern for the following groups of people:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Members of socioeconomic grade DE<br />

Those renting their home from In Communities or a housing association<br />

People who do not feel a strong attachment to their local area<br />

Residents who do not feel safe outside in their local area at night<br />

Those living in <strong>Bradford</strong> West<br />

Residents who are dissatisfied with the Council<br />

Residents who are dissatisfied with their local area.<br />

Table 11 overleaf shows the concern about anti-social behaviours among those who are<br />

dissatisfied with their local area. This would strongly suggest that anti-social behaviour is a key<br />

driver influencing how people rate overall the place where they live. The strong correlation<br />

between these two measures ties in with the already observed relationship between feelings of<br />

safety and overall satisfaction with the local area.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 11<br />

Q6. Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think are...<br />

Base: All respondents (base sizes in brackets)<br />

% Saying very/fairly big problem<br />

Total<br />

Dissatisfied with local<br />

area<br />

Teenagers hanging around the streets (6,549) 24 61<br />

Rubbish or litter lying around (6,560) 26 67<br />

People using or dealing drugs (6,133) 21 62<br />

Vandalism (6,562) 17 57<br />

People being drunk or rowdy in public places (6,387) 14 47<br />

Noisy neighbours or loud parties (6,566) 14 39<br />

Abandoned or burnt out cars (6,320) 7 24<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

It is also notable that the oldest members of the population (75+) tend to be less concerned by<br />

these specific issues than younger members of society, despite – as we have seen – being more<br />

fearful for their safety after dark. This is a characteristic ICM has observed elsewhere.<br />

3.3 Anti-social behaviour score<br />

Anti-social behaviour is a high-profile national priority for Government and local areas are<br />

expected to reduce perceptions of anti-social behaviour year on year. 20 Mirroring an approach<br />

used nationally in the British Crime <strong>Survey</strong>, the data here have been used to create an overall<br />

Anti-social behaviour score. This score aims to offer a comprehensive insight into the whole<br />

issue of anti-social behaviour and is a useful measure for gauging changes in perceptions over<br />

time. It is calculated for each respondent and is simply the sum of the respondent’s scores for<br />

each of the seven aspects combined, where 0 = not a problem at all and 3 = a very big problem.<br />

So, the larger the score, the more likely it is that that a respondent perceives anti-social<br />

behaviour to be a problem (21 would be the highest possible score).<br />

Respondents with a score of 11 or above are considered to have a high level of concern about<br />

anti-social behaviour. This is used for National Indicator NI 17:“The percentage of residents with<br />

an ASB score of 11 or more”.<br />

Ten per cent of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents have a high level of concern about anti-social<br />

behaviour, as defined by NI 17, a slight improvement on 2010 and generally better than the<br />

average for England and Wales.<br />

20 http://www.audit-commission.gov.uk/localgov/audit/nis/Pages/NI017<strong>Perceptions</strong>ofanti-socialbehaviour.aspx<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 12<br />

Anti-social Behaviour Score<br />

Base: All respondents aged 16+ <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

High perceived level of anti-social behaviour<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>2011</strong> 10<br />

2010 12<br />

England & Wales 21<br />

2009/2010 14<br />

2008/2009 17<br />

2007/2008 16<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

As Table 13 overleaf illustrates, concern about anti-social behaviour varies by age, Those in the<br />

55+ group are less likely than younger groups to express concern; people aged 75+ have the<br />

lowest general level of concern.<br />

Similarly, concerns vary across social grades; from 5 per cent among ABs to 15 per cent among<br />

DEs. Ethnicity is also a factor: one in ten (9%) White residents score 11 or more on the<br />

indicator, compared to almost double that in other ethnic groups.<br />

Promisingly, the ASB score has fallen since 2010 in the two area committees displaying the<br />

highest level of fear of crime: <strong>Bradford</strong> East and <strong>Bradford</strong> West.<br />

21 Source: British Crime <strong>Survey</strong><br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 13<br />

Base: All respondents aged 16+ (6,727/6,819).<br />

Anti-social Behaviour Score<br />

High perceived level of anti-social behaviour<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Total 12 10<br />

Age<br />

16-24 14 12<br />

25-34 17 12<br />

35-44 11 11<br />

45-54 12 11<br />

55-64 11 8<br />

65-74 10 8<br />

75+ 5 5<br />

Socio-economic grade<br />

AB 6 5<br />

C1 11 6<br />

C2 11 11<br />

DE 15 15<br />

Ethnicity<br />

White 9 9<br />

Mixed 33 22<br />

Asian 22 15<br />

Black 12 18<br />

Chinese/Other 20 15<br />

Area Committee<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 19 15<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 8 10<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 21 17<br />

Keighley 5 5<br />

Shipley 5 3<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

3.4 Dealing with antisocial behaviour<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents’ views on how successfully local public service providers are tackling<br />

crime and antisocial behaviour are dominated by a lack of awareness about the issue. In this<br />

respect, the results match the outcome from the 2010 study. While disagreement that each<br />

provider is tackling these issues is low, agreement is only at its highest at 53 per cent (for West<br />

Yorkshire Police) and a large proportion of residents feel unable to offer an opinion. That said, it<br />

is encouraging that the level of agreement surpasses disagreement for each of the indicators<br />

recorded.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Again, it is useful to look at performance within the national context. Approaching half (49%) of<br />

the <strong>District</strong>’s residents agree that the police and other local public services overall are<br />

successfully dealing with antisocial behaviour and crime (up a significant 3 points since 2010),<br />

compared to 51 per cent at the national level, although the wording of the question in the British<br />

Crime <strong>Survey</strong> is slightly different. 22<br />

Figure 11<br />

The success of public service providers in tackling anti-social<br />

behaviour and crime in the local area<br />

% Agree % Disagree Neither/Nor/DK<br />

Agree%<br />

2010<br />

West Yorkshire<br />

Police<br />

53<br />

14<br />

33<br />

52%<br />

The police & other<br />

local public services<br />

overall<br />

49<br />

14<br />

37<br />

46%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

47<br />

15<br />

38<br />

48%<br />

Q8. How much would you agree or disagree that each of the following are successfully dealing with antisocial<br />

behaviour and crime in your local area<br />

Base: All respondents (6,819)<br />

However, looking at the public’s views on each of the service providers in turn there are some<br />

clear patterns, as illustrated in the Table 14 overleaf.<br />

Those who are satisfied rather than dissatisfied with the local area are much more likely to agree<br />

that each of the providers is successfully dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime.<br />

Analysis of responses by Area Committee reveals that residents of <strong>Bradford</strong> East are less<br />

positive than anyone else about all of the service providers.<br />

22 Source: British Crime <strong>Survey</strong> 2010/<strong>2011</strong>. The wording in that survey is: “It is the responsibility of the police and<br />

local council working in partnership to deal with anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area. Choosing an<br />

answer from this card please say how much you agree or disagree that the police and local council are dealing with<br />

the anti-social behaviour and crime issues that matter in this area.”<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 14<br />

Q8. How much would you agree or disagree that each of the following are successfully dealing<br />

with anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area<br />

Base: All respondents aged 16+ (6,727 / 6,819)<br />

Police & other<br />

public services<br />

overall<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

Change<br />

since ’10<br />

(+/-)<br />

TOTAL: Agree<br />

West Yorkshire<br />

Police<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

Change<br />

since ’10<br />

(+/-)<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

<strong>Bradford</strong><br />

Council<br />

Change<br />

since ’10<br />

(+/-)<br />

Total - <strong>2011</strong> 49 +3 53 +1 47 +3<br />

Satisfaction with local area<br />

Satisfaction with Council<br />

Satisfied 52 +2 56 n/c 50 +2<br />

Dissatisfied 24 +9 25 +3 21 +7<br />

Satisfied 57 +2 61 -1 56 +1<br />

Dissatisfied 26 +1 28 -3 21 +2<br />

After dark<br />

Feel safe 55 +3 59 +1 53 +3<br />

Feel unsafe 32 +4 35 +1 31 +5<br />

Area Committee<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 49 +12 52 +12 49 +13<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 47 +3 54 +4 48 +4<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 39 -16 44 -17 39 -17<br />

Keighley 49 -1 50 -3 41 -3<br />

Shipley 62 +17 65 +18 61 +18<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

There appears to have been significant shifts in opinion at the level of Area Committees, and<br />

these are atypical of what ICM tends to observe in its other work for local authorities. While<br />

residents are more favourable towards public services in <strong>Bradford</strong> East, <strong>Bradford</strong> South and<br />

Shipley, there has been a notable decline in <strong>Bradford</strong> West.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

3.5 Seeking the public’s views<br />

When it comes to being consulted about antisocial behaviour and crime in the local area, just<br />

over two fifths (43%) of residents agree that the police and other local services seek people’s<br />

views on these issues, and a fifth (20%) disagrees. This represents a decline since the survey in<br />

2010 and means <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> performs slightly less well than the average for England and<br />

Wales (47% agree). 23 That said, the proportion strongly agreeing has increased three<br />

percentage points.<br />

However, a considerable minority is not able to offer an opinion either way. This in itself is telling<br />

in that it suggests communications activity about the various initiatives and programmes in place<br />

across the <strong>District</strong> to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour are not reaching or impacting<br />

everyone.<br />

Figure 12<br />

Extent to which public services seek people’s views about crime<br />

Strongly agree,<br />

10%<br />

Don't know,<br />

23% Total:<br />

Agree<br />

%<br />

Total:<br />

Disagree<br />

%<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 43 20<br />

2010 46 21<br />

Strongly<br />

disagree, 12%<br />

Tend to agree,<br />

33%<br />

Tend to<br />

disagree, 8%<br />

Neither/nor,<br />

%<br />

Q7. It is the responsibility of the police and other local public services to work in partnership to deal with anti-social<br />

behaviour and crime in your local area. So, how much would you agree or disagree that the police and other local public<br />

services seek people’s views about these issues in your local area Base: All respondents (6,819)<br />

The extent to which people disagree with the statement that ‘the police and other local public<br />

services seek people’s views about these issues in your local area’ ranges from 23 per cent in<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East to 17 per cent in <strong>Bradford</strong> South. Again this reflects notable shifts in opinion since<br />

2010, with <strong>Bradford</strong> East residents becoming more positive and <strong>Bradford</strong> West residents less so.<br />

23 Source: British Crime <strong>Survey</strong> 2010/<strong>2011</strong>. Note slightly different wording: “It is the responsibility of the police and<br />

local council working in partnership to deal with anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area. Choosing an<br />

answer from this card please say how much you agree or disagree that the police and local council seek people's<br />

views about the anti-social behaviour and crime issues that matter in this area.”<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 15<br />

Q7. How much would you agree or disagree that the police and other local public services seek<br />

people’s views about these issues in your local area<br />

Base: All respondents aged 16+ <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

Total: Agree<br />

Total: Disagree<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

Change since<br />

2010<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

Change since<br />

2010<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 39 +10 23 -8<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 42 -12 17 -3<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 35 -16 22 +4<br />

Keighley 43 -4 20 -2<br />

Shipley 47 -2 18 +6<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

4. Transport & Travel<br />

4.1 Travel to work & school<br />

As per last year, car is the preferred mode of transport to work, mentioned by seven in ten (69%)<br />

commuters, with 4% car sharing or by taxi. About one in ten also use the bus (12%) or walk<br />

(9%). Men (74%), those in socio-economic grade AB (78%) and those aged 35–64 (76%) are<br />

most likely to drive.<br />

While walking remains the most common form of transport for children travelling to school, this<br />

figure has decreased significantly since 2010 (43% from 56% in 2010). A quarter (25%) are<br />

taken by car while one in six (16%) takes the bus.<br />

Table 16<br />

Q9a) How do you usually travel to work If you use more than one mode of transport, please<br />

give the one that covers the longest distance. SINGLE CODE<br />

Base: All who commute to work: 2010 (2,688); <strong>2011</strong> (2,932)<br />

Q9b) And, if there are school aged children in your household, how do they usually travel to<br />

school SINGLE CODE<br />

Base: All with school age children: 2010 (1,515); <strong>2011</strong> (1,905)<br />

Q9.a<br />

Work<br />

Q9.b<br />

School<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% % % %<br />

Car/Van (with no other passengers) 69 69 - -<br />

Bus 10 12 13 16<br />

Walk 13 9 56 43<br />

Lift (from someone who then returns<br />

home)<br />

4 4 23 25<br />

Train 3 3 1 1<br />

Car share 2 3 1 3<br />

Taxi 1 * * *<br />

Cycle * * * *<br />

Other * 1 * *<br />

Don’t know 0 - 8 13<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 17<br />

Q9. How do you usually travel to…: (a) work (b) school<br />

Base: (a) all who commute to work <strong>2011</strong>(2,932); 2010(2,688),<br />

Base: (b) all with school-aged children <strong>2011</strong> (1,905); 2010 (1,506)<br />

Travel to work by car/van alone<br />

Travel to school by car<br />

% %<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

All using a car 69 69 24 25<br />

Socio-economic status:<br />

AB 80 78 36 32<br />

C1 70 70 32 28<br />

C2 72 71 27 23<br />

DE 57 62 15 21<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

Looking at socio economic differences, there are some notable findings. It is the children of DE<br />

parents who are least likely to be taken by car; about half (49%) these children walk to school<br />

compared to two in five (38%) children of AB parents. Nevertheless, it is among the DE group<br />

where car use has increased since 2010, for both school and work journeys. This contrasts with<br />

other groups where car use for journeys to school has declined.<br />

4.2 Car use<br />

Of those who drive, two thirds (68%) are not interested in finding ways to use their car less, a<br />

figure higher than would be hoped for but still five points down on the survey last year. However,<br />

as the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership seeks to increase use of public transport – one of its<br />

priorities for prosperity and regeneration in the <strong>District</strong> – it might be interested to note that one in<br />

five car users say improved public transport might encourage them to cut back.<br />

To put these results into national context, recent results from the Office for National Statistic’s<br />

Opinion’s <strong>Survey</strong> reveals that over half (54%) of Britons are not willing to take actions to reduce<br />

their car travel. 24<br />

Full results and the change since 2010 are outlined in Figure 13 below.<br />

24 That said, the proportion of adults across Great Britain who were at least ‘fairly concerned’ about climate change<br />

has fallen from 81% in 2006 to 70% in 2010.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 13<br />

Encouragements to reduce car use<br />


Re duce public transport fares/make public transport<br />

fares less than running a car<br />

Reduce fares/make fares less than running a car<br />

Improved frequency<br />

Improved punctuality and reliability<br />

More destinations, later buses/trains<br />

More destinations, later buses/trains<br />

More information/Timetable information<br />

Increase in cost of fuel<br />

Increase in cost of fuel<br />

Better access and facilities<br />

Few er car parking s paces<br />

Improved attitudes of staff<br />

Improved cleanliness of public transport<br />

More seats available on public transport<br />

Increase in car taxes (e.g. MOT, Car Tax, insurance)<br />

Fewer car parking spaces<br />

Improve safety on public transport/Safe place to wait<br />

Improve safety on public transport/Safe place to wait<br />

More seats available on public transport<br />

Increase in car taxes<br />

NOTHING/Do not want to use a car less<br />

Don’t know<br />

Do n’t kno w<br />

7<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

7<br />

19<br />

%<br />

Change since 2010<br />

+5<br />

+2<br />

+1<br />

+2<br />

+3<br />

+3<br />

+2<br />

+3<br />

+3<br />

+2<br />

+2<br />

+2<br />

+2<br />

+2<br />

68 -5<br />

-1<br />

Q10. What, if anything, would encourage you to use your car less<br />

Base: All except those who do not have a car/do not drive (4,350 / 4,421)<br />

Men, those aged 35-64 years and members of social group AB are the most resistant to the idea<br />

of using their car less, as they are significantly more likely to say that nothing would encourage<br />

them to do so.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

5. Local Public Services<br />

Respondents were asked how satisfied or dissatisfied they are with a range of public services<br />

and their responses are set out in this section. It should be borne in mind that all figures referred<br />

to in this section are exclusive of ‘don’t know’ and ‘have not used the service’ responses. That is,<br />

results are based on the responses of all who feel able to offer an opinion.<br />

5.1 Satisfaction with services – <strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council is regarded more positively by its local residents compared to last year: three<br />

quarters (74%) are satisfied with the authority overall, up three percentage points from the<br />

baseline survey. More importantly, the percentage very satisfied has doubled in the space of 12<br />

months (from 15% to 29%). A small minority are dissatisfied (13%).<br />

Figure 14<br />

Satisfaction with <strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Satisfaction<br />

%<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

71%<br />

74%<br />

71%<br />

68%<br />

66%<br />

75%<br />

Q4. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services in your<br />

local area <strong>Bradford</strong> Council overall Base: All service users expressing an opinion (6,403/6,213)<br />

As Figure 14 above illustrates, views on the Council vary by locale. Eight in ten Shipley (80%)<br />

residents speak highly of the authority compared to seven in ten (70%) in <strong>Bradford</strong> South. The<br />

upwards movement in Shipley and Keighley is statistically significant as is the five point drop in<br />

satisfaction in <strong>Bradford</strong> South.<br />

Looking at individual wards, Bingley has by far the highest level of satisfaction (93%) followed by<br />

Keighley West (86%). On the other hand, Eccleshill (50%), City and Tong (both 62%) exhibit the<br />

lowest levels).<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Residents who are generally more satisfied include those aged 16-34 (77%) and AB social<br />

group (80%) Dissatisfaction is greater among those aged 45+ (16%) and the DE social group<br />

(15%).<br />

5.2 Satisfaction with services – the local NHS<br />

Satisfaction with local NHS services is high. In total, over eight in ten patients are positive about<br />

their GP and about their local hospital (89% and 85% respectively). NHS dentists are seen<br />

slightly less favourably although still three quarters (76%) are satisfied. All three indicators have<br />

increased significantly since the 2010 research.<br />

Figure 15<br />

Satisfaction with NHS services<br />

% Satisfied<br />

% Fairly<br />

satisfied<br />

% Neither/<br />

nor<br />

% Fairly<br />

dissatisfied<br />

% Very<br />

dissatisfied<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Satisfaction<br />

2010<br />

%<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

%<br />

89<br />

84<br />

85<br />

82<br />

76<br />

72<br />

Q4. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services in your<br />

local area Base: All service users expressing an opinion. The base size for each organisation/service<br />

is provided in the brackets.<br />

Looking at these three services together, satisfaction with the NHS in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> is<br />

highest among those aged 55 and over, and residents of Keighley and Shipley. At ward level,<br />

residents of Baildon, Bingley, Keighley West and Shipley are among the most positive on all<br />

three services.<br />

Given that those who have a long-term illness or disability, or have caring responsibilities, will<br />

tend to have more contact with health services than the average resident, it is positive to note<br />

that both these groups are more likely than the rest of the population to be satisfied with their GP<br />

(62% and 60% respectively). There is not, however, a similarly positive relationship with the local<br />

hospital, which was in evidence in 2010.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

5.3 Satisfaction with services – Fire & Police<br />

Ninety per cent of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents are satisfied with the West Yorkshire Fire and<br />

Rescue Authority, while over three quarters (78%) are satisfied with West Yorkshire Police.<br />

These figures reflect an increase in satisfaction for the Fire & Rescue service (+7) and the police<br />

(+4) since 2010, but in both cases the variation is due to changes in the proportion of those<br />

saying ‘neither satisfied nor dissatisfied’ rather than a relative shift in dissatisfaction.<br />

Figure 16<br />

Satisfaction with Fire & Rescue and Police services<br />

% Satisfied<br />

% Fairly<br />

satisfied<br />

% Neither/<br />

nor<br />

% Fairly<br />

dissatisfied<br />

% Very<br />

dissatisfied<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Satisfaction<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

%<br />

2010<br />

%<br />

90<br />

83<br />

78<br />

74<br />

Q4. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services in your<br />

local area Base: All service users expressing an opinion. The base size for each organisation/service<br />

is provided in the brackets.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

5.4 Satisfaction with services – Transport<br />

Satisfaction with public transport in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> is higher than this time last year. Over<br />

four fifths are positive about rail services (85%) and a similar proportion (83%) about local bus<br />

services.<br />

Figure 17<br />

Satisfaction with transport services<br />

% Satisfied<br />

% Fairly<br />

satisfied<br />

% Neither/<br />

nor<br />

% Fairly<br />

dissatisfied<br />

% Very<br />

dissatisfied<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Satisfaction<br />

%<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

85<br />

81<br />

83<br />

79<br />

Q4. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services in your<br />

local area Base: All service users expressing an opinion. The base size for each organisation/service<br />

is provided in the brackets.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

6. Information & Communications<br />

6.1 Level of information<br />

The extent to which residents feel informed about local public services varies considerably.<br />

Over three quarters (77%) feel informed about how and where to register to vote, the service<br />

with the highest levels of self-reported awareness by a considerable margin. Two thirds (65%)<br />

feel they know about how their council tax is spent and over half know how to complain<br />

about public services (57%) or where to obtain employment and skills information (53%).<br />

It is notable that awareness of what to do in the event of a large-scale emergency has fallen<br />

since last year (49% from 56%). However, last year’s fieldwork was undertaken during a period<br />

of high publicity relating to swine flu which will have influenced that result.<br />

A consistent trend to emerge is the increase in the proportion of people saying they are ‘very<br />

well’ informed about each aspect. Please see the marked-up questionnaire in the appendices for<br />

further details.<br />

Figure 18<br />

Level of information about different aspects of the Council’s work<br />

% Very well informed % Fairly well informed % Not very well informed<br />

% Not well informed at all % Don't know<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Informed %<br />

2010<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

How and where to register to vote<br />

42<br />

36<br />

5<br />

6<br />

11<br />

80<br />

77<br />

How your council tax is spent<br />

26<br />

38<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

65<br />

65<br />

What to do in the event of a large-scale emergency<br />

21<br />

29<br />

16<br />

16<br />

18<br />

56<br />

49<br />

How to complain about local public services<br />

25<br />

32<br />

15<br />

14<br />

14<br />

55<br />

57<br />

Where to obtain information about employment and<br />

skills<br />

23<br />

30<br />

12<br />

16<br />

19<br />

54<br />

53<br />

How well local public services are performing<br />

22<br />

34<br />

16<br />

14<br />

14<br />

51<br />

55<br />

What standard of service you should expect from<br />

local public services<br />

23<br />

33<br />

15<br />

15<br />

15<br />

51<br />

55<br />

Where to obtain information about setting up a<br />

business<br />

20<br />

25<br />

12<br />

20<br />

23<br />

46<br />

45<br />

How you can get involved in local decision-making<br />

20<br />

28<br />

16<br />

18<br />

18<br />

45<br />

48<br />

Q11. And how well informed do you feel about each of the following<br />

Base: All respondents : <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727).<br />

When it comes to public services overall, six in ten (59%) feel informed while half this figure<br />

(27%) do not think they have enough information. This is a promising finding since residents who<br />

feel informed about the benefits provided by local services are more likely to be positive about<br />

the performance of the Council and other bodies, and to hold favourable views on the local area.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 19<br />

Level of information about public services overall<br />

Total<br />

59%<br />

Very well<br />

informed<br />

Fairly well<br />

informed<br />

Not very well<br />

informed<br />

Not well<br />

informed at all<br />

Don’t know<br />

TOTAL: Informed %<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 59%<br />

2010 61%<br />

TOTAL: Not informed<br />

%<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 27%<br />

2010 28%<br />

16-24<br />

25-34<br />

35-44<br />

45-54<br />

55-64<br />

65-74<br />

75+<br />

AB<br />

C1<br />

C2<br />

DE<br />

Owner occupier<br />

Social r ente r<br />

Private renter<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West<br />

Keighley<br />

Shipley<br />

40%<br />

59%<br />

61%<br />

64%<br />

69%<br />

66%<br />

63%<br />

73%<br />

61%<br />

59%<br />

54%<br />

63%<br />

50%<br />

52%<br />

59%<br />

55%<br />

59%<br />

58%<br />

66%<br />

Change<br />

since 2010<br />

+3<br />

+1<br />

+3<br />

-8<br />

-1<br />

Q11. And how well informed do you feel about each of the following – local public services overall<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

Young people are least positive on this measure and, although this finding reflects what ICM<br />

would expect to see based on our research elsewhere, this also represents a decline since 2010<br />

(40 per cent informed versus 46%).<br />

Three quarters (73%) of ABs feel informed, falling to just over half (54%) of DEs. The extent to<br />

which the public feels informed overall is lower than average among carers (48%) suggesting<br />

that those who really need information on local services do not necessarily feel that they are<br />

getting it.<br />

Responses also vary by Area Committee with those who live in <strong>Bradford</strong> South having the<br />

lowest levels of self-reported awareness (55%) compared to 66 per cent in Shipley. The two<br />

percentage point drop at the overall <strong>District</strong> level in the proportion saying they feel informed is<br />

largely due to the eight point drop in Keighley: the scores in all three <strong>Bradford</strong> area committees<br />

have actually improved since last year.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

6.2 Preferred sources of information<br />

From the suggestions put to them, the most popular way in which residents wish to hear about<br />

public services is via information and newsletters through the post (41%). There has, however,<br />

been a significant increase in those wishing to receive information via the Internet (33% from<br />

27% in 2010), and a concomitant decrease in those wanting information via local/regional<br />

newspapers (30% from 36%) or the Council’s newsletter, ‘Community Pride’ (16% from 23%).<br />

Figure 20<br />

Sources of information<br />

Change since 2010 (+/-)<br />

Information and newsletters through the post<br />

Internet/websites<br />

Local/regional newspapers<br />

The Council’s newspaper – “Community Pride”<br />

A – Z of Council services booklet<br />

Television<br />

Friends/Neighbours<br />

Local radio<br />

Council/ other offices<br />

Local libraries<br />

Contact with Council/service staff<br />

GP surgery<br />

Text/SMS<br />

Advice Centres, including Citizens Advice Bureaux<br />

Posters<br />

Newsletters from political parties<br />

Contact with Councillors<br />

Advertising on billboards/buses<br />

Public meetings run by Council/ other organisations<br />

16<br />

13<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

33<br />

30<br />

41<br />

+4<br />

+6<br />

-6<br />

-7<br />

-3<br />

+2<br />

-<br />

-5<br />

+4<br />

+1<br />

+2<br />

+1<br />

+2<br />

+2<br />

-1<br />

-1<br />

+1<br />

-<br />

-<br />

Q12. From which sources on this card, if any, would you like to obtain most of your information about<br />

public services provided in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong>.<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

As Table 18 overleaf indicates, there are important differences between socio-demographic<br />

subgroups in terms of preferences for receiving information. Traditional forms of communication<br />

– newsletters and local/regional newspapers – are favoured by older residents, in particular<br />

those aged 55+. Younger people (16–44 year olds) display a stronger preference for online<br />

sources. Indeed, the youngest section is much less inclined than people in general to rely upon<br />

information through the post (33% among 16-24 years compared to 46 of those aged 55-74<br />

years).<br />

The Council’s newspaper ‘Community Pride’ has a broad readership, and this is favoured by one<br />

in five people in the Black community and similarly among 55-64 year olds.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 18<br />

Q12. From which sources of information, if any, would you like to obtain most of your information<br />

about public services provided in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Base: All respondents aged 16+ (6,819)<br />

Internet<br />

Local/ regional<br />

newspaper<br />

Community<br />

Pride<br />

% % %<br />

Total - <strong>2011</strong> 33 30 16<br />

Age<br />

Socio-economic grade<br />

16-24 46 22 12<br />

25-34 40 24 15<br />

35-44 39 33 15<br />

45-54 39 32 18<br />

55-64 24 37 21<br />

65-74 15 34 17<br />

75+ 6 35 18<br />

AB 47 34 14<br />

C1 40 30 15<br />

C2 32 32 16<br />

DE 25 27 18<br />

Ethnicity<br />

White 33 31 17<br />

Mixed 32 37 5<br />

Asian 28 25 13<br />

Black 31 27 22<br />

Chinese/Other 28 18 12<br />

Area Committee<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 36 31 11<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 33 31 16<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 28 24 21<br />

Keighley 31 33 16<br />

Shipley 40 33 16<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

6.3 Internet use<br />

Currently, seven in ten <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents now use the internet at home; an increase<br />

from about six in ten in 2010. Of course, there will be those who have access to the internet at<br />

home but who do not use it, but even so this finding on usage would suggest that home access<br />

to the internet is at least slightly below the national level: four in five (80%) of the population of<br />

Great Britain have access to the internet at home. 25<br />

Internet use in the <strong>District</strong> varies considerably according to age, income and tenure, just as it<br />

does across the country. Younger people are most likely to use the internet at home and<br />

propensity to do so declines with age. Socio-economic status has a clear bearing, with ABs<br />

having far higher levels of home internet use than DEs, in line with what ICM records nationally.<br />

Those who own their home are more likely to use the internet there and social renters have the<br />

lowest levels of usage, illustrating a clear link with income. Perhaps reflecting socio-economic<br />

status, people with a disability are less likely than other groups to access the internet.<br />

Given the relatively high proportion of ABs in Shipley and of DEs in <strong>Bradford</strong> East and <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

West, it is not surprising to find that the former has the highest level of home internet use and<br />

the latter two the lowest.<br />

Figure 21<br />

Use of internet at home<br />

% Use internet at home<br />

Q13. Do you use the internet at home<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

25 Source: ICM Omnibus 13-14 August <strong>2011</strong>; a nationally representative telephone survey of 1,000 adults aged 18+ in<br />

Great Britain. Question wording: “Do you have access to the internet at home, at work or somewhere else”<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

7. Getting Involved<br />

7.1 Community influence<br />

Just over three a third (35%) of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> residents feel they can influence decisions<br />

affecting their local area (when don’t know responses are excluded). There has been a notable<br />

shift since 2010, with the proportion agreeing slipping seven percentage points. The reduced<br />

Council spend on promotional campaigns may be one explanation behind this shift.<br />

However, it is useful to look at performance on this measure in the national context. In order to<br />

compare the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> with findings from the Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong> 26 , the box<br />

on the right of the chart shows the data rebased to exclude ‘don’t know’ responses. Once this<br />

has been done, we can see that the <strong>District</strong> now slightly underperforms against the average for<br />

England and Wales (35% compared to 38%), whereas last year it was slightly above the norm.<br />

Figure 22<br />

Community involvement & influence<br />

Definitely agree<br />

4%<br />

8%<br />

Tend to agree<br />

38% 28%<br />

Total<br />

Agree<br />

%<br />

Total<br />

Disagree<br />

%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 35 65<br />

Tend to disagree<br />

29%<br />

27%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> 2010 42 58<br />

England &<br />

Wales*<br />

38 n/a<br />

Definitely disagree<br />

29%<br />

37%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> data has been rebased to exclude<br />

“Don’t know” responses to enable<br />

comparisons with Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong> data<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Q14. Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion (5,777); 2010 (5,717)<br />

*England & Wales source: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong>, 2010 – <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

The youngest and oldest cohorts are least likely to feel they have influence. It is also notable that<br />

those who belong to a religion feel significantly more empowered than those who do not. This<br />

may, at least in part, be because some religious people will attend a regular place of worship or<br />

be involved in their faith community in some way, and might feel some collective sense of<br />

influence as a result.<br />

26 Source: DCLG/Home Office Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong> 2010/<strong>2011</strong>.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

People in work are more likely to feel they are heard than those who are not working.<br />

Meanwhile, those who rent their home from the Council or a housing association are less likely<br />

to regard themselves as influential than residents who own their home or rent privately.<br />

Among the Area Committees, residents of <strong>Bradford</strong> South are least likely to feel they have a say<br />

in their local area compared to residents of other areas.<br />

One of the consistent themes throughout this report has been the uniformity in results between<br />

2010 and <strong>2011</strong> in each of the five area committees. Even where there has been a statistically<br />

significant change it has tended to be by only 4 or 5 points. However, the ‘influencing decisions’<br />

metric is an outlier in this respect with large variations, evident in Table 19 below.<br />

Table 19<br />

Q14. Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area<br />

Base: All expressing an opinion: 2010 (5,777), <strong>2011</strong> (5,717).<br />

Total Agree<br />

<strong>2011</strong> Change since 2010<br />

Total 35 -7<br />

Age:<br />

16-24 36 -8<br />

25-34 41 -1<br />

35-44 39 -8<br />

45-54 36 -7<br />

55-64 34 -9<br />

65-74 30 -5<br />

75+ 24 -12<br />

Religion:<br />

Christian 39 -9<br />

Muslim 48 +1<br />

Other 50 +5<br />

No religion 25 -5<br />

Work status:<br />

Work full-time 42 -4<br />

Work part-time 40 -3<br />

Not working 29 -12<br />

Retired 27 -12<br />

Tenure:<br />

Owner occupier 37 -7<br />

Rent from council 30 -3<br />

Rent from H/A 33 -3<br />

Private renter 31 -12<br />

Area Committee:<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 29 +5<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 39 -2<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 41 -10<br />

Keighley 35 -20<br />

Shipley 34 -5<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

%<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

7.2 Community involvement<br />

The <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership aims to develop the ability of local people to get involved in<br />

improving their communities, including by supporting informal local networks. 27 When asked to<br />

indicate which among a list of civic or community activities they are involved with, there was a<br />

similar active minority (15%): 84 per cent said ‘none of these’. Moreover, a higher proportion<br />

(88%) said they would not be interested in being contacted about any of the identified roles.<br />

Figure 23<br />

Current involvement and interest in civic participation opportunities<br />

Q16. a) Are you currently involved in any of the following areas b) Would you like to be contacted about<br />

taking up an opportunity in any of these areas Base: All respondents (6,819)<br />

Although there are few notable differences by demographic groups, it is striking that Asian and<br />

Muslim residents are more likely to say they would like to be contacted about getting involved<br />

with others in the street/neighbourhood, and in meetings that concern the neighbourhood – all<br />

10% versus the average of 4%.<br />

At the ward level, interest is shown in greater engagement in Manningham, <strong>Bradford</strong> Moor, City,<br />

Great Horton and, to a lesser degree, Queensbury.<br />

27 The Big Plan for the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> 2008-<strong>2011</strong>: Our Sustainable Community Strategy<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

7.3 Volunteering<br />

Currently, about one in six people (17%) say they have given any unpaid help to a group, club or<br />

organisation in the past 12 months, up six percentage points since last year. This improvement<br />

sees the <strong>District</strong> move closer to the national benchmark. 28<br />

Regular participation is low, with just eight per cent doing something at least once a month.<br />

Figure 24<br />

Amount of time devoted to volunteering in the last 12 months<br />


%<br />

17<br />

11<br />

At least once a week<br />

Less than once a week but at least once a<br />

month<br />

Less often<br />

Give unpaid help as individual only, not<br />

through groups/ clubs/ organisations<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

7<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

<strong>2011</strong>%<br />

2010%<br />

Not given any unpaid help at all ove r the<br />

last 12 months<br />

83<br />

89<br />

Q16. Overall, about how often over the last 12 months have you given unpaid help to any group(s),<br />

club(s) or organisation(s) Please only include work that is unpaid and not for your family.<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion (6,433/6,484)<br />

Those more likely to have volunteered are:<br />

o Carers (30%);<br />

o Members of socio-economic grades ABC1 (22%);<br />

o Part-time workers (19%); and<br />

o Those with a religious affiliation (19%).<br />

28 In 2010-11, 39% of adults volunteered formally (giving unpaid help through a group, club or organisation) and 55%<br />

volunteered informally (giving unpaid help as an individual to someone who is not a relative). Source: 2010/11 DCLG<br />

Citizenship <strong>Survey</strong>).<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

8. Health & Well-being<br />

8.1 General health<br />

Most people in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> are positive about their health in keeping with twelve months<br />

ago. Close to four-fifths of residents describe their general health as ‘very good’ or ‘good’ and<br />

this is consistent with the findings from 2010 (although the proportion stating ‘very good’ is down<br />

a significant 3 points). This is marginally above the average for England 29 , although stated health<br />

and well being ranges from a low of 75 per cent in <strong>Bradford</strong> East to a high of 82 per cent in<br />

Shipley. Only about one in fourteen people (7%) speak negatively about their health.<br />

Figure 25<br />

General health<br />

Total Bad:<br />

7%<br />

Fair, 15%<br />

Very bad,<br />

Bad, 6% 1%<br />

Very good,<br />

28%<br />

% Total ‘Good health’<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 78<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> 2010 78<br />

England* 76<br />

Good, 50%<br />

Total Good:<br />

78%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 75<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 76<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 75<br />

Keighley 81<br />

Shipley 82<br />

Q23a. How is your health in general Would you say it was… Base: All respondents expressing an<br />

opinion <strong>2011</strong> (6,806); 2010 (6,727)<br />

* England Source: Department of Health ‘Health <strong>Survey</strong> for England’ , 2009.<br />

As we might expect, this indicator is closely associated with age and income (i.e. socioeconomic<br />

grade, tenure and work status), as illustrated in Figure 26 overleaf.<br />

Reporting of poor health increases with age (from 1% among 16-24 year olds to 15% among<br />

those aged 75 and over). Similarly, health declines with low social status (from 3% among AB<br />

residents to 11% DE). The link between health and social deprivation is underscored by the<br />

much higher than average proportions reporting ‘poor health’ among those people who rent their<br />

home from the Council or a housing association and who are out of work.<br />

29 Source: Health <strong>Survey</strong> for England, 2008.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 26<br />

General health – subgroup differences<br />

Total<br />

7<br />

16-24<br />

25-34<br />

35-44<br />

45-54<br />

55-64<br />

65-74<br />

75+<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

10<br />

11<br />

13<br />

15<br />

% ‘Bad health’<br />

DE<br />

C2<br />

C1<br />

AB<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

11<br />

Working full time<br />

Working part time<br />

Not in work (excl. retired)<br />

Retired<br />

1<br />

2<br />

11<br />

12<br />

Owner occupier<br />

Social renter<br />

Private renter<br />

5<br />

6<br />

15<br />

Q23a. How is your health in general Would you say it was…<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion (6,806)<br />

8.2 Dental health<br />

Seven in ten (72%) residents describe the health of their teeth as ‘very or fairly good’ and just six<br />

per cent as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’. As with residents’ general health this marks no change from the<br />

baseline survey in 2010.<br />

As is the case with a person’s general health, however, there are clear health inequalities across<br />

the population (see Figure 28). As such, dental health is largely influenced by socio-economic<br />

status, as well as age. Not surprisingly, dental health is directly correlated with general health;<br />

among those who say their general health is bad, one third also say their teeth are in poor<br />

condition.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 27<br />

Dental health<br />

Total Bad:<br />

5%<br />

Very bad,<br />

1%<br />

Bad, 5%<br />

N/A; Don't<br />

have teeth,<br />

5%<br />

Very good,<br />

25%<br />

% Total ‘Good teeth’<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 72<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> 2010 72<br />

Fair, 18%<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 70<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 71<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 67<br />

Keighley 75<br />

Shipley 77<br />

Good, 47%<br />

Total Good:<br />

72%<br />

Q23b. Would you say that the health of your teeth is…<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion <strong>2011</strong> (6,797); 2010 (6,727)<br />

Figure 28<br />

Dental health – subgroup differences<br />

Q23b. Would you say that the health of your teeth is…<br />

Base: All respondents expressing an opinion (6,797)<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

8.3 Support from public service providers in promoting healthy living<br />

One of the Partnership’s health and wellbeing priorities since 2009 has been to support local<br />

residents by increasing understanding of how to stay healthy, and as part of this the BDP<br />

provides advice on physical activity, diet, stopping smoking and alcohol. With this in mind<br />

residents were asked to what extent they think people in the <strong>District</strong> are encouraged and<br />

supported to lead a fit and healthy life.<br />

Overall, opinion is positive with over half believing people are given support and guidance (‘very’<br />

or ‘fairly’ well) on how to eat healthily, quit smoking, drink alcohol sensibly and to be physically<br />

active. A quarter do not feel this is the case, however. It is notable that opinion has declined on<br />

this measure since 2010, perhaps reflecting recent cut backs in these services, or indeed the<br />

perception that such support has been cut.<br />

Figure 29<br />

The level of support received by residents from public services<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Well %<br />

2010<br />

64<br />

63<br />

61<br />

58<br />

Q26. How well do you think people in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> are encouraged and supported to do each of<br />

the following Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

8.4 Satisfaction among carers with support from public service providers<br />

One in ten people in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> describe themselves as carers (defined as someone who<br />

looks after - in an unpaid capacity - a relative, friend or child who needs support to live at home<br />

due to a physical or mental disability or illness or due to being elderly or frail).<br />

Carers variously access support from the NHS (82%), <strong>Bradford</strong> Council (75%) and/or the<br />

voluntary sector (64%), and satisfaction with the service they receive is broadly positive.<br />

However, 15% of all carers are dissatisfied with the support they get from the council and ten per<br />

cent are dissatisfied with both the other providers.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

It is very encouraging that all providers are rated more positively in <strong>2011</strong> than in 2010.<br />

Figure 30<br />

Satisfaction with support from public service providers<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Satisfied %<br />

Excluding those who have<br />

not used the service<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

2010<br />

61<br />

66<br />

46<br />

50<br />

35<br />

49<br />

Q25. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the support you get from each of the<br />

following Base: All carers <strong>2011</strong> (547); 2010 (547)<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

9. Housing & the Home<br />

9.1 Satisfaction with overall condition of property<br />

The overwhelming majority (88%) of people living in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> describe themselves as<br />

‘very or fairly satisfied’ with the overall condition of their property. While in line with last year<br />

(89%), encouragingly the proportion very satisfied has jumped 12 percentage points to 58% in<br />

the last year.<br />

While just one in twenty (5%) residents are dissatisfied, this proportion is much higher among<br />

those who rent.<br />

There is also a clear link to location and the type of area in which people live. For instance,<br />

residents who feel unsafe outside in the area after dark are more likely than those who feel safe<br />

to speak negatively about their property (13% dissatisfied versus 3%). Similarly, dissatisfaction<br />

is higher (15%) among those who do not have a strong attachment to their neighbourhood.<br />

In addition, satisfaction increases with property size: just two per cent of those in a five bedroom<br />

property are dissatisfied compared four times as many (8%) of those with two bedrooms.<br />

Figure 31<br />

Satisfaction with overall condition of property<br />

2010<br />

4<br />

2<br />

7<br />

12<br />

9<br />

3<br />

13<br />

3<br />

10<br />

23<br />

15<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Q27. How satisfied are you with the overall condition of your property<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

9.2 Number of bedrooms in property<br />

The average home in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> has close to three bedrooms (mean 2.9, consistent with<br />

the figure from 2010), ranging from 2.4 bedrooms for social renters to 3 bedrooms for owner<br />

occupiers.<br />

Table 20<br />

Number of Bedrooms in Property<br />

Base: All respondents (6,727 / 6,819)<br />

Mean<br />

Bed-sit/<br />

none<br />

Number of bedrooms<br />

1 2 3 4 5+<br />

Total - <strong>2011</strong> 2.9 % * 5 26 52 13 3<br />

Total – 2010 2.9 % * 4 29 49 14 3<br />

Tenure<br />

Owner occupier 3.0 % * 1 26 52 16 4<br />

Social renter 2.4 % 1 15 33 44 7 1<br />

Private renter 2.6 % * 4 41 41 12 2<br />

Other tenure 2.8 % 0 11 19 32 30 9<br />

Area committee<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 2.8 % * 9 24 52 13 2<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 2.7 % 1 6 25 59 9 1<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 3.0 % * 3 29 47 15 5<br />

Keighley 2.9 % * 4 25 55 13 3<br />

Shipley 2.9 * 5 26 51 16 2<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

10. Environment & Climate Change<br />

10.1 Concern about climate change<br />

Half (51%) of the population in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> are concerned about the impact of climate<br />

change, including one in seven (14%) who are very concerned. A sizeable proportion (44%) of<br />

residents is unconcerned about climate change. These figures are consistent with those<br />

reported in 2010.<br />

It is notable, however, that levels of concern are considerably lower than the level of concern<br />

(70%) expressed by people across Great Britain in the latest Office for National Statistics<br />

Opinions <strong>Survey</strong>. 30 Given that the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Partnership wishes to encourage more<br />

responsible behaviours to affect climate change, this data suggests there is more to do to raise<br />

awareness and help the population understand the challenges faced and the impact their<br />

contribution can make 31 .<br />

Figure 32<br />

Concern about climate change<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Concerned<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 51%<br />

2010 51%<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Not concerned<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 44%<br />

2010 45%<br />

Q29. How concerned are you about the impact of climate change<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

Concern about climate change is closely correlated with gender, age and socio-economic status.<br />

30 Source: ONS ‘Public attitudes towards climate change and the impact of Transport: August 2010. In-home random<br />

probability survey of 1,000 GB adults aged 16+.<br />

31 That said, the proportion of adults across Great Britain who were at least ‘fairly concerned’ about climate change<br />

has fallen from 81% in 2006 to 70% in 2010.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Women are more worried than men, while concern is highest among the middle age groups<br />

(ages 35-64). Those in social grade AB are significantly more likely than all other categories to<br />

express concern about climate change.<br />

10.2 Attitudes towards climate change<br />

The City of <strong>Bradford</strong> Metropolitan <strong>District</strong> Council is part of DEFRA’s National Climate Challenge<br />

to raise awareness of and change people’s behaviour regarding the environment. Crucial to this<br />

is ensuring local people have access to information about what causes it and its effects.<br />

With this in mind it is promising to note that three in five people say they know what actions they<br />

should be taking to tackle climate change, and the same proportion agrees they have a role as<br />

an individual in trying to tackle climate change. Just one in seven disagrees with these<br />

statements, but importantly around a quarter is unable to express an opinion on either of these<br />

indicators. As noted above, there is clearly more to be done to raise awareness and explain how<br />

individual and local effort can impact a global issue.<br />

Figure 33<br />

Attitudes towards climate change<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Agree %<br />

<strong>2011</strong> 2010<br />

58<br />

57<br />

58<br />

56<br />

Q30. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about climate change<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

10.3 Actions to deal with climate change<br />

Residents were asked what activities they are currently undertaking in an effort to tackle climate<br />

change or to improve the energy efficiency of their home. Two thirds recycle (significantly more<br />

than last year), but under half think of switching off lights when leaving a room, use a “bag for<br />

life” or turn off electrical goods rather than leave on standby. Just one per cent of people in the<br />

<strong>District</strong> have actually installed renewable energy technology such as a wind turbine or solar<br />

energy – the same proportion as last year.<br />

When asked what they are likely to be doing in the near future the pattern of response closely<br />

mirrors existing behaviours; seemingly even relatively easy to do actions such as using a bag for<br />

life or turning off lights and appliances are not being seen as “worth doing” since there is little<br />

intention to take these on.<br />

Table 21<br />

Q31a. Which of the following activities, if any, are you currently undertaking in an effort to tackle<br />

climate change or to improve the energy efficiency of your home Just read out the letters.<br />

Q31b. And which ones, if any, are you likely to undertake in the near future<br />

Base: All respondents (6,727/6,819)<br />

A)<br />

Already<br />

doing<br />

B)<br />

Likely to do in<br />

the near future<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% 32 % % %<br />

Recycling/recycling more 57 65 26 31<br />

Switching off lights when leaving a room 43 41 7 13<br />

Using a “bag for life” in the supermarket/other shops 41 34 6 12<br />

Changing existing light bulbs to energy efficient light bulbs 32 33 7 15<br />

Turning the central heating down 24 30 4 9<br />

Turning TV/electrical appliances off rather than leaving on<br />

standby<br />

33 28 5 11<br />

Walking more 19 18 5 5<br />

Composting 12 13 4 8<br />

Installed/upgraded home insulation 10 11 3 4<br />

Installed a new A or B energy rated boiler 8 8 2 3<br />

Eating more seasonal local food 8 7 3 4<br />

Using the car less often 7 7 1 2<br />

Using public transport more 7 7 1 2<br />

Sharing a car ride 4 4 1 1<br />

Cycling more 4 4 2 2<br />

Asking other family members and friends to do some of the<br />

above<br />

5 3 1 3<br />

Implementing any small energy saving changes in my workplace<br />

or elsewhere<br />

3 2 * 1<br />

Installing renewable technology (e.g. wind turbine, solar energy) 2 1 1 3<br />

Don’t know/Can’t remember/None of these 22 15 52 43<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />

32 Please see computer tables for responses of below 1%.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

11. Engagement in the Arts<br />

A fifth (19%) of residents in <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> have attended any creative, artistic, theatrical,<br />

musical or craft events at least three times in the last 12 months. Just one in eight people (13%)<br />

have actually spent time doing any creative, artistic, theatrical, musical or craft activities. One in<br />

ten residents has engaged in both events and activities. Participation is very much in line with<br />

that reported in 2010.<br />

Figure 34<br />

Engagement in the arts<br />

% Attended any cr eative/ artistic/ theatrical/ musical/ craft<br />

events at least 3 times in last 12 months<br />

Yes<br />

13<br />

19<br />

(n/c)<br />

(-1)<br />

% Spent time doing any creative/ artistic/ theatrical/<br />

musical/ craft activities at least 3 times in last 12 months<br />

% Done both<br />

10<br />

(-1)<br />

No<br />

80<br />

86<br />

90<br />

(-1)<br />

(n/c)<br />

(+1)<br />

Don't know<br />

Can't remember<br />

*<br />

1<br />

0<br />

(n/c)<br />

(n/c)<br />

(n/c)<br />

Q32. Have you attended any creative, artistic, theatrical, musical or craft events at least 3 times in the last<br />

12 months Q33. And have you spent time actually doing any creative, artistic, theatrical, musical or craft<br />

activities at least 3 times in the last 12 months Base: All respondents (6,819)<br />

The degree to which a person attends an art event or participates in a cultural activity is strongly<br />

determined by their income, where they live and their stated health and well being. As the table<br />

overleaf shows, members of socio-economic group AB, those living in Keighley and Shipley area<br />

committees and people who rate their health as good are more likely than the population on<br />

average to be engaged in the arts. On the other hand, age plays little part.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Table 22<br />

Base: All respondents (6,727 / 6,819)<br />

Engagement in the Arts - Subgroups<br />

Done both<br />

Attended events<br />

Undertaken<br />

activities<br />

% % %<br />

Total - <strong>2011</strong> 10 19 14<br />

Total – 2010 11 19 14<br />

Socio-economic grade<br />

AB 19 38 21<br />

C1 12 23 15<br />

C2 9 16 12<br />

DE 4 9 7<br />

Area committee<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 6 12 10<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 9 15 12<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 10 15 11<br />

Keighley 12 24 16<br />

Shipley 12 28 15<br />

General health<br />

Very good/Good 11 21 14<br />

Fair 5 12 8<br />

Very bad/bad 5 9 7<br />

Source: ICM Research<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

12. Financial Exclusion<br />

12.1 Personal finance<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> MDC ranks as the 32 nd most deprived local authority area in England (out of a total of<br />

354) and the <strong>District</strong> remains a low pay area, with reliance on benefits especially high in<br />

deprived areas. 33 Consequently one of the key objectives of the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> is<br />

to explore the extent to which local residents feel comfortable looking after their money, to<br />

understand attitudes towards debt and to measure perceptions around the availability of credit.<br />

This information will prove vital for public service providers in the <strong>District</strong> to support residents,<br />

especially the most vulnerable members of the community, during difficult economic times.<br />

Most people in the <strong>District</strong> believe they are successful in looking after their personal finances:<br />

over seven in ten (74%) residents describe themselves as good at managing their money and<br />

financial affairs. Residents also hold mixed views when it comes to their perceived eligibility to<br />

obtain credit. A third say they could get a bank loan or overdraft if they needed one, but a<br />

quarter (27%) do not believe they could, with the remainder (40%) unsure.<br />

However, it is evident that many households are concerned about debt and their ability to pay<br />

bills. For example, one in five (21%) residents report having difficulty finding the money to pay<br />

for heating and hot water and three in ten (29%) are worried about getting into debt. One in six is<br />

concerned about the amount of debt they actually have, although this figure has fallen slightly<br />

since 2010 (15% from 19%).<br />

Figure 35<br />

Personal finance<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Agree %<br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

74<br />

2010<br />

72<br />

33<br />

37<br />

29<br />

30<br />

21<br />

22<br />

15<br />

19<br />

Q35. To what extent would you agree or disagree with each of the following statements<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />

33 The Big Plan for the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> 2008-<strong>2011</strong>: Our Sustainable Community Strategy.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Of course, these findings are at the overall <strong>District</strong> level and the scale of the survey – over 6,500<br />

interviews – affords the ability to undertake in-depth and meaningful subgroup analysis. It is well<br />

established that certain sections of society – generally disadvantaged and/or low income groups<br />

- tend to be more financially excluded than the population in general and the findings from the<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Public <strong>Perceptions</strong> survey bear this out. The table below outlines those who are most<br />

and least likely to agree with each statement. Taken together, this information will enable the<br />

BDP to target those who are in real need of help and support.<br />

Table 23<br />

I am good at managing my<br />

money and financial affairs<br />

Personal finance – subgroup analysis<br />

% HIGHEST level of agreement % LOWEST level of agreement<br />

AB (89%)<br />

Age 16-24 (56%)<br />

Shipley (85%) & Keighley (83%) Private renters (61%) *<br />

Retired (88%)<br />

Not working (excl. retired) (61%)<br />

Age 65+ (88%)<br />

DE (65%)<br />

Working full time (76%)<br />

If I needed to, I could get a<br />

bank loan or overdraft<br />

I am worried about getting into<br />

debt<br />

I have difficulty finding the<br />

money to pay for my heating<br />

and hot water<br />

AB (51%)<br />

Working (49%)<br />

Keighley (43%)<br />

C1 (43%)<br />

Age 35-54 (43%)<br />

Mixed ethnicity (43%)<br />

Private renters (39%)<br />

Social renters (36%)<br />

Black (36%)<br />

DE (35%)<br />

Part time workers (34%)<br />

Age 16-34 (34%)<br />

Private renter (37%)<br />

DE (31%)<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East (30%)<br />

Social renters (30%)<br />

Mixed ethnicity (26%)<br />

General health is ‘bad’ (16%)<br />

Disability (16%)<br />

Age 55+ (17%)<br />

Social renters (17%)<br />

DE (18%)<br />

Black/ (23%)<br />

AB (19)<br />

Aged 55+ (18%)<br />

Retired (16%)<br />

Keighley (21%)<br />

AB (10%)<br />

C1s (13%)<br />

Age 75+ (13%)<br />

Keighley & Shipley (15%)<br />

I am worried about the amount<br />

of debt I have<br />

Private renters (29%)<br />

Mixed ethnicity (28%)<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West (20%)<br />

Not working (excl. retired) (21%)<br />

LGB (21%)<br />

Retired (5%)<br />

Shipley (9%)<br />

Statements are coloured coded to indicate where findings are positive (green) and negative (red).<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

This analysis clearly demonstrates that, on the whole, private renters and to a lesser extent<br />

social renters, people belonging to the lowest socio economic grades, and those out of work (but<br />

not retired) display the greatest concerns about their financial situation. Although residents of<br />

more affluent Keighley and Shipley answer most positively on all five measures, it is notable that<br />

no Area Committee stands out consistently because of significantly greater concerns. This<br />

implies that while traditionally there may have been some areas where deprivation and<br />

disadvantage were more apparent, in the current economic situation financial concerns are more<br />

widespread.<br />

Ethnicity also seems to be a feature of this analysis, with people of mixed race, and ’other’<br />

backgrounds displaying higher than average concerns on a number of measures. It is<br />

particularly notable that these groups are less likely to believe they could get a bank loan if<br />

needed, compared to other groups.<br />

The 2010 Residents’ <strong>Survey</strong> report highlighted a correlation between general health and<br />

financial management. This does not feature in this analysis, which is not to suggest that there is<br />

no link, since health inequalities are well documented. This year, however, other demographics<br />

are more notable with the impact of health seemingly mediated by these.<br />

12.2 Awareness & use of credit unions<br />

Less than four in ten residents say they have heard of credit unions, and this is fewer than in<br />

2010 (38% versus 46%). Furthermore, just 3 per cent has actually used one. As noted in the<br />

2010 report, it was thought that the 2007-08 financial crisis and the ongoing economic situation<br />

making it difficult for people to access credit from high street banks and building societies, would<br />

boost the use of credit unions by people finding it a useful additional financial resource. This<br />

does not seem to have been borne out (thus far) by the data.<br />

While awareness is broadly consistent, it is notable that people who are more likely to have<br />

heard of credit unions, but never used them are (we assume) those less in need; in other words,<br />

those currently in work or retired, the AB social group and those aged 45-74. White people are<br />

also more likely to know of credit unions than people in other ethnic groups. This last point is<br />

particularly interesting since some of these groups are more likely to express concerns about<br />

their financial stability than others (see section 12.1 above).<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Figure 36<br />

Awareness & use of credit unions<br />

TOTAL: Have heard of %<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 38<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> 2010 46<br />

16-24 25<br />

25-34 37<br />

35-44 38<br />

45-54 47<br />

55-64 47<br />

65-74 46<br />

75+ 32<br />

AB 50<br />

C1 35<br />

C2 36<br />

DE 36<br />

Q34. Which of the following statements about credit unions in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> best describes you<br />

Base: All respondents <strong>2011</strong> (6,819); 2010 (6,727)<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

13. Qualifications & Skills<br />

Against a challenging post recession environment symbolised by slow economic growth,<br />

tightening household finances and creeping unemployment, the <strong>2011</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong><br />

<strong>Survey</strong> introduced a new set of questions designed to gauge the extent to which residents<br />

require additional learning opportunities.<br />

Over three in five (63%) residents say they are happy with the qualifications they have, and as<br />

many are confident that lack of qualifications is not holding them back. In this context there is<br />

appetite among just one in six people overall for improving their skills and indeed paying to<br />

improve their skills.<br />

Figure 37<br />

Qualifications & skills<br />

% Definitely agree % Tend to agree<br />

% Tend to disagree % Definitely disagree<br />

TOTAL:<br />

Agree %<br />

I am happy with the<br />

qualifications I have<br />

35<br />

28<br />

7<br />

4<br />

63<br />

I need to improve my<br />

skills over the next 12<br />

months<br />

6<br />

12<br />

11<br />

44<br />

12<br />

I am willing to pay to<br />

improve my skills<br />

5<br />

12<br />

11<br />

41<br />

54<br />

A lack of qualifications<br />

is holding me back<br />

3<br />

9<br />

14<br />

46<br />

53<br />

Q17. These questions are about your education, qualification and skills. To what extent do you agree or<br />

disagree with each of these statements Base: All respondents (6,819)<br />

As we might expect, there are differences among some sub groups. Notably, just half those in<br />

social grade DE, who are not working, have poor health and/or live in <strong>Bradford</strong> West say they<br />

are happy with their qualifications. There is a similar proportion of people in Asian, Black and<br />

Muslim communities who say this. What is interesting is that while these people are less happy<br />

with their qualifications than the average, they are generally no more likely to disagree with the<br />

statement – rather they don’t express an opinion either way or say don’t know. This could reflect<br />

what is generally recognised as a degree of embarrassment when discussing the issue of<br />

qualifications.<br />

There is a similar demographic profile among those who are more likely to agree that a lack of<br />

qualifications is holding them back. In addition, it is notable that more young people aged 16-24<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

feel lack of qualifications is holding them back (20%), but this declines steadily by age.<br />

Reflecting this, twice as many young people are keen to improve their skills in the next 12<br />

months compared to the average (36% versus 17%), although it might be disappointing to note<br />

that one in three (35%) disagree and almost as many (28%) are unsure. The 16-34 age group<br />

are most likely to be willing to pay to improve their skills (28% of those aged 16-24 and 24%<br />

aged 25-34), although on balance more are not (38% and 46% respectively).<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />



<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Appendix 1: Guide to Statistical Reliability<br />

The respondents to the questionnaire are only samples of the total “population”, so we cannot be<br />

certain that the figures obtained are exactly those we would have received if everybody in the<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> had been interviewed (the “true” values). We can, however, predict the variation<br />

between the sample results and the “true” values from knowledge of the size of the samples on<br />

which the results are based and the number of times that a particular answer is given. The<br />

confidence with which we can make this prediction is usually chosen to be 95% - that is, the<br />

chances are 95 in 100 that the “true” value will fall within a specified range. The table below<br />

illustrates the predicted ranges for different sample sizes and percentage results at the “95%<br />

confidence interval”.<br />

Size of sample on which<br />

survey result is based<br />

Approximate sampling tolerances applicable to<br />

percentages at or near these levels<br />

10% or 90%<br />

+<br />

30% or 70%<br />

+<br />

50%<br />

+<br />

100 interviews 6 9 10<br />

200 interviews (i.e. a ward) 4 6 7<br />

400 interviews 3 4 5<br />

500 interviews 3 4 4<br />

600 interviews 2 3 4<br />

800 interviews 2 3 4<br />

900 interviews 2 3 3<br />

1,000 interviews 3 3 3<br />

1,300 interviews (i.e. an Area Committee) 2 2 3<br />

2,000 interviews 1 2 2<br />

3,000 interviews 1 2 2<br />

6,819 interviews (i.e. total sample size) 1 1 1<br />

For example, with a sample of 6,819 where 30% give a particular answer, the chances are 19 in<br />

20 that the “true” value (which would have been obtained if the whole population had been<br />

interviewed) will fall within the range of plus or minus 1 percentage point (+/-1%) from the<br />

sample result.<br />

When results are compared between separate groups within a sample, different results may be<br />

obtained. The difference may be “real”, or it may occur by chance (because not everyone in the<br />

population has been interviewed). To test if the difference is a real one - i.e. if it is “statistically<br />

significant”, we again have to know the size of the samples, the percentage giving a certain<br />

answer and the degree of confidence chosen. If we assume the “95% confidence interval”, the<br />

differences between the two sample results must be greater than the values given in the table<br />

overleaf:<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Size of samples compared<br />

Differences required for percentage levels<br />

significance at or near these<br />

10% or 90%<br />

+<br />

30% or 70%<br />

+<br />

50%<br />

+<br />

100 and 100 8.4 12.8 13.9<br />

200 and 200 (i.e. comparing 2 wards) 5.9 *9.0 9.8<br />

400 and 400 4.2 6.4 6.9<br />

600 and 600 3.4 5.2 5.7<br />

1,300 and 1,300 (i.e. comparing 2 Area<br />

Committees)<br />

2.3 **3.5 3.8<br />

6,819 and 200 (i.e. comparing <strong>2011</strong> total and a<br />

ward)<br />

4.2 6.5 7.0<br />

6,819 and 1,300 (i.e. comparing <strong>2011</strong> total and<br />

an Area Committee)<br />

1.8 2.7 3.0<br />

6,727 and 6,819 (i.e. comparing 2010 and <strong>2011</strong><br />

totals)<br />

1.0 ***1.5 1.7<br />

* For example, when comparing differences between wards, where around 50% give a particular<br />

answer, the chances are 19 in 20 that the “true” difference (which would have been obtained if<br />

the whole population had been interviewed) will fall within the range of plus or minus 10<br />

percentage points (+/-10).<br />

** For example, when comparing differences between Area Committees, where around 30%<br />

give a particular answer, the chances are 19 in 20 that the “true” difference (which would have<br />

been obtained if the whole population had been interviewed) will fall within the range of plus or<br />

minus 4 percentage points (+/-4).<br />

*** When comparing results between 2010 and <strong>2011</strong> at the overall level the difference in most<br />

cases needs to be at least +/-2.<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Appendix 2: Guide to Socio-economic Definitions<br />

The grades detailed below are the socio-economic definitions as used by the Institute of<br />

Practitioners in Advertising, and are standard on all surveys carried out by ICM Research.<br />

Social Grades<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Social Class<br />

Upper Middle Class<br />

Middle Class<br />

C1 Lower Middle Class<br />

C2<br />

D<br />

E<br />

Skilled Working<br />

Class<br />

Working Class<br />

Those at the lowest<br />

levels of<br />

subsistence<br />

Occupation of Chief Income Earner<br />

Professionals such as doctors, surgeons, solicitors or dentists;<br />

chartered people like architects; fully qualified people with a large<br />

degree of responsibility such as senior editors, senior civil<br />

servants, town clerks, senior business executives and managers,<br />

and high ranking grades of the Services.<br />

People with very responsible jobs such as university lecturers,<br />

hospital matrons, heads of local government departments, middle<br />

management in business, qualified scientists, bank managers,<br />

police inspectors, and upper grades of the Services.<br />

All others doing non-manual jobs; nurses, technicians,<br />

pharmacists, salesmen, publicans, people in clerical positions,<br />

police sergeants/constables, and middle ranks of the Services.<br />

Skilled manual workers/craftsmen who have served<br />

apprenticeships; foremen, manual workers with special<br />

qualifications such as long distance lorry drivers, security officers,<br />

and lower grades of Services.<br />

Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers, including labourers<br />

and mates of occupations in the C2 grade and people serving<br />

apprenticeships; machine minders, farm labourers, bus and<br />

railway conductors, laboratory assistants, postmen, door-to-door<br />

and van salesmen.<br />

Those on lowest levels of subsistence including pensioners,<br />

casual workers, and others with minimum levels of income<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Appendix 3: Sample Profile – <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Survey</strong><br />

Gender:<br />

Age:<br />

Socio-economic grade:<br />

Number of people<br />

Unweighted<br />

Unweighted<br />

%<br />

Weighted<br />

%<br />

Total 6,819 100 100<br />

Male 3,135 46 49<br />

Female 3,684 54 51<br />

16-24 829 12 18<br />

25-34 1,257 18 18<br />

35-44 1,180 17 18<br />

45-54 1043 15 16<br />

55-64 933 14 13<br />

65-74 851 12 9<br />

75+ 726 11 9<br />

AB 922 14 14<br />

C1 1,593 24 24<br />

C2 1,518 23 23<br />

DE 2,578 39 36<br />

Area Committee:<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 1,353 20 21<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 1,403 21 20<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 1,379 20 19<br />

Keighley 1,342 20 19<br />

Shipley 1,342 20 19<br />

Work Status:<br />

Ethnicity:<br />

Full time 1,982 29 32<br />

Part time 680 10 10<br />

Not working 2,035 30 32<br />

Retired 1,829 27 21<br />

White 5,204 76 77<br />

Mixed 44 1 1<br />

Asian 1,230 18 19<br />

Black 70 1 2<br />

Chinese/Other 271 4 1<br />

Long-term illness/disability: 980 14 13<br />

Household composition:<br />

With children 0-17 2,434 36 39<br />

Without children 0-17 4,385 64 61<br />

Tenure:<br />

Owner occupier 4,654 69 71<br />

Social renter 1,056 15 16<br />

Private renter 1,044 15 12<br />

Other 66 1 1<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Appendix 3: Sample Profile – 2010 <strong>Survey</strong><br />

Gender:<br />

Age:<br />

Socio-economic grade:<br />

Number of people<br />

Unweighted<br />

Unweighted<br />

%<br />

Weighted<br />

%<br />

Total 6,727 100 100<br />

Male 3,095 46 49<br />

Female 3,632 54 51<br />

18-24 882 13 17<br />

25-34 1,089 16 17<br />

35-44 1,136 17 18<br />

45-54 966 14 16<br />

55-64 952 14 13<br />

65-74 963 14 9<br />

75+ 666 10 8<br />

AB 819 12 12<br />

C1 1,587 24 25<br />

C2 1,215 18 19<br />

DE 3,044 45 43<br />

Area Committee:<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> East 1,374 20 21<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> South 1,368 20 20<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> West 1,304 19 21<br />

Keighley 1,372 20 20<br />

Shipley 1,309 19 19<br />

Work Status:<br />

Ethnicity:<br />

Full time 1,835 27 32<br />

Part time 673 10 10<br />

Not working 2,078 31 32<br />

Retired 1,933 29 23<br />

White 5,242 78 77<br />

Mixed 58 1 1<br />

Asian 1,232 18 16<br />

Black 67 1 2<br />

Chinese/Other 104 2 1<br />

Long-term illness/disability: 848 13 12<br />

Household composition:<br />

With children 0-17 2,314 34 39<br />

Without children 0-17 4,413 66 61<br />

Refused<br />

Tenure:<br />

Owner occupier 4,666 69 71<br />

Social renter 1,012 15 16<br />

Private renter 1,001 15 12<br />

Other 48 1 1<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Appendix 4: Map of <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

1. Baildon 16. Keighley East<br />

2. Bingley 17. Keighley West<br />

3. Bingley Rural 18. Little Horton<br />

4. Bolton & Undercliffe 19. Manningham<br />

5. Bowling & Barkerend 20. Queensbury<br />

6. <strong>Bradford</strong> Moor 21. Royds<br />

7. City 22. Shipley<br />

8. Clayton & Fairweather Green 23. Thornton & Allerton<br />

9. Craven 24. Toller<br />

10. Eccleshill 25. Tong<br />

11. Great Horton 26. Wharfedale<br />

12. Heaton 27. Wibsey<br />

13. Idle & Thackley 28. Windhill & Wrose<br />

14. Ilkley 29. Worth Valley<br />

15. Keighley Central 30. Wyke<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Appendix 5: Comparisons with Place <strong>Survey</strong><br />

The table below shows results for key indicators from the 2008 Place <strong>Survey</strong> and the 2010 and<br />

<strong>2011</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> surveys. Please note that strict comparisons between the<br />

Place <strong>Survey</strong> and the tracking research are not possible because of the different<br />

methodologies used (postal and in-home face-to-face respectively).<br />

% of people who believe people from different<br />

backgrounds get on well together in their local<br />

area (NI 1)<br />

% of people who feel that they belong to their<br />

neighbourhood (NI 2)<br />

Place <strong>Survey</strong><br />

2008<br />

BDP <strong>Survey</strong><br />

2010<br />

BDP <strong>Survey</strong><br />

<strong>2011</strong><br />

65% 80% 83%<br />

58% 87% 85%<br />

Civic participation in the local area (NI 3) 16% 4% 15%<br />

% of people who feel they can influence decisions<br />

in their locality (NI 4)<br />

28% 42% 35%<br />

Overall satisfaction with local area (NI 5) 71% 87% 86%<br />

Participation in regular volunteering (NI 6) 27% 6% 8%<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> of anti-social behaviour (NI 17) 30% 18% 18%<br />

Dealing with local concerns about anti-social<br />

behaviour and crime issues by Council and Police<br />

(NI 21)<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> of parents taking responsibility for the<br />

behaviour of their children in the area (NI 22)<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> that it’s a problem people in the area<br />

don’t treat one another with respect and<br />

consideration (NI 23)<br />

Understanding of local concerns about anti-social<br />

behaviour and crime issues by the local Council<br />

and police (NI 27)<br />

Awareness of civil protection arrangements in the<br />

local area (NI 37)<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> of drunk or rowdy behaviour as a<br />

problem (NI 41)<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong> of drug use or drug dealing as a<br />

problem (NI 42)<br />

Self-reported measure of people’s overall health<br />

and wellbeing (NI 119)<br />

Satisfaction of people over 65 with both home and<br />

neighbourhood (NI 138)<br />

The extent to which older people receive the<br />

support they need to live independently (NI 139)<br />

23% 59% 63%<br />

29% 60% 63%<br />

36% 20% 22%<br />

23% 46% 43%<br />

13% 56% 49%<br />

31% 14% 14%<br />

50% 21% 21%<br />

76% 78% 78%<br />

79% - -<br />

29% 45% 47%<br />

Fair treatment by local services (NI 140) 69% 80% 84%<br />

Feel unsafe in neighbourhood after dark 38% 19% 18%<br />

Overall satisfaction with the Council (BV3) 38% 71% 74%<br />

Concerned about climate change - 51% 51%<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

Appendix 6: Marked-up Questionnaire<br />


<strong>2011</strong> <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Residents’ <strong>Perceptions</strong><br />

<strong>Survey</strong><br />

Final Topline Results with Metric Scores<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Results are based on interviews with 6,819 residents aged 16+ across the City of <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> Council area.<br />

Interviews were carried out face-to-face, in home, across the <strong>District</strong> in 570 Output<br />

Areas in two stages. Stage one took place between 12 th February and 6 th March <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Stage two was conducted between 7 th May and 7 th July <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

A representative sample was interviewed, with quotas set by age, gender, ethnicity and<br />

tenure. The sample was also stratified by ward to ensure a sufficient number of<br />

interviews in each of the 30 wards (minimum 200) enabling reliable comparisons by area.<br />

The data has been weighted by age, gender, tenure, ethnicity and ward.<br />

To enable comparisons with national indicators the answers to some questions have been<br />

rebased to exclude don’t know responses.<br />

Data from the 2010 survey – based on the same methodology - is included where<br />

available. Results here are based on 6,727 interviews and fieldwork was undertaken<br />

between 13 th February – 30 th March 2010 (phase one) and 7 th May - 22 nd June 2010 (phase<br />

two).<br />

The data is accurate to plus or minus one percentage point (+/-1). Differences at the<br />

overall level between the 2010 and <strong>2011</strong> need to be at least two percentage points<br />

(+/-2) to be considered statistically significant.<br />

Where results do not sum to 100%, this may be due to multiple responses, computer<br />

rounding or the exclusion of don’t knows/not stated.<br />

Results are based on all respondents (6,819) unless otherwise stated.<br />

An asterisk (*) represents a value of less than one half or one percent, but not zero<br />

Study undertaken by ICM Research on behalf of <strong>Bradford</strong> Council and <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Partnership.<br />



Throughout the questionnaire we ask you to think about ‘your local area’. When answering, please<br />

consider your local area to be the area within 15-20 minutes walking distance from your home.<br />

<br />


Q1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live SINGLE CODE.<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (6,698) (6,814)<br />

% % % %<br />

Very satisfied 47 52 47 52<br />

Fairly satisfied 40 33 40 33<br />

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 6 7 6 7<br />

Fairly dissatisfied 4 4 4 4<br />

Very dissatisfied 2 3 2 3<br />

Don’t know 6 * 0 -<br />

Total: Satisfied 87 86 87 86<br />

Total: Dissatisfied 6 7 6 7<br />

Net satisfied +80 +79 +81 +79<br />



Q2. And thinking about this local area, which of the things, if any, do you think most need improving<br />


All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (6,530) (6,370)<br />

% 1 % % %<br />

Clean streets 24 21 25 22<br />

Activities for teenagers 25 20 26 21<br />

Road and pavement repairs 20 17 20 19<br />

The level of crime 18 16 18 17<br />

Facilities for young children 12 13 13 14<br />

Availability of jobs 11 12 11 13<br />

The level of traffic congestion 12 11 13 11<br />

Health services 4 8 4 9<br />

Parks and open spaces 9 8 9 9<br />

Sports and leisure facilities 8 8 8 8<br />

Affordable decent housing 6 6 6 7<br />

Community activities 7 6 7 7<br />

Public transport 4 6 4 7<br />

Shopping facilities 6 5 7 5<br />

Wage levels and local cost of living 4 5 4 5<br />

Parking 3 3 3 4<br />

Cultural facilities (e.g. libraries, museums) 2 3 2 4<br />

The level of pollution 3 3 3 4<br />

Policing/Visible presence of police on the 2 3 2 3<br />

Education provision 2 3 2 3<br />

Control of speeding/traffic calming measures 2 3 2 3<br />

Race relations 1 3 1 3<br />

Control of dogs fouling on pavements 2 2 2 2<br />

Access to nature 1 2 1 2<br />

Street lighting 1 2 1 2<br />

None of these 23 21 24 23<br />

Don’t know 3 7 - -<br />

1 Please see computer tables for responses of 1% and below.<br />



Q3. How strongly do you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood SINGLE CODE.<br />

All respondents<br />

All Answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

(6,727) (6,819) (6,519) (6,561)<br />

% % % %<br />

Very strongly 39 44 40 46<br />

Fairly strongly 45 37 47 39<br />

Not very strongly 9 9 10 9<br />

Not at all strongly 4 6 4 6<br />

Don’t know 3 4 - -<br />

Total: Strongly 84 81 87 85<br />

Total: Not strongly 13 14 13 15<br />

Net strongly +71 +67 +74 +69<br />



Q4. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services in<br />


Base: All respondents<br />

Very<br />

satisfied<br />

Fairly<br />

satisfied<br />

Neither<br />

satisfied<br />

nor dissatisfied<br />

Fairly dissatisfied<br />

Very dissatisfied<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Haven’t<br />

used the<br />

service<br />

Total:<br />

Satisfied<br />

Total:<br />

Dissatisfied<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

d)<br />

e)<br />

f)<br />

g)<br />

h)<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council ’10 % 15 53 14 7 6 4 1 67 13<br />

overall ’11 % 26 41 11 7 5 7 2 68 12<br />

West Yorkshire ’10 % 19 48 13 6 5 4 6 67 10<br />

Police ’11 % 27 35 8 5 4 7 14 62 10<br />

West Yorkshire ’10 % 22 42 11 2 1 4 18 64 2<br />

Fire & Rescue<br />

Authority ’11 % 30 27 5 1 * 7 29 58 1<br />

Your GP (Family ’10 % 39 42 8 4 3 2 2 81 7<br />

doctor) ’11 % 49 35 5 3 2 4 2 84 5<br />

Your local ’10 % 32 45 10 4 2 3 5 77 6<br />

hospital ’11 % 41 35 8 4 2 5 6 76 6<br />

Your local NHS ’10 % 25 37 11 4 9 3 11 61 13<br />

dentist ’11 % 32 31 7 4 9 5 11 63 13<br />

Your local bus ’10 % 21 44 10 4 3 2 15 65 7<br />

services ’11 % 31 33 6 4 3 5 17 64 7<br />

Your local rail ’10 % 19 39 10 2 2 5 24 58 3<br />

services ’11 % 29 29 7 2 1 6 26 58 3<br />



Q4. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services in<br />


Base: All using the service and answering each question<br />

Base<br />

Very<br />

satisfied<br />

Fairly<br />

satisfied<br />

Neither<br />

satisfied<br />

nor dissatisfied<br />

Fairly<br />

dissatisfied<br />

Very<br />

dissatisfied<br />

Total:<br />

Satisfied<br />

Total:<br />

Dissatisfied<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

d)<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council (6,403) ’10 % 15 56 15 8 6 71 14<br />

overall (6,213) ’11 % 29 45 12 7 6 74 13<br />

West Yorkshire (6,049) ’10 % 21 54 14 6 5 74 11<br />

Police (5,429) ’11 % 34 44 10 7 5 78 12<br />

West Yorkshire Fire (5,239) ’10 % 28 54 14 2 1 83 3<br />

& Rescue Authority (4,358) ’11 % 47 43 8 1 1 90 2<br />

Your GP (Family (6,486) ’10 % 40 44 9 4 3 84 7<br />

doctor) (6,411) ’11 % 52 37 5 3 2 89 5<br />

e) Your local hospital<br />

f)<br />

g)<br />

h)<br />

(6,242) ’10 % 34 48 11 4 3 82 7<br />

(6,112) ’11 % 46 39 8 4 3 85 7<br />

Your local NHS (5,764) ’10 % 29 43 13 5 10 72 16<br />

dentist (5,669) ’11 % 39 38 8 5 10 76 15<br />

Your local bus (5,539) ’10 % 26 54 12 5 4 79 8<br />

services (5,281) ’11 % 40 42 8 5 4 83 9<br />

Your local rail (4,823) ’10 % 26 55 14 3 2 81 5<br />

services (4,636) ’11 % 42 43 10 3 2 85 5<br />


We’d now like to ask you a few questions about crime and community safety in your local area.<br />


Q5. a) How safe or unsafe do you feel outside in your local area after dark SINGLE CODE.<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (6,659) (4,848)<br />

% % % %<br />

Very safe 36 41 36 42<br />

Fairly safe 36 30 37 31<br />

Neither safe nor unsafe 9 9 9 9<br />

Fairly unsafe 9 7 9 8<br />

Very unsafe 9 10 9 11<br />

Don’t know 1 3 - -<br />

Total: Safe 72 71 73 73<br />

Total: Unsafe 18 18 19 18<br />

Net safe +53 +53 +54 +55<br />


Q5. b) How safe or unsafe do you feel when outside in your local area during the day SINGLE CODE<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (6,699) (6,776)<br />

% % % %<br />

Very safe 69 77 69 77<br />

Fairly safe 26 17 26 17<br />

Neither safe nor unsafe 3 3 3 3<br />

Fairly unsafe 2 2 2 2<br />

Very unsafe 1 1 1 1<br />

Don’t know * 1 - -<br />

Total: Safe 94 94 95 95<br />

Total: Unsafe 2 2 2 2<br />

Net safe +92 +92 +92 +92<br />


Q6. Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think are…<br />


Base: All respondents<br />

A very big<br />

problem<br />

A fairly big<br />

problem<br />

Not a<br />

very big<br />

problem<br />

Not a<br />

problem<br />

at all<br />

Don't<br />

know/ no<br />

opinion<br />

Total:<br />

A big<br />

problem<br />

Total:<br />

Not a big<br />

problem<br />

a)<br />

Noisy neighbours or loud 2010 % 4 8 15 72 1 12 87<br />

parties <strong>2011</strong> % 6 7 10 73 4 13 83<br />

b) Teenagers hanging around 2010 % 10 18 19 52 1 28 71<br />

the streets <strong>2011</strong> % 10 13 16 57 4 23 73<br />

c) Rubbish or litter lying 2010 % 10 16 19 54 1 26 73<br />

around <strong>2011</strong> % 11 14 17 54 4 25 71<br />

d)<br />

Vandalism, graffiti and<br />

other deliberate damage to<br />

2010 % 7 11 16 66 1 17 82<br />

property or vehicles <strong>2011</strong> % 7 10 13 67 4 17 79<br />

e) People using or dealing 2010 % 8 12 10 64 6 20 74<br />

drugs <strong>2011</strong> % 9 10 9 63 10 19 71<br />

f) People being drunk or 2010 % 5 9 15 70 2 14 84<br />

rowdy in public places <strong>2011</strong> % 6 7 10 70 6 13 80<br />

g) Abandoned or burnt out 2010 % 1 4 10 82 2 6 92<br />

cars <strong>2011</strong> % 3 4 6 80 7 6 86<br />


Q6. Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think are…<br />


Base: All answering each question<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

d)<br />

e)<br />

f)<br />

g)<br />

Base<br />

A very big<br />

problem<br />

A fairly big<br />

problem<br />

Not a very<br />

big problem<br />

Not a<br />

problem at<br />

all<br />

Total:<br />

A big<br />

problem<br />

Total:<br />

Not a big<br />

problem<br />

Noisy neighbours or (6,667) 2010 % 4 8 15 73 13 87<br />

loud parties (6,566) <strong>2011</strong> % 6 8 10 76 14 86<br />

Teenagers hanging (6,667) 2010 % 10 18 19 53 28 72<br />

around the streets (6,549) <strong>2011</strong> % 10 14 17 59 24 76<br />

Rubbish or litter lying (6,669) 2010 % 10 17 19 54 27 73<br />

around (6,560) <strong>2011</strong> % 12 15 17 56 26 74<br />

Vandalism, graffiti and<br />

other deliberate<br />

damage to property or<br />

vehicles<br />

(6,657) 2010 % 7 11 16 66 18 82<br />

(6,562) <strong>2011</strong> % 8 10 13 69 17 83<br />

People using or (6,327) 2010 % 9 12 11 68 21 79<br />

dealing drugs (6,133) <strong>2011</strong> % 10 11 9 70 21 79<br />

People being drunk or (6,594) 2010 % 5 9 15 71 14 86<br />

rowdy in public places (6,387) <strong>2011</strong> % 7 8 11 75 14 86<br />

Abandoned or burnt (6,668) 2010 % 1 4 10 84 6 94<br />

out cars (6,320) <strong>2011</strong> % 3 4 7 87 7 93<br />


Q7. It is the responsibility of the police and other local public services to work in partnership to deal<br />

with anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area. So, how much would you agree or<br />

disagree that the police and other local public services seek people’s views about these issues in<br />

your local area SINGLE CODE.<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (5,642) (5,252)<br />

% % % %<br />

Strongly agree 7 10 9 13<br />

Tend to agree 38 33 46 43<br />

Neither agree nor disagree 17 14 20 18<br />

Tend to disagree 10 8 12 10<br />

Strongly disagree 11 12 13 16<br />

Don’t know 16 23 - -<br />

Total: Agree 46 43 55 56<br />

Total: Disagree 21 20 25 26<br />

Net agree +25 +23 +30 +30<br />



Q8. How much would you agree or disagree that each of the following are successfully dealing with<br />

anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area READ OUT EACH STATEMENT.<br />


Base: All respondents<br />

Strongly<br />

agree<br />

Tend to<br />

agree<br />

Neither<br />

agree<br />

nor<br />

disagree<br />

Tend to<br />

disagree<br />

Strongly<br />

disagree<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Total:<br />

Agree<br />

Total:<br />

Disagree<br />

2010 % 6 38 18 9 7 22 44 16<br />

a) <strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 16 32 14 7 9 23 47 15<br />

West Yorkshire 2010 % 8 44 17 8 6 17 52 14<br />

b)<br />

Police <strong>2011</strong> % 17 36 12 6 8 21 53 14<br />

c)<br />

The police and other 2010 % 5 41 19 7 5 22 46 12<br />

local public services<br />

overall <strong>2011</strong> % 14 35 15 6 7 23 49 14<br />

Q8. How much would you agree or disagree that each of the following are successfully dealing with<br />

anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area READ OUT EACH STATEMENT.<br />


Base: All answering each question<br />

Base<br />

Strongly<br />

agree<br />

Tend to<br />

agree<br />

Neither<br />

agree nor<br />

disagree<br />

Tend to<br />

disagree<br />

Strongly<br />

disagree<br />

Total:<br />

Agree<br />

Total:<br />

Disagree<br />

a) <strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

b)<br />

(5,280) 2010 % 7 49 23 12 9 56 21<br />

(5,225) <strong>2011</strong> % 21 41 18 9 11 62 20<br />

West Yorkshire (5,579) 2010 % 9 53 20 10 7 63 17<br />

Police (5,389) <strong>2011</strong> % 21 45 16 8 10 67 18<br />

c)<br />

The police and other (5,237) 2010 % 7 53 25 9 7 59 16<br />

local public services<br />

overall (5,278) <strong>2011</strong> % 18 45 19 8 10 63 18<br />



Q9. a) How do you usually travel to work If you use more than one mode of transport, please<br />

give the one that covers the longest distance. SINGLE CODE<br />

Base: All who commute to work: 2010 (2,688); <strong>2011</strong> (2,932)<br />

b) And, if there are school aged children in your household, how do they usually travel to<br />

school SINGLE CODE<br />

Base: All with school age children: 2010 (1,515); <strong>2011</strong> (1,905)<br />

Q9.a<br />

Work<br />

Q9.b<br />

School<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Car/Van (with no other passengers)<br />

% % % %<br />

69 69 - -<br />

Bus 10 12 13 16<br />

Walk 13 9 56 43<br />

Lift (from someone who then returns home) 4 4 23 25<br />

Train 3 3 1 1<br />

Car share 2 3 1 3<br />

Taxi 1 * * *<br />

Cycle * * * *<br />

Other * 1 * *<br />

Don’t know 0 - 8 13<br />

Q10. What, if anything, would encourage you to use your car less UNPROMPTED. MULTICODE<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% 2 %<br />

Improved public transport: 10 12<br />

Reduce public transport fares/make public transport fares less than<br />

running a car<br />

4 4<br />

Improved frequency 3 4<br />

Improved punctuality and reliability 2 4<br />

More destinations, later buses/trains 2 4<br />

More information/Timetable information 1 3<br />

Better access and facilities 1 3<br />

Improved cleanliness of public transport 1 2<br />

Improved attitudes of staff 1 2<br />

Improve safety on public transport/Safe place to wait * 2<br />

More seats available on public transport * 2<br />

Increase in cost of fuel 1 3<br />

Fewer car parking spaces 1 3<br />

Increase in car taxes (e.g. MOT, Car Tax, insurance) * 2<br />

Other 3 1<br />

Nothing/Do not want to use a car less 49 44<br />

Don’t know 5 4<br />

Do not have a car/Do not drive 33 35<br />

2 Please see computer tables for answers below half of one per cent but greater than zero.<br />




Q11. And how well informed do you feel about each of the following READ OUT EACH STATEMENT.<br />


Base: All respondents<br />

Very well<br />

informed<br />

Fairly well<br />

informed<br />

Not very<br />

well<br />

informed<br />

Not well<br />

informed<br />

at all<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Total:<br />

Informed<br />

Total: Not<br />

informed<br />

a)<br />

How and where to register to<br />

2010 % 37 43 7 5 8 80 12<br />

vote <strong>2011</strong> % 42 36 5 6 11 77 11<br />

b) How your council tax is spent<br />

c)<br />

2010 % 17 48 15 11 9 65 27<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 26 38 11 12 13 65 23<br />

How you can get involved in 2010 % 11 34 20 19 15 45 40<br />

local decision-making <strong>2011</strong> % 20 28 16 18 18 48 34<br />

d)<br />

e)<br />

f)<br />

g)<br />

h)<br />

i)<br />

Where to obtain information 2010 % 16 37 16 14 17 54 29<br />

about employment and skills <strong>2011</strong> % 23 30 12 16 19 53 28<br />

Where to obtain information 2010 % 12 34 15 18 21 46 33<br />

about setting up a business <strong>2011</strong> % 20 25 12 20 23 45 32<br />

What standard of service you 2010 % 12 39 20 16 14 51 35<br />

should expect from local<br />

public services <strong>2011</strong> % 23 33 15 15 15 55 30<br />

How well local public 2010 % 12 40 20 17 12 51 36<br />

services are performing <strong>2011</strong> % 22 34 16 14 14 55 30<br />

How to complain about local 2010 % 15 39 18 15 12 55 33<br />

public services <strong>2011</strong> % 25 32 15 14 14 57 29<br />

What to do in the event of a 2010 % 14 43 16 15 13 56 31<br />

large-scale emergency e.g.<br />

flooding, human pandemic flu <strong>2011</strong> % 21 29 16 16 18 49 32<br />

j) Local public services overall<br />

2010 % 12 49 17 11 11 61 28<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 22 37 15 11 14 59 27<br />


Q11. And how well informed do you feel about each of the following<br />


Base: All answering each question<br />

Base<br />

Very well<br />

informed<br />

Fairly well<br />

informed<br />

Not very<br />

well<br />

informed<br />

Not well<br />

informed at<br />

all<br />

Total:<br />

Informed<br />

Total: Not<br />

informed<br />

a)<br />

How and where to register to<br />

(6,174) 2010 % 40 47 7 5 87 13<br />

vote (6,052) <strong>2011</strong> % 47 40 6 7 87 13<br />

b) How your council tax is spent<br />

c)<br />

(6,130) 2010 % 19 52 17 13 71 29<br />

(5,944) <strong>2011</strong> % 30 44 13 13 74 26<br />

How you can get involved in (5,701) 2010 % 13 40 24 23 53 47<br />

local decision-making (5,599) <strong>2011</strong> % 24 34 19 22 58 42<br />

d)<br />

e)<br />

f)<br />

g)<br />

h)<br />

i)<br />

Where to obtain information (5,586) 2010 % 20 45 19 17 65 35<br />

about employment and skills (5,529) <strong>2011</strong> % 29 36 15 20 65 35<br />

Where to obtain information (5,323) 2010 % 16 43 19 22 58 42<br />

about setting up a business (5,278) <strong>2011</strong> % 26 32 16 26 58 42<br />

What standard of service you (5,814) 2010 % 13 46 23 18 59 41<br />

should expect from local<br />

public services (5,795) <strong>2011</strong> % 27 38 18 17 65 35<br />

How well local public (5,891) 2010 % 13 45 22 19 59 41<br />

services are performing (5,935) <strong>2011</strong> % 25 39 18 17 65 35<br />

How to complain about local (5,912) 2010 % 17 45 21 17 62 38<br />

public services (5,846) <strong>2011</strong> % 29 37 17 16 66 34<br />

What to do in the event of a (5,879) 2010 % 15 49 18 17 65 35<br />

large-scale emergency e.g.<br />

flooding, human pandemic flu (5,567) <strong>2011</strong> % 25 35 20 20 60 40<br />

j) Local public services overall<br />

(5,998) 2010 % 13 55 19 12 69 31<br />

(5,853) <strong>2011</strong> % 26 43 18 13 69 31<br />



Q12. From which sources on this card, if any, would you like to obtain most of your information<br />

about public services provided in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> Just read out the letter or letters<br />

that apply. MULTICODE<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% 3 %<br />

Information and newsletters through the post 37 41<br />

Internet/websites 27 33<br />

Local/regional newspapers 36 30<br />

The Council’s newspaper – “Community Pride” 23 16<br />

A – Z of Council services booklet 16 13<br />

Television 8 10<br />

Friends/Neighbours 9 9<br />

Local radio 13 8<br />

Council/ other offices 4 8<br />

Local libraries 6 7<br />

Contact with Council/service staff 4 6<br />

GP surgery 4 5<br />

Advice Centres, including Citizens Advice Bureaux 2 4<br />

Posters 5 4<br />

By Text/SMS 2 4<br />

Public meetings run by Council/ other organisations 3 3<br />

Contact with elected Councillors 2 3<br />

Newsletters from political parties 4 3<br />

Advertising on billboards/buses 3 3<br />

Tenants/Residents Associations 2 2<br />

Social Networks (online) 1 2<br />

Telephone 1 1<br />

None of these 5 2<br />

Don’t know 6 5<br />

Q13. Do you use the internet at home PROBE. SINGLE CODE<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

Total: Yes 63 70<br />

Yes, through a dial-up connection 2 1<br />

Yes, through a broadband connection 57 66<br />

Yes, through a mobile phone 6 3<br />

No 36 30<br />

Don’t know * 1<br />

3 Please see computer tables for answers below half of one per cent but greater than zero.<br />




Q14. Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area<br />


All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (5,777) (5,717)<br />

% % % %<br />

Definitely agree 4 7 4 8<br />

Tend to agree 33 23 38 28<br />

Tend to disagree 25 23 29 27<br />

Definitely disagree 25 31 29 37<br />

Don’t know 14 16 - -<br />

Total: Agree 36 30 42 35<br />

Total: Disagree 50 54 58 65<br />

Net agree -13 -24 -15 -29<br />

Q15. We are interested to know about the unpaid help people give. Overall, about how often over the<br />

last 12 months have you given unpaid help to any group(s), club(s) or organisation(s) Please<br />

only include work that is unpaid and not for your family. SINGLE CODE<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% % % %<br />

Total: Given any unpaid help 11 16 11 17<br />

At least once a week 4 4 4 4<br />

Less than once a week but at least once a<br />

month<br />

2 4 2 4<br />

Less often 3 7 3 7<br />

I give unpaid help as an individual only and<br />

not through groups(s) club(s) or 2 2 2 2<br />

organisation(s)<br />

I have not given any unpaid help at all over<br />

the last 12 months<br />

85 79 89 83<br />

Don’t know 4 5 - -<br />

<br />

Q16.<br />


a) Are you currently involved in any of the following areas Just read out the letters that<br />

apply MULTICODE<br />

b) Would you like to be contacted about taking up an opportunity in any of these areas<br />

Please note that if you say ‘yes’ to any area then your contact details will be shared with<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council. All your other answers will remain confidential. MULTICODE<br />

a) Currently<br />

Involved<br />

b) Would like<br />

to be contacted<br />

% %<br />

Involved with others in your street or neighbourhood (e.g. a<br />

neighbourhood watch, organising a street party)<br />

4 4<br />

As a regular volunteer (e.g., visiting a housebound older<br />

person on a regular unpaid basis)<br />

4 2<br />

As an active member of a community group 4 2<br />

Involved in fundraising activities for charity 4 2<br />

Involved in meetings that concern your neighbourhood 2 4<br />

Undertaking a civic role (e.g. school governor, magistrate) 2 2<br />

None 84 88<br />

Don’t know 1 1<br />




Q17. The next few questions are about your education, qualification and skills. For each of the<br />

following statements please tell me whether you agree or disagree SINGLE CODE FOR EACH<br />


a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

d)<br />

I am happy with the<br />

qualifications I have<br />

A lack of qualifications is<br />

holding me back<br />

I need to improve my<br />

skills over the next 12<br />

months<br />

I am willing to pay to<br />

improve my skills<br />

Strongly<br />

agree<br />

Tend to<br />

agree<br />

Neither<br />

agree<br />

nor<br />

disagree<br />

Tend to<br />

disagree<br />

Strongly<br />

disagree<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Total:<br />

Agree<br />

Total:<br />

Disagree<br />

% 35 28 18 7 4 7 63 11<br />

% 3 9 20 14 46 7 12 61<br />

% 6 12 21 11 44 7 17 54<br />

% 5 12 23 11 41 9 16 52<br />



Q18. To what extent do you agree or disagree that in your local area, parents take enough<br />

responsibility for the behaviour of their children SINGLE CODE.<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (6,367) (6,376)<br />

% % % %<br />

Definitely agree 15 20 16 21<br />

Tend to agree 42 39 44 42<br />

Neither agree nor disagree 13 11 14 12<br />

Tend to disagree 12 11 12 11<br />

Definitely disagree 13 13 14 14<br />

Don’t know 5 7 - -<br />

Total: Agree 57 59 60 63<br />

Total: Disagree 25 24 26 25<br />

Net agree +33 +35 +34 +38<br />



Q19. To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local area is a place where people from<br />

different backgrounds get on well together SINGLE CODE.<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (5,752) (5,722)<br />

% % % %<br />

Definitely agree 17 24 20 29<br />

Tend to agree 52 46 60 54<br />

Tend to disagree 11 8 13 9<br />

Definitely disagree 6 6 7 7<br />

Don’t know 7 8 - -<br />

Too few people in local area 1 2 - -<br />

All the same background 7 7 - -<br />

Agree 68 70 80 83<br />

Disagree 17 14 20 17<br />

Net agree +51 +56 +60 +66<br />


Q20. In your local area, how much of a problem do you think there is with people not treating each<br />

other with respect and consideration SINGLE CODE.<br />

All respondents<br />

All answering<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

Base: (6,727) (6,819) (6,445) (6,477)<br />

% % % %<br />

A very big problem 6 7 7 8<br />

A fairly big problem 13 13 13 14<br />

Not a very big problem 31 19 33 20<br />

Not a problem at all 46 55 48 58<br />

Don’t know/ No opinion 4 5 - -<br />

A big problem 19 21 20 22<br />

Not a big problem 77 74 80 78<br />

Net -58 -54 -60 -57<br />


Q21. In the last year would you say that you have been treated with respect and consideration by each<br />


Base: All respondents<br />

All of<br />

the time<br />

15<br />

Most of<br />

the time<br />

Some of<br />

the time<br />

Rarely<br />

Never<br />

Don’t know/<br />

No opinion<br />

a) <strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

2010 % 23 38 14 3 2 20<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 31 30 11 3 1 23<br />

b) West Yorkshire Police<br />

2010 % 23 37 14 3 1 23<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 29 29 10 2 1 29<br />

c) NHS <strong>Bradford</strong> & Airedale<br />

2010 % 32 40 12 2 1 13<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 38 32 8 2 1 20<br />

d)<br />

West Yorkshire Fire & 2010 % 23 35 11 1 1 30<br />

Rescue <strong>2011</strong> % 30 27 5 1 * 37<br />

e)<br />

Your local public services 2010 % 24 43 14 2 1 16<br />

overall <strong>2011</strong> % 32 34 10 2 * 22

Q21. In the last year would you say that you have been treated with respect and consideration by each<br />


Base: All answering each question<br />

Base:<br />

All of<br />

the time<br />

Most of<br />

the time<br />

Some of<br />

the time<br />

Rarely<br />

Never<br />

a) <strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

(5,352) 2010 % 29 48 18 4 2<br />

(5,225) <strong>2011</strong> % 41 39 14 4 2<br />

b) West Yorkshire Police<br />

(5,199) 2010 % 30 47 18 3 2<br />

(4,857) <strong>2011</strong> % 41 41 14 3 1<br />

c) NHS <strong>Bradford</strong> & Airedale<br />

(5,866) 2010 % 37 46 14 2 1<br />

(5,485) <strong>2011</strong> % 47 40 10 2 1<br />

d)<br />

West Yorkshire Fire & (4,683) 2010 % 33 50 15 1 1<br />

Rescue (4,29) <strong>2011</strong> % 47 42 8 1 1<br />

e)<br />

Your local public services (5,645) 2010 % 29 51 17 2 1<br />

overall (5,305) <strong>2011</strong> % 41 43 13 2 1<br />

Q22. In your opinion, are older people in your local area able to get the services and support they<br />

need to continue to live at home for as long as they want to (This could include help or<br />

support from public, private or voluntary services or from family, friends and the wider<br />

community). SINGLE CODE.<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

Yes 45 47<br />

No 18 17<br />

Don’t know 37 37<br />


I am now going to ask you a few questions about your health and general well being.<br />

Q23. a) How is your health in general Would you say it was… READ OUT. SINGLE CODE<br />

b) Would you say that the health of your teeth is… READ OUT. SINGLE CODE<br />

a) General health B) Teeth<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% % % %<br />

Very good 31 28 27 25<br />

Good 47 49 45 47<br />

Fair 17 15 18 18<br />

Bad 4 6 4 5<br />

Very bad 1 1 1 1<br />

Not applicable/Do not have teeth * 0 * 5<br />

Total: Good 78 78 72 72<br />

Total: Bad 5 7 5 6<br />

Net good +74 +71 +67 +66<br />


Q24. Do you look after a relative, friend or child who needs support to live at home due to a physical<br />

or mental disability or illness or due to being elderly or frail (in an unpaid capacity)<br />


2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

Yes 8 10<br />

No 92 90<br />


Q25. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the support you get from each of the<br />


a)<br />

b)<br />

Base: All carers: 2010 (547), <strong>2011</strong> (729)<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> Council<br />

The NHS<br />

Very<br />

satisfied<br />

Fairly<br />

satisfied<br />

Neither<br />

satisfied<br />

nor dissatisfied<br />

Fairly<br />

dissatisfied<br />

Very dissatisfied<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Haven’t<br />

used the<br />

service<br />

Total:<br />

Satisfied<br />

Total:<br />

Dissatisfied<br />

2010 % 15 18 11 5 12 5 35 33 17<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 23 18 7 5 9 13 25 40 15<br />

2010 % 26 22 10 4 7 4 26 49 11<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 32 21 6 4 5 14 18 53 9<br />

c) The voluntary 2010 % 10 14 9 3 7 6 51 24 10<br />

sector <strong>2011</strong> % 13 17 10 4 6 14 36 30 10<br />


Q26. How well do you think that people in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> are encouraged and supported to<br />


EACH<br />

Very<br />

well<br />

Quite<br />

well<br />

Not very<br />

well<br />

Not<br />

at all<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Total:<br />

Well<br />

Total:<br />

Not well<br />

a)<br />

To be physically 2010 % 12 50 11 9 18 63 20<br />

active <strong>2011</strong> % 19 39 10 8 24 57 19<br />

b) To eat healthily<br />

2010 % 13 48 12 9 17 61 22<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 19 35 13 9 24 54 22<br />

c) To quit smoking<br />

2010 % 16 47 10 8 19 64 18<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 24 35 9 8 24 59 17<br />

d)<br />

To drink alcohol 2010 % 12 46 12 9 21 58 21<br />

sensibly <strong>2011</strong> % 19 33 11 10 26 52 22<br />




Q27. How satisfied are you with the overall condition of your property SINGLE CODE.<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

Very satisfied 46 58<br />

Fairly satisfied 44 30<br />

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 6 7<br />

Fairly dissatisfied 3 4<br />

Very dissatisfied 2 2<br />

Don’t know * *<br />

Total: Satisfied 89 88<br />

Total: Dissatisfied 4 5<br />

Net satisfied +85 +83<br />

Q28. How many bedrooms does your property have SINGLE CODE.<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

None/bed-sit * *<br />

1 bedroom 4 5<br />

2 bedrooms 29 26<br />

3 bedrooms 49 52<br />

4 bedrooms 14 13<br />

5+ bedrooms 3 3<br />

Can’t remember * *<br />



Q29. How concerned are you about the impact of climate change SINGLE CODE.<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

Very concerned 11 14<br />

Fairly concerned 40 36<br />

Not very concerned 26 19<br />

Not at all concerned 19 25<br />

Don’t know 4 6<br />

Total: Concerned 51 51<br />

Total: Not concerned 45 44<br />

Net concerned +6 +7<br />



Q30. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about climate change<br />


a)<br />

b)<br />

I have a role as an<br />

individual in<br />

trying to tackle<br />

climate change<br />

I know what<br />

actions I should be<br />

taking to tackle<br />

climate change<br />

Strongly<br />

agree<br />

Tend to<br />

agree<br />

Neither<br />

agree<br />

nor<br />

disagree<br />

Tend to<br />

disagree<br />

Strongly<br />

disagree<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Total:<br />

Agree<br />

Total:<br />

Disagree<br />

2010 % 13 43 24 7 6 8 56 13<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 18 40 17 9 7 9 58 16<br />

2010 % 14 43 25 5 5 8 57 10<br />

<strong>2011</strong> % 17 41 19 8 6 8 58 14<br />


Q31. a) Which of the following activities, if any, are you currently undertaking in an effort to tackle<br />

climate change or to improve the energy efficiency of your home Just read out the letters.<br />


b) And which ones, if any, are you likely to undertake in the near future MULTICODE<br />

A)<br />

Already<br />

doing<br />

B)<br />

Likely to do in<br />

the near future<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% 4 % % 5 %<br />

Recycling/recycling more 57 65 26 31<br />

Switching off lights when leaving a room 43 41 7 13<br />

Using a “bag for life” in the supermarket/other shops 41 34 6 12<br />

Changing existing light bulbs to energy efficient light bulbs 32 33 7 15<br />

Turning the central heating down 24 30 4 9<br />

Turning TV/electrical appliances off rather than leaving on standby 33 28 5 11<br />

Walking more 19 18 5 5<br />

Composting 12 13 4 8<br />

Installed/upgraded home insulation 10 11 3 4<br />

Installed a new A or B energy rated boiler 8 8 2 3<br />

Eating more seasonal local food 8 7 3 4<br />

Using the car less often 7 7 1 2<br />

Using public transport more 7 7 1 2<br />

Sharing a car ride 4 4 1 1<br />

Cycling more 4 4 2 2<br />

Asking other family members and friends to do some of the above 5 3 1 3<br />

Implementing any small energy saving changes in my workplace or 3 2 * 1<br />

elsewhere<br />

Installing renewable technology (e.g. wind turbine, solar energy) 2 1 1 3<br />

Don’t know/Can’t remember/None of these 22 15 52 43<br />

4 Please see computer tables for responses of below 1%.<br />

5 Ibid.<br />



Q32. Have you attended any creative, artistic, theatrical, musical or craft events at least 3 times in the<br />

last 12 months SINGLE CODE<br />

Q33. And have you spent time actually doing any creative, artistic, theatrical, musical or craft activities<br />

at least 3 times in the last 12 months SINGLE CODE<br />

Q32. Attended Q33. Spent time doing<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% % % %<br />

No 81 80 86 86<br />

Yes 19 19 14 13<br />

Don’t know/Can’t remember * 1 1 2<br />


Q34. Which of the following statements about Credit Unions in the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> best describes<br />


2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

Total: Have heard of one of them 46 38<br />

I have heard of them and have used one 2 3<br />

I have heard of them but have never used one 44 35<br />

I have never heard of them 54 61<br />

Don’t know * *<br />


Q35. How much would you agree or disagree with each of the following statements<br />


a)<br />

Strongly<br />

agree<br />

Tend to<br />

agree<br />

Neither /<br />

Nor<br />

Tend to<br />

disagree<br />

Strongly<br />

disagree<br />

Don’t<br />

know<br />

Total:<br />

Agree<br />

Total:<br />

Disagree<br />

I am good at 2010 % 30 42 15 7 3 3 72 9<br />

managing my money<br />

and financial affairs <strong>2011</strong> % 39 35 11 6 2 7 74 8<br />

b) I have difficulty<br />

finding the money to<br />

2010 % 6 16 20 27 24 6 22 51<br />

pay for my heating<br />

and hot water <strong>2011</strong> % 4 16 17 17 36 9 21 53<br />

c) I am worried about<br />

the amount of debt I<br />

2010 % 5 14 17 24 37 4 19 61<br />

have <strong>2011</strong> % 5 10 18 14 36 7 15 60<br />

d) I am worried about 2010 % 7 22 17 20 29 4 30 49<br />

getting into debt <strong>2011</strong> % 8 20 18 10 36 7 29 47<br />

e)<br />

If I needed to, I could 2010 % 15 23 22 14 14 13 37 28<br />

get a bank loan or<br />

overdraft <strong>2011</strong> % 15 18 22 6 21 18 33 27<br />

f) I know where to get<br />

free debt advice in<br />

2010% - - - - - - - -<br />

the <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>2011</strong>% 9 16 23 8 28 16 26 36<br />



Q36. We value your views, and may wish to contact you again to discuss your views in more detail.<br />

Are you happy for us to do that The personal details you have provided here would be held<br />

by <strong>Bradford</strong> Council and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. They<br />

would only be used by the council and/or its partners in order to contact you. IF YES, CODE<br />


BOX BELOW.<br />

2010 <strong>2011</strong><br />

% %<br />

Yes 7 5<br />

No 93 95<br />


Gender<br />

Age<br />

%<br />

Men 49<br />

Women 51<br />

%<br />

16-24 18<br />

25-34 18<br />

35-44 18<br />

45-54 16<br />

55-64 13<br />

65-74 9<br />

75+ 9<br />

No of children aged 17 or under in household<br />

%<br />

Any 30<br />

None 61<br />

1 child 17<br />

2 children 13<br />

3 children 6<br />

4 children 2<br />

5 children 1<br />

6 children *<br />

7 children *<br />

8 children *<br />

Mean 0.74<br />

No of adults in household<br />

%<br />

None -<br />

1 adult 28<br />

2 adults 54<br />

3 adults 12<br />

4 adults 4<br />

5 adults 1<br />

6 adults 1<br />

7 adults *<br />

8 adults *<br />

Mean 2<br />

D4. Socio-economic grade<br />

%<br />

AB 13<br />

C1 24<br />

C2 23<br />

D 16<br />

E 20<br />

Refused 3<br />

Household relationships<br />

%<br />

Living alone 22<br />

Living with partner 54<br />

Living with child 38<br />

Living with parent 13<br />

Living with grandparent 1<br />

Living with grandchild 1<br />

Living with sibling 7<br />

Living with other relative 2<br />

Living with other unrelated 2<br />


D5. Which of these activities best describes<br />

what you are doing at present<br />

%<br />

Employee in full-time job (30 hours plus 32<br />

per week)<br />

Employee in part-time job (under 30 hours 10<br />

per week)<br />

Self employed full or part-time 4<br />

On a government supported training *<br />

programme (e.g. Modern Apprenticeship/<br />

Training for Work)<br />

Full-time education at school, college or 6<br />

university<br />

Unemployed and available for work 9<br />

Permanently sick/disabled 4<br />

Wholly retired from work 21<br />

Looking after the home 12<br />

Doing something else 1<br />

Carer *<br />

Refused *<br />

D6. In which of these ways does your<br />

household occupy your current<br />

accommodation<br />

%<br />

Owned outright 37<br />

Buying on a mortgage 34<br />

Rent from the Council/’In Communities’ 11<br />

Rent from a Housing Association/Trust 5<br />

Rented from a private landlord 12<br />

Shared ownership *<br />

Tied to job *<br />

Other *<br />


D7. Do you have any long-standing illness,<br />

disability or infirmity (long-standing means<br />

anything that has troubled you over a period of<br />

time or that is likely to affect you over a period<br />

of time). IF YES. Which of the following best<br />

describes your disability Just read out the<br />

letter<br />

%<br />

No 82<br />

Yes: 17<br />

Physical disability 12<br />

Learning disability *<br />

Mental health issue 2<br />

Sight loss 1<br />

Blind *<br />

Hearing loss 1<br />

Deaf *<br />

Other substantial and long term condition 1<br />

Refused 1<br />

2<br />

D8. Does this illness or disability limit your<br />

activities in any way<br />

Base: All who have a disability (1,127)<br />

%<br />

Yes 81<br />

No 19<br />


D9. Which of the following do you consider<br />

yourself to be Just read out the letter.<br />


%<br />

Heterosexual/Straight 94<br />

Gay or Lesbian 1<br />

Bisexual *<br />

Don’t know/refused 5<br />


D10. Which of the following best describes your<br />

religious belief / faith SINGLE CODE<br />

%<br />

Buddhist *<br />

Christian 44<br />

Hindu 1<br />

Jewish *<br />

Muslim 17<br />

Sikh *<br />

Other religion 1<br />

No religion 35<br />

Refused 1<br />


D11. To which of the groups on this card do you<br />

consider you belong to Just read out the letter<br />

that applies. SINGLE CODE.<br />

%<br />

WHITE 77<br />

British 76<br />

Irish *<br />

Any other white background *<br />

MIXED 1<br />

White and Black Caribbean 1<br />

White and Black African *<br />

White and Asian *<br />

Any other mixed background *<br />


Indian 3<br />

Pakistani 14<br />

Bangladeshi 2<br />

Any other Asian background *<br />


Caribbean 1<br />

African *<br />

Any other black background *<br />


GROUP<br />

1<br />

Chinese 1<br />

Any other background 1<br />

Refused *<br />


<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Residents’<br />

<strong>Perceptions</strong><br />

<strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2011</strong><br />

ICM Government & Social Research<br />

Berkshire House<br />

168-173 High Holborn<br />

London<br />

WC1V 7AA<br />

www.icmresearch.com<br />

Client<br />


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